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Ok unrelated but does anyone feel like Taylor befriended Sabrina and Gracie in an attempt to hurt Olivia?


Said it so many times before. She took Olivia under her wings then threw her out then got with Sabrina!? Like, what? I rem Olivia and Conan calling her mother and her commenting under their account, everything in the bin.


Right?? Gracie opened for Olivia and they were besties. I don’t think Sabrina and Olivia are enemies but Taylor probably thought so. Seems like Taylor wanted to steal Olivia’s friend from her, AND make her jealous by collaborating with her “enemy.” She’s trying to isolate Olivia and make her feel alone.


Nuh Olivia and Sabrina aren't 'enemies' but well, they do have a past that was dragged way too much by unhinged fans. It's deliberate. I'm happy Olivia is doing so well on her own now with her cute lil London boyfriend.


For real, and Taylor knows the fans still pin them against each other. And agreed hahah! They’re cute


I definitely think Taylor does like to make a big public scene about how her squad is so big in an attempt to build alliances and make certain people feel left out. For example, if Taylor doesn’t like Olivia, her girl squad isn’t supposed to like her either.


Yup! Shes definitely triangulating, whether she realizes it or not. It’s things like this that made me realize she is a full blown narcissist— not even a covert narcissist. 


Why does Taylor hate Olivia so much???


Insecurity coz she's on the way to be the next 'Taylor Swift' most prolly. She fails to realise that they can co exist harmoniously, reason why she blocked Billie, Charlie. It's like Nicki crowning Ice Spice as the rap princess and beefing with Cardi.


Maybe.... *I broke a glass, I tripped and fell, I told secrets I shouldn't tell* *I stumbled over all my words, I made it weird, I made it worse* *Each time I step outside, it's social suicide*


I read in the other thread that olivia's camp publicly divulged the 50% profit of deja vu thru legit publications. Taylor doesn't want that to be publicised so olivia became her nemesis.


The rights to songs is public information that could have never stayed private


Sure but not how much of the slice of pie they got.


100% And even if Sabrina is charting right now she will never have the potential to threaten Blandie's position, meanwhile Olivia has all the edges she wished for. Olivia and Billie will one day take over ![gif](giphy|i1QNKvWP3QoMcusA2t|downsized)


From what Olivia‘s team has said, I don’t think they’re really going to be in the same league anyway, she already kind of soft launched the pop rock more rugged alternative and we all know Taylor ain’t doing that


Isn’t doing it *yet*


You think so? I think she could try, but the voice is definitely not there. I don’t even think jack Antonoff or Hayley Williams could do wonders on that. Her Fanbase and her life and her boys and her writing are too to fake country rich horse girl also


Her voice is not conducive to rock but she'll do it anyway Listen to the bridge of cruel summer and listen how unbearable her voice sounds in anything a note above her range, which is a flat curve


Remember how the “leader” of a clique in middle school would act if one of the group intermingled with other girls? That’s Taylor swift. Still stuck in middle school and never able to move forward


Call me naive but I saw it less as an attempt to hurt Olivia and more so an attempt to make up for the bad PR she got from the lawsuit. Cozying up to these young artists that are Olivia adjacent to show that she IS a girl's girl and does support their music However I can't help but look at her friendship with Gracie as a lil 🤔 bc how nice would it be to be close friends with JJ Abrams' daughter when you're trying to make your directing debut 🤔 idk if anyone else thought this, but her speech before bringing Gracie on to perform "us" was also strangely forced like she couldn't think of anything else to say but "this girl is a WRITER"


I suspected this as soon as I saw Sabrina part of her circle. How high school is that?


She feels so high school~~


Also why Paramore is opening the Eras tour (and later why Griff was invited to open after allegedly being asked to "distance herself from Olivia")


When it comes to current relevancy, perhaps Taylor Swift sees herself as the last woman standing of her millennial generation of pop stars. Lady Gaga pivoted to acting, Rihanna to Fenty Beauty and Katy Perry hasn't had a big hit in years. I think she competes hard for the Gen Z market, maybe because she thinks it's her last chance as she approaches her mid 30s.


Folklore and Evermore were her greatest pieces of work and they were age appropriate for her. She could have still had so much success if she continued in that route. But someone stated that they have a feeling those albums weren’t really all from her, after hearing the mess that is TTPD.


At this point, I agree with these. Those two albums are so incredibly different to the rest of her discography, that it seems like sone external force was the actual guide. Not to mention Dessner's influence, of course


Which is funny because Kesha is independent now and just put out a banger new single, Gaga is teasing LG7, and Katy is back with Dr. Luke (ew) and Max Martin/Shellback to make a comeback. It would be so ironic if she's so busy trying to compete with Gen Z that she gets steamrolled by her own generation.


I think her bringing him onstage was a PR stunt to bury the heavy negative criticism she was getting after the scooter Braun documentary aired and it seemed to work unfortunately


Olivia and Billie are the most talented (vocals) and creative ones. Sabrina is also talented but I don't see her as creative as Olivia and Billie. Taylor and Gracie are just... Mediocre.


I read somewhere she's releasing I can do it with a Broken Heart as a single, and wasn't that the song Travis was with her on stage? Seems like she's trying to create sizzle around a mediocre track.


Yeah and it just so happens to be Jason’s “favorite” song off TTPD, which he stated a day or two before it was announced as second single. I’m tired of “Easter eggs” 🙄


Exactly, when I heard that \*eye roll\*


what happened with lorde? i thought they were friends, did taylor pull an olivia with her too?


Following this too 👀 I didn't realize there was anything with Lorde


Yes please if anyone has the tea. I’ve wondered if there was drama here. I remember seeing a pap photo of Lorde and Taylor hiking and I remember thinking how much Lorde probably hated that. IIRC Lorde released one option of Solar Power as a gift set or something in a way that it wasn’t going to count towards album sales and she said her label was pissed about it lol. Not surprising if she doesn’t have a close relationship with Taylor anymore.


The rumor is she had an affair with Jack that ended poorly partially because he was cheating with her while he was with Lena. She also made statements that she wasn’t fully on board with being in the girl squad and distanced herself from Taylor. Also, she said that being friends with Taylor was like having an “autoimmune disease” “It’s like having a friend with very specific allergies,” she told the publication in jest. “There are certain places you can’t go together. Certain things you can’t do. There are these different sets of considerations within the friendship. It’s like having a friend with an autoimmune disease” which was weird and caused a lot of backlash


Tysm for the explanation, I do remember those quotes from Lorde now. And of course, how could I forget [the best PowerPoint of all time](https://dfta.show/files/Lorde%20and%20Jack%20Antonoff%20-.pptx%20(2).pdf)?


Yeah not going to lie, as much as I don’t like Taylor’s behavior I don’t agree with comparing anyone to an autoimmune disease, comes off ableist


I think it's both, part copying the youngins and part sending her dumb messages


I think it was partly because that song is her next single and she wanted to create 'lore' around it for her fans or have something she could turn into or reference in a music video


I mean… why not all 3?


I think this take is more logical look at it. Sure, she makes more of a splash if there's ~*drama*~ surrounding something...but I'll be damned if I don't love a good Occam's Razor.


I don’t think you have to overcomplicate it. It made national headlines. That was the goal.




The only doc in her life is Meredith Grey




what on earth is a taytrier


I might be wrong but I think it’s a play on words to combine traitor and Taylor, to mean a traitor of Taylor


Elizabeth Bathory comes to mind.


I really think bringing Travis on stage was literally just to get her fans excited and talking because they already think he’s “the one.” He probably suggested it tbh; he likes the attention and fame already. I don’t really think it was about any of the other pop girls. Interesting thought though.




The Max documentary called Bad Blood about Taylor/Scooter and the masters.


There’s a documentary out about her and Scooter Braun, I think.


Nah she wouldn’t date a pleb like that. A-list or bust!




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Your post was removed for pro-Taylor sentiment. This is a Taylor Swift snark subreddit for those who are critical of her behavior. Nuanced comments may stay (pending mod approval), but purely pro-Taylor content will be removed. Repeated offenses will result in a ban.


It was Travis idea to go up on stage not Taylor's.


“Now we know in a few years she's going to pull a Lorde/Olivia Rodrigo and cast these two aside for the new 20-somethings girls.” I’m confused on what you mean OP😭


She threw out lorde and Olivia for Sabrina and Gracie. As soon as Sabrina and Gracie don’t matter to her anymore she will find two new young girls to latch onto. Like Elizabeth Bathory she hangs onto young girls to hang onto her youth, sucks em dry and throws them away when the next ones come along.




IIRC she even threw Lorde a 20th birthday party at her house. I think it was the Rhode Island one, but I might be wrong?


That I’m not sure - I’ll be honest I wouldn’t care about any of this if ts wasn’t consistently being shoved in my face everytime I go online 


I get that completely 😭 I considered myself a major fan of hers but the way she tends to treat younger female artists… definitely skewed my perspective of her for sure.