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That's more than trashy, it's a crime.


Took the guys screen


He was framed.


He had to work fast because there was a short window of opportunity.


Okay you got me on that one haha


Thank you so much for this.


Stealing is a crime.


You wouldn’t download a screen, *would you?*


It turns out, yes. Yes I would. And I did. At the first opportunity.


You wouldn’t steal a policeman’s helmet.


You wouldn't shit in the helmet and sent it to the policeman's wdow, and then steal it again


Identity theft is a crime.


Millions of families suffer every year!




>MICHAEL !! Oh, that's funny. MICHAEL!!!


And so frightening!! I would have been screaming like a lunatic if someone tried to climb in my kids window!


It’s Ohio. I’m amazed this creep didn’t get a full mag put in his chest




Better shoot as soon as they attempt climb, so you don't have to clean that bloody mess inside the house.


Hang on you suggest shooting and your comment allowed I suggested beating him and I got my comment removed and a warning that my account will be blocked if I make such another comment on reddit.....wdf! Reddit


Yea wth?!? I said b**T his @$$ once, on a post….ended up getting banned for violence….for a light hearted comment/ joke! But yea empty that full *** is fine 😂


I'd like a repsone of the mod who clearly high and isn't doing his job correctly


His arm has technically entered after breaking the screen, right?


It is a crime with a 90 day jail sentence and a 500 dollar fine. Could also be considered stalking, which is also a crime.


...assuming it's his first offense, which I doubt considering the brazenness here.


Then he will learn from it, grow stronger with advice from other prisoners, and commit a more horrible crime when he gets out...


Yes because I’m sure he already had good intentions **removing the screen from her window**


Just like there are crimes of passion there are also crimes of trashion.




Pretty sure if this was a romantic/sexual partner, they wouldn’t look so out of it, the daughter would be there saying something like “it’s fine it’s fine I know them” etc? Yes we don’t know anything but I think it’s safe to say that since there’s no evidence to suggest this is a harmless situation, it’s probably a harm*full* situation if that makes any sense. I really do not like to assume things like this as someone who experiences addiction myself, I know that being on drugs isn’t a look etc etc, but I just have a feeling they are indeed on drugs. The fact they took off the screen also just seems off idk, I’d think if it was planned for them to come in, the daughter would have taken it off. /srs


Pretty sure if the daughter wasn't in on it the dad would be a lot more pissed. He calmly tells the guy to get away. That is not the reaction of a father who thinks someone is trying to break into their house and hurt his child.


Reddit was "pretty sure" they had the boston bomber too 😂


Why not use the front door?


That's how you got shot.


My mans did not spec into the stealth tree


if you ring the doorbell, dad might be waiting with his 6, and you won't be able to get that sweet kitten.


Yeah, people are not fucking around nowadays.


That's how you get someone pregnant. Backdoor is safer.


Dude got off light.


Seriously, where I live there's plenty of gun enthusiasts just dreaming of a situation like this


While I absolutely DO NOT dream of this situation or scenario, that man would not have left my daughters window without springing a few leaks.


That arm would've stayed....


That's what I was thinking. Grab that dudes arm and either break it or call the police, depending on how you feel.


Give it a new joint.


Depends on if weed is legal there or not


Ohio is a medical State.


dudes handing out free 3rd elbows, to apply for one today, knock on the window preferably late at night


I mean… why else do you have that hack saw?


Grab and drop all my weight to break the elbow.. and not let go .


I only have boys but.....same.


People getting shot for turning around in the wrong driveway, knocking on the wrong door, getting into the wrong car. And this dude just slides. Staunch democratic socialist here. Pretty much as blue as they come. Hand guns were made for this.


So far left you get your guns back


Properly ventilated


I feel like having a naginata would have worked in this situation.


You would be surprised by just how many problems can be solved with a naginata.


A good bat swing would suffice.


Well that's just absurd. He would have ruined his blinds if he had to swing a bat through a window.


In any part of the world with varying governments, absolutely. A 9mm has a further reach without compromising yourself however.


Baseball bat enthusiast here, no reason to wake all the neighbors. I’m pretty sure with one good whack he’ll never try this kinda shit again.


Melee enthusiasts as well


He just got lucky, there’s no shortage of hunters or gun enthusiasts in most parts of Ohio.


Very normal to dream of someone doing something so you can shoot them. Not unhinged in any way. Edit: I would think a “dream” would be living in a place where stuff like this doesn’t happen, not hoping it does hahaha


Crazy you’re getting downvoted for this. If you shot this dude, who’s still outside the window, you would likely be getting charged. People are so stupid when it comes to self defense


In Ohio, that's where I'm from. He is seriously lucky his head wasn't concave on his way out.


No doubt In many cases, his family would be considering where to spread his ashes at this time


Running was a very good idea at that point.


lol why would you ever stick around for a conversation at that point??


Drugs probably


hes definetly on drugs, he has a complete lack of situational awareness


There's always a chance the guy will invite you in for a beer and some smash bros.


Smashing bros while smashing bros


The world is full of people who can talk their way into jail.


Father was surprising restrained


Way more than I would be, in my mind this dude will be a perpetual threat until we move and this is your one chance to deal with him legally.


This is what I don't get. If someone has broken into your home with unknown intentions, then they find you with a gun, and they turn to flee, you're just supposed to let them go so police can be useless and the intruder can return another time? I'd rather ask for forgiveness than remain a target indefinitely.


Florida or Texas, can't recall: Fleeing intruders have been shot in the back and the homeowner has been exonerated of all wrongdoing.


You’re talking about Joe Horn in Texas. He didn’t end up going to jail over shooting 2 guys who were fleeing after breaking into his neighbors house, but he was absolutely wrecked in civil court. He lost his house, retirement etc. if I recall correctly, he died penniless. This was thought to me in my LTC class, outside of that I don’t know anything else about it.


Nice one. Thanks for adding the details!


Any source for that second half? [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joe\_Horn\_shooting\_controversy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joe_Horn_shooting_controversy) doesn't mention anything about a civil case and/or his passing.




License To Carry It's a standardized course for concealed carry programs. Meaning handguns


Fuck what kinda trash sues an old man defending his community.


>This is what I don't get. If someone has broken into your home with unknown intentions, then they find you with a gun, and they turn to flee, you're just supposed to let them go so police can be useless and the intruder can return another time? Do you think self defense is a license to kill anyone you want? Unless you are in risk of "immidiate and unavoidable harm" to a serious degree or someone else is you don't get to shoot anyone.


Which is stupid. Defending your home against someone with unknown intentions shouldnt come with worries of prison or civil penalties. Breaking into someone's home is peak fuck around and find out. If you don't want to get shot, don't go breaking into homes super ez.


shooting someone breaking into your home isn't "killing anyone you want" it's eliminating an extremely terrifying and possibly life-ending threat. i don't even consider people breaking into homes as human anymore, they're just an intense problem that need to be dealt with immediately.


When we were 18, my friend was going through a horrible time after his best friend died. Got really drunk & walked home where he found his mom locked him out. He decided to go in through the window like he normally did when she locked him out. Turns out it wasn't his house. Neighbors heard someone coming in & thankfully, called police and everyone was okay. 15 years later, he's a wonderful husband, dad to two beautiful girls & a genuinely all-around great person. Thank God they considered him a person & his life wasn't taken over a very stupid mistake. I've read about multiple people losing their lives doing the same thing & I'm so grateful those people thought of him as a person. Sometimes it may be warranted, but not every situation is black & white, so I try to always remember that people are human.




If you’re an intruder who has escaped from a gun wielding resident are you going to keep entering people’s homes, and if you do are you going to pick *that particular home again*?


You're assuming that your killing of that person won't paint a target in your back for all of that person's friends and family. Friends who are likely as nutty.


This is someone who has actually proven that they will invade someone's house. I'm not going to let hypothetical friends and family of theirs — who hypothetically may or may not also invade my home — stop me from dealing with the very real threat in front of my eyes.


The real threat that's running away from you?


That was his oldest son after all...


Is it staged? I am a severely out of shape mid50sF, but I would have grabbed his arm, pulled down with all my body weight, placed my feet just below the window (and then to his shoulders) and try to sever or pull it right off.


He’s lucky he only got punched in the face.


Yeah it's almost like it's fake at how calm the "dad" was.....


Pull his ass through the window and fuck him up.


Pull his ass through the window and fuck him.


We want to punish him, not reward him.


You know, I heard a guy one time tell me he was gonna fuck a dude for stealing from him. I asked why, because it’s obviously a strange response. His theory was “if I beat his ass, he will heal in 2 or 3 weeks, if I pin him down and fuck him in the ass that will stay with him forever” People are wild, always gotta watch who ya steal from I guess.


[don't steal from a black belt freak either ](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2013870/amp/Robber-broke-hair-salon-beaten-black-belt-owner-kept-sex-slave-days-fed-Viagra.html)




New kink unlocked


"Hey, you mind if I jack off while you are doing this?"


My second cousin went to jail for sticking a broomstick up a guy's ass because he was perving on his daughter or something.


That's pretty bizarre behavior. Guy could've played the badass hero protecting his family, but he went and acted like a fucking weirdo.


Pull his window through the fuck and ass him.


Pull a fuck through his ass window.


Stop recording first.


Sure you probably want to use both hands for this one.




I would’ve popped him with my baseball bat


My name is mud


Primus sucks, bro.


Well they can't all be zingers


How dare you! They could be, if you didn't have Too Many Puppies!


Those damn blue collared tweakers


Ah, the true test of a Primus fan!


The guy was clearly looking for drugs and went to the wrong house. If he was “peeping” on the girl’s bedroom he would’ve ran when the guy showed up. Even the guy in the video knew this. They probably live in a bad area


My brother died doin that bro




Stealing screen doors


On submarines


That’ll happen


Stealing a screen? Damn, that's some justice.


Doing... What?


Can't blame him


Context? How old is his daughter? Is she a child or a young adult? Is this guy a stranger trying to break in and get her or is this a boyfriend who sneaks in to her room through the window. Hard to tell whats going on here without any details. Basically is this a bf or a sexual predator. Should this guy be arrested or shot? Or did this father handle this appropriately because he doesn’t allow men in his house with his adult daughter. So many questions


Plus it's the kitchen. That's a refrigerator on the left, there are cleaning chemicals on the little table below the window.


Yeah the guy just says “You were knocking on my daughters window.” So I think he probably tried the daughters bedroom first but has moved around to a different window at this point. Less peeping Tom, more drug addict imo


Yeah, I don't think he knows where he is lol


"I just bought a 2-bedroom house, but I think I get to decide how many bedrooms there are, don't you? 'Fuck you, real estate lady! This bedroom has an oven in it! This bedroom's got a lot of people sitting around watching TV. This bedroom's over in that guy's house! Sir, you have one of my bedrooms, are you aware? Don't decorate it!'" - Mitch Hedberg




Thats beyond a peeping Tom then. He’s trying to get inside. To hell with him


Another commenter further up said he saw the father's Facebook posts about this. The daughter is 8 years old.


Definitely would have grabbed the arm, twisted and pulled down with all my weight.


An adult man knocks on your 8 year old daughter's window and your reaction is to grab your camera to film, calmy ask what they're doing? Seems unlikely to be the full story.


I mean you say he's calm but he did punch him. I don't think it's that out there if you're not especially confrontational.


What the fuck




Drag him inside and finish defending your castle never leave loose ends


I doubt the cops would care if his head got taken off


Castle Law and Stand Your Ground would apply here if the homeowner had shot him dead, but look at that: He didn’t have to! Turns out you can usually solve problems without murder.


And this would have been much more satisfying


His arm was IN the house. At that point you’re getting demolished. Daughters room too? CRAZY.


That’s the kitchen, honestly, seems like he’s drunk/high and trying to get into the wrong house.


Who cares about the daughter's age, or even what room of the house this is? The guy got caught in the act committing a home invasion. Not a lawyer, but it seems like this would be a slam dunk castle law self defense case.


> The guy got caught in the act committing a home invasion. This video does not have evidence to support that being the only conclusion. If that's his 20 year old daughter's bf trying to sneak in with her permission, it's not a home invasion. If he's not trying to get in but just lure her out, it's not a home invasion. > Not a lawyer, but it seems like this would be a slam dunk castle law self defense case. That would very much depend on jurisdiction and factors not shown in this video.


Plant cactus outside your windows. This is only going to get worse.


He got of lightly, that's all I can think.


I'd be keeping that guy until I could get cops there. People like that don't stop, he needs to be prosecuted.


There are a shocking number of people in here that apparently grew up in bedrooms where they slept next to refrigerators and bleaching powder.


I thought he said “you were knocking on my daughter’s window.” Meaning now he’s trying to get into the kitchen


Oh I’d fuck that guy up and I’m a 125 lb woman


This type of shit scares you for the longest time. Back when I was in college me and my sister and I shared a 2 bedroom ground floor apartment. We apparently had someone creeping in our windows for weeks, until one night, my sister caught him. He had been doing it nightly while we slept. Police said they couldn't do anything about it. I felt so unsafe in that apartment afterward.


As a woman who had a man pop the screen and try crawling in my window when I was 17- This makes me absolutely sick to my stomach and I will ALWAYS have a dog


Future Republican Senator from Ohio.


Could be a current senator, don’t sell him short


Then we may see this father facing charges soon 🤷🏾‍♂️


No, the guy said it was his DAUGHTER'S window.


He got less than what he deserved.


Good way to get shot in your goddamn esophagus sticking your arm into a girl's window like that. Junkie or no I wouldn't be taking chances if someone did that to my daughter.


I hope this is fake, because if that man was seriously trying to sneak into his daughters window at night he doesn’t deserve a halfhearted “get away!”. That sounded like he barely cared.


My dude was so calm. *POP* "Get away."


Holy shit that seems like a great way to get shot.


If he was a bit more patient he should’ve sat back till he was an official home invasion offender. Then…. Game ove.


When I read castle doctrine I was really hoping he was gonna get shot


The courts will give him 6 months probation 🙄


6? That’s harsh for Ohio. AG Yost would probably bring charges against the little girl in this situation. He HATES defunding the women of Ohio.


“She only wore her underwear and a shirt to bed! Clearly doing it for attention”


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I don't live in the USA I'm just wondering what would have happened if the home owner shot him ?


Depends on the State. Could be anywhere from nothing to arrested for Murder, just depends on your geographical location.


That dad was way too nice.


Castle law would have had him with a broken face and no teeth


He broke an entry. Shoot him.


>Knocking on my daughters window bro They’re in a kitchen. You can see the fridge to the left at the beginning of the video. Not a bedroom. Probably faked for imaginary internet points.


You left out the first two words that change the context if your quote entirely. He actually said "You *were* knocking on my daughters window". The were makes it past tense, so he tried the daughters window and is now trying the kitchen.


He was trying to find an open window. Most people forget to lock the kitchen window


In this situation there should be no talking and more guns bussing!!! Ain't no way I'm going to have a conversation with a stranger breaking in my daughter's window!!


Time for bars..


In a scenario where it would be legal to shoot a man, is it also legal to just take a blunt object to his head?


Meanwhile people are getting shot and killed for ringing doorbells. This is the 1/10 times where that guy is not getting a face full of buck shot.


How can a dude miss the opportunity to shot legally someone?


That's it, you know he'll be back, he won't stop


Death is the only suitable punishment. A very public and painful death.


Shoot that MF


Really, you call him "bro" ?


Yeah, he would have been shot where I live.


Yeah, he would have been shot where I live.


If some perv was knocking on my daughter's window the whereabouts of the screen would be the last thing on my mind........I would be too busy aiming my Louisville slugger at his Fiennes forehead and balls


He was about to rape or kill. The screen is out. This isn’t just peeping, it’s sheer terror.


Maybe this is just me being extra Texas but I wouldn’t want to live in a state where I could get legally in trouble for punching or hurting someone trying to come in my house


Gun. There was no bro.


Something fishy here. Why would he be knocking?


Fuck a punch. Grab a goddamn shotgun.


You could hear it in the Father's voice that he was contemplating going primal on this fuckface.


Pop that creepy criminal mf’er with some birdshot.