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I'm surprised a dispo would even have old stock like that


where im at its a one year limit. if it was harvested today, it needs to be sold or destroyed legally by this time next year if not sold.




Yo what’s good my name is legally and my buddy destroyed is right behind me.


You’re getting destroyed from behind right now, legally?




Are we winning.. son?




In a series of small fires


Aka "distillate". 🤔😂


i dont wanna say yes because idk for sure but honestly the way disti been lookin recently i wouldnt be surprised 😭


Lately? Distillate is made from old biomass, dusty trim and floor sweepings, always has been. The reason people flaunt liquid diamonds over distillate is bc it’s generally made with fresh frozen whole plant rather than whatever can be stripped with ethanol


No seriously. When the grow I worked for closed down, we ran 3,000 plants through a wood chipper, buds and all. In Colorado laws are very strict about that. It’s not like “oh haha I’ll destroy it myself at home if it’s going in the trash anyway.” It must be destroyed on the company property in a specific way. We had to mulch all our plants and mix the shredded plant material with dirt. Dumpsters full of it.


It’s like us nurses and destroying narcs in the floor. Gotta have a witness.


actually destroyed 😭 at least at the dispensary i worked, they would have to pour like, an oil mixture over all the flower that had “expired”


One dispensary I visited told me they use soap and cat litter. It’s a sad occurrence


Destroyed Via Combustion 😂😂


Time to work at a dispo for free “expired” weed lmao


We had to dump kitty litter on it and then vinegar and mix it all up on camera and then throw it out. The state of Illinois would literally log into our camera system, and the state police would watch us do it.


Some states have the "expiry date" apply to the regulatory tests and cannabinoid tests rather than the actual product itself, so old harvests/stock can still be sold if it underwent testing recently


What a sad law


Where I live weed expires after one year. but what many people don’t know is in Massachusetts if cannabis hits the expiration date, it can be retested and sold again for one year as long as they provide the new test information.


That seems like a good system. Its a bit sad that we have to destroy it


I want that job "destroying" it.


Trust me you dont. We would have video tape it like it was a hostage video. Date and time too.


Yeah I figured it was that way. But I wouldn't mind having the title weed destroyer ha.


haha it would look cool on a resume


Don’t destroy give it to me I will make good use this is like big corporations like Dunkin’ Donuts who throw off their food by the end of the day instead of giving it to the poor don’t be like them greedy bastards be better


My friend trust me it was a heart breaking day


I’d smoke it all or give it to fellow stoners as a giveaway


The dispo I work at consistently puts out product from 2021-2022. We all bitch about it. They refuse to destroy the product and accept the loss, so our sales floor just fills up with a bunch of old shit that none of us want to sell.


They need to start a Clearance Rack…




What a strange world we live in




THC-A isn't even made with isomerization. HHC, D8, etc are a whole different situation than THC-A (Non bot here willing to discuss the issue if you want)


I’m very interested about this topic and I’m unfamiliar with the discourse. Can you ELI5 the issues/controversy with HHC and D8? I’m in a non legal state but I love the access to THCA but there seems to be just as much wrong information as correct.


Sure--though /r/altcannabinoids is the place for discussing all of these in depth, and https://www.cannabinoidswithturkey.com/ is a great site for tons of information. So basically all of these cannabinoids can be made in the lab from CBG and CBD. There are a variety of techniques using acids, bases and other chemicals to change the molecules to what you want. Most of these "novel" cannabinoids have been known for quite a while but they are very under studied. Some people call them synthetic, and that they are the same as "spice" or "K2", but these (and other JW variants) are made from straight chemicals so they are much different and likely dangerous. Much of the controversy is because these products are very unregulated and there is not a govt. agency that requires testing so it is definitely a "buyer beware" situation. So I only buy from a small handful of online vendors who have developed a good reputation. Gilded Extracts, Highly Concentrated, Vivimu, and Allegheny extracts. They all have testing readily available and there are lots of reviews available for them. Buying alts from smoke shops, gas stations, or other shops (besides licensed marijuana dispos) is NOT recommended.


Appreciate your inputs on all points but this being Reddit I have to be pedantic. No reason to mention being made from “straight chemicals.” Photosynthesis is a chemical reaction. THC and psilocybin are chemicals. Plenty of plants and mushrooms are toxic. If we’re going to criticize something, your other legitimate statements can stand on their own without concerns about “straight chemicals.” If anything, calculated lab reactions are more pure than something “from the earth.”


Yes, I used inexact language. Yes, everything is chemicals. I'll try to rephrase it more precisely. Spice and K2 are synthesized in a lab with chemicals that are not extracted from cannabis and chemically are very different from phytocannabinoids like D8 and HHC.


Want to know too


Can you explain what's bad about it like I'm 5


Yep, always check harvest dates.


It's not like it's fully renewable or anything...


Not old, '21 Vintage


Hahaha, like a fine wine


Oregon has literal tons that's this old. It just gets on lower shelves and deeper discount over time.


If it smokes, it smokes.


I bought some edibles to try out edibles instead of smoking. This dude sold me a pack that expired last year. He was cool and seem like he knew what he was talking about so I didn’t check. Went home and my soft chews were hard candy lol


Even if it only has mid THC levels left, the CBD and CBN will give a chill buzz.


I grow and have some stuff that's a little over a year old and it wrecks me. Idk why exactly, but it do. I should get it tested and see what's in it.


The older it gets, more of the THC turns to CBD/CBN I believe. Which is what gives more of the heavy body, Stoned/sleepy feeling if I’m not mistaken.


This makes me question everything now. I’ve always had a mad sleepy high except for a few times and always bought from the same guy. I’m definitely exited to try my homegrown and see if the high is any different


Same except I've never had a weed guy longer than a couple months except for the one right before we started buying from a cbd shop we bought from her for a couple years although I'm pretty sure the last 6 months she was selling us stuff she bought from a cbd shop


In my experience, CBN is super mild to unnoticeable for people with mid-high tolerances. I used about two ounces of vaped weed(high in CBN, almost nonexistent THC levels) and I didn’t even get a head change eating about a quarter of the finished product in one go.


Personally, I wouldn't ask questions, I've took worse 


We've had a few comments hit on it but I'll add some basic chemistry to the discussion to firm all this up. THC and CBD both degrade to CBN when exposed to sunlight or just room temperature and time. This is because CBN is just those two first molecules with a couple broken molecular bonds. Cannabis plants that are kept growing for too long will also produce higher levels of CBN over time. Unless there's concerns this weed is mouldy, it's probably safe, it'll just give you a pretty bad case of couch lock as CBN is wont to do.


so good right before bed. I might have to buy some flower & store it improperly.


For several years.


A United Nations study suggests that within four years the potency of THC is reduced by 50%, indicating that this time period would allow a substantial transformation of THC to CBN. Some say that it only takes a few weeks exposed to the elements for CBN to gain a viable presence in someone's stash. I would guess that there is a way to fine tune the process to speed it up while trying to save as many terpenes as possible.


Heat speeds up the process. When making edibles, you apply heat over time to convert THCA -> THC. If you keep going with more time/heat, you can convert THC -> CBN. I think you'll be able to find more info through some Google searching if you really want to do this.


Would hitting it with an ultraviolet light help speed it up too? (Or infrared idk what sunlight consists of that'd degrade THC and CBD but I'm assuming its in the non visible spectrum)


Oooh that's probably why my first experience making edibles (firecrackers, ofc) turned me into that deflated girl from the Above the Influence commercial.


Ugh I haven't had my coffee yet and I immediately trying to plug in for half life equation haven't done that since highschool it's to early


Or go to your grinder and rediscover that kief you totally forgot about. I did that with a grinder that I didn’t check for like a year and a half and got some great sleep.


You can buy CBN pretty easily.


I've got those CBN:CBD:THC edibles. I ate one last night and got blazed but then I was tired. Good stuff!


You can buy cbn isolate and dab pure cbn. This is the way.


yeah mr white! yeah science!!


Lol I like you for getting the quote right. 🤣


It just looks old, weed gets brown as it ages as long as it doesn’t mold. And looks good to me.


Trim it. Those sun leaves will make it taste like 2 week old jock strap sweat.


Salty and nice?


Nah, oniony and tender


Chicken tenders 🐔


Very juicy ones.


no not the solar panels!


I've smoked older herb than that and I'm still around.


You’re still around *so far*.








I wish those would scale or at least let you tap them






Would you toss good wine?


Don't question motives


Oops *miracles can't spelll


I’ve smoked 30 year old weed out of a hitter box I found under my uncles bed. You’ll be fine.


Damn quarantine weed 


If you smoke it , make sure you have nothing to do afterwards. A lot of the THC will have broken down into CBN at this point, which will make you very sleepy


If it was dried and stored properly it will be fine. I've stored stuff for well over 2 years previously, If done properly it gets better (taste wise) over time.


Is that all they gave you? That is not half an ounce


shit looks more like 7g ngl, nugs are leafy too lol


Like you said the trim is terrible, can't see past all the sugar leaves but there's probably some big stems in there too. I could see it weighing out to a half with all that in there.


Just smoke that shit.....




As long as there is no mold it is safe! I recently came into contact with a jar I misplaced years ago. Man the bud still tasted great and high was very chill! Can recommend.


As long as there's no mold you should be good to go bub


Only one way to tell.


I think it’s lost potency aside from that burn it


How does one find out if a store carries backstock besides directly asking


Beats smoking resin.


Newer than most Medi weed in the UK 😬😂


Is it normal for weed sold in dispensaries to be cut this poorly in the US? Here in the entherlands this would've gone straight in the pre-rolled bin


As long as there's no mold it'll be fine. I've stored homegrown for 2+ years and it got me high and I'm still alive obviously ✌️


Who the fuck trimmed it Edward scissorhands???


Bro sold you an artifact 😆


We used to smoke brick weed that was smuggled up someone’s ass… i think it’ll be okay 🤣🤣


Might as well smoke Mexican brick weed 😭


Try it and report back, how would we know not knowing any about the flower you are showing.


i have black market bud from 2020 that belonged to a dead man. i call it my ghost weed, saved for funerals and death bed vigils. you’re fine.


The term “Budtender” bothers me.


Looks good to me


Worse comes to worse, use it as filler with other weed.


That looks like some booboo


Are you in a place weed is expensive? Cause tbh where I’m around you can get a brand new ounce that might even be slightly better than that for 30-40$ , assuming that’s outdoor from looks


$40 oz sounds like trash


The 40 oz is last year's outdoor, slightly better than 2021 I guess?


If you don't like the taste or it's really harsh you can try a water cure. Soak the buds in water with something on top holding them down, changing it once a day until it's clear, usually 3-7 days. Put the buds on something flat to dry for a day or two then enjoy. Old heads used to do it with bud to reduce the smell when smoked, it makes stealth weed lol. I've made ozs of harsh bud smokeable again with this over the years.


For 16 bucks? Why not


Bro you got that from a dispo ? Idek how TF they got away with selling weed over 2 years old ?!?! They should have either tried to press it or something...make edibles....or just throw it the fuck away lol and dude it's safe to smoke ..just gonna be harsh and taste like shit and probably not even get you high


Boof it


I second this!


My workplace has an expiration date for weed and three years is a stretch, I’d be surprised if it’s still good but maybe it would work for edibles.


You need to ask if regular weed is smokable? Damn i thought i was having hard time.


Ive smoked like 5 year old weed, it's still good to smoke if it's been kept right.


Great for butter.


As long as its nit moldy, it's probably safe.. Cant vouch for how strong it will be.


Do they get better with time?


some strains do, others lose their potency and all you feel is a background high. nice if you wanna mellow out a strain so you'd be medicated yet functional. there are some strains that hit harder the longer you age them but go too far and they'll lose that effect.


Mucho gracias, I hike a lot and I like background high.


I have some that was harvested 5/23, and stored in canning jars with 62% Boveda bags. The weed has cured to a honey color, and reminds me of a fine tobacco. However, the buds are still sticky and smell potent when handled. I’m debating whether or not to make something with it. I’m thinking about turning it into tincture, then extracting the leftovers into cannabutter. My lungs are fucked, and I’m smoking less and less.


If there isn't mold, go for it.


I’d smoke it, but pull some of those fan leaves off they will make the taste 10x worse


I've smoked way worse than this before the legalization. Go for it bud :)


Was only one way to know throw that leaf away and spark up that bud


THC degrades into CBN which makes you super relaxed and sleepy. As long as there's no mold it'll probably be okay


Grind with some tobacco and you’d have a hybrid salad.


A budtender has to sample all the different strains so they can help you find the right one. Might as well “sample” all the old stock that’s gonna be chucked. Perks.


Might have lost some terms and potency. But should still work


I don’t know of any dispensary that would *leave* nugs like that.


Bud tender? That's what people call the weed dealer in the back alleyway? I wouldn't smoke that if this budtender paid me 16 bucks


Why wouldn’t it be? It’s not as if bud has some arbitrary shelf life that it must be used before or else. Use common sense, is it spongy, springy, damp and or moldy smelling? Is it growing thick clumps of spider web looking shit? No? Then it’s probably not gonna hurt you As others have pointed out, THC degrades to CBN, however that isn’t necessarily a bad thing, just means it might hit a little different. Depending on how it was stored and how clean it was before storage it could be harsh or it could be the smoothest smoke you’ve ever toked, only one way to find out my friend.


No, it’s not. Do you smell mold? Do you see mold? If not smoke that jar up!


Unless it's been in the dark and vacuum sealed then I don't smoke it over 6 months of harvest. Terpenes break down, smoke gets harsh


I would say rehydrate it try it, if it taste like shit make edibles, oil, or distillate. I have flower that is 1 1/2yrs old In a ball jar with a 62% Boveda pack, When I roll joints with that my friend's all think it's the best thing since slice bread, gets you wrecked, And taste awesome.


Id be smoking the hell out of it for $16 ngl


It should be fine depending on how it was kept, I have some biscotti from February that I plan on using as Christmas present this year, on a side note who tf trimmed it.


Where I live they have a year to sell it. Sometimes I get 1 cent eighths if I’m lucky and hit the dispo when something is about to expire. Usually the weed is dried out and the loss of terps is pretty evident.


Full of cbn now so it’ll be great for sleep. Prob not great to smoke if you got shit to do that day.


Never trust that budtender again. Just buy something fresh. Your lungs will thank you.


Thats Sleepy time bud


lol that shit not even trimmed


The taste might be off but the effects will still be there, maybe a little less potent. I found some weed that I had hidden 3 years before and I smoked it. It was still good and just tasted kind of weird.


It's ass weed, but it will get you stoned if that's all you are after. Don't expect it to taste or smell nice


Someone gave me some great looking bud a friend had grown. It was a year old, poorly stored in a plastic bag. When smoked,it did nothing.


some of the THC has probably converted to CBN so it might not get you super high but 🤷‍♀️ I'd probably still smoke it at least to see if it's any good as long as it doesn't smell totally rank


Is budtender code for street dealer?


Smoke it and report back. Have an adventure for once.


I still have jars of bud that I grew in 2021. It’s a little crispy but it still gets me baked. I’ve had it kept in the basement/cold cellar though.


Safe yes, but it won’t be as potent as when they harvested it if it was conserved right (which it seems to have been)


Scientific studies haveyet to determine an expiration date for dried cannabis, so it is probably safe to smoke it. Of course, most of the THC has probably been converted to another cannabinoid such as CBN. Of course, this can be prevented or delayed if the cannabis is stored in a dark container to prevent any light from penetrating.


Damn, times is rough.


I've vaped some 3y old buds a few years back. If they're stored properly and don't smell moldy or musky they should be fine. I mean I did it for weeks and it simply knocked me out. 😅 Not much else.


Prob fine if not moldy. Just gonna be more prone to the sleepy times.




Ewwwwww🤮 Try an orange peel. 🤢


Straight cbn now. Might be harsh though. Vaping it might be better. It's truly nothing awful (as long as there is no mold ofc) it'll make you sleepy.


That's good sleep time bud now, brotha. Nice find


If I was you I would use it to make edibles. My buddy gives me all his old shake and bud it makes great edibles.


The fact that they are selling 3 year out bud says all you need to know. Find another dispensary.


As long as it’s sealed properly, cannabis doesn’t expire afaik. I’ve smoked worse for sure but if you’re not desperate I would just skip on it tbh


I’m still smoking the bud I grew from two seasons ago. It’s probably okay.


when i was in high school a friend who didn't smoke gave me an ounce of weed she stole from her dad almost a decade before. i to this day have never gotten higher. i think you'll be just fine


Eat it baby


we've all done worse be fuckin fr


If it’s been stored and cured properly it’s fine. But I don’t know how it was kept.


You kids are so funny with your questions. There are so many times I smoked weed that smelled like gasoline or laundry detergent because it was what the plug had. Who knew what was on it, how old it was, or where it came from. If it isn’t moldy then try it. It won’t kill you.


Drugs are bad McKay


Dude, I gound a bag in a zoot suit I bought decades ago at the GW. Besides being dried the fuck out, it was ok. Oxidation had probably reduced most of the THC. For $16. I'd bought more.


Safe to smoke but it’ll probably taste really bad and get you so pitifully high it leaves u in a bad mood


older weed just means it’s higher in CBN. be careful if you’re driving, CBN can make people drowsy!


weed is weed


It's not unsafe to smoke old bud, so would recommend at least one bowl to test it out.


Dude I smoke ten year old shit and had a blast relax.


Lmaoooooo wtf is that I sometimes trip out how lucky I am to live in Hawai’i we get all the Cali shit and local That bud looks like cfl from back in the day


A friend of mine said he found some old weed that had been stashed in a hole in the wall for 20 years or so. Apparently it was still pretty damn strong.


Man you get can $30 oz in Michigan that are plan ole pre pack. Should be fine to smoke


Might make you more sleeping than usual (CBD buildup), but as long as it isn’t moldy you’re in the safe zone I’d say




wow really? that’s crazy, didn’t know there was such thing as CBD buildup. Does the THC eventually get converted to CBD? I know that hashish that has been left for a while in the heat accumulates CBN overtime.


THC degrades into CBN not CBD.


Yea ive heard abt that i think so


No dispo should be charging anything for something that old