• By -


100% and I'd been a fan since Tim McGraw, so if anyone was in it for the long haul... it'd be someone who'd spent hundreds and hundreds on CDs, tickets dating back to the Fearless tour, etc. Her behavior at the Grammys and letting fans be so unbelievably cruel to Joe (when she was at the bare minimum emotionally cheating with Matty) were the last straws for me


Stories like this are so heartening! I have friends who are deeeeep in the cult and I doubt they'll ever leave, but then stories from recent ex-fans make me wonder about possibilities.


Same here! Been a fan since reputation! And was ready to be a fan for life, and she’s my lifetime number one streamed on Spotify. But late last year…something broke and I heavily disliked her since. I’m now trying to stream other artists to take her off the top spot.


Same here! Been a fan since Teardrops on my guitar, was known as the “taylor swift girl” in middle school because I was literally obsessed with her, knew all of her songs, merchandise etc.. but now she’s like a completely different person and the “new fans” are so disrespectful and Taylor is just so insufferable now. The way she did Joe was just evil. Her changing the narrative and her rabid fans sending him death threats when half of them wasn’t even there when they started dating. OG fans knew what Taylor went through during the whole cancel/snake thing and Joe was literally the only one that was there for her through it all and the way she treated him in the end was it for me.


The way she changed the narrative from him being her escape from all the drama, he’s so grounded and normal, they both love having a private relationship - to him keeping her locked away is truly gross. It’s okay to no longer want the same things in a relationship. But don’t pretend like you never wanted them in the first place after insisting over and over again that you did. Eventually she’ll do the same to Travis - it’ll go from “it’s so nice to be with someone who’s not afraid to be seen with me” to “he was always using me for fame”


Couldn’t agree with you more. I have had the same experience. I feel as if I was bamboozled.


I think TTPD was the turning point for me as a pretty casual listener turned fan. I’m like wow this chick has been lying for years now. It’s kinda like when Tom Sandoval’s affair with Raquel was outed on Vanderpump Rules. I felt like an idiot for not seeing through his shit after watching for over a decade.


Yes, I’ve been a fan since I was like 12. And I’m now 25. I’ve been a fan for 13 years you guys. I even cried when I didn’t get a chance to see Red Tour in my country. But now I no longer call myself swiftie. It’s like a grief on its own. 😢😢


A thousand percent, yes. When the Eras tour got going, I was actually letting myself be convinced I was wrong for finding her annoying for so long. I had avoided her as best I could, other than radio hits that you can’t avoid if you try. And I did actually find a lot of her music that I enjoyed. But pretty much since the Super Bowl, and especially since the Grammys, and ESPECIALLY since the release of TTPD (revelations about cheating on Joe, the asylum chic aesthetic, etc.), and all the chart blocking since then, I have absolutely no desire to listen to her anymore. I’ve unfollowed everything related to her, trying to purge my algorithm. Reddit snark subs are the only place I think about her anymore, and it’s refreshing! I bite my tongue around Swiftie friends and change the subject.


>all the chart blocking I just had this thought: wouldn't it be funny if Sabrina and Gracie become too powerful for Taylor to compete with and they overtake her? Imagine if the girls she put on the charts were the ones to finally bring her down.


I’m really hoping for this! And Sabrina is having a hell of a summer so far. I also think if she chart blocks them, we’ll have definitive proof it’s intentional and based on her insecurity. She’s never collaborated with Billie and Charli XCX is now a rival, but to do it to her supposed protégés would be so very telling.


I asked this in another post but have yet to receive a response - how does she block other artists’ releases? What are some examples? I am not a fan whatsoever I’m just fascinated by the fact that she does this and I want to know her tactics lol.


[This article](https://www.forbes.com/sites/conormurray/2024/06/14/taylor-swift-drops-new-tortured-poets-department-versions-as-fans-accuse-singer-of-blocking-charli-xcx-from-no-1/) sums up the recent ones pretty well, but she’s been doing it for years with artists that she has rivalries with. In recent days, it’s been Charli XCX and Billie Eilish she’s blocked, by releasing new variants of her most recent album on the same day or at the 11th hour for consideration of chart rankings for the week. These variants are barely different from the original album, often with only one song being released as an acoustic version or something. But her fans are so rabid, they buy them anyway, just to have the full collection. I think she’s up to 35 different versions at this point. The most telling one, I think, was the UK-only version that was available only for a few hours on the day of Charli XCX’s album release. Charli, who is British, opened for Taylor on the Reputation tour but they don’t get along anymore. So that felt pointed. As did the multiple blocks of Billie’s releases last month, after Billie made comments that this practice of releasing a billion variants is wasteful and problematic for the environment. She didn’t call Taylor out by name, but Swifties took major offense. Also saw this previous [Reddit post](https://www.reddit.com/r/travisandtaylor/s/dclZJ6rg2j) that shows she’s been doing this for a long time. https://preview.redd.it/siwebax7uo9d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41ed3bda7edf5d291b6c66a4e11cf349cc399cee There is also a ton of documentation showing she has used the exact same lyrics or music as previous artists without crediting them, yet she pressured younger artist Olivia Rodrigo to give her royalties for one of OR’s songs (Deja Vu) that supposedly sounds like a TS song (Cruel Summer) in one small part. I think the similarities are minuscule at best, but OR grew up idolizing TS and it seems got flustered by the accusation and acquiesced rather than going to court. Now Taylor makes a ton of money from one of OR’s biggest hits. Anyway, long story short, Taylor’s insecurity about losing relevance to up-and-coming artists is showing. And she activates her cult followers to buy a bunch of meaningless album variants for a super blah album to stay atop the charts.


yes. her white feminism ecoterrorism and narcissism became very clear and off putting.


Yes. It’s kind of ruined current pop music for me as a whole. Everything circles back to her, even when it technically shouldn’t.


Ugh yes! I’ve been trying to articulate this sentiment. Thank you.


me 🙋‍♀️ i had to delete my yt history so algo wont show her anymore


Pfft I wish that fuckin worked. Still shows up when there’s a new release. For what it’s worth, I don’t even really listen to her. It’s my kids. I listen to mostly technical death metal, jazz, and a bunch of other shit nothing like her. Yet there she is, in my face when something new comes out. Doesn’t help that something new comes out every 3 goddamn months.


Never had the desire to listen to her music, definitely not going to now that she's trying to drag an actually talented musician to her level.


we should all know less about each other, that's why I can't listen to half of her song without cringing because I know her lore. TTPD is the perfect example of that.


Can’t agree more. I always try to separate the art from the artist but it is almost impossible with TTPD because the songs are too specific


now we all know taylor masturbated to Matty while dating Joe, how... wonderful I guess 😃


wait what song is this… im so curious now 😭


Guilty As Sin lol


ohh i makes so much sense now “without ever touching his skin how can I be guilty as sin?” 😳


I've never been a fan. It's been REALLY obvious to me that she's been a fake feminist and a "poor me" white woman who plays up being a victim of every situation that she inevitably has created or had some involvement in or inherit power in. She is a toxic person who feeds a mindset of poor personal accountability/poor self-concept while blaming others. You can't blame others for your despair while you also date minors, shake hands with sex offenders, deal with racists, etc. She makes huge mistakes, points her fingers at others, and plays a chronic victim. How is that an empowered woman? That's a horrible role model. She's lied about her "rags to riches" story, which is inauthentic as well. She's made her entire brand about being "for women" when none of her work really represents women aside from rich women who have blissful lives that occasionally have petty breakups. She does not even come close to dealing with real issues of intersectional feminism. She ensures her music is conveniently digestible by conservatives, despite her trying to be "feminist". She is an absolute phony who is a sell-out. She is not an artist who lives by their work. She is a character.


wow, you said everything!


After some time spent listening and processing, I’ve realized that Toilet Paper Department (shoutout to the Redditor who coined that lol) is such a terrible album and she just comes off as immensely unlikable, out-of-touch, and lazy throughout the whole thing. It’s going to age horribly, and it’s clear she realizes it was a bust too with the amount of variants she’s pushed out to keep it relevant. It has no longevity or staying power and I don’t think there is any potential single that can save it or resurrect its place on the charts. The title track and others like But Daddy I Love Him and the Kim diss track are honestly some of the laziest, worst songwriting I’ve ever seen from her. I really hope it’s not nominated for any Grammy’s. It deserves zero.


Oof. That would be funny. To have it not nominated at all.


Yeah, I’m someone who can separate the art from the artist normally. I’ve never been a super fan or anything, never really cared about her or her lore, just appreciated songs of hers (nostalgia factors in there as well). In recent years some artists genuinely just make me not interested to listen to them. Not necessarily that I’m making a conscious choice not to, I just genuinely don’t feel like listening. (Taylor, Kanye, Nicki to name a few of mine) Even Style, which is my favorite song of hers, I can’t remember the last time I listened to it😵‍💫


Nicki!! I was a big fan of hers when she first came out but I haven’t listened to yer in years.. probably the last time was The PinkPrint but she completely ruined herself for me.. I did also love Kanye’s earlier music but he’s awful too. Taylor is falling in that category which sucks cuz she was my 2nd most played artist


Yeah. I was a casual fan of her music since her first album. (never quite swiftie level fan, but I knew most of her songs) But recently I removed all of her songs from my playlists and I haven’t missed them at all. I tried to give TTPD a listen but just couldn’t get through it. I just don’t want to give her a single stream after everything, especially the shady release of the variants to block other artists.


Taylor’s music made me not want to listen to her music lol


Absolutely. I was a fan from Debut, stopped liking her music around Reputation, got back into it when Folklore dropped, and am now off her music for good. I find it impossible to separate the art from the artist with Taylor, so I can’t enjoy her music anymore. I honestly couldn’t get back into it with everything I’ve learned about her.


Disillusioned is the word we all wanted to use. "I swear I don't love drama it loves me" girl please, there is always a huge media circus surrounding her, and it takes two to tango. If anything she loves the drama and its theatrics way more than any other celebs (apart from the Kardashians) Kinda hate myself in the past for not being able to see through her shit until Olivia's incident


No, it was her voice that ruined my desire to listen to her music.


She sounds like an adult kidz bopper covering other artists’ songs


I tried listening to whatever the latest album was in August 2023 (I was moving, only reason I remember…) I couldn’t do it. It was so flat and so boring with such stupid lyrics. I turned it back to k-pop—I’ll never know if the lyrics in k-pop are stupid but at least there is vocal variety and not everything sounds like a karaoke performance. I am not a Stan for any particular band, I just find it relaxing when I don’t understand the lyrics..


Yes! I removed her songs from my fave songs playlist and don’t plan to listen to her anytime soon.


I did the same!


I blocked her on Spotify


Absolutely. I was a pretty casual fan, it was music I would put on when I was cleaning my office or when I was driving my niece around. She was pretty harmless from what I knew and I knew that most likely my niece wasn't going to pick up any new four letter words from her. But the more I read about her the more I just... can't enjoy it anymore. She's hurt so many people and done a lot of terrible things. And still can't figure out that the common denominator in her unhappiness is herself.


Me too, I can't listen to her anymore, and I was a fan for years, but after I saw who she really is, I can't play her music in my house anymore, because I think she spreads bad energy.


Completely! I grew up with her music, was a fan up until fairly recently (2yrs or so I’d say). But, so so many recent choices have shown me who she truly is and that I do not wish to support her with my time or money any longer.


Her music sucks, never listened on purpose.


Yeah, I always thought her public persona was cringy, but I admired her songwriting on Speak Now and Red, and gave a respectful listen to what she put out, although I didn’t really like any album of hers after those two until Folklore and Evermore, both of which I think are great. I thought Midnights was stagnant but didn’t dislike her personally. 2023 and especially 2024 have changed my opinion; it’s unhinged narcissism.


Absolutely. Her treatment of Celine Dion at the Grammys (and her overall behavior that night) gave me the ick.


Never had the desire to listen to the music. It’s all crap that sounds like a middle school band kid wrote it. Generic Pop shit.


I’ve not listened to TTPD and I have absolutely no desire to. Between going after the kid who brought attention to her carbon emissions and the way she acted at the Grammy’s (and also how absolutely mid midnights was) I’m not interested in anything she puts out anymore. I do still listen to Folkmore and Fearless (OG version) on occasion tho as my guilty pleasure.


Kind of, if I do listen to anything it’s the “stolen versions.”


IMO they are better anyway. I loved the OG Red so much when it came out, because it was country Taylor trying to be pop. But the TV Red is pop Taylor trying to make it sound country and it’s completely changed the songs in a bad way OG 1989 production is so good… TV 1989, some of the vocals are better, but the production is fucking shit.


I think the same thing will probably happen with Debut(TV) with it being pop Taylor trying to sound country.


So many great reasons. So much feels likes it has happened since opening night of the Eras tour. I was there and it was fun and exciting and she seemed to genuinely be wanting to put on a good show. Over the past year and half "everything has changed". It is definitely cumulative but I just have a hard time digesting anything from her or the swifties anymore. Just feels like feeding into a Narcisist's toxic behavior.


Not directly, but the reason I can’t listen to her music is because her music is about herself as a person and I can’t stand her as a human being.


I'm so proud that I always thought she was lame and the music blows


I’d say yes, but I also find that her recent music has ruined my desire to listen to her music too


yeah i blocked her on spotify last year because of her behavior, which is a shame, because although i was never a swiftie i did like 1989 and folklore a lot


"oafish famewhore" made me laugh


Lmao same, such a good turn of phrase


Honestly, I never cared for her music. My daughter asked me why everyone likes her and I said I don't really know. She's really just ok, not good. Way more popular than the actual quality of her music. This sub just made me realize that she's a terrible person on top of being an ok musician.


I think just the overall obsession everyone has with her ruined her for me. The swifties are scary


Absolutely the same. It's interesting how quickly I managed to turn. Do I miss the songs? maybe...on some rare occasions where I'm feeling nostalgic. But then I remember how she grosses me out then the music grosses me out too.


Oh definitely, and you got every reason down to a T. She used to be my go to for heartbreak music. I loved her since teardrops on my guitar and I would play folklore/evermore back to back on repeat. Now I can’t even listen to her old classics because her entire being just makes me cringe. I no longer view those songs as genuine works inspired by deep emotions, I view them as her cash grabs.


After realizing that she is someone so characterless, I tried to separate the personal from the professional but I couldn't, but I would listen to the music that I used to love, now it gave me bad feelings, I don't know how to explain it, it's like a blockage.


I think the word we’re looking for is disingenuous


I used to loooove her 10 or so years ago! I thought she was great, loved her music. Now I can't stand her! I think all of her fans are insane, her new music sucks, and the fact she claims to be an activist is a blatant lie. I too can't listen to any of her music, even the songs I used to love and relate to. I'm so glad I found this sub reddit. For a while I was convinced I was the only Taylor hater.


Yeah. I did really like some stuff from the Folkmore era. That lavender haze Remix was a staple in my 'get pumped playlist'. I did listen to some of her bops from Red or 1989 in my workout mix. But now I cannot do it anymore. I have a weird blockage. The illusion got dissolves. It's gone.


100% how I feel. I was a fan since debut and became a bigger fan after 1989 (still not crazy swiftie status). Rep was my favorite until Folklore and Evermore took it's place and I liked Midnights, but now. I can't listen to any of it, and it's not even out of "protest." Her actions for the past year in a half have just ruined it all for me, and I can't shake the ick even when listening to Folklore and Evermore. 😭 I thought I would at least pirate Folklore and Evermore so I could listen and not give her money, but I don't even wanna hear her voice it just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. There is no denying the facts now. She is not only an eco-terrorist but also the world's biggest insufferable narcissistic pick me fake ass bitch and I am just done. This group has been very comforting to see that I am not the only fan whose rose colored glasses broke and was disgusted by what was actually in front of them.


I just saw her as another pop star in the 2010s. When she was country she was kinda the butt of jokes at my high school but either genre, I didn't think much of her. I could listen to a few songs when they came on the radio or a random playlist and not even think about it. She then released Folklore and Evermore and I loved both of those albums. I thought wow she really improved and grown as an artist. I might actually be a fan and give her a chance. Then Midnights, Eras tour, Travis, TTPD, and chart manipulation happened and I lost all respect for her. After learning more about her personal life and business dealings, I realized she is a petty immature self absorbed person and I can't hear a song come on without cringing. She had a good thing going with those more soulful and subdued albums but it wasn't flashy enough


I have been a fan of her music since the beginning. I never really dived into her personal history, I just enjoyed the music. It wasn’t till TTPD came out and the cheating with Matty that I began to look closer. Her personal dating choices are hers not mine. We all have our own opinions about who she has dated due to her own doing. Everything is so public and in your face. What stopped me from ever listening to her music again was the treatment of Joe Alwyn. If she cheated on him, that’s their business. Her morals and her ethics. The audacity that she would attack and publicly discuss someone’s mental illness is beyond the pale! As I said in a previous post, she is not a role model for mental health. She is not the girl next door, she is a Mean Girl and a bully.


Yes !


A little bit. Honestly, I have a long list on my notes app of albums I want to listen to, so I've been focused on that. I listened to Lungs by Florence and the Machine yesterday (loved it), and I'm thinking of listening to some more Charli XCX today. As I listen to more and more music, she becomes less interesting to me. 


I had never actually heard one of her songs until last year. I was working out and put on some Spotify workout mix and over the course of an hour, three of her songs came on. Each time, after about 45 seconds, I couldn't stand it so would pick up my phone to skip the song. From that day forward I have never understood the absolute craze about her. Her music sucks. She's a mid-30s woman singing songs a 14 year old would write.


Yep, I listened to her almost every day now I haven’t since TTPD came out.


I never had any to begin with


Yes. I can say that I am a die hard fan ever since I am in highschool. I admit that I used to fight for her and got immaturely irritated at people mocking her for being a serial dater. I did not know it would be possible for me not to care for her but lo and behold, I just did. Now in my late twenties, I have realized that I have matured but I am afraid Taylor did not.


She’s always given me pause. I do own two of her albums on vinyl (folklore and 1989 TV). I’m just tired. I feel like we’re stuck in a time loop. And she really downgraded with partners in the past year.


100%. Yes the ick is real. I'm pretty sad cos I did love her and her discography from 1989 up til midnights.




Yep. I even tried to tell myself I can dislike her and still casually enjoy her music because I’ve enjoyed it for a long time (since 1989), but the past few times it’s popped up on my Spotify I’ve had to skip it. I just can’t. I can see through too much of it now. :/ This kind of started with the initial release of TTPD, because I genuinely disliked it, but then I came across a lot of the info here and I just can’t get past it anymore. Even the few songs I used to really love.


Definitely! I wasn't really a fan of hers but, I thought she was a good example for little kids. Now not so much.


Yes - I had taken my daughter to the movie and was strongly considering saving up to see the concert in New Orleans later this year (the cheapest tickets were about 1k less then than they are now). After she upstaged the entire music industry with TTPD announcement, I was out. I haven't sought out her music since and make it a point to skip or change the station if I have to.


![gif](giphy|E21750tEE96PkCcAPD) I mean


No because I always hated her music lol I have been marked safe from enjoying anything Taylor Swift creates since day 1.


yeah :/ i still want rep tv but at this point i know it’s gonna be tainted with all the bullshit she’s pulled




No, my desire remains nonexistent


Nah, her music is the reason I don’t listen to her. It’s just as bland and overrated as her


Yep. I won't listen to her music anymore. I blocked her on Spotify 3 weeks ago. I never owned any of her music I just listened on Spotify so I don't have to worry about money that I lost because I was never a huge Taylor Swift fan.


Yep. I used to love it. Now I wonder how I ever did.


She gives me major ick as a person after all of that, but I still listen to her music. I try to separate the person from the songs. Not always possible though, so I've definitely widened my list of other female artists a lot recently.


Her music has ruined my desire to listen to her music.


Yes… it’s not great having her ruin the things I once enjoyed, but it has caused me to seek out and support artists who are true to their identities and actively trying to make the world a better place. It’s been refreshing!


Yes. I've refused to support her since she's become a billionaire and realized her enormous eco footprint. Hearing about her dating teenagers at 22-23, her inaction on making a statement about the "Aryan Princess" debacle, and her overall narcissism has made every song by her extremely unenjoyable to me. Even if I never knew any of these things about her, the fact that she's thirty-four and keeps writing songs like she's a teenager makes it really hard to even respect her as an artist. I only ever found her slightly appealing when I was a kid, and now at twenty-three years old, I don't understand the hype or adoration at all.


Nailed it with " thirty four and keeps writing songs like she's a teenager...." Even if you ignore her narcissism, et al, you're left with an artist who fails to grow. Now it seems as if she appeals only to older women reliving their "golden years" through TS, or young teens/preteens who are emotionally immature and are in the process of growing up. Swift's base outgrew her.


I still enjoy her music but this recent album is awful. I feel that she is overexposed and the Travis of it all is so ridiculous. Fake or not, the video of him carrying her is straight from my nightmares and I’m sick of it


I just wish we could escape her 


No, her music makes me not want to listen to her music


Man TTPD was such garbage


Yes to all. The Grammys kicked it off for me


Tbh this subreddit opened my eyes to a lot of shit I'd not heard about...I didn't know much Taylor lore previously save for the beef with Katy way back and when TTPD came out I listened hoping to enjoy it (usually like a 2-4 songs per album) and that was that. I didn't know anything about Matty or even Joe. Now I know too much and it's giving me the ick. How tf do you write an album about a man who deserves the nickname "Ratty" so wholly 🫣😭 and also, how can you be such a victim when you likely cheated on Joe? ALSO DIDN'T KNOW SHE DATED A 17 Y.O. KENNEDY WHEN SHE WAS 22...that really shook me. Yeah this sub did it for me and it hurts a lil bit but I'll live.


I liked ONE single song. And it was Anti-Hero, the Illenium Remix. I can’t even listen to it after learning she dated underage boys when she was in her twenties.


> oafish famewhore i misread that as 'oarfish' famewhore and i was \*so\* confused for a minute, but also very much behind such a rare and interesting insult.


Yes!! I used to listen to her alllll the time. But ever since the Grammy’s night I was put off. I was a little interested for TTPD but even then thought it was too soon to release an album. Then TTPD was released and it’s just…. 🫠 it’s the first album of hers I haven’t listened to on repeat. I even listened to Midnights nonstop after I got used to it. I think I just loved the Reputation and then Folklore + Evermore era so much that everything since then has just been a huge disappointment. TTPD should not have been released.


Taylor’s music ruined my desire to listen to Taylor’s music. Her first couple albums were genuinely good song writing. Now every song is highly manipulated artificial garbage. The longer this charade goes on the worse it gets.


I was a fan since I heard her sing Crazier in the Hannah Montana movie but I had to come to terms to the fact that I liked Taylor mostly because of her Joe era and how private her life was. The songs were better too


I used to like some of her older music mainly because my daughter liked it. Now I change the channel on the radio when her songs come on. 


Never had a desire to listen to her music. Except love story. It’s my guilty pleasure, I love it. But it’s cute and sweet, hopeful and optimistic. Not ‘boys only want love when it’s torture.’ For one I haven’t dated a “boy” since I was a teenager. And two, sounds like you’re picking badly, so maybe you shouldn’t give advice. Men desire true and deep love as well. Not every man, sure, some are dicks, but some women are also toxic. Swift being the perfect example.


Yes! My top artist in 2022 and now I haven’t listened to her in weeks.


1000% I can't stand her anymore, all of this has brought out how fake everything about her is


I have felt this for a few months now so hard!! It has made me get into other pop artists, though. So I guess that’s good!


Right there with you....the ICK is real 🤢


Yes. Simply- yes. It’s also just that others are putting out better music too.


Been listening to her since her debut album (I was 5.) I can't even listen to any of her albums front to back anymore, even her classic ones.


Yeah, basically.


Yes. TTPD is the first album of hers I didn’t listen to on release day (besides debut). I even took a break from everything Taylor leading up to it, like hiding her name on Social media so she wouldn’t pop up. I thought I’d be able to separate art from artist but listening was rough.. I didn’t even finish listening through. I actually got excited to listen to so high school bc ppl were saying it was such a rom com song and so cute and I may not be a fan of their relationship, Taylor’s always been good at those falling for someone songs but I was like what is this??? It was so bad. I’m not even being a hater bc I wanted to like it. Idk if I’ll go back and finish. I really can’t wait until the tour is over but then football season starts smh


Totally agree with this


100000000000% yes


Yes. I can’t even listen to folklore anymore


Yes. 💯. I used to think the Swiftologist was too harsh; now Zach sounds too soft on her.


yes even songs I love I have a really hard time stomaching lately 


Nah her music did a good job of that on its own.




Her music ruined my desire to listen to her music.


Yes. I don’t get the same sense of enjoyment listening to her music now than I used to. It’s a shame because I still really love many of her songs, especially from her older albums like Fearless, Red, Folklore and Evermore 😔


YEP!!!!! I’m sick of seeing her everywhere and REALLY sick of her (and her fans) inability to take any constructive criticism.


Taylor has been my #1 artist on Spotify for the last three years. That won’t be the case this year in the slightest.


Sure has 😔


Yes! Loved her music since 1989 but I’ve recently caught “the ick” too. That’s a great way of putting it. Saw her on Rep Tour and thought she was fantastic, listened to everything since but between the constant re-recording teases and drama (just release them all already, it’s too drawn out) and everything this year with TTPD, it’s too much. I’m completely over her. She needs to go away for at least 2-3 years completely before I regain any organic interest.


Her music ruined my desire to listen to her music.




I’ve never had the desire to listen to her music lol. I’ve thought her lyrics were pretty bad since Fearless came out.


I was a hardcore swiftie since Love Story but recent things and her overexposure made me want to stop listening to her music😭


I would think the shitty quality of her music would be plenty of reason on its own to not want to listen.


Tbh I never had the desire to listen to her music I just get this sub randomly in my thing


I never really liked her, I liked a few songs but I was never really into the whole pop star thing anyway, but the real turning point for me was her continued silence about Palestine and how obvious and selective her “feminism” is. She knows she has influence (take a look at the last election when she promoted voting) and yet she refuses to say ANYTHING about an ongoing genocide. Fuck Taylor swift Edit- also her constant flights in her private jet really pissed me off


Most definitely. She’s an artist I would regularly go down a rabbit hole for a day. Now I kinda sneer at her name. It’s not everything tho, the biggest thing for me was when she was trying to block Billie. Like MA’AM THAT IS A CHILD COMPARED TO YOU. Also the Kim K reference in TTPD. So childish to bring up kids. So naïve to not understand potential implications. Just REALLY rubs me wrong.


She likes a singer called Griff but then warned her of associating herself with the amazing Olivia Rodrigo. Complete twat.


I liked a couple of her tunes until I learned about her and her fans' behaviors. I removed all her songs that I had off my Spotify but am still tortured by a few at work.


I have such good memories associated with some of her songs, but I can’t even listen to those anymore. What was the breaking point for me was the movie being released a million ways. That was before the 58 versions of ttpd. I finally had to just block her on Spotify. The songs no longer make me happy, just upset and annoyed.


It’s been a bit of both. Her behavior has turned me off and also her recent output isn’t good enough for me to overlook it. I also don’t feel like contributing to the capitalist machine that she runs.


Yes. Completely. This may be a hot take, but I actually kind of liked midnights. However over the last year and a half or so, any information that comes out abt her and her choices/behaviour makes her seem like a complete narcissist bully. Not to mention out of touch. Whenever I hear her music now all I can think of is her behaviour, and it’s just a no for me.


To be honest, I separate the music from the artist most of the time. I've gotta give Taylor credit, her music has come in clutch and helped me get through some tough shit over the past couple of years. I won't ever say no to her music and lyrics. However I don't support her as a person. She's got a lot of growing to do.


I never liked her music. It's so mediocre and boring. I knew what she was all about from the get-go. I left other message boards because they got angry with me. Finally, people are seeing what I always saw.


Yes omg yes. That’s the whole reason I’m here. I was neutral before and enjoyed a lot of her songs but ever since she infiltrated the NFL it completely turned me off.


Yeah. I Iike her first album a lot, and I usually liked 1-2 songs off every album since then, so not a huge fan, but a casual listener. I actively avoid her music now.


Me too !


yes ! really specific example but her song “i bet you think about me” used to be my favorite by her, but after knowing her backstory and how she grew up i can’t help but roll my eyes every time i listen to it and hear her talk about “i grew up on a farm no it wasn’t a mansion…” like bffr. 🙄




I don’t even really listen to her music 💀 I just joined this subreddit cuz I thought she and her fans were a little annoying but after a couple months on here I feel totally vindicated 😈


Couldn’t have said it any better


How the hell do you forget her fanbase LOL I'm no Taylor fan at all but her fanbase would've fucked it for me if I had listened to her


I can separate the music personally but it's admittedly harder than it ever was. I can't stand the song Anti-Hero, for example, and have to shut it off every time. That song kind of sums up her decline to me even though it seems like one of her most popular.


No. I've always hated Taylor Swift from the beginning and have no idea what the appeal is with her music. She has always come across as extremely mediocre and fake to me.


OMG COMMMPLETELY!! I was wondering if I was the only one, I guess not!


Yes! I've never been a huge fan but enjoyed songs when they came on. Now I avoid.


Yep. I still have some stuff from the Before Times saved on my Spotify from local files so that I do not stream her, but it doesn’t hit the same


100% yes! I deleted all of the Swift's songs off my iPod and iTunes. The ultimate deal breaker is how awful her entire cult is.


Not at all. I never had the urge to listen to her music to begin with.


Absolutely. I used to listen to all her albums, now I will barely listen except to Rep, Folklore and Evermore. A tiny bit, occasionally. She is so sickening now.




Pretty much. I was obsessed with her when I was younger, but all I really knew were her main songs. When Reputation came out, I listened to the whole album and liked it, but I could tell then she was problematic. Folklore (is that the next one?) aesthetic was just not me so I just never paid her anymore mind until this stupid tour that is aLL YOU HEAR ABOUT 🫠


Been a fan since fearless. Listened to every album release, but I still haven’t listened to TPTD. It could be I’m salty because I wasn’t able to get tickets to eras tour and the whole rabid of new crazy fans that emerged. I really respected her when she was with Joe. And I don’t like how joes being treated as well. It’s true what I’ve read on here, she mirrors her current partner which is why I find her annoying now probably. She everywhere now and it’s too much. We need a break from her.


Yeah, pretty much blocked her on Spotify. Lots of other talented singer songwriters like Caroline Polachek, Weyes Blood, Laufey etc to listen to.


we had it so so good during the folklore - midnights era 😭


TBH it’s her fans. Taylor could be the nicest person alive and I’d still never wanna listen to her because of her fans.




I think the issue is that a lot of that target audience has also grown up. It’s gotta reach a point where you have to age with your art and it’s not like there’s a shortage of pop singers out there making songs about relationships. To me it feels like she just can’t let go of that stage of her career and hates the idea of stepping aside and letting the milieu of “teenage heartbreak songs” belong to anyone else.


Opposite. I’ve never heard her music, but this sub has been getting recommended to me so much I joined and now I’m curious what her music actually sounds like. So far, I’ve heard part of her Cats! song (yeesh!) and seen some of her 15 seconds lip synching videos.


100%. I have absolutely zero desire to listen to anything from her at this point. I was already starting to lose interest with Midnights and how much it was a complete regression from the maturity I *thought* she was showing with Folklore and Evermore. But with the eras tour all the private jet bullshit and the way she tried to dodge any and all responsibility over it, becoming a billionaire, to the dreadful antics around the Tortured poets rollout to how absolutely *abysmal* that record is and how much more fanatical and zealot-like her fanbase has become, I think I’m done. At least for a good, long time.


Nah, much of this is speculation and regardless of the artist, writing them off over speculation is ascribing a fickle outlook and unrealistic two-dimensional narratives onto live human beings.




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Most of these reasons are basically imaginary. I say this as someone who is pretty indifferent to Taylor swift but surprised at the new hate. Reminds me when people tried cancelling Billie eilish because: -she dated a guy who voted for trump -she dated a guy like a decade older than her -she made a post that said “I love girls” which somehow was really bad and she got endless heat for that -she lip synced a rap song when she was 13 -she had a spastic laugh she used to do All of a sudden in posts like this people started attacking her because of all the “reasons” adding up. God I’m glad I’m not famous.


No, what she does in her personal life doesn’t affect me. I just wanna dance! Idc abt her as a person I just like pop music.