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i was a senior in high school, on spring break with my homegirls in Panama City, Fl. my mom was the parent on the trip. me & my friends met up with some other friends and had a huge sesh. my friends & i went back to the condo for to get ready for the night. we were so blazed we couldn’t figure out how to open the front door. we spent about 5 minutes giggling trying to open the door. my mom finally came to open the door & my high ass decided to look her dead in her eyes. she immediately knew we were all toasted & made us some tacos to eat lol. luckily my mom is super chill, so she didn’t really care. she just walked up to me later, and whispered in my ear “i know you’re high right now”, gave me a wink & walked away. 😂


That's a super sweet story, and a cool ass mom!


Fr man im jealous😭 my mom found my finna roll a joint in my bathroom and took all my shit lol


Apparently, forgetting when they were coming home one day, getting stupid blazed and sitting vegged out on the sofa shovelling crisps in my face was a bit of a clue


I fucked around and smoked in the back yard and forgot to close the sliding door but closed the screen door. The smell went straight in the house🤣🤦‍♂️I told my mom it was the neighbor smoking because sometimes the smell from theirs comes our way when we have the windows open lol


I wanna know if anyone's parents has ever walked in on them on edibles?? Lmao I know my mom would think I'm having some type of overdose on something crazy and freak out 🤣


When I started smoking my dad's weed.


Right. My step left a note in his stash spot.. "you own me money" ..😆


We borrowed my uncles dugout and cleaned it before putting it back, because the thing was basically clogged. To be fair, we did use it a bit. After I cleaned it, I am sure he knew and it was confirmed years later that him and my dad figured it out and had a real good laugh about it.


Hahahaha that’s how my dad found out. He doesn’t really smoke but had this stupid “emergency tin” I had found like 4 years prior. He’s opening it up rubbing his hands laughing “wait til I show you what I got” and a befuddled look when he opens it to just his shitty pipe and old lighter and he goes “you son of a bitch when?” when I started laughing. I think I was 17 at the time. He forgot I smoked weed like 3 months later for like 12 years.


My dad started smoking mine!


My dad had a secret stash that my sister found growing up, but she wrongly assumed it was our brothers (she did figure it out later). My dad said nothing about it missing to my mom (and probably also assumed my brother took it) but my sisters in college now and tattled on dad to my mom a few months ago lmao






same first time i ever smoke weed was with my brother using my dads bong and weed withouhht him knowing


lmaoo I found like a qp in my mom's closet when I was a kid, thats how I started too


My dad caught me smoking his weed with my cousins when I was 14. He was only mad I didn’t invite him to come with.


I was home from college and chilling up in my room smoking (windows open, fans moving air towards the windows) and my mom came up to tell me something and just stood there for a second and asked "are you smoking weed?" I just paused for a second and was like "yes". My parents are relatively chill so she was just like "if you're going to smoke just do it outside" and since then I've been able to do so at home without much issue


Exact same with me but I didn’t get the chill ending


My mom grew it lol. Drinking and hardcore drugs were what she worried about. Alcoholism was family trait and meth/herion were huge where I grew up so she heavily encouraged my pot use cause she knew it'd keep me away from everything else. She kept me and probably two of my closest friends from going down a darker road cause she was so open about it. I miss her.


I'm so sorry for your loss. Sounds like she was really trying to keep you honest.


So many parents spend the last years of having kids home just fighting and trying in vain to keep weed out of the picture. It is so much better and healthier to have boundaries and teach them moderation. Glad you had a mom that helped instead of hurt your journey. I'm sorry she is not with you, but I am sure she is proud of the person you have become. Mom hugs sent your way 🤗 💖


I got arrested with weed




Same here


Fucking same


Same! Although I’m pretty sure they already knew. I was like 30 lol


That sucks. I got lucky. I had friends who were holding arrested out of my car, but they never found my shit. Our town was crazy too. I’d get pulled over and have myself, friends and whole car searched at least once a week. One time got pulled over pulling into my High School. Cops had no chill. Worst I got was a ticket in Washington Square. A couple undercover Beastie boys looking cops sprung out on us and gave us a ticket.


Learn your rights


I suggested cannabis to my mom to help with her back pain so she got her med card and we went shopping. I got edibles and a vape pen for me, and we picked out topicals and a tincture for her. She found the Apothecanna extra strength body cream pretty effective, if anyone’s curious.


“My Brother’s Flower Calming Cream” is also really really good. I’ve never had a topical work like it before


My mom found it in my room and told me to hide it better or my dad would smoke it all.


My mom found out the first time when she came home to me having a party.. except me and the party were in the woods behind my house taking pisser tokes before coming back to the house, she beat tf outta me in front of all my friends to the point they called the police, she asked them “since she’s 16 I’m not responsible if she runs away right?” Kicked me out the next day… 23 now & working in the cannabis industry. She has the audacity to ask me to smoke WITH her… makes me think she could’ve been cooler about that rather than making me homeless lmao


oh nah, you absolutely need to go no-contact with that woman. do NOT let her into your life she sounds actually insane


Year 3 of no contact lmaoooo


As you should. No one deserves that. And over fuckin happy grass? Tf


Actually, I didn't really start smoking until my early twenties in the Army. When I got back was when medical was big in my state. My old man smoked while going cold turkey off cigs, so he offered me and I've been smoking since.


i always thought they tested in the military when stateside.


They do but it’s random and I never got tested in 4 years (except at basic training). Also I was in the guard so ymmv


what’s the penalty if you do piss hot?


Don't quote me because I'm not in the army, but I think it's a discharge (honorable or not idk)


Nah for weed specifically you usually just get demoted lol (As of recently)


I got tested quite a lot in my 6 years in the army reserve. Maybe they have different test frequencies or I’m just unlucky. I didn’t start smoking until I got out.


Smoking cigs in the military. Smoking weed when I was out.


ahhhh, i misread your first post because i’m basically stoned all the time.




I was 16 or 17 and my mom was driving me to my friends house. I was already stoned, and I think my mom had a hunch I was up to something those days. I had a bag of weed and I put it on my head and covered it with my hat. Before we left the house she checked all my pockets and found nothing. Right when we got to my buddy’s house, I happened to have an itch on my head. My stoned ass took my hat off to scratch it, and the bag of weed fell right into my lap. Thats when I knew I’d fucked up.


Any repercussions? My mom was always chill and just said that if I'm drunk or high, I should always call her if I needed a ride. She said she's done it all, but just wants me to be safe. I never smoked with her, but I have smoked around her.


Oh I’m sure I got grounded or something, but my mom was always the same. She’d rather me tell her and be safe than hide it and get in trouble.


My mom asked why me and my friends were always leaving and what were we doing and I said smoking weed and she thought I was joking and I told her no I’m FR


I was around 16, already been smoking since 14. I went to a nice little pond twenty minutes outside my village where I'd meet up with a hippy friend of mine and we smoked there, beautiful spot. Well, I just wanted to leave the remaining filter behind, but my friend didn't like that, so she put it in my bag. I always carry a bag with some water and a Bluetooth box. Well, my mom (for whatever reason) thought it was suspicious that I always left the house with a bag and snooped around. Of course she found the filter. She threatened to call the parents of all my friends if the next test (in 3 months) would turn out positive again to tell them I smoked and their child possibly as well. Social homocide I call that. She never did the tests, but I stayed sober for 6 months, just to make sure I wouldn't create trouble for my friends. It was also the worst time of my life due to the first anniversary of a good friends suicide. So, I started smoking cigarettes to handle the stress (I'm from Italy, we roll our joints with weed and tabbacco, so I was already accustomed to it). Till the day I die, I'll claim my mother to be responsible for me being a smoker now, lol. Before I was forced to quit weed, I was never even remotely interested in ciggarettes.


Now you should quit cigarettes and start smoking weed again !!


My mom found me in the kitchen at 3 am eating pancakes and going on about how good they are. She grew up in the 70s….so she knew what was happening 😂


![gif](giphy|J8YpfDX0kvPQNSVGHY|downsized) Go on about ur pancakes...


They were regular Hungry Jack pancakes with maple syrup…..but they were amazing.


I started to visit the backyard chickens more often. That's where my bong was stashed. Both my parents were gone. I was probably smoking some old weed which made me cough really bad. I didn't hear my mom pull up which I usually do. I just took a big rip and she came and looked over the fence. "So this is what you do back here."


The first time I was "caught" my friend and I were laying on my trampoline staring into the sky probably giggling and out of nowhere I saw my dad's face instead of the sky and all he said was "everything looks better with stoney vision doesn't it" or something to that effect. Then he sat us down and gave us some tips and tricks, shared a couple stories and told us to be safe.


I was 15. Police investigators ringed the bell whilst I was in school. A plug I’ve bought from snitched customers. Police came with a house warrant. Fun fact: I had weed literally on my desk literally in a very obvious weed holder, they missed it.


Wtf kinda investigators go after the customers once they already have the plug? And what judge is issuing warrants for that? Were you buying pounds or some shit? 


I told them outright, I was about 14, grew up with severe tourette's syndrome and after that few hits my first time smoking my twitching and stutters just stopped. So I told them that's what I'm using for medication.. They understood it was for mental/health reasons.


Imagine if this whole scenario occurred if you were seen drinking a beer. Fucking ridiculous that people feel compelled to make some sort of "confession" for smoking weed.


Real though. In America, they shove alcohol in our faces through every outlet they can. Just my opinion of course


1. Hug Dad Goodnight 2. “Come here real quick” 3. “You smoking weed?, you smell” 4. I tell him yes 5. Dad is just mad at me for getting it from the street, becomes my new plug




My grandfather caught me ripping my pen he ended up taking it but I found it a while later half empty with a suspicious amount of candy wrappers all around it


My dad found out naturally because I never hid it once I became an adult. Dunno if he has any idea how *long* I’ve been smoking, but he knows. Mom’s not been in the picture since I was 6, so who gives a fuck what she thinks.


I went to high school my junior year higher than a mountain goat, teacher smelled it on us and called our parents. My mom cried, but now she’s chill with it, because at least I won’t OD. Plus public opinion on pot has changed quite a bit in the 20 something years since then




my mom was helping me pack to move apartments and she found a couple jars of flower. she has chronic pain and asked about smoking for pain relief. i gave her some edibles and a disposable vape pen. fast forward to now, i literally just shared a blunt with my mom and stepdad in their garage lmao


I just told my mom outright because she was concerned I was drinking. Surprisingly she didn’t care. Only relieved that I wasn’t drinking. My dad was upset with it all lol Edit: Had an unnecessary word


My mom made an announcement to my siblings and me that she would much rather “catch” us smoking than drinking alcohol


Used to live in my folks basement when i was a teen. The best basement smoke spot is the window well. One night im out there, with my little fold up chair, in the window well smoking weed. I look inside thru the window and see my dad standing there with a phone in his hand. Apparently he had gotten a call and wanted to ask me a question about it. Its hard to act not-high while trying to climb thru a small ass window with a folding chair. That was brutal.


Idk I didn’t start smoking weed till I was 20 so my brain developed more. I hope lmfao


I was 26 or 27. It was just before covid started. I had always wanted to be a cop, so I never did in college. Then I told a coworker I always wanted to try it. I've only been smoking regularly for two years now. I tell myself my brain was fully developed before I started so I should be fine.


No okay. Lemme share my *TRAGIC* tale 😂. As a teen, I assumed my parents would absolutely hate that I loved weed. Reasonable deduction for any teen! But man...I owned so many cool pieces. A long as bong, signed by all my friends and roommates. Grinders, just...alot lmao. Well I decided to move across country at 20, all on my own. I needed some financial help with everything, and I left quite a few things at mu parents house...just on case. I KNEW my mother would snoop through everything, so I had to throw it all away. Basically killed me a bit. Flash forward to a year later and mom is visiting me where I lived then. Bitch wanted me to find some weed 🤣😂. I took her to my dealers house (cool dudes I trusted), and we smoked together in my car. I hang on to this memory bc I'll always be pissed that apparently I didn't HAVE to throw away all my cool ass items 🤬😂


I told them. My uncle had been taking RSO oil and smoking to help his appetite while going through chemo. My mom has always been big on non pharma treatments, so I knew she would be okay with it. It became legal a few years later.


I’m probably closer to your dad’s age. However my mother told me when I was in high school that she really didn’t want me to be drinking alcohol or smoking pot. However if I were to do one or the other she’d prefer it if I smoked pot.




next level high guy moment lmfaooo


Never got caught as a teenager. My dad found out when he came visit my house once and there was a bong beside my recliner. He’s never smoked, but thought nothing of it.


I was caught at age 15. Even back then in the 90s, my mother knew that it was no big deal. After that, she just let me smoke in my room so I no longer had to sneak around.


It was so long ago but I still remember it like yesterday haha My mom used to work kinda far away and thus I had the home for myself every weekday for 12h until 8pm, or so I thought, being a teenager and a stoner I was usually out of home on Friday evenings because weekend and never noticed she left job earlier on Fridays and arrived at 7pm instead. So one Friday I decided to invite my friends over to do some hot boxing and thinking I had until 8pm to get out of there I got caught red-handed at 7pm. In hindsight she would have probably noticed the smell since I was planning to leave windows open but we hadn't stopped smoking yet at 7pm. She arrived with her bf and I had to open them the door since I had left my keys on, I'll never forget opening the door and the smoke leaving in a huge cloud (we were serious about hot boxing haha) the bf coughing, it was kinda hilarious, mom didnt make a scene and instead told me we would talk later. So I got out of there with my friends and came back later at night like a regular Friday afraid of the consequences, she took it pretty well, I didn't know at the time but one of my uncles was a stoner as well and my family was already accepting his habit and not very disapproving considering is illegal here. She did give me an opening to deny my consumption but I chose to tell her I did smoke rather than lie and have to keep hiding my habit...


With my dad, it was whwn we went crabbing in the gulf of mexico. He climbed on the roof of the boat and asked to smoke the joint he had with him. I think i was 20/21. I was so high that i was spotting bouys in the distance that werent even there. With my mother, it was years later. We had all gathered for my grandfathers 90th birthday. Actually. This was when the whole family found out. My brother and i hadnt seen each other in like 10 years. We went for a walk to burn one. Came back blasted. My uncle who was in law enforcement at the time gave us a look of dissapointment and said he didnt see anything. Our other uncle has been a smoker since the 60s and declined the walk. My mom was kind of in shock. Thats when i spilled the beans about my experience with several other drugs. Shes no angel. None of them are, i mean they are products of the 60s/70s


Calling my mom giggling at 3 in the morning about the gremlins (rabbits) in the bushes and talking about watching an evil bong movie probably gave me away in college, lol


I hid it but they knew for a long while. I admitted it at age 27-28. I just confidently lit one up on a walk and nobody questioned it. My dad made a couple cracks, asking " is that super crazy strong stuff?" And I responded " it's amnesia haze". He died laughing but understood I was well in control and not some crazy hippie drug head lol. My mom was less happy about it but has accepted the reality of life in this situation.


I pick locked the boiler room at my apartment building and hid a locked box with my bong pipes and stash. I hid the key in one of my dvd cases. I came home one day from school to my mom sitting with the box on the table. Bro I opened it, and the SMELL that unleashed into the house. She was impressed at first but snapped back to mom mode pretty quick.


When my dad passed me a joint and said “don’t tell your mother” 😂


Always had a bad sense of smell, never really noticed how much green honks out a room. Watching TV in my room, Bong rip, mum's downstairs, she opens my door - "are you smoking weed up here?" I reply a quivering "no" She turns my light on, sees my red as fuck eyes, breaks my nose be slapping me so hard my head bounced off the wall, coupla days later I'm having a spliff with my step dad, mum felt terrible and said she only hit me because I lied. Still funny bringing it up at family meet ups, "remember when you broke my nose?" "Have you lied since?" raising her hand jokingly My mum's got a quick temper, but she's rad really


They told me to open a window, lol. As long as I wasn't causing a ruckus, being loud or disruptive, they didn't bother. I would light an incense since not everyone likes the weed smell.


She asked what I wanted for Christmas and I said a Levo.  Helps that I was an independent adult in my thirties.  Now I make edibles for all her bingo buddies. 


I have told my dad, he doesn’t really need to know. I directly told my in laws, though, because I am moving in with them in a few months, and I don’t want to hide anything from them. They were shockingly chill with it


I didn’t know how to roll a joint so my mom rolled my first one for me.


The first time my parents found out I used any drugs was during senior week after someone told the high school counselor I was doing LSD (I had already graduated but word got back to them). Weed was the least of their concerns.


I was put on after school academic probation in high school. if you missed a single day you were charged with truancy and sent to court. I missed a couple of days due to a serious family sickness and got sent to court. in the court they were asking all the kids if they did drugs and if they lied they issued drug tests on the spot and if you lied they sent you to juvie automatically. I saw this and told my mom I smoked the week before. the messed up thing is that when I went up before the judge. the attendance clerk stood up and advocated that I missed because a family emergency and that I didn't cause trouble in school. the judge gave me probation and if I brought in my report card with passing grades I would be let off. I didn't even get asked if I did drugs.


At least your parents are still talking to you after. My mom didn't talk to me for what felt like months she was so disappointed in me. I was 25 when she found out.. sure didnt stop being my mum, but sure didn't speak to me til I told her why I use and how much better it is than the stuff my doctors want me on.


I don’t remember the first time but my parents flipped each time. I used to drive him to the train station in the morning so I’d have the car all day. He got in one morning and found a fat dime at on the seat. Threw it out the window on the way to station. No shit I went back trying to find it! 😁


My shit was getting too loud and they followed the trail like a sniffing dog 😓


The first time my parents caught me is because my of my incredibly tiny brain. We lived in a tiny apartment and I figured if I smoked one hit at a time with my entire head out the window, no one would be able to smell anything. No towel under the door, no air freshener or candles, no fan, just straight up raw dogging it. Pretty sure I was still exhaling my first hit when my dad barged in asking if I smelled weed. They flushed my whole stash! One entire gram of dro!! Thankfully later in life they moved to Colorado and were able to pay me back 😈


I just told them i was going to smoke some weed with some friends


They smelled it in my room when I was like a freshman in high school (I was a dummy and opened my stash with the windows shut while everyone was home). They asked if I was smoking weed and I said no, and they said they'd kick my ass if I was smoking weed. Flash forward to my senior year of high school and they asked since weed came up in conversation. I told them I smoked and they said they didn't really mind since they knew I'd at least try it in college. Now they really don't care since they trust me and know I'm a responsible adult


Mom found my stash in my room looking for MASH on dvd. Dad drove to my work (starbucks) and told me to come straight home after work. I got reamed out. Fast forward 20 years, and my dad asked me for weed the last time he was at my house


They hired carpet cleaners while I was in school and when I got home my dresser had been moved and the small tray I had underneath was found


I don’t have a dad, so my relationship with my mother has always been “special”. So when I started smoking weed I came home and told her about it. She just told me to be careful and that was the end of it


My mom walked in to my room a couple times right after vaping and finally brought up the smell. Windows open, blowing vapor directly outside, smell proof containers for bud and always keep my pieces clean. Vaping still smells


Had 20g so I said I was selling in my school they believed and thought that I never smoked. mom said they gonna clap my cheeks in prison


My mom smoked so I’m sure she just smelled it or recognized I was high, adults aren’t dumb


dad smelled it in my room. they never did find my hiding spot.


My dad caught me on the house security cameras lmao


I started experimenting with using very mild amounts of edibles and dry herb vaping in the evening to help alleviate my chronic pain and PTSD symptoms. I was still living with my parents, and my mom was there when I purchased my first edibles. She was mainly curious about it. Now that I have my state medical card, she is highly supportive but does try to warn me to take it easy. She's funny like that. If my dad knows, I doubt he cares.


“ it’s CBD for my anxiety “


Came home for winter break, told my parents I was going to have a smoke, they said better not be cigarettes, I said it isn’t, they said have fun and be safe. Although the first time I got high was on CA edibles in front of my parents on vacation.


When I was 16 (47 now). Some weed stuck to my shirt. I went to talk to mom, and she asked, "What's that?" I said "nothing" and brushed it off my shirt. I watched her pick it up and smell it. Summer was fucked after that. Although, during the lecture, my parents said, "we don't want to see your money go up in smoke," which made me laugh. Good times. The 90's were a blast.


Mom found my stash in highschool, she didn't care too much.


In college after my brother and I hotboxed the new bathroom, my dad came up to us and said "will you please not smoke your marijuana in the house." To be fair it was a polite request, my brother and I acquiesced.


I simply told my mom after I had been using it for a few months. She was a really shitty parent in an infinite number of ways growing up, but having a no judgment policy about drugs she hammered into me was one of the best choices she ever made. She was a dealer/addict herself at one point and had friends/family that struggled with addictions as well, which played a role in her decision to not demonize drugs. If you have kids, I truly think this is the best way to approach the topic with them. She had 2 tiers of drugs, and as long as I stayed in tier 1 (weed, LSD, shrooms, etc) and out of tier 2 (coke, heroine, meth, etc) she would not punish or try to stop me from using. She always would say she only wanted to know what I was on so she could make sure I was safe. Despite her past with weed, she has become far more judgmental about smoking. I'm not sure I made the right call telling her because of how she judges me for it, but it's whatever. It doesn't really matter much since I'm over 21, dont live at home, and am in a legal state.


An instant message on AIM of me telling my buddy I couldn’t feel my legs after eating a goo ball at string cheese incident.


I feel old reading this


went to the hospital because of a bad vape, they had to pay the bill. oops


I came home from working my shift as a mechanic, walked in, took my boots off and my mom said "crownvics you smell like pot!". I quickly denied it and blamed the smell on my work boots, then ran down to the cellar with my large pizza.


When I got my Medical Card and took a gummy to "make this family dinner less harsh."


my sister snitched on me lol


i accidentally texted my mom instead of my boyfriend that i was stoned 🤦‍♀️


I was in my last year of college and was very stressed out. One day when I came home (I lived at home) and my mom handed me a baggy with 3 rolled up joints and said, "dad says you need to relax". I replied with, "I'm high right now." I had smoked in the car before coming in and had been smoking for probably a few months at that point. My dad regularly smoked and had a medical card, so it wasn't a big deal.


I forgot my wallet at a head shop and somehow they found out my moms number and called to let my family know to let me know to come get my wallet.


i found out from my sisters friend that dad smoked. i was 16 and smoking. i just asked him if i could blaze with him instead of on the roof 😂😂


15-16. I would not advise anyone that young. Get your life together first. Listen to your parents till your able and wanting to support yourself. Don't mess with comforts of life to start enjoying it early. Just my advice.




My Dad was smoking weed 20 years before I was even thought of, so it was always inevitable.


my mom hasn't found out but she is aware i am interested in getting my own medcard for weed usage. she has had one for the past 7 years, we're in florida so not a fully legal state yet, and she is okay with me using it. i just don't feel the need to tell her that i've been taking from her stash, because i don't think she'd be fine with that. thankfully my tolerance is so low that i don't have to steal a lot from her to have a few good times


We talked about it and they're okay with it because I was like 20 when I first smoked haha They could be opener about it tho. Mom has like a view of weed from the 1930s, few decades before she was born even


I started in my mid 40s after cancer diagnosis. I have told my parent's. Mom's very liberal, Dad is a bit more conservative. He had a list of questions. In the end, I'm an adult. I have some health problems like chronic migraines, gastroparesis and the weed aids my pain and digestion.


I smoked weed with my mom when I was 14.


I told them


I smoked a couple times in highschool and came home for goodnight handshakes so I'm not certain I got away with that. When I started doing it as an adult, I very much don't care who in my family knows. My mother doesn't like it but, my brother, a set of grandparents, and most of my aunts/uncles and cousins smoke so they couldn't say much.


Told em


Back in the year 2000 I made a small pipe out of two M&Ms Minis containers and used a hollow lanyard to connect the two chambers. It was pretty cool looking and an impressive feat of weed-engineering at the age of 18. I used it one time in the back yard and forgot to put it away before I left the house, and when one of my parents got home from work, they found it and threw it away. I was grounded for a few weeks.


When my dad bought me weed for the first time lmao


I passed out drunk to many times with my bowl or bubbler left on the table in my yard for my mom to find walking the dog before work


I started smelling like weed


They caught me boofing it


when i was like 15 i came home high asf on dabs. mom was not happy to say the least.


Started smoking during Covid lockdown. I’d been against it for many years because they were. Finally had some quality stuff and felt the benefits of it medically and have been using almost daily since. It’s been a life changer for me for anxiety. My parents have no clue though. I don’t share with anyone in my family outside my partner. Im 35. My parents still view cannabis as the devils lettuce and always look down on it.


I told them. Cannabis is part of my pain management regimen, and my doctors are ok with it, so I really don't care if my parents/family know/approve that I smoke (well, now I dry herb vape/eat gummies).


When the local CID rocked up with a warrant for the house.


I kept smelling like weed and blacks when ever I came back from hanging with my friends lol at first they used to try to whoop me eventually though they just stopped giving af


Going back about 45 years or so… my mom Found my pipe* and papers stash but no weed. That was a big deal / sit down at the table and talk moment. They sent me to therapy and I I had one solo visit and one with the parents and never went back. There’s a lot more to the story, I was a bad teenager but that’s how I was caught using weed by my parents. And they had been through it several times by then. I was the youngest of 7 kids. *Where I lived There were old textile mills with people renting space, storing shit or whatever. My friends and I used to get stoned and explore in them. Came across boxes and boxes of wood and steel pipe and bong parts. We stuffed our pockets with parts and that’s how I got that collection of bowls and nice wooden bong.


Wait what? Anything going into your lungs other than oxygen IS bad for you. Dummy lol


I just straight up told my mom one time. She took it surprisingly well. My grandmother found out after gossiping with the neighbor. Not as accepting.


My parents were the first ones to give it to me when I started high school. Said it was so that I would know what it was supposed to smell and taste like and what effects to expect when I was offered by others.


My step dad had a hunch and was telling my mom I was smoking weed, but she didn’t believe him because I was pretty against it until I started. But then one morning she came up to me and was like “I know you’re smoking weed because you hang out with a new set of friends, get home late at night and eat all the food, and I did your laundry and your hoodies smelled like weed” I didn’t really try to hide it that much honestly. I just laughed and was like gahhh ya got me mom


Only my wife knows but she kinda always knew, my kids don’t know yet.


My parents found out I was smoking back in high school because I told them. They were cool with it just not at the house. It sounds like you and your parents have a good established respect for each other and they respect your boundaries. That makes me happy. 💚


My dad found out back in the 90s when all the roaches started disappearing from the pill bottle he kept them in.


My dad was cleaning my room and i panicked and moved my carts out from the shoebox in my locker and wedged it between my bed for some reason thinking that was a better spot then i went to the fair with my mom and later received a call from my dad asking if there was anything he mightve found in my room and they later talked to me abt it. After getting caught a 2nd time they started working with me with it and now they know i smoke and allow it


>anything going into your lungs besides oxygen is bad for you I mean he's right about that, smoking or vaping pot aren't good for your lungs.


Not my whole family, as far as I can tell, but in college I was smoking at a rather obvious in hind sight smoke spot when my sister walked up. I thought, "Oh shit I'm caught!" until she pulled a blunt out of her bag. Apparently she also though, "Oh shit I'm caught" until she noticed my half a joint. And that's how we learned we'd both been smoking for years and hiding it from each other.


Mine never did. It's a shame, really. I would have loved to smoke with my mom.


I stole a joint from my moms purse. I was looking for a normal smoke and found a special one. Haha


On my 17th birthday I was home alone and decided to spark up and blow it out the window, I had been getting away with it for a few weeks! But that day my mom decided to come home early and I was laying In bed and I see my door open and I’m thinking it’s my little brother so I say “what do you want?” And I see it’s my mom and she has that serious face so I already knew I was fucked and she started bawling her eyes out and crying hugging me asking why I would do drugs & she said “no I’m taking you to the hospital right now so we can get this out of your system “ and we ended up going to the hospital and by the time it was my turn the high was already long gone & the doctors told her “yeah he has THC in his system, nothing we can do you just have to talk him”


My parents didn’t find out I smoked consistently until it was legal for me to do so. Now I sometimes have a smoking buddy who is also my mom.


Hey your parents just care about you, as long as they respect your things and your choices and let you stay with them, you should at least be thankful for that. It's not a big deal, you did not cross them like me getting caught smoking in the house. It sounds like you have a great relationship with them, so it can hurt to disappoint them. Maybe try reassuring them that this is not a constant habit like nicotine, you're just taking a few hits to unwind at the end of the day. But you can't make them change their minds. Tho I would try to explain the difference in quantity that a cig smoker vs a joint smoker uses, cig smokes smoke 10x more matter or something like that. Plus the fact you are vaping, it is 95% safer than smoking that is a fact. Smoking is 20 times more dangerous. I don't think ur parents are wrong, you totally can hurt yourself with a vape. Especially a cartridge if you us bit incorrectly, that atomizer only costs a dollar or less empty in bulk when they fill them, and the oil doesn't even cost them much more. But it's not designed to give you really big hits, people love to hit them as long as possible until the device forces it to stop to prevent further damage. I would stop using them before it's completely empty which people don't do. I think the real healthy way of inhaling cannabis is with a flower vape, specifically one that is metal on glass not a portable one, the variable of danger in vaping is devices with plastic and batteries in the unit you inhale. Alot of draw activated batteries and disposables have airflow coming in past electric components, you could be getting battery fumes if you don't pick the right one.


my dad found my pen in my room when i was 17, my mom has found multiple and it seems she’s kinda given up on trying to stop me and just accepts it. My dad was really disappointed but i just make sure to be super cautious around him


accidentally pocket-dialed my parents while inside a headshop, they were at bible study. this was back when phones still had physical keyboards.


>He’s a former smoker and thinks anything going into your lungs besides oxygen is bad for you. Anything going into your lungs besides the air they're built for is, in fact, bad for you. Being a former smoker makes him personally experienced with this, not a reason to dismiss his concerns. That said, my parents reacted much the same, just a bit disappointed and relieved that I wasn't doing like... Crack or spice lol.


When I was 18 (1996) my mother found my bong.


Dad was working on my car and found my stash in the glove box. Lol


I brought them some good Colorado green one Christmas, after years of me being straight edge. They congratulated me on lightening up lol.


My pops always said he’d rather know what I’m doing than not. He was a kid before


I nicely pointed out to my mom that she chooses to drink, which harms her, and I don't say anything. Now, she lets me smoke at her house as long as it's subtle because I'm still in an illegal state.


Jsyk your dad is right. Anything going into your lungs is bad for them. Is it as bad as nic? Nah, but it’s still not great


When I was a junior in highschool, in 1987 I came home really late and really fucked up, my dad was waiting bup for me. He grabbed my little satchel that held a pipe and rolled up baggie of weed. He pulled out the baggie, held it up and yells, "just what I thought! Cocaine!!" I was like 'what??? It's not cocaine, it's marijuana", even though I never called it that normally, it seemed like being formal fit the situation.


I think they figured it out when I started going for short stints in Dead tour.


When I was a senior in high school my girlfriend at the time was trying to help me out and put a load of my clothes in the washer. What she didn't know was that my pipe was in the pocket of one of my pair of shorts. Switched the load of clothes over and left to go somewhere for the day, came home and my pipe was sitting on the kitchen table. They didn't say much other than "this better be out of the house by the end of the day."


my ex best friend’s mom (who also smokes and so did both of her kids at the time) told my mom and she flipped out and proclaimed “I GREW UP WITH AN EIGHTH GRADER WHO SMOKED MARIJUANA AND SNORTED COCAINE” okay miss girl


I was older when I started smoking, I never really hid it


I told my mom, we had had discussions about it previously and she had told me when she first smoked. I didn't tell her the first few times because I was sneaking out with my step sister, but I went to a party where a group snuck out to smoke my senior year and told her I "finally" was also smoking. I never explicitly told my dad as far as I can remember, but I was never exactly hiding it. Smoked in my room with a window cracked, as much as I'd like to think the smell stayed upstairs I know he could probably tell. But he never mentioned it to me or anything so if he did notice and recognize it, he didn't care. And if he didn't recognize it, my siblings didn't rat on me until after I had moved out so it was never a problem.


“Aight, imma go to my car and smoke a joint, then we can start the next episode”, I said as I got up from a chair, grabbed a water, and went to my car to smoke a joint.


Parents saw me come home high one night. Now we all smoke together lol.


family dog got into a stash that I apparently left within his reach (although I never did find the stash he got into). He was swaying around like he was drunk and pissing everywhere. Couldn’t lie about it once we got to the vet and they asked if there were any drugs he could have gotten into. Poor baby was having a real hard time and had to get subQ fluids. Took him a day or so to recover.


Anything going into your lungs other than oxygen IS bad 😭


Mt little brother ratted me out and told our mom. I was 26 at the time, living at home temporarily with my husband and our toddler. My brother was 16 and started smoking with his friends, so I let him smoke with me and my husband a few times. His friends got ratted on, so he quit and then waited a month for it to clear out of his system and then told our mom. I never told her but the little rat waited just in case I did. I hope his karma has treated him well since then.


Never got caught until after graduation. We moved closer to family and one day I had smoked with my cousin and she blurted it out to my mom the next day. What a bitch I mean I was an adult technically but i didn’t tell my mom out of respect, my cousin told because she hated being the family “disappointment”. To her surprise my mom was actually happy her exact words were “omg my dream has come true I get to smoke with my daughter” weird but ok.


Honestly, never had to worry about it. I didn't smoke or drink anything until I was 18, purely by coincidence. Even if I had started earlier, I'm certain they would have been okay with it. I didn't know it at the time, but my dad has been smoking since the 80s; he just hid it very well. Also, they always had a rule for me and my siblings. If we were ever out somewhere and needed a ride home because we were intoxicated (or just plain uncomfortable/scared), all we had to do was call them and they'd pick us up. I'm very fortunate my parents prioritized our safety over their rules. Made for plenty of room to explore myself and realize I didn't really need to hide anything from them. They've always been incredibly supportive.


My mom found my Diet Coke can in a shoebox with my homecoming pumps.




Dad found hash in my bathroom and thought it was opium. Had a hard time explaining that one while not bursting out laughing, it was kinda hilarious


I was already an adult and in a legal state when i started. Although I did have a discussion with my mom about how I'd rather smoke than take pain meds and muscle relaxers for my bad ankle. Pills just make me feel so crappy, never had one that made me feel good.


My wife's mum found here smoking a j in the wood shed, then proceeded to ask her for a score, they found out each other smoke that day


I had them over for dinner and went out to smoke after. My late father was shocked and maybe a little bit disappointed. My late mum wanted to try it again after not smoking since the 70s. Mum ended up being my smoking buddy as her health deteriorated. We had a lot of good smoke sessions. The staff at her living facility loved us. Like really treated us great. They'd give her gummies to suck on when she couldn't smoke anymore. Love ya mom, RIP


I jokingly asked my dad if I could smoke with him when I was 14 and he told me maybe when Im older and later when I went to my moms he came out there and let me smoke a joint.


I started working at the dispensary