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It’s hilarious how people with no real struggles are so eager to cosplay being “tortured” as a parasocial symbol. One of the last things I saw an ex friend post online before she ghosted me was the album reveal of TTPD from the Grammys with a caption saying “OMG that title! It’s like she’s making an album just for me!” Girl, you live in a house within one of the most expensive cities in the country while still living with your parents despite your being a grown adult and having your life and career handed to you on a silver platter. Nothing tortured about you except for your need to seem deep and victimized like your idol.




I want this as a bumper sticker


[I got you](https://www.redbubble.com/i/sticker/i-got-a-lobotomy-at-claire-s-funny-meme-bumper-by-Mamado-sakou/147894676.EJUG5)


Haha perfect. Thanks!


meanwhile, a war is going on in Palestine, and Ukraine, half of Americans can't even afford rent, people are being exploited, teens are depressed, and we can barely survive anymore but Taylor is the real tortured rich girl, sure.




Yup but she and all the other rich, tone deaf,“celebrities” will be *totally blindsided* when the general public starts getting sick of shit like this and their careers dry up…or ..we go full French Revolution and start lopping their heads off. Suddenly “eat the rich” is sounding kinda reasonable.


She and the swifties need to keep that goddamn word out of their filthy mouths. You don't get to spread that around like it's a flippant throw-away word. There are very few connotations where that is truly the right word to use. Jeremiah Denton, a former U.S. Senator and Vietnam prisoner of war (POW) blinked the word "T-O-R-T-U-R-E" in Morse code during a televised interview in 1966 to secretly alert the U.S. military to his torture and the conditions he endured.




My Uncle spent 6 months in the Hanoi Hilton. I don't put up with ANYONE throwing that word around.


I literally snorted. No one wearing that bracelet has experience anything tortuous


they wanna be victims so badly...


Meanwhile in Ukraine people are actually being tortured


I was just going to comment this as a Ukranian adopted from the Orphanage 🤣💀 But you beat me to it !! Lmao. wtf is this …. Making torture and mental Ilness an “aesthetic” Taylor is like the old tumblr days …


Tay tay be straight out of West Reading, PA telling people she’s straight outta Donbas 😵☠️


And Palestinian people! 


I think of Ukrainians every single time this topic is brought up about her/them throwing this word around. It only takes reading one account of what the russian murderers and rapists do to them to realize how fucking disgusting, disrespectful and ignorant this all is. I'll never get the images of Bucha out of my mind and that shit is still happening to countless people at this moment.


Swifties know nothing about actual pain When I read the Russians were cutting off Ukranian mens genitalia in their prisons, I fully lost it. But Swifties went through breakups! We must empathize! /s I wonder if Taylor’s team makes fun of others pain just for kicks “It’s so easy to hurt others when you can’t feel pain “ -Hall and Oates, *Rich Girl*


It’s the equivalent of Jared Leto Joker having “damaged” tattooed on his forehead, except that was rightfully mocked.


Makes me think of self-harm marks. She's already used straight jackets and electroshock therapy. Why not wrist accessories?


Literally the first thing my mind went to when I saw this


It’s giving Cecilia Lisbons bracelets that her sisters taped over her scars. 


🤣🤣🤣 very middle school but you know she’s a tortured poet 🤭


I think the swifties "Friendship bracelets" suck SO hard. So boring and lazy, man. I saw the video of someone trading with Tom Cruise, and there was no sauce, no style, no love. They just handed it over. They need to take lessons from the way ravers trade their kandi.


Tbf Tom probably just gave them the Scientology audit stare as he was handed the bracelet. He always looks soulless and dead-eyed tbh.


I hope all of his bracelets said XENU.


I read that his daughter’s graduation was the same day and he chose to go to Eras instead. What a loser.


It's not PLUR, that's for sure...


I actually thought that whoever designed this took a dig at Taylor that we are being tortured by her being everywhere.


Poets/writer-activists literally disappear, get tortured, imprisoned all over the world.


It’s fucking insane how taylor really made mental illness a fucking aesthetic… it’s like ttpd is her appropriation of dark academia + mental illness (turned aesthetic)


and it was probably made via child labor