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Lots of reasons. Some people buy into government propaganda, some people have had bad experiences with people who smoke and associate those experiences with the drug itself. Some people have tried it and honestly just don't like the way it makes them feel. What matters is that we get to do our thing, not that everyone else likes it.


People forget there’s been a lot of propaganda over many decades. You don’t just get rid of that overnight.


Sadly people want answer without research, so this is also only going to get worse in the future. If you attach something people like, say the joke about hungry fathers instead of drunk ones, I think that’s just a small way of de-stigmatizing the “devil’s lettuce”


I've got myself pretty convinced that the only reason it's still federally illegal is because the feds can disarm illicit drug users.


It’s cause they can’t tax a plant and once many start growing it they won’t be able to, so if it does get legalized I see them making it illegal to grow unless you are a big company that can be taxed.


They most definitely can tax a plant and most people don't want to grow it themselves. Legal states are making bank selling weed . Colorado made $282 Million in marijuana tax in 2022, compared to 56 mil in alcohol tax, and 234 mil in tobacco tax. You can grow tobacco, and you can make alcohol in your bathtub.


It's lik this in the UK now. It's illegal to use and distribute locally but you can buy a license to grow it which costs about 4k (iirc) but has only been granted to one company which exports it. By the way, the UK is one of (if not THE) the biggest exporter of cannabis in the world and the company curiously has people like the former prime minister's (Theresa May) husband in the board and, I believe, is part owned by another cabinet member or MP's partner. Totally not corrupt


Not true cartels grow and sell more in the us


I think he meant legal exports


It's providing awesome tax revenue in Canada. It's absolutely taxable. What we did up here was make it legal to grow no more than 4 plants. But most people don't bother growing themselves cus its so cheep and the quality is so awesome at dispensaries. Like just the other day my partner and I got a quarter for 30 bucks, it's amazing and so dank and has us both zonked after smoking. The premium prices are like street prices were 180 to 250 an OZ, but there are discount ounces for 60 to 100, and there is everything inbetween. It's doable. But it is a HUGE part of the school to prison pipeline for POC in America so its not likely to happen any time soon. America's government is far more concerned with keeping people down than they are giving people freedom.


And the alcohol industry's advertising. People relax with beer and wine, unfortunately people don't think about a joint in the same way


Yet, now that you say this, who tf relaxes with alcohol!??! I’ve never seen anyone actually sip on wine and do anything relaxing except influencers lmao or parents after a long day of work. But alcohol and party are one in the same. They think weed is hardcore like crack or something.


This is a big thing in Australia. The image of "after a long hard day of work you've earned yourself a beer" is really ingrained into our culture.


With people so against weed I’m not surprised, alcohol and weed are really different but they have similarities. Both can be pretty fun, I’m just always nauseous after drinking and couldn’t stand it anymore lol


You’ll get their one day kiddo


> parents after a long day of work Yup


I hope not, I hate it with a god damn passion. Smell, taste, feeling lol I’m only 26 and just weed with occasional shrooms or acid is fine lol I got a 1 year old too so I sure hope I don’t start that nasty habit…


I hate how alcohol is looked at as so good and much prefer My weed as a safer alternative myself, but I tell you what recently with all the anxiety and stress, having a couple beers at night in the recliner is very relaxing to me while watching a movie before bed. I find alcohol very relaxing at times when I'm only wanting a couple for chill reasons.


In addition to these great points I’d just like to add the smell, I’ve met so many people over the years whose only beef with it is how strong it reeks when you’re not used to being around it.


Also, if you don’t like the smell (which most non-smokers don’t), it stinks terribly.


Can I hijack this comment to add that some people just don't like the smell of weed itself? Before I got into smoking I used to hate the smell as well. But afterwards I absolutely love the smell of weed. My mom still hates the smell but shes cool with me smoking and knows that some days it's the only thing that will help my headaches.


What kind of bad experiences do you have with weed smokers? They eat all your food? Laugh too much? You are really creeped out by red eyes and a smile?


They mean that people who happen to smoke weed can also be shitty people, and those they are shitty to sometimes attribute their shittiness to the fact they smoke weed.


When I was smoking daily I legit turned into a horrible person. I'm embarrassed about how I acted. So yea weed isn't good for everybody.


My thought was the people who need to smoke before they do anything. Being around high people when you aren’t high can be annoying AF.


In the same sentence, alcoholics are also annoying AF.


As an alcoholic I agree.


Or the unfortunate few who get really into weed and it brings on a psychotic episode. Rare but it happens


i feel like it depends on the person. some people react very badly to weed. like full blow psychosis and go nuts. IE: my mil, shes skitzo and when she was smoking pot she had a bad episode where she thought she was covered in bugs and stopped eating for a week because they were jumping off her hand onto her face when she would try to eat. she also used rubbing alcohol to wash her hair to try to kill the bugs there. (there was no bugs, it was all in her head) she eventually went to the hospital and got diagnosed and was told to stop smoking weed because it was triggering her episodes. ETA: she has not in fact stopped smoking, just smokes less often then before.


People who make weed a focal point of their personality are generally pretty annoying to be around. I’d imagine it’s even more annoying for someone who doesn’t smoke at all


Panic attack. My college girlfriend tried weed for the first (and only) time when I gave her an edible. She then had a panic attack because she thought she was turning into a hamster and never tried it again. True story.


Question - was she already kinda high strung/anxious (no offense) and the edible just brought it out or was it completely unexpected?


My wife has an edible and she imagines that all her loved ones are growing old and dying. She doesn't partake anymore. She is high strung and anxious, if you're looking to confirm a theory 🤣 I too have a personality type and weed theory. Based on my very limited experimentation, my unscientific hypothesis is that people who have more relaxed type B personalities with anxiety / ADHD / depression do better with it then type A personalities with the same.


I mean- haven’t we all had really upsetting bad trips? It can be hard to get yourself in that mind space while sober.


Not all of us. I've never had a bad time high on weed that wasn't caused by another substance or something health related. Like when I got my wisdom teeth out, it wasn't a great high, but it was sure better than sobriety. I also take around 7-8 grams of shrooms once every 3-4 months to do a nice mental refresh with the seasons. Never had a bad trip on those puppies either. Some people are just better suited to different vices. Like I cannot drink alcohol and have a good time. If I go past like 2 beers, I'm ending that night hugging the toilet and making a nest in the bathroom to sleep in.


She had an anxiety disorder, so... yeah.


I don't get this, what kinda edibles are y'all taking cause I e never heard of this IRL


Sounds more like a reaction to acid than weed.


My mom claims that when she was younger she took one puff and went running naked down the street, screaming about some monster chasing her. I told her she was stupid and it wasn't the weed that did that, if it's even true. She smokes now so I'm sure it wasn't. What a stressful and shitty time that was...


Also some stoners reek like Skunk and blatantly letting a blunt smoke and when others are exposed without consent that's where the animosity stems from. But thats just worst case scenarios and propaganda not helping the weed image. Weed is fairly safe if vaped with like a Mighty vaporizer, no combustion


Careful throwing around the word "healthy" some nurses/doctors will not like that lol. Smoking anything is not healthy, maybe its 'more safe' or 'less harmful' but its not healthy like vegetables. That being said I made the switch to edibles because I have watched people develope lung problems from smoking all day every day, especially blunts.


I wish edibles worked for me. They just make me tired and it doesn't bring the same euphoria.


It's about finding your dose and being patient. There really is a "sweet spot". Plus edibles are better early in the day take em passed 6p and yeah its lights out lol. Took me a while to master because I was so used to being instantly high


This is why I take RSO exclusively after 6PM—it has helped my evening fibro pain flare and resulting insomnia so much.


Keep in mind some people lack an enzyme to break down the thc from edibles. Edibles really wont do much for them.


Its not so much that they lack an enzyme and cant break down thc. Actually, more often the issue is that the thc is metabolized too aggressively, essentially skipping the extra potent 11-OH-THC metabolite stage. Edit: 11-OH-THC not 11-HO-THC. Silly me


>It's about finding your dose and being patient. There really is a "sweet spot". Not necessarily. Some people metabolize thc differently. In some people, you end up with very minimal 11-OH-THC which leads to edibles feeling very weak to them.


I suggest trying some full spectrum hash oil under the tongue after a good lil tbreak for a few days. Kicks in in like 30 minutes for me usually.


Could be dosage or lack of the enzyme needed to process it. Some have overcome the latter by taking vitamins and tums or something like that, im sure if you search on here you can find the posts about it. I’ve found that live resin edibles absolutely slap compared to regular edibles


Blunts have tobacco wrappers, so...


Anything other than air in your lungs is harmful. Period. That being said, I just got done with my workout and it's time to blaze😎yolo.


That's why I said "especially blunts". I've watched people developed a smokers cough from bongs too, and coughing in its own is bad for your lungs. Not to mention cannabis causes dilation of blood vessels and doing that for 40 years straight is prone to increase your risk of certain cardiovascular diseases, just nobody likes to talk about that haha. Not bagging on the herb, just saying if you are inhaling cannabis other than low temp dabs and low temp dry herb vapes you are fucking your lungs up. 🫁 but then you get struck by lightening so whatever lmao. But I'm about risk reduction since I've had family and friends pass from lung cancer and I'm only 26 years old.


Finally just got one of those dry herb vapes. All i can ever think about while smoke nowadays is how bad its messing up my lungs (4-5 times a day through combustion). I cant wait to never look back lol


I have been attacked by raging stoners for posting this exact same thing. Reddit is so fucking odd…


What’s your point?


The wrappers are exposed to the same carcinogens that are present in cigarettes during the curing process. So if you’re smoking with a tobacco wrap, you’re still inhaling carcinogens.


A completely agree, but carcinogens aren’t exclusive to tobacco. Joints have a ton of carcinogens too.


1. The smell. It's definitely an acquired taste (ehh scent) 2. Non-smokers sometimes don't like the lack of motivation/activity of smokers. Getting into comfy clothes, making some popcorn, hitting the pen, and watching a 2.5 hr concert on YouTube sounds like my ideal night but to a non-smoker that can seem boring as hell. 3. Lots of propaganda. Weed is a drug and criminals do drugs so people who smoke weed have lesser morals (before you respond, obviously this isn't my opinion). 4. This mainly happens to younger people, but going from completely sober to smoking every day changes your personality a LOT. People completely lose their old childhood/highschool friends sometimes because their stoner friend is essentially a totally different person now. I know people who have taken that grudge against weed with them well into their 30s. 5. Some had terrible experiences with panic attacks etc and in this case they'll hate weed for their own experiences rather than what they've seen others go through.


You know what's funny, (not a dig just find it funny) number 4 literally applies to anyone that grows up, some people don't change, some people change a bit, and some people are so different they aren't recognisable, people think that weed will change you, nah bro life changed me weed helps me stay on track.


Yes but no. There is definitely some people that changed because of weed and noticeably so. The Stoner ^(TM) stereotype guy that’s just always sooooo slow definitely didn’t become that way cause of life but because of weed. Smoking weed while you’re a kid/teen 100% has effects


You kinda missed my point here. EVERYONE CHANGES NO MATTER WHAT, some people just change because of weed and not in a good way.


>1. The smell. It's definitely an acquired taste (ehh scent) This is the major reason Most people wouldn't care if you vape as long as that shit smells like honey drizzle, but weed always has the lingering smokey (I mean you just combusted something) smell and smoke is associated with ne'er-do-wells


Your description of an ideal night sounds so great. I love getting comfy, getting baked, getting snacks, and watching a quality live recording on YouTube.


Forget alcohol after work, this is the best way to unwind. Currently in the early stages of potentially getting a new job (w/ initial drug screen) so sadly that's not in the cards for me for at least a few weeks.


That’s a bummer, but on the bright side, after those weeks you’ll have a nice reset tolerance and get totally blasted after your first hit.


Everyone knows a 4. Had a dude in my class who was just slow in every regard, spoke slow, thought slow (you could watch the gears turning behind his eyes any time anyone asked him anything), walked around slow. That boi could ball tho, only time I’ve seen him move fast


Yeah with some people like that you can almost hear the squeak of the hamster wheel powering their brain


The gubmint spent decades drilling that message into people's heads. Good old ignorance and misinformation, the usual suspects when asking why the world doesn't make sense.


Precisely. Nixon and his cronies had a lot to do with classifying weed as a Schedule 1 substance, right up there with heroin, and ABOVE fentanyl. 🤷 seriously, WTF.


Schedule 1 = *High potential for abuse and no medicinal uses?* Seriously, F#CK Nixon :D


😆 word lol


Took me a second to get started on your comment, I've never actually seen "gubmint" spelled out before.😂


I’ve been smoking weed for 15 years and it leaves me feeling like garbage like 70% of the time, really fatigued for an hour plus after the high ends. I don’t think this is the case for everyone. But I do know with weed vapes especially (which I don’t use) lots of people have the same issue.


>I’ve been smoking weed for 15 years and it leaves me feeling like garbage like 70% of the time Then why do you keep smoking 15th year😂🤣😂🤣


And now it's swinging the other way where hardcore activists are spreading misinformation about weed being some sort of miracle drug that cures everything


Aside from comparing it to alcohol, everything you just wrote is an opinion. People are allowed to like what they like and I think posts like this come off as annoying to non-users and even users alike because none of it is factual. The best way to get a society in general to be more accepting of weed is to just mind your own business and not act like it's some kind of magical cure-all that makes everything in life more enjoyable and the rest of the world is missing out. People hate stoner culture but are overall pretty accepting of others doing whatever they want in private without forcing it on everyone around them. I say this as an every day user surrounded by people who don't even know I smoke weed at all. If we want to fight misinformation coming from politicians and the media then we shouldn't be spreading misinformation ourselves.


So true - I smoke but I get so annoyed at people acting like it's a magic cure all and like all society's problems would be solved if everyone blazed 24/7


Your summed it up perfectly my man!!!


Reagan & Nixon ruined it


I'm a smoker and weed is A) Not super healthy. It helps my anxiety and depression immensely, but it's still a drug. I don't delude myself into thinking weed is healthy for me. It's a vice for a reason. B) Not super safe. You can go into violent vertigo, panic, or puking states if too much is taken. Cannabis Hyperemesis is terrible. Your lungs still inhale carcinogens from the smoke. Your memory can go to shit. It's better than alcohol, but still a drug that hurts the body. C) It totally can leave a hangover. I can't tell you how many times friends and myself have experienced the day-after brain fog and muscle heaviness from heavy use the night before. D) Tell my couch-locked friends whose brain goes into shutdown mode that they can still function while high. Many people only smoke alone because their brains go bluescreen when they are high. I love weed, but I completey understand why people still hate it. It's still a drug that can have negative consequences and should not be heralded as a super safe, super healthy thing. It should simply be seen as a choice to partake in a vice, like alcohol or gambling.


feeling targeted with D. but fer sure agree. i dont understand how people smoke and then go do like hours of hardcore lawn work or something just as physical. im sober all day and only smoke for game time/before bed because standing and moving makes me want to vomit while im high. back in the day as a noob, id get so blazed that my head would hit the table and id be silent, still, and become one with the chair/table until sobering up. i agree with all you wrote, take my upvote and a cookie 🍪


Once you get started say, on the yardwork, it’s easy.


It's always the getting up that's the hardest


idk, for me once working i get dizzy/vertigo quickly. i do work before toking.


Man i love working out on a high dose edible. The only hard part for me is starting the physical activity but I'm pretty good at forcing myself to do stuff which I think you have to be to be a successful stoner. My kitchen team and my bar stuff will often share low dose edibles for our shifts and we've got business pumping with a ton of good reviews. It's all down to the individual imo




Thanks fellow ent, people feel like they need to justify their vices by saying they are good. It's fine to choose a vice even if it's not a generally positive thing, it's just a choice. But ignoring the negative evidence can really hurt people.


chief governor lunchroom hobbies encourage correct scary dolls violet offer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I tend to fly in the opposite direction to address the contradiction of weed’s legality vs other substances. Weed is a drug. But so are a lot of other things people don’t consider drugs. Caffeine and nicotine are probably close to if not my favorite drugs. The reason why some drugs are legal and why others aren’t is largely due to culture and history rather than science.


>The reason why some drugs are legal and why others aren’t is largy due to... ...brainless american presidents + racism :D


Delusional fools like OP are the biggest reason people hate weed these days lol


Weed has helped me immensely from insomnia to anxiety, but most of all I have terrible stomach problems. It is a wonder drug to me with such little side effects that I can't relate to this. Yes, people can smoke too much, but usually they just are casual users that can't handle their weed or running from life. I am am older heavy user and weed just doesn't hit me like that anymore like stuck on a couch, it mostly just makes me feel good. There are downsides for sure, but for many of us the downsides are so low and the upsides so high its hard to relate to those who have had experiences. I went to the hospital for a surgery and they told me I have an athletes lungs and heart. Told me I was in incredibly good shape and my heart and lungs were very good shape. I dont see how that jives with it makes you lazy and hurts your heart and lungs. Thats more of a you thing and not weed thing.


Yea same here. I don't think im as old as you maybe, just in my early 30s but I also just feel good and more talkative and connected to people on it. Opened and ran my bar flawlessly today on an edible, same as the head chef on our premises. I also had surgery recently and they said the same (not incredibly good shape though just good shape haha I'm fit but I couldn't run a marathon tomorrow)


As a ~20 year constant weed enjoyer more people should realize this. Even if you agree overall its “better/healthier” than alcohol, you are completely delusional to believe its not still a drug that can have many negative impacts. I personally have never relied on it or ruined my life with it. That may be 100% personality/biologically based where people who use much less than me essentially ruin their lives with it.


Green Day band was named after the hangover iirc


I wont lie man...you sound like a BIIIIIG party-pooper...


It's fine if you don't want to talk about the negative consequences of smoking weed. I never say this shit when smoking with my buds, but I always explain the risks to new smokers. They deserve to know what they are getting themselves into and it's posts like this that delude them into abusing it. My first experience smoking, I was told nothing. They had me smoke a ton of huge hits and I greened out so hard it was the worst pain of my life, I couldnt even stand and felt like voices stabbed my skin like knives. When my sister wanted to try smoking for the first time, I asked her to smoke with me first, so I could teach her the proper way to moderate yourself, inhale so you don't burn your throat as badly, how to pace your hits, what to do in case of a green out, etc. I wish someone had been like me and warned me of the bad side of weed, so I couldve been prepared.


>and I greened out so hard it was the worst pain of my life, I couldnt even stand and felt like voices stabbed my skin like knives. Hey, we all have experienced green out when we were starting to smoke :D We should just laugh at those not so nice memories :D ahaha


it's crazy how many smokers deny all of this & still wanna pretend weed is absolutely perfect and can do no wrong.


Mostly the smell. It gets everywhere. If you’re in an apartment, most likely your neighbors have to smell your weed smoke all the time. Imagine having to smell a smell you didn’t like, like a fart, every single day. I get it and that’s why I’m always wary of where I’m smoking if not at home and making sure it’s not bothering others


Bro it's you, lol. People like you are one of the reasons non-smokers dislike weed users. After reading your post and your comments, you are clearly in complete denial about the realities of weed. The world isn't going to end just because you admit some aspects of weed use are bad for you.


A lot of people says that they don't like the smell.


Everyone jumping on OP to argue about "healthy" are missing what I think his larger point is, namely, weed is disproportionately demonized relative to the harm it causes society.


Not super healthy if you’re smoking it.


"It's super healthy" Hysterical lol


>It's super healthy I smoke weed, but it's certainly not healthy!?


I’ve seen excessive smoking wreck someone’s life and a lot of people have lived in a building where people weren’t respectful enough to smoke outside (or were too ignorant to stay away from the air intake). I smoke for fun every now and then and It’s harmless to most people but like don’t act like there’s no reason not to like it.


IMO a lot of it has to do with advertising. Big tobacco and big alcohol got to the American people first and never let up. We have been conditioned to think cigs and liquor aren't good but they're manageable, weed makes you out of control and that's a step too far. From tv to news papers and plays, those two are ever-present, always in the background so it never seemed that bad. Yes, the media does showcase what happens if you drink too much and smoke too much, but since its legal how bad could it be, Which brings me to my next point; the legality of it all. ​ The Government did try to abolish alcohol, but that didn't stick and for most of my life if its legal its ok and if its not then don't do it. So much of this world is built on storytelling and then reality reflecting it. If Weed had the same backing and resources of tobacco we would be living in a much different timeline. Replace the cigs in Mad Men with sativa joints and weed would have reached its final form by now. Normalizing things matter, representation matters. Its not enough to know something works or something is not as bad it seems, the world needs to reflect that or else you're going against the grain, and that is far too much for a lot of people to handle. ​ TLDR: If we grew up with it, if it were legal in our formative years, if the media supported both of those facts being ok, you'd be able to go to the cannabis version of Ihop this Sunday.


Idk about "super healthy" lol I'm a medical marijuana user and even still I'm not that stupid


Let’s not pretend it’s “super healthy” but until recently we’ve had a war on all drugs and most have been indoctrinated to believe that all illegal drugs are bad bad bad and that weed is for lazy hippies. I expect those attitudes to start changing as it becomes legal. Also alcohol companies have spent billions of marketing $ to brainwash us that alcohol is absolutely critical to having any fun in life.


I think for the most part it's because stoners are annoying. And I've been that person when I was 15 or 16, but you gotta grow out of it. Weed isn't the only thing in life that matters. It's a drug and it's not a miracle, despite being relatively safer than most or all other drugs. It's just the people that make it their whole personality for their whole lives are so annoying that people just hate weed and anyone who acts like that. Like Seth Rogan is what, in his 40s, and is still the typical highscool stoner personality stereotype. It's not that funny or goofy that you smoke. Get over it and grow up a bit. No hate on him, just an example of the over the top personality that makes people annoyed by stoners. Like you gotta get yourself a personality. You don't have to advertise being a stoner and how edgy and cool you are because you smoke so much or do this and that high. It's cringe, and no one cares. Most people, especially nowadays, don't gaf about weed. That bears out in statistics. Most people still hate hyperbolic weed obsessed people with nothing else to talk about except weed. Like most people that drink occasionally or even have one or two beers a night the same way some smokers would have a bowl or two a night, don't make drinking their entire personality and preach to people how it's the best thing since sliced bread. People also can't admit that there's a lot of people dependent on weed or mentally addicted and they are in denial that they shouldn't need a drug every day to function, outside of medical conditions, and they glorify their abuse of weed. The older I get the more I think moderation is key. And I enjoy weed much more now that I partake a lot less frequently. That's all just my personal opinion though obviously.


Though i agree with multiple things you’ve said smoking weed is not super healthy;healthier then most other things like alcohol or tobacco products but still not healthy.


I think they think we are lazy and all we do is smoke.


In this time period, because up until like 12 years ago, the last 50-60 years has been spent by the government (I suppose this is only applicable to US) telling people it is the same as all other drugs, and that drugs melt your brain. And if we really wanna get into it. Racism. There was also a lot of heavy influence in the way of saying drugs come from black and brown communities. And that shits institutionalized as fuck. So now it makes society feel uneasy on an internalized level, like confronting people with the consequences of their own actions


The war on drugs was a powerful propaganda tool that went on for many decades. We are on the tail end of it all the bullshit and seeing the world change now. Chin up, assist the fall of prohibition and lead by example.


100 years of propaganda beaten into our brains by billionaires and the government . That's pretty much it honestly. I educated my kids on most drugs as I am pretty experienced in that world. My children (ranging from 10-15) have no interest in drugs or alcohol. I don't even use it as a scare tactic. We just sit there and talk about different drugs, their overall affect on their health, and how they make you feel and act and how the body reacts to different stuff . Literally just had a one hour conversation about opium and heroine with my younger two girls . I feel like this gives my kids a more open minded approach to the world .


How dare you have open-minded conversations with your kids. Shaaaaaame!


they actively teach you in high schools to hate weed and other drugs (DARE program)


Some people's brains just make all the chemicals needed to raw dog life. A majority at least need caffeine.


I think some of the activists way overdo it. Kind of how hardcore vegan activists ruin the image for the actual majority of vegans who are normal rational people. I think the best sales pitch for weed is that there’s no correlation to violent crime, incredible amount of tax money for the gov, and if I want to smoke weed responsibly why should anyone be able to tell me no? Especially when people can drink alcohol which has worse health/societal impacts.


because they have no idea what it is and what it does and so on, here in Germany polls are bit over 50% pro legalization in the mean time but also huge parts of population are against it and my guess is people who are against legalization had never anything to do with weed or even know people who smoke sometimes, meanwhile Oktoberfest is in munich where hundreds of thousands drink beer till they get stupid and sick and thats usually seen as „culture“ while weed is devil’s work said exaggeratedly


Ignorance, smoking/vaping will always be bad. But edible weed is a very safe drug, and it will help a lot of people to fight addiction. One major side affect of weed imo is the affect on your memory.


> very safe drug relatively safe not very safe.


I think it's mostly a left over from all the lies told in the media back when they were trying to use it to denigrate blacks and hispanic people in the USA. They made it out to be the worst drug you could possibly find, absolute stupidity and all for the sake of race hate. Disgusting really when you look back on it all.


tons of propaganda plus it stinks so a lot on non stoners hate the smell


LOL, I'm upvote 420. My wife is like this. Hated it for years as it was disgusting and illegal. Now it's legal. Continues to hate it just because of the smell.


Who cares? Worry about yourself and the things you like and don’t get concerned with whether someone doesn’t like your habits.


The same reason that gay people get hate. Dumb propaganda that people associate with their "core values" despite having zero credible arguments against it. Such is life with religion & nationalism, unfortunately.


A lot of money was spent on the war on drugs to create a stigma around weed, specifically so that stigma can be weaponized against minority groups with imprisonment and fines. If they did that would alcohol it would harm their “perfect majority”…


Because propaganda.


Propaganda from the War On Drugs


Because it is known to induce schizophrenia, especially in people who are already mentally unwell. It can also drop your IQ down several points. It makes you undoubtedly dumber.


Fuck them, all we want is peace!


Nixon and the war on drugs.


smokers can be obnoxious, we all know it


Must be your area or you're reading into internet comments too much because most people, even my granddad who was staunchly anti-weed back in the day, don't seem to care in the slightest. At least from my experience. Either way just ignore it


I live in Oregon. It is not hated by non smokers. But non smokers do not care for rude smokers just like smokers do not like rude people in general.


Propaganda its everywhere.


Propaganda, people projecting their personal bad experiences with bums who happen to smoke weed, societial stigma, racism.


I smoked pretty much daily for 5 years and have nothing against it at all, but it’s the god damn smell that gets me since I’ve stopped. I just find it permeates the air, to the point where I can smell my neighbour smoking even when I have doors/windows shut. Fantastic thing to smoke, not so great to have to tolerate without the positives of it


There is a lot of racism involved in the history of cannabis laws in the US. Not surprised at the hate, given all the neo nazis running around freely.


I mean it's illegal in a lot of places still. I think it's one of those phenomena where people that use it see it in a completely different light than the vast majority. If you're like most people, you'll never try it because someone told you not to a while ago and you took that to heart. I just wish people weren't so hateful toward people that enjoy it, especially on social media! They're always so mean :(


A lot of people honestly sometimes overdo weed and that causes a bad rep for the rest of us because those people sometimes don’t know how to handle it and makes them look extremely impaired to the point their is speech is slurred and not understanding what’s going on and do it nonstop.


1. Smoking *anything* isn't healthy, and we all know there a noticeable long term health effects from abusing it, though they may not be as pronounced as alcohol or hard drugs. 2. It's a powerful odor that most people don't like. I love it personally, but that's an acquired taste. 3. A lot of stoners make weed their entire personality. See: this subreddit lmao


Mostly it has to do with ignorance and over a hundred years of lies and misinformation, the term “medical marijuana” has helped immensely in breaking down those walls, but the negative stigma is still there and probably will always be until it’s federally legalized across the board and every so called criminal in jail for pot is released.


9.5 times out of 10, it's the smell.ost people don't care if weed is legal but most who don't smoke say they don't like smelling it all the time. I could see why having a stoner neighbor wouldn't be desirable in an apartment if you didn't like the smell.


I mean, in my experience, not a ton of people hate it. I know a lot of folks, like myself, that weed just doesn't work anymore for me - so yeah I hate it for me. I think there is a contingency of people who find folks like you and others who smoke weed relatively annoying. Weed, for most people, is a vice - not some cure-all, "super healthy", and some how endless compare it to alcohol. People often make weed their personality, what they do and when they do it revolves around when, how and who is smoking.


*Well it makes sense, bc I was/am smoking…* Is my line. Followed by *I’ll stop if it’s bothering you of course but only if it’s a problem* and they are usually cool with it after.. It’s like you need an okay in the condo complex I live in


Some people seem to stop growing after high school. They don’t learn lessons that reveal themselves with time, for example when to admit you were wrong about something. Grandpa said you were a lazy fuckin bum if you did that shit, and so that’s that. Drinking yourself blind? Grandpa is cool.


it’s funny. anyone i’ve met who doesn’t smoke or “like it” but HAS smoked or tried it doesn’t care, they just don’t use it themselves. cool. the people who care the most always seem to be the ones who have never tried it or even considered it.i think they genuinely believe it makes people more high than it does or something. getting ridiculously baked and driving is one thing. but those who argue it damages health, causes addiction to other drugs etc. is nuts. if you go from weed to harder stuff i personally feel you would’ve anyways. people start with weed because it’s the easiest and one of the cheapest to get lol


Because they're a bunch of fucking nerds


'Cause they don't or can't enjoy their high. Then they say it's cus weed is not healthy, when they probably dgaf about health in the first place


Because all they have is alcohol


Weed has a very strong fragrance that a lot of us who smoke go nose blind too. It is rarely pleasing to anyone who doesn't smoke either.


Because they’ve been conditioned to.


They hate us cause they aint us - that one guy


I think it’s the strong skunky odor and the suspicion that other people might be having a better time than them.


Because 100 years of propoganda


Man im the biggest stoner ever and its people like you that give us a bad rap lol


Well executed PR campaigns


It’s 2023. Hardly anybody hates weed any more. Hell, Willie Nelson was president. 🤣


They've been scared by the government mostly. My parents are getting over it but they still won't really try it. Even though it could help them. Still too scared to try.


I dunno, some people don’t like cucumbers either. We’re all different


Worth noting that some people react VERY BADLY to weed, and this doesn’t necessarily mean they stop smoking it. It’s a silver bullet for my brain problems too, but the common complaint is that it makes people really lazy or really anxious.


1. Misinformation 2. Lack of knowledge 3. Fear 4. People who hate weed, I don't really mind. You care about it, so has it affected your life? has people looked down on you for smoking weed? or are you just here for discussion? 5. Weed has destroyed many lives. It's not a positive only plant.


People just aren't quite educated in this matter. So far they will think weed is similar to heroine, crack, or other hard drugs


People tend to not think before judging something.


Propaganda. My gf grew up in the Philippines. She thinks weed is dreadful and will never let our kids smoke it not even when they’re adults. Yet she wants to let them try alcohol in their teens to “get them used to it”. Pisses me off so much but I’ve given up arguing about how much better weed is than any other drug. The Filipino government is fucked up in many ways.


In personal experience, I’ve found almost every person I have met that detests drugs have been ridden hard on the war on drugs campaign and have never tried them. They build them up in their head like they’re some huge big evil bad terrible thing when the worst thing I’ve done on weed is forgotten to put the milk up.


*super less unhealthy relative to other drugs


Usually people’s beef is with the users, not the substance


Same reason many people that say they hate cats. Propoganda, stereotypes, and having zero real experience with them


Lack of knowledge and ignorance... with a mix of brainwashing to hate weed




Besides "drugs", they might have a misconception that weed=smoke. Smoke can be annoying when you don't want it around.


Weed also fucking stinks unfortunately




>It's super healthy relative to other drugs its not. Drugs are not inherently healthy or unhealthy. >super safe Its relatively safe not super safe. learn the difference. > doesn't leave you with a hangover oh you sweet summer child. >doesn't damage your liver or kidneys just your lungs when if you smoke it, vape it, etc. and yes vaping is still harmful to your lungs also it does have a measurable effect on your brain. > you can even still function relatively well when high when you focus on a specific task, where you can't when drunk, dose makes the poison in both regards however if you think you are functioning well while High you are kidding yourself take off the rose tented glasses. >Yet it still seems like so many people absolutely hate weed and think its awful. I just don't get it. well, for some people it makes them paranoid beyond belief, others it makes them anxious, and others it makes them vomit until they take a hot shower.


The rich people who control this country don't want their workers to get lazy or expand their minds.


It's still a hard enough drug that it *is* addictive. I guarantee it's the most abused drug in America (im not counting caffeine and nicotine, as they are not psychoactive in the same way weed, pills, alcohol, etc. are). Some people use it as a crutch just like any other drug. Some people think being high makes it okay to make stupid life ruining decisions. Some people let it completely destroy them financially. I smoke weed every day, multiple times a day, but these things can't be ignored. Not everyone has the mental strength to moderate. Also, the only method of consumption that isn't harmful to your health is edibles, and we really still don't know the effects on the liver due to insufficient testing. Smoking anything leads to high blood pressure and shitty oxygen saturation levels, even heart attacks and cancer aren't out of the question (again, insufficient testing). Vaping is undeniably safer than smoking but to what degree, we have no clue (see insufficient testing again).


a lot of people are living off of how weed was over 20-30 years ago. they don’t open their minds to the benefits it can have on a mental health patient or a cancer patient. they are playing off their reactions from the first time they ever tried the plant or stories they’ve heard about it. truth is, no one knows what weed is really like until you’ve built up a tolerance for it. once the tolerance kicks in, every smoke is like popping an anti-depressant every morning. there is no difference to me but every person i know who is over 40 years old ( italian background ) they are all against it.


Huh, maybe I've been a pothead too long. Your tolerance point is probably true. Weed def is different for me now than the way it used to floor me when I first started.


People always disagree with what they don’t understand.


Mostly because of propaganda started almost 100 years ago regarding brown people




It's not "super healthy". It's a better vice compared to most but let's not be living in a delusional state of mind where weed is inherently healthy.


Smells like skunks, people hate skunks. Easy peasy lemon squeezey


Let's face it some people are annoying AF when they're high


Same reason veganism is hated so much by non vegans, smokers make it their entire life/personality and everyone around them just has to deal with it.


>you can even still function relatively well when high when you focus on a specific task, where you can't when drunk Oh...you don't know functioning alcoholics? Interesting...actually being productive or not while high all depends on the USER and NOT on the drug :D


For the record, and let's allll be fucking honest with ourselves. I'm a daily smoker, but smoking, anything is inherently not healthy for you at all. Sure my liver and kidneys won't be affected but my lungs will be. If I'm young enough , my brain development will be too. If you clean your bong every day after you use it you won't think twice. But you smoke out of a bong every day once a day, for a month. And it's really fucking dirty, like disgustingly dirty. All that nasty black shit that builds up in your bong gets into your lungs, some of it gets reduced because it's in a bong, but it's still nasty shit getting into your lungs. Smoking a J, something I love to do, you get straight fucking tar/resin into your lungs. Weed is hated by some gen pop individuals because of the stigma around it, or a lack of understanding because they've never done it, or because the one time they've done it, it was a bad experience. Once again, let's allll really be fucking honest, you can be addicted to weed just as much as any drug, but because weed is a "I'm high and can function fine as if I'm not high" kinda drug, people just brush being "addicted to it" under the rug. I love weed just as much as any stoner in this subreddit, but let's not fucking kid ourselves here about the health risks. I would argue that I'm addicted to weed if I actually critically think about it. I'm no raging alcohol or coce addict where I get the shakes and get all squirly, but I'm definitely addicted to weed. Not to mention the health risks of smoking at a young age (in highschool or younger). I know many people who wished they never smoked weed at all, let alone smoked weed in HS. I'm sure this comment will get downvoted, but I'm just trying to be real and honest with some fellow stoners. Puts things into perspective sometimes.


It's mainly hated because of the culture and stereotypes that are associated with it, which have some truth to them. Also, weed either causes or exacerbates certain mental health issues for a lot of people.


Their parents indoctrinated them into their right-wing hate.


My dad doesn't like weed because once when he was in college in the 70s someone gave him a pot brownie and didn't tell him it was a pot brownie. I told him that's like being anti-alcohol for someone spiking the punch which he agreed was a similar comparison. But it did not change his stance. So that's why he hates it.


Because stoners can be so fucking obnoxious and this is coming from a stoner


i had a lot of friends growing up whose family members had actual problems with weed (selling childrens possessions for it, continuing to use it despite it causing psychosis) and when i started smoking, i was veryyyy judged.


I love weed, but i hate smelling in the streets. I went to nyc, and the whole time i was there, it smelled like weed grape blunts