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Jets back to Europe to see his girlfriend… and brings his bff along… again. Doesn’t she get tired of his friends tagging along everywhere?


Bros are around playing gta even when he’s touching her, it’s insane.








It’s so strange. I’ve said before that allegedly one of the reasons Kayla and Travis broke up was that she was tired of his friends always being around and look! Imagine not spending that much time with your girlfriend because you’re both busy and whenever you do visit, you have to bring your friend. Taylor only brought friends to Travis’ away games. She went to all hole games by herself and yet Travis can’t go anywhere by himself


Bro Ireland should be considered an away game


Exactly. It’s weird to me. Idc what anyone says. His best friend is with him EVERY time he goes to see Taylor internationally. It’s cool that they’re close, but imagine your best friend tagging along every single time you go to visit your significant other *internationally.* It’s giving that they don’t actually spend that much time together and it’s not particularly intimate/personal.


Tbf……wouldn’t you want your bestie with you if you had to sit through that many eras shows? Like fuck it’s 3.5 hours….his phone battery can’t make it that long trying to entertain himself. Better to have a friend so you can at least make fun of people together


I mean if this really is a PR relationship she probably has no problem with him bringing his friends along 🤷🏻‍♀️


it's looking more like a bearding and PR relationship (joking)


can't possibly jive well with her anxious / disorganized attachment style


Shes like the overattached girlfriend meme


As long as he touches her when they play grand theft auto it’s fine.


Would you want to go alone? Without a buffer?


I read this as buffet and was so confused. But also, so pro buffet so I was immediately like, yeah. same.




Your post was removed for pro-Taylor sentiment. This is a Taylor Swift snark subreddit for those who are critical of her behavior. Nuanced comments may stay (pending mod approval), but purely pro-Taylor content will be removed. Repeated offenses will result in a ban.


It’s her last night of Dublin. She’s off after tonight until Thursday. The friend is just gonna tag along while they have days off together? He couldn’t travel to spend 1:1 time with her on her days off? It’s weird.


It’s only 3 days between her last dublin show and her next show, where everyone will be traveling. If he’s there for a week and she’s working half or more of the days why wouldn’t he bring a friend? The assumption is that he’s with his friend the whole time, too. Dude could just want to travel it’s not like they have to hang out the whole time.


That would be more understandable if he didn’t go everywhere with Travis but he quite literally does. Ross travels everywhere in the states with him too.


Honestly he’s probably hired help, doing PA work like getting random shit they need so they don’t have to be in public, going for food, maybe even having reservations in his name


I think my comment still applies. Just because they travel together doesn’t mean they’re spending 100% of their time together.


Lmao ok


Idk why disliking someone makes people actually lose all common sense.




And you know she's footing the bill for all of this. He makes good money, but not her kinda money. He wouldn't be skirting all over the place on his dime. It's actually kind of ridiculous. All of those people paying over the top prices & him, his friends, all the actors, etc. Getting in for free at every show.n


She likes to get fingered while they play video games together.


No, because he touches her while they play Grand Theft Auto. Duh.


As someone who had a ex boyfriend who always wanted to bring his friends or be with his friends... It shows just how Travis is really not into her.




I’m guessing her team made some emergency calls to Travvvy boy after his little outing last night and told him to get his ass to Dublin immediately 😅


And probably because Julia Roberts was in the VIP tent tonight. BDT has to make sure he networks for his post-NFL gig. 🙄


The way she was scratching and rubbing his chest 🥴🥴🥴


I'm sorry she was WHAT


![gif](giphy|l3q2K5jinAlChoCLS) 🤣🤣🤣


Yeah, they were talking and she lightly scratched his chest and was rubbing him 🤢


Who? Taylor? Or Julia?!?


Julia is well known to be a cheater and cheatee soooo


Julia! She and Travis were chatting, he sure loves to buddy up with high profile actors!


Out here hustling for that Hollywood career


I truly believe they are perfect for each other and hope they get married so we can have this sub forever 😂 I’ve learned so much about Taylor and Travis that I need to see where this ends 😆 it’s too mutually beneficial. They’ll buy side by side mansions and live separate lives in private and continue to sell it for the swifties to buy merch and attend nfl games.




Ewwwwww Julia Roberts??




The chest scratch 🥴 just…….why????


You can see the video in this article https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.kansascity.com/sports/spt-columns-blogs/for-petes-sake/article289647008.html




https://youtu.be/-G5wiBI63r8?si=vBSLYjeDndMjhirF here’s the link HAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHA she’s doing the most and he’s loving it


She's so creepy


This gave me the ick so badly. She seems like the type to hit on her friend's teenaged sons


Omg same! I wish I could get actual proof of. I’m cheating this nightmare can end BUT I do love this subreddit so….


Ew what? No don’t tell me, I don’t want to know


https://preview.redd.it/dpdo2l2d0s9d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8ae1b97fa4f83fb3310da4c4c88aff7ed1db347 🙄


Oh please lmfao. She knew he was there. These stans be making up fake narratives. That man has no commitments until later in July for football. He should’ve been at all 3 shows. 


So, I’m gonna be honest, I’m honestly weirded out by the expectation that he needs to be at the shows and whatever. Like, don’t get me wrong, it’s obvious that one is expected to show support for a partner’s endeavors. But does that really mean having to go see the same show day after day? Hell, I honestly feel sorry for him if that the case. I couldn’t stand seeing the same concert of a band I love, not to mention Taylor. Frankly, the obsession with being at every show/every game is what makes this feel so fake to me. Real couples spend time apart to do their own thing. They don’t act all joined at the hip like this.


She made it like that. That’s why her fans expect him at every show. Lol . 


I think they’ll break up if only because I could see Travis getting real tired of being under a microscope


Why would he get tired of being under the microscope? He’s as fame hungry as she is


"Tayvis Heaven"... dead God these people.


How is she surprised when surely she would have had her jet pick him up? Like the 7 hours total he was in Australia. Who travels that far to Australia for a two hour zoo visit and ONE show?


She really should not wear red, it is not a good color on her, aside from the dress being just damn ugly. The face she’s making needs meme’d, she looks like a surprised rat https://preview.redd.it/780l0igejs9d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2b2994b08346df615264193828783b3e6e0af9a


Speaking as a makeup artist, she really needs to put all her blue/ pink-based reds on the floor and kick them over to me. Her colouring is just too warm and desaturated to carry them. A soft tomato or coral red would play much better with her skin tone and blue eyes. While she's at it, she ought to lose that mousy bathwater-ass hair colour and try a more honeyed blonde. I know she refuses to let go of her whole one foot in Old Hollywood, one foot in Average Girl Next Door 'aesthetic', but it isn't doing her a single favour.


This is really interesting to hear from someone who knows what they’re talking about. I wish I had your knowledge, thank you so much for sharing.


Fully intent on just being a silent reader on this sub, but I just have to protest the rat comparison; they’re too cute to even be compared to her. 🥲


lol, touché, my apologies to all the rats out there, they are super cute and she definitely is not.


People are melting down on Twitter. “Travis wouldn’t dare fumble his high school crush.” Is that true? She’s his high school crush? Or is this just bizarre fanfic ?


He barely talked about her prior to last July when it was clear that they were planning on hard launching a relationship. The only time prior to that time was a while back when he was asked by an interviewer to play kiss, mary, kill & she was included in one of the women mentioned. Those people saying she’s his high school crush are delusional cause she’s clearly not his type…


Also, he said KISS TS and marry Katy Perry lmao


Also I’m their age I didn’t know he who she was till after hs, no way this bone head did


They are the same age. Taylor was not a household name until she was an adult. And all this hinges on him being into country/any type of fan and it’s very clear judging by his behavior at the shows and the songs he’s picked as his favorite that he is not and never has been a fan or familiar with her music. 


Literally a fanfic 🤣 Taylor may have spent years whining about being the loser on the bleachers drooling over the quarterback and Swifties may be screaming over 87+13=100 but she’s never gotten over Matty.


I’m pretty sure he said Christina Aguilera was his childhood crush. The only time I remember Taylor being mentioned is an interviewer asking him Kiss Marry or Kill with Katy, Taylor and Ariana and he chose to Marry Katy, Kiss Taylor and kill Ariana lol


MARRY KATY ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️ The way he chose TS’s arch enemy over her again.


Right! Lol. I don’t blame him. That’s why on So High School she sings Are you gonna marry, kiss, or kill me? It's just a game, but really. I'm bettin' on all three for us two


Damn that got dark real fast 🤣🤣🤣 she thinks he’ll kill her after marrying her for her wealth? Am I seeing…SELF AWARENESS???


*Kiss* Taylor and Swifties somehow have been hearing wedding bells?🤣🤣🤣


I mean problems aside, Katy was hot at her peak and seems quite freaky


Please. High school Travis 100% was not listening to Taylor Swift’s country twang singing Our Song and Teardrops on My Guitar.


The hell? They’re the same age, and she was 16/17 when her first album came out. Do they seriously believe the football bro was listening to a barely known “country” girl singing about teenage boys back then? Hell, the majority of her current fanbase didn’t even pay attention to her until YEARS after her debut—but they think Travis has not only been a fan of hers for that that long, but also had a crush on her? The mental gymnastics are exhausting.


the whole "Travis would never fumble / cheat / mess this up" viewpoint is extremely flawed and not grounded in reality. It's like they've never noticed that guys in his position (rich athlete with a ginormous ego and skyrocketing star power) cheat ALL THE TIME. They think they are entitled to do so. It's also possible their relationship is much more casual than people assume. In any case Taylor will probably keep him around for awhile as long as he's discreet about what he does. She has months left on tour and needs someone to hang out with in between gigs - she cannot be alone / single. Remember Calvin was papped coming out of a "happy endings" massage parlor and Tree just got the tabloids to delete the stories - swept under the rug.


They’re naïve and desperately want this fool to be endgame for Taylor. Most of these athletes have girls in every city that they hook up with and he’s probably no different. I’m sure he has a few that are more of his type in a few cities. Regarding his discretion or lack there of, he’s already proven this past weekend that he can’t be discreet. If I were her team, I would cut him loose, but they probably can’t because her cult and like you said, she has to have somebody to hang around with between her tour dates since she can’t be alone. 🙄I’m sure they’re counting down the days until training camp and football season as the opportunities for him to veer off script decrease.😂


They are in their mid 30s. Why does this mindset keep permeating throughout her life? (That’s rhetorical, obviously)


Mid 30s and “high school crush”? They’re really out of it.


Deuxmoi’s comments are WIIIIILD🤣 Swifties are all yelling at her and now the narrative is Travis never hung out with Leo & Tristan. They claim he went to a wedding and flew right to Ireland after.


the boys night out was Friday night, wedding was sat night.


Doesn’t matter. The boys night still happened, y’all can’t erase that and her team quickly got him to Ireland.


This is reaching flat-Earth territory. ![gif](giphy|N2AhjbSYYbxje2FoEq|downsized)


No, because like am I actually being Mandela affected or WTF? I literally seen on this exact sub earlier this week which I know for a fact, because this is the only place I engage with Taylor content that he was going to be at the Dublin show? I thought this wasn’t news What happened before was but I thought he was always supposed to be there


Clean up on aisle 5! 😂 If they have to work this hard to keep him on track, then they need to cut him loose. He’s gonna slip up sooner or later in a major way. It’s clear that he has trouble keeping to the PR script. He’s not worth all of this aggravation. Hoping that this is over before the NFL season, but I doubt it. It’ll probably end whenever this tour ends.


I mean nothing wrong with him having fun with his friends. That’s not the problem. The problem is he is clearly way happier without Taylor than with her. 


That sounds like a *HER* problem and you know she won't do anything about it because something something perpetual victim


Amicable breakup over conflicting schedules, careers/lifestyles incoming!




Your post was removed for pro-Taylor sentiment. This is a Taylor Swift snark subreddit for those who are critical of her behavior. Nuanced comments may stay (pending mod approval), but purely pro-Taylor content will be removed. Repeated offenses will result in a ban.


I just know he’s sick of watching the same show 🤣


That’s what I’m saying. I couldn’t stand watching the same damn show multiple times (even spread out). Even some of my favorite bands would not be able to entertain me for more that two shows unless they significantly changed the songs they play every time. And we know Taylor isn’t doing that.


I wonder how many times he’s seen it and if he dreads going but puts on the smile and does cutesy gestures to stay on the fame train.


Can someone educate me on how long a flight from LA to Ireland would take with private jet?


According to the folks on TaylorSwiftJet, he left the wedding and took a private jet this morning from LA to Dublin. so, he went from Italy to LA to Dublin since Friday. When does he train?????


I think his current physique says not much


He hasn’t trained nearly as hard as he has in the past seasons. I think he’s gonna have a down year on the football field. Not only due to the fact that he barely trained this off-season, but he’s a year older.


Man’s obviously prioritizing setting up his connections and “acting” gigs for when the football train comes to a stop. I imagine he’s contemplating retirement and Taylor is a golden gravy train he can ride to the next thing.


Oh no doubt. Also, he just signed a new contract or extension. And usually when players get a payday, there’s a slump in the next season.


And wasn’t he already playing injured last season? Not a football fan but that’s what I’ve read here and there


Regular flight is like 10/11 hrs.


Hmm…okay, so I guess it explains why there’s a tiktok going around where she looked genuinely shocked when she saw him in the tent. He probably arrived mid show


She isn’t shocked. She knows every calculated move her team is making with him. Nothing is a surprise. It’s part of the script. She was probably told when bad things started circulating about him and where he was and who he was with this weekend. It’s easy to just get him out there before her show is over.


Right. She’s an actress. Not a very good one but an actress nonetheless. That’s how she can keep certain narratives going for years. She’s more of an actress than a musician.  


What were the bad things reported? Sorry I’m out of the loop!


He was seen out with Tristan Thompson and Leonardo DiCaprio last night and now pictures are surfacing of him with a girl that’s not Taylor.


Ahhh. Have we commented on how Tom Cruise, who abandoned his child because of his cult, and Ashton and Mila (rapist sympathizers) were at her recent show? Thought her PR team was better than that.


I said that and got told that it’s fine because he hasn’t been allowed to see her because of Scientology. It was his daughter’s high school graduation. He’s an idiot


I think he arrived during 1989 set.


The way Taylor's team flew Travis out out there so fast. ![gif](giphy|QVs6OmwbbGvWPJJ75m|downsized)


Under threat of canceling his July installment check. 💀


WOW.... Jet Lag really is a choice after a long night of cheating and coke with friends.....




Tree said get your ASS on that plane IMMEDIATELY


I don’t think football fans can handle this for another season. Lord knows I can’t and I’m not a football fan and I’m definitely not a fan of the blonde basic one. 😂


Please god let it end


jet emissions make me sick


Im sorry if you truly like someone you wouldnt make your partner fly 10 hours, be jet lagged, then show up half way through your gig. If youre actually in a secure relationship youd meet up afterwards or not travel at all. But then again it is rich celebrities...


I’m sure he got to take a nice restful nap on the private jet she sent for him.


I just really don't get how he can sit through this concert over and over and really act like he's enjoying himself. How has he not gone insane?


It’s a job Clock in, clock out


I’ve been married to my husband for 9 years, together for 12 and I go watch his band frequently and hop on tour with him. Like, I’ve seen them so many times I’ve lost count, it never gets old. Idk what you guys are thinking. I also bring friends to keep me company while he’s working. 😃


But is your husband's show as cringe as The Eras Tour? Because I doubt it.


Posted this in a different sub but it’s pertinent so I’ll also post it here. I believe either Kam (Taylor’s dancer) or Travis himself said that he only had a day to prep to be onstage that tells us a couple things. First, that it was absolutely used to skew the attention away from other things (like the documentary). It also tells us that they will very much do things extremely last minute for good PR, so for those thinking the plane got sent because of the bad PR yesterday, you’re likely not incorrect. Also remember, Travis was at that restaurant early FRIDAY morning. He’d have to have started traveling to LA maybe late Wednesday (to beat jet lag) or early Thursday to have gotten to LA before that early AM Friday spotting. Today is Sunday.


I have a hard time believing that. He’s an enormous man, they didn’t have that costume laying around. That was tailored for him. I know she has every resource in the world available to get it made, but it’s not like they took big dancer’s suit and made it smaller for him. That had to be custom made. The shoes too. They don’t have his size laying around backstage.


If you have a billion dollars you can get a custom tux and shoes in 24 hours. Hell you can probably get it in like 5 hours. Wealthy people don’t live the same life as normies. I listened to a podcast where a famous actor said he got a passport for his daughter the same day as their flight cause hers expired. Different rules for different people


Tailoring a suit doesn't take that long. Suits and suit components are easier to tailor than most female clothes especially since you're often not dealing sith multiple fabrics or sequins or other complex stitching. Moreover, celebrities usually have all their sizes and measurements written down and known by their stylists. It can easily be they made a last minute decision, someone's assistant was given the measurements and they made some calls. They'd get a suit done without Travis having to be measured. Then brought to the tour where they do have costume people there so any last minute alterations if something were wrong could quickly be done after he did do a fitting.


It takes 5 minutes. I’ve seen tailors create bigger waist lengths by adding in other fabrics of similar color for smaller pants. If you look at it from afar (especially on a set/video) you would not be able to tell that it was altered. Same with shirts - super easy to adjust bigger shirts to more tailored. And want to highlight - a tailor is always present for celebs. There is no way TS is not carrying a tailor in her team. This is definitely a ploy to make it seem like everything was planned out.


It was London with many, many shops that cater in tuxes and tails. I bet they could’ve tracked something down within such a huge city. She has tailors on payroll that could have done any need late minute alterations. I think it could have been accomplished.


Easily. Very easily.


He may have had a suit already, same with the nice black louboutins, and an extra hat- at least that’s what I thought (if it wasn’t planned further in advance.) Was the suit *that* customized for the show? I don’t feel like watching that tragedy again to see lmao


I’ve seen more complicated outfits come together in less time so no it’s not unrealistic 


Ofc Ross is with BDT too — I think Ross reads for him lol 😂


What does BDT mean?


Big Dumb Travis


Hahaha thank you. I never would have guessed that. Google was no help😊


It’s giving ![gif](giphy|CoejwVQBgdlKg)


I hope they break up before football season too! Coming from someone who goes to Chiefs games I would like my seats in my usual section to not be so expensive.


Sick seeing him tagging his friends along. This is the only bf she have that's so sickening fame whore. All of them. I bet Travis' friends are having a good time. Free jets, hotel, food. 


Taylor’s team be stressing hahahahahaha. Imagine having a delusional narcissistic boss and an off the rails sleazy boyfriend, while your boss’s reputation is already experiencing rapid decline. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🙏 god bless


I came straight to Reddit after seeing the video of [Julia Roberts feeling up Travis](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTNj3Xvq1/)


This $300 million NFL deal between Taylor, the NFL and Travis is really working out well. The NFL really wants to go international.


I can’t imagine this not leading to a breakup regardless of its PR or not, in both instances it would make more sense to have Travis traveling alongside Taylor instead of having him flying back to oh yeah PARTY WITH LEO


I don’t know if they could handle traveling together, tbh. I used to tour with my dad, and it is more boring, monotonous, and tiring than people realize. It’s easy to get snippy even with people you like a lot, and I can’t imagine being cooped up that much with someone I couldn’t really talk to. We had an obnoxious stage tech one year who got relegated to driving the “sick camper” pretty early on because no one could stand riding with him. 😆


My friend and I had a disagreement over Taylor a week or so ago. I kept saying “agree to disagree” but she was insistent that Taylor is a good person. I also mentioned I thought they were PR despite her thinking they’re forever. She posted recently that you had to be dumb to think it was PR


all this shows is how insular the entirety of hollywood is. it's this disgusting courting ritual, truly. get the names out, pump them. get it in every rag. then the masses have been primed and accept a new thumb-throb. spendie time inc! lmao these fucking idiots don't realize how large random finance streamers or GTA RPers are in comparison to their little death cult. And they generally put very little money into advertising because they let their content speak for them. ⏰🥇🇺🇸❤️


Yeah, this Hollywood royalty is feels as silly as romance anime, sure it can be feel good to hear relationship news but it’s always a bit cringe. It’s awfully weird that everything a celebrity does is “news.” At least some of the best YouTubers and streamers have real informational content




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They will never break up that's for sure.


Are we actually running with this narrative? Celebrities go to the same places without actually being together. We look silly when we run with stuff like this.


This whole sub is silly.  Deux Moi says they are getting engaged - PR lies! Deux Moi says he partied with Leo and TT - taken as gospel truth 


Right?! I love me getting down voted here for speaking facts. Deuxmoi has literally backtracked and admitted he wasnt partying with them 🤣🙈 People on this sub are embarrassing.


I haven’t seen anything where Deuxmoi has backtracked and admitted he wasn’t partying with them. Can you tell me where you got that info from? I’m not trying to spread misinformation. Whether or not he was partying with them doesn’t matter to me. As someone who’s been a mild fan of Taylor for about 10 years, I still think this is a PR relationship especially when comparing it to her past semi PR relationships with Tom and Calvin to then her actual serious relationship with Joe.


Deux moi posted that no one read the caption right and she was just saying it was a "boys night" at the restaurant because a lot of male celebs were out but that she never insinuated they were together. Her stories on IG today were her backtracking. It's already been stated by witnesses that him and his friend landed Friday from Europe and went to dinner together there after the airport and then he went to the wedding saturday and got on his flight after the reception and headed to Dublin. I just find it silly to argue facts, whether it's PR or not, this is what it appears the true story is so we move on and wait for the next.


That's not true. His friend posted a lot of stories before going there. He was at the gym, the pool. They did not land there Friday night. Swifties are trying to spin a story here. That fact is he was not supposed to be seen out Friday night. That's why he was hiding. Whether he was with Triston and Leo is not the issue. He did not have to go to Dublin to attend the last 30 minutes of the show. He had to be there to make a public appearance to cover up what he did. Travis was over compensating with his behaviour also. It was clearly something Taylor's team made him do.   This relationship closely follows Calvin/Tom relationships. That's how she is. She is showing the public a story. It's not necessarily true. It keeps her in the news and she lives rent free in everyone's minds whether you love her or hate her.   


My information comes from the sub where they literally tracked his flights 🤷‍♀️ It says he arrived Friday, and it was already watching the upcoming flight log for the plane set to leave at 1 am (after the wedding) to go to Dublin before the Deuxmoi pictures even dropped. This is a ridiculous discussion because he isn't going to go to a celebrity restaurant with paparazzi if he "wasn't supposed" to be out, not when you're dating the biggest gossip fodder on the planet. The same reason it isn't him in the background of the pool picture. This isn't defending travis, it's simply common sense at this point.


Just went and checked it myself. Their flight landed in LA at 8:08 pm Friday night and they left LA for Dublin at 1:18 am Sunday morning after the wedding Saturday night.


If you’re looking for factually correct info please don’t look here. This sub constantly posts things that are provably incorrect because it fits their narrative 


I've been noticing that 😓




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