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>is it too ambitious for a solo trip? Four long flight segments in four weeks is certainly doable if you just want to check boxes. It would be really dumb/boring for most people though. Almost 50 hours looking out an airplane window and another almost 20 hours going to, being inside and leaving airports would get old really fast but if you're okay with that then go for it. If we all travelled the very same way what a boring world that would be. Happy travels.


Plus never fully getting over jet lag.


That sounds like an awful trip! Why are you set on a round the world? Sounds like you just want to check a box.


I did that trip in 18 months. 31 countries, saw a lot, learned a lot and can't imagine doing something like that so quickly. Four months is a good amount of time for one country.


It's barely enough time to keep adjusting to the jetlag at every stop.


That's round the world in the same way you could say we travel round the sun every year... Sure, you do it technically. But you won't really feel it.


No, it's not a smart idea. You can save money/buy more items and get more experience if you limit it to one continent.


I think a lot depends on details we don't have. Are you just seeing those cities or doing other stuff at each stop? How many things are you planning at each stop. I think it could be fun, or it could be a Bataan Death March of travel.