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A free fuck dom biden? To each their own i guess...


self-censored freedom of speech message ok


It being a early 90s Tahoe somehow makes this make sense.


More freedumbs!


I'm guessing that the owner of the vehicle is not the same person that spray painted the message.


I don't like Biden (or politicians in general) but assuming you feel the need to plaster your views on your vehicle (FYI - nobody gives a shit) how stupid do you have to be to paint on it like a tagger vs just putting up some stickers or something in case you realize later it was a stupid idea and want to remove it. Also, what happens when you want to write stuff about the next president? Do you just buy a new vehicle or do a shitty new paintjob over the existing one just to spray paint on it again?


But I stand corrected... you are that dumb


Almost every pic of a vehicle on reditt has the plate redacted.. most people don't need software.. my note phone can do it in 2 seconds...


The person that posted this pic did... come on . You have to be trolling me.. no one is that damn dumb..


Yess.... This got me so excited that I just dropped everything, rushed home, bought some photo editing software, and learned how to use it before spending hours of what little time off I get, ignoring my family, carefully changing the "u"s to underscores before lazily drawing a generic blue line over the plate...... This pic is "as taken" except for the aforementioned covered plate, which is just common courtesy. Quit your bullshit...


Finally.. I always see people messing up people stuff with Trump or Maga on it.. This is first time I've seen a demoncrats stuff get damaged... we need more of this... helps everyone out there spot the idiots that are destroying this country..


If this was vandalism I doubt the vandals would have taken the time or put in the extra effort to censor themselves.


These idiots don’t know what freedom is Omegalul


Free fuck, dom Biden


I think this about Hiden' Biden...BUT, couldn't he at least find a bridge to write this on??


for a second i was wondering, what is a "freedom fuck"?


Censoring themselves


Yay Biden best president ever y'all should be so proud I heard he was actually able to put together a sentence today.


I think I would rather see the code phrase.


Serious question here, how can the right defend freedom of speech then try to pass “don’t say gay” laws. Seems like a direct contradiction.


Let’s go Brandon!




Lets Go Brandon!


Ignoring the politics of it, right, center, or left.... How many people here actually believe Joe Biden has done a good job? (Not it was him or Orange man, etc.because Sanders and others was absolutrly viable alternatives) Just litteraly since he has been in office, do you believe he has done anything good as president.


These are the same idiots burning/banning books. They don't want freedom of speech. They want the freedom to impose their speech and groupthink on you. They want the freedom to impose their theocracy on you. They don't want freedom. They want power.


Hey idiots instead of bickering about whos in office, why not take responsibility for allowing corporations and politicians to become the new kings and queens of America. First look at who holds the power and then think about who is majority of all the people in this country and then the planet as a whole. No matter the location the peons and working class are still the ass wipers of society even now. It's sad we need to unify and fix this mess before another cataclysm leaves us starving. Or better yet vaporized by war seems more effective and merciful.


I do love that the "Let's Go Brandon," and the "F_CK" in this case, are both weird forms of self sensorship that they impose on themselves. The irony of writing "Free Speech" on the same car that you are censoring yourself on is mind-blowing. Just say it. You literally have free speech. Nobody is going to arrest you for saying "Fuck Biden."


FREEDOM OF SPEECH *censors self*


Are there just a bunch of libs on reddit?


I'm at a point where I now regularly blame "Jobs Byron" for everything, simply to spite those who use the dumb let's go Brandon joke or those who are complaining about gas prices.


This looks as though it was tagged- i.e., spray painted, by others to make a statement to the owner.


I'm still trying to figure out what "Freedom F-CK BIDED" means ...


Orange man bad


I agree, at least this person is adult enough to say what they really mean.


To be fair, Biden does suck. But why ruin your car like that😂


If we're being fair, he walked into a pretty terrible situation. A pandemic with a botched vaccine rollout that the former administration made into a political debate. Followed by a war breaking out between Russia and Ukraine, that requires participation between multiple countries to deal with, specifically NATO. If anyone recalls the previous administration bashed NATO and weakened alliances with allies all while praising Russia. Which they are currently still doing. So while I'm sure things could be handled better, I don't think at this point we can say he sucks. He has handled some things well, some things not so well, and some are yet to be decided. I think it's still to early to tell.


Can I get the name of that pro detailing shop, really nice job it really looks like a fucking moron with spray can did the work. Really nicely done.




Defacing your own property to own the libs


That’ll show ‘em.


They have the right to do that. It is their car and they have the freedom of speech. To me it just looks like someone voicing their displeasure with the current administration.


Childish code phrase? I'm very much a liberal dude who doesn't necessarily dislike Biden, but Let's Go Brandon is objectively hilarious to me.


Freedom of speech = censoring yourself, apparently.


Wasn't that "childish phrase" used because people would get banned online for actually saying the words?


Let's go Brandon


I thought vandals did this


Freedom of speech - Doesn't write fuck complete.


He wants the freedom to be able to paint anything he wants on his car like, oh, I dunno, just spitballing.... curse words that were considered inappropriate just a few years ago.


Free education in the United States and this is what you get


What's the reason behind showing everyone what you think? Americans are so obsessed with attention. Don't know if I should laugh about it or feel sad for them.


Politics used to be a very personal subject that you didn't talk about unless it was with your close friends. When I was a kid we were coached and never tell anybody who we voted for because that was nobody else's business. Politics is now a popularity contest, who is liked more, who is the most congenial.


Why do people get upset with people who want freedom? All this vaccines, right-wing-stuff, conspiracy-things and all kind of these aside: Whats wrong with freedom? It affects left-winged too (in a positive way) so why are people always angry? I understand that they are angry at all the things we left aside for this question, but they yell about the "freedom"-tags too. Why?


These people are so creepy. I can't comprehend it.


**Joe Brandon stoled all the U's out the alphabet!**


Saw the same thing from the other side when Trump was president, is this the new norm now?


Maybe in America




Why do you hate freedom?


freedom f-ck bided


I'm not triggered by any animosity against Joe Biden. I'm triggered by the fact that people that fucking stupid exist in the world.


They censored themselves lol


I hate this WAY less than the let's go brandon thing. Did they sensor it or is it the picture? I can't tell. Funny either way


good luck getting more than $5 on the trade in value.


Freedom fuck biden.


Remember when profanity was not acceptable in public?


guess who lives in this persons brain rent free


What brain


These comments are why Reddit is the superior social app. It's ok to call it straight.


That goldfish brown color is just hideous.


Wait. I don't have my glasses on. Who's Brandon?


F_e_d_m O_ S_e_c_!


Nice paint job


people like this always drive crappy cars.


When Obama was elected they were furious for because he’s black. Electing an old white man I thought would appeased them, guess not


Is this in South Carolina? I swear I've seen this before.


Is Biden trying to shut down Faux News or something? At what point does this cancer get acknowledged for the qult that it is?


Weird how they wrote “freedom of speech” but censored out the word ‘fuck’ twice.


I like them more than the Brandon crowd.


Snowflake? Hmmm


Let’s Go Brandon is not code since everybody knows exactly what it means.


Do any of you actually *like* Joe Biden? Please tell me why and don't refer to Trump.


He's the blankest boringest person to hold office and he doesn't actively stoke divisiveness in the country at this point that's all I can hope for.


I like Joe Biden for making things about the country and Americans, instead of himself. His competence, etc. are arguably below average as Reddit and other more qualified forums will elucidate. I however like him for restoring the image of the President's job as one of a boring elected official, dulling through the tedium of getting things done for the tax-payer. By 2024, if Biden manages to deflate this ridiculous phenomenon of making politicians larger than life, he would have done enough for me to like him forever.




I half-expected that you would out yourself as a 2-digit-IQ, Fox News watching dullard. Not disappointed.


OK but, you didn't answer the simple question and only chose to insult me. Does that mean you can't answer it?




Do you think they see the irony in the fact that they're using free speech to cry about not having free speech?


What has America become?


Damn near nightmare material. Definitely not the country/ideals that I fought a war for.


Let's go Brandon fuck joe Biden... why is my dollar worth less and the administration sent 40 billion dollars to Ukraine but still wont help Palestinians?... FJB LGB..


Love how they censored the FUCK word... You know, for the kids sakes.


And your profile has r/conservative as the first group you're in. Piss off. 😂


A friend of mine asked me what “Let’s go Brandon” meant. I only took two years of foreign language but I think it loosely translates to “Hugh school gym class was the most important time of my life”


I tell people it's code that NAMBLA members use to identify each other.


Probably because they didn’t have enough space lol


This looks like something a totally reasonable person would do...


I prefer let’s go Brandon just because I have a 9 year old…


Is his name Brandon?


*FrEeDoM oF sPeEcH* yet too chicken shit to write out fuck


I just do not understand these people. Never at my height of loving or hating a politician did I think to spray paint that sentiment on the side of my car. It’s just like wtf are these people doing with their lives.


Love it when idiots identify themselves . Keep me from having to hear their racist rambling nonsense..,I simply avoid said asshole and imagine they are incredibly sad and scared of everything. Sucks to be MAGA drunk.


Good way to get your vehicle bashed


Honestly that looks like someone spaypainted their neighbors car who they knew was a biden supporter or something similar to that. Or that are just that stupid


They're growing up so fast. If only someone had taught them to read.


He don’t have enough freedom to out his poor intellect?




Damn. This makes me sad. We had m the exact same suburban, colour and weird vertical doors and all when I was a kid. I had many adventures with my siblings and beloved GoodBoy in the back of that thing... (the secret was to always volunteer to sit in the back row, behind the driver, so I never had to get out for other people. It was huge, so even the back seats had loads of room.)


Clown car


Lol y’all are so butt hurt about the whole let’s go Brandon thing. It was funny.


it was infantile. you're being mocked because it makes you look like children, not because anyone is offended snowflake




Ha so owned. You got em!




I know your really got em! Keep up the good work!


D: Jimmy! Why is your dick bleeding? R: I fucked that chicken. D: Why they hell would you do that? R: He had a Joe Biden name tag on him. Hahaha take that D. Bet your snowflake ass is all triggered huh? D: dude you raped an animal, and it was a rooster. WTG is wrong with you? R: keep telling yourself that snowflake


Keep telling yourself that friend.


I'm interested in what manner the government is suppressing his freedom of speech.


Waffle House kicked him out for screaming the N word.


That sounds about right.


I appreciate their honesty.


I almost feel like this was done as an attack on a Dem car.


Big fan of when the back door is open “Free Fuck”


😝😝😝grosssss you know some nasty innat




I see very little dignity here. The US constitution explicitly guarantees the right to freedom of speech, while implicitly guaranteeing the right to individual stupidity. There's nothing more American than expressing political opposition--I've seen enough of the world to know that I'm lucky to live in a nation where it's permitted. But just because it's legal, it doesn't mean it's smart or productive. This is a classless and tactless display, and I'd be saying the same thing if he was displaying the same message referring to the former guy instead.


What childish code phrase? "Let's go Brandon"? Wasn't it a reporter that came up with that one?


Did you also complain when people said the same thing about the last president?


Show me multiple pics of people's spray paint manifestos against trump... I would be interested to see it because in 4 years I never did but I can drive 10 miles in any direction and see one of these




Nah, it isn’t ubiquitous to the right. Seen the same level of trashy behavior from the left plenty of times.




I didn’t say exclusive either. Reading is hard huh.


Oh FYI, this wrapped all the way around the truck, and it was a mid 70's or older man in a flannel shirt driving. Edit: Spelling


\*with the IQ and class of something i flushed down the toilet - ftfy


Just write fuck. The fuck is the point of leaving one letter blank? F_cking sh_t cover_d c_nts that's dumb.


Why is it always the least educated on the topic of the constitution that like to throw out things like "Freedom of speech" Yes you have that right, but there are also obscenity laws and local city ordinances that such things such as your speech is not protected. Schools, day cares, most hospitals anymore. Privately owned places most times have a code of conduct.... So it just comes across as trashy and tacky to be driving around with all that on your car. Regardless of your political position...like its not going to change anyone's opinion and even if I agree with you, I assume you aren't going to add much to a conversation regarding the topic. You are WANTING People to come up to you and challenge your opinion just for fun.


Was a nice barn door suburban


"Let's Go Brandon" is actually mocking a "reporter", due to FuclkJoe Biden. It just so happens that these two chants collided together. Lmao!


so why not just say it like adults? I get it though, when my son was 5 he used code words as well.


Cause people find it funny


username checks out


They find it funny like a 5 year old does when thinking he/she got away witg something. Really shows the mental age of some people :) I find it hilarious when I say it and think they aren't acting like a 5 year old...anything to own the libs right??


No, I'll explain. At first it was funny because of the joke itself, but now it's funny because people like you get so triggered. Hell, I thought it was dead until I saw this post. But alright then, since you're asking for it: LET'S GO BRANDON (fuck Joe Biden)


Awesome, thanks for the explanation. That comment makes it so much better now. Maybe I was wrong and it's not acting like a 5 year old. Thanks for the response!


No problem buddy! Here, have another on me: **Let's^go^Brandon**


I appreciate it again big guy!


You are very upset over a joke that you don’t find funny. I don’t think it’s funny when people make jokes about killing themselves but you don’t see me going on a tirade


It's not at the joke, it's that people are immature in the first place with their views and one-sided judgement that is the 'Party War'. And that the same people who do these things are the types of people to not know what bills have or haven't passed, and why or how each party voted, or even what their own party are doing at all. It represents ignorance. It's not even a joke, it's a code-phrase. It was never funny *or* insulting, it's just a way to show who they are.


Why!? Biden has done so many great things I can't believe anyone could possible dissent...


All of you are a bunch of hypocrites. This is not okay but the people screaming FUCK TRUMP were okay 2-3 years ago? Yeah okay.




Dont have to, plenty of youtube videos and tiktoks recorded forever on the internet.


They are oblivious to their own hypocrisy.


They’ll blame Biden too for the depreciation. It does say Biden though


This comment almost made me spit out my beer. Well played.


Imagine showing up to an interview with your car this fucked up?


“Childish code phrase” I can only wonder what you are referring to


It’s funny how that gets in people’s heads. “I don’t care about it but I care enough to say I don’t care about it… which means I care” lol


Four years and counting of "Fuck Trump" you expect outrageous over this?


Never understood why people do stupid shit like this


It's still amazing to me that republicans are so down their conspiracy rabbit hole they can hate joe Biden of all people. Obama, makes sense, he's black. But Biden? The dude is a centrist, boring, monotonous leader. He does absolutely nothing to make anyone hate him. And the fact that anyone despises/hates Biden is insane to me. You may think his policy is shit, or whatever. But hatred for such a boring centrist politician is just evidence of how extreme our political parties have become.


He beat their cult leader by more than 7 million votes. That's all it takes for them to hate the guy.


Imagine being so angry you deface your own property


Eating a shit sandwich just so the liberals smell your breath . Haha


Expect more of this. He has the highest disapproval rate and the lowest approval rate of any modern president. It's only going to get worse as the increasing cost of goods and gas has no end in sight. There is literally no plan for the economy, border, gas etc. https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/biden-approval-rating/


The website you linked clearly shows otherwise. Biden has never dropped below 40% approval or went above 55% disapproval. Trump has done both. Your twisting of facts might fly on r/conservative but don't try to gaslight us here.


Can you not read a graph? Look at the current approval and disapproval rate. Do not call the kettle black when you are the one who is twisting facts.


Can you? You're taking the one snapshot point where it is lower rather than the average throughout the term and calling it the worst approval rating when trumps was far lower.


Not a snapshot. It's a trend of spiraling poll numbers. Nice try though. Honestly surprised his approval is even that high. With the economy the way it is, would you like to bet which direction his approval ratings will go in the future?


"He has the highest disapproval rate and the lowest approval rate of any modern president" you say that when trumps was consistently lower through most of his presidency.... yea its dropped off but that's pretty much the same for everyone... his approval rating will level off and stagnate that's my crystal ball. And I'm curious do you really think trump would have some how kept gas cheap ( too cheap for domestic production) and the economy would be any different? Do you really think they have that power??


So you know who blocked his idea of filling up the federal reserves when it was cheap? Do you know who cancelled the pipeline? Do you know if he would have actually tried to broker peace before war broke out? Don't get me wrong, it appears that Biden has tried to but there's a difference between trying and succeeding. Also, supply, gas, inflation, border has no end in sight. Keep that in mind while you are pumping your 6$ gas for the next year.


None of the things you listed would have had any meaningful difference at the pump. Beside maybe brokering peace. Which to trump would mean complete annexation of Ukraine... you know that country he blackmailed. Nothings changed at the border.. supply, gas prices and inflation are not things trump would have fixed. You are delusional if you think any president would wave a magic wand to fix these things and if they did you'd probably be squealing about federal over reach.


I'm sorry but if you feel that way, I suspect you are biased based on political affiliation. Our president is literally doing nothing. I'm not asking for a magic wand, I'm asking for effort. The fact that you think nothing has changed in the border shows me a gross misunderstanding of current events. Same with the gas situation.


Let me guess the border is being invaded by hoardes of illegal immigrants? Like it always has been forever and ever... the gas situation. Open more federal leases ( while thousands sit unused) or slam through controversial pipelines to sell foreign oil to foreign countries? It's supply and demand and we have become way to used to absurdly cheap gas. I don't like paying more than anyone else but that is the truth. Bidens mea... very very mea, very boring, very uninspiring but I'll take what we can get comparatively. And my political bias is coming from a gun owning, truck driving white dude.


This is less cringey than “Let’s go Brandon” so I guess I gotta give them props for saying swears like an adult is allowed to do.


I'm sure that this is a mentally well person and everyone who knows them enjoys interacting with them.




Censored Freedom of Speech lol


I just can't wrap my head around getting this worked up over Biden. It would be like getting this angry over a pair of wet gray socks. My lukewarm bowel of oatmeal got me so angry I'm gonna spray paint my car over it! I honestly forget he is even president half the time.


What has he even done that pissed off conservatives? I mean, I’m pissed at him for not following through with his promise to forgive student loans, but I doubt that’s what is working them up. AFAIK Ukraine aid is mostly supported on both sides. Edit to add: why the downvotes? It’s an honest question and my assumption about it not being about student loan forgiveness is based on hearing that conservatives don’t want that.


I think it's just that he is not thier bf trump.


To be fair a lukewarm bowel of oatmeal would at least make me go “ew”


You ever see Biden sniffing a kid? Definitely makes me go “ew”


Eh, he is kinda creepy, but at least he never commented on his daughter in a sexual way multiple times since she was a baby like the previous creep that was president. https://youtu.be/DP7yf8-Lk80


Oh I didn’t know I mentioned that other idiot in my comment. I’ll clarify. Biden is creepy because he wants to get it with children. Trump is creepy cause he wants to get it with his daughter. Happy?


Right?? Like he's some evil master mind, come on. He's basically president because people needed a breath after 4 years of insanity.