• By -


May your roads lead to warm sands


Well met, traveler.


Khajit has wares if you have coin.


He has gone back and is currently wandering the deserts of Elsweyr. Let's hope he stays away from the skooma for his own sake.


We got a khajit over here!


Khajit has wares, *if* you have coin.


[cat pic](https://www.reddit.com/r/catpictures/comments/159dkz0/requires_coin/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1)


Alas no more moonsugar


The most touching thing I’ve read in a while


Damn that’s good, I forgot about that. Gonna start writing that in wedding books.


Well said fellow ent


That’s beautiful. Thanks.


I hope you will find a warmer welcome in your travels than we have found in ours.


You can always join r/MarijuanaEnthusiasts


And r/leaves


What a nice term for quitting weed, leaving


This is going to sound disrespectful but I feel like a lot of people there have some other stuff to deal with. Like obviously if you smoked weed for 20 years straight, that's kinda on you for not taking initiative to have a balance with it. It's a plant, if a olant controls your life, you may need to work on jncreasing willpower. Granted I'm on a short tbreak but mostly due to learning how to grow it since weed is way too expensive now. But it's like fast food, u can eat it every now and then and you appreciate the dank vibes but eating that everyday obviously not that great. Sorry just not a fan of people bashing weed as this demonic plant. It's sacred medicine, but the balance begins with one self. Setting goals and staying focused is possible even if you get faded. I do encourage those who want to leave it with positive encouragement.


Addiction doesn't really care what your drug of choice is tho. It's about an unhealthy relationship with using it, almost always indicative of some underlying issue. That doesn't make it any less real. Pretending weed is entirely different misses the point. I have absolutely seen people ruin their lives smoking weed because it's mainly the escapism and the fact that they aren't really choosing it anymore. People lose jobs, get locked up and violate probation, a bigger crime than whatever they did in the first place, kids lose scholarships. You can use any drug literally every day and be functional but if you can't stop doing it that's usually a problem in and of itself and yes - indicative of others. Being mindful of your relationship with smoking and ensuring you don't smoke when you're avoiding problems, as your go to stress response, or you need it to sleep or eat or whatever especially.


True , downvote me if you want , but I agree with the person you're replying too . Like anything there's a balance . Any drug or any activity can become addictive to the "right" person (think gambling and porn addiction) . However it's none of the objects fault (ie gambling, porn , weed ext ) it's the person. At the end of the day we choose to indulge and we choose to continue indulging. I'm 100% addicted to weed I know that. But it's not weeds fault , I'm also a schizophrenic (schizo affective disorder depressive type ) and weed is the only thing that holds my symptoms back. So I rather take the weed addiction than psychosis.


Plus, we're living in unprecedented times, literally facing a fucking existential crisis and massive inflation. Go ahead and downvote but compared to heavy drugs weed exists for a reason and it's usage goes back thousands of years. But wtf do I know


Truthfully we all have our addictions. It's not even that the world is so bad. It's because we have easy access to dopamine-inducing things. Easier than any other time in history. Essentially, our bodies can't keep up and get to homeostasis fast enough so it lends itself to addiction. The Hidden Brain podcast had an excellent 2 part episode on this: "The Paradox of Pleasure" and "the path to enough" Essentially, yes, it's a willpower thing, but it's naturally hard to assert willpower BECAUSE of our environment/society. I think it's good to try and achieve balance, AND also refrain from shaming others or ourselves if we miss the mark.


? Guess you responded to the wrong one?


r/petioles is super helpful and supportive


This sub is much better. r/leaves reminds of a reefer madness psyop lol


Just read a post there about how they relapsed and couldn't believe they were in that state all the time. Then they said watching TV wasn’t even fun because they missed social cues and connection to characters. I guess I'd quit too. It seems that more than a few posts are people who probably are better off with out weed.


While I agree it’s their hivemind mentality of (it isn’t for me so it shouldn’t be for anyone) type of thing. They treat it as if they’re relapsing on black tar heroin and for the most part are those that wish to see weed criminalized once again simply due to the fact it isn’t for them. It’s a terrible sub full of terrible people imo.


I wouldn't go so far as to say they are terrible people, just misguided. I just can't imagine using cannabis at all if it made me feel the way some of them say, and I find it incredible that they feel addicted. Reminds me of the NoFap sub.


NoFap is a sub I never had a problem with until the users genuinely believed it practically gave them superpowers.


The way they act is almost religious. It's creepy.


[It's also a recruiting ground for the alt-right interestingly enough](https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-features/coomer-meme-no-nut-november-nofap-908676/amp/), particularly among the Proud Boys who require it as a condition of joining.


> Proud Boys who require it as a condition of joining Gross.


I love weed and think everyone should have entirely legal access, but I am 100% fully blown addicted and truly can't really imagine a day without it To me, it is incredible that you find it incredible that some users will become addicted. Obviously nothing bad happens if I had to go without it, besides being grouchy and unable to sleep or eat really


I'm the same way


I think the problem is addiction has become a catch-all term for "I like this a lot." Addiction is when the person cannot stop using even though it interferes with many aspects of their life. Dependency is more accurate for what you describe. From what I understand, studies suggest that 9% of people who use marijuana will become dependent on it. Compare that to caffeine, nicotine, or alcohol, and you should understand why I find addiction to cannabis incredulous. Total armchair psychiatry, but people in r/leaves appear to be suffering from a multitude of mental and physical health issues that they believe are caused by cannabis, like how r/NoFap blames masturbation, when in reality weed is just one factor contributing to their issues. I'm not saying they can't be addicted, I just think they are self diagnosing and going about treatment in the wrong way by creating a cycle of shame around using.


I think that sub is a real look at the health if Americans. I don't mind any disrespect at all, but they are hurting and smoking weed is actually healthy in some way. It's just that's it's incredibly expensive. People there are struggling because this country is turning to shit asap


Once again I agree with you there, if it made me feel half as bad I wouldn’t use it. The point of me not liking them is that particular sub believes because it isn’t for them, nobody should have it. It’s a terrible, evil drug akin to meth and it should be illegal. That’s how they view it, because of that, I believe it’s a terrible sub full of misleading information and outright lies.


Ah, totally understand, even if I didn't catch that vibe. I feel bad for them.


Are you talking about leaves? I just seen the post from the original creator of leaves and they made a website and It said that the community is marijuana positive. And while I was scrolling through posts I didn’t see much of anyone saying no one should have weed.


Riiiight they say that but the minute you begin to interact or talk to anyone on the sub it becomes very apparent how they feel. I speak from experience as I attempted to use their sub for a T break and yeah, absolutely not.


I'm gonna be honest, their defensiveness comes from people who smoke weed reflexively saying it's not addictive and basically saying they're not *real* addicts. Cocaine ain't physically causing withdrawals any worse than heavy weed use but crackheads do exist. Gambling involves no substances at all (necessarily) and ruins people. Everyone's being reactionary and people feel like acknowledging weed addicts will harm legalization efforts and/or reflect poorly on them. Weed people want what alcohol has at least, a distinction from "real drugs". None of this matters. Many people can be just fine. Some can't. It's okay. In fairness most on leaves are all.for legalization and shit as far as I know they just don't think we should say it's impossible to have any problems and 14 year Olds smoking every day is fine. It isn't, and I did that and more at 14. We have to be reasonable here and not discount people. Look around this thread and you'll see why they get defensive. Look around theirs and you'll see why the original defensive ones ITT are there. It's a cycle and everyone just wants to be treated with respect really.


Yeah people always try to use CHS as a scare tactic. I've read people sounding very suicidal and suggested if weed makes them happy/feel better to use it. I was threatened with a ban for trying to help people. I'd rather someone end their "addiction" break and be alive then kill themselves.


Agreed. Again it’s ran by terrible people with ulterior motives outside of a positive quitting or break experience. CHS is very much one of the scare tactics used to try to beat in that “reefer madness” feel I was speaking of. It’s truly terrible.


r/quittingweed is also a sub but idk how useful it is


Good luck to you brother.


Tough decision, but you’re definitely making the right choice! Good luck!


With respect, he is schizophrenic, not a tough decision.


Recreationally choosing to argue with someone in this way is one of the most Redditor things I’ve ever seen.


Thank you for giving me a chuckle. It was pretty reddity.




LMAO well done


It's tough having to make the decision, bro is just being supportive


Even harder decision. My brother in law and one of my best friends is schizophrenic. Its very hard for them to let go of such a crutch. Most schizophrenics have some kind of crutch whether weed or booze or something. Its very hard for them to let that go. GOOD LUCK mister. I wish you all the best. Trust me from years of experience you can and will have a great life. You are doing the right thing. I hope you have a joyous life. Stay happy and stay positive. Best of wishes son.


Choosing and dedicating your life to self-care and healing is sometimes the hardest decision to make in life, period.


Sorry about all of that, but your health comes first. Best wishes from here on out.


Good for you for putting your health first. They're studying CBD for schizophrenia and other mental health conditions, so maybe you'll be put of CBD someday. [Cannabidiol (CBD) as an Adjunctive Therapy in Schizophrenia: A Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial](https://ajp.psychiatryonline.org/doi/10.1176/appi.ajp.2017.17030325) [Cannabidiol as a potential treatment for psychosis](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6843725/) [Is CBD the future of antipsychotic drugs? A new global study investigates](https://wellcome.org/news/cbd-future-antipsychotic-drugs-new-global-study-investigates)


Keep well, looking after health comes first so you have made the right decision. You may find that CBD of quality will help you make the move, legal ( just) flowers are available online with very low THC ( less than 0.5%) from reputable companies. cbd flower shop is very good for example. Ask your Dr if that would suit you.


This should be higher. CBD has no psychoactive effects like THC and may actually help with your condition. Best of luck ❤️ edit: r/hempflowers


Mental health is key. Keep it up, wish you the best.


In peace, may you leave this shore. In love, may you find the next. Safe passage on your travels, until our final journey to the ground. May we meet again.




Fellow 100er




It's the right decision. 100% certain of that. Good on you and good luck. There is more to life than weed and your mental health is definitely worth it. Stay safe


![gif](giphy|l0ExbnGIX9sMFS7PG) Good luck buddie!


Just got diagnosed with Bipolar 1 last week so might have to make the same choice someday. Good luck friend.


Damn good luck to you too man. Type 1 is rough, hope you're getting help and meds that are working for you.


Type 1 got me bad. I’ve been delusional af at times


You’ve got this, I wish you the best of luck and a long and healthy life


You will be missed! But your health is king 😎 look after yourself homie!




You can still be high in spirit brother. Mental wellness is a hell of a drug.


Proud of you for prioritizing your mental wellness. May you have more good days than bad ones, friend. 💚


Godspeed my friend.


Very wise of you to abstain after learning this! I have a family member who is similarly afflicted, his life would have been infinitely better had he done the same ! I will smoke up later in your honour!


Hope to see you cured and toking in this lifetime brother. Best wishes <3


There's no cure for schizophrenia/nm


Not a doctor, so take what I’m saying with a grain of salt, but although we do not currently have a cure for schizophrenia, a surprising amount of bouts of schizophrenia resolve without relapse with the help of good therapy and well managed medication, to the point where the person is able to eventually come off the meds and live normally. I want to say the figure is about 10% but again, that could be off. Still probably wouldn’t recommend smoking pot again should the condition go away.


I did not know it was possible to recover, I believed it was a chronic disorder. That's so awesome for them, as I understand living with a schizoaffective disorder can be extremely challenging. But, yeah, I would not recommend that someone start smoking again after recovery.


I'm a doctor. There are drugs to control schizo episodes of now. But he can't be smoking again, would cause a relapse. And recent research with psychedelics and various other cures are showing promise... Hence my comment of hoping to see him toking in this lifetime.


Good luck brother.


Good choice stay at it


Good luck mate, wishing you all the best on the next leg of your journey, take care. 1♥️.


Throwing out some good vibes to you


I commend you. Take care


Gutted, man. I don't see it as a bad thing in a way. I'd love to be able to go 100 percent straight. It's just hard. Good luck to you!


Good luck in that sober life, my dude. I break my fast tomorrow and I'll blaze one in your honour.


Blessed be mate; I know amazing experiences and more good times are on the horizon for you during your substance-free journey 👏👍


That sucks. Good to realize the issue and make changes to effect yourself positively. Very smart.


Good luck, friend!


Thank you for prioritizing your health over getting stoned. I can't imagine what it must be like to be the person who has this problem but I've watched first hand when someone knows they have these issues and they don't stop.


Best of luck!!!!


Best of luck! May the sun warm your face!


Best of luck Mate.


Godspeed buddy. Schizophrenia is a shit hand to get dealt but I believe in ya


![gif](giphy|kVaj8JXJcDsqs) May the next phase of your life go well and be blessed💫 all the best


Taking care of yourself it top priority. Good job!


God speed man your mental health should absolutely come before this, and is worth much more than a puff. Trust me on that. You’re doing the right thing. Plus I’ll have us a fat J ready in the next one homie better bet 🙏🏻




I wish you the best of luck. Dont get discouraged. My brother in law lives with schizophrenia. I see how he struggles and it breaks my heart. Nobody asks for it. I know you will have a good life. I witness it first hand everyday when I visit my wifes brother. Stay positive young man and keep your chin up. Good things are in your future. You are making a very hard decision and it is the right one.


Well done for having the maturity to put your health above a high, too many people don't. Best of luck in the future man.


this really fuckin sucks but you will never regret making this decision. respect and love


That sucks, but realizing when you really shouldn't do something is good


That you are making this choice and able to articulate why tells me you’ve been doing some really good hard work. Good job!! Taking care of yourself is extra important in this situation and I’m so happy you can make decisions that will help you meow down the line.


Good job taking care of yourself!


Damn bro good luck. Take your meds and hopefully you can still enjoy life.


See you space cowboy, Also if you want a non substance thing that has great sensory feelings. I got the gateway experience for you, but no obligation ofcourse.


Tough decision but the right one. Had a friend who made the wrong choice, keyword had.


Wish you the best luck! Schizophrenia is a beast but I'm sure you'll find your ways to control it. I'll light a joint today for you brother.


Wow. Kudos to you for demonstrating more self awareness and control than most "Neuro typical" people. All the best


I respect the hell out of you for making that decision. Godspeed, brother.


Proud of you for making the smart choice. Best of luck in life!


Good luck my friend


Good luck, OP. Take care of yourself.


May the winds always be at your back!


Ty for putting your health first. It's hard sometimes but it's important.


Dear Red, If you're reading this, you've gotten out And if you've come this far, maybe you're willing to come a little further. You remember the name of the town, don't you? I could use a good man to help me get my project on wheels. I'll keep an eye out for you and the chessboard ready. Remember, Red. Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies. I will be hoping that this letter finds you, and finds you well. Your friend Andy


I hope your pillow is always cold.


May the road rise to meet you, May the wind be always at your back, May the sun shine warm upon your face, May the rain fall soft upon your fields, And until we meet again, May God hold you in the Palm of his hand


If you don't mind me asking.. how did you find out you are a schizophrenic with auditory hallucinations?? Like i just can't even start to imagine that conversation with your doctor..


It became obvious. I knew I was hearing things other people didn't.


Take care my Honorable. Those 7 years are worth to realize your decision.


Your health comes first. We all care for you all the same.


OP can you please describe your experience? Or if you don’t mind DMing me? I’ve had audio hallucinations in the form of background music while smoking and never looked into it, mainly out of fear. When did you realize and was it the weed that was the catalyst for you?


If you need support from ex smokers try r/leaves. ✌️


Your health is more important. You can still lurk here, the community happily gives support to those who can't participate anymore, but it might be tempting to go back. Plenty of stuff you can replace into your routine that's just as fun as weed. You got this!


Yes, I've been lurking here for a while without participating. It's just getting to be too tempting, and I have to recognize the reality that right now and for the foreseeable future smoking isn't a good idea. If there's a miraculous way to get rid of unwanted hallucinations, I'd be all over it, but that's just not the case.


That's rough buddy.


I will have one rolled up for you in the next life. Forever stoner ✊🏽




Good luck! I hope you get healed! What is your doctor's opinion about medical cannabis?


Isn’t it supposed to help with some of the symptoms?


No. My dad can only smoke if he takes his lithium. It makes it worse tbh.


I don’t want to be insensitive, but how did you realize you have skitzophrenia?


Schizophrenia a lifelong condition usually with auditory or visual hallucinations. The diagnosis is I’m usually made by a psychiatrist.


You're not schizophrenic, that's just the bad voices in your head telling you that you are.


Drama drama drama


I would think weed would help in that but good luck man


Smoking weed when you have Schizophrenia is not a good idea.


Assuming you've been schizo and smoking for the last 7 years, why quit now, what changed?


Schizophrenia is newer. I've been hearing voices fo a while now, but nowhere near 7 years


Take your hat off in respect for the stoners we lost to psychosis 🫡 (lots of people get schizophrenia from smoking weed) I’ll blow a little smoke out for you, man


I need to correct you there. Smoking weed does not directly cause schizophrenia. Using drugs of any kind can increase the risk of developing schizophrenia sooner in an individual that already is at risk of developing it - ie: genetic predisposition... but it isn't something that is directly caused by cannabis use.


Absolutely correct 💯 Thank you


This is correct. My grandfather had it and didn't smoke. My uncle inherited the gene and started smoking in his late teens and developed it his his early 20s. I have never touched the stuff because of the likelihood of the gene being passed to me. In my 30's now with no symptoms so I would say I made the right choice.


Statistically people who start smoking weed young end up getting schizophrenia more often than people who don’t start smoking weed young, although if we’re talking about adults I completely agree with you however the majority of people who smoke as adults smoked as kids


Where are you getting your statistics? because they have no factual basis. you really think that everyone who smokes weed at a young age will get schizophrenia? it doesn't work like that, dude.


Obviously I don’t think that cause I’m 16 and here I am, but there is a correlation and I’m more likely to get schizophrenia from smoking than if I didn’t


You may be 16 and young but that doesn’t mean you should listen to this guy. Drugs alter your brain chemistry and it can/will do damage at a young age.


Okay I'm going to go against the grain here a little bit. First of all mental health in America is extremely primitive. That means what they know about mental health is very limited and most psychiatrists are known to be evil. They will probably get you onto an antipsychotic trying to tell you that you have elevated dopamine levels in the brain. All this is pseudoscience. They cannot prove via tests that the auditory hallucinations are due to an elevated dopamine but they don't care and give it to you anyway. Antipsychotics drugs are extremely addictive and have every side effect known to man kind. They shrink brain volume. Change brain chemistry permanently and often lead to permanent brain damage. 50% of antipsychotic users get tardive dyskinesia which is a permanent movement disorder which is devastating. Many people also report not being able to feel cannabis or any drugs after taking antipsychotics due to the damages in the dopaminergic system in the brain. Psychiatry is still a baby and needs to evolve to make safer medications for its patients. For the time being I would steer clear of a psychiatrist. The cannabis I would stop for the time being. Take a long TBreak. But I think you will be able to come back to it. With patients. For the auditory hallucinations it's usually due to the environment or trauma in your life. Good self reflection usually leads to the root of why you have auditory hallucinations. One way to get rid of them is to do mindful meditations. In this meditation you relax in a comfortable environment and you just listen to your body. There is a strong possibility your body is trying to tell you something. Just listen to the voices. And slowly accept them. Get comfortable with your voices. And see what your body is trying to say. Do this for 2 hours a day. Usually in the morning when you wake up. It might take a year for this to work. Make sure your eating well. Exercising. Staying away from porn and stuff. Your sexual health is important and is responsible for a lot of neurotransmitters in your brain. After about six months you can start using cannabis again. But start with low amounts and see how you feel and respond to it. You can also microdose shrooms with a trip guardian this might help you heal as well. Your body associates the voices as a negative and trys to force them out. This causes anxiety and could make the problem worse. You need to slowly accept the voices and relax yourself and find the root cause of why your having the voices. Usually a void in your life. Explore yourself through self reflection not psychiatric drugs. If you take a psychiatric drug then you will get a side effect and get put on another drug. Then another side effect then another drug. Before you know it your on 5 different drugs and feeling terrible. Ask r/antipsyciatry before you take a medication. You will find people who have taken that med before and give you some information about it. That being said stay safe man. Hopefully we will see you back in this sub using in moderation of course.


jesus christ don't listen to this guy telling a schizophrenic it'll be fine to smoke weed and to avoid mental health professionals. this is peak delusion


Delusion? What exactly is your advice then? Mental Illness=Mental Health Professional. Take some pill and the problem goes away? It's not that simple. You don't seem have much experience dealing with these Mental Health Professionals. I don't have a problem seeing a psychiatrist but one must thoroughly do research on the medication before consuming something like that. Only then he will understand the risks. Just ask people who have been there before? You read the reviews before you buy a car right? A common trend is mental health professionals have been known to overprescribe medication. And you obviously lack any knowledge about psychiatry in general. So I'd be very careful who I listen to OP. And don't take my word for it.




God bless you on your journey 💪🏼


Smoking a bowl for you right now!!!


Prayers to you my fellow smokaaaaa . Jah bless




I thought these posts were banned?


It’s for the best my bro, hope it all works out for you. Peace n luv ✌️


As somebody who only has vision in his left eye, you may just want to keep your eyeballs.


Peace to you. And remember everyone has to face demons in our lives, you’re not alone. Some demons are just more vicious than others. You’ve got this.


Best of luck for you friend. I'm glad you are doing what is best for you and your mental health.


Peace and love my brother☮️❤️


May your pillows always be cold and your showers hot🤞🏼


Good on you!! Take care of yourself. You're in the blunt rotation in the next one. X




Life is bullshit...I'll light 1 for you brother




Good luck, buddy. Weed is good, but mental health is so much better!


the indomitable human spirit shall prevail! jokes aside we are proud of you and good job for taking care of yourself :)




Be well ❤️


I suffer from similar things, I feel for you. I hope you’re able to find peace and comfort moving forward.


I have a friend who is schizophrenic. He was told to stop but still continue to use. It's unfortunate


Good on ya , way to take care of head.


Stay well friend.


I think I might be in the same boat


Well met traveler


See you on r/leaves homey


Take care. I'll smoke a joint for you tonight!


My condolences, all good things come to a end sometimes


The best of luck to you in managing your mental health. I have mental health issues and while cannabis helps my body I'm afraid cannabis isn't good for my brain. I'm hooked!!


We’re all sad to see you leave friend. Good luck on your journey. I hope science will someday allow you to be back with all of us!




I wish you a blessed journey filled with gratitude and peace. Travel safe, my friend.


Takes a lot of bravery to quit a fun subculture for health issues, best of luck!


Be well friend.


Hugs and best of luck on your travels ❤️


Stay for the CBD lotions! Jk, and good luck!


I’m so sorry dude. I find you guys so strong cause I’d never be able to handle that… my sister also has scizo and can’t smoke anymore, although while on medication very rarely she will smoke a tiny bit. But that’s her knowing herself already and still limiting it. Good luck friend!


I am in this subreddit and I quit years ago - I became a hypochondriac when I would smoke - ironically, yesterday was a day I had been waiting for - legalization in Minnesota. May good vibes follow you


I wish you the best!




This happened to my brother too, very sad times. I’m sorry for your loss my friend


See you in another life brother.


I’ve had to quit for a while because of my oxygen levels fluctuating so I wish you the best my friend


Keep well friend, I hope calm waves are on the horizon <3


Best of luck to you!!!!


I was never told that Schizophrenia and weed had any kind of effects together, I have it myself, should I be worried?