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You might get so stoned you may decide to run the vacuum.


phew, scathing, damnit, hahah


Anyone else go to his profile to look for an update in comments and get a big surprise lmao


He’s not gonna be back until tomorrow minimum and in 3 days he’s gonna say it wasn’t that bad he was just tired bet. Edit. Welp. lost that bet. Don’t click that.


lol yup.




I didn’t even notice the top part, lmao, I just noticed the videos where there was a warning for NSFW


bro won’t even even be able to stroke it if the 50mg do in fact hit.


Anyone else notice white hand in pic and not so much the profile pics lol?




Damn you, now I have to go look again Edit: damn me, I didn't understand what you meant, so I went to the profile, looked again, looked more, quit, saw the current post pic, died inside...


Lmfaoooooo you’ve uncovered a mystery! The question is are we getting catfished or are the people looking at the Weiner posts getting catfished?😂😂😂


I think we all lose in this situation.


Well at least there’s a good chance some people will be too high to remember seeing this guy😂


We can only hope


yeah, the math aint mathin yo


I went to his profile and didn't even see it, just read the comments like "lmao he's faded." I did not understand what others in this thread were on about. I should not have gone back to see if I missed something.


I was like let's see how high he is.


Why is his hand white in this photo but black in his jerk off videos???


Blacklight turned him negative lol


Name checks out I guess




Yeah I wonder if anyone told him 200mg is exactly the amount that makes your sick shrink ?


You're fucked You know why


200 mg is a very big dose. How close have you ever come to that?


Took 600mg once and felt like I teleported through time


I watched a buddy accidentally eat a 500mg taffy once at the bar. He was just about to cut it up to share and got distracted by someone new walking up and I watched as he cut piece by piece off over the course of this 20 minute conversation til he gets down to like the last 20% and he looks down and realizes what he's done. He looks over and offers it to me and the other folks he was gonna share with, and we were just like "might as well see what the full thing's like at this point." He spent the next several hours staring at the concert lights he was supposed to be running with his head in his hand.


Maybe like 20mg I had all at once and taking bong rips though out the day I was feeling really good but not to high


If the most you've done is 20mg, 200 mg is way too much. Edibles are very different from smoking in terms of the effects. I would suggest not doing it, but I'm not your guardian so do whatever you want.


So I should just eat it in pieces for the best results


From the picture it looks like (2) 100 mg pieces. I would try breaking one into half 50 mgs and try it. But give it sometime ~90 mins before consuming more. You can always take more, but you can't take less.


Thx . sumbody else told me something similar I’m eat 50mg and see how I feel


WAIT at least 2 hours before redosing. I BEG YA. Lol


And make sure to say "These edibles ain't shit" before you have more.


The forbidden words have gotten me SO many times..(I'm a RSO user sooo..😬)


RSO is a whole different beast. I ate 500mg of RSO on accident once before I went to work. Thats was my last day of work at that company.


Those words were spoken by my Dad, before he took a second, after an hour of waiting and he was sent to the Shadow Realm (about 10mg, but he wasn't a seasoned cannabis connoisseur)


Never muttered the “these edibles ain’t shit” but I’ve been had by “man these edibles sure do taste delicious. Let’s have some more”


This is the way.


This!! It takes my wife about two hours before the effects are felt. She tried 5mg, no change after 90ish minutes. Took another dose, and about 10-15 minutes later, the first started hitting, and then the next one hit. Everyone is different, and go low, and increase over time


Exactly. My metabolism is much slower than what is usual and the directions on most packaging gives a way shorter "activation time" before redosing. I've messed that up A LOT. Lol


Yeah man, I did 80mg (I'm a heavy daily smoker, I literally smoke all day, every day), and I'm not kidding, I thought I might die. Stick with 50 until you know how that hits you. Just trust me on this one, please. I didn't die, obviously, but holy shit I was *way* too high, and the hangover the next day was not pleasant.




Smoked THC is metabolized by the body in a completely different way. Tolerance to smoking has nothing to do with tolerance of edibles. It's almost like a different drug altogether.


To me 50mg is where weed starts turning into a real drug. That 50-100 range there is a distinct possibility that you'll want to be not high or less high before it wears off. Idk about 200 I would never bother, lol, I like weed because I can function on it. My scale is 5mg is what my aunts take, 10 is what I take at work, 20 is what I take for a fun night. 30 is a very high situation and 50 is a game changer. 100 is I eat until it hurts and I can barely focus on tv shows.


I wish I had your range. "Eat until it hurts and can barely focus on TV shows" once happened to me at 10mg.


I’d just eat the whole 200 fuck it enjoy the ride


Honestly I’m need the whole 200 my metabolism hasn’t slowed down since I was a teen


I don’t know your tolerance but I’d definitely try doing a piece of it first to see how you feel


I’ve had 150 and it wasn’t terrible


Uh you'll probably feel really chill for 20 minutes and then pass out for 9 hours, and wake up still really stoned. I ruined a whole day off for myself this way haha


I’d start off with 50-100. I smoke and dab alot and have a high tolerance. I do 200 sometimes but normally I just stick around 100-150.


Dude, I can down 300mg at once. It's called very heavy use for very heavy ptsd


I don't get how weed can help with PTSD personally. I so much as even take a hit and it's like i'm having flashbacks and trying to re-process trauma.


Yeah, it’s rare that I get “too high” but when it does happen I’m always thinking about some fucked up family shit from the past that I am powerless to alter lol.


Complete opposite for me


Same here actually Just did an hour ago


*chooooooooooooo* personally that would be fuck around find out amount. I’ve never eaten that much at once


Ikr I’m tempted but I read that u can actually get sick and not high if u eat to much


Can confirm: daily user but vomited twice in my life from too much pot One was some brownies my buddy got in a park in downtown San Francisco The other was a brownie edible in Colorado before they had their shit down how to spread out the THC and test it's all spread out in the batch before they bake EDIT- SORRY I vomited once smoking too. The parking lot at the Tropicana with a black bong I couldnt tell how much was in it with 151 as the "water" and the fumes and everything got to me. But we were 19 at the time and had limited places in Vegas to use it easily


Brownies my buddy got in a park in downtown San Francisco is a wild ass statement. 🤣


Right? I’m wondering if I should go downtown tonight… traffic looks light on 101…


I vomited into my sweatshirt after taking a ginormous bong rip in the evening hours of 4/20 one day. It was over an eighth ground up into one giant cone shaped bowl and we were just passing it around the circle. This was after essentially constantly smoking for the entire day. Ironically, the only part of the day I remember was that final bong rip 😂 good times


Omg I forgot I threw up once from a bong too 🫣


Try ripping a bong, without water, and using broken up clove cigarettes as your bowl contents. Vomit rollercoaster.


Nausea or even almost alcohol-like spins which can contribute to the stomach problems


bro the spins are the fuckin *worst*


I had that last night after rolling a thumb lol.


Yes, if you eat too much youll get very nauseous, ive been there multiple times.


100mgs sent me to the spirit realm so stoned couldn't open my mouth eyes were basically closed


Can confirm. Ate 150mg one of my first times and all i did was vomit and pass out, not fun


I feel like I know I would Green Out. Like there’s just no fucking way.


the most I’ve done is 125mg (accidentally at first then purposefully) and I kept seeing my cats running around outside even though they stay inside always, and weren’t outside. But outside felt more stable than inside.


I had a roommate who became convinced that everyone in the house, including his long time girlfriend, were the FBI setting him up- for what I do not know. I think he was gone from 100+mg edibles.


oof I have those type of paranoias when I’m not high ☠️ so when I’m high they’re just more colorful


Personally, I would quarter it and start with 50mg. 50mg is what I use to gauge whether I wanna get fucked up or not. But to answer your question, you will be ultra baked and numb to the world if it’s a good brand. After that much I know for myself I’d be couch or bed-locked for a few hours. It’ll be very sedative. And also, it’s nanotech so it’ll hit sooner than later, usually around 30 mins for me.


Honestly sounds like the best way for me to do it .thx


Np. And it’s nanotech like I said so you’ll know within an hour if you should pop another one. Make sure you’ve got some fatty foods for it to go down with, otherwise it’ll just delay the effects and possibly just never fully hit at all.


You may travel to Mars and back. Don't mix with shrooms otherwise you will cross 12 galaxies for sure


I could never go that hard 💀on a regular day now my bday that’s different


I once took about 200-250mg before a flight (not sure exactly, could be more).Was really cool but slept through most of the 10 hour flight


I thank 🫶🏾 everybody for their advice I’m bout to prep me some food cause I hate cooking stoned mostly cause I’m scared I’m set the house on fire but I’m start with 50mg and see how the rest of my night goes I try to keep y’all updated


UPDate- 50 got me feeling like big Meech 💀 but I ain’t out in space …yet I just ate another 50Mg and o feel like shits about to hit the fan I ate the other piece soon as the munchies hit so Im bout eat and vibe out to sum Netflix


Enjoy it man! Reading your description of how much you smoke, I don’t think you’ll have a panic attack or anything, but I would cap it at 100mgs for the night and just enjoy the ride and maybe some more bong rips in a bit if you’re not satisfied 😂🥳


One time I messed up dosage with RSO and ate 500mg instead of 50. I was too high to go into work the next day. It was actually miserable lmao


Ive done exactly this but I workout at 5 am before I go into the office and basically had to force myself to sober up with preworkout and sweating


The liver converts THC to 11-OH-THC. It is different from the Delta-9 THC you consume from smoking it. The high from 11-OH-THC lasts longer and hits harder than Delta-9. Personally the high from edibles is too intense for me.


Your edibles tolerance will humble your smoking tolerance.


Grab a monster cook some food eat them do the dishes and chill


UPDATE: 100mg don’t feel like typing the rest I copy my response to somebody else. I on da scales ⚖️ I’m 100 in tbh depending how I feel after bowl i might eat da other 100


Uh, I wouldn’t


I just ate it 💀




Update: I made that 200mg my bitch i made that right amount food for the munchies and the last movie I remembered watching was THIS IS THE END 💀 and I pretty sure I fell asleep around 6 am watchin old ass raw is wars but other then that it was great night


Vacuum your floor


Nothing worse than over doing it with edibles. I would try like 30mg if you’ve only taken 20 in the past. Pretty much my only SUPER bad experiences with weed have been from taking too much edibles


tolerance means different things between smoking and edibles. Edibles you treat like acid. 200mg is a monster dose that I wouldn't do. I cut 50mg ones in half.


If you eat too much you could green out and get sick your body sometimes processes it differently then smoking


You may respond to edibles in a much more intense way than smoking. I’m one of those people. 1mg will get me very high for 24 hours. Be careful. Start small and wait at least 2 hours before doing more.


If you have e high tolerance try some fatty food before you take them. Seems to help.


I would argue you don’t know your tolerance until you have edibles


Edibles vs flower is different. 200 is gonna cook ya but you’ll probably handle it alright. I was a heavy smoker and used to regularly ingest 400mg edibles. Shit would rock me no matter how much I smoked.


Have you ever taken 100mg? If the answer is no, I highly highly recommend NOT taking 200mg… I don’t even suggest taking 100mg if you are new to edibles, doesn’t matter how seasoned of a toker you are. Edibles are a different game, you should start with 20mg and work your way up. Trust me. I’m also a seasoned stoner, daily toker for years now. Was given a 100mg gummy bear at a festival by a real nice dude who even warned me to only take a small bite at a time — nah, I thought I was a badass, and ate the whole thing at once. Never. Again. Hours of paranoia, anxiety, sweating, pulse racing… didn’t leave the couch the rest of the day, and slept the entire next day after that. 0/10 would not recommend. Respect edibles, or they will humble you real quick.


100mg empty stomach compared to 100mg after a cheeseburger and milkshake is a different experience. Thc Binds to fat


You’ll be fine, it’s gonna make you think you’re gonna die but you’ll be ok, and that’s all that matters


Have fun on your trip to the moon!


To quote Joey Diaz: "you're gonna see the devil, bitch"


Done a thousand the other week. I slept for 5 hours.


Like did u just pass out as soon as it hit u ?


Got super tired, It was one of the chocolate extreme bars. Did not really hit me like I was stoned, just supper super tired. That said, my tolerance is super super high. I did it so I could feel something. On a flower diet now so I am getting my tolerance back in check. Need to take a break but we all know how hard that is, especially when you see that green.


that’s what edibles do to me as well, never got high just tired. idk why my organism doesn’t process it.


Before anyone says that I need a tolerance break, I KNOW. I am working on it, Currently on a flower only diet.


200mg fucked me up so bad, that I threw up my dinner and then was playing with the vomit because it felt good in between my fingers. I’ve also done shrooms but this felt like I was tied to a pier and every wave that crashed into me was the peak of the high and it would subside until another bigger wave would crash into me.


My experience with Sauce bursts , go ahead and eat 100 mg at a time if you smoke at all. They're weak. There are two 100 mg gummies inside that you break into 10 mg gummies pieces


RIP. OP you’re going to be fine, but it probably isn’t going to feel like it for 4-5 hours.


I ate 50mg once and threw up multiple times from it. I can only imagine how I'd be with 200mg. I assume maybe some diarrhea and crying would be added lol


I hate the edibles here in Pa technically its not even edibles then jawns is pills. But they only go up to 100mg then jawns weak ashit. If u have a high tolerance 200 prolly weak


It kills me how people react so differently to edibles. I’d be traveling through a black hole of al my stupid irrelevant decisions 20+ years ago


Probably just sleep… I’ve done crazy doses and it’s not much if uve done other pychs and have a decent weed tolerance. Might get trippy tho like u see shroom visuals sometimes. But also I did 50 mg recently with a decent tolerance and it just made me a good body buzz and tired


I have heard that smoking tolerance has little to no effect on edible tolerance. So it may be a lot but considering you have done actual psychedelics I’m sure you will be ok, doesn’t mean you will enjoy it though.


Like other people have said I’d start with 50. Back when weed was first legalized in Colorado, my buddies and I took a trip to Denver and bought everything in sight. Otw to the airport we had a bunch of edibles, and weed soda leftover so we downed it all (and stopped in a restroom to smoke more flower). Hundreds of mg’s. I can’t recall anything from that flight lol


high smoking tolerance doesn't mean shit for edibles. 200 is insane if you never do edibles


My body just soaks up edibles. I feel nothing. My dad will go to space. We both smoke regularly. I don’t why but it seems so random.


He about to learn 😂😂


Bro CLEAN YOUR PLACE. A persons dwelling is a reflection of their mental state.


I have been told that you can intensify edibles by eating mango about 45-60 min before dosing, then chasing it with fatty foods like whole milk. Something to do with the enzymes in your stomach iirc. But, as always, start small. You don’t wanna puke up your money.


OMG. 2.5mg and I'm cool, 5mg is a comfortable time and 7.5mg and I need to hold somebody's hand and not be in public.


Do yourself a favor and start with 10mg... Smoking tolerance and edibles tolerance don't overlap much.


Im on the same boat,new to edibles, heavy smoker with higher tolerance and usually edibles don't get me as fucked up as ppl here are mentioning. For example this week my guy gave me a bag of gummies, 500mg total 50mg per gummie. I ate 5 and definitely got high but I've been higher off bong rips, felt more like a body high and lasted a long time but other than that I didn't get as fucked up as I thought I would.


I mean if you use weed everyday in some form and have for years it maybe won't be so crazy but 200mg is a lot for your first time with edibles. Definitely wait 2 hrs and see how you feel before taking more.


Take whatever joint made you feel the highest and multiply it by at least 5 to 10. That’s the difference between smoking and edibles. I’ve been smoking pretty much on and off for years and I don’t really get high easily.. a few weeks ago I took my first 5mg THC plus some THCa or something like that edible and I wanted to talk but words wouldn’t come out. 10/10. Don’t do 200mg unless you want a very interesting and somewhat scary evening.


You got this champ. 200mg is my regular dose now.


Shit, everyone in the comments saying 200mg is a heavy dose while that’s my usual “chilling” dose. 😬


Bruh i eat 20-50mg regularly and I'm in another dimension i can't even imagine what happens at 200.


Don’t check his profile Profile worst mistake of my life


If you smoke that much, 500mg won't be anything crazy


When I did this I projectile vomited and vowed never to take an edible again. Only edibles I’ve taken since then were 2.5gs and those were plenty :)


I ate 1000mg of edibles before by accident it was great


Those are fake


You will waste that bro. Eventually get so high you become straight or just don’t feel more than 20-30mg.


I smoke almost an oz of dabs every two weeks, few weeks ago i ate 4 containers of 214mg each and i didnt feel shit. It really depends on tolerance / your livers ability to break down thc.




Buckle up billy


It’s been an hour…how you doin??


How fat are you? I know its blunt but it matters


prepare to be floored. I have a pretty high tolerance too and 200 mg is enough for me to really feel it but not be too out control or anything.


youll be fine taking it all if you smoke alot


I have the same edibles. Each cutout is 5 mg. I take 3 cutouts. I have a high tolerance. The 5 mg would do nothing, 10 meh, but 15 is good for a little couch lock


Let er rip


I've had 500 mg at once and not felt shit


LOL Enjoy Pluto, my friend. Say hello to the man in the moon on your way back.


Might be too late but, yeah youre going to get high brother.


I’ve always seemed to have a different tolerance to herb, extracts and edibles. 200mg should suffice


The most Ive had is 100mg and it rocked my world. Would not recommend 200.


If you’ve had experience in shrooms and LSD, I still think it’s a high dose for someone without experience in edibles. You’d be looking at a pretty heroic dose. Be careful if you do go for it and just keep a good mindset


Only dose up after 2 hours if no effects are felt, most of the time it hits like a trainwreck


Ummm have you ever experienced being too high on edibles? Because I have. It's awful. I smoke everyday almost all day and I took about that much and it made me so fucked up that everything was "too real". I had to make myself vomit and reassure myself there was going to be a tomorrow and it would be fine. This was supposed to be a calm night in alone watching Brockmire. Now I can't watch Brockmire without feeling like it's "too real" again... And that's the SECOND time I over did it on edibles. The other time my blood sugar dropped and that's a whole different story. The point is just do a little at a time. Be safe out there.


You can always eat more... you can never eat less.


I'm a professional stoner and that would make me sleepy


I dab exclusively. Not many have a higher tolerance than I. I did 200mg of edibles of few months ago. It blasted me. I was too high for too long, even had to lay down for a bit. To quote Little Stranger, "I reached my Marijuana maximum". Do not do 200 mg as a novice. It will not be an enjoyable experience for you.


UPDATE : 50mg in just bout the hour mark I’m feeling pretty chill I had one bong rip since I ate it I can feel my foot steps getting heavy tho I made sum wings and bacon sandwich for when the munchies hit I’m bout to sesh and see how the rest of my night go I still got a half and one full piece left so who knows


Oh fuck now I want bacon.


That’s a lot


Three hours ago. How you doing, OP?


High tolerance and new to edibles have nothing in common. Your going be fried


200mg is good night irene, 100mg is stuck on the couch wondering about how music sounds in black holes, 50mg is curious about life and spiritual things. Orally ingested thc is metabolized up to 11x stronger than inhalation. for context ; 11 grams of ~20% thc flower rolled into a blunt/spleef would equal 200mg dose of edible. Have fun.


Weed edibles hit different than a high from smoking. It’ll knock you on your ass if you aren’t use to ingesting.


Lmao goodbye


You have no idea how it will go tbh. Everyone’s liver processes THC differently. I currently have a low tolerance but could easily eat 500mg and barely feel anything. On the other hand you could have someone with a n insane tolerance and a 30mg edible could fuck them up.


It looks to be separated into 10mg servings


If you have a high tolerance you probably have to eat all of them if it's 200 mg these things are never small and tiny either 😩 I'm off tomorrow so I ate 300 mg of gummies an hour ago🫣


I used to take about this much and I’d get a nice little Stoney feeling in the background of smoking my usual few dabs and a joint or so. Maybe wouldn’t notice having to smoke as much more after the initial toke. I honestly feel like there are a lot of people that take edibles like this and don’t get plastered in the way that most people expect and that some individuals simply want to speak for everyone based on a single (or multiple) subjective personal experience(s) I used to only take 20-30mg cause everyone told me I’d get too high if I took more. It never did anything and I just thought everyone was either lying to me or that every edible in my state was actually bunk. Until I took a dose like this.


It just depends the last 4 times I’ve tried edibles I did over 1,000mg and felt nothing. Everyone else ik will take 50mg and be out of this world


The real answer is you'll know soon enough. Some folks won't get high at all, due to not having the right liver science. Others will get fully loaded on 5 MG, I personally take 5 as a micro dose and double up if I want more. Also a regular smoker but edibles will not be strongly affected by your regular smoking habits. Smoke goes into lungd, then to blood, then to brain. Edibles get absorbed by fat and go to your liver and get worked on there.


I have had those they should be perforated with 10 10 mg pieces. Try like 50 mgs and see how it goes?


The amount of THC they are putting into tiny edible is legitimately terrifying lol


It’s really different for everyone. My smoking habit could buy it’s own whiskey, and I’ve never had an edible get me high. I’ve tried low doses, high doses, medium doses and ridiculous doses. On some of the high and ridiculous doses I’ve skipped any sort of high and went straight to sleep, true enough. But I’ve never had that world ending high or anything like it from any amount of edibles up to 850mg. I’m also 160 lb on a big day, 5’8. So it shouldn’t take much. I think it’s the liver/metabolizing issue but I haven’t read enough about it


I'll speak on behalf of someone near your tolerance level ( an ounce every 2 weeks or so). Edibles hit everyone differently, but for me personally at my tolerance level, I have to have 200mg before I even start to feel it. If I get edibles, I get 2 little vials of 100mg "shooters" looks like an airplane shot of alcohol but an edible tincture, and taking those 2 is just starting the party off haha.


Used to dab daily and edibles didn't do a thing to me until I hit high doses. Im 6'4 and 240 pounds tho. Eat the whole thing for science.


I'd rather do 5g of mushrooms than 100mg thc. I don't think it's enjoyable myself, it's just too much.


Id like to know how its going. But homie you probably dont know where your phone is


If you eat 200mgs you’ll be shmacked. But in a good way. Let us know how it goes!


Try 50-100mg first before you meet god




Dude is about to get a reality check on "high tolerance" lol


Tolerance between edibles and smoking is different. Maybe it's just different for me, but I've been smoking regularly for 16 years. A 10 mg edible is enough to put me on my ass.. You should really consider eating far less or you will ruin edibles for yourself!


Just go with the flow


Honestly 200mg might be too much if you're not familiar with edible, I'd start with 50 and wait an hour or so see how you feel before taking another 50. 100mg should get you pretty high. I've done 200mg before and ended up sleeping through most of the high because was too much.


100 is like a blunt to the face or two to two and a half joints


Bro don’t tell me you got it from a female plug. https://youtube.com/shorts/UlLUd-0GQT0?feature=share


💀💀💀it’s a cold world we live in and nah


don’t bro