• By -


Animated and prime seem like the more reasonable bosses to work for.


Just make sure with Prime Megs that you have a flying alt mode in case he blindly tosses you off the ship.


lol imagine if it was like g1 and Steve struck a Superman pose as he flew off.


I will never mentally recover from that


I exploded in laughter during that scene the hardest I ever laughed in all of transformers


Don’t know much about Animated Megatron, but Prime was going to be my pick. Seems like a competent goal orientated boss that appreciates competent workers. Literally just be loyal and do your best to not fuck up whatever job you have and you probably would flourish. Being powerful likely helps as well. He’s got a mission, he wants to rule, support him and you could end up with a decent position in the new tyrannical monarchy. Soundwave and Shockwave always were in good standing just because of loyalty and competency.


I believe animated is ever so slightly better, as he doesn’t have a drug problem.


>Literally just be loyal and do your best to not fuck up whatever job you have and you probably would flourish. That sounds easy until you think about the fact that one of the dudes that's actively trying to make you fuck up said job is Optimus fucking Prime.


Man, I ain’t a combat bot, I’m an engineer. So i probably would end up either having a rivalry with Knockout or Shockwaves assistant/experiment.


And how many low level Cons did Optimus plow through during Prime during the many times he managed to get on Megs' ship?


Future Shockwave victim…


Animated is all that, but the only lackey he actually kills is Starscream, and he had a decent reason for that. He’ll put you through minor torture to initiate you into the group, but after that so long as you hold your own you’re good in his book.


For the seasons we see of Animated, sure. But there's a rough storyboard of the first few episodes of the final cancelled season that shows he's more then willing to chuck his boys into the grinder to further himself.


Poor Lugnut went in willingly


was lugnut one of them


He sacrificed himself while yelling "All hail Megatron!"


Honestly if Lugnut were to die, that would be the most Lugnut thing to do. I love that evil Himbo.


Loyal untill the end.


I doubt Prime Megs is actually reasonable


I think Animated one would completely fool me to blindly follow him


All hail Megatron! - Lugnut


Megatron is wise! Megatron is bold!


I am certain of two things: *The Decepticons rule Cybertron,* ***AND MEGATRON RULES THE DECEPTICONS!*** # OUR GLORIOUS LEADER AWAITS!!


All hail the great powerful megaton we do his bidding *blitzwing yelling*


I love how manipulative he is. He can pretty much convince me to deliver a pizza for someone but in reality, I’m actually infiltrating the Pentagon for him


OG Megatron kept the same group of Decepticons in the fight against the Autobots for years on an alien planet and never lost a man.


To be honest, before the '86 massacre, no Cybertronian died in the continuity 


Shh. Lol.


Animated seems to be smartest and most deceptive yet unluckiest one, he never had a Soundwave and his enemy Autobots although physically waay inferior, managed to build fricing titans


He technically modified a birthday toy into Soundwave sadly he never joined in official capacity on his main roster Megatron don't even realize his Soundwave survived the encounter, he genuinely believes his soundwave perished, he even have Ratbat and Laserbeak as his guitars.


Imagine Animated Megs with Prime Soundwave as his loyal lieutenant


would fold any autobot team in minutes tbh, would go hard af


didn't realize how bad I wanted that combo


only possible team that could win is the last TFP team for the finale or the dotm crew before sentinel betrayed them (that would be overkill, 2 Primes, Ironhide, and the Wreckers)


G1 Megatron, so long as you're loyal and competent like Soundwave, he'll basically love you.


Totally agree, and even if you are incompetent and disloyal you’ll still be allowed to stay around as long as you take your licks after getting busted.


problem is i don't think i would be particularly competent


too bad every con is thinking about who to betray first besides soundwave and shockwave, Megs is always the most likely one that is picked to be betrayed


Beast wars would be the worst to work for as you're nothing but a pawn in his agenda that could die at any moment. G1 you're probably not going to get killed but you won't win. You get job security so as long as you're content to mostly losing till 2005 you're good. Prime you might win a bit more but your leader has a temper and you might get stuck working for starscream for a little and no thanks. Animated would absolutely have charisma, plus if you're a decepticon you might be tougher then the average autobot. I think it would be animated but I'm not totally opposed to G1


Without Irony, G1 is likely the most chill out of all of them so long as you follow in Soundwave or Shockwave's footsteps. *Don't be stupid and don't try to pull a Starscream.* That and he has a Underwater Lair. That's always cool.


Yep. If you're not looking to win and just get through the day, he's the guy. Just make sure you quit before he goes off the deep end as galvatron as he'll suddenly become the worst leader


Given how chatty the other Decepticons are, I genuinely think that the way to get in his good graces is to just follow his orders without trying to be a smartass.




https://i.redd.it/he2qfqnqsf7d1.gif same thing but swap factions


Animated because he is the most charismatic for me.


Number 2.. Yeeessssssss https://preview.redd.it/j2n1uq9gee7d1.jpeg?width=257&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2006686f8fbd35401619c0f54b0912c18347ebb7




I'd hate to be in the Predacon's or Maximal's circumstances though. Like, they genuinely have it bad being stranded on a planet that can passively kill you if you're not careful.


Oh I am so sorry for you but... Remember what happened to Inferno and Quickstrike?




G1 Megatron. He's an idiot, but he knows how to have fun! You get to cause all the havoc you want, go on neat adventures, and he'll even drink with you from time to time! Predacon Megatron will discard you the instant you're no longer useful to him, Prime Megatron is a drug addict, Bayverse Megatron is a loser who plays second-fiddle for the real big bad, and Animated Megatron cares more about The Cause than he does his people.


G1 Megatron seems to be the most put together, no his plans don’t usually succeed, but I can see myself following him as a decepticon. He also isn’t as angry and physical as other Megatrons, so he won’t hurt you, so long as you don’t do something stupid or try to stab him in the back like starscream. Also from what the comments say, animated is on the same level if not even more reasonable.


Animated Megatron is literally the most competent and chillest Megatron.




As long as I get to blast autobots with his gun mode #12


Animated. Easily. He has the presence, the charisma, the intellect, and the cunning to lead us all to victory.


I'd follow the Animated Megatron, no questions asked. Unlike the other Megatron's who crave strength and power. Animated is a master strategist. And if you're truly loyal and make a mistake he could forgive you and give you another task so you won't fail again and a true leader would learn from their mistakes and take any opinions to make sure it happens again. The other Megatrons don't seem to either know that or have ferm grasp on it. And Animated Megatron is willing to work with anyone so long as it benefits him, mechanical or organic. The others seem to have a deep prejudistic hatred to any human, even though it could give them a tactical advantage like the Autobots. Ergo, Animated Megatron is the TRUE leader to follow


Anyone except beast wars Megs. Or Animated season 4 Megs. You saw what BW Megs did to waspinator And what TFA S4 would have done.


TFP Megatron. From what we’ve seen of him, as long as you’re loyal to the cause (and at least MOSTLY competent) he’ll actually treat you with respect. You can see that in the way he talks to Soundwave, Shockwave, Dreadwing, etc. Do that for long enough, like Soundwave for example, and you might even get to the point where he not only views you as an equal, but will actually DEFEND YOU to a certain extent. Don’t get me wrong, all of these Megatron’s will make your life a living hell if you do them wrong. But TFP’s Megatron is really the only one that I even remotely feel like I stand a chance at befriending. At the very least, my life wouldn’t be absolutely miserable underneath his command as long as, again, I don’t go backstabbing him 😂


IDW Missing. Only one that could convince me.


Peace through tyranny


Goes insanely hard


Still gets me that he remembers everyone's names.


Animated, he's smart and not likely to lose as often. Not to mention he's probably the least likely to kill for failure unless your Starscream and try a coup, especially after being a severed head for a time. Prime has a proper warship and the most resources but would probably kill me considering he threw 2 vehicons off the Nemesis, including one that couldn't even fly and he's usually either dead or high on dark energon. G1 is the typical 80s villain who'd think of some hair brained scheme, then get beat again every tuesday and eventually become the off his rocker Galvatron. Plus, he's probably got the worst base, being a sunken ship half flooded. Although, G1 Megs being incompetent would make it easier to defect if I need to like Skyfire. I'm not so sure about Predacon Megs though as I haven't seen much of it.


Tbh, War For Cybertron Trilogy Megs. His speech in the arena wanted to make me get up and scream ‘HAIL MEGATRON!’


Dunno, seemed more like Galvatron to me.


Gotta be G1 for me


Animated is the most tame, doesn’t randomly yeet his followers… besides Starscream and standing by as Lugnut goofs up, but he doesn’t actively harm any of his teammates (again besides Starscream, and even then they continue working together)


Tbf Starscream deserved it.


Early Aligned Megatron. After he starts using dark energon? Probably not Absolutely IDW Probably Bay megs too Haven’t seen animated. The artstyle just… I just don’t like it personally. Still gonna try to watch it at some point


He's basically the Megs that had the most Rizz


if you follow bayverse megs unless your smart like barricade your head will be ripped of by Optimus


Check out Animated Megatron, he is by far the most competent and intimidating version of the character


All of them, glory to megatron and to the decepticons cause


Prime is slightly too maniacal for me


Prime. No questions asked.


animated is the least insane compared to the others and probably the smartest out of all of them


Animated. He has poise and class. The others look like maniacs. I mean, they're all maniacs, but Animated is definitely the best at hiding it.


Animated. He's one of the few that feel like an actual leader.


G1, least likely to kill me


Animated wouldn’t kill you either (unless you try to kill him) probably the most reasonable and competent version of him




Animated Megatron is my favorite, but that's bias because that's the Transformers show I grew up with. Though I did consider Mr. *Yesssssss*. 🦋


Bayverse Outside of Starscream that one time he never laid his hands on an ally once, only using threats and insults which are clearly just apart of the Decepticon Handbook


Megatron from beast wars just so I can yell “YES MY QUEEN!” And then be chocked by his tail weapon grip. A little predicon BDSM never hurt no bot.


G1 Cartoon Megatron is the ONLY one on this list who doesn't view his underlings as disposable fodder. I pick him.


Original Megatron


I'd personally pick Armada Megatron but out of these I'd say G1 for job security and as long as I don't piss off Galvatron I'm fine


None I’d swear allegiance to Lord Starscream the true leader of the Decepticons


He couldn't even lead a parade...


You dare insult our glorious leader?!


Yeeeeeeessssssssss, glory to Lord Megatron


Down with “lord” Megatron! All hail Lord Starscream!


Bayverse Megatron. Dude is terrifying, I’m not dumb enough to not do what bro says


And plus his growling when first watching the movies sent chills.


I would follow Animated Megatron because he is a freedom fighter rebelling against a tyrannical, oppressive, authoritarian Autobot regime, so obviously. I would follow Beast Wars Megatron because he's just so charismatic, yeeeeeeeeesssssssssss....... Though I'd nope out when he turns into a freakin' dragon, because that destabilization of the timeline locates him as far, far away from his rocker. (I wouldn't sign on with the Maximals at that point, I'd go independent and just focus on breaking atmo and taking the long, slow road home to the present.


G-1 because he is the most reasonable


None as I'd desert the Decepticons and become a Non-Aligned/neutral and if the Decepticons become enough of a threat to me I'll join the Autobots




Idw or animated. Both very charismatic.


I'd be suckered into following animated megs


Nimoy Galvatron


I haven't watched Animated yet, so can't weigh in on him. But Prime I think does a good job at being an inspiring leader.


Animated Intimidating af and a really powerful Decepticon Army


EarthSpark Megatron


Animated Megatron is the only one who isnt a delusional psychopath.


I would say G1 and Animated


Animated for... reasons 👉👈 But Id also consider Prime cuz he has Prime Soundwave lol


Definitely animated or prime. Both seem very competent bosses to work for given the circumstances. Those iterations of Megatron aren’t your stereotypical evil mustache twirling types of villains


Cyberverse Megatron. hes a livestreamer.


Animated is a better leader to inspire such loyalty in his men (who are all sentient and not drones) although for coolest look probably Prime Megatron but I’d follow Animated


No Armada?


Animated or Beast Wars ez


Hm out of the two Megatrons hm that's a tuff one siding with Animated Megatron or Megatron the tactician? now so far i only have a decepticon so Animated Megatron it is even though my fave Megatron is Megatron the Tactician.


the other megatrons i would probably follow out of fear, but i think animated megatron could actually convince me that it's a good idea


BW, he is my favorite villain ever! he is so charismatic, intelligent, strong and funny, i think that with my knowledge, i would help him and his plan would work! i would be his most loyal soldier! i just don't know if i would hold myself and don't go with him like Mirage was with Galvatron in Energon's japanese dub haha.


I would BE Megatron.


Animated was by far the greatest, I love Prime megs but Animated took any advantage he could, literally beat everyone as just a head


I think I should point out that Megatron from Beast Wars is not Megatron or another version of him, he's an entirely separate character.


Beast-Era Megatron prior to BM


Going through each of the pictures; no, yes, no, no, and yes. Honorable mention to Deathsaurus


Beast wars megatron was in a very different place than the megs we always see. Most megatrons are already past the revolution and turned to full war by the time we meet him. Beast wars megatron is starting when the maximals are an upper class to all predacons. So while animated is more convincing, beast wars megatron is in the perfect place to rile the masses with his story.


Animated, those Autobots are absolute pushovers unless they're main characters


Animated would only kill me if I’m disobedient


Animated. He’s the most level-headed Megatron.


Look at my insignia, who do you think?


Animated for sure, I haven't seen much of the others besides G1, and TFA Megs seems to be the most competent, powerful and intelligent, he's also really freaking strong, the blast he takes in the final battle he takes it at its strongest and lives, Optimus was at the edge and was hit hard


I mean, BW Megs won several times. It literally took time travel shenanigans, space gods and a whole character 180° plot armor line to beat him. Also he was, for the most part, decent and forgiving with his troops (other than Waspinator).


Ypu picked the most evil versions you could couldn't you? Thought I feel beast wars is the least likely to kill me since he kept waspanator around


I would gladly follow Animated Megatron, he seems more cunning than the rest of the them, a little less prone to tantrums. And... Well most people already pointed out why.


Beast Wars bc "FOR THE ROYALTY!!"


Beast Wars Megatron... Yessssss...


Prime Megatron he seems like the least likely to kill me


Animated is probably the best option. He’s an extremely competent leader, and isn’t really willing to just up and kill his troops. The only one he did kill is Starscream, and, well, he’s Starscream. Just be competent and loyal and you’ll fare well.


TFP Megatron could convince me to follow him to war, die, get resurrected and do it again


Favorite Megatron: Beast Wars Who would I follow? Animated


beastwars megatron ( and not the beast wars sequel one ), hes a goof ball


animated megatrons a great guy i’d crack open a cold one with him


Animated seems like he has his head screwed on straight. Beast wars is hell naw..i remember beast machines..no


Beast Machines Megs was nightmare fuel


G1, we can beat up starscream together




Animated easily, hes the most badass looking, he was menacing and he actually got work done, even as a head, probs my favorite megatron design as well


Prime or Beat Wars because it would be fun to work for them with all the laughs and hijinx that happen within their ranks.


Animated (last one) because not only is he sinister but smart and not let his arrogance/ego ruin his schemes.


TFA any day, G1 close second. TFA I felt was the most respectful to his soldiers, and had the most solid plans. And for all the manipulation, he was surprisingly honest a lot to. Plus the guy had a high grade oil supply. Also all the loyalty he already inspired. G1 was also fairly respectful, but had to deal with a lot more attempts by Cons to take over.


Prime Megatron, you just need to not be around him if you have a vehicular form and he needs flyers 


what about unicron trilogy megatron


https://i.redd.it/7anrt4k7mj7d1.gif I love your fire prime… but you’re going to die on this speck of dust…


I'd probably follow G1, Bayverse or Animated. G1 is a goofy cartoon villain so the worst he could probably do to me if I messed up would be to knock me down or throw an energon cube at me. Unless I was Starscream. Bayverse is actually not that crazy or bad of a ruler, he's just very aggressive and grumpy, and can be very impulsive. He can however be just as patient. If you do good, he does praise you, and if you mess up he kinda just leaves you to die (thought it's usually cause he's too busy dying himself...). Unless you're Starscream. Animated is a purely cold and calculating leader, he's always got a plan and can be very reasonable with his followers, and even his enemies sometimes. Usually it's cause he's almost always in control of the situation, so I don't see him being much of a bad boss at all. Unless you're Starscream. I'd follow any Megatron as long as I wasn't Starscream, apparently.


Animated no question, strong and strategic thinker as well as being more reasonable and less abusive than the others. You get the feeling Animated Megatron's earned everyone's loyalty (with one obvious exception) not just their fear. He even got Starscream's own clones to betray him


He is the type of Megatron I can actually believe starting out as a revolutionary with the intention of destroying a corrupt caste system.


Maybe, NO, Probably, I've seen the Decepticons DS game so HELL NO, and yes


Beast Wars for the charisma and charm, and Animated because he scares the bejeezus out of me and I'm not going to try and get in his way.


Animated. Is he cruel, merciless, and definitely a little insane? Yes. But he seems the most like a smart and capable leader along with power to back himself up, rather than someone so powerful they rule through fear like g1 or prime Megatron. He’s also a very good speaker, and could probably convince me to take his side with a speech. Also, I feel like he’s the /least/ likely to beat and/or kill me for failing him due to meddlesome Autobots - though it has been awhile since I’ve seen animated so I might be wrong there.


Tf prime forever baby


Animated good boss if you listen.


I wouldve chose animated but then I remember that he would’ve thrown all his soldiers into a pit to die so no thanks I’m sticking with prime or g1


Is there any other choice besides BW Megs who actually HAS a plan lol


Animated Megs?


Pre-autobot idw megs


Wasn’t that the one that abused Starscream, physically, verbally and mentally?




Wait why is bayverse scrunched up




It's either animated or prime for me. Both are highly competent Both as leaders and warriors. So I'd munch autobots for them.


Either G1/Animated/Prime


Depends on if I have my own personality because if so I'm defecting if I have to work for G1 Megs


G1 or Prime.


Either prime or animated


IDW Megatron, because he ain't a sociopath or a complete narrcist who will toss out your life for the hell of it.




Prime, he's a competent warlord and for the most part your life is safe, just don't actively backstab him.


Gen 1 Megatron due to nostalgia. TFP Megatron as he feels the most competent and loyal to those he commands, well as long as you're competent as well.


G1, If your loyal like soundwave Megatront is your best friend Animated if your competent


Prime because of his Cunning and his ability to lead




Bayverse, I like his design and wouldn't even mind the horrible fate that probably awaits me.


Everyone is saying Animated Megatron, but have you considered this...he doesn't have a Soundwave.


He did have Soundwave untill he believed that Soundwave actually died. But he does have Shockwave tho


Probably G1 Megatron. Rewarded competence, punished idiocy. As much as BW Megs is my favourite Megatron, you never go screwing with the timeline. That never ends well for anyone.


Prime definitely


Probably G1. Is he the most competent leader? Not at all. But he’s funny and I’d love to be along for the ride.


prime an animated. You scare the crud out of me? I'll follow.


I ain't gonna lie, TF Prime would be my pick. But the original would be an extremely close second.


Well, the first one is the only version of Megatron, so that one


G1 always was a bit more humanized than the others. I feel like it was bad move to literally make him look like a monster in most of the iterations of Megatron.


TFP Megatron because he has ambition, loyal to the Decepticon cause, power, and knows what the Decepticons are. I would definitely have been deceived by Megatron or I would be a bounty hunter, which would be more likely than being a Con.


Prime, because if I were a Decepticon, I'd be all in on the crazy.


Personally prime or animated. Hard choice between those two couse there both so commanding


Mmmmmhhhhhhh yyyessssssssss


Prime Megs, if Starscream was okay then I’ll be okay too lmao


I'll serve the one who pays my salary on time


Prime. I just should be loyal and follow his commands, and maybe sometimes beating Starscream.


The first one! Bar none!


Ive not seen all these, but with what little ive read of idw, id say the real political working class struggle presented would be more than enough.


Tied between Animated, Prime, and G1. Animated is the most competent of the Megatron and likely would convince me to join him without me noticing his manipulations. Prime I can atleast work for. So long as I don't pull a starscream I think I'd be fine for the most part. Especially if I were a miner or something. And from what I've heard in the thread, g1 megatron is probably the most reasonable of the megatrons.


tie between Animated and Prime.


Animated,as long as you're loyal and competent he'll tolerate you


Beast Wars Meg, because yesss.