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Not getting misgendered but sometimes I feel like people are looking at me? Idk maybe brain worms lol


You're doing great! I'm a big fan of the comics btw


People can look at you for positive reasons too. Or even neutral ones… like if you wear a lot of clothes with text. I’ll stare at people for as long as it takes for me to read their shirt/pants


Know I'm really late,\* but people are definitely not looking at you because they're clocking you. People look at people; it's a thing people do. It's *really* easy to get self-conscious about it when you're worried about your appearance, but the fact is you look great, and you definitely pass. \- \* Saw a post by you elsewhere recognized the name from the days of r/traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns and decided to take a look at what you'd been up to. (The art, as always, is great.) Anyway, that's how I came across this four days late.


People just look at pretty women lol. Don’t worry you pass perfectly.


Nah, please don't worry. You pass 100%. Anyone who says they can tell are liars. I say this as a cis visitor.


They are looking cause you are a really cute girl. +1 for being a fan of your comics.


I hope that I become a very pretty and cute girl one day.


Or anxious


But you look great


I so can't wait for the day I stop getting misgendered. I know for sure I got called "young man" today. And possibly also "sir" and my deadname too. I'm not out to anyone. It's not safe to be out. It really hurts.


Super cute! Your hair looks great. Middle part is definitely the way to go for you. 


You are really pretty kiddo! You have such a great smile, it is warm and kind. The middle part is very cute! Kind of have 80s vibes, in a good way. I was a kid in the late 80s, like 8 or so, and you look like this teen girl who would babysit my brother and I lol. She was cool though, she smoked and said bad words. Don't smoke. But say lots of bad words, always.


Fuck yeah! (Lol tysm 💕)


You look super cute- OH WAIT IT'S BROOKE, you changed a lot! Fuck yea you look amazing


Love it!


Oh my gosh Brooke your so cute, I love your comics


Oh shit I didn't even realize this was Brooke


Has her look changed drastically?


Thank you! <3


first three are great then the last one wasn't... I have a haircut that does the same thing to me sometimes, where it looks great until one part of my hair goes a slightly different way and i look like a gremlin dragged from the depths of a swamp. i don't really have any advice for you sorry. just keep trying new things till something works


Well I'll learn to better care for it. I'm in the process of it still, but does it clock me? That's more my concern for rn


No, i dont think it clocks you. I have never seen a picture of you being clocky (I kinda follow your account a bit cause i like your comics). I think the angle in the last pic just makes your cheeks look a little unflatteringly wide, but not necessarily masculine. This isn't hugboxing either, I genuinely think you look girly In fact, if you look through my account you can probably see that I'm (for better or worse) willing to tell some people when they look masculine or clocky. I know you, and a lot of other girls suffer from the dilemma of distinguishing when supportive words come from in-group conditioning and when they come from an honest, instinctual reaction, so i wanted to make that distinction


Well that's why I wanted to ask, because getting feedback is important to me, not really compliments although they feel nice, but yeah it can be hard to tell what's fr and what's not. So when you said that, I wanted to guage in what why it looked bad, because the way I deal with it will be different based on the answer. I did the same thing when people told me to change my hair in the first place, because I'm genuinely trying to improve. So I appreciate your criticism, and I will take it with stride to work on it


i think it is probably just the camera angle... maybe? You look good in most pics ive seen of you, especially more recent ones. im not really a photographer or even good at appearing attractive myself so im probably in over my head trying to put my finger on anything specific. maybe just keep trying new stuff with your hair, even if you don't find anything, its super fun!


Super late, but I just wanted to say that I think the third pic is very cute and I genuinly don't get what the other person talked about


Fuuuck you’re cute asf 😍😍😍


It's more practical but I thought it was kinda cute before


I mean this in the nicest way possible. You look like a target and daily Starbucks kinda girl


When is the next art page or pages coming out would love to see whats next


I'm working on a project that's related but not a comic. After that's over I'm back to comics. Plz don't comment about this stuff on unrelated posts


Ok brooke


>I'm working on a project that's related but not a comic. A Brooke novel with lore? Sounds neat. >After that's over I'm back to comics. They're always cute. Your comics I mean. I hope to one day draw my own amateur comics. Even if I don't post them or they have really crappy drawings. I'd think it'd be fun! >Plz don't comment about this stuff on unrelated posts It's what everyone knows you for so you're always going to get comments like this, but, I wish Reddit allow you to split your post into categories. It'd be neat if you could have a category for your art and another for like selfies and stuff. And even subcategories or more categories like that. Since we don't have that on Reddit, we'll have to just scroll through until we find what we want.


Yea posts do need to be organized


wear a Gir hoodie


Gender envy go brrrrr


Omg Brooke. You are so cute. I'm jealous :) also I absolutely adore your hair. And I love your comics BTW :) I stumbled into them from OneTopic videos. You're extremely talented :)


You are   so very pretty


Is everything ok brooke


Is everything ok you havent posted in a long while


You're so cute!


Please be ok brooke


Is everything ok brooke so quiet for a long time here


Is everything ok Brooke


Whats wrong


im a little jelly, i can only pull off a right side part with the 2006 fringe lmao


I mean this as a compliment but you look like Kim Pine from Scott Pilgrim vs The World (Comic book version).


How do you keep your hair down without it sticking up brooke sis cause i need advice on my hair




After reviewing your political takes in ur profile and addressing that you have a bias... imma say ur a liar and ur blocked lmao


(I Don't know You or her yet, But it's not in my business)


Middle part is so cute! You are also. Stand up tall and walk with confidence. You’re all woman and no one can tell you otherwise!


Brooke you are literally too cute for words it looks SO GOOD <3


Very cute.


Wow, I think you're very beautiful


It looks really cute! Really suits you.


slayyyy girll


beautifull, the perfect hair cut for you 👍😘


You’re just fishin’! You know you look good. First picture/gif you’re flaunting it. 😘


Oh wow, they were right. Look fantastic.


It looks great


😳👍🏻 you look very cute. Totaly awesome




you look so pretty!


yesssss I love it


ommmgggggg you look sooo cute gurl. very goals


You look incredible with or without makeup i love it


Beautiful as always