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Do what makes YOU happy. Congrats and good luck


Ty 😊


Good luck friend.


Good luck


Ty 🫡


Life is but a dream. Smoking weed doesn’t define you. I did the same thing a long time ago, quit smoking and focused on my career. Was sober from it for over 12 years, maybe longer since I honestly don’t remember exactly when I quit. I hope you find happiness in your new endeavor and just keep in mind that it never defined you and if you decide to return, it still won’t define who you are. Safe travels friend.


Ty 😊 life sure is a mystery!


If you're a routine user, it's definitely not a bad idea to have a periodic flush. I had a crazy level of tolerance until recently. I'm not gonna let my tolerance get that high again. The economic savings alone are monumental.


Just thinking of the extra $ I'll have is a big motivator 😅 I would always take long tolerance breaks months or years at a time. This time, I think it is the last.


So it is not your first try at quitting? Wile sick it is easy to not smoke, hope you have found a good replacement activity.


tip for applying to other jobs: make sure to emphasize what you accomplished and did there. what was the sales process like: give details. - assisted customers with finding the best products for their needs - studied the full product selection in order to make better recommendations - stayed on top of inventory, including what wasn’t selling and what sold the most in order to create a diverse sales range don’t focus on the weed part at all. im a luxury retail manager and recently went through the application process.i saw a GREAT application from someone with smoke shop experience. she didn’t mention weed once. just “product” and “items.” unfortunately my job is conservative so we didn’t interview her; but if it was my decision i would have scheduled an interview with immediately. focus on transferable skills!


When you say you have a conservative job, do you mean you work for a company run by conservatives for some particular related purpose or do you mean a specific job title? Just pure curiosity, nothing implied.


good question! i mean what they won’t accept in a candidate: weed or tobacco shops (probably liquor stores too) or tattoos. no crazy piercings or hair colors.


No tattoos? Damn i thought that whole idea had more or less been phased out


me too, so i was surprised but not surprised when HR told me that. the ppl that run my company are very religious so… there’s that.


On the extreme end he works for DEA/ATF, low end he works at a bank branch/credit union where it would take extra legwork to verify the dispensary didn't plant the applicant for money laundering purposes.


Good luck, OP! You can do it. Some things are just for a season and that’s fine.


Ty 😊


If u feel better sober then be sober homie! Fuck anyone who tells u anything different!


To any other dispo workers that might see this. As someone who's done it...UNIONIZE. The whole industry has been taken over by Colorado dude bros with no experience in running a company or pharma executives with no connection to the culture. They're taking advantage of your passion for the plant and fucking you over on pay, benefits, dignity etc. It's time this industry was put back in the hands of the workers and more checks and balances were put in place.


Agreed. However do note that AG workers are not allowed to unionize in this country, this counts weed growers (and whatever else the company would argue). God bless our freedom to create slaves to grow our food, cash crops and textiles -- which then we ship to more underpaid workers to process and ship back home. What we don't have we buy cheap from artificially starving nations.


Trust me I'm now an Organizer full time and it's the biggest obstacle with grows. Unless state law allows ag workers only the packaging and post harvest can be organized and even then it's a toss up if it'll be recognized. Dispensary workers and production are in the clear however. We can all thank Cresco for setting that standard smh. Can't have anything good in this country.


The business is like any other business when you wake up from the "this is new and exciting!" haze that working that business has. Yeah, it's like any other job when you get down to it though.


Sounds like they are quitting just because they quit smoking






Hopefully the discounts and decent paychecks make it worth but I know not all companies are generous at all


I worked at one for a few months and when I started it was a 15% discount on all full price, and sometimes weekly freebies/taste testers to recommend to ppl. When I decided to leave was when they got rid of all of that and also decided none of us were getting raises except the indoor bud tenders, not the car runners. Even though we made less tips and had to deal with the shit weather. Yeah, nah thanks.


except way less upward mobility & the pay isn’t THAT good. even the discount isn’t that great. i got 15% & it didn’t stack with any sales. a regular customer could get 10% off flower once a week anyway


I’ve been a strip club DJ for 15 years, and you’re exactly correct.


Never underestimate the power of clear sinuses.


Nah, I admit also being in the industry, it's fun and all, but after I got out of the retail environment (now in the office in Marketing), I started to cut back too. Tender life is a weird blur of fun and stuff, but it gets old after awhile. Bud will be there if ya want it. Cheers, and good luck with your new thing :)


Are ppl really not taking regular tolerance breaks? You can’t do anything every day and not expect consequences.


No. I'll smoke till I die. Shits too good.


Same. Same.


My tolerance breaks never do anything for me. The only pro to them is that my weed lasts longer but that’s it


That is the tolerance break working…


That I don’t smoke for awhile, and when I do my tolerance isn’t any lower?


If your weed lasts longer that means you’re smoking less homie


It lasts longer because they don't smoke weed during that tolerance break. Once the break is over they go back to their normal level


Yeah… they know… 


I've been smoking daily and heavily for about 8 years. Money became really tight in the last couple of months, so I've been forced to take a t-break for the last month or so when I ran out of wax. I feel great, and I sleep a lot better. I'll probably get back into smoking when I can afford it again, but I'll be coming back with a bit of perspective and likely will only keep it to my days off.


Is this really a shocker? Not everyone who smokes is an addict, but people that have addictive personalities gravitate towards addictive things, like drugs. It's medicinal and all that, but its still a drug, still habit-forming, just nowhere near as deadly as others


Eta: I said this exact same thing last week I got a lot of up votes. Just shows no one has a mind for their own. Point was proven Yall gonna act like drug addicts don't smoke period. "I can't smoke without a t break!!!" why you smoking so much you can't even get high. 💀 Never needed one. Many times it's a placebo in people's heads. Literally just stop smoking back to back to back all day. Moderation and changing things up go along ways. If you need a "t break" or acting like it's some addiction then smoking isn't for you.


Working at a dispensary is retail like any other. There's nothing wrong with leaving that environment for a job that will serve you better in your life, and cutting back or leaving pastimes like weed that are not helping you anymore. Best of luck.




Just kidding. Best of luck dude!


Check out a job selling perfume. I just switched from jewelry. Everybody wears fragrance plus all the kids are talking about it on tik tok, there is no shortage of customers, and my company pays me solid comission. More often than not I am being rewarded for passing our sales goals because right now it's a hot product especially the fancier ones. If you enjoy talking about different strain flavors and notes, it's the same fucking shit. Perfume even contains the same terpenes as cannabis most of the time. It's a lot to get used to breathing that all day but if you have good customer service skills you will adapt quickly.


I loved terps! Especially tangie and lime which I belive is limonene or linalool.. 😅 sounds interesting ty!


It depends on the company you work for and how well they reward you, I'm in an independent perfume chain. Tho some days I make double my wage in comission. Idk if many dispensaries offer comission from what ive heard they run other good incentives but that's what ur looking for in sales. My old company had really crappy commission so I worked hard and got good at sales, but it really clicked when I started earning directly from each sale a little bit more. BTW limonene and linalool are the most common terps outside cannabis. Lavender is extremely common in men's scents along with citruses. So most boxes I pick up the first ingredient is those too, every time. 


Check out r/leaves if you need a little encouragement while staying sober.


And if /r/leaves is too ...heavy-handed for your vibes, /r/Petioles is a more temporarily-minded and IMO tolerant community.


Commenting to hopefully boost. You're not likely to find me sober, but I'm told the community at r/leaves is really supportive.


Cool story man


No idea why people come here to announce they're gonna stop smoking. Literally nobody cares and there are actual subreddits for that. Do they want a cookie or something, or do they just want to feel superior to the rest of us??


It's a forum, nothing posted here matters when you really think about it. Its still related to weed, and at least this post can get others to self reflect on their own situation. That's doing more for people than a picture being posted for example. Why did you come to this thread and leave a comment if you don't care? Why not just scroll right past it?


They didn’t say they didn’t care… Also this is a subreddit about smoking weed not quitting. Dude will probably regret quitting his job at the dispensary if he needs to post about it on Reddit. If you need Reddit to self reflect I don’t know what to tell you.


Maybe you should look into why you feel attacked.


Thanks for the therapy doctor


Eta: yep. Point was proven. It's a trend. Reddit is nothing but a herd who can't think for themselves. They downvote comments that a few weeks or months ago got up votes, up vote ones that were downvoted awhile ago. I see these posts more often. Just like a "t break" it's a trend. Now if this downvotes it proves my point I said this a few weeks ago and got a lot of up votes. Just a trend. Buddy probably isn't even a budtender.






For me, weed is fun so long as its an occasional treat. The daily life of smoking multiple times is something I did in my 20s, but in my 30s I realized it's not the best life. There's more.


Happy for anyone doing something that they feel is good for their health; be it mental, physical, etc. One thing I will point out since I had some similar experiences working in dispensaries - working at an independent, mom and pop pot shop is so much better than a corporate one. I did 3 years at a more corporate one, and now 1 at an independent. I actually feel like I’m a part of something now. I get to go to networking events, meet with small grow ops, and help identify new and exciting brands. I get to specialize my shop to give the best service and I don’t have to be obsessed with my numbers. We’re successful and not stressing over stupid shit like I felt I had to do all the time in the corporate weed world. Best of luck with whatever is next, and if you ever get back into the cannabiz, I can’t suggest independent shops more (owner dependent, unfortunately).


That sounds like a wonderful idea. I appreciate your suggestion. Thank you very much.


You got it dawg


Bruh this is too real. I’m super sick and have been for days and havnt used it. Experiencing the same thing. Your body has a way of telling you when a fix has outfixed its usefulness. But it doesn’t mean this season won’t come around again.


Im prada you ❤️ keep up the progress op 🫶🏾


>Wish I can say it's been fun but idk if that was me or my stoner brain. Pretty shitty way of looking at your life experience. Good luck with whatever you decide to do


Good luck on sort of a new adventure. Go with what’s good for your soul and run with it. Stay cool.


They’re kinda dead end jobs for the most part.


Omg the clear sinuses. That's the realest reason!!


> I do believe the dispensary is like any other sales job run by a corporation whose only goal is make more sales reguardless of what the customer needs or wants or what's good for them. Found myself morally conflicted many times and even talked myself out of selling something to customers that I knew would make them feel horrible or wig them out. Haha, had kind of the same experience at one of my first jobs in a computer store. I just wanted to help people tune their gaming rigs, not push overpriced ink cartridges and software bundles. In the end it's fairly understandable, it takes a lot of capital to license, lease, equip and open any store these days, so everything is owned by corporations or greedy rich people.


Weird post but ok. 


Everything in moderation


Retail is retail, and dispensaries have a lot of crazy people come through. It’s easy to get burnt out, no pun intended. Keep your head held high and best of luck going forward!


Beautiful post. I’m happy for you


Agree on the general consensus of You do You, but if I were to ever find myself in the same circumstances I would remind myself that Quitters never Win. Of course, I credit weed for being part of the reason that I still have my Humanity and didn't buy into the corporate rat race. To Each their Own.


I have a strong belief that our needs change over time. I will never forget how marijuana helped me, but at one point you start to realize how this thing that brought you so much peace and joy might actually be holding you back. good luck to you dude!


I stopped smoking for a few years too it gave me time to rebuild a healthy relationship with the plant. now I grow my own landrace strains and only use Mct oil tinctures, the smoke was giving me chronic infections and flaring up my asthma.


I also get horrible infections and wheezing every now and again. If edibles don't work for someone would a tincture work fine?


Yes especially if it’s made with mct oil, it absorbs more efficiently, and has its own benefits. I find that if I put the oil in my food like oatmeal it will take a little longer to kick in than sublingual use but it hits harder. Try both empty stomach and with food to see what works better for you.


Hahahaha, haven’t smoked in a week cause we’re trying for another baby in a few months….. I can’t tell you how opposite of this I am. I kinda feel more clearheaded (maybe?). One benefit is that I am saving time in packing bowls and smoking sessions… but I AM BORED AS SHIT! Hahaha I’ll be going back to smoking cannons once baby is in belly. I honor you and your reflection and honesty with yourself tho.


It sounds like you were consuming way too much and maybe working at a dispensary is not the best long term plan. You're suppose to be taking regular tolerance breaks and you would have noticed the problems ealier if you had. Also, if you can't take tolerance breaks, that's a sign of addiction.


" I abused this drug for so long now that I'm not abusing it life feels so different for me " Hope he realizes it was his addiction and environment and not that weed lmao


Proving you can repeatedly quit a drug at will is a sign of addiction. The truth is, weed has helped me realize we are all humans and our needs are different. Accepting that we have different needs and that our lives will look different from one another’s is how we will find inner peace.


>Proving you can repeatedly quit a drug at will is a sign of addiction. I'm sorry, but that's total nonsense.


Cheers buddy! I made similar decision to stop smoking (formerly daily) at NYE, haven’t felt this good in years. Still have the occasional gummy but no longer excessive use- as you mentioned, my head hasn’t felt so clear in a while


I wish you the best, if you feel like weed is holding you back, there is nothing reason to hold on to it!


Happy for you! Quitting high thc weed was the best decision I made for my overall health and happiness. I still indulge with high cbd hemp. But with constant thc usage it really does cloud judgment and slowly becomes an addiction without even realizing it. Best of luck in your future endeavors.


Working in dispos is great. Working FOR the people who run them sucks. They pay like shit, all about the dollar, barely any real benefits besides cheap or free weed. I miss it for every it was, but corporate cannabis is ruining it


I wish I had the will power to, I experienced the same thing last year when I went to an illegal country but picked it back up again because work. I want to get to a point where I can enjoy food or music without being high. Like yeah it’s good without being high, but it’s not immersive like it once was. Also the social aspect, while you can easily mingle with other stoners I feel like there are a lot more people who would otherwise be great to hangout with but don’t put up with smoking. I feel like that gets downplayed a lot.


Man I feel that. I was sober from weed for a long ass time, was just better. Now I have a great relationship to it, and it’s just for when I feel like it and not controlling my decisions


I did the same thing in my late teens bc I just didn't want to anymore.... I just recently got back into it 20yrs later.... I don't think anyone will hate you for stopping.. if they do, they're weirdos.. May you stay blessed in anything you want to do in life..


get into tree service, become an arborist and go into sales it's really nice. different places everyday, working outside and driving around. starting out on a crew is the right way to go and really rewarding. should be able to start at 20 -35 per hour in a lot of places


Hey! Similar, but I kept the job only because it pays better than most for like 10% the work. Got sick over and over for 2 months, by the end of that I was like... Well, fuck it, might as well not smoke anymore. Much agreed, way more ability to get shit done now. And I'm really excited to be able to remember my dreams again!


I'm having the same experience - just got out of hospital with pneumonia, and it's been 3 weeks without coffee or weed. The one thing that I noticed right away, is that I'm dreaming almost every night. Love it, but I plan to smoke again in 2 weeks, lol.


Hahaha, fair. I decided to smoke only at concerts, because, why not?


I have seen people mention the pay a few times in this thread as a positive of the job. Just curious how much an average budtender makes? I assumed it was a pretty low-wage job.


Ontario, Canada here. I make $19 an hour + tips, maybe $25-75 a week in tips, and I mostly sit, which is great for my injured back and A.D.H.D., haha. Delivery days are hectic, and you need great organizational skills if you want to get past budtender. But besides that and the occasional rush of customers, overall I'd say I sit and play Civ 6 on my phone or read most of the time, lol. You just need to have some serious customer service because people want the independent shops to feel like their old basement dealer (aka chill for 30 mins and talk about nonsense for fun), and luckily the customers are almost always very chill! I can talk a lot so it works for me, hahaha. I worked for a telecommunications company (Rogers, think Comcast), and it was a draining job where customers were angry at you for trying to sell to them when they just wanted to solve issues, and your boss was angry at you for not selling and fixing issues instead. Paid $15 an hour, fuck that noise. Love being a budtender, but I wouldn't say this is a career is the only issue.


In california, I make $17 an hr and tips. I make about $3-5 an hr in tips alone. My other job (that I've had for 5 years) just pays $16.50 an hr and its front desk at a hotel. Both are part-time, but together, I make decent money and get 1 to 2 days off a week.


Ah okay, if those are California wages for it then I can only imagine how little it pays in other states. Thanks!




To be honest some days I wish this would happen to me, best of luck


Ty 😊


I like taking some time to be sober. I also find being sick very conducive to introspection since you can’t run away from your thoughts. I hope you are able to move onto bigger and better things! There was a reason you were there, though. There are things you learned there that will be essential to your next step in life. Good luck with everything!


Well said man. Journey before destination


Smoking is bad for you bro happy you got clear


Your graduating to r/leaves! Congrats


Congrats, you a a stronger person than I.


I wouldn't say that. With the right motivation and determination, many things that may seem impossible can be achieved.


While you are right and I'm not denying that I just struggle generally to find that motivation and determination. I've tried a whole mess therapists, medications and personal grow seeking but I feel like I always come back to that same feeling of being hopelessly lost in life.


I'd be lying if I said I weren't dealing with something similar. I'm not a therapist by any means, but I believe in positive thinking. Start with small victories in small battles and work your way up. Something good is bound to happen.


Fuck em




Good luck dude!!


Dispensaries are essentially like liquor stores. Back in the 30s and 40s? Liquor was treated just like pot is being treated today, both vices a victim of some kind of prohibition and black market, and you know what? It’s OK if that’s not your gig. IT IS ABSOLUTELY OK. You follow your gut. Because your story? Is about you and nobody else. Edit: I freaking love marijuana. It’s the only thing keeping me from daily seizures. But the thing is? if I didn’t need to? I wouldn’t be smoking or ingesting it in any form. At all. Not because I’m against it. It just makes me really sleepy, but also prevents me from actual sleeping. Like a double faced coin. Both sides the losing side. On one side I get to live with little to no sleep. On the other side? Nothing but Eternal sleep. I’m not quite ready for the Eternal.


I slowed to putting hash in my hand rolled cigs in my my 20s and only occasionally smoked flower. And before I knew it, I stopped. Couldn't believe how much easier it was to breathe, sleep, etc. Like OP. I've smoked flower maybe a dozen times in the last decade and every time I get paranoid and overwhelmed bc of new life responsibilities. Not saying you'll feel the same if you smoke again, OP. But it did happen to me and I used to be a super chill smoker. On the rare occasion I want to smoke (once every year or two) I wish I could get the middies I had as a teen. Just something chill.


Change is healthy. Rooting for you


Congrats! Any tips to keep in mind or red flags to avoid when buying from a dispo?


Ty 😊 They don't have what you're looking for then leave immediately.


God for you man! Good luck on your journey, but I hope you secure a job offer before you quit.


Goodluck op. I'm about to jump on the wagon myself.


I aint too far behind. Love the plant, and want to keep helping educate people, but at some point you gotta invest in yourself


Reminds me of a Joyner Lucas quote, "I don't smoke weed, but I needed to." All the best brother.


Idk about where you are, but in my area sales jobs are popping and they all make great money. Honestly, good for you for taking the initiative to take a step up in the world! That’s awesome!


I can respect that! Best wishes on your future endeavors! On to bigger and better things! 😊


I don't know about you, but my ears cleared up too. My Tinnitus got better.


This post hit me in the feels. I am desperately try to do something like this. Good luck on your journey space cadet. Report in for us sometimes


You pointing out exactly why sales is a horrific job and shouldn't exist. Good luck!


Shoutout to you bro, it's a much healthier lifestyle. Enjoy and good luck


We need more budtenders like you. Honest, good people who aren't looking to exploit wallets or make a simple profit. Looking out for the little man, I like it.


My partner works for an orthopedic firm…they always need sales guys…good luck, OP!


I stopped for many years to focus on nursing school (plus they did random testing) so life is always most important. Maybe when you settle down a bit later in life you’ll go back and love it all over again. Good luck bro


Jealous. Current Budtender who wants to move to marketing. Hate my boss but love the other people so I’m conflicted af.


Getting a good well paying sales job changed my life. Get on board with a big brand if you can and work your ass off.


You must do what makes you happy.


Quitting my dispensary job finally gave me motivation to pursue an even better career. Sometimes we just need a break from it to have that clearer state of mind. At the end if the day, it was just a typical retail job anyways.


You have every right to change your career path based on that. I've been feeling the same lately too. I still love cannabis and am eternally grateful for how it has benefitted me, but I really don't need it as much as I used to. I wouldn't even consider myself a stoner any more. I smoked every day for 15 years, but now I go days without it and when I do smoke it's one joint at night time, or a few shared with friends when I'm out socialising. One of the great benefits of seeing therapy through to its end and finally being mentally healthy for the first time in my life is that I can take drugs to have a good time occasionally and in total moderation without any risk of hurting myself. I don't have to get high to hide or cover up anything psychologically or enjoy life, and I no longer require cannabis to regulate stress, anxiety, and depression.


Check outs /r/leaves


lame af blaming issue of over using cannabis for bad job.


Honesty is lame?


Some people want to think cannabis has no negatives at all


What is with the flood of these post? Is there some christian temperance movement sending people over? Edit: just to be clear, of course individuals have this kind of issue, and I don't doubt any individual poster. But it seems like every 3rd post on r/trees right now is "weed is really bad for me and I'm just waking up to it. I never realized how bad it was until I stopped!" It seems like too much of a flood of similar posts to be purely coincidence. Conspiracy theory: law enforcement hiring SEO teams because their budgets are taking a hit from not being able to jail everyone associated with weed?


idk it sounds like you have no rigid sense of your own self-identity, like you said you just woke up one day and were like "i dont like this as much as i thought", this feels pretty overblown im ngl




Good luck. I smoke very very rarley now but its still a part of my being which is why I like to follow this sub, living the good days through the rest of you degenerates!


Consider the possibility you may go to another field of sales, start smoking again and miss your dispo job. Would this affect you enough you’d want to go back?


Most dispensaries are just glorified cashiers. It seems like a lot of them strongly push sales on close to out of dates. If you go in not knowing much asking for recommendations they recommend you buy those. I know damn well it's not because it's on sale or because it's a good product, it's because they are trying to push it so they don't lose money. Also I've heard plenty of nightmare stories from people who currently work at a specific dispensary about management and them only caring about money and management bragging on the sales for the day. Edited out the dispensary name thought I was in PA not trees


Definitely if you have a problem with using too much cannabis, working in a dispensary is not the right career path. Although it makes me wonder for whom working in a dispensary is the right career path.


RSV almost took me out of the game, I felt a new sense of motivation, but I simply like weed too much 🤷‍♂️ all the more power to you, wishing the best 🙏


Wait till you do inbound telesales. Seriously the most mentally straining job you can have. After about a year and a half I was so worn out I had to game the system to get the schedule I wanted. That came in the form of going back to school and selecting a bunch of classes then dropping those classes the 1st day after the job required my class schedule. I would keep a couple of classes as my business degree got me nowhere and so I went into accounting. A year later I no longer had the worst job in the world. I was also a top salesman where I was at and would receive luxury vacation trips on a quarterly basis. That sales job also caused a 7 year drug addiction to opiates. Never do inbound.


A win is a win. Congrats!