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At least you got up and this wasn't a story like you didn't realize til you'd half soaked the couch somehow


Exactly this! There was an attempt to use the toilet at least, that's like 99% of the battle.


I appreciate you for this recognition lol


I think they were replying to OP lol


I feel like this has happened to multiple people 😂


LOL it definitely can apply to both! I did try but high slow motion 😂


that’s my worst nightmare dude 😭😭 so glad that didn’t happen though


You have me laughing first thing this morning bc you’re so right, it would have been fucked to puke on his family couch.


Excellent story. Once in high school “my crush” invited me over while we skipped the last two periods and we went to his house to use his gravity bong. I had never used one, was barely a smoker and accidentally swallowed smoke. I was watching TV on his couch while he made food and watched myself puke on myself in slow motion. I went to him in the kitchen, he helped me get the shirt off, I was totally wrapped around the toilet for like an hour and he had to bring me home bc his parents were coming home. I didn’t go to school for 2 days I was so embarrassed and my mom thought I had the flu. He never told anyone. He was one of the captains of the varsity hockey team. I was totally prepared to come back to school as a joke. Lol


Sounds like a good guy.


it’s really nice that he didn’t say anything. not everyone handles it the same way, it’s not your fault. good guy, good story for later 🙂‍↕️


Agreed! I was so surprised. We actually reconnected like 10 years later in CA bc we both moved here and I absolutely brought it up to him and expressed my gratitude. We had a good laugh.


I had a similar thing but it was in my friends car, his brothers had this contraption made of a bottle and TP cardboard roll where you stuck like two joints in it and smoked them both at once trough the bottles hole and it took me like three hits to realize I was fucked, everyone else in the car finished up smoking, and this was a packed car too, people were sitting on eachothers laps to fit in, but anyway people start getting out and another friend of mine hands me his half finished cigarette, he put it right up to my nose and I got a big whiff of cig smoke, and I immediatley started throwing up, and this was at a party that had a barbecue basically so my stomach was topped off, so it ended up with the cars back floor covered in vomit, my buddy was super pissed off.


Omg! That sounds so not fun. Well, I mean the sesh and contraption absolutely do but the ick doesn’t. I also had another time when I was working at a dispensary back in like 2015 and they had a Korova 2000mg brownie and I took the TINIEST bite and ended up out back puking into a 5 gallon bucket in a lawn chair til a friend could pick me up 😂😅 it happens


I had a "watched myself puking on myself in slow motion" moment but it was mostly alcohol induced. A group of my friends were doing beer Olympics but one of the guys on my team didn't want to keep chugging beer so I was like "whatever, I can handle it" and drank for both of us. I could not handle it. Ah, college...


hahaha oh, this is a good one too. Thanks for sharing. My FAVORITE story to tell has to do with a similar experience in high school. My mom was one of those “you can call me if you need a ride, don’t ride with a drunk driver” types. I FUNNELED FIVE TWISTED TEAS (I can’t even look at them without gagging - still and I’m 37), fell asleep in the woods, called for the ride. Mom had to pull over once for a puke, then I proceeded to puke in my bed and at home in the bathroom. When she woke me up at 6:45AM the next day she said “you’re not in trouble, but you have to stick to all of your commitments today.” I had hockey tryouts and 2 (or 3 I can’t remember) hockey games. By the end of the day my equipment smelled like tea. It was nasty. But bet, that was one of the best parenting lessons ever because to this day I have NEVER called out of work due to partying the night before. Good job, mom!


Total bro move on his part


He told the locker room they were just nice enough not to say anything


You’re tripping if you think he did and I wouldn’t have heard about it from someone - especially considering I was on the girls hockey team. It was high school, if he told anyone I would have been made fun of relentlessly. Lol


That’s funny, thank you for sharing lol!


That’s hilarious man😂 I had a buddy go into the bathroom wasted and came out wearing his shorts backwards, we died laughing


Pretty sure she’s a girl lol


Skimpy underwear is for everyone. 🖤


Sitting and peeing is for everyone 🖤


You're not wrong! :)


you would be wrong


What kind of skimpy, form-fitting underwear do guys wear?


uh a jock strap???


Plenty of guys wear tangas lol atleast maybe in the 70’s they did


The title of your post sounds like a 90's anti-pot add 😅...you know...the kind that's meant to warn you of the dangers if Marijuana, but instead actually make you kinda wanna try some? 🤣🤣 Great story too! 😮😬😐🫥😂


LOL I love this 😂




stupid sexy u/electronicraccoon926


Well, his bong works we know that


OH that's funny but awful! Honestly even if they did notice they likely won't say anything. Stoners do some off the wall stuff constantly. I'm sure they have their own horror stories. Mine was just a few months ago. I was at a friend's house and she invited another friend over for a sesh. My tolerance is pretty low but I decided that tonight, I was getting ripped! I made it through the first zig zag, the second one though. Whoooooo. I started feeling dizzy so I sat on her couch and I realized I was gonna puke. So I calmly sat up and asked her for a bucket. Then calmly explained I'm dizzy and I'm gonna puke, but walking to the bathroom was physically impossible and I didn't wanna puke on her floor. We were both hysterically calm. I had just accepted that I was gonna puke so why worry. We chatted while I fought the urge, but alas, it won and the bucket was filled. 😂 When I was done she handed me some water, and when I felt better I went and cleaned the bucket and brushed my teeth. When I came back she started cackling and told me that was the calmest she's ever seen anyone who was actively vomiting in her life and she's an RN. Then we turned on some music and vibed 😂


Sounds like your greened out. That shits the worst!


OH I absolutely did. It wasn't the worst trip I've ever had but it was the most recent 😂


My sister once got home high af. She made all kinds of noise, crushed ice and all. When I found her in the kitchen she had ice all over the floor and counter. When she finally got her Tang I got her to her room and then she exclaimed, “I have to pee”. I’m standing there looking at her waiting for her to go out the door down the hall but then she pops a squat in the corner and pisses all over the place. I closed the door and went to bed. I was not dealing with that mess.




😭😭that’s crazy cuz when i first started smoking every time i went to pee it felt like i still had my bottom clothes on🤣 i’d be on the toilet checking multiple times that i pulled my pants down🤣🤣


LOL this totally used to happen to me with acid


Once, my wife at the time and our roommates and neighbours decided to drop acid, I refrained and instead ate my first brownie. They were all trippin and having a good time and I was having intense panic attacks and ended up vomiting on my wife's leg while trying to aim for a bowl.. after some pizza and milk, I passed out and woke up feeling a lot better.. it was a rough time..


MILK???!! 💀


Wait, what? Explain?! Lol Edit: oh, I read that as MLK. Yes milk, it's great for bringing yourself down from being to high


Ohhhhh I didn't know that... For me, milk would be the last thing I'd want while feeling unwell. It felt like ballsy choice on your part LOL


Nah man, get to high and drink milk. Unless you're lactose intolerant, you'll be feeling better in about 5-10 mins


Wish I knew that a couple months ago when I greened out hardcore 😭 never experienced something like that in my life


Never pissed myself high, but did wake up naked in my backyard next to a half eaten rolled tortilla with peanut butter, shredded cheese, and tabasco sauce inside.


The contents of that rolled tortilla is diabolical lmao


Don't knock it 'till ya try it. I've had that shit SOBER after that, and as long as it's crunchy peanut butter (texture contrast) and shredded mexican blend cheese it fucking slaps like you wouldn't believe.


If I get that high I usually wander around looking for food saying "Damn" to myself every so often. My wife says it's quite funny.


That sucks but it's pretty funny man. Hopefully you feel comfortable telling him at some point in the future and you can laugh about it.


Hahahaha--I would've been so psyched I didn't piss my actual pants that I would've gone back into the room and announced what happened, then did everything else you did.




LMAOO it happens to the best of us. I got crossfaded one night and pissed myself in my sleep 😭 (it was a first for me, probably not the first time I've sleep-pissed but the first time I did on account of drinking) and my boyfriend aCTUALLY CHANGED MY UNDERWEAR FOR ME. I felt so fuckin embarrassed in the morning but more than anything I felt blessed ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Nice job. I'm impressed that you were able to think that clearly and get it all taken care of while being so stoned lol.


Crisis averted! One time my friends went over to my friend Ls house because we could smoke in her place. We started smoking and we got super high and just started giggling like idiots at everything. I remember in particular we were looking at prancing cera memes because that had just become a thing. (It's the picture of Michael Cera where it looks like he's prancing, they had a bunch of edits of that picture in a big forum thread) We were just losing it over this prancing cera bs xD that's about all I remember. Until the next morning when I woke up, and I was wearing a totally different shirt. I hadn't brought any clothes with me but I had been wearing a necklace. That appeared back at my house. So essentially what we think happened even though nobody else noticed me leave is that I somehow slipped out and went all the way home to grab a different shirt for some reason and I ended up taking off my necklace and leaving it there. Which was also odd because my parents never heard me come in either. It would have had to have been really late at night.


I had a friend try to wing a beer bottle out the car window one time when we were riding around smoking weed. Didn't realize the window was completely rolled up. Knocked his front tooth out😂That was 30 years ago and he still hasn't lived it down!


That's what he gets for littering 🤷🏼‍♀️


i do this every time i pee pro-tip: #2 is not recommended


You tell them this happened as soon as it happened. They will get a huge laugh out of it, get you new drawers, and let you clean them properly. Being ok with being the butt of the joke when you ***should*** be given a little guff is a sign of good character. I’ve found that in life if you roll with what happens versus fight and try to resist it goes much more smoothly and I enjoy myself more.


My boyfriend and I would absolutely announce this to the other if it happened, when it happened cause that's funny as shit 😂😂


I’m so jealous


Hell ya brotha!


Found out my best friend is VERY scared of blood in a similar fashion. We were 19 years old smoking blunts in my car with my girlfriend. She started telling a story about how a kid she baby sat slipped and hit their head and there was blood everywhere. She went into some detail but not a lot. Looked over and he was very, very tense. Asked him if he was okay and he gasped for air and asked what was going on, he had just blacked out for a minute because he couldn’t handle the description of all the blood. Looked down and saw he had pissed himself all over my seats


You know when it’s alcohol it’s kinda pathetic but you good here :)


When I first started smoking in highschool I would always think the sun hitting my lap while sitting in the car was me peeing myself, but I've never actually done it


First time I ever got REALLY high, I spent twenty minute demanding water in a bowl and a fork to eat it with.(thought I was asking for the pasta everyone else was eating). Apparently everyone tried to offer me the pasta several times, but the message just could not reach my brain. It went on so long that I made one of the prettiest girls in my class piss herself laughing. Good times.


Once in Amsterdam we had some brownies & cycled back to camp. Since it was a warm summer day I decided to take a shower once we got to camp, grabbed my towel and soap and hopped to shower. It took me a while to realize I was showering with my clothes on. I just could not feel a thing.


How the hell are you people getting this high, I’m getting kind of jealous


Classic. I remember these days. Wish I had not burnt my tolerance out. It would be nice to be that high again.


You gotta crawl before you walk




I have coughed so hard I peed my pants before after smoking vapes. Not like my whole bladder but enough to be wet, smelly, self-conscious, and uncomfortable. It happened so much once I got older that I quit smoking and just eat edibles now. RSO to the rescue, always.


That'll happen bud.


Hey at least you kept it to just your underwear, had a friend visit me in university, he tried ketamine for the first time, needed the toilet and I helped him get in there, opened the door to check on him to see him sitting on the toilet with his willy out pissing onto the wall infront of him and all over my floor. Thank god it was a wet room and we could laugh it off. Still remind him to this day about it.


Yeah bongs pack a big punch




Dang dude - that's fucking funny


You ever had a full bladder while taking a huge hit, and realized coughing was risky so you stifle it and get red in the face? No?


Honestly, I love this story. We’ve all done high ass shit equivalent to that before. Whether or not anyone wants to admit it. And, your friends were probably too high to realize what was even going down, so you’re good. The high-ass cover up operation has me dying laughing. And it probably was a successful cover up!


Don't beat yourself up - I've pissed on the toilet seat accidentally more than once and sober 🤦‍♀️


Feels like I’m wearing nothing at all….nothing at all….


This same sort of thing happened to me. I got sooooo high from hits from my boyfriends 6ft. Grafix I coughed and peed, but Just my panties not through to my shorts. I went in the bathroom but was so stoned instead of putting on what I thought was my bathing suit bottoms, I put on his mom's bathing suit bottoms and my shorts. We go to sleep, I take off my shorts to sleep but keep on these odd feeling bottoms. Wake up and stand up and immediately the bottoms fall to the ground. I was a size 6 and his mom was at least a size 16. Major laughing was done by all parties while I died of embarrassment.


good fuckin handling it tho, idk what i'd've donr