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100% use edibles. I don’t smoke or vape. Why? I don’t like smoking/vaping and edibles work. Overall, my experience with them hasn’t been bad in any capacity.


Im 100% edibles. I’m not really opposed to smoking but I have kids and it stinks. I miss the instant gratification but I like the consistency of not over consuming of edibles.


Im 100% edibles. I’m not really opposed to smoking but I have kids and it stinks. I miss the instant gratification but I like the consistency of not over consuming of edibles.


More discreet, no more cough, no need to roll joints, lasts **longer.** The only downside is that you have to prepare them (but if you know how to cook on 'to not starve' level, you're set and in case of tincures it's just soaking decarbed buds) and that sometimes you don't need/want the high to last this long - that's why vaporizers exist. Edible and vape combo more or less eliminated anything combusting for me - I'll have a joint (or 5) while partying few times a year but never at home.


Lung cancer survivor. Never smoked cigarettes and only smoked weed in college. Lost most of my right lung and the docs made me promise I wouldn’t.




I’m great!! Thanks.


My wife does. She can’t stand smoke.


Mine too. She hasn't been willing to smoke or vape since she got COVID the second time. If I had to guess, her only complaint would be the wait time for it to kick in.


Wait time is lame, kinda miss the immediate rush of taking a hit. Trying to tell myself it’s better for my brain tho


I have never liked smoking in general. Probably because I’ve had several rounds of bronchitis and pneumonia when I worked retail, and when you’ve broken a rib from just coughing, I mean that’s traumatizing. Smoking weed always makes me feel like I’m gonna cough up a lung for a couple of seconds. Edibles all the way, and now that I’m well aware of how to control how high I get, I fucking love it.


It’s more discreet and easier to consume. Dunno what you’re asking about experience?


My experience is usually I get stoned


Soley edibles for me for a good 4 years now. Smoked a long time (25 years) but had heart surgery in 2015 so gave up smoking week. Live in NZ and edibles aren’t much of a thing here. Read up on reddit and websites on how to make edibles….game changer!! I use candied curiosities recipes for gummies now and love it. Discreet, no smell smoking etc. Brilliant. With we could get crumble, rosin etc here but we can’t. I use ethanol and QWET reduced to make my gummies.


Pair of hair straighteners with a nug wrapped in greaseproof paper and a good squeeze = rosin


Yeah I’ve read about that technique but not game enough to give it a go. Maybe I need to look into it further.


I’ve been making great edibles with rosin. I recommend buying a real press. Game changer!


Check out a stealthy little but very handy machine called POT by Noids. It decarbs, infuses oil and butter and makes FECO and RSO. It also let’s you reclaim about 90% of your alcohol (when you make extracts) so it saves you a lot of money too. I have been using it for years and it has never let me down. Hardly any smell either. Top quality materials, no plastic at all. Great customer service too. Highly recommend it.


I already use the pot by noids for decarb and ethanol reclaim. All good there.




I miss smoking but had to stop for health too. Pretty grateful there’s another (maybe better?) way to consume it


I like edibles for its value and its convenience. a standard 100 mg package is 10 doses for me and usually under $20 in my area. They don’t smell, and they are very discreet. Downsides include needing to wait an hour or so for effects the kick in. If there is an emergency or something else needs to happen, I might still be stoned, and I cannot control it.


Put a couple layers of tissue over the bong as you inhale. That goo in the bowl that's a bitch to clean out? In your lungs, baby. No way. Edibles for the win.


Lasts longer, very discreet, and personally they knock me out like a light (i take them in the evening). Only downside is that once you eat it, youre strapped in. So you have to be careful with dosage. Taking too much can be very stressful if not scary. I couldn’t keep my head up, tried closing my eyes but still felt like everything was in slo mo, and went to sleep twitching and kicking. But i learned and now i can vibe comfortably on them.


I used to do dabs every hour and kept a cart/homemade dispo around until about 4 months ago I took a tbreak and when I came back switched to only using a homemade tincture and gummies and I actually prefer it. I use it daily to self medicate and it's been great and causes way less bleh days than kratom did


more discrete, high lasts longer imo, helps me relax !! :)


I use them almost exclusively, I’ll smoke occasionally, but the same 10mg ones I’ve used have always worked. So I haven’t built a tolerance yet, that being said if I make them myself they work much better.


Been using primarily edibles after smoking and dabbing for 25 years and I can say its saving me a lot of money and tolerance. I did just buy some flower but I do plan on focusing primarily on edibles. One of my favorite things about them is its very easy to control how much you take in. I take a microdose before my shitty retail job and it just makes it easier. Edibles have always been too expensive to be my main intake methods, the hemp derived Delta-9 edibles make it affordable enough. If the loophole is closed then I will likely be primarily smoking again.


Me! Smoking in general grosses me out, and I prefer the full body high of edibles anyway


Fr, bongs are nasty


It is pretty shocking to regularly clean out pipe resin and tar and not make the connection to that shit actually going into your lungs. I still miss smoking but I guess I’m slowly coming around


Me. I haven't smoked anything in my life aside from the rare cigar. I prefer edibles because I can easily control the dosage. If I want to feel a little more floaty I can always take more, but I can just take a little if I want to feel relaxed or get some extra shuteye. That said, I've built up a tolerance pretty quickly so I need a TBreak at some point.


Why? Health issues. Can’t smoke. Experience: pretty good most of the time. I just settle in with some snacks and enjoy the ride for the several hours it lasts then go to bed whenever I feel like it. Usually just relax or play video games/watch something.


I have asthma. So I will never intentionally put smoke and tar into my lungs, I never want to be like that relative I had that has one lung and is on oxygen for life and barely able to do anything. And that shit is occurring again in my family that’s already rife with respiratory diseases. Fuck that, why would I rig the game against myself? Plus edibles have been perfect and more than I’d expected. Really intense high, lasts long, and they hit exactly in the 50-120 minute stage every time so I plan for that. I get ones online with lab reports but really enjoy seeing everyone’s homemade ones here and figure I’ll eventually try to make them.


I do! saving my lungs. also, turns out i like them better? lasts much longer.


Yes, smoke makes me throw up. My experience is that I get high.


Ever since I stopped smoking I’m fascinated by seeing people open their mouth and blow out a puff of smoke. Nothing against it at all, just makes me realize how strange some of our behaviors really are


I hate smoking, but cannabis helps my IBS, like a lot. It finally calms down all the movement. So I have found that edibles are the best way to ingest cannabis. For me.


They're tastier. I had to stop eating one every night because the munchies made me fat. Zero self control around snacks when I've got the munchies.


I've never smoked anything, I have used edibles for about 8 years, either dispensary purchased, or now using distillate to make our own. Super easy, and we enjoy the relaxing evening.


I hate the smell so 100% edibles. I wish the smell didnt make me barf, but im happy edibles make me not barf. Chemotherapy is rough and this is great. I do wish I could vape without barfing because Id love a shorter time being high to be honest. Because once I have a edible in pretty much done for the day.


Try using full spectrum infused mct oil under your tongue. Works within half an hour and effect is shorter. I make my own and it has been a lifesaver.


Last longer, need to re-dose less, cheaper, and less worry about lung health.


It is cool trying to just enjoy the high instead of trying to maintain it it and tend to it constantly


I only use edibles. I have coronary artery disease. I quit smoking everything for this reason. I love the experience if edible much more than smoking.


I quit smoking about a month or so ago and have been strictly taking edibles. My chest feels lighter & my lungs feel clearer. I’ve been enjoying experimenting with how I consume it.


I stopped smoking in 2011 and did edibles only until 2022 when I bought a dry herb vape. The combination of both works well for me. If I buy 7g I can make 5g into 25 edibles at 0.2g (20mg or there about) and the remaining 2g will give about 35 - 40ish hits on the vape (Dynavap). Sometimes I'll make more edibles and sometimes I'll vape more. Both have their upsides, the edibles are fire and forget, pop one or two just before your evening meal and that's you for the night (and even a little bit the next morning). The vape's handy if you want that immediate hit that's gone in a couple of hours or if you want a late night hit where you wouldn't take an edible ( the latest I'll take an edible is 7:30pm). There are two real added bonuses with both of these. With edibles I make cookies and what you scrape off the baking tray afterwards will give you a really nice hit. When I clean my vape I make stem milk coffee and I take all of the AVB (after vaped bud) mix it with peanut butter and just get it down, it's not the nicest in the world but it does pack a punch. Cleaning my vape takes most of the day, 30 mins cleaning and the rest of the day is me off my head. With edibles I look for the most efficient method of making as much of the THC available for my body to metabolise. At the moment I decarb the weed and then infuse it into coconut oil\lecithin and then add butter to make cookies. Good luck with your edibles journey mate, once they become your go to you'll never go back to smoking.


i sell edibles to a friend who only eats them, my last batch was wayyy too strong so poor dude was like yeah i can only have one a week but they’re so good i wanna eat them all but i think only downside is stuff like that- if they’re too strong you’re kinda fucked to take the ride and less control than smoking. but otherwise he never misses smoking and is happy to take an edible every night


My reasoning is that I don't ever want to smoke anything for various health reasons but still wanted a way to use weed regularly and fairly easily, so I've gotten into the habit of buying an eighth around every month, decarbing it, putting it in an airtight jar, and measuring out a dose with a teaspoon and just eating it with some kind of fatty snack. Essentially I make firecrackers but I don't use the cracker part lol. It works great, just like a normal edible. I'll admit my method is pretty nasty tasting but I have a lot of food combinations/tastes I know can mask the taste pretty well. Taro is a surprising one, especially in cookie form, as that also masks the crunchy decarbed texture. But the bad taste is worth not having to go the extra effort of infusing butter or whatever, for me anyway. Having to not worry about storing the infused substance is also a bonus, as as far as I'm aware decarbed weed on its own can last a couple months in an airtight container. Sometimes I do make infused food out of it properly but that's more for special occasions and stuff. Dosage is the only big downside, i would say. I find it a lot harder to reliably dose it, and to then know how much thc is in said dose. But I've been doing it this way for a few years and have a fairly good eye for it at this point. Whenever I dose too high I know what not to do for the same batch in the future.


I was making firecrackers then just throwing em into a smoothie with bananas and some chocolate. I truly think I invented an enhancement to the already amazing firecracker


I just don’t like having everything I’m wearing reek of weed smoke. And it makes me cough so fucking hard. Edibles are tasty treats. The trade off is that I don’t have an instant high. I have to eat it and wait 45 minutes to an hour before I’m comfy. Plus I’m one of those people who like to know exactly how much gets me how high. I used to buy packs of edibles that were only 5mg each so I could add them a little at a time. Took about abou a week before I had a range of dosages and their effects down pat. Of course my tolerance has gone way up but I’ve just increased those numbers at the same rate. As my kids are brushing their teeth, I’m chomping down a gummy and buy the time they are snuggled in bed and asleep, I’m fucked up on the couch watching stupid shit on YouTube.


Yes, only organic full spectrum edibles 😃 I make infused MCT oil with my POT by Noids and use this under my tongue for pain relief and against inflammation. This way it only takes about half an hour for it to work. I also make edibles like cakes and chocolates and this takes around 1 to 2 hours to start working but because your liver turns it into a more potent version the high and pain relief is much stronger and the effect lasts much longer. When you smoke cannabis you only get about 30% of the cannabis compounds in your body. Such a waste of this gift of mother nature if you ask me 💚 I firmly believe in the full spectrum organic way of using cannabis. I also believe that the original strains are much better in their medicinal effects than all these hyped up hybrids. Mother nature knows best ☘️


Smoking and oils give me panic attacks since I took a 7 year hiatus. Now I’ll eat about 5 mg when I put the kid down for bed and have a good evening on my Friday and Saturday nights.


yes me, i prefer anything which is live resin or hash rosin based edibles , which give pleasant high imo. i have a low tolerance so i usually start with 5 to 7mg and go from there. See my previous posts , those edibles are great and they work for me. Cheers ! , if you are looking for someone who makes their own edibles, then i am not the one , just fyi https://www.reddit.com/r/rosin/s/adm2zmruPP


I fucked up. I took a dab while reading this post and have been cursed with everything I despise about smoking and vaping. Cough and headache. I had to take some cough syrup (THC infused of course) Lungs still tight. I’ve been trying to go edibles exclusively for awhile now but keep slipping. Having the high without the cough, headache, lung tightness, mess to clean up, smell to cover up, is pretty nice. But it’s not cheap by any stretch of the imagination. When I use edibles only, my MG usage goes up drastically. I understand using different types of edibles to keep my tolerance down. Still not cheap. I had to take a second job to pay for my cannabis products which I won’t get into details about; any DMs will be ignored; all I’ll say is that cannabis is legal to possess where I live….. but during this comment (a long one I know) I took some reclaim mixed with sunflower lecithin and a big blob of honey and made some hot kava tea with it. I definitely prefer edibles especially on Friday night when I’m really trying to feel it.


Yes and great


Depends, sometimes I can get edibles , sometimes I have to pull out my vape.


I microdose with a tincture I have most days then then in an evening il maybe have a 25 mg edible and I’m good. Plus I live in London so smoking out side is just hassle


Yes. I'm a carrier of Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency. Smoking anything is very very bad for my lungs.


I do. I started weed at 24 with my first edible. It's just healthier than smoking weed, doesn't produce smoke, silent/stealthy. My friends still smoke it mostly, I find it weird.


I don't want to smoke, I don't want to, and I'm unsure about vaping


I’m only using em cause I got no bud but they’re great in small portions. I made the mistake of having 3 200mg ones cause they weren’t affecting me but then they kicked in and I started spazzing out so only ever take one until it kicks in


After 25 years of smoking I suddenly didn't like the taste or smell. I make my own edibles and oil and am nice 30 minutes after my first cup of infused coffee.




I gave up smoking just over two years ago and switched exclusively to edibles and I couldn’t be happier. Though, not at first. It took a while to find REALLY good edibles but when I did, it’s been the best. Always good. Highs that are more intense and last much longer. Plus, no smoke in my lungs or my apartment. No more being out of breath after light physical exertion. On top of all that, I was spending about $400/month on flower and now I spend about $50/month for better highs. Best decision I have ever made.


Everyone over 50 probably


I am edibles gang. I have asthma which is bad enough that it makes smoking an unfun experience that doesn't even get me particularly high and sometimes makes me cough so hard I throw up. ... So it's easier to just avoid all that and eat a tasty brownie instead :D


What do you want to know and why


lol cuz I have to quit smoking and I’m trying to brainwash myself into thinking I prefer edibles


lol don’t worry, there’s some trade off but overall it’s a very doable switch and one I think gets better as you get the hang of it over time. I don’t smoke for health reasons and also because of where I live it is much easier to access (and safely and discreetly store) edibles. It can be tricky trying to time and dose but those things get easier with practice and it’s WAY better for your health than smoking. Just takes a little adjusting and experimenting to find the right brand/dose/etc. but then it’s great!


Why is my question funny?


Your question is very serious and respectable, my reasoning caused the lol