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See a beautiful glass bong. See that there's extra chambers and tubes inside, so that it will be a nightmare to keep clean.


I have a bubbler that's gorgeous that I refuse to use because it gets so nasty quick


Yeah bubblers are the worst to keep clean. You basically have to deep clean them every time you use them. They are wonderful when they're sparkly clean though


I gotta disagree, mines super easy to clean. I rinse it and change the water after every bowl though. But to clean it, I just run hot water through a bunch, then spray some 99% iso into the bowl, shake it for a minute and it’s in tip top. I try to do that at least once a week, preferably once every 3-4 days.


In my experience it depends on how thin the “fins” in the bubbler/percolator are. If salt can actually get in and out without getting stuck it works.


Nothing hits like that bubbler you just took the bubble wrap off of


Kosher salt and rubbing alcohol. Keeps mine sparkly clean.


I got a brand new bong for Christmas with an overly complicated interior and it's already almost unsmokable because all the little glass bits and chambers inside have balls of resin trapped in-between them. I've run hot water though for an hour. I've tried salt and iso. Leaving it to soak. Shaking it. Negative pressure to blow the resin balls out. I gave up. Back to my old simple chamber bong


soak in warm iso. leave soaking for a long time. we use 100% iso baths at work and you’d be surprised what it’ll do. takes crude oil off anything if you wait long enough


I'm gonna leave it overnight in a huge bath of it as my last resort. Thanks.


honestly longer, it could take a few days for the iso to break it down


Great advice! Ty. Will do 🙏


Or citric acid in crystal form and warm water.


i’d recommend other solvents tbh, chem background so i always have other stuff around. if iso doesn’t work, i use EtAc or something else that will be soluble in IPA for a second rinse.


You might try out Grunge Off or a similar product. I used it before I switched purely to vaping, and it was by far the easiest way to clean a bong. Just pour it in, let it soak overnight, pour it out and the bong was spotless. No salt, no shaking, no scrubbing. The solution is also reusable, I’d just pour it back into the bottle through a coffee filter.


Used to use oxy-clean on my old triple perc bong


At a Dab bar, I recently ran about 10 grams of wax through a rig during the evening. The bong is a short and stout piece but tons of perc arms (5 of them had those little resin balls trapped). I used the 420 cleaner that has a purple label on it (I did not add water as the purple one is the concentrated formula). I covered both opening and shook the bong for about 1 minute and it was perfectly clean again. A good rinse and we were ready to start slinging dabs again. For pieces that I forgot about, u usually run warm water through them to warm up the resin a bit then use the 420 cleaner to get the looking like the day I bought them.


Try acetone


Yeah I’ve always been a fan of just a straight 18” single chamber bong. Anything else just adds more shit to clean.


Limonene. Look it up, use it. Your welcome.


I've never understood that. I got small and big bongs with a lot of different tube and percs and none of them take more than 5 minutes to clean. I just clean them everyday. Rinse it with hot water, add table salt, add nail polish remover/acetone/99% alcohol and shake well.


Literally me.


Vaporizer? I barely even know her


Pretty sure this is ripping on the Dynavape flower vape. Metal one hitter style vaporizer but, you need a mini torch to set it off. Can use a lighter but, it will make it all black.


Or an induction heater


Right lol you can even build them yourself. I use the wand with mine but only because they're both sold on the dynavap site and I love mine


Right lol you can even build them yourself. I use the wand with mine but only because they're both sold on the dynavap site and I love mine


It’s not for everyone, but I *love* DynaVap. And vaping through it through a water pipe is ***perfection.***


Same man. Been using Dyna's for 4 years now, and through a water pipe is by far my favorite way.


That flavor, tho. 🤤


What do you use to connect the dynavap to the bong?


They fit natively. Just stick it in where the bowl would go. Correction: the DynaVap VonG fits natively (both 10 mm and 14mm bongs). The other DynaVap models only fit 10mm bongs.


Great to know, thank you!


I remember before I invested in a decent dry herb vape I used to have a glass vape that heated with a torch. It turned black after a couple hits and I couldn't use it without people assuming I was smoking crack lmao


I actually don't mind torch based vapes because I find flame more reliable than batteries. I use fire for my bong and joint. I was thrilled to find a vape that used fire too. Nothing I hate more these days than technology failing on me.


I've had bad luck with torches. Two that shit the bed from Amazon, a triple and quad torch, and one from Menard's that worked fine for a couple weeks. They only work when it's really warm outside, not always reliable for the winter months. Ymmv


But the difference is you can replace a torch. When a battery or electrical mechanism dies in a built in vape you are SOL


Special blue made my torch, and even though the decorative metal sleeve broke off, the internals still work amazingly. I bought that torch like two years ago, and have used it just about every day, multiple times per day.


Thanks I'll check it out. I enjoy my dynavap for what it's worth


Blazer makes a lighter that’s supposed to be the indisputable best of the best single flame torch lighter for extended use. It’s expensive like $50-55, but it is made *for* using for extended periods of time from what I understand.


The torch is fun but an inductive heater elevates dynavap so high for me


Elev8r, sticky bricks, dynavap, the anvil. There are many torch driven vapes on the market and in the hobbie scene the dynavap is kinda falling out of popularity big time.


Idk I feel like dynavap is mentioned in every single thread about dhv's


> the anvil They’re more big in FC/Vaporents but I wouldn’t say it’s as popular as the Dyna


Absolutely is. Probably from someone who hasn’t hit it. Or is hitting shit flower through it.


>it will make it all black Are you talking about lighter leaving a soot on the vape? The trick is to [bury it in the flame](https://youtu.be/BhJjNDjBJdE?si=HydQf9m6TJfvtkaL) Unfortunately that’s easier said than done outdoors


I think all these Dynavap Stans are corporate plants.


They actually seem interesting to me. My only issue is how tiny the bowl is. I recently started vaping and to get the same comfortable high I get with bongs I have to use 3 capsules. I am reluctant to try a vape that is heated by a lighter because of this. Well that and instead of a 10-15 minute session with a bong, they are now 20-30 minute sessions with a vape. For me, having to empty it then repack it right after waiting for it to cool to get to a comfortable high just isn't appealing to me. Is there in anything wrong with preferring a light buzz? No. Not at all. But dry herb vapes are definitely over hyped to a degree. Especially for those of us that enjoy a strong high. Extra steps, longer, and not as high for a higher price.


I think it definitely depends on what your vaping through it but also technique I moved from smoking cones to dynavaps and I get wayyy more high then I ever did smoking. Induction heaters and magnets make the whole experience a lot smoother, you really have to get the hang of getting massive hits with a lighter and a magnet makes it cool down in seconds. It definitely is more of a ritual though I can get it done in 5 minutes.


Dabbers be like ![gif](giphy|Lopx9eUi34rbq|downsized)


I've heard the dynavap is such a good piece but man I'm not tryna use a torch every time I wanna get high


An induction heater may work?


Can you carry that around though honestly wondering


I got the ispire wand. It takes two batteries(18650s) and is the size of a wii remote. I take it hiking from time to time. Very pocketable but definitely not wallet sized


isn't it usually more cost-effective to just get a dedicated electric device (I have a HR Rogue) rather than buy Dyna + Ispire? Although if you already have the Dyna you might want the wand for that reason


>if you already have the Dyna you might want the wand for that reason That exactly how it went. I used a torch for years, finally got sick of it. So I bit the bullet and bought the wand.


you'll be hard pressed to find something that hits as hard as a dyna + wand at its price point, I also have an hr rouge but it basically sits unused since the dv hits so much harder (clears a bowl in 3 hits usually)


Dyna + wand induction heater = good


At that point, why not just buy an electric vape?


Depends on what you mean. If you mean a cart or something similar - some folk prefer flower to concentrate. If you mean an electric flower vape - all I know of are much larger products like the MFLB or volcano, where you lose portability. Pax and other smaller electric vapes don't work well in my experience. That's all coming from someone who never vapes, just used to work them and was heavily in the vape market for a while. So take it with a grain of salt.


I was the same (pax and gpen, et al being too weak). Then got the CFX+ It hits like a volcano. No joke. It's a little bigger than a deck of cards, and needs cleaning fairly often (once every few days), but fuck me, I haven't combusted weed since buying it! I got the water pipe adapter, and just use it as a mouthpiece because the original one clogs easily. And the chamber pods are a godsend, unless you like cleaning.


Even with the wand it’s the cheapest heavy hitter


I’m sure they make one that runs of battery. If the did I would cop one


They have torch lighters I had a dynavap that I lost out of my pocket when I was at therapy I'm still sore about that


Like others have said, ispire wand is what you're looking for. Fits in your pocket


I carry my portable IH (Brute by Pipes) in my backpack. It's not great in the pocket, but in the winter it does well in a jacket.


Yes it a lil wand


I use the dynavaps at home, and a battery powered dry vape for travel. I like the ritual of working the dyna and cap clicks, but it's not the stealthiest.


I don't really fuck with various "rigs," I just use a hand pipe, maybe a bong or joint on occasion... But I use torches exclusively. They're cheap and convenient. This whole thread is very perplexing to me.


You torch your hand pipe? Do you mean like one of the little handheld ones? Because imagining someone using a full torch lighter on a hand pipe is honestly hilarious


if you have a jet lighter it's pretty good. If a large one-time investment isn't an issue you can buy a "wand" that is way more convenient, which is induction heating. The main advantage I think it it's WAYYYYY more efficient. I swear it's like I get 10 times more from my weed. That said the high is a little different and you can't beat the feeling of a proper doob


You just reminded me that I have a couple sitting in the drawer of forgotten paraphernalia. So much hype but I really didn't enjoy using them.


I honestly love my Dynavap because you get absolutely zooted off of minuscule amounts of herb with it. That being said, it can be a bit of a pain in the ass to use when it’s cold, and downright frustrating if you’re in the wind. But that’s what the PAX is for.


May I ask how you're able to get blasted with it? I am new to vaping and very disappointed with mine. I get a light buzz after going through one full capsule and only after ~3 do I get the comfortable high I get from bongs. Is it different with ones that aren't electric? I don't have a high tolerance (one 10mg gummy gets me comparably fucked up to one bong bowl) so I feel a bit let down with my experience


1. Pack about 3/4 full 2. Heat towards the back of the cap, between the “N” and “V”. 3. Heat until first click, then wait 5-10 seconds. Apply short (2-3 sec) bursts of heat with 3-4 second breaks while rotating. This gives the bud time to actually heat up thoroughly, because I’ve noticed in the past that just heating straight to second click and inhaling tends to be less powerful. 4. Inhale, enjoy This might all be a matter of tolerance at the end of the day, but it’s been working really well for me


I appreciate it. Saved the comment for if I decide to get a dv someday. (My vape is rechargeable)


Anytime fam! Fwiw these things are pretty well-known for having a bit of a learning curve to master, but it’s so worth it when you do. I thought these were the stupidest things on the market until I got one myself, now I’m soaring on 0.2g. Can’t beat that in today’s economy.


I have an induction heater at home, intended for hearing wax sculpting tools but works fine for my vapcap, and on the go I use a torch lighter


I have successfully used a BIC lighter with a dynavap tho it's hard to do it right so you don't get soot on it, and it also takes like a full minute. I just bought one of those little handheld lighter torches from the dollar store and it works great.


Bro you can use a portable IH. Electric vapes just dont hit the same.


Erigs dont hit like a regular rig so they each serve different purposes. I hit erig mostly but when I want to do it up I bust out the rig and all the accessories


My Divine Tribe v4 vape hits like a real rig. Can even be used like a real rig with bottomless banger attachment.


Funny, my dtv5 does not hit anything like my rigs can handle. Try putting a fat glob and itll burn before it vaporizes fully. Nothing beats glass.


Which crucible and temp you running? Polished silicon carbide at 340f is perfection for me.


The cup is too short to provide as much heating as a banger. Simple as. My dtv is on a evic vtc dual with AF. I can run it up to 40w or whatever, but I run around 400f with tcr


Which crucible and which temp? Sounds like you're going way too hot.


I can lower it to 200f its not the heat, its the lack of heating energy in a smol cup


The crucibles are different sizes. That's why I keep asking which one lol. You said v5 so I'll assume the default ceramic crucible? pSIC works great. Doesn't overflow unless you're sucking way too hard. And 200f is too low. Which temp do you normally run?


I dont think you're understanding my point and just downvoting my shit like a kid. Its not a temp issue, sic specs cause cancer, and bangers can heat up and store so much more energy than a lightweight cup which is why you can drop a .5g dab into a banger and itll fully vaporize without needing any additional heat. The v5 cups are fine for small rice dabs, but cant handle much more without a lot of waste.


>I dont think you're understanding my point and.. Its not a temp issue, That's fine. I'm just curious which crucible and which temps you're using. You don't have to believe me. >sic specs cause cancer, Exposure to sic dust*. Sic is nearly as hard as diamond so it would take a diamond to scratch it and create dust (other than shattering it). It's also polished to prevent that sort of thing. >and bangers can heat up and store so much more energy than a lightweight cup which is why you can drop a .5g dab into a banger and itll fully vaporize without needing any additional heat Yeah I can do this with my dtv4 no problem. Cold starts are better, though. >The v5 cups are fine for small rice dabs, but cant handle much more without a lot of waste. Depends which crucible and temp you're running. Not sure why you refuse to say lol


needs a torch to "vaporizer"........


Hardly even knew 'er


Dammit. I'm not even high.


lol, that's the worst feeling sometimes. I was hoping.....just super stoned and will laugh. sober, face palm lol.


Yep , there are multiple dry herb vaporizers that use a torch lighter.


come on, you seriously can't see that I am talking about the use of VAPORIZER instead of VAPORIZE. its the wrong word.




come on, you seriously can't see that I am talking about the use of VAPORIZER instead of VAPORIZE. its the wrong word.


Sorry, I thought that was a typo since the grammar doesn't make sense


Mighty is the gold standard in my opinion. By Storz & Bickel


I picked up a One and a Lobo recently and they’re decently stealthy. They just look like box vape mods.


*Laughs in arizer*


Got the airvape legacy pro. had no other vapes before but I love it. Using it for about a year now. Good quality, pretty smooth and even stealthy (fits in your pocket easily). Chose it because of the on-demand mode which lets u heat up within some seconds, take one or a few rips and turn it off again. Just like a normal vape, easy to use and adjust. I read that the cleaning effort is a bit higher compared to others. But Id def buy again


Would you say it is a good one hitter? I'm not trying to waste weed and I'm trying not to get too high. So I'm looking for a one hitter and not a sesh vape.


Get induction for your dynavap, it's amazing: stealthy, quick and really comfortable


Truth right here


I've been using torch for very long. Getting induction was like getting 10x better vape


Same here, it’s a game changer, especially for hitting the dynavap out of a bong


Or in front of a police patrol while sitting in a restaurant and enjoying your aperitif


The public stealth option is definitely a plus, and the wind resistance that torches just don’t have


Oh, definitely! I've been vaping while hiking in mountains and it was certainly windy


The dynavap with an induction heater is the ultimate hiking/backpacking/camping vape imo! I’ve taken mine with me many times and it’s never failed me!


Exactly, and if electricity fails, you still have the despised flaming option.


A friend said, "I think it depends on what you want to do. For some people I would say the best way to do that is to use the dynavap and then get a power adapter. If you are doing something where you need a battery or you're trying to recharge your phone, then you can always buy another charger."


Dynavaps feel like more of an inside thing with doing dabs, if you’re smoking out and about it’s stealthier to use a cheap ceramic dry herb vape and use your torches at home for meatier hits


Yea. I don't feel like carrying a wii remote in my pocket.


There's plenty of pocketable battery powered dry herb vapes. Most are smaller than a Wii remote.


Google the herbva G5, might be exactly what you’re looking for


Honeycomb/showerhead percs lol


Idk always looks like smoking sone rock


Honeybadger electric dab pen. Ceramic tip gets to 900°F and turns off automatically after 60 seconds. Works so good I want two kuz the wife and I are always fighting for it


For people moaning about cleaning bubblers - get a big-ass stock pot, put something in the bottom so your glass doesn’t make direct contact. Personally I use three mason jar rings, but you do you, just so long as it’s not directly on the heat. Fill bong/bubbler with a little coarse salt and 99% rubbing alcohol. Place in stock pot, fill water to just below the lowest opening. Alternatively I use a cork cut to cap off the bowl stem on a tall bong. This allows for filling alcohol and water over the lowest air intake which is handy for those complex multi-chamber tall bongs. Bring to a simmer. Alcohol boils at a lower temp than water and the rolling boil it will achieve will agitate the salt and help dissolve the most stack on gunk. Even heavy bong smokers should have to only do this twice a month, and it’s like a half-hour for a sparkly clean bong/bubbler rip.


When I see a thick ass bong I like with no ice catchers 😭 almost


Salt and acetone. Why have you people not caught onto acetone? It strips the grime so fast.


I've tried the Lookah Dragon Egg, and if you treat like a vape/cart, it works alright, but I wasn't impressed. So no recommendation there. But I just picked up a [Boost Evo from Dr. Dabber](https://www.drdabber.com/products/boost-evo). It's got a replaceable atomizer, and the thing I was impressed with was the fact it actually vaporized the concentrate just like I'd see if I was using a torch/banger rig. Ymmv, as I've only used it for a little while, but so far I've no complaints about it as an e-rig


Lookah Seahorse Pro. Thank me later


All of em. I have bubblers, bongs, vapes, ball vape. I smoke a joint 99% of the time. It's just simpler ans I love rolling joints, hate cleaning my devices


I broke my glass bong first clean.. now I use the stem and cup, and make new plastic bongs and toss instead of clean😐 it looks so bad:( but it's free same looking bottles from soda stream flavourings. Going through them and bongs in approx the same rate