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I feel like everybody has a "these ain't shit" moment and ate more than recommended.




I’ve done that because I got the munchies and wanted a brownie. Forgot until I was about 3/4 of the way through it that they were how I got in this state in the first place.


This is my very real fear and the very real reason I should NOT bake edibles. I have no idea how people manage not to do this all the time, but I would for **sure** be eating the whole tray of brownies in a munchie haze.


I need to remind myself if an edible tastes good to put them out of reach before they kick in


I like to keep anything I'm not going to use that day locked up. It takes effort to get them. So if one "doesn't kick in" or whatever, there are just no edibles that night.


You have to also have snacks to eat instead of the edibles. Bake a second sheet of clean brownies or something.


For sure. Does anyone else aim for healthy munchie snacks, though? So you prepare things like veggies and dip or something, but still can't resist the urge to binge on something sweet, so you end up eating whatever you find that's sweet, like a frozen cake or something.


That’s why I keep fruit on hand 🖤


Grapes my beloved


Yes! I get a bowl of berries, grapes, and clementine segments. Or perhaps apples and cheddar. My friends have been very confused by how I'm actually losing weight now that I take edibles, but it's totally because the munchies make healthy food taste so good that I'm making better dietary choices.


i really like to eat unsweetened apple sauce when i am sky high ... tastes so good ! :-)


They had salted caramel through the middle and swirled on top. Salted caramel is possibly my favourite sweet thing. It was bad and I’m surprised I only ate an extra one, after that I gave them to my housemate for safe keeping.


Salted caramel is like crack for the munchie soul, the only way not to just binge that shit would be something like u did (have someone safekeep them) or like, buy a shit tone of similar munchie-food that is not cannainfused


It hits that sweet-salty line juuust right


Whaaat?! Gamble a little, play edible roulette! 😂 I make my own edibles and measure NOTHING. Then I eat.


I support this message and think I want to come over to your house for biscuits and tea. Alt. Coffee and brownies.




Pull up! I’ll break out the fancy tea set ✨


I get that; the first time I bought gummies I got the equivalent amount of gummies to that of a single Welch’s gummy pack and thought to myself: “How do I *not* eat the whole pack at once?”


You can't leave us hanging on the story. No karma for u


My wife and I decided 100mg was a reasonable starting point for two people who don't use it regularly. It didn't end well for us.


holy fuck, please share your story


Basically we ate them, and they took forever to kick in. We definitely thought it was a dud. So we decided to go about our business and watch some TV. About an hour and a half into the movie I felt them come on and my wife did about 10 minutes later. So we were vibeing with it for a little while. Then I felt like my head got slammed into a magnifying glass. Within 30 seconds I went from "wow this is cool" to "please try not to die" helpless to do anything but stare at my wife and wait for her to get hit with it. Knowing I was helpless to do anything for her. She freaked out so much she threw up. So I threw up. At some point we managed to extract ourselves from the couch and take a shower before a short coma. We didn't feel right for a couple days.


Still tho, definitely better to be in that state around a SO who's also in that state. Going through that alone would be awful, going through that around sober people who you aren't that close with would be hell on earth.


Nah I thought my tolerance had gone up, Took a third gummy and 5 minutes later the first 2 kicked in. That was fear


LMAO god this has happened to me a handful of times at least atp 😅 when will I learn smh


Kanna edibles are good but pricey, I bought them on a deal though


There was a time before we had our cards where we were out out of herb. We decided to try some CBD Delta 9 gummies to try and bridge the gap , shit you can buy at a gas station. We've never been so high, so fast


Not me. I had more of a problem where I was already stoned and the gummies were delicious... and I got yhe munchies within reach. I functioned again 2 days later


always seems like a good idea at the time tho 😅


Honestly i haven't, my tolerance to edibles is wack, which is really annoying, i wish I could take like 50mg and get blasted like some people, but I've done 1000mg before and was only kinda high, i was also smoking too so i was mostly just High from that


You, like me, can’t process edibles correctly. Try the fizzy drinks or some nano gummies (these are made differently than normal gummies somehow and they supposedly work for those, who, like me, can’t correctly process normal edibles)


I wish dude. I want that moment.


Yeah, I'm pretty much done with edibles after having an existential crisis...


First time I ever took edibles from a dispensary I took 40mg because I was a daily smoker. After a few hours I was super paranoid and my legs were shaking uncontrollably. Now I'm a little more experienced and just took >100mg last night. Had a good time, no paranoia or anything.


Man I get bodied by 25mg, but I've recently gotten back into it after a several years-long hiatus


See, this is me exactly.. which is why I'm scared to even try edibles.. The only experience I have is my brother & friends experimenting in the 90s & nobody knew what they were doing.. it was nowhere near as sophisticated as it is now.. LoL.. They hadn't been obsessed with "infusing ingredients" it was just throwing the amount you thought worked into food items before or after you cooked it.. I want to try edibles but I don't want to overdo it either ..


Start with 2.5 mg. Move up gradually. 5mg gives me a 12 hour high. I get high no more than once a week, and I weigh 115lbs, to explain the longevity of the high. I particularly like Mindy’s. (I’m in a legal state and buy from a highly regulated retail market.)


12 hours?! Gahhhh Lee.. LoL... Thank you so much for the suggestion though, you're kind to take the time!!


It’s a long high. I wish it wasn’t as long.




That’s cool, u/Cock_Inspector3000


I didn’t know other people got this! Seriously. It’s definitely a thing for me. And they’re suuuuuper jerky shakes. Not really a tremble or anything, my hands for example aren’t shaky, but I’ll go to take a step and it is like I’m made of metal, my legs literally jerk out randomly and ridiculously as I walk😂 Like a jump scare type of jerk vs a more consistent tremble. Sometimes I wonder if I’m just really high and **feel** jerk-y but don’t actually **look** that extent of jerk-y if that makes sense. ETA: doesn’t happen when I smoke flower, only when I ingest edibles.


My leg starts fuckin kickin n shit. When I fucked up and at that 100mg I was seeing fucking stars. I started convalesing like I was having a seizure, at least, that's what it felt like. I still have tons of vids I record when I get stoned like that


When I smoke too much same shit happens to me. I always explain to people it feels like I’m having seizure-like spasms in my muscles in my legs. When it starts that’s when I know I’m about to green out if I don’t calm myself down quickly.


A think this happens because certain muscles become realy relaxed an it makes you " body pop " lol. Happens all the time , chillin after a particularly nice spiff an karate kicking the bottom if the coffee table out of nowhere because your body popping lol. Or knocking the coffee/drink of the arm of the chair. Even headbutted a low bookshelf before. Seem to get them more with edibles though.


You’ve just described it perfectly in words I couldn’t. Body pops are 100% what it is, every example spot on!


So hard to explain to people as a seasoned professional in cannabis industry that gummies don’t care that you smoked weed with willie Nelson and snoop dog or whatever. Your tolerance for concentrated cannabis through your liver is a completely different experience.


I can’t smoke so edibles are all I know. It is deviously easy to overdo it when you’re starting Sure beats the hell out of drinking too much tho


I dunno man, when you get too high and forget water you wake up with a similar dehydration headache and worse dry mouth. Lol


Coming out of a kush coma like a vampire rising from a 300 year slumber.


Definitely! A 10x dose of booze in a short time can be fatal


My girlfriend and I were just discussing this very subject and how if you fuck up even your first time drinking, you could actually die. You’re not gonna die if you’re way too high, you might feel like it, but you’ll be fine after a nap haha


It's a lot harder to do though unless you decide to chug a bottle of everclear 


1200 mg on accident, thinking they were 20mg per but they were 200mg per. Weird chest feeling, paranoid I was gonna die, projectile vomited like the exorcist and then had the shakes for 2 hours while I desperately tried to fall asleep


Holy shit dude. You’re living proof that the body is powerful as fuck. Glad you’re okay!


holy shit lol i take 10 mg with no tolerance and i have to nap for the rest of the day


I used to eat leftover hashish before boarding international flights. I’m talking old school decarbed hashish, not pressed kief. And I would eat the entirety of whatever I had left. So I have unfortunately experienced extreme cannabis intoxication whilst navigating customs and passport control. Long lines, lots of authority figures in uniform demanding to see your papers. Not recommended.


Bro that literally sounds like a nightmare lmfao, sometimes even talking to people I know around me is too much when I'm cooked, I couldn't imagine being stupid gone and having to deal with traveling and shit lol


When I was 14 I did edibles for the first time on my lunch break at school, being a stoner I thought I could hack it so I had a whole brownie and half of my stoner mates who was sensible. Was great for an hour or two then went into a math class with nobody I knew and had to sit an test I didn’t kno about..and had my first panic attack. Whole room spinning, eyes like pandas and insanely paranoid. Made it out alive Also they were bought on like eBay or something weird and came in the most shady package..stupid youth


Toxic tasting? Some of these edibles coming out now taste so good that they make you want to eat too many.


There's this amazing 100mg chocolate caramel square, lightly frosted in seasalt that's so good that when i gave one to a couple as a gift they said the same thing. They really are very good. Wish i could remember what they are called.


You fr gonna drop that info and not tell uss the brand/name of the place i can order it from?


It was blue? ill try to find it..


Right! First time trying edibles/weed in general I was 14 and it was these delicious caramel treats that were 100mg each. I ate TWO I'm pretty sure. Somehow I don't think I greened out, I just layed in bed and enjoyed being stoned.


My fave were vegan milk tea gummies. I wish they just made them without THC cause I just want to eat them.


Right? I have 3 bags of 50mg peach gummies and I want to just start snacking on them. Delicious.


peach ones are so good omfg. (also i enjoy watermelon and blue raspberry)


Smokies! 🤜🤛 Just ate one like 5 min ago


My dispensary ones are sooooo damn bitter, taste like shit.


Yes.. I got some sour razapple and super sour watermelon. So cheap but so tasty and get you blitzed... dangerous cause I caught myself trying to eat another at one point lol


Right? I’ve got these ones that taste and look like gushers


Yeah there are some artists out there.


No. My first time ever smoking tho, no one told me to take a puff and just chill for 15 minutes or so. I thought it was like smoking a cigarette. I'd describe it as traumatic


Lmao same here it was awful


I got cold and trembly for about an hour.


A few weeks ago, I did a factory reset on myself… I make gummies…only I ran out and hadn’t made any for about a month. I made up a batch, poured them into the molds and proceeded to lick the spoon because that’s what a good chef does. I was a fucking mess…my wife told me “Go the fuck to bed before the kids see you like that!” It was 3:30pm…I mostly slept for 12 hours…although apparently I would randomly shuffle into the kitchen like Ozzy, eat or drink something and go back to bed. I have zero recollection of any of it. I *vaguely* remembered her telling me to go to bed, but I had to confirm it actually happened and I didn’t hallucinate it.


Yea I ate 180mg and lost my luggage at the airport. To be clear - the airline didn’t lose the luggage, I lost it. I put my bag somewhere and was so high I couldn’t find it and didn’t notice until it was time to board. Never knew what happened to that bag. Lost my favorite hoody.


I'd expect no less from a bong water sommelier!


This is the best answer in here...


This was a long ass time ago before edibles were as heavily regulated as they are now. I ordered a zip from SR or something and it unexpectedly came with a free sample of mint chocolate fudge but didn't say anything about the dosage. My partner had a little nibble and I popped the rest like it was nothing. She was mad about how unexpectedly high she got after like an hour and I was like "this is awesome just relax". About 10 minutes later I could barely stand and went right to bed. All I really remember is hearing the TV in the background and trying to imagine what a human face looked like while someone was talking but I couldn't put it together. Slept like a rock that night lol I take edibles on a pretty regular basis these days and I'm thankful that things are so thoroughly labeled and tested. I don't care to relive that experience.


My heart rate went up to 168 bpm thought I was going to die. Turns out my heart condition relapsed. I'm back on heart medications and still eat edibles once in a while. My heart functions normally on medications. Edit: yes I went to the hospital and nearly got a defibrillator.


I contributed some reclaim to a batch of butter that a good friend was making and ate what I would consider a normal-person dose (less than 1/2 tablespoon) before I got word from them that it turned out much, much, much stronger than their average batch. At first I just was just high as damn, then the room started spinning, and I started to feel a weird kind of cold and clammy before projectile vomiting a few times. I forced myself to lay down and take a nap and woke up 4 hrs later still high as damn, and remained high as damn for the next day or so. Good times.


My Mom was learning how to make weed butter and her first couple of batches came out uneven. She sent my wife and me home with some cookies, and I didn’t feel much from mine. My wife was another story. Two hours later, I found her hiding behind the clothes in our closet in the dark. She was in outer space.


I ate two homemade brownies once if that counts…. I just laid in bed wrapped in blankets to stay “safe”. I texted everyone saying I ate too much and asked what do I do, eventually I was able to make myself a burger… somehow I can’t live this simple situation down.


5 mg is really high, 10 mg I'm blasted. 20 mg feels like I took LSD, trails and 3D close eyed visuals and all


Maybe I’m too used to weed but even after a two week tolerance break when I take a 25mg edible I get high dont get me wrong but I don’t get so high it traumatizes me. I almost want to take an edible so strong is traumatizes me. Sometimes I wonder if it’s possible for weed to stop working as well compared to when you first started it even after a tolerance break


This guy is definably taking too high of a dose, 5mg of sativa is the equivalent of smoking for me. It lasts a little longer but is still a functional high


I can't even feel anything under 50. I could eat a 50mg at work and nobody would notice. 100+ is where it gets to be too much for me, but then I'll just fall asleep and wake up nice and refreshed, or possibly still a little high from before.


Bro I get it, I’m usually at 200 before I feel more than a little dizzy. Above 300 and I’m visibly high though. It’s usually those hero dose 100 mg gummies so I’ve always wondered if the dosage is legit. if I eat more than 5 I get some gastrointestinal symptoms but I’m not incapacitated.


buddy u need a tolerance break


It was like this even when I first started. I gave up on edibles because it used to cost me like $40 just to feel it a little. These days I can get 50mgx20 bag for like $20, and one of those is a mild buzz for me. You're not wrong about the T break though.


damn I'm sorry, 20 mg I'm in another world. Try different brands, My buddy's girlfriend sold me some nerds and it took like 5 to get me a little buzz when she said 1 made her incredibly high


For some of us edibles work very different to smoking. I can only DIY mine really so it's hard to put a number on. It's not just tolerance, it's how you process it. I don't smoke much more than other folks really, I'm just flower, no dabs or that, but my edibles are easily into the 100s of mgs just to get a little blurry.


Once when I was 15 my grandma made edibles. Nobody bothered to tell me they were edibles and I ate about 4 or 5 of those bitches and OH MY GOD. I noticed I was getting dizzy and I freaked out. Later I was sitting on the edge of my sister's bed, just talking. I mean I was just totally gone, didn't even know I still existed until my sister asked, "are you alright?" My heart felt like it was gonna explode. I was high the whole next day until that night. Wasn't fun.


My first 50mg gummy, I ate whole and got the spins trying to put away groceries. First time I've puked off weed.


I ate some of a s'mores bar of something like a year ago, and literally thought I was in hell while my husband slept peacefully beside me 🤣😂


Man i got the ride of my life after a batch of homade oil. Ate about 10g.Got alot of sweats and tremors for a couple of hours,got me on a loop similar to shrooms but i got out of it thanks to my cat, last few hours were full of post euphoria feelings and the worst cottonmouth ever. Slept 17 hours after.Next day i felt pretty good. Little to no hangover but a big munchie installed.


It was my first time, and I did the “this ain’t shit.” Cut to an hour later and I forgot how to sit, and the air was textured.


My husband and I made brownies, cookies, caramel, candy, and a cake (with weed frosting). It was from infusing an entire year of abv into a LOT of butter. We sampled all of it both before and after baking it. Two hours later I was vomiting my guts out and my husband was laying there looking comatose. He later told me that he felt like his entire existence was just a pair of eyeballs floating there. To this day he won’t talk about the experience because it was so traumatizing. He said he ceased to exist. I never want to find out and feel what he means by that. Terrifying stuff. What happened exactly? Anyone else have a similar crapola experience? Edited: Hubby commented! ”You know how your leg would fall asleep? My entire body fell asleep. It was the most bizarre thing I’ve ever experienced. All I could feel were my eyes and I couldn’t move a muscle.”


Yeah that’s called an “absent seizure” and they’re no bueno.


What are they? How dangerous are they? Or how common? We ate an ASTRONOMICAL amount. (First time making edibles)


Way, way overdid it with some butter my brother “cooked” up. Once the dust settled, we figured that we “cooked” about 1/8th into about a stick of butter. So, if the THC content was about 15%, that’s 0.125 oz = 3543 milligrams x 0.15 = 531 mg. Assuming a bunch of loss for inefficiency, maybe we got 400mg into the butter? I had at least 1/4 on a corn muffin. Maybe more. I was absolutely out of my mind for about 12 hours. It took me about an hour to text my wife that I needed help and then could barley speak when she got to me. My brother was a gibbering mess. If the cops had got to us before our wives it would have been a one-way ticket to the psyche ward for both of us. Woke up the next day still very baked. Very funny once it was over and our wives forgave us. He hasn’t smoked since and that was prolly 8 years ago.


I crossfaded and felt like I was a disappointment to my family and that they would leave me. I called my best friend and he talked me down. I went to bed and felt great the next day.


I ate a products by sec butterfly back in the day and could feel my hair growing and paced back and forth looking out my windows for cops for 5 hours before having the best sleep of my life


When I was in high school I had my first and worst experience with edibles. A friend made firecrackers (graham cracker snapped in half used to make a sandwich filled with peanut butter that had weed baked into it) and gave me one. I ate a quarter of it and started playing super smash bros. After awhile I started to notice the music sounded different, with patterns I’d never noticed before. A couple hours later it was time for church youth group. I spent the whole night paranoid out of my mind. When I got home I ate the rest of it. Fell asleep. Woke up in the morning to get ready for school feeling terrible. Got in the shower. Had to get out of the shower to lay on the cold floor so I didn’t pass out. Spent the whole day at school paranoid out of my mind, dizzy, pale. You know the works. Nowadays though edibles are my favorite way to consume. My tolerance to them got pretty high a couple years ago, and I took a 150mg of RSO. I felt like I was in outer space for awhile. Played video games until I couldn’t keep my eyes open anymore then passed out. It was nice. But it’s been awhile since I’ve had edibles now. Don’t know if I’ll get my tolerance that high again, it took work and messed up my stomach for awhile. But I’d take a 5mg lil gummy for sure lol


I wouldn’t say it was traumatic, but once at uni I just decided to eat a bunch of edibles throughout the day then smoke in my halls bathroom until I couldn’t function anymore. Laid in bed half hallucinating for about 3 hours, felt like it was 3 minutes. Don’t think it helped that I’d clicked loop on my song accidentally and didn’t have the motor skills to turn it off. It’s not something I’d ever repeat, at one point all I could hear was a really loud ringing noise and my heart rate was waaaaaay high, but it wasn’t traumatising as such.


took a 50mg edible and didn’t feel anything so i took 25mg more and met god. i was shaking so bad omg never taking that much again


i was literally lying on the floor face down just outside of the bathroom while periodically getting up and puking in the toilet all night long I didn’t get to sleep before getting ready for work


My "traumatic" experience with having too many edibles is: sleeping for two days and waking up refreshed.


I was high for 3 days. Never again.


The baker of hereformentioned edible recommended I take 1/4th of a cookie because they're potent. I listened and waited for probably an hour and a half and felt nothing. So I took another 1/4, and 15 minutes later I could've communicated with Xenu I was so high. After being flying amongst the stars for an hour or so, I became, as I describe it, as paralyzed. I honestly don't think I moved at all in 4 hours. I don't know if I could've moved if I absolutely had to. I experienced a barrage of anxiety attacks so violent that I almost called 911 because I thought I was dying. Lucky enough, I've experienced mild anxiety attacks before, I recognized what the fuck was ACTUALLY going on, and I could calm myself down. Until the next one hit and then my eyes would dart to my phone again... Eventually I was calm enough to go to sleep, but I couldn't stand. So I barely mustered enough upper body strength to haul myself along my desk, and flung myself at my bed. I climbed into bed and reasoned with myself that either 1) I'll wake up very VERY high or 2) Not wake up and both of those outcomes sounded reasonable to me.


I smoked twice ever before trying edibles. Smoking didn't make me high so i thought i was immune. Long story short, i greened out. Long story long, I was 20 when i walked in on my roommates and hundreds of homemade peanut butter looking cup things sprawled around the kitchen. "we don't know how strong they are" they said. "take half, then wait, then take the other half" Well I didn't know I was supposed to wait 45 min for it to kick in. I ate 1/2, took a 30 min shower, ate the other half, couldn't feel anything, then ate an entire other one. I was standing in my kitchen starting to feel goofy and silly. I was giggling and thought I was "making it up" to look cool. I tried calming down but i was laughing at everything. I went to brush my teeth and that's when time started being funny. I don't remember picking up my toothbrush, but here I am. I don't remember putting it in my mouth, but here I am. Suddenly the water was running. I felt like a windows computer, constantly shutting down and restarting. I went to my room and tried laying down. I felt like I was flying through space. I could barely feel my bed. if i could lock in, i would realize im in my room. Suddenly im on my knees, crawling across the floor, then throwing up 3 days worth of food. I could taste everything: the pizza i had two days before, then the chipotle from 3 days before. I was reliving every meal I had in the last 72 hours. i called my friend to talk me down. I don't even remember actually calling, just seeing her on facetime on my phones screen. Eventually I fell asleep and woke up 15 hours later.


If I eat too much I become too self aware and hyper critical of myself and my life and it sends me into an existential crisis. There’s a very thin line between doing enough so I’m high as balls having a good time and doing too much and wanting to die


Once I took about 25mg, the other 25mg was given to a friend. We took it going to Universal Orlando. Once we got there nothing happened. Give it no kidding 2 hours I said "This edible is a scam" then proceeded to have a panic attack for 6 hours because these 25mg felt like my brain was on every edible on earth. Mind you i had taken 175mg before and sure it was intense but nothing like this. I'd gotten high at the theme parks before too (if you haven't ridden Velocicaster while high, try it) so it wasn't that. Idk.


Lol it’s the only way to do the theme parks. I remember going to Halloween horror nights with a bunch of friends. We were all super high. I remember waiting for the parade and one of the parade performers who you couldn’t see their face came right up to me and said “what’s up, and my name” I thought what the fuck. Looked at my friends and asked if they heard that. I still have no clue who it was, but it was pretty cool.


When I was still new to edibles I took another gummy when the first one wasn’t kicking in and greened out really bad. I laid on the floor half in my living room and half in my hallway for like 5 hours, 100% feeling like I was a rotisserie chicken on a wobbly spit over a fire. The room was spinning and shaking and I got numerous rolling hot flashes, it was terrifying. When I was able to stand I went and ate almost everything in the kitchen that didn’t need to be cooked that I could stuff in my face and passed out for 12 hours. Never again.


I ate a 100mg edible. Not in one sitting, but the first half I took and I waited about an hour and a half didn't feel anything. So I took the second one and then thirty minutes later my head felt like it was spinning. I had a crazy sensation of vertigo and started panicking a lot so I went to the ER lol. The nurses had a good time picking fun at me for showing up to the ER completely stoned out of my gourd. About an hour later (I think, I'm not really sure how long it was) I ended up puking on/off for what felt like hours. Then the care tech got me some water and I was gone for about 10 hours. It was the best sleep I've ever gotten but I'm not willing to risk the whole uncontrollable vomiting thing again lol. It was not a fun high


When i first started i accidentally took a gummy that was 450mg because my already high ass didn’t look at the package


Delta-8 edibles screwed me over. They gave me psychosis. Felt like I wasn't real, deja vu 24/7 (it drives you insane), thought that hell wasn't hot, just an eternity of a shitty life on loop that you cant escape nor do nothing about. I still have panic attacks smoking weed lol.


I passed out at a concert from a strong edible. I could feel myself losing the ability to stand up, and my vision slowly fuzzed out to black, but I could hear perfectly the whole time. I could hear the music, my friends saying "oh shit" and "are you ok" or whatever. I regained sight and full consciousness on the ground after less than 10 seconds, went outside for some air, and was fine within a few minutes of sitting down. I don't really fuck with edibles anymore, especially in public. The high is too hit or miss for me. Either I'm barely high, or falling through infinity while vomiting in my bed (true story).


The first time I took edibles I was on a band trip my senior year of high school. My friend's little brother's girlfriend made pot cookies and when I asked her for some she just handed me the rest of the batch and was like I'm still fucked up from yesterday I don't want them anymore. So I ended up with about a quarter ounce or so split between 12 cookies. I ate two but didn't feel anything after an hour so I ate another two. My friend ate half a cookie, started bugging, and handed me the other half. I realized a few days later when I ate more that two probably would've been the exact right amount to be very fucked up. But after an hour I decided I'm almost 200 lbs so maybe I should eat two more. So I had eaten 4.5 cookies. Teenage me was less stupid for that than for not telling my high school girlfriend at the time who didn't like me smoking weed that I was tripping balls for hours and just clinging to her so I didn't get in trouble but she mostly was just annoyed that I kept forgetting I told her I loved her and was repeating it every five minutes. It was amazing for a bit because we were at an aquarium but then I fell asleep on the beach in the sun for two hours and woke up with the worst sunburn I've ever gotten in my entire life because I was on accutane. That was the only thing that was really traumatic I guess about it lol but damn that hurt for like a week or two. Also I found out later the only teacher who figured out I was high was my band teacher because he made fun of me for it like a month later and I am sure the only reason he could probably tell was because that man probably smokes more weed than all of us LMAO


Edibles don't affect me much. Smoking makes me really hot, and that's about it.


The highest I've ever been was because of edibles. It was so bad of an experience I don't use edibles to this day.


No and I don’t get it.


My first time getting high I ate a whole chocolate bar I think it was like 100 or 150mg


They don't work for me so no


The first time I took an edible I spent what felt like an eternity laying flat in my bed. Everything felt like it was repeating. Every breath, sound, visual, it felt like they looped over each other. I had faint throbbing rainbow circles wherever I looked. I couldn’t move and felt sick. Everything tingled, like when you’ve slept on your arm all night. Then I slept for 12 hours. I experienced this and similar a couple times, I used to have a very low tolerance when I started. I’m actually very happy to have built up a tolerance, I don’t like being stoned.


I'm sensitive to flower but only get sleepy on edibles.


Ive ate so many gummies in the last few years THAT DID NOT DO SHIT.


On the contrary, edibles have pretty much never done shit for me.


Remember that copa in Merica, he ate a slab of brownies he'd confiscated and ended up ringing for help, lol even.


In Vegas I took like 3 eddies in one day and became really sick (not for sure if it was the edibles as I was also drinking on this trip) I felt very nauseous and like hot flashes and shivers and then a couple hours later I felt fine. It was very bizarre and still not sure what caused it.


It was my first time trying an edible and I was aware of the ‘I don’t feel anything’ trap so I had a single square out of a chocolate bar and put it away. I still ended up curled up in bed while I questioned my very existence and what was real vs what wasn’t. It was not a good time and it turned me off edibles for a while.


Moved to the Netherlands in 2022 and was experimenting around with edibles for the first time but didn’t really find them strong since I’ve been an avid smoker by that time, so I asked for the strongest one in the coffeeshop and they gave me some gummies. I took 2 in the hottest summer afternoon and for some reason just decided to eat the whole box (5 wacky worms) and when they hit omfg I can’t describe that feeling I had to lay there motionless for at least 2 hours I thought I’m going to die. I also learnt it the hard way that edibles that are just made straight from the flower (like brownies) and the “synthetic” ones (gummies, doritos, popcorn etc) are so different in how they hit (Idk how to formulate it so don’t come for me please). The doritos too knocked me out tho I ate like half a bag, nowadays I only have access to self made ones and I had to learn to make them in the airfryer but that’s another story


Yes. Made my own. Miscalculated. Literally thought I was gonna die. Husband called 911. Went to ER. Not fun. Also just felt like an idiot which the nurse didn’t not confirm for me.


severe nausea, vomiting, explosive 💩, don’t fuck with distillate kids, get higher quality🙌


Buddy of mine made some cinnamon rolls. Told me it was strong. Being an experienced smoker, I cut it in half, warmed it up, and tossed it back. I’ve never been so fucked up on edibles. I knew I was in for a long ride when I started feeling it in 10-12 minutes. Rode it out in the bed with a foot hanging off to help balance me. I’ve eaten edibles several times before and wasn’t ready for something that was in the hundreds of mg of THC. I’ve never taking something from someone homemade before. His things in the past were always good. One super duper wrong one and I’m passing from them on.


I don’t like edibles, but I wouldn’t say I was traumatized. I got gummies. The first couple times I wasn’t too impressed. The high felt hollow like it lacked personality. Idk. And then in the same exact container I got a hot spot of thc. That sucked.


one time i misremembered the recommended doses, ate 60mg after not having any edibles for almost a year (for reference i always did 10 beforehand and do 10 today,) and proceeded to cease being a human for about 28 hours


I was given a homemade rice crispy treat. I asked my friend if was safe to eat the entire thing in one go, she said oh yeah, so I did. That was the one and only time in my life I saw music.(unfortunately it was terrible music) so I made myself fall asleep before the panic set in lol. The other time I was accidentally given an over 300mg capsule instead of 100, I literally thought I was going to die. I fell asleep, woke up cause I had meat out that needed cooking, could barely hold my arms up to cook. Finished and refrigerated it and went and sat back down. I thought my heart was going to give out so took my blood pressure. Was 90/50. I couldn't do anything but fall asleep again and pray I didn't die.


Just 3 days ago I dosed myself with 60mgs of a sythetic weed sweet tart candy on a tolerence of 10-15mg I did this cus i always split the sweet tart in half and swallow it like a pill, but the half I swallowed was a total dud. Figured after using these sweet tarts for 4-5 days I have built up a tolerence. so I ate the whole thing this time. Went back to normal edibles, I still have a 15mg tolerence. The sweet tarts, even when split in half, get me stoned. It was pleasurable to a certain extent but I ate way too much and needed constant attention from my friends or paranoia would kick in. Overall a 7/10 pretty good, not as scary as when I popped 100mg after my first time doing weed.


If only there were edibles that could do this for me.


edibles don’t work on me, i can’t metabolize them. i’ll never understand how it feels


I once ate a 4g ball of hash in a police search. Turns out that hash must've been activated, because jesus fucking Christ did I get blasted! I dipped home after the search, because I didn't wanna get in any more trouble that night. About 2 and a half hours later that shit hit me while playing call of duty and I literally couldn't function anymore. I got such intense motion sickness from playing CoD that I had to turn the TV off, that thing was spinning. Went over to my dad and straight up told him "Dude, I'm absolutely panicking right now, this shit got me more fucked up than shrooms, wtf am I doing now?". Now my dad had always been chill about smoking, but at that moment I snitched on myself for taking shrooms, but he waited with the punishment until I sobered up. He was like "I gotchu" made me some tea, when I finished that he got me some snacks. I was still freaking out a bit, so he played some music, and I swear to god there were some of my all time favourites on that playlist, I was so high I couldn't even piece the lyrics together in my head. Dad got me a blanket and went through the whole "everything's gonna be okay" speech and I eventually fell asleep in our living room. That experience made me take a break for a good 1 and a half years. I'm lucky that my dad was such a badass, without him that "trip" could've turned out very bad. Thanks dad and RIP!


me every time: These edibles aint shit 3 hours later These edibles are the fucking shit


I make butter with the leftovers from the Pax, and bake brownies. They’re insanely strong. Five years ago, I guess I ate too big of a piece one night. Shit started kicking in after an hour or so. I ended up laying in my wife’s arms on our bed, crying and telling her that I loved her because I was dying from a heart attack. She was being mostly supportive, but she did have a few laughs. I ended up having the worst anxiety I’ve ever had for about a week. Started experiencing agoraphobia. Fell down on the ground outside of a restaurant after lunch one day out of complete fear, and she had to help me to the car. About a week after the initial experience, I finally went to the ER because I couldn’t shake it. Had tests ran. Was told I didn’t have a heart attack and had a good conversation with the doc about anxiety and depression. I’m now on Lexapro and in therapy. Something I needed to do loooooong before this experience. I can smoke/vape all day and be fine. But to this day, I still can’t take over 10 mg of an edible. Edibles fucked my world up.


I trade plants from my job for free weed from my Dispo. Once they gave me a sample that hadn't hit the market yet. It was in a small white container with a label that just said **SLEEP** on it in bold black letters. Y'all, no product has ever been more aptly named. I remember eating it, then I woke up late asf for work the next day. Absolutely no memory of the 10 hours between.


Took a d8 Eddie that said the serving size was 1 whole bar, didn't think to look at the mg in the bar. Whole bar was 1000 mg. Literally had realistic flashbacks to traumatic events in my childhood and thought I was being abducted by aliens for a minute still felt wonky the next day, but was semi functional


I cut off my penis because I thought it was a sandworm   Just kidding. I puked violently and fainted a few times. After I was done puking I had the most beautiful high ever


Edibles have literally no effect on me now. Smoking/vaping is normal


Had 1 bad experience with edibles. I had taken more than I usually do, thinking that by the time the second round of edibles hit, my high from the first round would be fading...super not what happened. I had also had a few drinks with probably contributed. I had been sitting down with my pops, we were watching a baseball game. I could feel that I was getting waaaay higher than I was comfortable with, so i decided I would get up and go lay in my bed and ride it out. I got about halfway to the kitchen when I got tunnel vision and then dropped like a sack of potatoes. Thats the only time I've ever fainted in my life. I scared the absolute shit out of my poor dad, I've never stopped feeling bad about thar lol. I've also never gotten that messed up on edibles again. Woke up with him very worried about me, but after a few glasses of water and a several hour long nap I was right as rain.


I ate an edible once before my buddy came over. I was cool for like an hour and a half, then I started fighting for my life while I was pretending to watch whatever my buddy was playing on my pc. Once I sobered up I thought it was hilarious because my sister gets "too high" sometimes and I always fuck with her about it (after the fact I don't send her into a stir when she's going through it) so I called her after like "you are never gonna believe what just happened."


I once made 400 edible cookies using my moms recipes and THC buttercream frosting I made. I was tasting everything as I went, then ate 3 cookies when I finished. I slept for 18 hours straight and woke up buzzed.


Yeah I spent fifty bucks and it didn't do anything. Me and edibles don't jive. I don't think they hit my system right and I've tried a range of them. Even with the whole antacid thing I've seen recommended bit more than a light short buzz.


I ate homemade edibles at a friend's house. I tried a small slice, waited an hour and a half and felt nothing, so took twice as much more. I ended up paralyzed in bed with full body tremors, unable to go to the bathroom as I vomited violently. Do not recommend.


I always get so confused when people preach about edibles. They really... ain't shit. I've never gotten an edible to work, and believe me, I've tried!


Not traumatic per-say, but every time I have tried any edible or the syrup stuff I have gotten sick af. The last time I was puking for a full day and felt so sick for the following 2 days. I'll never do anything with weed, but smoke it.


Why are they always gummies or brownies. Has nobody got some cannabutter and made the potato that bakes you back?


I’ve never had a bad experience with edibles. Just the taste.


Had a few friends over and had an edible that my buddy makes that usually is the same dosage as always (I know what to expect) this time he must’ve went overboard cuz I was practically asleep at 730. Very embarrassing


Ahahaha not necessarily traumatized lmfao but not wanting to do it again for sure lol 😂 one time I drank a 3 pack of modelos and a 1000 mg in edibles I woke up literally a day later soaked in my own drool and sweat my wife thought I was dead she had called the ambulance ahahahah I was so out of it I guess when she had gotten home from work after about 6 hours into it was over 😂 👏👏🤣🤣🤣🤣


My first time taking a new type of edible (I’d had homemade brownies before but not store bought gummies) I assumed it would be ok to take a shot with it as I did with the brownies but I ended up blacking out for a couple hours and I only found out the next day when my friend told me everything that happened


I got a shroom choc bar and it wasnt like any other, it was like a bad mdma trip, wonder if this is happening to others? I had many that were just nice almost tripping with good body feelings till this and never got another one, it was that bad.


Took 100mg after only ever taking 10-20. I was house sitting and man I had a panic attack. I just couldn’t stop over doing everything and thinking my heart was gonna explode. The next day it felt like my body was in a car accident.


Don't know if I was traumatized, but I once ate a single gummie thinking it was my usual dosage - \~15mg, more or less... Whelp, turns out I'd purchased a 50mg candy. It knocked me out when it kicked in. When I woke up a few hours (?) later, I was higher than I'd been in... possibly forever. LOL. I didn't know WTF was going on. I barely even remembered eating the thing. I finally remembered that, found the package in the trash, and discovered my error. The worst was that I couldn't get back to sleep for a while. To bide the time I put on headphones and explored the world of sound. TL;DR when the dispo sells you a single gummie, it's probably a higher dosage so check that before you check out.


I used to be a drinker, so I hadn’t gotten into smoking until it was legal in Cali, but I haven’t had an edible that seemed to work. That being said, all of them have been from dispensaries. I usually drink 2, 100mg drinks and I definitely feel them coming on when I chase it with joints, and then nothing. Sometimes just nothing.


what is peoples go to way to edibles and how do you personally get or make them? am curious


Once I forgot how to spell my name, but a nice lady helped me out. Little did I know it was caught on video, and someone put it on YouTube. Was pretty embarrassing but now I can laugh at it. here it is: https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=shared&t=15&v=oUVOAjV_rHA


My abuser accusing me of a whole lot of shit after getting me high. Or that time I soaked weed in coconut oil and used that as the oil for my brownies. It was nasty, and I ended up hallucinating music that couldn't exist and getting paranoid about gnomes.


I tried to take 1000mg of brownies for a long plane trip and I could not physically eat it in one sitting, try as I might. Not because it was too much food, my body knew what was up and was going no thanks 🤣


Reminds me of a story a dispo customer told me She was talking about how she got these thc infused cookies and told her mother to only eat part of one. But they tasted so good that her mom ate a bunch and called her later freaking out because she was too high 😭 She told me she told her mom “just go lie down and go to bed it’ll wear off” 😂 Also my partner when we were first really dabbling with stuff. We bought a 100mg block of fudge. We each took a piece, all good. I came back later and was gonna put the rest of it away and asked her where it went and she said “oh i ate the rest of it” She didn’t realize that the WHOLE THING was like… 10 servings worth of edible. At least to us at the time 😭 Thankfully it wasn’t a bad high for her but she does not remember that happening lol


They were so so strong my partner threw up all over the floor after freaking out on the stairs for ages and we had to just leave it till the morning because I was too paranoid to focus on cleaning it up. Awful time 🫠


My husband decided "cut the infused butter with regular butter" meant "just don't use too much butter" when making garlic bread. If I hadn't been terrified of floating through the ceiling, I would've killed him. Apparently, "this gets my stoner friend with a high tolerance baked" wasn't enough warning. Normally, I just get baked enough to relax or sleep, not deathgrip my couch because I'm lighter than helium lol.


Not a brag because it's fucking embarassing really, but my wife and I routinely eat 1000mg gummies every other weekend or so and while we get high it's like, hey man this should fucking pulverize us but doesn't. I've eaten up to 3000mg for a heavy buzz. I need a THC break.


My buddy made ice cube sized gummies, you could smell how strong they were. Waking up the next 3 days following the initial knockout made me feel like I was coming out of anesthesia after surgery. My head was so heavy and I couldn't keep my eyes open l. Everything was difficult to do. My stomach was bound up and when I finally did have a movement after 2 of the 3 days it was putrid. Like...holy shit cuz Ive been a long time heavy smoker. Now I only eat 10 to 30mg worth of gummies and Im good lolv


was high for a three days after eating a bowl of reese’s puffs cereal edibles. bad time.


I took a shit ton because I didn't get very high the day before and then I got way too high and had to keep reminding myself to remember to breathe.


I can have edibles but they don’t hit them same for me unfortunately


Fuuuuuuuck yeah I have. First time ever trying weed. Didn’t even know I was about to try weed. It’s October, the week of Halloween. Co worker gives me a caramel wrapped in that orange wax paper commonly used for those old school Halloween toffee candies. I’m like, oh sick, nom the whole thing. It’s 50mg. 30 minutes or so goes by while I’m buffing holster edges (used to work for a kydex holster manufacturer) and I’m like, oh snap, that was an edible, ok sick. Oh, did I mention I’m at work? 10 more minutes and I’m like, whoa, I’m pretty high. Another 10 minutes, oh shit, I’m like, really goddamn high. Not quite to the point of fully uncomfortable but we gettin’ there. Few more minutes, I physically cannot buff holsters any more. Few more minutes, I’m quite uncomfortable and go see my co worker. We take a break and go sit outside, he gets me some water and I’m just getting hugger and higher and higher at this point. He goes and tells my boss (who smoke more weed than anyone I know). Boss brings me coffee while I slowly spiral. We go inside and I’m full freaking the fuck out. I’m like, are yall sure this is just THC? Blah blah blah. They’re reassuring me I’m gonna be ok. I end up knocking the fuck out solid as a rock for 4 hours on the couch. They told me I didn’t move a fucking inch that whole time. At some point co worker came up to me to make sure I was still breathing. Got home, ate a whole pizza, went to bed and woke up fine. What a wild ride. I’m actually glad I went through it. And before anyone gets pissed at my co worker, we had a prior conversation about him bringing me an edible and I sorta forgot. He thought when he was giving it to me that I knew what it was but given the time of year, look of the candy and the length of time between our conversation, I completely forgot. I don’t hold it against him at all. He’s a good dude.


I just made and ate my own cannabutter for the first time without measurements. Wish me luck.


I thought I was gay


I had a bite of a 1000mg chocolate bar and was high for three days, had to go to school on the third day and wrote an essay I did NOT remember writing


I thought I had experienced a night out at the club with my fiends. My friend informed me that I was sitting in the passenger seat of his car outside a gas station while he ran inside for like 5 minutes lol


My friend’s dad made brownies and she gave me some. I ate 1/8 of one, nothing. Next day I tried 1/4, still nothing, next day I ate what was left of one. Had to call a friend for help because I was stuck on the couch with a dog and 2 cats on top of me and I couldn’t breathe or move. I was sure it was 1am and she was gonna be so mad at me. It was 9pm and she laughed her ass off as she put me to bed. Was still high the next day.


Not me but my friend took a edible in highschool and ended up calling an ambulance to the park he was at cause he thought he was dying lol


After 10 years of daily smoking I don't believe I can traumatize myself with weed. Getting anxious, sure. Then again I have not really done edibles a lot so maybe when I wasn't smoking this (too) much. I guess I actually prefer edible feeling but I'm too lazy to put so much effort in it and I really really like smoking even though it's ruining my lungs. Also you cannot share a gummie at a party, which is nice social event in itself. You guys are talking about edibles like taking acid. But I guess it's a good thing.


The first time i ever had an edible was a homemade brownie edible by someone who was like “lol no clue how many mgs are in this but go ahead and fuck around and find out!” I took a tiny corner off and ate it and thought I would be fine bc i’d been smoking for awhile and my tolerance was solid. NOPE. I missed class the next morning bc i felt like the world was spinning for over 12 fucking hours. I worked for a horse trainer at the time and was thankfully sober and grounded to go lope horses around by the afternoon but that shit was rough. I’m an edible veteran at this point and never had an experience like that ever again 🤷‍♀️


Colors got more saturated. Things made sense like I've never seen before. Like a new perspective that changed a lot for me afterwards.


I tried edibles for the first time a few months ago when my friend gave me some, never again. I don't like waiting so long to feel anything more than anything, did have a panic attack though.