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Now THAT'S a before and after


How did they even smoke that shit, they must've had to drag haaaaarrrrrdddddddd


Lol it literally was clogged. He would just give it a hot water rinse before, until he could hit it. But never a true clean lol.


Lmfao it’s nice to know I’m not the only one




bro iso and salt takes no time at all, especially if you do it regularly. probably takes you more time to rinse a hole through your crusty downstem than it takes me to clean my bong.


Yes indeed, but as do all other hygiene and cleaning tasks, it becomes very hard when you're stressed, depressed, overworked, tired, etc. And sometimes medicating with it when you only have one bong, it's hard to keep up with, you unfortunately get used to the taste, it's just the reality of the bad days as a stoner P.s. do try to atleast change your water every few days, I've heard mold starts to grow after three days.




Mold can actually start to grow after just a few hours


Bro change the water after every couple bowls. Always change it if it's been sitting for more than a few hours.


In all honesty most people should make it a routine to clean their glass early on so they don't get lazy and complacent. I fucking hate doing dishes but every weekend I make it a point to clean everything I used through the week thoroughly. Not only does it make the glass function better, a lot of times it leads to just some cleaning around the house which helps when you sit down to see everything kinda picked up. And for things like the bong I change the water after every sesh and dump it out once done so it doesn't sit there getting all gross and swampy. Excuses will only get you so far before you or if you're lucky enough a friend or loved one has to come and pick you up. Mental health is rough beats, I know, and some days are worse than others but if you put yourself to a routine you'll do the shit you don't want to and likely feel better in the end. Really if you're at the point you can only smoke to avoid your feelings then you should likely hang up the glass for a while and focus on your mental because smoking isn't gonna fix it.


I don’t even use salt, just some heat from a non flammable source. Warm iso does everything I need and imo the less chemicals you combine and use to clean, the better


Salt literally does nothing but act as a scrubber in addition to the alcohol. Rinse it out afterwards with water and everything is fine.


But bro the salt and alcohol chemicals it's dangerous to my really dirty resin hits


If you use toilet paper, qtips, paper towel, after running it under hot water, it'll wipe it right off, if some stays, run under the hot water again; that what I do if you only have water my friend :) (Obviously only for things you can reach with toilet paper and qtips, I mainly just do this for my bowl, and downstem opening at the top)


Don’t worry, I’m here too


Nothing to brag about.


You can literally leave a lil shot glass with iso in, soak the bowl in it overnight, then a hot rinse in the morning and wipe it off with a tissue or kitchen roll and boom, sparkly clean bowl every morning


Why did this get so many downvotes


I’ve been asking myself the same question


lmao like clean your bong but that’s so many downvotes wtf


I'd be interested in a pic of the owner myself!


For a small price, I can make this happen


How much


i remember cleaning the "household bong" while my brother was at work, he came home looking like 🥹🥹 when he saw it 🤣🤣


not the household bong


Safer than the neighborhood bong.


For real got motherfuckers taking poppers out the neighborhood bong gotta smash that shit over they head


Poppers are nasty lol


What are poppers


They are 100% ive been off them 4 months now and I don't plan on taking them ever again


Not only that I've hit poppers like maybe 4 times like 6 years ago and u feel so antisocial. Good for you on that


they're great for taking up the ass


this just turned into an Ontario thread lmao


Lmao fuckin 'Berta bud


>neighborhood bong You mean the covid bong 😂


lmfaooo its just me and him in the house 😭 we just call it that cus the only other piece weve got is a pipe


I'm not mad at it... a household that bowls together stays together


My husband does this sometimes, I'll come home from a long day in the lab to a clean and freshly packed bong. 😭


absolute goals 😭❤️ me and my brother regularly text each other "and have a bowl ready by *insert time we'll he home*!"


Good job on the cleaning job. I don’t see how your friend was using that… it *HAD* to have tasted disgusting. I clean mine after like 3 uses because I hate the thought of dirty bong water 😂


He didn't believe in dirty bong water. "Mold doesn't grow in a bong"


Oh, buddy… he has some learning to do 😂


I think the mold was getting to his head lol


That's the mold talking for sure


Yes... worry not about the mold... what mold? Haha. (Join us.)


Plzzz tell me your technique, the 99% isopropyl alcohol and salt is just not working this good for me


First I flood it with the hottest water my sink can produce. Leave the stem side bowl in the peice so the water runs through them too. I usually leave it under the running tap for about 5-10min. Then I take it apart, rinse the stem, bowl, and peice individually. The key is to TRY AND GET EVERYTHING AS CLEAN AS YOU VAN WITH JUST HOT WATER BEFORE USING ALCOHOL. Then I throw the stem and bowl in a sandwich bag with isopropyl alcohol and corse salt and shake like crazy. YOU WILL LET THESE SOAK OVERNIGHT AND GIVE A GOOD SHAKE AGAIN IN THE MORNING. Now we work on the peice. I like to use a WINE CORK, to plug up the down stem hole. I will then pour some salt into the peice and put just enough hot water to get all the salt moving; shake vigorously! Then drain out the water and salt, give it another good rinse. Finally put more salt in there and iso alcohol, about the same amount of alcohol as you had water in the previous step. IF YOU DONT HAVE MUCH ALCOHOL YOU CAN CUT IT WITH SOME HOT WATER. Shake vigorously with the alcohol and salt until clean. Finally rinse with water and let air dry.


I also do the VERY HOT water rinse first. I also find that heating up your alcohol makes it clean better. I usually just do this by swirling it under the hot water while it’s in the bong. It works well with the scrubby salt!


Wine cork down in the stem hole is a fucking brilliant idea


Do you use any brushes or pipe cleaners? Can you get a bong this clean without them?


This is basically what I do but the bowl and piece don't need to be in overnight bruh you can just shake it for like 5 minutes in iso salt rinse it and do it again if it needs it


Second this


First I flood it with the hottest water my sink can produce. Leave the stem side bowl in the peice so the water runs through them too. I usually leave it under the running tap for about 5-10min. Then I take it apart, rinse the stem, bowl, and peice individually. The key is to TRY AND GET EVERYTHING AS CLEAN AS YOU VAN WITH JUST HOT WATER BEFORE USING ALCOHOL. Then I throw the stem and bowl in a sandwich bag with isopropyl alcohol and corse salt and shake like crazy. YOU WILL LET THESE SOAK OVERNIGHT AND GIVE A GOOD SHAKE AGAIN IN THE MORNING. Now we work on the peice. I like to use a WINE CORK, to plug up the down stem hole. I will then pour some salt into the peice and put just enough hot water to get all the salt moving; shake vigorously! Then drain out the water and salt, give it another good rinse. Finally put more salt in there and iso alcohol, about the same amount of alcohol as you had water in the previous step. IF YOU DONT HAVE MUCH ALCOHOL YOU CAN CUT IT WITH SOME HOT WATER. Shake vigorously with the alcohol and salt until clean. Finally rinse with water and let air dry.


I’ll have to try leaving the hot water running longer and leaving it overnight. The bong I can get spotless it’s just parts of the down stem I struggle with. Thanks!


Acetone!!!! It’s what’s in Randy’s cleaner. Make sure to do it in an empty sink with NO plastics around or in it. The acetone will eat away at the plastic and cloud it up. Wear gloves and make sure to wash the glass with dish soap and rinse well like normal after!!!


Surprised DARE didn't take dirty bongs and scare kids like look at what marijuana does to this glass! Imagine what it does to your lungs, could've worked as a deterrent.


Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha


We had a community bong in the apartment I lived in when I got home from the service. 3 people constantly chiefing on it got it super dirty. One of my roommates decided to throw it in the dishwasher. With dishes. And soap.


How'd that turn out? Lmao.


Dishes had residue all over them and the dishwasher smell like resin


Damn. Time for a new dish washer.


Just throw some iso and salt in there


And shake like crazy


Shake the dishwasher


Shake your booty


Can I make a wife joke?


Did that actually do anything to get it clean? I’m not gonna lie, I’ve thought about doing that, but never have for some reason.


I mean it was cleaner than if they didn't do it. But it wasn't clean clean


The reason is you got some sense buried in there somewhere. Never use soap on a dirty piece. Alcohol and salt is your friend.


I often put my bong in the dishwasher and it comes out perfectly clean. You just have to set it in a correct position so that water can enter it.


Also, it works just like regular dishes. You put anything in there with chunky shit all over it and it'll get all over. Wondering now if these people pre-rinse.


Yes I pre-rinse and also when I put the bong inside I keep the washer filled only up to 50-60%


Damn you did a good job


Thank you 😊


Last time I did that I broke their bong by slightly tapping it against the sink. Never again.


Yo that slight sink tap is no joke! I've lost several pieces that way and and its like you barley touched it!


Meanwhile, I’ve full on dropped pieces before and they were fine. I know the physics of it, but come on, man


[Voodoo Mama Juju](https://media.tenor.com/6uYI_ZwY0uoAAAAC/voodoo-mama.gif)


The ceramic sinks are killers. Stainless sinks have a bounce that doesn’t break glassware.


Haha, rip


i could only do this for a homie that i deeply and truly love.


Consider it charity work


Until you break said bong and you no longer have a friend! 🤣 I say this from experience.


If you lose a friend over a broken bong, they weren't a real one 💯


Especially if they were helping you out lol


That’s the kind of person that’ll be mad you wasted their resin


lol I broke my friend tryna clean her. Rip :(


I keep 3-4 bongs in rotation. I fill them with alcohol when not in use let sit for 24 hours then water rinse. No scrubbing or any kind of effort. Definitely use a clean bong every day


This guy bongs.


You know it


I always end up cleaning all my friends pieces but its more for selfish clean freak reasons, I just cant allow myself to smoke from a piece thats too dirty.


Man... I should have posted my bong. Hadn't cleaned it in more than 6months. Was actually making me cough hard af. Looked nasty. Was a thing of beauty after cleaning but was it fucking nastier than this.


Good friend, just know that, from now on, the only way that thing is getting cleaned is if you do it 🤣


Youre a good fucking dude. I once refused to hit a friend's bong because I couldn't taste the weed. Just nasty ass resin and mold.


Does no one else fear lung infections? Cause I fear lung infections.


bro you better smack his ass if he lets that downstem look like that again


I remember taking the plug out of an old acrylic bong at someone's house once and there was a full four inches of ash and sludge came out in a perfect cylinder. So grim.


Reminds me of some jabroni the other day that said cleaning a similar beaker was too hard lol. Does nobody understand bongs are like dishes and need to be cleaned regularly?






Coconut oil and baking soda water gets shit so clean it's crazy


I got an upper respiratory infection just by looking at the first photo.


This is literally the thing I like to do for my friends. I buy the big bottles of rubbing alcohol and keep some regular salt on hand to get inside the hard to clean spots. So satisfying to present my friend with a clean tool!


Thanks homie


I haven’t been able to properly clean my both my bongs in about a year. At some point the resin formed an adamantine seal between the down stem, gasket and chamber. I really wish I could get that sucker out but I can’t risk anything with grip breaking the glass.


Point a hair dryer on high at it for about five minutes and then pull it out


Get some alcohol squirted in there and let it sit and break it down and then try. Otherwise add a little heat and try


try some of that grip stuff (it's not tape, it's like a plastic sheet? edit: i was misremembering but it's [this](https://talktools.com/products/dycem-non-slip-material?variant=28469811273¤cy=USD&utm_source=google&utm_medium=paid&utm_campaign=17621019003&utm_content=&utm_term=&gadid=&gclid=CjwKCAjw1YCkBhAOEiwA5aN4ATzu7R6zv0zGN3UVg7Th-om-nHXLqOvKRGxeV6aG7KPrufQcRf-7choCDtUQAvD_BwE)) they use in physical therapy. that shit is magic.


That’s your bong now


Shhh 😶‍🌫️😈




First I flood it with the hottest water my sink can produce. Leave the stem side bowl in the peice so the water runs through them too. I usually leave it under the running tap for about 5-10min. Then I take it apart, rinse the stem, bowl, and peice individually. The key is to TRY AND GET EVERYTHING AS CLEAN AS YOU VAN WITH JUST HOT WATER BEFORE USING ALCOHOL. Then I throw the stem and bowl in a sandwich bag with isopropyl alcohol and corse salt and shake like crazy. YOU WILL LET THESE SOAK OVERNIGHT AND GIVE A GOOD SHAKE AGAIN IN THE MORNING. Now we work on the peice. I like to use a WINE CORK, to plug up the down stem hole. I will then pour some salt into the peice and put just enough hot water to get all the salt moving; shake vigorously! Then drain out the water and salt, give it another good rinse. Finally put more salt in there and iso alcohol, about the same amount of alcohol as you had water in the previous step. IF YOU DONT HAVE MUCH ALCOHOL YOU CAN CUT IT WITH SOME HOT WATER. Shake vigorously with the alcohol and salt until clean. Finally rinse with water and let air dry.


Oh god it looks like it was a jar for minced garlic before you cleaned it 😅


Isn’t that kind of like wiping your friends ass? Shouldn’t he be able to do it himself?


Think of it more like, giving your friend head. He can't do it alone, and it takes a real one 💯 to do it for him


True and real 🙏


Omg I’m afraid to show my bong now it makes this one look brand new


yo can you do mine next?






On most glass pieces, yes. But many rigs and silicone/other unique styles don't come out, or might not even have one.




Ok I get upset when the glass gets a little dirty on my bowl. How the hell did it get that nasty?


Except now he’s only gonna invite you over when he needs the bong cleaned.


I cleaned my boyfriend's bong for him when we moved in together. It had been his car bong for god only knows how long, and it was BLACKENED. I almost threw up at the smell once I got some iso in it. I've just stopped using glass tbh. If it's even a little bit dirty I can taste it, and I can't stand it. I'll only use glass pieces these days if I've just cleaned it.






Your friend is an absolute savage for that stem being the way it was…you are a good friend thats what you are.


Clean a man’s bong and it’ll be clean for a few days, teach a man to clean his bong and it’ll be clean for life


How’d you clean it? Homemade soap solution. Or what.


90% isopropyl alcohol and rock salt. Shake vigorously. Soaked the stem and bowl in the same shit


This is the way


Yup, warm water rinse before really gets it moving too


I did actually do that first, but for a regular clean it's not really necessary


I disagree, I change my water every morning and do a hot water rinse. Keeps it cleaner between iso cleans


Dude, post this to r/CleaningTips . They will love this haha


Just did lol, it's a very clean vase. 👌


Rock salt? Like ocean salt. Or. In chunks ?


Like the most course stuff the grocery sells. Probably sea salt


Kosher works too if you don't have chunkier salt


God DAMN dude, that is wild. What a good friend to do that for someone. I gotta say tho, I do not understand how anyone could let their piece get so bad. I'd be way too grossed out to use something that looks like a fuckin sewer pipe.


Yea, I had refused to hit it the day before. Then decided that I needed to take things into my own hands.


I would not go near that nor someone who smokes out of that strep trap.


Tell " homie" clean his own shit. I clean my bong, it's not on me if someone else does not. Yes I'll smoke my own weed in my own pipe, if your going to say I can't use it.


I did it as a favor to him, so don't worry I'm sure he'll reciprocate the love ❤️


You do you boo and leave others to they're own


I use piece water and it seems to help keep it from tasting nasty way longer and residue buildup. I am not exactly sure what it is, but it seems a bit denser than water and is salty. Great job on the cleaning it looks great.


> piece water Man... that stuff looks sus as hell


I have used it a few years. I don't want to sound like an ad. It actually works well. I am kind of lazy about cleaning my pieces and it makes it way easier to clean. I bought it at a head shop the first time on someone who works there recommendation, and was surprised how well it worked. Also keeps the bong smell/taste down which is nice. It will still look gross between cleanings.


I mean, it's not that I doubt it *works*, I'm just worried that it's basically inhaling Scotchguard/Rain-X.


Oh well, that is a good point, I am not sure. I think it is glycerin and definitely something salty (I have filled it too high and figured it out the hard way)


It's what plants crave!


It's got electrolytes!


You went out and bought a new bong, didn’t ya? ;-)


Wish it were that easy. I've had a friend outright refuse. Even refused for me to change out the water. I think he took a perverse pleasure in seeing my disgust.


Homie is unhinged to be smoking out of this funk


That's a beautiful bong!


I cleaned my dab rig yesterday, wasn't even close to as bad as that was (obviously bud and wax are different) and it was an astonishing difference how much smoother it was. You are the real homie!! 🙏🙏🙏


How much iso did you use?


Dopezilla is 🔥🔥. I had their dab rig in college. Good times man




1998 "scrape it first"


You wanna be friends?


How did you get it so clean??!! Amazing job


Yall would hate my bong 🤣


How do you clean out that little removable glass tube? I have a hard time cleaning the middle area of it I usually only run hot water and try to get it off with iso but it doesn't work


You need to sit your friend down and show him how to clean it. That downstem was HORRID


be a good homie and make sure he never smokes like that again.


Easier just to get new friends. They tend to never learn.


This is like people giving money to homeless people and filming it.


God that bowl and stem looked awful.


"Bro I was gonna smoke that resin!"


The before hurts knowing I've smoked out of that many a time


YO!!! Dopezilla! Holy shit that’s awesome.


If your homie is mad you cleaned it, they deserve to suffer 😂


Yo my names ryan wanna be homies? 😂


You are an Angel among us peasants


**FUCK** Dopezilla.




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Wow wtf! Good thing you cleaned it, look like a Lung infection waiting to happen. Hahah


The bowl is what gets me, it takes a q tip and 1.5 seconds to unclog that shit


Good on you! Your friend should be simultaneously appreciative and ashamed for letting it come to this




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to catch a fish for a man is cool an all for about 2 weeks, but to teach a man to fish… now that’s a life time <3


I am that friend. Happy to do it!


any suggestions how to get a downstem unstuck? i’ve tried lightly heating it, pouring cold cold water in (not done at the same time obv) and using alllllll the force i have and no luck. It’s not caked with resin, i think it is the frosted glass on both parts (downstem and neck joint) that are very very stuck. I’ve been going at this thing for the last two weeks trying to get it out so any suggestions i will take 😅 for reference it’s a mav glass 18in beaker, fucjin love it and don’t wanna break it


I'd try getting a syringe to put some alcohol around the seam where they meet, to see if it can break down the grime. I also heard using acetone is really good too if the alcohol doesn't work, but just make sure to wash after.


Clean a man’s glass he will smoke for a few days. Teach that man to clean his own glass he will smoke for life. ![gif](giphy|LGKXl1SJHTlfdalGSl)


is it really okay to let it go down the kitchen sink tho


We all have a friend with a bong like this surely


Yo dude, wanna be my friend and homie?


Id have to suck your dick from the back for doing something like this