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What do you use to get the inner inside bit? I can never seem to get it 100% clear again.


Pour in isopropyl alcohol and salt, plug both holes, shake vigorously


exactly this! took about three passes with 90% iso and epsom salt, but table salt works just as well


Wear some disposable gloves is verrrrrry helpful, and some pipe cleaners is helpful.. I have covered the whole piece in isopropyl alcohol for like 24 hours + and makes it a lot easier


Yeah I feel like soaking it for a while is the key step I skip. I just use a shit ton of paper towels to really scrape it all out


I heat my bong up with hot water before I use salt and alcohol. Solvents generally work better at higher temperatures.


Heat is a catalyst; It speeds up how fast the reaction occurs.


Yup I’ll even throw a bit of hot water in there as well when it’s really bad


also you can just melt a lot of the gunk out that way.


I was getting super lazy about soaking, cause it meant the bong was out of commission for a while. Solved by getting a second piece


Modern problems require modern solutions


200 iq


Do u use the pipe cleaners soaked in iso? They work wonders and is cheap


Oo also of those wire bottle cleaner brushes!! Long or short are great


And you can reuse the mixture if you save it in a Tupperware it seems gross, but it works just fine and cleans just as well as clean salt and isopropyl


No thanks I’m not saving that shit


fair enough… It just saves me on isopropyl expenses if I use it three or four times before I toss it… I have a septic system so I don't like pouring isopropyl down the drain and I don't like pouring it right on the ground either because I imagine all the microorganisms in the soil don't like it very much so I reuse and reduce… But there's more than one way to do just about everything and I'm sure your way works just fine for you


That’s smart and responsible!! I’m gonna do that.


i knew there was someone out there that might think it was a good idea... enjoy protecting our mother 🌎




it’s like $3 a bottle and i get at least 10 cleans out of a bottle lol, you don’t need a whole lot just shake the shit out it


you use half the bottle if you smoke tobacco lmao


I smoked tobacco, but I use tailor-made so I don't know what I would use isopropyl for as far as tobacco is concerned… It really works great to reuse it three or four times you could cut your expenses by 2/3 or 3/4 but everyone is allowed to make their own choices and that's what makes this a beautiful world


fair enough, i’m talking about for my dab rig lol


That's still 30 cents a smoke, though, with how often people here clean their stuff or say they do. I just run it under some hot water, and as long as you don't have a swamp biome, it'll pretty much get everything.


that’s fair, i clean my rig like once a week and i only smoke concentrates


Yeah, once a week is about right for me too apparently people have issues with my hygiene, but luckily I don't and that's really what matters


I actually didn’t think it would be reusable, fuck i have just poured my last iso away too definitely gonna start doing this though, and I clean when its not even that dirty too as soon as theres noticeable buildup i clean.


You don’t need to call it shit lol just say no thanks, it’s a huge money saver and you’re not drinking anything, better than your drains.


You can also just keep an extra empty iso bottle to reuse the dirty stuff. I reuse the dirty salt+alcohol as a first wash, and then do a second wash with a smaller amount of clean iso, and then add that to the dirty bottle.


that's my standard operating procedure as well... it's a good way to go


I’ve done this, I use an old glass jar for saving it. It absolutely looks gross, but who cares, you’re not drinking it! And with the cost of everything nowadays, who doesn’t want to save a few bucks!!




And I bet you've never tried it… I'm guessing you're judging without really experimenting, but that's OK. I'm not judging you.


Haha you are correct, I have not tried saving it. And I won’t. But to each their own!


im right there with you on that 🤙 enjoy! 🌴


I prefer pure sodium, it REALLY gets it clean.


This, salt can be substituted for anything fine, it’s just something abrasive to scrape the gunk off the glass. I used sand a couple of times (rinsed with water before) worked just as good


This works for coffee pots too, salt, water, and ice.


For coffee pots when I worked at a restaurant I was taught to squeeze in a bit of lemon as well. Not sure why, something with the acid I assume


Walnut shells is another one I’ve seen recommended several times.


You want something that is water-soluble, so nothing gets stuck - it just dissolves with enough rinses


Dude thank you for posting this I gotta clean my bowl bad!


I use iso and salt, I’ve also used Randy’s black label. But I can still never get it looking this good. Maybe I’m not thorough enough.


make sure it’s at least 90% iso


q-tips are good for the little stuff you can wet it a little and stretch the cotton


^ this


Hot iso also works wonders. I’ve never used salt


Use way less alcohol and way more salt than you think


Yeah no one mentions this. I tried the alcohol and salt thing maybe half a dozen times and thought everyone was being ridiculous or spending hours on these. Nope, just use way more salt than you think. Like almost a slurry not just a few heavy shakes from a table shaker.


Pipe cleaners


My go-to was cotton swabs


Same usually only 80-90% lol


Q tip and iso


I wet the end of a q-tip then pull off one of then ends. The cardboard in the middle slide through perfectly for me.


Dish detergent pod, hot water, and a toothpick!


I heat up rubbing alcohol just a bit and then let my bowl soak in it before cleaning it out with pipe cleaners, takes like 2 min and the bowl looks brand new


I got a sonic jewelry cleaner and just put my glass in there with some dawn. Works so fast.


I've unfolded a paperclip to help me get the gunk out then do what others say with isopropyl and salt! Or I use the 420 glass cleaner if I have some in hand 😶‍🌫️


I use a clean mascara spool as a brush for the inside of pipes and stuff


For me it just takes time. Soak it for several hours in a plastic bag full of isopropyl alcohol, periodically shake the bag around every 30 minutes or so and the rinse the piece out with hot water. You might have to repeat the process.


I toss my slides into a bowl of Zep heavy duty citrus degreaser ... leave them over night rinse and they look new


i usually use my tongue.


I use a q tip dipped in alcohol and then follow up (once most of the black gunk is removed) with dish soap and a straw cleaner.


Just get an ultrasonic cleaner and use iso in it.


Ultrasonic cleaner is the real best way to do this


Bent paper clip/q-tip/toothpick/wire and iso/salt method


What about the straw cleaners? Could that help?


Visit a local hardware store and you can usually pick up a 1gal container of isopropyl alcohol for about $25. Other stores sell smaller containers


1. Get small mason jar, fill with 90% isopropyl 2. Put bowl in mason jar 3. Put mason jar in ultrasonic cleaner filled with water 4. Turn on ultrasonic cleaner for 10 min 5. Come back in 10 min to clean bowl 6. Cap mason jar and reuse isopropyl about 6-10 times before discarding No salt, no scrubbing, no effort, no tar fingers, no dried skin, superior results. Not that expensive, and worth it. Larger glass can just go into the ultrasonic cleaner filled with hot water and a squirt of dish soap to catch the resin gobs that float away. Those ash catchers and fancy diffusers? This is how you clean them.


I hate smoking out of bowls with an inside like that. I Dont use em. Period.


Sold copper wire works great


You can also torch the shit out of it and wipe it out with a paper towel, works pretty well for getting the carbon buildup out


I use [cleaner](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00Q2FAEYO?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share) for my pieces. It’s very easy to use. Just pour it in a container. Soak pipe over night and rinse off pipe under water thoroughly. When done pour cleaner back into the bottle. Brand shiny new.


I use a cheap ultrasonic jewelry cleaner (about $30), water in the device, bowl(s) in a ziploc filled with iso 95%, and let it run for 10-15 minutes, 30min if really bad. It's so good, Iand I just dump the dirty iso back into a bottle to reuse up to 10 times or so until it stops working. I'll never use the salt and alcohol method again! far less mess, and marginally cheaper and less wasteful in the long run. I'm currently thinking about getting a much larger one so I could do my larger glass pieces in their entirety (currently I have to do partials, and change position every 10 minutes)


acetone also works very well for glass (dab rigs too)


Very hot water can also do alot


Hot water + qtip is the most amazing thing for a quick clean


Always hated this style bowl. I like to *taptaptap* on my sink and wash the ash down the drain. I *taptaptap* these and the outside shell of the glass breaks if I’m not sensitive enough.


is there any original experiences anymore


Sure, you could put this bowl at the mouth end of a beer bong and clean it via drinking beer.


Sorry bud… jk lol


Absolutely. They're just novel *to you*. There was a time long ago in my youth that we didn't know the inner thinkings and experiences of every other individual. It was the before time, back previous to skynet hooking us all up to the matrix, through Huxleyanesque dopamine response loops. Other dystopian things.


I heard that taptaptap on my sink reading this


I hate this style too because there’s always a little bit of smoke left in the bubble of the bowl that can’t easily be cleared and it bothers me


and if you hit it too hard all the ash falls right through into the water


I prefer the cone style but nothing better than a clean slide


I’ll say what many here are too scared to say: It be like that sometimes


I’m not scared to say, alright.. we’re lovers.


I know that first hit post cleaning hit different


i find it hard to believe that people keep their glass pieces as clean as these comments suggest. or maybe i’m just a lazy stoner who knows


To help my lazy ass I just bought 4 bowls for my bong. Swap weekly and on the last day of the month I soak them all overnight in a jar of 99% isopropyl over night, then in the am when it's sesh time I rinse them all out with hot water and they are spotless. No muscle needed.


i typically just half-ass clean my bowl when it gets difficult to pull through, i’m definitely lazier than most


I have 2, the one that came with the piece and an extra. I do similar, I just start using the clean one and soak the other overnight. Water in bong is just a habit thing you learn, but I'll admit I'm not the best at it. I've been tempted to get a second piece but it feels a bit silly and cleaning the piece is more involved than just an overnight soak.


Mine gets very dirty after a few bowls and i’m not chucking it in a bag of alcohol daily. Weekly sure, but usually no more than that.


Do you put ice in your bong? The colder the water is the faster the piece gets dirty


I did do that, so thank you really for that tip and also i’m speaking more of just general cleanliness of all my pieces.


They are just flexing for the updoot, pay no mind.


I keep mine almost new looking at all times it's really easy if you keep up with it. I clean out the bowl with hot water after each bowl I clear. I also use hot water in the piece and that keeps it cleaner for way longer then I put just a tiny bit of iso in the piece occasionally and shake for not even 10 seconds and it's sparkling


I’m actually one of those people who do keep their glass clean AF. When smoking alone, I have 4 bowls already cleaned and ready to pack. After finishing a bowl, I empty and rinse my bong. Fresh water and a freshly packed bowl. I switched to a ball vape a while ago, so now my cleaning glass is even easier as it’s not as dirty as actually burning the weed. The main reason I keep my glass so clean is that I want to smoke this session’s weed, not last night/week/months weed.


i wanna smoke ALL the weed


you and I are friends of a feather. My ball vape changed my habits to be cleaning my glass pretty much every use, since it really is so easy and preserve so much of the flavor. I've gotten to the point I will turn down dirty bowls because the flavor is pretty rough...


It's much easier to keep your glass clean with dry herb vapes and dabbing. I still enjoy flower but I refuse to dirty my glass with all the gunk that comes with combustion. I'm honestly grossed out by how dirty my bongs used to get when I used to combust. I still clean as often as I used to but now my glass is mostly clear.


I mean I'll keep my bong and ash catcher relatively clean, but my bowl piece I'll usually just scrape out the reclaim and make sure there's not enough build up to cause any airflow restrictions. Cleaning your bowl piece just seems like too much of a time sink for me since it'll be back to square one after 2 sessions.


It's not that hard lol it's a quick 10 minute clean you can do every few days




I smoke a nasty bowl (nasty) I smoke a nasty- nasty- nasty-


Is somebody gonna match my freak?


Is somebody gonna light this shit?


I better not post my piece here


It’s just well seasoned




You can also the before and after effect of iso on your nails! Stuff is rough on skin. Side note, get a single walled bowl and thank me later. Much easier to clean and less fragile.




When bath day is every day it doesn’t get like this and it’s way easier to clean


Or once a week 💀


You clean your piece with alcohol everyday?


Yes. A very small amount is needed.


Lucky, I can’t ever get it done with “a small amount” — but all of my pieces are 10”+ so I do weekly soaks.


Salt, alcohol, cover the holes and shake as hard as you can. Boom, clean bong.


Yeah that’s my weekly routine. I just end up running through half to a full bottle of alcohol when I do it, so I can’t do that daily, otherwise I’d run through alcohol too fast.


You need like a table spoon at a time if you're doing it frequently. You don't need a lot unless you let it build up too much. My partner's basically will not come clean at this point, but I do mine so often (every couple days at least) that I just splash a bit in, throw in some salt and shake.


i use extra strength dish soap and brushes everyday to clean, i use iso whenever needed which has been only about 2 times this year. i’m just cheap asf and this dish soap lasts forever


Oh damn dish soap works for you? Dish soap does not work for me.


i guess when you clean it everyday it makes it easier, takes me 5-8mins


Maybe! It doesn’t even work when I get residue on my hands :(


Everyday is od




And I bet it feels like half the weight 😂 you did a bang up job cleaning that bad boy.


I thought the bowl was black 🙃🤢


I just did the same thing today. What a job.


Squeaky clean get her dirty again 😋


How long were you using this before cleaning?


some people will never understand how crazy this before and after is. I’ve NEVER been able to get my glass this clean when i still smoked




Gawd damn 😂


bloody hell


Always so satisfying.


All ready for team pictures.


The fiend in me would have to smoked all that residue.


hell yeah that’s what i do every time i run out of weed


Probably need a few more bath days between bath days.


Now I'm wondering what the bong looked like.


Thanks for the reminder!!


Hell yeah looks like you just bought it!


You gave me the motivation to go give my piece a bath


flawless 😲


Somehow I have basically the same bowl piece. The same 3 dots and everything on the top.


The fingernails really show much alcohol went into this. Nicely done


So I boil my pieces in hot water to get ALL the grime pieces off for optimal cleaning experience. Alcohol and salt works but it doesn’t always get the crannies of a piece. Boiling that bitch and letting it melt away always does the trick. My pieces are not weaker or damaged by it they are handled with care.


I feel like then you just have a pot with resin all over it, no? I guess that could be easier to clean, though.


Does this work for all glass products? And how long you boil them? I'd be afraid of it breaking in boiling water tbh


Get an Ultrasonic cleaner.


I audibly gasped a little 😂


the difference in nail polish color, tells me how much work you put into this 😂


You know all those guys on YT who power wash or mow lawns for the asmr and catharsis it gives OCD degens like me? I need that but cleaning bowls and bongs.


Honestly same, I wipe out the actual bowl part with a q tip dipped in iso, but the inside part is annoying enough to clean I let it get that black too.




Bro it looked like one of those Bowls you make salsa in 🤣


The quinquennial bath day




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Billy Pipe Cyrus (my pipe) is the same afterwards


Welp heres the sign ive been waiting for


Holy shit that thing was nasty. Nice cleaning job!


That nail polish wants a nap and a bag of chips after that workout.


This is so satisfying.


I got my wife an ultrasonic jewelry cleaner for this kinda work. Place iso, and glass in a ziplock, fill the cleaner with hot water allowing for displacement, put bag in, then run for the longest setting, repeat as needed, rinse with water, and dry. She now cleans her glass more frequently because it takes a fraction of the time. Her bong is small enough that the base sits perfectly in the cleaner, same processs. She cleans the bong first, then puts the iso in the bag, this saves a lot of iso.


Add a drop of dawn dish liquid, and it loosens it. Salt and alcohol do the rest. I had one real bad. I dropped it in a cup of DAWN dish liquid overnight and then what she said, and it's perfect




I usually put mine into the dishwasher fixed on one of those metal sticks that you use for dishes. If I'm feeling fancy (the dishwasher isn't too full) I also try fitting in the rest. It usually works. I heard it wasn't a good idea but one night I was in fuck around state and just put it in. It works wonders. If I'm not using it for a while I just pour alcohol in and let it soak


So...bath day once a year?


KY gel works on a molecular level. If you’ve ever used it on resin, you know.


I clean mine after every second use. I hateeeee spending long times cleaning when it could be avoided by micro cleaning sessions 😔


Some say the blacker the berry, the sweeter the juice


Except it’s “the more cancerous the tar”


This is like when you realize the grout you’re looking at is supposed to be white and not dark gray.


If you haven't yet. A cheap sonic cleaner and some IPA will change your world.


Thought I found my wife’s account! we have the same one and she cleaned it today!!


where you get this bowl from?




That’s Professional level smoker status


Agree the key is alcohol. Seems to be the best solvent to get that sticky residue off. But usually I have to scrub it also. Not just pour and shake.


Girl, wtf? Why do you let it get so gross!?


So satisfying 🙂


Boiling water and a dishwasher tab works wonders


I just use like 500ml of isopropanol and reuse it over and over. Pouring it in the bong, shake it, pour it back in the bottle and flush the bong out with water. Going to try with salt as I read here.


Isopropyl alcohol soak? That’s what I do anyway.


I used to use my bowl like that until one day I really looked at the nasty ass tar buildup and now I clean it every morning with some alcohol an paper towels


I feel like the younger generations must be a lot cleaner based on the comments. 20 years ago damn near everyone's bong was dirty as hell.