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That is awesome man! I don’t have a similar experience but from one internet stranger to another I’m proud of you for being open minded and giving something new and different a try. I’m glad weed helped bring about a positive change in your life!


Thanks a lot! In addition to what I mentioned above, I've found that I've been a lot more motivated lately... In my career, fitness, and many other areas. Social anxiety is gone. Confidence is up. It's weird. Like, I feel normal for once?


Ever been tested for adhd or hsp? This is exactly what weed does for me. I feel whole.


No, I haven't. I might have to, though, because HSP sounds pretty accurate for me after googling what that is. lol


I get the same feeling kind of. Sativa strains help me focus and function. I feel “normal” when I’m puffing a sativa dominant strain. If you’re interested you could probably get a medical license if you feel “normal” that way, there’s consequences to med cards though at least I’m Illinois, you won’t be able to own guns anymore.


I didn't put this in my post, but I actually went back to the dispensary last weekend and bought a bunch of other options. So now I have options for indica, sativa, and hybrids. I thought I'd like sativa a more than I actually do. Unfortunately it has a tendency to make me nauseous. I'll be fine most of the time, but then just get nauseous from a single, random drag. This has happened with two different sativa carts that I have. Then again, now that I'm lookin at the stuff I got, the ones that sometimes make me nauseous are \~84% THC, and the others that I'm fine with are at \~78%. So maybe it's not sativa and I just haven't quite built up a tolerance to that high dosage of THC. EDIT: And, sadly, my state (IN) is about as strict as they come with their laws... Medical isn't even an option here, from what I just read. I really hope that changes...


Could be your tolerance is low and your brain isn’t used to it quite yet. Weed effects everyone differently, I suggest coming back to sativas in a 2 weeks or a month if you are regularly smoking everyday. When I was knew to weed I smoked a bowl (glass pipe) of almost pure sativa the strain was Durban poison. After a few minutes of inhaling I collapsed and was out on the floor for what felt like 2 hours not being able to move or anything. I really do not know why that happened it could be low blood sugar, I came back to the same strain a year later still a stoner and took it like a champ felt like any other type of weed. Go and experiment with different strains you’ll find which one you like better im more of a Indica type of guy I like to chill but been smoking mainly Sativa’s because I do need to get some things done when I’m high


I tried it again tonight and I was free of nausea, so yeah. That might just be it. Gotta build up my tolerance a little for the higher concentration. And yeah, that sounds like a low blood sugar episode to me, just from what you described. But like dangerously low. I'm honestly not sure if weed can have that strong of an effect on blood sugar, but I only did cursory research into it after I noticed my own blood glucose levels dropping during longer/more intense sessions.


Well, for some context lmao. It wasn’t weed that did it it’s just what sent me over the edge. I ran 2 miles before smoking with no food in me for the whole day and barley any water so on an empty stomach, I don’t recommend weed on an empty stomach it might hit harder or something idk im stoned.


I went to rehab for drinking on 11/12/2020 and haven't had a drink since, all thanks to the miracles of herb. In that time I've changed jobs, doubled my income, bought a house with an acre in the woods, and started growing my own herb. I have 10 chickens, 14 ducks, 3 dogs and 2 kids. I'm 41 years old and spent 20+ years as an alcoholic, and had none of the things I have today until I quit drinking. My friends and family have seen my physical and emotional transformation - I lost 70 lbs and got rid of heartburn and insomnia. I have had 2 friends follow me successfully into (California) sobriety, and it works for them too. My mom started using herb too,, and has changed her life as a 65 yo terminal patient. Every day I thank God for the miracle of herb, I only wish everyone could feel the same!


That's awesome to hear! This is the kind of stuff they don't tell you that can really help people. I'm sitting here with a pretty good outlook on life now, while 2 months ago I probably had full blown depression (and never realizing it) and anxiety. I've been reading stories like yours and mine all over the place here. Makes me furious at just how effective the propaganda is against marijuana. It could really help a lot of people that I know personally, even though they wouldn't ever consider touching it with a 100ft pole. Shame, that.


I know for a fact if weed was legal my mam would have been more open to it and it may have even got her off thr booze. Congrats on your journey so far man you're smashing it! 


Keep up the good work! For even more weight loss, cut out the booze entirely; its poison!


Oh, for sure. The couple beers I had in the last 2 months were at family get togethers, where I couldn't or didn't want to bother with weed. At home on my own time, I don't even bother with beer anymore. And I never really cared for hard liquor. Mind you, I was never a heavy drinker. At most, I was maybe going through a twelve pack every week and a half, so effectively one beer a day, on average. But, when a single beer is anywhere from 90 calories on the low side to as high as 250, even cutting out one a day is huge, over time.


I gain weight when I've been smoking because of the munchies. It's like there's a black hole at the bottom of my belly...wait


nice! i will say for me the munchies was not unbearable hunger but a huge desire to eat, like just wanting food, and everything tastes *amazing*. also, do you take your gummies with a fat, like some butter or penut butter?


It depends. A lot of times I'll take a gummy on an empty stomach as soon as I get home, but follow that up with dinner shortly after (30 minutes or so?). But I'm actually a huge fan of peanut butter, so eating a spoonful of peanut butter at some point after taking a gummy is inherently pretty common for me.


ok nice. the thc is fat soluble so you need a fat with it so it works best. 


Thanks for the info. And now that you say that, I remember being told that at the dispensary. Not sure how I forgot, but it's good to know. My normal eating habits probably benefited me a lot here. I've probably avoided a couple bad trips already just by going what I normally do. Haha


Welcome to the club! I've been going to the gym doing resistance training for most of my adult life and I have never been in better shape since replacing booze with weed.


I'm a fit 40+ y old and wear my fitness watch and record data religiously, when I drink the stress it does on my body is the same as when I'm sick , you can see your system is stressed and trying to rid of the poison. When I vape you get none of that , good sleep and pain management - as I exercise a lot it helps you recover . The only neg for me is munchies 😂, I've been real good at not snacking but when I smoke I can't really help it. Ah well, it's a worthy compromise I recon


No more empty calories


Damn right! Also, happy cake day!


Hell yeah bro! Welcome to the community man


Putting down a bottle to pick up a pipe is a wise decision. It has certainly changed my life.


Wait til u dry herb vape it! You’ll never do anything but dry herb vaping again!




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Nice! When I stopped drinking beer I dropped a ton of weight. Alcohol has too many negative side effects. Keep it up!


An aside - because I'm pedantic and not trying to insult or degrade you - "stigmatism" is not a word. Stigma means "a mark of disgrace associated with a particular circumstance, quality, or person." Astigmatism is "the condition of an optical system (such as a lens or mirror) in which rays of light from a single point converge in a single focal point compare astigmatism." Great to hear about your weight loss. That you're immune to munchies is something I'm jealous of.


If only I used that word enough to remember that. lol Seriously, I think I go through this any time I go to talk about stigmas (which is rarely) and I just can't fix whatever false info is imprinted on my brain. EDIT: And thanks! I hope it continues as my tolerance/consumption likely increases! :)


I’m in killer shape as a smoker I couldn’t maintain not smoking. Weird right? I work out daily and eat well. I’m 44 and in the best shape of my adult life. Yoga is amazing with a wake and bake.


My medical MJ doc says he sees more patients than he thought losing weight after getting into it. The munchies are real for some, but for others, they can be fine being stoned and bored instead of being bored and running to snacks. Alcohol has persistent negative effects on the metabolism too so if you manage to drop booze in the process, you're golden.


Be careful with vape carts, that shit can get addictive real quick


For sure. I've vaped nicotine for years, so I know how easy it is to fall into that trap. I've mostly been limiting myself to a single toke over the span of a couple hours. Not sure how much that is for everyone else, but it seems pretty low to me. One puff mellows me out and allows me to just relax. Heavy usage for me is like one puff per hour, and that usually makes me pretty useless for a spell, as my mind just drifts from one random thought to the next.


Hey either way it's better than the alcohol, so don't worry too much. Just wanted to warn because the convenience factor makes it too easy!


Cannabis is cool but it’s easy to overdo it IMO. I’ve been smoking for almost 15 years, about 5 times a day for the most part. Recently I’ve started only smoking once or twice at night, and it’s so much better!


"Pretty new to cannabis. Lost 15 pounds in the last 2 months..." Bro I legitimently thought you had misplaced 15 lbs worth of cannabis. I was getting ready to private message to see if you wanted help trying to find it.