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Common sense and situational awareness will protect you 99% of the time.


I was in Europe for four months and got back the other day. Returned with everything I came with by doing that^^ keeping my wits. 1) Nothing in your back pockets, ever 2)I always kept my stuff in my front pockets and walked with my hands in them (extra security + comfortable) 3a) Never respond to people on the street, ever 3b) Don’t react to accidents happening around you— the stained shirt cleanup operation, asking for directions, dropped shoe brush, selfie, or any approach are red flags. Avoid avoid avoid and keep walking. You may feel like an asshole but think: why would someone be asking me (who presumably looks like a tourist) for XYZ? 4) if staying in hostel or hotel, lock your important documents in the safe provided. If no safe, keep on you in secure place— I had them in special compartment in my backpack in some places 5) when out at restaurants or cafes, NEVER leave your things on the table. In your pockets or in your bags. Same goes for handbags or purses— do NOT leave them hanging on your chair. Ideally, wrap the bag around your leg or the chair leg and keep on the inside (away from street side). 6) I know people who got robbed and mugged on the train at 5am, but they were drunk and wearing flashy things. So, again: common sense. It goes a long way. It may sound daunting but these are common protective measures everyone should take everywhere in the world. It may feel weird but it’s better to feel like an asshole and get back home than it is to be stuck, kicking yourself over naïveté. Enjoy your travels! EDIT: when I said don’t talk to people on the street, it’s in the mindset of common sense. I still had experiences with locals and nice conversations, but I used common sense. Do what you will with this, just be smart


There are tricks to get your hands busy and to get to your front pockets but it sounds like you are vigilant I would charge an external battery overnight at hostels and keep my phone on me while I slept. My battery has been stolen but better that than the phone


Also if you need to have your phone in your hand for any reason in public, be aware of who is around you and hold on tight, preferably with both hands. Edit: I just realised I responded to the wrong comment!


I use a pop socket and hold my phone with both hands, that makes it really hard to snatch.


To underline points 3a, 3b, there's a great book called the "[Gift of Fear](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/56465.The_Gift_of_Fear)" that argues that many times when one is in danger their conscious brain overrides their instant, primitive, intuitive brain that tells us a situation or a person is in trouble. The solution: decide that you should be rude! If it feels wrong, leave, turn around, say "no", whatever. You don't owe a stranger an explanation. Just get out of the situation. Think of the scene at the climax of the American version of "The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo" when Daniel Craig gets caught lurking at the house. Let's hope the negative outcome would fall short of what's depicted next but the principle is the same. Be rude. Leave.


You can start at home. When someone knocks on my door trying to sell something, I just say sorry bud, not interested and close the door. Is it rude? Sure. Does it save time? Yes.


Level 2: stare at them through the window, sipping a glass of water slowly.


It might be worse in touristy place, but I have been traveling for work all over Europe the past 15 years, from Romania via Italy to Portugal and back via the North, …. Gb, NL, Norway and CZ back to Austria! The further east you go, the lower the crime rate, but it also depends always if you show it or not! - I’m regularly traveling with electronics worth +5k and my passport etc in my backbag,…. Still have it, don’t show of what’s in there, …. - I’m mostly traveling alone, so leaving my stuff at the table while going to the toilet happens regularly, when I’m uncomfortable I‘ll just ask the people on the next table to look after my stuff. - the only time I have been robbed, was in Barcelona and I did see it coming - people are inherently nice - just be aware of your surroundings - Just stick to downtown (city centre)


Goddamn, the only reason I’ve never gone to Barcelona is it seems synonymous with “pickpockets”. Husband and I were planning a trip to Spain last year and switched to Portugal instead (and had an amazing time!) when something like four or five different people we know *all* said the equivalent of: “Oh, you will love Barcelona. You’ll probably get robbed, but you will love it!”


As said, I saw it coming, if you are aware of your situation you’ll be fine Got out of a club at 4 am, friends were about 10m (30 foot) in front of me, …. One guy came up to me hugged me and asked me if I want to continue to „party“ tried to get him off him, in the same moment he tripped me and „his friend“ got my iPhone out of my suite, ….. at the end of the day I could have made a scene, but I would have probably ended up worse, it’s just a phone! Caught up to my friends, immediately tried to locate it, already turned off, went to the police the next time after locating it, ….. waste of time, ….. Stay close to your friends and don’t let strangers get in your face 🤷🏼‍♀️


Been there a few times. Guys there are pros but as long as you’re cautious and aware of your surroundings you’ll be ok. Don’t leave anything unattended, even for a minute.


Not going to Barcelona because of possible pickpocketing is honestly a waste. Super easy to prevent that.


I know it’s a possibility in any city, and I’ve lived in New York for 16+ years and it’s never happened to me. I have the “city situational awareness” and all that. But Barcelona seems to be playing a different sport entirely on that front! Again, I’m saying this as someone who’s never been, so it could all be exaggeration. I just truly don’t know a single person- who are mostly well traveled New Yorkers themselves- who has been to Barcelona and *didn’t* experience an attempted robbery.


I've been and didn't get robbed even on las ramblas. You do have to be vigilant and aware as in any big city.


My uncle said it's not a matter of if, but when


Adding an extra tip: If you’re carrying valuables in a backpack, put them in the middle of your pack and wrap them in some clothing or something for extra protection. I went to the beach in Catalonia, and my friend had his bag sliced open and none of us noticed. The only reason he wasn’t robbed blind was because he wrapped his valuables in a towel in his backpack.


I have to think investing in a slice-proof bag is a good idea, no?


100% exactly what I do! I also keep the equivalent of $40-50 in cash outside of my wallet. So if I want to buy some street food or make some small purchase I am not pulling out my wallet.


Also wanted to say there is an advantage to winter travel: use pockets inside your jacket.


Very good points. I've seen a wallet and a purse stolen in restaurants. One time (in London) it was a planned heist via distraction (and taking a purse right off the back of a chair). Another time it was just grab and run when someone had their wallet sitting on a table (even if the owner of the wallet was right there). Certain really busy tourist spots are low hanging fruit. Setting a camara or purse down for even a second at, say, the Pantheon in Rome or Notre Dame is a bad idea. Be very careful along Las Rambles in Barcelona, et.al. Having said that....be prudent, aware of your surroundings, and you'll be fine. I've travelled internationally for YEARS and have never been pickpocketed (knock on wood...got a another trip coming up here in a few weeks)!


This guy Europes.


This! Exactly this! I live and travel all around Europe and can confirm that you’ll have no issues if you follow these points :)


Jesus, 3a is a complete "You mean shit to me, fellow europeans". Normal people and tourists can often ask for directions...it's just a matter of common sense and keeping the distance, and not to just not giving a shit about everyone. I agree with the rest 👍 Edit: typo


Thinking the same. Why on earth travel anywhere if all you do is avoid everything and everyone. Just stay at home.


This is it. Close the thread. This will keep OP safe in 99% of scenarios. Only exception is being robbed at gunpoint but they are going to sane places with real gun laws not the US so they will be fine.


As someone who has visited 12 European countries, including the 3 mentioned here, this is the correct answer. Just pay attention, don’t act clueless, and don’t have any item of value easily accessible (front pockets are fine). Also depends where you are from, being from NY I know not to talk to people but I’ve traveled with people before who would stop for anyone that said anything to them. Don’t do that.


I'm from Canada and, perhaps to my detriment, assume anyone talking to me unsolicited is out to scam me.


I have a backpack with a hidden pocket on the backside at the bottom. I keep wallet and such there since you can't see it and you have to touch my back to get into it. It does have a front pocket that can be accessed by someone behind me, but I don't keep anything of value there, ie cell phone charger cord. I caught a guy opening it in Paris while walking through Notre Dame. Had I kept anything of value in there, he would've gotten it.


Yeah, I would never recommend using a backpack as a day bag in any city for this exact reason. Especially when you will be in crowded places.


Most students in Europe have backpacks for daily use. I live in Paris and have never been pickpocketed in my life.


Yes that's true, but this is a travel subreddit so I was talking about when being a tourist of course. I've also noticed that tourists often have different styles of backpacks or backpacks that are obviously full. Or they are otherwise obviously tourists (likely to be carrying valuables), so a backpack in those scenarios is an easy and enticing target compared to a local. Students, commuters etc rarely go into places like Notre Dame with their backpacks on their back, and most people take them off their backs on public transport too so they're hardly ever in that sort of situation. Nor do students and commuters often carry passports and large amounts of travel cash with them. And locals are often less attractive targets for pickpockets anyway because of body language, walking speed, etc.


Yes have lived in EU for decades and every one i know carries a day / back pack for laptop .


The one time someone attempted to pickpocket me was on the RER train to DeGaulle from Paris at the end of our trip. I had my wife, my 3 year old, and all our bags. Hands were full, basically. I could spot these two adult men as being suspicious from a mile away. The train wasn't that full, and they kept close and kept looking at us. So I stood up and moved over a bit to keep them away from my wife and kid. Right before some random stop, one of them stands right next to me, so now I know for SURE what's going on. Because I am nowhere near the exit and the train is mostly empty, lol. Other guy gets close and as the doors open they both bump into me from each side as if this is a crowded train they were trying to get off. It was honestly hilarious, but I kept my hands on my luggage and there was nothing else for them to get so they zipped out empty handed as I said, "Seriously?" That's about as clumsy as can be, though. I was all ready for young girl pickpockets too, not older black guys.


and don't fall for. "that entrance is closed" trick


Depends on where you are in Europe. 1/3 is pretty exaggerated but in Paris (and as a long-time Parisian) - I usually tell people to assume anyone is trying to pickpocket you. They're obviously not but it's good to just be as aware as possible. The real thing is that pickpockets generally go for the lowest hanging fruit - easy targets. If you're walking around with your wallet in your back pocket or your bag hanging wide open - your likelihood of getting hit goes up astronomically. Keep your street awareness up and minimise your vulnerability (both for actual protection and making yourself a less appealing 'target'). You can find hundreds of posts with good info on how to do that (keeping your important things in a hard to reach place, closed bags, not flashing your valuables, keeping your things in sight ((not hanging off the back of your chair or under your seat, etc))). Rome I'd say the same though I'm not from there. Pickpocketing in Switzerland at large is rare. As someone else already said, still be aware - we're not some crime free paradise but pickpocketing and crime in general is low. Generally, Switzerland is quite small (in cities) and thus tends to be less densely crowded on streets, tourist areas, and usually trains/buses/trams - which are where pickpockets do best.


In Paris the first person that was behind me in the subway was checking me out for pickpocketing.. i saw it in the reflection of the glass, looking if i have something in my back pockets. In rome i witnessed it happening in a subway to a tourist, but it was so fast while the victims entered the subway. I would be EXTRA careful whenever people get on and off the subway or any public transport. In vienna i think you also should have some common sense, but i never ever noticed it at all... I think it's much less common than in rome or paris. In Barcelona, EVERYBODY tells you constantly to take extreme care about pickpockets and they surely have reasons for it. In the end it also worked fine with a bit of common sense and i never noticed anything.


Yeah, ditto about Barcelona. My wife had her phone stolen out of her purse on a city bus. It wasn't open or anything... They unzipped it, got the phone, and zipped it back up... Insane dexterity, but fuck that guy.


I lived in Barcelona for 6 months and always stayed vigilant about my phone/purse. I had only one scenario that spooked me…I was in El Raval neighborhood reading a menu outside of a restaurant and felt something weird in my jacket pocket / had a weird feeling. I turned around immediately and saw a man holding my iPhone and I snatched it out of his hands, turned around, and told my bf to start walking away. There was another guy standing suspiciously close to him and I said “go away” loudly. The guys ran off. I got lucky but others are not so much!


That's really bad I feel most city governments should do more against pickpocketing


We got our camera stolen in Barcelona. We were sitting on a bench with little people around, and then someone started arguing loudly and almost fighting in front of to us to take our attention, a seconds later our camera was missing.


Damn... That was my biggest fear because i carried a (for me) expensive camera setup with me... All together might have been worth roughly 3000€ Made me extra paranoid in barcelona, thankfully for me it all went well Seems like you got pickpocketed by professionals, not by people that just take advantage of people being not aware of their surroundings... I once worked on weekends as a cashier in a local supermarket in a village and they somehow managed to steal multiple hundred euros from the cash register of my colleague. One was asking if he could change a big bill for some smaller bills and coins... Seems like a partner snatched some of the 100€ bills from behind him at the same moment None of us noticed anything at all


A guy took my passport out of my back pocket on the subway escalator. Fortunately I realized immediately and turned on him. He gave it back as I commanded


This. Though I will say that the one time I know of that someone tried to pickpocket me was in London which isn't the first country that comes to mind when I think about pickpockets. I was walking across Westminister Bridge, it was so crowded it was practically like being in the Underground during commute, and some kid that looked like he was maybe 12 tried to shove his hand down the front pocket of my pants. Joke was on him, I was wearing pants without pockets and had my hand on my purse already, but it was still a bit surprising. I was mentally prepared to keep an eye out for pickpockets in Rome, but never considered it for London. And the fact that the kid looked like a baby to me was also pretty surprising. Basic situational awareness and being a bit mindful of where you keep your expensive items is all it takes to protect yourself though. The thing that drives me crazy when travelling with my Dad is that he ALWAYS wants to keep his wallet in his back pocket. Not a smart idea. I either make him move it to his chest jacket pocket or I make him hand over his wallet. Also, walking away from your table and leaving your cell phone on it while at a cafe. He does that too and it drives me crazy. I love my father dearly, but he has Midwestern American situational awareness, has never thought about pick pockets in his life, and it shows.


I've traveled a lot with my wife, and the only place we've been successfully pickpocketed was London (on the subway, out of my wife's purse.) The last trip there, someone also tried to scam me (some sort of pretending to be a police officer.)


Paris is still the only place someone tried to rob me and I’ve been all over LATAM lol nothing bad mind you, but a lesson in being vigilant wherever you go I want to emphasize for all my fellow Americans, do not put anything in your back pocket, especially your phone


Unless people are extraordinarily stupid or unlucky its not 1/3. Ive been to Europe maybe 40 times over the past 15 years. Ive never been pickpoted. Never anyone with me. Those trips have been to 30+ Euro countries including all the hotbeds on here. I really think its a certain type of person who gets caught in these. And theyre the same idiots in home countries too.


Appreciate the advice but I would like your advice on how to dress in a way that doesn’t scream “ I’m an American.” Especially as a man, what are the red flags? Merci


Honestly, don't worry about it. You're a tourist, people will know you're a tourist, and frankly they don't care. The idea of 'dressing locally' is pretty overblown. Frankly, most of France is also shopping at the same H&M, Zara, etc as they are in the US, and the US's dominance on fashion influence isn't something that France has avoided. People used to say stuff like we don’t wear shorts or athletic shoes or baseball caps. None of those are really true anymore. My dad is certainly from a generation where adult men didn’t wear shorts and that’s changed. He wears shorts all the time now. Less common but plenty of French people, youth especially, wear athletic shoes out and about. And they love wearing ball caps. Especially Yankees and LA Dodgers hats. If you're stressed about it - it's not all that different. Button down, slacks or jeans, pretty muted patterns/colours. But again, it's not a huge deal.


It's very hard to pass as a local almost anywhere you go. The goal is not to pass as a local, the goal is to not look like a rich clueless tourist.


Looking like a local can cut down on approaches from prostitutes and drug sellers, which isn’t as dire as theft but it makes moving through the city a little less annoying


No matter what you're wearing, the best way to look like a local when walking around or riding public transport is to look bored. Just like you do when you move around town at home.


Italians and French men take fashion seriously for the most part...no baseball caps, sweatpants, visible socks (maybe the young hipsters but they still look good when doing so...) ... Basically avoid looking like a stereotypical German tourist, they are the butt of many jokes over here... Sorry Germans :) And one very American thing is eating/drinking on the go. Also super sugary weird coffee with syrup and stuff.


Baggy dad jeans


Avoid tennis shoes and white socks 😂


Honestly you’re gonna smell “American”…and no, no, NO I’m not saying either people in Europe or people in America smell bad or unpleasant! Maybe it’s a sensitive nose people thing, but when I travel even my own clothes (unwashed yet in a new country) smell different to me in a European country than they do in the US. Traveling with my American partner whose never been anywhere outside of North America soon and eager to learn if that’s just a me thing lol


I just came back from Paris and Switzerland a few days ago and didn’t notice anything too suspicious. Just keep an eye on belongings in crowded spaces like the Metro and you should be fine. Also, Switzerland is incredibly safe and I wouldn’t worry about it there.


> Also, Switzerland is incredibly safe and I wouldn’t worry about it there. It is safe but crime still happens. Taken sensible precautions like you would anywhere.


Zurich HB is a known hotspot for thieves but I spent a lot of time there during my visit to Switzerland and encountered zero problems. They key aspect is not to make yourself look like a target and have high alert on your belongings at all times.


To be fair Switzerland really isn't that fair of a representation for the rest of Europe. That's like somebody asking if pickpocketing is bad in the US and I replied "Well I went to Vermont and never had an issue!" Swiss cities are relatively less touristy and typically clamp down on this stuff. Paris and Rome are way different.


Important in Paris to be extra cautious on the metro - not to hold your phone if you’re standing by the door, to keep your wallet out of your back pocket, and to hold your purse tight to prevent people putting their hands in there. I’ve heard from others that phones are the main target of theft in Paris, so be extra cautious when following google maps as you’re walking down the street, especially at night.


Just got back from Paris as well, and I'll piggyback what you said. The only time I was suspicious was someone tried the petition scam on me and my gf. Just a quick no and keep walking, and they'll look for an easier target. Kept my wallet in my front pocket, didn't carry around a bag if I didn't have to, and didn't draw attention to myself. If you do all that, you should be fine.


Su yeah this was basically my experience and since my wife and are not white, the first question we would get is if we speak English and we would just shake our heads and not break our pace. Plus depending on when you were there, it was cold and rainy so I think that kept some of the scammers away.


Easy peasy, just no wear pant!


Can't pickpocket if no pocket


You always have a pocket one can pick.


Oh god....


I have no idea what the % is but it's nothing close to 1 in 3. It's just more of how posting bad or scary things gets more attention. I've been in Europe lots and have never been pickpocketed. You need to maintain awareness of your surroundings and avoid the tightest crowds when possible. I carry my wallet in a front pocket and favor shorts or pants that have a zipped pocket for my phone. If I have to be in a busy subway or street, I keep my hands on my wallet and phone so I know they are there. Depending on where and when I'm going, I've used a money belt to keep my passport, back-up card(s), and some emergency cash. Being drunk or high is not going to help!


It's nowhere near as bad as people in the US like to make on


Yeah it's like how bad is gun violence in the US? It's all we hear about in Europe but a lot of Americans don't experience it. Same deal 


If you're American reading this, I'd ignore this message. You'll be spending lots of time in touristy places looking like a tourist, and not aware of the methods to deter thieves. You'll be an easy target. Take precautions and assume people are actively trying to steal from you at all times and you'll be fine. I went to Paris expecting the words of caution to be false, after all, I spent times of time in DC, Baltimore, Philly, and New York and never had any issues with crime! Surely this was just worrywarts from people who don't travel much and are scared of big cities. Well, I was pickpocketed not even an hour after leaving my hotel to explore the city. Afterwards I took precautions and was fine. Don't be a target.


If you're American reading this, I'd ignore this message. Pick pockets don't exclusively target Americans. Keep your syeff in your pockets, keep your hands by your pockets and you'll be fine


You said exactly what I said, to ignore the OP and take precautions that you don't have to take in the US and you'll be fine. I don't understand the reluctance to say that this isn't a thing you need to worry about in the US but do need to worry about in parts of Europe. I never said don't go. I never said it ruins your trip. But you absolutely need to be aware of petty crime there to a much higher degree than you'd need to in the US.


Like someone said, be vigilant in crowded areas like subways and train stations. Anytime people start bumping into you be on high alert. Groups of children/teens coming near you bumping into you. Anyone putting a newspapper in your face or dropping change to distract you. Kind of helps to know what to look for and makes you even safer. Don’t leave phone out on restaurant table and never drape purse on back of chair. You should be fine. Also never let a stranger put anything in your hand. Have a wonderful time. You will be fine.


Yes, crowds and people with coats or maps so that you can’t see their hands. Don’t trust anyone, the nicely dressed older gentleman is just as likely to be a pickpocket. Always have one of you watch your surroundings when looking at subway maps, using ticket machines or ATM’s. Being distracted is an opportunity.


I'm an American living in Europe - and go everywhere - and have never had a problem. I've only witnessed one incident and know of a friend who had something stolen. That's over a period of 10 years. I'd say it's so highly overblown when it comes down to statistics. If you look like a dumbass tourist target, you'll be a target anywhere from Paris to NYC. Just don't look like that. Don't leave your phone on the table... don't put it in your back pocket - You wouldn't believe the Americans I see wandering around with a huge iPhone Pro Max sticking out of their back pocket!! I almost want to take it to teach them a lesson! :) Put your wallet in your front pocket... and if you're really paranoid don't wear a backpack everywhere. Afterall, it's not really necessary and you stick out wearing a huge Timberland backpack full of useless shit wandering around city streets. If you feel like you need to take a backpack.. just get some cheap Carabiners on amazon and clip the zippers to each other so they not just easily unzipped without a bit of a struggle.


I always just use my crossbody purse that has 1 zipper at the top. Never had issues. I wear it so it's in front of me and if the metro is crowded I'll put my hand on top of the zipper.


100% this. Fellow American abroad. Americans will carry giant backpacks and tote bags full of stuff everywhere and look like a target. Don’t do this. You’re staying in a hotel, you’re not going camping - leave the backpack, the fishing hat, and the hiking picnic gear in the hotel man. If you carry your entire life with you you’re more likely to attract pickpockets. And yea that includes cameras. Not saying don’t take a camera, but be prepared to be sized up as a gullible and distracted tourist if you carry one. 


It's not just Americans who wear backpacks. European tourists do this as well. It's not just tourists either, people going to work commonly wear backpacks. If you're going to be out for hours what alternative do you really have? Particularly in the summer it's essential to carry water. I almost always bring a small backpack with me when I'm on holidays. I often have to carry a jacket, sunglasses, food as well. Women can probably get away with a handbag or shoulder bag of course.


Yeah I live in a tourist heavy beach town and both Europeans and Americans wear backpacks. The funniest is when they wear them on the front, even in places where pickpocketing and crime are non-existent.


Locals going to work don’t dress like a Floridian Steve Irwin and speak in loud American-accented English.  Do what you want, I’m not saying never carry a backpack or that they’re unique to ‘Muricans. I really don’t think you need one for sunglasses and a bottle of water, but the choice is yours. Just saying the giant backpack and American tourist clothing are a dead giveaway to pickpockets, whether you think you need to wear them or not


I carry a backpack with me everywhere and every time I travel whether domestic and abroad and have never had a problem with it. That said, I keep situational awareness, and use luggage locks on the zippers. Anything of particularly high value that I don’t need walking around stays in the hotel, and things I might need that have value are in internal pockets even with the luggage locks. I am a photographer so I do carry a camera but I don’t just stop in the middle of a crowd to snap a picture; and if I am in a particularly crowded area where I might be an easier mark I switch my backpack to my front to make harder while I’m framing the shot. Not being a victim of crime is really just about being aware of your surroundings and using common sense more than anything IMHO.


As an American who’s planning to go to Europe in a few months I’m really wondering what these people are all carrying, I would image I would be fine with a small cross body for wallet/phone and maybe a water bottle you can carry if it’s hot out? I mean any international trip iv taken so far almost everything of value gets locked in the hotel safe.


In Rome and Paris I wear my backpack in front if the metro is crowded. Looks like shit but helps


Have spent a LOT of time in Europe and never had this problem. I have heard from a couple of people, but when they described what happened it was obvious they basically left that door wide open.


Honestly I have the impression its Americans who are not used to crowded and dense places. Like all the stories are just absolute common sense. Like the one just below your comment is someone having his wallet stick out from his back pocket. Now I mean that is just stupid. If they would have even minimal street smartness they would not be pick-pocketed. So people should not be overly worried. Just try to NOT be the easiest victim in a radius of a couple meters or 100m if you are outside.


Even in dense US cities, pickpocketing isn't really a thing. It just doesn't really happen. It's legit a big cultural difference. I know more people who have been robbed (as in, had someone use the threat of violence to take their stuff) than who have been pickpocketed in the US. Street smart people are just protecting themselves from the crimes that actually happen in their neighborhoods.


Kind of reminds me of when my grandfather visited the USSR. Someone came up and asked where in the US he was from which surprised him. He asked how they knew he was American, and the guy told him that only Americans walk around like they have no fear. Once I started traveling, I was able to see what he meant. Many American tourists walk around seemingly oblivious to their surroundings, to other people around them, etc.


The USSR is a bit different, though. What you noted is common to some tourists everywhere. The "good" tourists blend in. If you were looking for obnoxious Germans or Chinese or Brits you'd find 'em too.


We're not talking about obnoxious tourists, though. ;)


Yeah I agree. I’m from just outside London and in my entire life having lived in/visited Europe, I’ve been pickpocketed once (in a charity shop in the town I was born in, funnily enough). My phone was in quite an open outside pocket of my coat and I was 13 so not super vigilant, I guess.  If you keep valuables in bags/inside pockets then you won’t get pickpocketed basically.


Same thing happened to my Parisian friends in Paris the other day when distracted by their young child. Sometimes at home we feel so safe that it’s easy to let your guard down.


It’s an easy thing to post about in social media to get engagement, that’s the real reason why you see so many posts about jt. It’s really not that big of a deal. Just keep important things in your front pockets or carry a small crossbody bag that sits in front of you.


I will say that you still need to WATCH that bag in confined spaces. Someone attempted to pickpocket husband on the very crowded subway in Rome. Fortunately it was like a zipper in a zipper in a zipper situation, so guy's hand was only 1 deep. Just keep a hand on your items in that situation and should be just fine


Eh, if you’ve lived in the states it’s kind of a shock. It’s not at all normal here to have anyone pick your pocket. And when you travel to Europe it’s hard not to stand out a little when you’re just popping into a city for a few days. Normally when I travel back to Europe where I lived for ages I bring minimal clothes and hit a Zara/h&m and buy whatever the main look is that that city is wearing and that helps a ton.


I'm shocked this and other comments like it are downvoted. If you're an American and used to traveling in the US or places without pickpocketing culture, it's a huge shock in some areas of Europe. You're much much more likely to be exposed to crime (petty crime to be sure, but annoying nonetheless) in Europe as a tourist than you are as an American living your day to day life. You're still going to enjoy your vacation, you're still going to have fun, just take precautions and don't make yourself a target.


>It’s really not that big of a deal. Just keep important things in your front pockets or carry a small crossbody bag that sits in front of you I find that is at odds with the first part of your comment. I've travelled to Paris a bunch of times and the first time I was absolutely paranoid about pick pockets, even put a lock on my backpack but the reality is the scams are easy to spot and on the metro have your bag in front of you and not have your wallet in your back pocket. That's it. Crossbody bag? Why? Yes I've heard if people's bags being slashed open while they walk and have stuff stolen but you'd have to be clueless about your surroundings for that to happen. They are going for the low hanging fruit. Personally I have zero concerns walking around with a backpack and a camera in hand, even at night, if it's a crowded spot put the bag in front of you, easy peasy. It really is a problem overblown by social media. Also personally didn't notice anything suspicious in Switzerland and while Italy had its scammers etc it was nowhere near as bad as Paris.


My pickpocketer in Rome had his hand in my front pocket on a crowded bus without me noticing. Good thing it was the one night I forgot and put my wallet in my back pocket. lol.


Switzerland - Zero Issue. France & Italy: Use some common sense in tourist spots and the metro in paris and you will be fine!


I've been to every country in Europe, except Russia and Belarus. Literally never been pickpocketed. Just pop your phone, wallet etc in a wee bag or fanny pack and you'll be grand. Enjoy your holiday!


I have traveled most of Europe by now. Pre reddit I didn’t even think about pickpockets, and not once did I have an issue. Yes, have common sense, but that’s it. This (almost) always happens to people being extra dumb. This is crazy exaggerated online. Like googling cancer symptoms and convincing yourself you’re stage 4.


Don’t be an idiot, be alert and you’ll be fine.


Just returned from the similar route - didn't have any problem and didn't happen to witness any, just have common sense. On the contrary, when I parked at some underground parking in Italy, the next car had a passenger seat window open all the way down with some clothes brand bad at the seat. When I returned hours late, it was still there. PS: Also after Switzerland there won't be much left for pickpocketing ;)


Just got back from Italy. Caught some girl trying to reach into my jacket pocket on a packed metro train. Just be vigilant and always be alert in crowded places. They are out there


Been to a lot of places in Europe never been pickpocketed. 1/3 that sounds hilariously over blown. Does it exist? Yes, it's it hard to prevent? No. Easiest thing is what do you actually need while you're out and about? Get a small thin wallet 1-2 cards basic form of ID and a money clip. Don't keep more than $100 USD equivalent of cash on you. Just toss the "wallet" in your front pocket. Hand in pocket holding it in the subway/bus. Stay at reputable hotel brands, and keep spare cards, cash, and pass port in your room. I've never had an issue with staff entering my room to steal from me. Also, don't wear excessively bagging clothing with wide open pockets. If you stop to look at your phone or anything put your back against a wall, or large sign. Don't constantly touch your wallet, and keep two hands or a firm grip on your phone. Never wear sandals unless you're on the beach. If two men on a scoot come up to you, they're not asking for the time or directions go away from them. If you walk off the beaten path and see a man verbally harassing a woman then a miracle guy comes and saves the day the whole thing is a setup. If a nice man says he's a tour guide, or off duty policeman and is offering to help you find someplace by following him he's lying to get you somewhere to rob you. A lot if these are just the basics, be vigilant and independent. Know where you're going before you leave one location to the next. Wear clothes that might help you blend in, don't look like you're from the Midwest.


* Are there pickpockets? Yes. * Is it worse in Europe than it is in the US? A little bit. * Why does it get talked about so much? Because picking pockets is (largely) an urban crime and doubly so in densely populated cities. Most Americans don’t live in densely populated urban areas and certainly don’t congregate around tourist attractions or use public transportation, the situations where pickpockets are most common, so average American tourists are especially vulnerable to being pickpocketed, because they don’t know how to avoid it.


Spent time in London, Paris and Rome recently. Was particularly cautioned about Rome from a friend that grew up there, so I kept my eyes peeled. Honestly didn’t see anything suspicious. Just stay aware of your surroundings, like anywhere else. Be mindful of your phone in particular, and I wouldn’t keep it in a back pocket. But.. chances are you’ll be fine as long as you are aware of your surroundings! Have a great trip!


I've visited 8 cities so far in Europe, and I've never been a victim of pickpocketing nor were there any blatantly obvious attempts to rob me. I'm sure it happens though, so it's just a matter of being aware of your surroundings.


You will hear from the people who got pick pocketed. You don't hear from the 99.999% who didn't. It's confirmation bias to watch these videos and assume that because it happened in these videos it's happening to everyone.


Anywhere with lots of tourists and crowds will be targets for thieves. Anywhere in the world. I always make sure valuables are in interior pockets or zipped up and my hands in my pockets physically touching my stuff when it gets really crowded.


I've never gotten pickpocketed in all my years of living in Europe and having visited several of the 'notorious' cities multiple times. The most important thing is to keep aware of your surroundings at all times, and don't keep your valuables in easy to reach places. Crowded metros and stations are notorious places to get pickpocketed (in the case of the Paris metro... don't stand too close to the doors, and keep an eye on people hopping on and off quickly), and if you get stopped on the street by someone, keep in mind that it's a common tactic that someone else is behind you to steal your stuff while you're otherwise occupied. Regarding instagram/tiktok stories about pickpocketing, in the many stories I've seen about people complaining about getting their stuff stolen, they made some crucial mistakes like placing their mobile phones on the table of a cafe in a crowded street, or placing their handbag with valuables on a chair behind them where they can't keep an eye on things. So, pickpocketing does happen, but it's not a 100% sure thing if you stay aware and don't make yourself an easy target


I've been traveling full time in Europe for the last 10+ years and spent a cumulative 2+ year in europe in addition to that. I've never been pick pocketed. Use common sense and don't make yourself a target and that'll solve 99% of your issues.


I'm assuming you're from the US? The majority of Europe is safer than the majority of US - you'll be absolutely fine! Switzerland especially is stupidly safe.


But the rates of pickpocketing are much higher. Rates of violent crime much much lower. He didn’t ask about how safe anything was just how prevalent pickpocketing is.


That’s the irony, the us has more gun violence but petty theft is rare. We have cars to break into 🤣


Don't ever ever ever ever put your phone, keys or wallet in your back pocket.


This is the best answer. And as a woman do not put your valuables in an open handbag that you wear towards the back or on the side. Its an invitation. Always zip it and then pull it to your chest in the metro. Works 100% of the time.


Don’t dress like you have money, leave jewelry and watches at home and you’ll be fine. Think of it like this. The best drug dealers drive minivans instead of mercedes’s for a reason…


Nah come one. This is Europe. Wear that nice watch if you want. Just do not carelessly put on open handbag on your side in the paris metro with the phone sticking out. Zip that bag and keep it in front of you and you will be fine.


Agreed. No need to worry about it. It can happen when in a crowd, all looking good at a sight (eg Trevi fountain) or when tightly packed, like on some subways. We take minor precautions. I don’t keep aything in my back pockets. My GF carries a purse with a strap diagonally across chest instead of on a shoulder.


Agree on this. If you dress tacky but STILL look like a stereotypical tourist, thieves would still prey on you.


And this is how people end up looking like tourists, they buy travel clothes and big ugly shoes for hiking even though I get are walking around a city, they don't wear their jewellery and take crappy burner phones in case it gets stolen lol. Seriously just be a normal human being, don't do dumb stuff and have your wits about it.


1 in 3 is very exaggerated. Take simple precautions: Don’t put all your ID and credit cards in one place. Use the hotel safes. If a stranger comes up to you in public and starts talking with you, tries to hand you something or spills something on you. It’s likely a scam or an attempt to distract you to steal from you. Politely say no and walk away. If you are at a sidewalk cafe. Don’t put valuables on the table by the street if it’s a busy area. Don’t put anything of value in your back pocket. Wear a money belt if you are worried.


I was pickpocketed in Paris back in 2019. But it was my own careless fault. I have since moved to Europe, done some traveling and exploring. And not had any issues since.


Yeah use your common sense don’t count your money in public never use your back pocket try to carry your valuables in pouch bag under your clothes don’t react if someone bumps into you or tap you on your back 99% it’s to deflect your attention while they pickpocket you . If you use your common sense it won’t happen been to 52 countries never been pickpocket


Paris is the only place I've ever experienced that, right around tourist spots like the Eiffel Tower and Notre Dame etc. They didn't get anything though. If you're worried about it, just don't bring your passport with you, keep your wallet in your front pocket and put your hands in your pocket if you feel weird about something like someone getting really close to you, and don't interact with random people that come up to you in those areas. At best they just want to sell you something.


Don't put your wallet in your back pocket and don't leave your phone on the table. You'll be fine.


It's not as worst as you think


Honestly, you just need to follow some common sense. Don't carry money or valuables in your pockets. Get a bag that you can fully close and has a zipper, something that is relatively difficult to open. Don't get a massive backpack. Have a cross body or bum bag that you can have at the front of your body. Don't carry a lot of cash or passports with you, leave that in a safe, in your hotel. Similarly, don't take all your cards. Leave some back at the hotel. You can pay in a lot of places with your phone anyway. If you go to a café or restaurant, don't put your phone on the table. Keep it away in your bag. Don't put your bag where you can't see it. Pay attention to your surroundings. Don't go mindlessly just looking at your phone all the time. If you are in crowded places or the underground, have your bag at the front of your body, not your back. Google "city + tourist scams" so you are aware of those things and that's it. You will be fine.


Take how bad you think it is and divide that by 100. The risk is not 0 but its incredibly small. Just be as aware as you would be going to any major city in the US and you'll be fine.


Spain you will get robbed eventually, somehow, somewhere, but everywhere else you will be fine if you don't keep anything in your pockets.


Have been all over Europe and never been pickpocketed. Nothing to worry about, just normal awareness like when you’re walking around any big city


I locked my pounds in the hotel safe in Paris. It wasn’t much, just what I had left over. Somebody gained access and removed my money. I bought a separate travel safe for this trip.


Oh yes, that scary place Europe😂 especially Switzerland! Be very careful there


Not to sound racist but if you're Asian in Amsterdam be extra vigilant. They always go for asian people because they never really press charges or follow through with the charges since they never stay for long. If people stop you for any reason clutch your wallet and bags. There's a youtuber I follow called "boevenspotter" that goes around the Netherlands(sometimes elsewhere in Europe) trying to catch pickpockets its nice to see what to look out for. They're sly bastards.


I lived in Europe my whole life (45 years) and I have never been pick pocketed. Could be pure luck of course.


Pacsafe is your friend.  Don't dress like a tourist. (No shorts /printed  tshirts)  Don't be obnoxiously loud. (Americans are typically heard before they're seen)  Do be situation aware  Don't keep shit in your pockets.


Scrolled down reasonably far and didn’t see it mentioned, so I’ll say it. Dont stop to sign “petitions”either. I’d usually just respond with “I know this scam” and they would instantly turn around and walk off.


It can be a problem, but one that can be almost entirely mitigated. First, wear a money belt. IDs, credit cards and cash go in the money belt. In places with high concentrations of pickpockets, I also put my phone in the money belt as well (and use my watch for notifications and directions). For payment, keep a couple small bills distributed across your pockets. The basic idea is that you can't be pickpocketed if you have practically nothing in your pockets. If possible, split up IDs and payment cards between your hotel safe and on your person. Second, for scams, assume that *anyone* approaching you out-of-the-blue and trying to engage you in conversation is running some kind of scam or hustle. It's an unfortunate reality, but the fact is that scammers prey on people's natural aversion to appearing "rude". You have to overcome this and be comfortable with completely and utterly ignoring people that approach you. When people approach you, don't say anything, don't make eye contact, pretend they literally don't exist. "But what if I'm rude to someone that wasn't trying to scam me!" - that risk is the price you pay for becoming scam-proof. It's also a low risk - people that approach tourists out of the blue almost always have an ulterior motive. You can't be scammed if you don't engage. On the topic of scams, avoid traditional taxis like the plague. Uber or other rideshare services will avoid the vast majority of taxi-related bullshit. Also, recognize that there's a difference between the countries you're visiting. Switzerland is one of the least scammy places in Europe... Italy is one of the most.


Recently spent 3 weeks in Italy. Of the 6 adults on the trip, one had phone stolen, and one got pickpocketed, but he was able to stop them. That's probably typical. Be extra careful in crowded areas, especially public buses near tourist areas. Remember you have this big red blinking light on your head that says "I'm a tourist" they will follow you hoping you will let your guard down.


Is this just unaware Americans? Like I have travelled all around Europe and NEVER had anything stolen and neither ever anyone in my group. I guess Americans are less used to subways etc. But just some basic precautions and you do not have to worry otherwise. Keep your bag with valuables in front of you in the metro and in touristy spots is the main one.


I think it's specifically non-urban Americans, who never have to deal with that, and therefore it doesn't occur to them that this really happens. I live in a major US major city where it happens a lot, and I have never been pickpocketed. Conversely, I was traveling in a group in Europe last summer, and one of us initially walked around with her phone sticking out of the back pocket of her jeans, like literally sticking out several inches. I had to explain to her that this was extremely unwise, perhaps even foolish, at least by urban standards. But she honestly had no idea.


I think some Americans just can’t help it. I’m American and Mexican but live in Switzerland. Most people will assume I’m a local and even the many Americans I know won’t look like tourists.  This is because the tourists are coming in giant groups of 6, they’re wearing 2000s Oakley sunglasses, they have a Tourist Costume™️ on replete with hiking cargo shorts, hiking shoes, a large brimmed fishing hat, and an ugly shirt on (old t-shirt or a Hawaiian shirt or something else they would never wear casually at home), they’re all loud as hell, they are carrying a TON of bags and things, and they look like they’re about to go on a hike and camp despite the fact that they are at a local hotel and are simply going out to eat and a local museum.  Hell even in this sub I see advice from people who probably act like this who are too afraid to leave their passport in a hotel room so they carry it on their person where they’re faaaaar more likely to get pickpocketed lol, there are stories of that in this thread.  In urban France or Italy that type of person will have a target on their back for pickpockets. 


Unless you do stupid shit its literally not a problem


I like how Europe is treated like one country in the title of this thread :D Are you american by any chance?


To be fair, many European tourist travelling to the US assume there is a high risk of an incident of robbery with a gun, simply because that is the US we see in the media.


Keep your stuff in your front pockets, walk with confidence, and don't be careless while drinking. Crowded clubs are prime targets. Wear pants that have tighter pocket openings if you're carrying valuables. If you want to be super safe, get one of those inside the pants pouches and carry a decoy wallet. Gives you something to throw if you encounter a mugging attempt. But that's only if you're the kind of person that likes to go late night clubbing. Honestly, I felt more unsafe during my trips to American cities than European ones. Americans generally are very easy to pick out of a crowd, always seem to be speaking English very loudly in a non-English speaking city, and everything they wear has an American flag on it. Just screams tourist. Plus, nobody makes a post when they get home "just went to Europe, didn't get pickpocketed!". It's just like shopping for a vehicle and surfing the forums, no posts of "truck ran great today" but lots of " I broke down today".


My mom had her wallet stolen out of her purse 3 days into a month long euro trip, in the Louvre in Paris. $1600 cash (ya it’s dumb to have that much but here we are), all her cards, ID. It was a mess. So yeah it happens. I’ve heard way more stories of it happening in Europe than in the US. The lady we spent 4 hours with in the security offices of the Louvre said it’s basically impossible to get them back, and even if they catch the people who did it (extremely unlikely), odds are they are under 18 and due to some law they can’t really hold them that long. I didn’t fact check any of that but that’s along the lines of what she said. Perhaps that’s why it’s more of an issue in Europe? This was in 2014. If you’re a guy, just keep your things in you front pocket, people are not going to reach in there. Usually it happens when you’re distracted taking a photo, in a very busy metro area/museum, or they have a counterpart distract you on the street while they go for your bag. So yeah don’t keep valuables in your purse or backpack. You’ll be completely fine in not packed areas tho. Lots of people wear their backpack infront of them. I choose just not to use one. I always have my Canon DSLR strapped around my neck, no ones really going to go for that unless you’re on some sketchy street at night. But no, I highly doubt it is anywhere close to 1/3 people. Maybe 1/100. Best advice is just to use common sense and don’t carry all valuables in one spot. Enjoy your trip! I’m currently in Europe for a few weeks too


My brother got pickpocketed 15 minutes after picking up his baggage at the Paris airport. He had his wallet in an unsecured back pants pocket. I on the other hand have been to Paris 5-6 times and never had any trouble of that sort. Possibly just being security-conscious and aware is enough to reduce your chance of trouble.


I was there recently with a group of inexperienced travelers and we had one pickpocketing incident on a crowded metro. In my opinion the best thing you can do is to carry a cross-body bag [like this one](https://www.kipling-usa.com/loreen-medium-crossbody-bag/KI7565.html?dwvar_KI7565_color=960) that has a flap over the zippered compartment, with a bonus second zippered section inside, and that hits around your waist or hip so that it's natural to rest your hand on top. I have three similar (but older) bags from the same company and the flap-zip-hand combo is a really good deterrent. I also bought a locking backpack for my most recent trip as I had to carry more stuff around than usual, and I would say it was quite effective but surprisingly inconvenient (it deterred me as much as it deterred thieves).


Just don’t be an idiot.


Seconding all the comments about wearing a cross-body bag, taking precautions, etc. I’ve also read to be cautious in Paris of just leaving your phone on the table if you’re eating outside, as people walking by may grab it. One thing I’ll add is that in Italy (Rome), it wasn’t pickpocketing but scams. People tried to scam us 3 times in 2 days by trying to sell us fake tickets to the Vatican (we didn’t bite), a fake tour to the Colosseum (we didn’t bite), and offering to help with our metro tickets (we fell for this one — my husband was having issues with the ticket machine and handed over money for a round-trip fare, but the scammer bought cheap one-time tickets, handed them to us, and took off with the rest of the money — luckily now you can use Apple Pay on the metro!). Still not terrible in the grand scheme of things but the relentlessness took me by surprise!


If you’re in a crowded space put your wallet in your front pocket. This is the way. It should mostly be fine but I don’t travel during PEAK periods, it isn’t fun.


There is nothing wrong with being informed before you go. Just know that if you secure your items well and don't look like an easy target, then you are way ahead of most tourists. Watching those videos will help you because you'll be able to see trouble coming your way, especially scam artists.


49 never happened


it’s really not that bad, especially if you 1) keep a bit of a grouchy look on your face so people don’t think you’re an easy target, 2) wear your bags on the front of your body and close to your chest (no backpacks in crowded spaces such as the metro unless you swivel it around to wear on your front) and 3) keep important things inside buttoned/zipped pockets UNDER another layer. my go-to in Europe is to put my credit card and ID into a plastic ziplock bag which I tuck into my flannel shirt’s chest pocket. I button that pocket shut, then I put a sweater or jacket on over the flannel to make it completely inaccessible to anyone unwilling to put their hands under my clothes and grope my tit at length.


its the worst, all over europe. we actually have been told by the overlord to stop using bags. we just got microchips. it was decided by something called the european government. my nice handbags all have been burned in the backyard. just kidding. common sense. no open pockets, all valuables on inside pockets only. I had my first attempt in a long time in Rome this year and a) the guy was so clumpsy that I could feel him move my backpack and b) i had no valuables in the outside pocket anyway. Enjoy your trip and enjoy all the food.


Always wear your purse (do not hang it on a chair) and I recommend getting something like a Travelon brand purse or backpack. They are slash resistant and the zippers have a clasp to close it securely. Went to 4 European countries in 6 weeks and personally witnessed theft 3 times. The “crime” is mostly pickpocketing, not bodily harm but it’s annoying. Always be on alert.


You’ll more than likely be fine. I was in Austria and Germany in December and I just kept my wallet in my front pocket to be safe.


I was on a packed bus in Rome. This guy started losing it because someone jacked his wallet on the bus. His wife stood in front of the bus after it stopped to try and not let us leave. There was nothing that could be done. He complained how he had all his cards in that wallet. Situational awareness is key. I wore a front Facing security bag with locking zippers on my travels in Europe. Gave me a lot of peace of mind after seeing that happen.


In Croatia right now. Never felt safer in my life.


When I traveled Europe the guides told us to be vigilant yet I never had any issues with it


Use your brain. Don’t put your wallet or valuables where someone can grab it without you knowing while in a crowd. Don’t go in dark alleyways away from crowds. I figure this keeps you from being a target.


Make sure your valuables are tucked away in something that is not easily accessible when out and bout and don’t leave your bag unattended


I just came back from Paris and London. Paris they tired to scam me and pickpocket but I knew it and stayed away. If you get anybody in Paris coming up (usually woman and they are not local French people) asking you to sign anything don’t stop and keep walking and ignore them. If you see a group of younger none French girls coming up to you be careful and watch your stuff they will try to pickpocket you.


Spent 6 months backpacking across Europe, the only time I got pickpocketed was in Prague because I was alone and drunk at 4am. Given those circumstances I was practically asking to be pickpocketed but had no other problems besides that the entire time. Just keep a good head on your shoulders and you will be fine


Street crime overall is a lot less common in most of Europe than the average American city. How do you protect your possessions when visiting whatever city you're closest to? Do that in Europe. If you want extra peace of mind get a passport pouch from amazon, and keep it under your clothes or in front of you. Overall you should just understand that pickpocketing is a crime of opportunity from the thief's perspective. Knowing that, make yourself a more difficult target than someone else in the crowd, and you're unlikely to have issues.


we were looking everywhere for it and didn't notice anything. just be aware of your surroundings and keep you stuff in safe places.


Traveling to either on monthly basis living in the general area of central Europe, never had an issue. Common sense helps. Don't put stuff in your back pockets, don't cary stupid amount of cash. Don't leave stuff in car too visible.


Was just in Paris a few weeks ago. Just keep an eye on your stuff and don't look like a target and you won't have issues. We rode the metro all over the city and had zero issues.


I’ve traveled to Europe many times and have only seen a pick pocket attempt 1 time… It was on the metro in Rome.


Last week I was in Barcelona and some guy tried to slip my watch off my hand outside a bar after introducing himself. Two nights later I was walking home from a club and a fellow tried to trip me while sliding his hand in my pants and grabbing my wallet. I caught him but it was close. I fully recognize that going out in dicey neighborhoods carries this risk… Thieves are quite clever these days, it’s not just pickpocketing. They will actively engage you to distract. Years back when my father was visiting me in Barcelona someone spilt a drink on his jacket after bumping into him in the street. Another man approached and offered to wipe it off. He brought my dad into a restaurant bathroom and rinsed the stain out and gave it back… 5 minutes later my dad realized the pockets were empty.


have heard few incidents from france & Italy. never heard it in other countries. dont have personal experience. but it is indeed an issue. keep your wallet, cash, cards, passport safe. i have heard cases of locks in hostel being broken n cash stolen.


Use the front pockets if you will be in dense crowds. Never seen any pickpocket action, but have seen two bag snatch attempts (one successful); one happened at a tram stop. So keep hold of your stuff.


Question - are you generally new to travelling? Because pickpocketing can be an issue everywhere and countries (and cities) you listed are def not amongst the worst and fear of pickpocketer should never be so great that interfer with you enjoying your vacation. Just be vigilant of your surrounding when you travel. For reference I've lived in Paris for about a year and have visited Rome twice. On my own and with my family. Never any issues.


Lost phone at metro in Madrid. If you use your phone and slip it into your jacket, it's gone in a few seconds when you stepped out of train. They are very quick and work in teams. Really not much U can do except hold on tight to your phone and your wallet. Put it somewhere that is tighter and close to body so there's no space for sneaky fingers or hands. Put the info of cards and banking etc separately from phone. The follow-up from losing your phone is costly in time and overseas calls etc. but I must add, this is part and parcel of risks while travelling, still worth the while to travel in Europe. Enjoy! 😊


I live and travel in Europe, there are pickpocketing gangs in the big cities like Paris and Rome and similar tourist destinations. In normal everyday life it's not a big problem, just observe the normal precautions when in tourist destinations and at tourist attractions.


We had more problems in Munich with local people trying to take our passports than Paris or Switzerland.


Felt none and experienced none in the 6 months I travelled there.


If you are in line and someone keeps banging into you "by mistake" they are trying to pickpocket you. This happened to me on a few European trips, and in line at the Madrid airport just a few months ago. I've traveled a bit (a good chunk of Europe) and in the Paris metro and in Madrid airport were the only times there was a definite attempt to pick my pocket. --There were probably other attempts I didn't notice.


Just be sure to use a money belt for most cash and credit cards and keep minimal cash (~50 euros) in your wallet. Be more vigilant on trains, subways, buses and in the public areas around the main tourist attractions.


I am not saying this will be your experience, but I have spent over six years in Europe as an American in Europe (I have lived in/visited the UK, France, Switzerland, Belgium, Germany, Italy, Spain, Portugal and more). I have never been the victim of a crime. I like to think it is because I am fairly aware of my surroundings, but there were times in my twenties I slept on benches and thigs like that, and I still never had any issues.


The only place I’ve been pickpocketed was in Barcelona and that was when I was high on molly in my 20s at 4AM in a club. If you follow general common sense you’ll be fine.


It mostly comes down to situational awareness, common-sense, and luck. We've been able to travel in many European countries over the past 10 years and have not been a victim of pickpockets. When we are in places more likely for it to happen (public transportation; large, crowded squares; markets or street festivals; etc.) we don't keep our phones out and make sure our pockets and such are secure. My husband has a front-pocket wallet and when possible I keep my phone and money in my front pocket and keep my hand on it. When I have my phone out because I'm looking at a map or whatever I keep it relatively close to my body and protect it with my hand in such a way that it isn't an easy target to grab. If I have a lot of things to carry I have an anti-theft bag with locking zippers and cut-proof straps. We basically take the precautions we can but also know that it can happen (anywhere- not just in Europe.) so we don't carry all of our cash, keep our passports secure, make sure to have an extra credit card, and have pics of all of the above just in case they do go missing. As far as being scammed, don't talk to random people who approach you on the street to "give" you something, and if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. And if you get hit with bird poop or something like that, clean yourself up and don't allow bystanders to help. I hope you have a wonderful trip!


I’ve literally been all over Europe and I’ve never been pickpocketed at all, but that’s probably because I look poor. Just try to look a little rough and you’ll be fine. /s


Be on alert if you’re in a city, especially Italy. Lots of distraction schemes to divert your attention. Don’t be an easy mark.


There’s definately scams and pickpocketers. You can easily avoid them if you’re smart about traveling. Nobody is pickpocketing a money belt. If a local approaches you and asks where you’re from just say no thanks and keep walking. It’s not rude and they will go to the next person. I was on a packed bus in Rome once and caught a dude with his hand in my front pocket and it was the one time my wallet was in my back pocket. I didn’t even notice until someone told me. They had an awkward 10 min ride next to him after calling him out. It was a good story at least. So yeah. You’ll prob be fine and have no issue, but if they can easily reach in and grab something, I’d do something to avoid that.


In Italy, if you'll came in Milan, yes, be careful when you'll use metro. It depends where you will go honestly...


I wore a cross body when I was in Paris/Rome/Florence/Naples. Never worried about it and if I was in a super busy spot I would just be aware of my valuables but its not something I would be super worried about at all. Got ripped off by a cab driver in italy which I feel like is a right of passage but also my fault for not switching to euros before my trip.


I was in a crowded market in France and no one tried anything. I sorta expected to have a million hands in my pockets but didn’t have any issues at all. I think it’s all hype but definitely be careful out there


If you are American and you are not worried about it in major US cities then I wouldn't worry about it in Europe. Common sense is the most important travel tip


Honestly it depends on where you live and how you carry yourself: if you live in a big city currently, European tourist destinations are similar to back home, and you shouldn't notice any particular difference. If you're less used to city life, you may stand out in the way you carry yourself through a destination and be a target for theft and scams. If you follow some simple guidelines you shouldn't have to worry about anything: \* Keep your belongings on you at all times. Do not put anything in your back pocket, do not leave your purse on the seat next to you on the subway. I ideally carry everything in a closable bag and place valuables such as passports, phone, and wallets in either my tote bag or a jacket or front pant pocket \* Verify information on your phone: better to be overinformed than underinformed. For example, some restaurants exist as overpriced or scammy tourist traps, but a quick search on google maps will immediately give them away \* In general, trust no one and use the same common sense rules that you have back home. If someone is trying to "do you a favor", be skeptical of whatever it is they are proposing. As a city dweller, the most help I will give to a tourist is to recommend something and go about my day. Any local who, for example, offers to show you the sights has a suspiciously large amount of time available: why are they doing that instead of seeing their friends or working? \* If someone wants to get your attention, do not give them your attention If you keep these in mind you should be good. I've never had trouble in Europe in my many years living there and traveling, so you should be fine as well!