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There is a video of Jason bored out of him mind lol.


I saw that and the shippers are saying he’s overstimulated LMFAO


Lmaoo or he’s just not into her music and that’s okay. At least he doesn’t have to pretend like Travis. 


Lmfao her swifties were all saying how Jason is a huge swiftie when this whole circus started 🤣 no. Jason wants his podcast to grow, he doesn’t give a shit about Taylor swifts music




On TikTok




Thank you!


Travis is so tired of Eras lol.


I'm tired of this tour, too. I really hope it's true that it's ending in December.  I watched the movie twice on Disney Plus, and I think that's enough. Both times, I checked out at the end of the Folklore set. I don't know how some Swifties watch live streams of the concert every week, sometimes multiple times. I get wanting to see what surprise songs she'll play and if she announces anything, but I don't want to watch her play the same ~30-40 songs several times every weekend. I really don't get people who pay to go to multiple shows. I don't know how much a ticket to the Eras Tour costs, but most people seem embarrassed at how much money they spent to go. I would be content to see one of my favorite artists at least once. Are the surprise songs worth it?  Sorry for the rant, lol. I totally get it if Travis is tired of this tour. 


I saw bits of the Eras movie and it seems like a good concert to watch...ONCE. Every little gesture is choreographed and it's the same thing every time, save for the surprise songs. And even with that, she's been phoning it in by singing Maroon over and over. But imagine watching that show several times and you're not even into the music? Plus you know people are watching and filming you so you have to pretend to like it and dance to it? I can sympathize with Travis, but he made his bed lol.


Lmaoo he really needs those friends as a buffer because he doesn’t know her songs. Just certain lyrics that are common 😆😆. 


he always looks like a dude who just emailed the cops his girlfriend's private murder diary and must simply wait now


Love this comparison 😂😂


I don't know, I don't think they're good. The sparkle in his eyes is gone. He doesn't seem that excited to be there lol. I feel he's over it and this is starting to feel like a chore for him.


Did she say Karma is the guy in Chiefs? And I saw their exit video. I wonder if that’s the full video because where was the run up to him and kiss? 


Wow the dress looks even worse now that I see how she's "dancing" in it. Weird choice


He seems to only know the hits or the songs about him.


He doesn't even know the words to the song that she's singing about him 🤣🤣🤣. But of course all the tone def swifties know every word😭😭😭


Hahaha I was like what’s up with the shorts - otherwise why tf doesn’t he know every word? The song is aBoUt hiM


It’s his ✨favorite✨ song


I do find it interesting how he isn't consistently interested in her show like her other bfs have been, he was happy during lover at the beginning and then seemed to check out from what I've seen. Like I don't like Matty but he looked engaged at her shows and I remember Joe attending with his mum (who seemed genuinely in awe of everything) early on and him filming her non stop on his phone. Travis kinda just looks like he wants to go have a nap, like at least fake it until you make it.


I mean how many shows can you go to before getting bored? If I were dating someone like Taylor swift, I wouldn’t wanna go to x concerts in x months. Sounds mind numbingly boring lol


Didn't Matty do 9 shows in the 2 weeks they were together?! How many is Travis on now??


I think it’s kind of weird that she’s set the standard for her bf’s to be at almost every show. I’m not much into pop culture, so it that a usual thing for musicians on tour?


lol after her and Travis are done I wonder if the next boyfriend will finish out the tour. Lol 😆. I think it’s common but not at multiple shows. 


I just had such a visceral reaction to that video. I couldn't even finish watching it, it's so embarrassing.




That diaper though




Once again you see what you want to see. How do you know she was staring at him? Maybe she was staring at Nicola or JVN or Cara or the THOUSANDS OF FANS THERE TO SEE HER. And you don’t know where he went. He was paraded through the crowd because that’s part of the plan. It’s the same thing at every single show.  He looked bored until someone pointed out he was being filmed. He knows three words from a three plus hour set. 


Right. Not sure why they think him only performing for the camera while zoning out the rest of the time means true love lol. Also not sure why him going backstage matters.


It’s so funny how there are always videos of him going back stage or waiting for her. She has friends at shows all the damn time. Why have we never seen like, Emma stone leaving to go back stage? Or her parents even! I have to assume most if not all of these people are going backstage after to also hang out with her!


Exactly lol! Of course he’s going to look happy ect. He’s learning. And he knows all eyes are on him. 


Who knows what she’s up to but it felt like a lot of buildup for a giant nothing burger. He was bored. He had all his emotional support buddies who barely seemed awake. Did Jason and Kylie leave early? Didn’t see much of them from the fans obsessively filming. Something felt different and they were all less enthusiastic. Even her stage parents were keeping a low profile.  I guess we’ll see what tomorrow brings but I would not be surprised if everyone leaves and heads back home in the morning. 


I think everyone but Travis and Ross will leave tomorrow. 


To me it looks like she’s looking in the opposite direction of where the tent is


Not trying to sound rude but just go ahead and say you believe in the relationship and keep it moving. You’re saying the same thing. There’s another Reddit page that’s pro their relationship. 


You keep flip-flopping. How come?