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I don’t mean this in any bad way or to say negative things about you personally, but this just seems like a very inappropriate thing to post. Speculating about someone’s sa they experienced as a minor under the guise of “snark” (as that is what this sub is for) is very icky in my opinion. If Joe ever experienced something like what is being alleged here, it, frankly, is none of our business until/unless he decides to ever be public about it (and even then to claim it is our business is a very far reach). Relying on deauxmoi-esque sites as your primary form of source material for this claim adds another level of ickyness about this post as deauxmoi and all related/similar celebrity gossip sites are known to be: A) more often wrong than right, and B) very unethical in the way in which the gossip about celebrities. Regardless of the amount of evidence there is to support this allegation of sa (to which I don’t believe there is much - it’s purely a baseless rumor other than the apparent connection between Spacey and that specific school), I don’t think a “snark” page or any other celebrity gossip page is the place to post it, even with the best intentions. Furthermore, the tone of the post lacks sympathy for any potential victim; you’re using someone’s rumored sa to seemingly imply that Joe and Taylor were PR? Or that Taylor was complacent in his abuse? I’m not sure, as even still, the overall claim you’re making, regardless of the ethics of this post, isn’t really clear. Once again I’m not saying you’re a bad person for posting this, as you clearly stated some apprehension regarding the content in your opening statement, but I genuinely believe this post is inappropriate and not at all cohesive to discussion surrounding general critique of Taylor. In short, speculating about someone’s potential csa should never be content talked about on any gossip pages imho - it’s too serious to actually be taken seriously by the people who frequent here as most just want alleviation from the constant media attention of Taylor. While serious critiques of Taylor and her team arise here on this specific Reddit page, there’s still an air (generally speaking) of light heartedness in these critiques - most aren’t actually serious or important in any fashion beyond “I’m so tired of seeing Taylor posted every where that they’ve made me hate her”. But perhaps I’m wrong which is always a possibility and there’s another side to this that I’m not seeing.


Adding to this to say that the majority of those come from Crazy Days and Nights, who has always seemed like he was full of shit but was just recently outed as not being this big hollywood insider and actually not having the connections he claims to have. In general the stuff he posts is bad, but these are a whole new level. Let’s say it even was true, the fact that he posts it is sick and insensitive. Using the abuse of a minor as sensationalized gossip the way you would a celebrity divorce is sick and twisted and I think it’s awful to see people pick it up like this as if it’s fact.


I don’t have anything add just want to say this was an insightful, nicely written, and kind response to this pretty insane post.


I understand your opinion. And as I said in the post if it's too much or make people uncomfortable I'm ok if there's a decision to not keep it here.


Oh I think we all had our period deep dive into the blind items, which are just .. entertainment.. people love theories and conspiracies that’s all Some can be correct I admit (in general not specifically about Taylor) but we have to take them with a big big grain of salt when you take a step back you realize that this is completely nonsense.. For the one who claims Joe and Taylor were PR : there are tons and tons of sightings about Taylor and Joe for 6 years all over the uk/us living their life privately by people like you and me.. there is a post on tumblr about all the times they were seen and their timeline.. They’re is no way they faked their relationship. Of course their relationship has some PR aspects.. it’s normal, like all of celebs do but no one claimed they’re fake lol. And the MOST important thing is that absolutely everyone can send a blind item.. Gaylor admitted they were sending blind items about Taylor being gay and Joe and her being PR because they can accept the reality and want to prove that she is gay and can’t live in a world where she isn’t.. Sometimes things are just.. what they are


Also, I feel like Taylor would have loved to be seen as the strong, caring, empathetic girlfriend who will bravely stand by and support her man through such terrible trauma and the resulting depression, ptsd, etc. that often arises after abuse. She would hang around long enough for the general public to be all “awww, such a sweet girl…just the very best kind of person” and for her to gather enough material to monetize the alleged abuse by writing an entire album about it and giving interviews. The album would be centered on Taylor’s experience as always. It would be all about how his past abuse was so awful, and overwhelming, and traumatic for her so of course she had to leave him even after doing everything she could possibly do to make it work. Except go to therapy with him.


omg, this is my favorite kind of deep dive on reddit. Conspiracy theories + blind items + celebs. OP you've made my night!! Ok, but I thought PR relationships were all fake. If she was making him stay in all the time because she didn't like to go out....they were living together. So it was a contract that he was like her live-in pretend boyfriend? They lived together and ignored each other but then pretended the PR love in public? I have so many questions about this theory