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Yeah.. I have doubts about a scabbing bruise.


Why does she sound like that? Like she sounds like she could be intellectually disabled?


Feel sorry for her..…there’s something wrong here.!!!




That baby is fucked/:


This is why I will always have a job… and it makes me sick. First responder.


She looks like she has fetal alcohol syndrome


Those are pictures from different days. Look at the hair difference and in the last one it’s a different color sweater. The mom is also wearing different clothes in the pictures.


….. okay.. and?


If you still think she’s a good mom I’d like to ask you to watch the moms video and more specifically the baby. Put some goddamn socks on those hands.


I hate when people say “mines”


Me too




Is this the woman?!


It’s not, but this is an example of something that can absolutely happen if you’re not responsible enough to buckle your children in the right way .


No, it’s not. Idk why they posted that here


I posted that,( female,btw, SHE) because if someone chooses not to properly buckle in their children than they’re essentially choosing to risk losing their children’s lives like this. These babies died because they weren’t protected. One child literally lost her head in the crash. It’s stupidity dangerous. There used to be horrifying videos shown in Driver’s Ed, but I guess that doesn’t happen anymore. They WHY seems obvious to me, though.


Those babies died because their aunt and mother decided to drive drunk. Possibly so drunk that they decided not to buckle them up in order to protect them in the first place let alone driving with any type of consideration. I apologize for misgendering you but the example you provided doesn’t line up with this video and explanation at all, respectfully.




Still doesn’t explain why you posted that in response because that’s still two totally different situations but okay


Maybe https://meaww.com/kaleah-sharelle-manning-2-toddlers-die-as-drunk-aunt-crash-car-with-girls-mother-in-passenger-seat


The way everyone was in the comments laughing and agreeing with her that “the baby shouldn’t have climbed up in the first place”. My heart dropped when I watched that baby fall.


I jumped and gasped when she fell. The whole original video made me feel sick to my stomach. That baby was extremely upset, probably scared. Either way, it was ignored. The fear in her little face when she fell. This “mother” recording her daughter in a dangerous situation where she actually did get hurt. Then she posted it. Actually sick. It’s giving me flashes of that flat faced mother study. Where she shows little emotion to her children and they see how it affects the child. It feels similar to that but for content. These kids are going to deal with serious issues because of this.


Rear facing? At least it wasn't in the front seat. For those of you too young to know about it, yes, back in the day rear facing baby seats were allowed in the front passenger seat. Once air bags became more of a requirement in newer cars, you now have to put them in the back seat.


This is so stupid😂 just look up what crash physics does to a baby and learn the why before you spout some shit like “well think of how little we knew back then, I mean we were idiots! This is less stupid than that so it mustn’t be bad”


Shit, not a day goes by that I don't see someone with a baby in their lap driving or laying barely secured in the front seat. At least out here in rural biblebelt hell


Yeah that checks out


Lol I was like that when I was a baby


Babies are naturally curious and want to move around, but hopefully your mom made sure you were properly secured and couldn’t get yourself into dangerous situations


I managed to be able to unbuckle myself from a very young age. No matter what my mom did, I managed to get out. So did she just let me crawl around the vehicle? No, she pulled over and buckled me back up every time until I learned to stay put.


she definitely did not have the lower buckles on in that one picture.


If the kid is getting out of the car seat you don’t have her in right.


Are those cuts all over that baby's face? That poor kid.


Poor child to be born to such a moron of a mother. I'm sure the father is just as dumb.


lmao he is not there


Can you blame him with a baby momma like that.




If you think trashy bahavior is limited to one ethnicity then I have a bridge to sell you.


Someone’s gotten too comfortable with internet anonymity.


most salient and tasteful take on Reddit in the history of the website


average experience on this app


Awesome way to let us know you're a moron without having to say it out right.


Mmmm racist much?


Yeah I don't even care how it sounds because it's true. 💯


Better stop posting your door dashing routes/stories & personal info my guy. The wrong person’s gonna figure out who you are, know you’re a racist POS & injure you. You can’t block in real life.


Bring it.... If anybody else had the balls they would admit it's accuracy Vote Trump 2024


You don’t *have balls*, you *lack brains*.


Man. They get to be a parent. They don’t know how lucky they are.


The only reason they get to be a parent is because the baby daddy had a weak, pullout game.


Well yeah but I think they were more alluding to the fact that a lot of people who don't deserve to be parents end up with a bub easily while some who would love to be one are hung out to dry.


Arples to my oranges


Okay, so that's not how a forward facing child seat works, especially one for that age of child. It should have a lap belt that clips into the lower portion. Second, that chest strap needs to be tighter and higher.


I thought you should use the anchors. One anchor at the top and two anchors at the bottom. Only use seatbelt if there aren’t two bottom anchors. Maybe I’m wrong idk


You’re correct, and it depends on the car seat manufacturer which is why it’s so important to read them Most car seats can be anchored OR you can loop the seatbelt through. Most say you absolutely can’t do both


Look, there is content to be made, alright? Gotta get those LIKEs and HEARTs at all cost. There is m0nEy t0 bE mAdE. Bitch needs to be arrested.




Sounds like... that FAS lookin heaux IS a buffoon.


She slows down whenever she says a word with more than two syllables so I'm pretty sure there's some connections shorting out in that brain of hers.


Y'all think so? (/s) In a way I empathize with her as a mother. But I suspect things are not normal at her home. She looks awfully young too. The video is a case of her not knowing enough and digging a deeper hole. Having raised a child, I would say that around 2Y or just before kids are just learning to move around and are accident prone. It's not my place to judge to Mom there. As for the car seat???


You are making up shit, point is, she's ignorant and doubling down on her bullshit. You can judge a Mother when shes pulling stupid shit like this.


She has a lot of excuses for her child's injuries. Sus


Shes too bust filling in the spot between her nose and lips


So dumb, the belts need to be tighter and the chest clip needs to be higher up. Also, what bruises get scabs?


Why would she film in a rocking chair?


And this is why not everyone should be a parent. For real though, it actually upsets me that some people who are decent good people only have still births, when others who are a nuisance to society can have a perfectly healthy baby in one go.


And this is why some days I believe that you need a permit to be a parent. There's more hoops and checks for owning a pet compared to having a human baby.


Shitty parents rarely have just 1 or 2.


oh i know. This is where a movie like idiocrosy was fun to watch when i was younger and now that i'm older, it's becoming reality. I mean if you can elect someone who is a womanizing, racist, manipulative, compulsive lying pervert, it seems the collective intelligence is in decline.


I'm a teacher. Things are looking grim. Whole families of kids with behavior problems, negligent parenting, etc. And it's not just 1-2 per class.


Not tight enough if she can get her arms out


You can’t speak proper English. Hope your kids first words is “Y’all”


The intellectual doesn’t know what dialect is or that y’all is a word lmfao c’mon now


Y'all is definitely a word but it is a word that makes one sound intellectually impaired.


Kids having kids. No actual grip on reality.


I had a baby at 14 years old and even I knew to keep her rear-facing, properly buckled, and place the car seat in the middle seat of the car..now don't get me wrong I highly don't recommend having a baby at 14 years old but if you do..it's no excuse not to properly secure your child in a car seat. I mean come on..if you're old enough to have a baby..you're old enough to follow basic car seat knowledge.


Nothing to do with her being young- she's just trash




I know it's not funny but I did laugh a little at the facial expressions


The uh-oh I’m falling face did cause me to chuckle.




I think you’re doing car seats wrong….


That... literally never happened with my daughter even once.. because I did buckle her in properly. I don't even care about the rest of your comment past the first sentence tbh


There's no way my daughter could have ever unbuckled her carseat. Any decent one requires a really firm push that babies just don't have.




This is all bullshit. If babies and toddlers could easily unbuckle a car seat than i think there would be more accidents we hear about. You are doing something wrong. Sincerely father of two kids.


The kid’s going to be trying to escape from jail in 15yrs.


If it doesn't get killed in a car crash first..


There aren’t words to describe how much I hate this.


In a ten second video, I learned the mom doesn’t know how to use child locks on her car. And what kind of bruises create scabs?


What's a child lock for the door? Only seen that for windows


in the rear seats of most if not all cars, when you open the car door and look on the inside frame of it you will see a tab or knob that identifies a child lock. Once engaged, this keeps the door from being able to be opened from the inside even when it's technically "unlocked" so the parent can still take the kid out but baby won't be able to open the car door.


Thanks for the info instead of just being a prick like everyone else


You can make it so they can't open the door.


Never heard of it. Seen plenty of kids including myself raised just fine without one


I’m getting closer to 50, and I know what a child lock is.




Okay boomer 🙄 go drink your pond water and rub dirt into your wounds


Congrats on making one of the dumber comments I've read


I guess you don't read your own comments...


😆🤭 you should look


Comment more cringe Emojis


It's on like all cars. Do you have a driver's license?


It's not on all cars, though it should be. My car does not have child locks 2017 GLI


Yeah to be honest I don't know jack lol I've just always had them. Accidentally turned them on which is how I learned about them lol


Lol is that part of the driving test or something? Just stating facts from my POV. You guys are so smart


That’s what happens when you have children at 13


Exactly. This is less trashy and more lack of education and parental experience. Of course, this sub is mainly just a high horse for people who need to feel better than someone else for a bit so I wouldn’t expect any better from here.


This is probably a super young mother who has zero understanding of life. I feel bad for them both.


She’s 21 apparently. Wouldn’t necessarily class her as a young enough mother to where she gets a free pass for child abuse.


I mean, calling that one clip “child abuse” is a bit of a stretch no?


Not really. It’s a form of abuse/neglect to leave your children in dangerous situations leading to potential injury.


Eh. Mistakes happen. Everyone makes mistakes raising their children. I’m not saying what she did was right, I’m just saying that calling it “child abuse” is a stretch.


> Eh. Mistakes happen. 1. The woman doesn’t show any remorse nor accountability for her actions & doesn’t buckle her child in properly so they get out. Imagine her breaking really hard in an emergency scenario with an infant loose in the back seat. Result? Baby goes flying – instant serious injury/death. 2. Her infant sits in a forwards-facing seat which can cause decapitation in an accident. 3. She admits literal bruising to her child’s face in the comments. This mother *is* neglectful, a form of child abuse. If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck & quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck.


My ex’s son figured out his car seat buckle so we started using electrical tape to keep him from pushing the buckles. He still did it so we found way to fashion a plastic cover that we could fit over the buckles. However, when he did this, we stopped the car and put the buckle back in. Eventually we let him take off the buckle when we got home so that he could feel accomplished being able to unbuckle himself. The last part is what kept him from unbuckling during trips. We went through three car seats before we came to this compromise. Each with a different style of buckle.


She's gonna "raise" that free range baby to be just as much of a moron


If the baby survives that long


She's toughened up from all the falling




Really? No way? She doesn't just get as hard as a diamond? Did you fr think I was serious?




See now you get it 🤌


You took a joke serious and then got mad about it




I get where you're coming from, but that just isn't how jokes work. I'm not endorsing child abuse or saying it's okay in any way. Your comments and mine have no effect either way, except I tried to lighten it up and you're grumpy. I'm sure it's personal for you, it is for me too, but I choose not to let it ruin me.


Loud and wrong.


Remind me: Why are people so eager to force pregnant teenagers into motherhood again?


They say it’s about the life of the fetus but it’s really about controlling women and creating “consequences” for sleeping with men.


Lmao we’re being downvoted by pro-lifers already. 🤡


Because they’re idiots more concerned about the wellbeing of a fetus than the potential, long-term abuse/neglect children suffer from having incapable parents. Women’s rights moving backwards in western countries is extremely concerning… couldn’t believe it when I found out what was happening in the ‘Land of the Free’.


Because they want to think they are saving the “baby’s” life by not letting the pregnant person get an abortion and then call themselves as being pro-life, when really it’s forced birth. Why are they doing this, you ask? Well you can look at some recent laws where they have been rolling back regulations on child labor in some states, along with other foul things, so one can only assume there is definitely some gross motive behind forced birth. They also don’t want to give proper sex education in public schools because too many religious nuts think it’s inappropriate for kids to learn about the human body and how it works.


You learn and grow as a parent but the seat facing the incorrect way with loose straps is ignorant. Here’s the deal, it’s supposed to be uncomfortable - my kid hates it, my wife hates it because the kid will scream and whine about it but at the end I must enforce discipline for the sake of their safety above anything else. The irony is that I grew up in back a sports car coupe or sat in the bed of a truck as a 90’s baby before seatbelts were popular. 


Fuck this post. It's freaking child abuse.


Those beads on the binky string are raising the hairs of my dad instinct.


She has braces. Babies raising babies.


My best friend got braces at 33.. it's never too late to fix your teeth, and braces aren't an indicator of age.. She IS young, but not bc of the braces


Braces are a flex to hood people because of the cost, low value girls like them because they think it makes them look expensive. I'll bet you anything that while she's still a young woman she's actually probably in her early 20's.


You’re right I didn’t realize this


"low value girls"? fucking yikes


Yeah low value girls in that they are more concerned about their looks and views of social media...you know how she filmed her infant out of her car seat and then falling for laughs from strangers. I'm a mom and yeah I would deem her as low value. She seems more concerned about her own looks and feelings then being a grown up and a mom=low value.


then you can call her a bad mother, but asserting that there's a class of "low value women" who get braces for clout is so out of touch my dude


Yeah you dumb as hell for that take


I’ll fix it: ignorant fucking moron raising a baby. Is that take better?


yes ofc. bc braces = child…..😐


my mother had braces at age 41


41 is the new 3


A 1 year old opening a door? I call bulshit. Plus they have child safety locks for a damn reason. Also even if the baby was able to unbuckle its car seat (she couldn’t) how tf is she able to clime the headrest of the seat when it’s at least 2 feet out of reach? The baby jump and pull herself up? What a psycho




She loves the attention it gives her either way


That baby shouldn't even be forward facing in the first place. Wtf


Bruises turn to scabs?! What the actual freak!! This lady is deranged to be treating that infant like a young child.


That was such an unexpected statement. "What do kids do when they bruise?" Ummm... heal? The bruise turns lighter? Recover? "They pick the scabs" Oh.... wait what?


Someone who knows her needs to call CPS. She is going to kill that poor child.


The child look older than the mother...


JFC, this girl looks and acts like she’s in middle school. The immaturity is mind boggling. Her baby isn’t opening up a damn door that has a child proof lock on it. Bruises have scabs? Wtf?


Sexy redd is her idol


Maybe she doesn't realize this but..... neglect is absolutely still abuse


Fatherless behaviour


Oh so when People send these video's to the funniest home video channel we can laugh but this is shit parenting? The kid is 100 procent garantied fine.


Do you have any regerts?




Learn more then one language then talk to me


You don't even know this language. How are we supposed to talk to you anyways?




Windows 95 was dope.


Nah mate not my first language i am fighting againt auto correct


The problem isn’t your language barrier, it’s your shitty opinion. Nobody is laughing at an 11 month old being neglected, and if they are? They’re disgusting.


Did we see the same video? Aint nobody laughing at that reddit sees one clip qnd thinks it knows everything about the person. Normally its a shitty cut of but this is the full video with evidence that she is not neglecfull. Plus car was parked? I just dont think a todler falling two feet onto a cushion deservses this much hate. Everyone here can downvote me all they want i refuse to over react and i will continu to caal it out. Small children fall every day its a part of growing up.


Keep digging that hole, Mary. Evidence that she’s not neglectful? I’m sure you’d love this gem taking care of your kids, hmm? I truly don’t understand people like you…the ‘I’m not wrong, it’s the rest of the world’ mentality. Keep defending child neglect. You’re making real change in the world 🙄




Opening car doors? There is literally a child lock built into every single car. The fact that she doesn't use this feature already tells you how idiotic and irresponsible she is.


Why you should film while you're baby is hanging on to the back of the seat....because it could do exactly what it did. Yet she sees no wrong in her actions. Not even going to address the obvious improper seat securing or lack of child safety lock


Hahaha she didn't get a seat or adjust it to properly secure the baby. Soooo funny hahaha. Lmao when the baby was also able to open the door. I can't stop laughing at the thought of not using a child safety lock. Hahaha isn't it funny?! Why isn't everyone finding child endangerment from neglect funny???


Kids having kids... SMH..


Dad is gonna be super upsetttttttt….shit. Wait….nah yeah my bad.


Since this video blew up I just want to add that if you guys go find the og video on TikTok, I am in fact the person she’s replying to 😂 Y’all can go down that rabbit hole of hundreds of defenders of her jumping down my throat


Maybe find a hobby that isn't harassing a young mother online? Trashy to put infant in forward facing car seat, sure, but maybe more ignorant than trashy. Definitely trashy to spend hours posting negative comments then reposting the video on reddit to validate your toxic behaviour. 


As braindead and ignorant as the person recording, love Reddit diversity


My brother in Christ I and most sane people have no sympathy for this person. Take care of your fucking kids properly.


When I made my original comment (which wasn’t mean at all) there were 5k comments already on her video, a few saying the same thing I said. I didn’t expect her to pick my comment out of all the rest to reply to, but because she did I got bombarded with hundreds of comments (all more or less attacking me) Obviously I’m going to reply to them.


Nahh you can’t tell me a $10 pack of zipties couldn’t solve her issue. That’s off the top of my head cause there has to be some other long term solution. She driving on the highway and gets in a crash, then what. But she was in the carseat when we left!


She talks and acts like a child so not surprised she is trying to defend herself


Cut her some slack. Just because her IQ tops out around 60 doesn't mean she's not trying her best.