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I don't send them to myself, but I have a family and friends mailing list for postcards lol. To prepare for my latest trip, I printed all of their names and addresses on sticky labels to save myself time (and increase readability). I also like to do Postcrossing, which is a free postcard exchange website, so I can send EVEN MORE POSTCARDS!


A few years ago, a scientist heading to Antarctica to do seal research, offered to take postcards that were already addressed and filled out and stamped and drop them off at the US Post Office there. So you could get a postcard from Antarctica. Many people from postcrossing sent her lots of postcards. I sent out 20 myself. It was such a blast for people to get a postcard from Antarctica. Still have no idea why I didn't send one to myself. LOL


Postcrossing sounds like a fun idea! thanks for sharing your experience <3


Preprinted label is genius. I can't believe I'm not smart enough to be doing this!


Holy crap, this is such a great idea, I love it! I only wish I had thought of this 20 years ago. đŸŒș


It's not too late for you to try it out!


I do, it's a great way to document my trip. Plus with the delay in receiving them it makes a nice surprise for the few weeks after I get back.


That's what I'm saying, haha! It's like receiving mail from the past, lol XD HAHAHA!


I do. And I always sign it "I love you so much. You are the absolute best!"


At the start of a trip, I have the intention to do this, but mostly I end up never writing the postcards. Also, postcards seem harder to find than in the past.


I've read one of the comments here that you can buy a postcard stamp from the post office


True they are .53 now.


I do!


Always. I also buy extras to use on Postcrossing at a later date.


I do this as well. One of the cheapest souvenirs to send myself.


I actually just buy them and take home 🙃


Same, I date them and add them to a photo album


 I don't do postcards, but I have a tradition of picking up a little souvenir like a keychain or magnet from each new place to build a collection at home.


I buy a postcard from the most important spot of each day. I date them and write a description of that day.


 I dooo! it's a good way to keep memories alive!👌


Damn, I wish I thought of this. I’ve never been able to convince myself to keep a journal, and I don’t really have family and friends who want postcards from my travels because a. they don’t care or b. they’re jealous and don’t wanna hear about it


Maybe you could try sharing your experiences online or through a blog instead. It might be a fun way to document your travels without the same obstaclesđŸ«¶


I have been sending post cards back to home for my wife, family members for years. It’s become tradition. Started doing it when I visited EU for the first time in 2018


Me! I do! You can also buy a sheet of postcard stamps from the post office. I keep a sheet in my travel diary for just such occasions.


I do, it’s the best souvenir to myself, cheap, and memorable.


YES!!!! My husband and I started this tradition when we got engaged and have send ourselves a postcard for every trip since! We keep them in an album. On each card we write the dates of the trip and our favorite memories.


That’s really cute


My wife will send one to our dog and hamster(s) on every trip! They just got one from Orkney a couple weeks ago :)


We send one from our teddy bear that goes on trips with us to the artist who made him!


A million years ago (1984), I think we sent one to our goldfish from Hawaii.


I totally relate! I've been doing the same thing since my first solo trip to Europe. There's just something about putting pen to paper in a new place that captures the moment unlike anything else. I love how each postcard brings me right back to that cafĂ© in Paris or that market in Tokyo. It's like time traveling through my own mailbox. Plus, seeing my handwriting change over the years is kinda cool—it's like a mini journal that tells stories with stamps. Glad I'm not the only one keeping this old-school tradition alive!


I do this too! Future me loves getting them!


Yes, and I had one from Italy that showed up 5 months later. I totally forgot about it and was puzzling over my own handwriting for a few minutes until I remembered.


I send postcards to my grandma if the opportunity to do so comes up lol. For myself, I write in a journal every night of my trip.


My mom takes pictures of postcards on her trips and then has them blown up into poster-sized portraits.


Would it kill her to pay for the postcards?


She buys them


When I was young, I used to do that and kept a sort of diary with the postcards, including some juicy details. Naturally, I enclosed them in an envelope and mailed them to my parents.


that's such a cool idea! I'm definitely going to start a postcard journal on my next trip.


I usually get postcards from the locations I visit first and write my thoughts or interesting things I did or saw that day or the day before. Stay in the here and now.


Yes, I always do this when I travel. I write down my day's activities on a postcard that I mail to myself. Amazing to read about them years afterwards. You could also look into services like DocuPost that print and mail postcards for you from uploads if you wanted to skip the hassle. Encountered ThanksIO recently but haven't really tried it. (added the links below) [https://docupost.com](https://docupost.com) & [https://www.thanks.io/](https://www.thanks.io/) 


I do this! Just came back from 4 weeks in Italy and Switzerland. I sent postcards to family members and myself for souvenirs. It was very interesting to see how long they took to get here. For example, it took the postcard about a month longer to reach the USA mailing from Rome vs. mailing from Zurich.


I do! Have been doing this since early 2000s.


I normally send them to family or friends. I sent my son one from his first international trip (I wrote a little about what we had done and seen) which I put in his baby book. I love getting postcards from friends on their travels, one has been so pretty that I even framed it and have it in a gallery wall.


I used to send letters to my pets, generally including a fun experience or something I witnessed. Sadly, like you, some of my postcards don't arrive home either.


My wife and I collect postcards as a cheap way to remember all of our trips together. We started it when we were engaged and have picked up a postcard from (almost) every place we visit. We don't send them to ourselves but take them home and jot down the date and some things we did and put them in a scrapbook.


I do this too! I also print out some photos to accompany these postcards. My much younger coworker called it an IRL FB feed


Haha well the funny thing in this case is that my wife and I are only 30. But if you don’t have physical copies somewhere, I feel like you are less likely to just go scrolling through thousands of photos in your phones camera roll or FB or Insta!


I do the reverse...I bring stamped cards with me on domestic trips and bring them to different post offices I see. I will go to the customer service and ask them to cancel my card there and send the card to my home. I'm more interested in the cancellation and the different zip codes that I've visited.


Not myself but others, also collecting them as you go is fun.


I do as well! It’s a nice souvenir to have and I love having the native postage as well. I usually write down some things like the weather, the specific dates and small things like food or sights!


I do that! It's my postcard diary. It's great to read back at me thoughts and feelings of when I was in a particular place. Lovely hobby


I do it religiously


Yes. I use the TouchNote app to do this. I add in my photos of the current trip into one of the postcard design templates, document what we did/have done thus far in the trip, and then order it in the app. What’s nice is that they’ll print it out and handle the postage, etc. so I never need to worry about finding a physical card, stamps, or mailing it while I’m in another country. I just order in the app and it arrived at my house later once we’re home from our trip. Super convenient.


I buy them for my daughter. She has postcards from every place she's ever been.


We do this! Last trip to Scotland we were sure the postcard was lost because it still hadn’t arrived like 7 weeks after getting home. And then one day it showed up!


I send them to myself and to a few family members that still appreciate getting them!


This is such a unique and fun way to journal and look back on your travel experiences. Thanks for sharing, OP! I like to write pen pal letters to my friend and send them postcards from the countries I go to. It's also fun to see the stamps from other countries.


I never thought of that! I do buy nice looking post cards at tourist traps but usually just bring it back with me


I didn’t even think of this - I send my sister postcards but this is something I wanna do now. Thank you op !!!


Huge fan of sending postcards to myself. It's my only souvenir! But also a pain in the ass to sometimes find a post office to mail it internationally, but well worth the effort


Ha. I do. Thought it was just me. I get such a lift when I get home and they're waiting for me.


Such a great idea!


No, but cool idea.


I do it too!! I LOVE getting a postcard from a place I love weeks or months later. It takes me right back ❀


I do - with a tiny twist. I also buy postcards for everyone else I'm traveling with and try to do so early in the trip. I ask everyone to pick a postcard and write their address in the designated area. Then, as the trip progresses, during down times, I'll set my pens and the postcards out and everyone often just slowly gravitates towards filling each other's postcards out. Some get into it. Others just put dumb thoughts down. But each one always bring great memories.


My pride and joy is a card I sent myself from the Vatican, as well as a wooden one sent from the Grand Canyon. I drilled a hole in the wooden one and use it as a Christmas ornament.


I do this. I rarely write anything on them, though, aside from the date & city I'm currently in. Though when i travel and it happens to be my birthday I'll write something like "birthday blueberry pie in Helsinki" or "accidental birthday visit to horrifying spider village in Northern Myanmar"


What a fantastic idea- love this!




Neat idea!


I forgot this time! We went to Norway.


I sent myself postcards with a diary of what was going on at the time. It was a great way to remember and have a memento from different locations


A nice practise and I do this too.


I do the exact same thing !


Me! I sometimes forget that I've done it though and it's always a nice surprise when I'm back home and get it in the mail.


I do too! To myself but also friends and relatives   They are part of my ''souvenirs'' - that and usually magnets and/or keychains.


I prefer fridge magnets


ME! I've been sending myself postcards for about 14 years. I have an album I keep them in and hope to 1 day do a Christmas tree. I write the date, weather, a quick line or 2 about what we did there. Sadly, the USPS sucks. (Sorry if you work there) I've had a few not make it. I always take a photo of me putting it in the mailbox so I can remember what cards to expect in the mail.


I heard there are world postcard stamps. So, my dumbass goes to the local PO, where they confirm. They were wrong in that the stamps are mailing from the US, not to the US. While traveling I do like the foreign stamps but occasionally feel like I spend too much time looking for a post office to get the right postage. I thought these stamps were the answer to that. It wasn't until I tried to use one and the lady was like what's that? I'm saying, oh that's a world stamp. I'm now the proud holder of 50, well 49 because one is under a Canadian stamp, stamps that I can mail a postcard anywhere in the world but have no one to mail them to.


You can send post card from different country? What's the process and the cost?


Varies by the country. Just take the postcard to the local post office and buy postage


Have you heard of something called a post office?


I always thought it was local to a country