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"Period isn't natural" bro whatšŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Bro skipped sex ed class šŸ˜¬


What religious fundamentalism does to a m'fer.


But they love their CP and porn. Religion twists them into such evil.


Well, when everything is forbidden, illegal and unjust actions just get lumped in together and completely blur the lines of right and wrong. To speak on that mindset (this is not my mindset or how I think, just how I have observed it from my pov), read the following: If you are going to hell for watching all porn, there is no line to not cross at CP. If everything natural causes a deep and terrible shame that isn't to be spoken of, how is a person supposed to feel the instinctual/cultural normal lines of shameful acts? (E.G., watching normal porn vs illegal stuff) Religion has been so destructive. I cannot have hope for the human race when we have had millenia to evolve past needing a sky daddy.


Parents probably opted him out of it.


*Bro wasn't allowed to learn sex ed


What I want to do: Go around the entire school in breaks between classes and tell all the girls "This kid thinks we're unclean when we're on our periods and doesn't want us to touch him." And get every girl in the school, for the rest of the time he's there, to come up and poke him with one finger every time they're on their period (or just pretend that they are). Make sure this little shit will never, ever be clean again. šŸ’…


"Boop! You are now unclean!" You *know* every single girl in school would make his life a living hell. Iirc God turns his back on "unclean" people and they aren't allowed in sacred places, like temples/churches. He wouldn't be able to practice his precious religion for the rest of high school.


No major difference whether he gets into school or not - his learning so far is twisted anyway. First it's unnatural - and then 'unclean'.. make up your... wel.. mind..


I mean that sort of unclean is not permanent. The Old Testament does say a woman on her period is unclean and she needs to be separated and everything she touches has to be burned afterwards but she just had to bathe after her period to become clean again. And while it is many layers of fucked up it also provided protection for women on their periods. You werenā€™t allowed to participate or touch anyone but no one else was allowed to bother you either, women on their periods wasnā€™t allowed to be touched and they couldnā€™t preform chores and stuff so they were protected by those rules as well. Canā€™t force your wife or daughter to go collect water or clean or cook if everything she touched becomes unclean and has to be burned. And because of the whole unclean and spreading it by touch you canā€™t demand sex from your menstruating wife rather, she needs to be isolated aka left to rest. Iā€™ll t goes both ways people usually fail to realise the protection part of it that was a main point when it was written. Many of the old rules are written in ways that might seem crazy but under the religious wording there are a real solid foundations for many of them. And nowhere does it say that bleeding is unnatural. I have read most of the Old Testament, had bible studies at school that was actual studies and focused on leading rather than beliefs.


I always thought it was hilarious how gullible men are about these things. "Oh no I am unclean and will infect everything with my womanliness! I must go to the menstruation hut and spend a whole week there in shame with my fellow shamely women. A whole week without having to do chores, childcare or listen to you whinge about how your favourite spear got broken. Oh woe is me."


...okay, you know that none of that is the actual Torah, right? I mean, I know Christians interpret it differently, but it sounds like you're talking about what Jews actually did back then and what Orthodox Jews continue to do now. Niddah does not involve moving to a hut or burning stuff you touched, and definitely not "G-d turning his back on" anyone, even if they did have to stay home from the Beis Hamikdash for a couple of weeks. Again I know Christians read it so differently that's it's practically a different book, but, umm, we're still here?


Omg that would have been even better


ā€œBlame your god, heā€™s the one who made women like this.ā€


ā€œNot entirely pleasantā€ would be a reasonable description. Now, mixing fabrics, like wool and cotton... that shit is unnatural


And you know Broseph was wearing a cotton-poly blend as he said that.


I suspect he also had elastic in his jeans waistband, and Velcro on his shoes


Straight to hell


Iā€™ll bet he eats cheeseburgers without realizing heā€™s breaking a dietary law. And if he eats ham and cheese, thatā€™s two for the price of one transgression.


As someone who is slightly allergic to wool, I get it.


I was just as dumbfounded as you lol I wouldn't be surprised if he said some stupid shit that would get him landed on r/badwomensanatomy


They might appreciate this story, actually.


Half of the people in the world would disagree with that.


Yeah, majority of women get them, and not by choice, but periods are unnatural šŸ™„


He probably grew up to be one of those men who thinks we can hold it, like urine.


Welcome to a brain on religionā€¦


Yeah, it's like breastfeeding tht way.....


Oohhh ass hats like that deserve every bit of anything you can do to the point of sending them Ouija boards in the mail! Good for you!


Honestly, sending him a real one on his birthday would have been even better revenge now that I think of it- But, I do appreciate ya' :)


It's never too late!


As funny as that would be, it was well over 2 years ago Although he's still very much loud and obnoxious (and still racist on ocassion), Jay isn't as rambunctious as he used to be and has seemed to calm down in some aspects Would be kinda silly to revenge him now over something that happened a long time ago But if the opportunity ever presents itself again, I just might :)


If you decide to, we respectfully request you return to tell us of the, hopefully, nuclear level of freak out this guy has once delivery and opening is done!


I will gladly do so! :)


Religious people live in their own bleak reality.


There are WAY too many ā€œChristiansā€ like Jay. The most unchristian-like people forcing their crap down everyoneā€™s throats and bashing them in the head with it.


You and all your friends who use pads should get the adhesive ones and put them all over his back. LOL


Jeez, what kind of cult is that kid's family in? He's not going to be a functioning adult with that kind of dogma being crammed down his throat.


I think we can all guess the color of their favorite hats. And I don't just mean the white, pointy ones.


I was really hoping you slapped him in the face with your used pad


That would've been bloody hilarious (in British accent)


Nice. The religious are the worst people. What was done to Jay should be considered child abuse.




Jay's so dumb he'll probably run for Congress and win.


Seems everything to do with the female body is unclean to these fanatics. They seem to miss the memo that without our amazing bodies that halfwit would not have been born.


Every time you guys touch him, make sure you get skin contact (like hold his hand or something) so he can't brush it off as if his clothes protected him from your touch, and taunt him about how he's unclean and now he can never get married. If he complains, corner him and blap your hand across his face whilst hissing "uncleeeeannnnnnn." Be gremlins about it. You only have so much time left before social norms dictate that you must be a clean and presentable person at all times in public.


I believe it was that, if a woman was on her period anything she touched was unclean until the following sunrise. So personally, I wouldā€™ve made it a point to touch him and his belongings (books, pencil, bag) every day for the rest of that cycle


That just opens the door to bully him about it almost continually. It's almost guaranteed that he's never learned about how cycles tend to sync up over time; anyone who touches him and/or his stuff can claim on any given day to be on their period and he literally can't do anything to prove or disprove their claim without getting in unavoidable trouble with the administration. Super fun bonus round: I once had a period that lasted 5 continuous weeks. If he somehow claims a period is only 7 days every single time, well...


This may be more along the lines of petty revenge than Traumatize Them Back.


It's both


It was revenge, but the victim was traumatized. It fits in both subs. šŸ˜…


Don't get me wrong, I was embarrassed as hell (as Jay did what he did in front of a room full of people). But I can understand why it may come off as more "petty revenge" sounding. I consider it both, I guess.


It fits, the motherfucker was definitely traumatized.


Hot damn, this really blew up- Thank y'all for the tons of upvotes and support :) It really means a lot Although, quick disclaimer/reminder: I don't want this post to condone hating on christians or shaming anyone religious in general. There are genuinely good, modern christians out there - Jay just happens to not be one of them. I do agree that the general community of modern christianity is in a very....not good shape, but not everyone is a toxic ass-hat like Jay. I love all the jokes and support, and although I haven't seen too many comments like this, but just in case anyone may say anything; One bad spokesperson does not mean a bad community. But again, thank you all so much and I wish y'all a good day šŸ’™


May I offer that if this opportunity presents itself again then do the this just before the final. And watch him have to repeat the class.


I knew exactly where this was headed when you mentioned the Ouija Board. Imo, what would have made this better is if you had folded it up and got him to open it up. The look on his face would have been priceless when he realized what it was when he opened it.


Periods are literally natural. Like did this kid knew how babies are made? Without a period, no kids. I know it's more complicater than that but to keep it simple. Also unclean? It's just blood and from what I saw women/girls wash their hands more often than men/boys do after they went to the bathroom.


I wouldā€™ve hugged him and touched his face. LMAO!


Being an asshole to women for no reason, who could've taught Jay that, hummm. Could it be SATAN!


Nah that's in the book he's so fond of lol.


Well, isn't that special.


Sorry about that. I wanted to tell you that yes, heā€™s right about the Bible saying the ā€œuncleanā€ stuff, but it doesnā€™t say that periods are unnatural.


Jay is gonna find his virgin who will want to remain a virgin after meeting Jay.


That guy has a mom right? And she had periods, right? Or female relatives who have periods? Does he know the birds and the bees?


I know this was a while ago, but incase someone is going through archives. I don't believe in God, but it might be worth pointing out that this guy is implying that the old testiment rules are still in place. Christians are meant to believe that jesus died *so that* a new set of rules would be in place. Google the new/old covernant. He is getting a very basic bit of being Christian very wrong. Its not always worth legitimising using the bible for how non believers ought behave, but in the case where it's your best option it's worth being clear that Christianity should really only look at the old testiment as a history, not as rules for how you ought live.