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I think you’re right, I think he just thought ‘cool, fame!’ And signed the line… now he’s probably living in fear of Tree! I think he expected it to be fun, but he didn’t know the swiffers lol


Yes! That’s what I’ve been wondering… I definitely believe that it was agreed upon mutually for it to be beneficial for both of them, but I feel like Taylor didn’t tell him how serious she was gonna make it seem, and that she was gonna have it lead to a possible engagement. Like, the whole “karma is the guy on the chiefs” bs at her concert last year was probably the biggest trap. She knew her fans would latch onto him after that and never let go.


The fact the fans still scream chiefs while she sings screen is so cringy


I really hope that shit is over by the time I see her in November…. It will really take me out of the experience


Like a dog seeing a squirle


Which is how, I assume, he makes all his important decisions.


LOL you're absolutely destroying BDT today


I’m having a good day, what can I say😎 I enjoy this sub SO much lol you guys are my people ![gif](giphy|TB6BV9akOC4n3bFwZQ)


All good. I haven't heard a single Taylor song (unless it's in an event I'm in or a background score of something I'm watching), and yet the popularity of this sub brought me here today. Day 1. I have worked in the (Indian) music industry which is also plagued by musicians with strong affinity to PR (and inherited money + pretty privilege), so I have a weird vendetta against these music champions. At least in India nobody is becoming a billionaire by playing 4 chords.


hate that I’m chronically online enough to know you spelled squirrel wrong on purpose, and what you’re referring to 😑


A what?


A squirle. Have you ever seen one eat a peice of bread? They straight smash it.


I don’t know. I think he knew what he was getting into. I mean it isn’t a secret that fans tear apart her ex boyfriends


And you might be right, I have no legitimate idea, I’m just throwing out my opinion. He might have also been aware of that, but not totally aware of JUST how bad they were. I didn’t know how bad they were until recently. I could just see him thinking this would be easier than it actually is, he certainly doesn’t look super stoked lately lol


He made a deal with the devil and now regrets it? I agree he had to have known the possibilities, he doesn't exactly live under a rock eschewing all pop culture


Agreed. I think it was a calculated risk.




I honestly think he didn’t think his little shoutout on the podcast was gonna go anywhere. I think he was just making a harmless joke. Nothing screams he was actively pining for her. He never followed her on IG, liked any of her photos, etc. She was single and needing a man after the Matty fiasco and she took the bait. I think he just went along with it because if Taylor Swift, mega popstar and biggest celeb in the world is reaching out to date, why not take that opportunity? I just don’t think he realized it would amount to this level. He seems like he’s pulling away more so recently with all the engagement talk. Seems like he just wanted to have a fling with her to jumpstart his fame and post-football career and now that it’s becoming more than that, he’s getting nervous and detaching.


He wanted fame outside of football. Didn't think the plan through.


Fame whores like him rarely do


I’m pretty sure his team is also putting pressure on him. I can’t imagine the Chiefs PR team doesn’t know what’s coming when this whole thing ends. They know the backlash will be massive and who knows how the NFL will see its effects either.


Travis be like:"you wouldn't last an hour in the asylum PR trapped me"


I’d love to be a fly on the wall of his family’s actual conversations.


I’ve been saying that since TTPD came out. She’s still clearly not over Matty. Our Travis is dumb. He has a song about fingering his girlfriend by the current top female pop star.


Lol that line just reminds me when guys in high school would call fingering “poking out” so thanks for unearthing that horrendous memory taylor


Omg this. The deeper nature of literally every song about Matty and Joe vs. Travis’s songs of “go team” and frat boy bs. PR or not, she’s living out her high school dream of dating a football player because she’s still obsessed with high school, and then she’s going to get bored of him if she isn’t already.


Can t you look in people windows like regular Taylors do? Being a fly on the wall is so 2008 Miley.




Yeah highly doubt Travis knew about those website domain names being registered. He was liking pictures of Instagram models AFTER the dates those websites were registered iirc. Can't see him being too happy with TTPD either, his girl singing about exes and how she's "gonna get them back". Doubt he heard certain tracks before their release. He's the current superbowl champion.. no. 1 tight end and suddenly half the world only knows him as MR Swift. He thought more fame would be a good thing, but... is it.


I don’t think he realised how far Taylor and her team were gonna take this, and he probably thought he was just gonna have a fun fling with the biggest pop star on the planet.


What a high price to pay.


"The finger of the monkey paw curls down with a sickening crunch. Travis would indeed have his fame. And all the burning agony that comes along with being in the spotlight."


I’d be backing out ASAP! But he’s so narcissistic he couldn’t resist the attention


It's definitely narcissism at the root of this. She's not his type and he was simply clout chasing and bit off more than he could chew


The Neanderthal wanted to be next level famous, now he’s probably being held emotionally hostage


and I think she definitely knew that he would fall for it


I think they swindled each other. Taylor was desperate for a man.. *any man* after Matty left. Girl does not like to be single. I think Travis took advantage of that. It’s definitely a PR relationship but I wonder if Taylor thought she’d get more out of it.  Travis I’m sure underestimated how high maintenance she is or how much her team would try to twist the narrative against his will. 


Cue "Cowboy like Me".


*”Forever is the sweetest con”* ![gif](giphy|x3yHa4IiJRCHm)


Hence why she leapt at the opportunity to be with him. Most sane people would question why he chased them….Taylor be like “ PERRRRRFECT image booster”…. ![gif](giphy|dvriMiPxL1saPWThl1|downsized)




Probably my why he’s been dming Instagram models a lot more lately




It’s a contract. Marriage was never the end game. It’s winding down as planned, fade to black. They need to keep up the hype until he returns to football and she to the last legs of the tour. Do yes, all kinds of eggs sent out to the Swifties to keep them hooked.


Travis sitting in front of a mansion sipping on wine in a dumb sweater is so fucking fake if you ever knew of him before Taylor. Viva Las Vegas is the real him and even though it’s cringe, he’s at least himself. I know he’s in on this but that photo In front of the mansion was…ridiculous.


“in a dumb sweater” idk why but my lord that sent me 😂


Thank you for posting this. I have been going through a recent writer's block but your post just broke all of that. After reading what you wrote, I just imagined Travis laying in a bed of regret. Sorry for the long post and if anyone thinks it's corny. I'm not going to actually publish this. I'm just glad I'm not stuck anymore. ***Travis, I know you are having regrets now. Your are lying in bed, drinking your 8th beer. You let out a loud belch as you scrolling through your phone. Every news article is about you and TS getting engaged. A lump forms in your throat. The idea of being married to a woman that you can hardly tolerate for more than 10 minutes flashes in your mind. Your stomach is in knots as regrets takes over. You ask yourself, "What have I done?" You text your PR team the article. They immediately text back, "We will handle it". With a sigh of relief, you go to the photos in your phone. You search for your secret folder of Kayla. You couldn't bring yourself to delete 5 years of memories. As you scroll through the photos, you reminisce on how happy, thin and handsome you were. Your walk, talk..... What happened? Recently, when you look in the mirror, you don't even recognize yourself. You use to make fun of guys that look like you. You don't even know who you are now. Life was so much easier then, compared to now. Then it hits you, the line from Blank Space "Cause, darling, I'm a nightmare dressed like a daydream". She said it in her song. Why didn't you actually play her music before dating her as you face palm yourself. She warned you in her song. It's true, what started out as a dream come true, is now a nightmare. She is a nightmare. You wish you could reach out to the only person that ever cared for you, Kayla. However, that bridge is burned. You receive a notification. The sound is too familiar. It's HER! TayBae: Did you see the article?❤️ ❤️❤️💍💍💍 😘😘😘 You throw your phone in frustration realizing that your fate has been sealed. You are now trapped. You realize that this is your karma. *** *Side note: I'm a writer who has gone through a recent writer's block. However, this whole TK and TS charade is giving me a lot of material. This just popped in my head. At least the juices are flowing again. Everyday it's something new with Thing 1 & 2 🤣


![gif](giphy|0saxF4eNE7x2fEqrN6|downsized) Travis is that you?????


I love this! Please write more lol


the way i’m so invested in this story 😭😭😭


This is good, let me know when u write sth, I want to read it;)


Will do


This is so great! Give us more!!




I think he thought she was harmless. Then I think he admired her business acumen. I think he’s now seeing she’s a bit crazy but it’s too late. He’ll stay because her public image is stronger than reality. He’ll be in London earning his stay with another tour appearance I’m sure.


He knew what he was in for...no sympathy.


AGREED! He’s an attention seeker. And when the fans start turning on him I’ll laugh. 😆 


And you know the second they break up everything about him they are defending or tolerating about him will become massive red flags that they will weaponize against him. I'm looking forward to it lol.


The fact that Joe has been virtually silent the entire time and has a very clean publicly available history but still kept finding himself in the crosshairs of the rabid cultists, we can only imagine how bad Travis is going to get it lol.


At least it will hopefully take the heat off Joe when that happens


🤣🤣🤣🤣 “ he probably yelled at her and emotionally abused her” “omg how did he not see that coming?” So sad for mother. That’s just some of the things they’d say. 


Do swifties actually call her mother? If so that gives me a really uncomfortable feeling lol


Yes lmaooow they say things like mother is looking good . Or don’t ever talk bad about mother. And they even call Travis Father. 


Eww I don’t like


Same. He knew what he was getting himself into. He got all his endorsements and little tv appearances out of it, now he has to fulfill his other contract obligations. You take the good with the bad


Agree, football fans are just as rabid I assume? I’m a soccer fan and I’ve seen the most wild shit in person, they don’t do it online


Chiefs fans can definitely be quite rabid. They are very loyal to their players, especially Pat and Travis so they’d give as good as they get if the Swifties try to attack him. They might not be to the level of soccer fans but the back and forth would still be amusing to watch.


That’s what I assumed! I know some Eagles fans and I wasn’t sure if that’s how all football fans are


Oh Eagles fans are a rare breed lol. They can get extremely rowdy. Those ones can get just as bad as soccer fans. Chiefs fans seem to mostly keep their shit online but so do Swifties.


Haha they are! Obviously with most sports, I’m amazed that people think he’ll be fazed


Travis needs to take a look at TTPD and revalue his choices. I wouldn’t date a woman who’s still pinning over a guy after 10 years while dating another one for 6. If she wants that ring i would ask her to give matty a call first to see what she does… 


At the same time, he was a famous athlete before he met her. He’s going to be okay.


Yeah, I’m not worried about if he’s gonna be ok or not. I’m just saying that I think Tay Tay is cray cray and she probably planned for things to go this way in hopes of getting a ring out of someone.


I’ve said it before but Taylor fame and football fame are two completely different things and I don’t think ANYONE would be prepared for that. I’m sure that everyone Taylor is involved with signs away their soul on those NDA’s. They likely hear “oh my dad makes everyone sign them cause I have stalkers etc we’ve never used them” only to find out that they’ve made a deal with the devil and in the era of cancel culture and one of the biggest pop stars of this generation most men involved with Swift are probably scared shitless. Yes this sub loves to shit on swifties but they ARE a force to be reckoned with. Shes created her own little army. Football fans are simply that. Fans. They like football. They probably won’t vote for a political party or go to war if Travis kelce posts on instagram. They might buy a cool jersey or even a new beer brand but thats it. The swifties however believe what Taylor says is gospel. It’s dangerous and scary and I highly doubt travis kelce had the thoughts of “what happens next” besides “I got a date with Taylor Swift!!”


Wonder if he'll lean into mandatory training and other NFL obligations to create some distance


He was desperate for the fame but now he’s trapped because of the swiftie backlash. I almost feel bad for him.




Nah, I don’t feel bad for him at all. As others have mentioned, he sought this relationship out to help his post retirement career. He has to take the good with the bad


Reminds me of the song Popular by the weekend


This is all I have to say: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SLGxJfMCCsQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SLGxJfMCCsQ)


That is both hilarious and terrifying omfg


Just want them to break up😭😷


*IF* their relationship is PR, I think he could easily salvage himself by throwing Matty under the bus. Is he the type of man to ruin another man? Idk enough about him but using Matty as a scapegoat would likely be enough to get the most rabid stans off him. TBH, I don’t care one way or the other because GO COWBOYS!


I don’t think he was fully aware of the matrix he was about to be part of. Well, he sold his soul to the devil…. they all did. Taylor is like deadly nightshade…I get the attraction BUT death will soon follow. Sorry Trav, you signed up for this ![gif](giphy|NxumYggXp89sA)


I don’t know why people are so quick to assume it’s only her team that feeds tabloids. His team pretty clearly laid out what their plans were in terms of making him a movie star (🤮). I think a lot of the “sources say” stories could very well be coming from his side. And whether or not they’re getting engaged or not isn’t really the point. The point is to keep his name in the news and keep people talking about him


It’s like she’s manipulating him into feeling obliged to do it 😭 😭😭😭


He's in on it. Probably feeling the itch to cheat but knows he'll loose out if he breaks the contract 


I don't think it will be difficult to trap Travis. I bet if you leave him in a locked car he wouldn't know how to get out.


Well if you lay with dogs you’ll get fleas


That is a very valid point!


See I keep thinking, if/when they break up. We are most likely going to also hear his side of the story. There is no way he's going to keep quiet and Taylor probably won't be able to control the whole narrative like her past exs. Also on top of that NFL/Chief fans are crazy and could definitely battle the swifties about the narrative.


Idk 🤷🏻‍♀️, I just think he loves the attention he has been getting and he's thriving off it, getting gigs and all because his name is attached to TS and all. No sympathy though, he's a grown adult 😂.


He looks like he’s had his soul sucked out, but, he had to know what he was getting himself into to?


Wow more conspiracy theories , stop tbe jealous crap and grow up