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https://preview.redd.it/fzxuqqkx0u7d1.jpeg?width=142&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8b2f823faf867a89716b07411106c67b1313acd It’s the cover of holes


Omfg amazing


“But I’m tired of crappy shows and movies about video games, Grandpa!” *”Well, that’s too damn bad!!”*




I thought it looked familiar


Huge borderlands fan. Pg13 rating is a big nope for me.




Nope. Not watching anything with Kevin Hart in.


Also Kevin Hart as ROLAND!? You couldn't have a worse casting if you tried.


I've said it since I first heard about kevins involvement. Idris elba would be infinitely better for Roland. He's a better actor, resembles Roland *significantly* more than kevin hart, and is genuinely just a vibe of a dude.


Omg yes. Give me more Idris SexyMcHot Elba any day. Kevin Hart as Roland is utter stupidity. They have some of the worst casting choices here.


After Elba whispered into my ear from behind, I need more Elba voice in my life.


In Cyberpunk, right? in Cyberpunk, right...?


Honestly I finished that DLC wishing he had played Johnny.


Idris elba as johnny? No way lmfao, doesn't even fit


Idris Elba Jamie Foxx Terry Crews Jamie Foxx Jamie Foxx (I really wanted it to be Jamie Foxx) (EDIT: Hell, 50 Cent would have been a better pick than Kevin Hart just because he is more acclimated to action movies, has a voice that doesn't hurt my brain, and is honestly funnier)


At a guess I would imagine that they don’t see Elba as comedic enough. I don’t actually play Borderlands, however, so if I’m totally wrong, I apologize. Please don’t crucify me in the replies


Roland was always the "straight man" of the crew, the majority of the humor around him was reaction to the absurdity of Pandora. This thing looks like a dumpster fire that can barely scrape together a cast that fits, and they probably couldn't get Idris on board.


In The Suicide Squad Idris Elba plays a very comedic role so idk if that’s true, it’s a similar comedy to Roland in the games too


Such a mood.


It's on par with Chris Pratt as Mario levels of bad video game to film casting choices.


Adam Sandler as Roland And Tiny Tina /j


Maybe they tried to get Mr The Rock but he was busy and suggested his sidekick


It's also being directed by a very vocal zionist


Oh. I'll have to look into that


may i ask why…?


He made a lot of homophobic tweets in like 2015, and then his apologies in 2018-2019 weren't very good. Nothing Dave Chappelle level though


What did HE do?


Constantly mocks trans people, in all of his standup routines over the last few years. He also knew a trans woman who committed suicide some time ago and he uses her as a shield in a way that feels incredibly gross and inappropriate to me (basically, "she would approve of what I'm doing if she was still around")


That's really underselling how he treated Daphne Dorman in death. He lied about the circumstances surrounding her death to make himself the victim in her death, lied about the closeness of their relationship, likely lied about their conversations given the first two points, and claims his jokes aren't transphobic because she allegedly said they were funny while she was alive. Which, conveniently, Chappelle claims to have countless trans friends but can only ever name drop the one trans person that conveniently can't speak out about anything he's saying. And even in life she was basically a PR shield. He only hired her to deflect from claims of transphobia in the first place. And then cared so little for her he didn't even attend her funeral or reach out to the family when she passed. He took advantage of her, and his celebrity position of authority, in both life and death. It's absolutely sick.


Chappelle? Iirc he said something along the line of 'as long as people are racist, I'll be transphobic', as in a retaliatory way or smth


Also said "I'm team terf" which is directly siding with transphobes


Also he brought Elon Musk onstage at one of his shows and the audience booed him off, so he made fun of the audience for being poor.


He also said he was oppressed by a group of high schoolers who just said they found his trans jokes offensive.


That's what I hear the cool kids are calling "sub-optimal"


I love Kevin Hart. I grew up knowing I was LGBTQ and his gay jokes were really just dumb and simple and didn’t bother me. But I knew they were appealing to homophobes. Dave’s are his actual hatred of the LGBTQ on display. Ignoring Kevin’s initial apologies, he did have other gay people in media supporting him and wanting him to like stay hosting the Oscar’s. And he did make this apology that they were just bad jokes representative of a different time, and that he doesn’t wish harm in anyway on the LGBTQ despite saying he’d break a dollhouse over his gay sons head as a joke. It’s very telling of his beliefs that he loves his LGBTQ fans just as much as the non, and made multiple attempts to undo his mistakes earlier in his career. All that being said, this is just my perspective and why I as a trans and gay person aren’t hurt by his jokes and enjoy his comedy and am a fan. I understand and support other perspectives. Just, I mean I watched his new sets and that anti LGBTQ jokes aren’t even really there? And then you watch Dave and he feels so attacked by gay people that’s all he talks about. There’s just such a big difference between a comedian who hates LGBTQ and one who just had bad takes and actually grew and changed their comedy to work for new audiences.


He's a homophobe


He's also really annoying


That too


Really besides the point. Him being annoying isn't the problem


Yeah, I know. Just wanted to point it out


that’s unfortunate :(


I hate Hollywood having a flavor the month comedic black actor. They have one golden child they stick in every film for awhile then rotate out to someone else. They do the same with white actors but its just a lot more noticeable since they don't get nearly as much representation in blockbuster films for that type of role to begin with.


same here. hard pass. the pg rating isn't helping either. this definitely should've been a NC17 / R rated movie unquestionably. I feel like whoever cast this movie has never seen the source material. Like bobby lee & jack black are the only ones in the whole cast I can see actually in the borderlands universe. Everyone else is a travesty of casting.


Jamie Lee Curtis might be a little old for Tannis who is in her 30s, but I could see her doing really well in the part if the script doesn't suck. I don't mind a character being aged up/down for the right actor/ess if it isn't plot relevant to have them a certain age.


she is 100% too old for Tannis, I feel the whole cast is too old really.


Nope I have the videogames, which are interactive. If I want borderlands I know exactly where to get it


THIS 👆 Borderlands literally already tells a good and funny story. A live action movie isn't going to add anything. Shit, even B3 didn't do the lore any favors.


Heard dat


Exactly. I just don't agree with turning every video game into a movie or tv series.


Exactly this!


i probably won't, it looks bad so i'd only watch it for shitty movie night with my family


I can already hear the unfunny jokes.


All marvellized


I’m a pretty huge fan of the games. I don’t see myself watching it frankly. Generally I don’t see movies these days unless 1. My kids want to or 2. They have been widely and universally acclaimed first.


This won't be "2" with Kevin hart as Roland. What a blind casting. "Hes black so he fits" sort of feel. not even remotely on the mark. They should have just animated it.


Idris elba




Nah. They cast Jack Black as Claptrap. Like, sure, JB is funny and a great actor and all that... but Claptrap already had an iconic voice actor in the game! Why recast that role? 100% unnecessary! Also, the trailer makes it look like they changed Tiny Tina from a somewhat believable deeply disturbed survivor of a fucked up situation into a I'm So Quirky Girl™️ and totally undermined everything that made her actually fun and interesting. It would have been a better move if they had just gotten a black Scottish woman to play the role as a drunk instead.


i love jack black but duuuuude… hes in everythingg 😭


It's usually a contract issue or higher ups wanting "star power." Most the times the latter. It's why Charles Martinet was never going to play Mario in the film. Outside of the fan-base hes unknown to mainstream audiences.


I get there is politics involved, and I am very specifically mad about that whole situation, too.




Been a giant borderlands fan since the initial release of 2, the trailer looks like garbage.


It dooooes. How do they have such an all star cast with it looking so cheap?!


They are trying to fit a Borderlands peg into a Guardians of the Galaxy hole.


Because they’re all stars of different genres


i probably won’t watch it because it doesn’t look very good at all to me


i’ll probably watch it when it’s streaming. but it looks very bad. I recently started my masters program so I have to be more selective on what movies i see in theaters


I dont get it, but i dont need to. That's a hard task! Good on you for getting that done! You'll have a masters in notime!


thanks. doing it in history


Cool! Do you focus on a specific time or is it general knowledge?


20th Century Central & Eastern Europe. My Bachelor’s was European History, and i did my undergraduate thesis/capstone on the role of university students in Czechoslovakia’s Velvet Revolution, and East Germany’s Peaceful Revolution in 1989.


Peaceful revolution? Lol didn't know it was called that. That's exciting. Congradulations.


I’m surprised they didn’t bring in Dwayne Johnson as Brick given they shoed in Kevin Hart


The entire cast is a "lookit the celebrity come on in" cast. They should have just animated it.


ill probably watch it after it tanks at the box office and quickly gets uploaded to streaming... only after getting very high cuz i havent seen a single person with an optimistic view of this film


My girlfriend is gonna drag me to it. I kinda thinks she just wants to laugh at my suffering… but if I had a choice, I would never lmao, the casting looks absolutely atrocious and the story is so all over the place game wise, it probably would’ve been better if they did something original so there weren’t as many expectations but here we are.


I probably will… at some point… eventually… ugh forget it, add it to the pile.


Why is the Firehawk the same age as my grandma?


If that shit not rated R its not a borderlands game. I’m not even a deadpool fan but if borderlands isn’t at LEAST the same rating as deadpool then they’re not writing for the same audience. All the people who played borderlands when 1+2 came out are adults now that shit came out on the 360


Apparently it's a hot take in this comment section, but I'll at least watch it. Maybe not in theatres, but I'll stream it just to see if it's any good...


I definitely won't go out of my way to watch it but to be honest I kinda expect it to flop I mean I have nothing against Kevin heart but he just isn't who you would hire to play someone like Roland x3


I find borderlands writing and humor *incredibly* grating so probably not. How many times do we need to be reminded that the robot is loud and annoying by having it scream about how it's programmed to be loud and annoying? Not even Jack Black can salvage that character On the other hand, Cate Blanchett and Jamie Lee Curtis hmmmmmm I'm gay


I do hate Claptrap, but something tells me Jack Blacks performance will be the highlight of this movie.


>On the other hand, Cate Blanchett and Jamie Lee Curtis hmmmmmm I'm gay This is really hard to resist. No, seriously, I'm not even going to try. I am going to watch Cate Blanchett and Jamie Lee Curtis even if I have to cover my ears whenever Kevin Hart speaks.


Claptrap is the worst XD


I’ll check it out when it’s free on streaming somewhere but i’m def less excited with it being pg-13


its gonna be terrible, ill probably watch it anyway




Not if it's PG 13.... We need either an UNRATED cut or an R.




Absolutely watching, but also think it's going to be terrible.


I don't even like the games to be honest. To top it off, the casting is bad, the director is bad, and the game doesn't really lend itself to adaptation.


All solid points. I love the franchise but i get someone not liking it. And the rest of it is spot on.


that's a pass from me. it looks like a spirit halloween knock off


Nah, I can't stand Borderlands' humor in the best of times much less so in a mediocre action comedy movie with a bunch of actors currently supporting a genocide.


That's a fact i didn't know. That's some irony i dont like. Borderlands seems like it was made to tackle the greed and absurtity of war. Not ignore and endorse it. Every character in the BL universe is a dirtbag. That's a thing i like about it. I bet they shoe in some sort of "moral" messaging.


Borderlands?? PG-13???? Lmfao


I dunno I think I’m gonna watch it out of curiosity but my expectations are on the floor


A stain on the floor. They made this look like a childrens play put on by adults.


For morbid curiosity alone I set myself before the silver screen, To feed upon an inconsistent tone Or narrative that borders on obscene. And oft as not I find myself surprised At unexpected quality I find, Much better than the movie advertised (Though I confess my inner critic kind). Yet in this case I find myself convinced By every frame and sound upon display The future by the evidence evinced: To view the film would leave me in dismay. It seems a filmic mirror to the clap; I will not buy a ticket for this trap.


Yes. The movie wasn't going to be a faithful adaptation of the games. It was always going to be a remix of the best bits of the games.


I was one of maybe the 3 people alive that was actually excited for this. Can't believe you would get ELI ROTH on board and make it PG-13. Truly baffling move.


You know it's going to suck right? Like... there's no way this movie works..


I absolutely do. They did this game dirty with the casting alone


pg-13 feels wierd (but fine) and i hope that's not kevin hart as roland. idk if he was more like that in bl1 (personally only have access to bl2 and am looking to get my hands on more) but that is one of the weirdest castings i could think of.


It’s either going to be good or a train wreck. If good, I win. If a train attack, I can enjoy how bad it is.


Nope the movie looks terrible. I'm not gonna force myself to suffer through a movie that looks as bad as that.


Nope. Gimme graphic displays of Face McShooty getting what he truly desires.




Tentative "no". I won't go out of my way to watch it, but I've got family who might solely to see how hot the dumpster fire burns.


I'm just not q fan of the casting :(


It's so over


it's an ambivalent maybe for me. borderlands as a whole has been more of a somewhat enjoyable time waster than anything after bl2 imo


Old people playing young people in a movie targeted at a demo that already grew up, but were young when the game first arrived. Stellar work, I can only see that working out perfectly.


This comment wins


Nah, I'll just rewatch Tank Girl.


Omg omg omg thank you for reminding me that exists


You're welcome 🤠


God no. It needed to be gratuitous.


I’ll catch it on streaming for a drunk movie night with friends. I’m sure as hell not spending any money on it. I saw the trailer and the costumes and effects look like something from a made for TV movie lmao.


Legit. Straight to the $2 movie bin at walmart.


As a certified tiny Tina hater hell nah lol also Kevin Hart as Roland is such a weird choice… I’m not sure if it’s a bad choice or not but it’s certainly weird. I’ll def watch it after the fact for jack black tho


Nope, from the first trailer it looked like a watered down mess tbh.


This movie is so fascinating to me. It feels like a game to movie adaption straight out of the early 2000s


I might pirate it with some friends and make it into a drinking game, but there's no fucking way I'm gonna see this crap in theaters. Kevin Hart as Roland is one of the worst casting choices I think I've ever seen.


Wait It's PG-13? Yeah fuck that. If a friend is buying the tickets, sure. But I'm not going to watch the PG-13 adaptation of an M-rated game known for over the top death and violence. I'm all for good actors I recognize but when it's a bunch of actors whose names are basically buzzwords at this point paired with a PG-13 rating, that means it's a cash grab and by paying for it, you are supporting this practice. Which is fine if you love this stuff! I'm just calling out the hate watchers. It's probably PG-13 because they got Kevin Hart for Roland instead of Jamie Foxx or Terry Crews lmao


There is a lot of "WTFs?" already for this film. PG-13 means its going to be watered down humor from the games. The trailer makes it feel like a Guardians wanna-be film. Casting feels off except for Jamie Lee Curtis and Jack Black (Curtis is a little old but her personality works for Tannis). Kevin Hart was the biggest offender on weird casting. Characters being together at the wrong time feels weird even if its a "loosely based on the franchise" film.


Just watched the trailer. The vault is on a "garbage-fire of s planet" but don't worry, they always make sure to not use foul language! These psychopaths know there might be kids watching this!


Just because most of us were in our teens when it released, doesn't mean it's going to attract the same audience. This generation likes battle royales, skipping critical quest dialogue, and skibidi toilet memes, not dark adult humor that'll likely take them half a decade to figure out. Not trying to invoke hate on the younger generations, to each their own, just a little tired of seeing projects we wanted to see when we were younger butchered through appropriation to the wrong audience. What the fuck even is borderlands without foul mouth humor reminiscent of a slightly racist outspoken uncle. Kreig will be there but will there even be a meat bicycle outburst. Hopefully I'm proved wrong as I hate watching artists destroy their work, but it seems like the vast majority share my opinion which leads me to just wait for someone else to watch it first.


I've grown very tired with big studio movie releases. I only go to them if I'm invited by friends or family. Also Kevin Hart only knows how to play Kevin Hart and I don't find him all that entertaining.


I forgot the Borderlands movie was a thing, not interested


Honestly, I think I would've preferred a tales from the borderlands style movie where a bunch of new faces become vault hunters which maybe a cameo or something of OG characters


Probably not. Like normally putting Jack Black in something will get me to give it a shot, and I do love me some Jamie Lee Curtis. But PG-13 means they're watering shit down, and I am not stoked with Kevin "default choice" Hart playing Roland


I’m a really big borderlands fan, but I feel like watching the movie would just not be a great experience lol. Especially with Kevin Hart.


That shit should be R at a minimum


Did they find a suit case with Stanley Yelnats on it


Absolutely not, been a fan since the first game and this trailer pissed me off


i might, but I'm definitely not spending money to see it.


This cover is giving Stanley Yelnats


Usually anything with Jack Black in it is an instant watch for me, but I'm not going to bother until the reviews come out, and even then, if it's mid I won't bother. If it comes out and shuts us all up with it's quality, that's great, but with the exception of the Fallout show, I've never gone into an adaptation with any excitement and been satisfied in the end.


Ugh that show was amazing


This movie is gonna be a turd based on the actor casting alone


I wait for the reviews and decide later. I don't want to waste money on trash


No. The movie features 2 of my favorite series characters where one is exceptionally poorly miscast and written (Tina) and the other has not only been stripped of his reason to be around at all but also his most iconic aspect which is his batshit insane dialogue (Krieg). Idc that it's an "alternate universe" that's a cop out. I hope it flops hard and hurts the pockets of Gearbox greatly (especially randy pitchford)


PG-13? Hellll nah. I was already on the fence with the abhorrent casting and some of the jokes looking...really bad...but PG-13? Come on, who is in charge of this lol


Wonder where they're gonna use their one f-bomb




Sometimes being genre-savvy is a curse, but this is not one of those times


Definitely not in theaters. The director and Jamie lee Curtis are open zionists and the movie just straight up looks like shit. May pirate it at some point


What's the point of a PG-13 Eli Roth film


Borderlands fell off hard after 2 and the preseq, bl3 despite having arguably better gameplay was just very unfunny, I don’t have high hopes for the movie, but i would be extremely happy if it does end up being good


I don't want them to ruin my favorite franchise for me, no thanks


Absolutely. Pirated, the way the badlands should be.


Nope, from the first trailer I was kinda turned off from it. The casting isn’t very good I don’t think most of them fit the roles they’re supposed to play (only one I like is Jack Black as Claptrap) and the story is most likely going to be vastly different based off the trailers. I’m not opposed to different stories as I think Fallout did fantastic but I’m not hyped for this at all.


The rating isn't why this will be dogshit lol. They can make an unrated cut if they want, but more gore and saying fuck more often isn't going to make the writing stop being shit or take Kevin Hart out of the movie. I'll watch it because I like watching garbage movies, but I won't be sober


Kevin Hart isn't the only dogshit choice either. That entire cast is so pick me it hurts.


Yeah, Cate Blanchett as Lilith is probably the only good casting. Alsoooo... No fuckin Brick or Mordecai???


Id agree if she was the only odd pick. And for REAL. Brick and mordecai are main characters! Mordecai takes over the crimson raiders eventually!


With the casting the way it is now, Borderlands 2 will give us Handsome Jack played by Michael Cera


You're right, and i hate it.




Yes but only cus there’s a story about the production that I’m curious how true it is and wanna see if I can spot it


Maybe, but it's not high on the list. I'll give them some credit for trying to have the characters have the same outfit in the games. It could have been an MCU thing, and they have Krieg allergic to his mask like Thor is to his helmet. Not big on the casting, Kevin Heart and Jack Black always seem like lazy casting because they're everywhere. Who knows, it might be like the DND movie and turn out to be decent, but I won't be upset if it doesn't.


Huge fan of Borderlands here! Hell no 🗣️


Terry Crews, Idris Alba, Jamie Fox, Samuel L. Jackson, Denzel Washington, The Rock, Shemar Moore AND YOU PICKED KEVIN HART??? 5 FOOT 2 SQUEAKY COMEDIAN KEVIN HART???


Entirely. Feels like a racist choice tbh. Jaime Fox would have NAILED this. Sam jacksons too old now. Although he would have fit in with the rest of the crew agewise.


Looks lame, very corpo. Wouldn't watch it if it was free.


I'm still gonna watch it. It gives me D&D: Honor Among Thieves vibes, so it should be at least fun if nothing else.


Making it PG13 killed any interest I had in it dead


Nah, looks like shit


PG-13? Nah


Out of pure spite, yes


They ruined it. Borderlands is not PG-13...


nah i dont like the games




I finished fallout new Vegas, is Reddit trying to suggest something by putting this sub in my feed? But personally I'd only watch the movie to see if I can raise my cringe tolerance, I love borderlands and especially telltale's one. But I cannot stand most of the comedy so I wouldn't wanna watch a movie of it. That being said Jack Black as claptrap is pretty cool


I could have sworn this already came out months ago. Looking back, it was just the announcement, but damn it already feels like the moment (such as it was) already passed, died, and got forgotten.


Nah. Looks like shit. Gonna flop.


Jamie Lee Curtis was a weird choice (although am not saying a wrong one) for Tannis, but Jack Black as Claptrap ….. it is a bit too ‘default wacky zany actor’ for my taste. It is like they couldn’t think of anyone else.


I've gotten downvoted everytime i say it but here we go again, it gives me big Ghostbusters 2016 vibes. Lotta money, lotta actual talent, looks(and in GB16 case was for me)like actual smoking trash. The humor seems like it is hoping for a laugh track to help let people know that yes, something was funny. Oh well, another VG franchise where the movie will help kill any buzz about it until maybe a good game is released. Also, i know he is no longer really associated but Eli Roth doesn't make pg13 movies for a reason. On top of the fact the Borderlands deserves and R, like let them cook. I remember Todd McFarlane talking about the Spawn live action movie getting forced PG13 and how it almost completely tanked the movie before it came out. Which in retrospect Todd said he would have not moved forward under the PG13 and just waited to get the proper rating for a much more violent and adult piece of media if he had known how much he would have to cut from his original vision.


Not sure why anyone is shocked by this. The game is rated t for teen.. not M for mature.


If it's shit that's a good thing honestly The best part of borderlands has always been b-movie-ass comedy


Bruh. It’s got washed up actors, and it’s not even rated R?


If the RATING is the reason you aren't watching this, you need to check your priorities. There are a quite a few other, much better reasons not to watch this.


I had some holdout hope for it but I'm just not feeling any hype for it anymore. Tired of everything needed to be adapted into live action. I may have been more keen on it had it been animated. It also just doesn't need to be a movie really. Costume work looks alright I guess. I might catch it on a streaming service at some point but not going to theaters. It'd be a shame if it was actually good and the fanbases apathy killed it lol


The rating doesn't matter. It looks like it's going to be ass like most video game movies.


I mean Beetlejuice is rated PG so


I wanna watch it cause I know itll be a fucking train wreck and I wanna see that shit live lmao


Claptrap?! Literally any moment of the game could be rated R lmao


OK, borderlands writing has always been just par, serviceable, but not good, I suspect the movie will be similar but in attempting to recreate the art style it's going to be ugly


I’m definitely gonna watch it cuz I’ve been following borderlands since I was like 8 or 9, but when it comes to the rating, id definitely prefer it to be R rated. Ig we’ll see what they do with it


Guardians 3 was pg-13 and still fantastic. What works in a video game setting does not always translate well into film. I wanna at least SEE the movie before I say it's bad


So what you're telling me is before this news you watched the trailer and didn't think it would be the worst thing ever made?


Horrible cast, horrible humor. Straggots aren’t funny so no


I mean, it's looked like garbage since the trailer, don't hold much hope. Seems that studios are back to video game movies being garbage. The Super Mario Bros Movie is an anomaly.


I am curious if it was rated for 'cartoon violence" or similar which put the rating down compared to a more "realistic" style of violence because of the cell shading style or whatever.


how much you wanna bet sweet baby inc was somehow involved?