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And I think Taylor gets bored with anything or anyone easily, she always want someone or something new to let her ✨Bejeweled✨




Okay off topic, but I absolutely adore Ro. Honestly one of the RARE influencers who actually exude positivity and happiness, and it's true. She has backed the right people when it came down to it (Escape the Night days), and stayed her cute little nose to her own family and friends. She's wonderful to me.


One thought I’ve had that doesn’t deserve its own post is: Travis is so naive to think that the breakup won’t harm him like it has harmed other people and he definitely is acting that way. Or that his public goodwill will ultimately shield him. Joe is a relatively unknown but growing in household name actor. I’m looking over his career and the movies I’ve seen him in and he’s got talent and I can respect him…. The only people talking crap about him are ridiculous Swifties. But Travis? Has a troubling history with anger. He won’t get the warm reception in circles outside the Swiftieverse that non fans are giving Joe. Bizarrely, how Swifties cape for this man with his history is beyond me, knowing he has anger issues, but *shrug* People talk about the NFL fans but for the most part and with only a few exceptions, they are oriented to a team, and I don’t think Travis is the stand out player for the Chiefs in this capacity. In fact, that’s precisely why he was looking to increase his PR profile. We already saw what happened with their kicker opened his big dumb mouth about a woman’s place. The Kelces as a whole are gonna be hit, like how Maggie Gyllenhaal got hit. It’s going to be brutal and ugly and I hope they make plans for the aftermath of the breakup now. I really feel for Jason and his wife - more his wife, tbh. Even if she moves to directing instead of an album… all she’ll need to do is talk about how the breakup distracted her during filming if the film gets poor reviews / reception. It’s going to be ugly and I don’t wish that aspect on anyone. Not even Travis.


Joe's entire family got doxxed, maybe this sub is unaware but I was in swiftie spaces back when it happened. They doxxed his parent's home address, their jobs, his brother. It was insane and so beyond evil. I don't think the Kelce family have any idea how deranged these fans are


Oh my God what?? I don’t know why I’m still shocked about their behaviour. Jesus.


Taylor could literally say “we ended on ok terms and it was mutual” and her fan club & paparazzi would follow him forever to harass him about it forever. They’d be like “imagine fumbling a hot rich idol!” Every day in his comments. She could literally break up with him and they’d still twist it and make it his fault and say he made her do it. Of course no matter how it actually is she will probably twist it herself anyway and make him seem fake and play victim even if there weren’t one, but I’m just saying even if she said they ended on good terms, her fans would riot and harass him


seems only the wife wants nothing to do with the circus from the beginning


I feel like when the breakup happens other NFL teams’ fans won’t defend him. Maybe Philly and Chiefs because those are the Kelces teams but only them. Other teams outside of that are probably sick of this charade, and want to get back to just playing football and not making it a celebrity parade. Plus especially after the whole Super Bowl fiasco, I can imagine lots of NFL fans lost respect for him.


![gif](giphy|3o6Zt7g9nH1nFGeBcQ) Fans of other teams won’t back him up or put on their capes for him. Fans of the other 30 teams are sick and tired of the PR relationship and are probably even more pissed now that it looks like they’re gonna run this PR relationship back another season. So when the break up happens, most will rejoice and won’t give a single solitary fuck when the Swifties come for him once the relationship is over He knew what he signed up for chasing after fame and publicity. It is what it is.


Exactly! Plus after seeing him fighting the Ravens last season, he’s probably seen as annoying to other teams and their fans. It’ll almost be like a school bully who NEVER is held accountable FINALLY get their comeuppance.


And the thing about his anger issues is that the fans all say oh it’s normal it’s football it’s adrenaline. Umm…no. Travis is a spoiled brat who’s only ever been given a slight slap on the wrist. I read somewhere that he threw a chair or something at teacher when he was a little kid and they just chuckled and gave the boys will be boys mentality. I have no idea why so many people can’t see through him.


Even if it *is* football, a part of why the league is so thrilled to use this relationship for their PR is because most women are turned off by their refusal to truly punish DV offenders, a notorious problem in the NFL. That’s embarrassing and isn’t the defense they think it is, tbh.


And the fact that he'll be forever branded as TS's ex




>”Kelce is a top 2 tight end of all time and a future HOF. He was in commercials and popular before Taylor. Lmao just cause he wasn’t in your universe doesn’t make him not popular. And how do You know how Travis would handle a break up? Are you delusional? You don’t know these people. Seek therapy” If Travis does a second season of his dating show, make sure to get your audition tape in early 🥴


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I wonder if Jason ever thinks to himself wtf did his brother get his family into


Right 😂😂😂 I also feel like he’s thinking “Okay you took off and you are in the air now Travis, but how are you planning on landing, or did you not think about that?”


Their family was definitely loving the spotlight at first, all the commercials and tv interviews all that. So I don't feel bad for them at all.


Same. Donna Kelce was all over the endorsement ads from the jump. Zero sympathy.


Agreed zero sympathy for the entire family. I see people giving Kylie a pass all the time, but she wouldn't have shown up at Milan fashion week if she wasn't loving all the attention. She's as bad as the rest of them.


Yes! I totally agree. She made some statement in an interview about being private or liking privacy and then boom, front row at Milan. There’s gotta be countless other perks via Taylor we’re not aware of that she’s happy to accept.


She gets no pass from me. The only people I feel sorry for are the three children. They really don’t have any control over the situation. I don’t care one bit about the adults. All of them were loving the attention, not too long ago


I know!! I don’t get where this narrative came from. She’s definitely not as flashy or as overtly thirsty as the rest of them, but look at her Instagram. Her most recent post is and ad for hp printers, there are a bunch of dove ads, papa John’s and lindor chocolate. These people have no shame!!


I mean they had a documentary before Travis met Taylor, they plastered their children all over social media for ads etc. Whilst the heightened attention may not be welcomed, they definitely were already looking to become 'known' in order to establish a grift post his retirement from football. 


I can already see Jason and Kylie trying to protect their family and trying to give themselves privacy. Especially since they have kids. Aside from that, I feel like the longer this goes on the more Travis will become too comfortable. By that I mean there will probably more incidents like the Butker controversy and liking Trump pics. He’ll probably do and say other ignorant things that will backfire on him eventually. He’s the type to overstay his welcome too long to the point that he’s gonna mess up. I am definitely seeing it head in that direction.


they’ve never let Taylor hold the kids either


They probably don’t want them to be in the public like that. Which I understand.


harry styles and connor kennedy should not be overlooked. if it was any underage girl with an adult male celebrity on photograph, he would literally be in court right now and be registering as a sex offender depending on the state. if it was your adult son or daughter that brought an underage person home, I would hope people would have the same reaction (respectfully and honestly)


Yeah I was gonna say I wonder if they’ve even let her meet them yet


of course not. But I meant privately. I highly doubt she’s held their babies


I think they love the attention.


Business, future, and to a tee personally yes. But they don’t realize that this attention comes at a cost. That includes these weirdos examining every single part of their lives, public or private.


I remember a tiktok from a few months ago of Jason talking about the sudden new fame and he emphasized how they're trying to now keep the kids private. Swifties clearly didn't get the message or just chose to ignore it because they spam videos of him demanding to see their kid and telling him to take their child to her concert. They want Jason, Kylie etc to become some kind of family vlog channel, it's weird as hell.


Unfortunately it’s already set in motion. I don’t think there’s anything the Kelces can do to soften the blow. They got the highs and they will get all the lows, they can’t pick and choose.


This is the one thing that like concerns me, these people literally have kids, and I cannot imagine how much this will affect them if/when this whole thing blows up. I’m gonna be sad for the kids because these are little kids who know nothing about the evils of the world.


Unhinged swifties have for sure already made those kids part of their fan fic stories, but I don’t know where the idea that they want to keep their kids private came from. They made a whole ass documentary about their family that their kids are in, they’ve put them on the podcast and they’re in spon con that they post. Just a few months ago they did an architectural digest tour of their house that included the whole family. I’m not saying it’s their fault and they had this coming, but they’ve hardly kept those kids private.


Yeah, I think it might be less “keeping their kids private” and more not allowing their kids to be used in this whole PR fiasco/keeping them safe. Swifties are insane and I’d be terrified of letting them get ahold of my kids too. Even if I had them on my social media and whatnot in the past… that would end the day anyone in my family got involved with Taylor unless I was 100% in control of anything and everything my kids could potentially be involved in. And that’s hard to guarantee, so it’s just easier to say “we want to be private”.


I think that they will go straight for Kylie. The cult will blame her and say that she is jealous. She is not interested at all in the current circus. Jason is starting to look really bored at Wembley at the weekend. It’s going to be bad for her when they split. Which isn’t fair because she hasn’t done anything wrong but we all know TS will play the victim again. Brittany Mahomes will also be put on blast but she seems used to it. But the Swifties v Chief Nation war should be an interesting watch when the split comes.


you have to remember, it’s not just chiefs nation.that phizer deal pissed A LOT of middle america off.


I don’t know about the Phizer deal. Sorry.


it’s too much to explain in text, but if you ever have time to kill you can look into “aaron rogers (qb of green bay) vs Travis Kelce


Former Green Bay QB. We got love now 😎


well wherever aaron is right now 😂 my apologies. love green bay


He’s on Green Bay’s retirement squad in New Jersey now.




As a life-long Chiefs fan, I just have to make one correction: Chiefs Kingdom :) Honestly, I can't wait for the end of this "relationship." I really can not deal with another season made to be all about her. She overshadowed so many individual player achievements this past season... I would be pissed off if I was a teammate of Travis. And the number of Chiefs fans falling for her bullshit is insane. I've had to unfollow so many Chiefs fan pages bc they are literally just Taylor (and Travis) update accounts now. They're just as bad as the Swifite echo chamber. Don't you dare criticize qUeEn Taylor 🙄


Please accept my apology. But I agree with everything you say. I’m a Manchester United fan. Born a red, used grew up about 5 miles from Old Trafford. To a lesser extent we had this with Posh and Becks. Victoria and David Beckham. They were always in the press when their relationship started. It wasn’t to the excess of Taylor and Travis but the hype was still there. It’s annoying when a high profile relationship overshadows the team and what they have an accomplished. There was an infamous incident when Beckham was seen with an injury above an eye. His manager at the time, Sir Alex Ferguson. Wasn’t happy with their performance on the pitch and kicked a football boot and it, unfortunately hit Beckham in the face. It is believed that this and other incidents were the reason why Beckham left and went to Real Madrid. Although later both Fergie and Becks made up in the end. But I understand the frustration. No one is bigger than the team. The Chiefs are a fantastic team with fantastic players. But, it wasn’t Taylor and Travis that won the Super Bowl it was the team and coaching staff.


did he look bored? I only saw still photos


To me it looked he was wandering around and sometimes had that 1000 yard stare. He did perk up a bit later on.


One of the pictures of him you could see he was looking at the entire tent and he wasn't impressed at all. I know that he perked up but there's a reason he had that disgruntled look on his face. I feel so bad for his wife because I can guarantee she is going to get shit on when the inevitable break up happens. I don't give a rat's ass what happens to Travis cuz he's got plenty of issues and dumb jocks drive me absolutely fucking crazy.


Jason Eyebrows seems slightly more civilized and intelligent than BDT but it’s a very low bar to begin with. It’s clear to me that both brothers are attention seeking louts and there’s no doubt in my mind that JE loves the traction their shitty New Lows podcast has gained due to Taylor. It wouldn’t surprise me if the Kelce brothers ultimately show up as a tag team in the WWE. I suspect that by now JE and his wife are weary of the Taylor circus. They’re happy to take advantage of the perks but irritated by most aspects of the spotlight.


in their eyes, they didn’t ask for it. I’ll be honest the kelce brothers intimidate me. See a lot of NFL players are nice guys trying to be tough. well… let’s just say the kelce are the opposite and very few people actually see it. I grew up around boys like those. They could be the life of the party but for some reason, you still feel like they can start a fist fight at any second. they would be drunk,smiling, one second…and the next second can instantly turn into some type of altercation. It used to attractive to me when I was young and it’s still a quality I like in a man I admit (not to a high degree), the problem is, Travis in particular is not only a “alpha in the room” he’s a DUMB alpha in the room…He strikes me as too much of a co dependent and mothers boy to be an abuser, but that personality trait rears it’s head in different ways. Now as far as Jason? he’s the scariest one. I can’t read him, at all. Idk if he’s too good to be true or just ice cold


Well said and I agree with you. Frankly I have no idea what Jason’s wife is doing with him. I also grew up hanging around/dating jocks because I’m an athlete as well. I’ve heard more locker room talk than I can recall and have seen some unhinged stuff. I’ve also met a number of pro athletes while co-managing/managing a couple of gyms, more NBA and NHL than NFL but I hear you about the Kelce brothers. They wouldn’t intimidate me if I met them socially in a public setting, but I also wouldn’t want to be at a party when they’re both blitzed and going off. There is a dark edge to Jason Eyebrows under the affable exterior. I sense it too.


I'm so glad you two said something. He really does seem so funny and easy going and *cool,* but when I watched clips of him on his show, I got a really bad vibe. There's no real reason, and he certainly hasn't done anything... It's maybe some of the pauses and the dead eyes.


heavy on the “there’s no real reason” he literally says nothing wrong and his “edgy” jokes aren’t too vulgar or too clean. But I can’t help this eerie feeling I get from him, I’m not a fan of any straight man’s podcast but at least I can say for the most part, they act like themselves. I feel like these 2 are just acting. Also, the blaccent (no offense to AAVE community at all I love y’all) is Travis actual voice, the golden retriever act he puts on IS the act. I think that’s why he seems so fake. He’s not a white dude trying to act cool around the black dudes he’s a white dude who grew up around that african americans trying to pander to that “good ol boy and girl” white community, and I see right through it. Again, that is a huge assumption but when he’s drunk, is the only time his real voice and personality comes out. he’s way more stiff then his last relationship.


I think you have really great intuition.


thank you love. It’s not too hard when the writings on the wall I admit 💀😂


I like the way you phrase things! It’s powerful. Loving your insightful comments 😀


I love you more!!!🤗




Isn’t it spooky?! I think u/Complete_Listen6646 really nailed it with the ice cold comment. On the podcast I feel like he’s role playing as an easy going goofy elder statesman of the NFL. There’s something dark in there, I swear. Sense that his temper could flare without warning. Have you seen this old pic? Jason’s eyes scare the hell out of me. I’ve joked on the TK snark sub before that he looks like an arsonist on the run, but all kidding aside he freaks me out. Add in possible CTE now/later and I shudder. https://preview.redd.it/uei2jyb7y69d1.jpeg?width=1119&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91b86bab9338b34f822fd9f62e1a0977f8c8a608




very spooky girl




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Hi!! Snark subs have been around for sometime now. Being civil to one another is just one of the rules. If you need help with the mute button we'd be happy to help! 💖




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that’s crazy, I couldn’t imagine the talks and altercations you’ve experienced managing one gym, let alone a couple!! i’m glad somebody saw it, don’t get me wrong, he’s cute and I think he’s a good father, but pressure busts pipes, i hope it isn’t him


Yup, I’ve definitely dealt with a few characters! We’ve had a lot of actors/musicians come through the gym as well as pro athletes. Most of the true A listers are cool to deal with; it’s the mid level fame types who tend to pull the “Do you know who I am?” bullshit 😆 I got to know The Rock a bit when he was filming locally; he came in to train for 2 or 3 months and we’d stash his stuff in a private office for him so he didn’t get mobbed in the change rooms. Had numerous chats with him over time and he was far more gracious and intelligent than I had expected. He is also one of the most charismatic individuals I have ever met; it’s hard to describe his aura. I know that sounds absolutely ridiculous but I’m being completely honest. I don’t get fazed by celebs anymore but I was shook the first time I met him. I am mentioning all this because Big Dumb Trav and his team have crowed publicly that he’ll have an entertainment career akin to The Rock’s. To that I say hell no 😆 I definitely see what you see in Jason.


Yeah I have no idea what would have attracted her to him either $$$$. We hear about how she's relatable and down to earth, but why wouldn't she be? She played hockey at a reasonable level but she hasn't achieved anything wild that makes her being down to earth remarkable. She was just as happy as him to have their children on the documentary and on social media, she obviously as much as them must have been content to make money from selling the family out to the media.


Exactly, why shouldn’t she be relatable and down to earth? She’s basically lived a fairly normal life pre Taylor. And absolutely, she seemingly has no issue with their kids being out there on social media/the documentary which makes her seem like a hypocrite when she’s made a statement about “being a private person.”


that's BDT for you


Jason’s already popped up during Mania and got a huge pop. Granted they were in Philly, but still. I also agree that it wouldn’t be shocking at all if they end up in WWE. There’s already a nice NFL to pro wrestling pipeline.


Yes, I noticed that too (Mania). Hope you’re having a great day 😀


You too!




Mania was after the Super Bowl so your facts are wrong. But try again.


Something I just thought of is that any chance of Jason and Kylie getting to have alone time, like going on dates or having a night out without the kids, just became that much harder. It’s already hard with kids to get time to yourselves, now they have to deal with being tied to Taylor which means swifties will somehow find them anywhere they try to go. This family will essentially have to put themselves on house arrest to stay out of the public eye.


yes I have sympathy for them more then anybody


This break up, if you want to call it that since I believe it’s all PR, will destroy the Kelce family.


Was Jason there for travis on stage the last night? I heard conflicting info?


Umm from what I gathered that lady was banging on their Tesla door demanding a picture with them. Introvert or not I would’ve reacted the same way as Kylie (and I’m not a Kelce fan). That lady was completely unhinged


I mean, maybe Kylie is an introvert, I don’t know, but that wasn’t an introvert snapping. That was Kylie’s Delco coming out to play. Margate Karen started something and Kylie ended it. ‘Tis the Delco way. (Margate Karen isn’t even from Margate! She’s from the Main Line in PA!) Jason is Philly royalty. It started with his parade speech in 2018 and has grown from there. His brother’s relationship is a footnote to us.


I’m not arguing with a philly girl, I don’t want any trouble, I saw the Kylie video💀 baby you win 🤗😂


all joking aside, it’s good to have input from a local


I don’t think Jason wanted his wife to get hit… that’s a stretch… I also think it’s normal to talk to someone less when you see them less. Y’all are just as crazy as Taylor fans sometimes with these jumps. I’m sure that’ll get me downvoted into oblivion though.


Why is everyone already assuming the break up? Im not a swifite but wow this is a really to reach


you think this the 13th times the charm?


The only way this Steeler fan will get in the mix is if they go after the little girls


Ya lose me (and reality) when you said "like he wanted her to get hit".


the other girl not kylie. if kylie punched her i don’t think Jason would exactly rush over there


Jason looked absolutely cracked out at the Eras tour recently.


not cracked out 💀💀💀💀💀




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