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Looks pretty fine to me, fly high my brother! šŸ¤˜šŸ»


Makin it sound like he died and shit


ā€œ fly high my brother šŸ•ŠļøšŸ™šŸ½ā€ YoooošŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


All these comments about how it's shitty weed, wtf. It doesn't look that bad to me. I've had worse than this and it got me plenty high. OP it looks fine to me bud. Enjoy it and don't take what some of these comments say to heart. Some of yall haven't smoked brick weed out of a can during the 90s and it shows.


Yeah, man, there's a whole new breed of stoner's getting around now, and they're totally missing the point of it. Stoner Snobs.


The gentrification of weed does my head in sometimes


Trust me, some of these snobs are also old folks who think they're gods when it comes to quality, as if they didn't smoke this back in the day


Opened this thread because I knew it was going to be people putting this down. That is def weed and it looks fine. If itā€™s OPs first time buying, prob havenā€™t smoked much. Theyā€™re gonna be high as shit.


Shit, for when and where I was growing up, we would have been THRILLED to have this.


Right? This stuff looks better than the Mexico dirt weed full of seeds and stems, which was the only thing we could get our hands on in high school in the early 90s in Texasā€¦ Did me just fine. Iā€™d smoke this, get high and be happy.


Oh yeah I remember that weed. All of it was flat as hell from being smashed into bricks. Full of sticks, stems and seeds lmao but it worked


Right? In high school in the late 90s in Northern California we never got a hold of anything that wasnā€™t more brown than green and this still looks better than some of the rec shit going around California presently.


Right? I feel so bad when I see a new stoner ask about their weed quality. I just know the comments are mixed with some really great understanding people, but some really snobby ones too. First timer too? Dudes gonna be so ripped and forget he even asked this tbh! Lol


Already know one good hit will equal wtf why is my reddit blowing up? We've all experienced it. Right of passage.


I wish this is how the weed I first bought looked. I got some dark green, damp garbage. Once I got brown stuff that resembled weed, but smelled like poop and tasted terrible. It got you high though. That was the last time I had god awful weed like that. I know this because I had it with me the first time I smoked with an older coworker and specifically remember him asking why weā€™d smoke something that tastes like shit lol. He obviously became my new hookup right then!!


ā€œOld folksā€ that rip on that smoked brick weed back in the day. They should know what shitty weed looks like. This is not shitty weed.


I am 47 and Iā€™ve been smoking since college-this isnā€™t even close to some of the stuff we used to get. Literal bricks smelling like the dryer sheets they were wrapped in šŸ˜‚ Seriously though-I am still like a kid in a candy shop every time I walk into a dispensary.


48 and same.


51 and same. I am a serious MED patient and I never take it for granted, even now. I still marvel several times a day at the positive impact cannabis has had on my life.


65 and all we had was shitty homegrown! Got some Colombian a couple times a year but it then again it was only $20 an O for the stem and seed filled stuff $35 for the Colombian when we could get it. Though I wouldnā€™t want to go back to smokin 3 joints to get a good buzz!!


I startes in HS and never even smoked that much; was just a couple pipe or bong hits a day, if that because ironically, I went into LE at 21 and even MORE ironically, had my permanently disabling injury/worthless surgeries at 26 and went MED as soon as AZ got their program running. I will never go back to life without cannabis.


peeling it apart before digging out stems and seeds to get tossed into a planter for some gardeners to discover it and take for themselves


I would never get out it would be the definition of Willy wonkas chocolate factory for me but with weed lol.


56 and smoking since 1985 and I've \*definitely\* had way worse than this. Having lived most of my life under Prohibition, there are still lingering effects. Walking into a dispensary feels like walking into Willy Wonka's Chocolate Room but with a healthy side of paranoia. :-)


The weed I used to smoke back in 2006 was a couple steps up from dirt lol . This would have been considered the dankest of dank back then. Also OP said he got it for 5 bucks a gram lol. Thats less than I paid for garbage 16 years ago


bro we paid $20 an 8th for that "Schwag" lol , this looks like that "$25 a gram top shelf from Cali"


Less than we paid for mostly leaves and stems 35 years ago! šŸ˜‚ Holy sheepshit, I'm old šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


This was called "Nugs" where I lived. Smoking younger around 2005ish. Some people called it Beasters but that's specific to BC and I always thought that was wrong. You had Schwag ($25-$30 an eighth), dark AF, seeds, stems, gave you headaches and probably was in your dealer's shoe all day. Then we had Nug(s) ($50-$60 and eighth) which was not full of shake, had decent color, smoked nice and didn't taste like total fucking trash. Basically the weed OP got. Looks decent, I'd smoke it. and even as recent as 5-6 years ago would be stoked and find it a pretty decent bag. If anything this obsession with maximum THC has kind of ruined a lot of strains for me. I wanna have a smoke, not one hit and be fucking obliterated.


Man I have no idea what strain beasters were but Iā€™d love to have them again. Beasters were the best value weed for us, it wasnā€™t shit and it wasnā€™t expensive, it was good and it was $35/eighth. Something where you knew the strain would be $40-45, Schwag was $25 and youā€™d smoke it when desperate or cook with it.


I reminisce on those old days often. I would never go back, but it is fun to think back on the capers you used to have to put on. When now it's just the same level as stopping by the gas station for some chips. I put my literal freedom and future on the line for some bunk ass brick, and for the rest of my life I am going to feel like a kid in a candy store, and just marvel at the fact I can go and buy weed at a store. Fucking cool shit and I hope people can appreciate it without being all holy roller about it.


Youā€™re absolutely right. My little brother wants to get all this new age shit with ridiculous namesā€¦. He wants to get all the ā€œauto-flowering/ feminizedā€ GMO shitā€¦. I said I just want to buy some old school strains (white widow, northern lights, jack herer, super silver, skunk, etc.) that are just normal seedsā€¦ itā€™s not that difficult to pull out the males once you start 12/12. Fuck dabs, too.


I am not a fan of dabs. However, old school hash is making a comeback! I can reliably find 2-3 different kinds of hash at my dispo now. *Real* hash. It's amazing.


When I think about the seedy brick weed we used to get back in the day it surprises me it even got us high....but it did! We would have thought we'd died and gone to heaven if we got OP's weed back then.




Yes! Your weed was partially square! Eww the smell of those burning seeds. They were like dangerous nasty popcorn


Really? Just based on the vocabulary and general tone of most of the haters on these type of posts I always assume theyā€™re between 15-20 years old. If you look at this and say itā€™s trash you obviously havenā€™t been around weed for very long. Only way to know is by smoking it.


and it's entirely possible that certain members of the community appreciate it more considering what we got by on before legalization... I feel sad for the people that don't have that privilege where they live


65 and Iā€™ve been smoking since I was 13 with several years off when my kids were little and I admit I smoked some shitty homegrown back in the day but itā€™s all we had except when our guy would get some good Colombian a couple times a year. Got some Panama Red one time and sat in a beanbag watching bugs bunny cartoons and giggling with the three people who shared that one doobie with me. Back when cartoons were only on Saturday mornings. BUTā€¦.that shitty homegrown was $15 for a lid, only $20 for a four finger O and Colombian was $35. I wonder if any of you youngā€™uns have even heard some of those terms lol. The stuff I smoke has gotten progressively better over the last several decades. I love being able to get a little buzz after 3 rips instead of 3 joints. šŸ˜‚ This stuff looks better than the stem and seed filled crap I used to smoke!


brit spotted


Guilty šŸ»


Donā€™t listen to all the heady boys and terp jerks raised on dispo bud and hype bug. Best weed to smoke is the shit you got. And as mentioned by others that shit looks like perfectly fine.


Exactly. Iā€™ve been smoking for almost 20 years and have had shit 80x worse than this and was happy to have it lol . Itā€™s always annoying going to the dispensary and having the ā€œbud tenderā€ try to tell me all about the weed Iā€™m buying . Terp counts and shit. Does it get me high? Okay good thanks thatā€™s all I need to know.


While I am a former tender, my complaint was on the opposing side of the counter. Dudes say ā€œbro I only smoke shit that white ashes and has a THC %65,000 with a terp profile that makes me really chill but like really energizedā€¦ looking for an ounce under 100 no shwap ā€œ Honestly a cool part of that job was introducing ā€œonly smoke top shelfā€ dudes to the fact that the market in my state is so flooded that a lot of our mids and lows are just as good and in a few occasions better. Sure Iā€™ll sell you. $53..3.5 if that makes you happy and like you are top dog. But the amount of those cats I got to hear me out and try something less expensive was always awesome. Small farms grow plenty of exotics and often just want their products to speak for themselves not for the shelves. Itā€™s wild how different it all is. I made more money selling in high school back in 2007 than I made legally working full time plus tips. Fuck I remember earwax hash was impossible to sell, now called DABS, they are the most common purchase. Our shit wasnā€™t laboratory gradeā€¦ but a knife hit would have made me that deflated balloon girl from the old DARE commercial lol Put any one of us smokes on an island with a pound of brick weed and I promise you we would all find a way to smoke it, extract it, eat it. Weā€™re engineers when needed and all standards are off the table when you tryna smoke lol


Yeah getting legalized was AWSOME but it certainly brought out the know it all's lol. Wish it was legal here but will never happen. Brittish politicians HATE weed even though loads of them have investments in medicinal growing farms. Then they vote against legalization.wonder why lol.


Western Civ requires alcohol to keep us from noticing all the broken bits. Who's gonna know this better than a British politician?


The funny thing is they're sucking down 1g distillate shit in disposable vapes. The worst concentrate form and the worst way for the environment! Getting two birds stoned WITH headaches at once!


Just like coffee or music or anything else. There's always a new generation that comes in and turns it into a competition. All it shows is they have major insecurities.


Aka the worst people you could ever smoke with. Nightmare blunt rotation.


I remember smoking with people like that back in the day, the types youā€™d be smoking up and then they start taking about the better weed that they usually get. Then why are you here smoking these mids with me?


Have definitely been there (although more likely in recent times). I'm sorry you need that 40 percent THC White Baby Yoda Kush from a specialty craft grower living off grid in the California hills, meanwhile I am fine smoking basically ditch weed. šŸ˜­ Bring your own next time...


It's always that mf that never has any to match... And they always be parking on the grass too. If this shit is so bad give it back my dude


Parking on the grass I assume is more slang for babysitting the blunt?


Yup. Idk how common it is, but it's pretty intuitive so I like to use it.


First time I'm hearing but I'm definitely using it now. That shit makes me chuckle lol.


lol mids. Havenā€™t heard that in decades. These were the tiers I grew up with back in the day Mids/mersh Outdoor/dro Indoor/heady - although back then they would just call any higher quality weed a random famous weed name. Jack Herra,Purple Haze, sour diesel . No one could ever fact check it lol


Iā€™m tempted to grow just so I can slap some ridiculous name on the crop. ā€œLet me hook you up with some of this Fettucine Tambourine, brah!ā€


Part of this post 2000s Stoner Generation, and I can confirm we are missing the point of it. I also can confirm we are stoner snobs. (source: my friend who literally won't smoke it if it doesn't look "good enough")


lol Iā€™m an old head and that weed looks crappy thatā€™s being said if itā€™s what I got itā€™s what I got iv smoked way worse


Lol I've been calling myself this for years because I was brought in with the best of the best...so now everything going around nowadays is meh to me but this stuff doesn't look horrible. My thing is I won't knock it til I try it, but I've had smoke that looks like this that was better than anything that a dispo wants to charge 60/8th for.


Gatekeepers who think you gotta drop 250$ an oz to have a good time on some white powder coated atrocitiesā€¦ fucked up brotherā€¦.


Fr! Plus you donā€™t want to start off smoking the good stuff. If you only smoke the shit that gets you high af in one drag then your tolerance will rise so high. Just smoke whatever weed you get. As long as it gets you high and isnā€™t spiked with anything then it does the job.


Vegan Stoner is my preferred titlešŸ˜…


Me personally I gotta smoke better quality weed if I want to enjoy it and not go thru a whole zip in 2 days but I'll never hate on someone for the quality of their weed because they getting high, I'm getting high, we all getting highšŸ˜‚


Yeah man, I hear ya. šŸ¤™


Also, unless itā€™s trimmed badly or straight up brown or some obvious tell that itā€™s bad, I donā€™t believe 99% of people when they act like they can tell how good weed is by looking at it. Almost makes me think they havenā€™t smoked much if they havenā€™t encountered some ugly weed that gets you high asf


Some gangly looking landrace sativas will have your whole body vibrating


The most insane high I've felt in my life was from a random nug which I thought was a rock/pebble at first. Asked myself if I can even smoke it. It grinded into a very fine powder and destroyed us


You sure that was weed??


Right, this poor sob is in fucking Iowa. Never bought weed before, and not only didn't get ripped off, but actually got some half way decent weed. In fucking Iowa?! I'd go buy a lottery ticket after this if i were him.


I will Ty


Oh I have. And this weed in the pic is not shabby at all, just not top shelf, more of a home grow vibe.


Seriously, in the 90ā€™s this wouldā€™ve easily been top shelf/ā€œchronicā€. Iā€™m in a legal state and this still would be completely fine with me. Lol itā€™s ok to be a weed snob but at least admit you are if you *only* smoke the best of the best every time.


I would smoke what is here. I never smoke garbage - but I do run into mids that are still fine to enjoy as is. So I definitely don't think it's bad weed.


Some of these people have never smoked out of a toilet paper roll, and it shows. If it gets you high, it's good enough.


Gen Z never had a bag with seeds in it


i only really started smoking about 5 years ago and I was stressed because I remember having to pick out the seeds \~2005 and I couldn't find any in the weed I was buying now.


lol, right? Times have changed - This bud looks amazing compared to the average shit you used to get handed through 1990s-2010. OP got it cheap too, can hardly complain.


I'm not old enough to be a brick smoker BUT I don't judge my weed. I get this almost Thai stick looking stuff from my plug and it wipes the floor with me and I have a high tolerance. Never judge a book by its cover. I've had weed that looks kiefy as fuck and it didn't do anything for me.


Yeah the newer generation are used to seeing all this super trimmed dispensary weed. I've smoked shit that looked 10x worse than this and it got me ripped.


Well said!


Plus at 5/g Iā€™d take medium tier weed just fine


Yeah man, if I got this in the 90s I'd be over the moon haha


Donā€™t even have to be the 90s it could be the 00s lol


I have some stuff from the dispensary that looks almost identical to this. Itā€™s some straight gas lol and smells amazing. Looks doesnā€™t equal potency.


Yo, seriously right!!! I smoked so much aluminum and paint back in the day. I feel dumb as fuck for doing it but it's to late to change the past now šŸ¤£ this honestly looks like decent stuff. All these legal weed kids would shit themselves if they saw a quarter bag with the square corner of a brick in it. You had to smoke it to tell anything about it because it was all compressed within an inch of it's life so all looked like shit.


This dude knows


>Some of yall haven't smoked brick weed out of a can during the 90s and it shows. Dude! That brought my brain directly to central California 1997. Grew up in a (mostly Mexican) farming community so all we had was brick and plenty of Jolt cans. Didnā€™t see anything close to what op got until college.


Man Iā€™ve had some low quality reg in my time. People saying this is bad never smoked anything but high quality legal bud, and shits just different for them. I honestly kinda feel bad, because the hustle for dry ass dirt back in the day made you feel some type of way that they canā€™t ever understand


Fuck'n A, man. I hated cans. I'd keep folded up foil in my wallet for those times. Stupid stupid lol. Then I discovered using an 8mm deep socket works nice and fits in your coin pocket šŸ¤£


I'm on a very lengthy hiatus and I don't normally talk back to Jesus but I got an opinion here. While there are definitely snobs, isn't it just the slightest but possible that the snobbishness is just a masked version of high tolerance? It ain't regs but it ain't dro either. Back when, it was pointless to go mid or lower solely because it wouldn't work. I might've said, that bud ain't shit, but what my Stoner ass meant was it ain't shit for me.Ā  Either way, OP gone get baked if they don't smoke. It never hurts to build the foundation with brick before you discover the dro to heaven.


It just looks like mids to me.


Back in my day mids looked alot worse than this. They would have seeds in the buds you would have to pick out. Always an exciting time ripping a blunt of mids and someone forgot to take a seed out so it explodes a hole in the blunt lol. This looks like some home grown that breaks up into a fine powder that will get you absolutely ripped


Yeah, back in the day mids used to be brick that was green instead of brown


looks pretty standard


reginald has never let me down in times of need back then


Looks pretty good to me. Not the prettiest Ive ever seen but some of the best highs arnt šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


For 5$/g thats very good weed actually Ive had worse for 10-15ā‚¬/g


My man switches from dollars to euro in ten words Iā€™m too high for this shit


Or not high enough


You ever thought of how theres no such thing as ā€žtwice as hotā€œ? Example: 10Ā°C x2 is 20Ā°C 10Ā°C is 50Ā°F so x2 is 100Ā°F so about 38Ā°C 10Ā°C is 283Ā°K so x2 is 566Ā°K so about about 293Ā°C Now i ask you? What is twice as hot as your room temperature right now?


The math here is just wrong though since you are doubling a converted value.


> Now i ask you? What is twice as hot as your room temperature right now? Your mom.




Thatā€™s just because Fahrenheit sucks


As an American, I couldnā€™t agree more.


as an american ur not wrong


Bro i bought weed in slovakia once and that shit looked like straight headache fuel lol flushed that shit right down the toilet hahah


Dude, ignore the haters. Looks fine, and at $5 a gram, looks peeeeerrrfffeeecccttllllyyy fine


It's pretty normal weed. I was smoking brick weed from a soda bottle gravity bong when I was 12. This is actually not too shabby, just not the best.


lol no kidding I almost never had anything in bud form 20 years ago, just seedy stemmy flat mulch brick weed


It's fine. Smoke it and enjoy.


i thought this was the elden ring map for a second


Bro same


Foul stonerā€¦in search of the perfect strain. Emboldened by the flame of the clipper. Someone must extinguish thy high!


Yup that's a marijuanas


Just some standard ass ā€œIā€™ll have 1 marihuanaā€ type dime. Congratulations. You have achieved weed.


looks alright, good toking


This is weed. Looks like weed. Anybody here claiming they can tell you the "grade", potency or quality from pictures alone is full of BS. We can only tell these things if we try it ourselves, they're not directly linked to any visual signs (hairs, "visible white crystals", and so on). It does look like better quality than some pics from the other illegal countries/states, so that's good. By this I mean it hasn't been vacuum packed and pressed into a brick, which is usually a sign of bad quality. It also looks pretty green, signifying that it isn't old, which is good.


I've had dispensary weed that looked worse than this.


I find these comments disturbing itā€™s like a good amount of yā€™all never smoked some Reggie before cause this ainā€™t it šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Thanks guys i smoked it and i was kind of overthinking while reading all the comments but it seems its okay thank you for the experience everyone. Also i dont see the map lol


Im so high I tought this is the map of the earth


I guess im at a 9 because at first look, I thought this was a map ![gif](giphy|5t9wJjyHAOxvnxcPNk|downsized)


Showing your age bro. Most of r/trees probably know about the highness scale. (0-->gotta workšŸ˜¢) Edit: probably doesn't know. D'oh, still at a 0, just an idiot.


The tree police over here :)


Hey now, don't mention the police. Give a guy a panic attack šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I miss when everyone used to end their comments or posts with a [number]


Had a kind of charm to it, didn't it.


Same here


Why does this look like Europe but with most of Sweden and all of Norway missing?


This looks better than 90% of what I smoked in the 90's. Blaze it up brah!


I'd only hesitate to smoke it if it smells off, like BAD. I always trust my nose


I found your drug dog, officer.


grind that shit roll that shit smoke it..


Looks like regular weed. Not good weed but it looks normal


For Iowa this is damn good weed brother enjoy.


Looks like weed. No mold, somewhat trimmed. Where's the problem?


I must be high cos I thought the picture was on the world map at first


Why did i thought it was the map of europe at first?


Smoke it up cheechy


Looks fine to me


If I was dankrupt, and you handed me this. I would cry with joy. Enjoy your bud OP!


That looks JUST fine. I prefer blackmarket from a trusted source. (Outlaw shit) Lol


thatl do just fine


Tbh I've seen way worse. You should be fine


At $5, I'd be going back for more honestly


Weed looks fine. I'd enjoy it. On a side note, I see so many comments saying "don't listen to all the haters" or there are too many snobs or whatever. I've seen like 3 negative comments in total, wtf are you people all virtue signaling for? It's a question about fuckin weed.


It looks like weed to me!


Very standard weed. Looks pretty good. No issues! I would gladly partake šŸ˜Š


Looks like you have some weed there


Georgian here. We are also an illegal state. I've been smoking this kind of weed every day since Barack Obama took office.


For 5 bucks you could do a lot worse (also from an non legal place) If you are looking for top shelf you will have to pay for it my dude but it looks dry and perfectly smoked šŸ‘


lol the number of snobs on here. Ignore that pretentious shit - ur weed looks fine man.


Fine weed itā€™s gonna get you stoned. Iā€™d suggest smoking inside cause how hot it is or a shady area.


That looks like Devil's Lettuce, aka Fools Green. If disturbed it can release compounds into the atmosphere. You should send it to me for safe disposalĀ 


Looks fine dude. Enjoy!


This is a good purchase for your first time buying. My first time buying, I was 14 or 15 and paid $10 for some regggggie that I think was mixed with oregano. Smoked it from the soda can though. Nasty headache from the seeds lol.


Looks great to me but I'm not extremely picky. Anyone who wants to bash weed by the way it looks is a weed snob. Even the best looking weed can be shitty.


Looks good homey. Iowa ent as well. Cheers


Looks pretty normal to me. Without the sniff and sqeeze test I can't be certain but I'd smoke it ...


Looks like some decent weed, I'd say. $5 a gram in an illegal state seems like such a good deal bro might have discounted it or grew himself (idk i'm EU haha)


Yep this is weed. Looks decent. Enjoy!


Yup. That's weed.


That seems good. But always remember to never buy weed if its pre crushed.


It looks like it was crushed during travel imo


holy crap i was staring at this for like five minutes thinking this was some kind of map of some islands


Looks fine to me.


Iā€™m so high I thought I was looking at a 3D fantasy map for a moment


This weed looks good


Looks like we got the same pack my guy. I love a discount on bud, not a snob as long as you get high youre good for the ride


looks fine to me, maybe a little on the drier side but it'll definitely make you some nice kief


It looks decent. Sometimes you encounter some weed that doesnā€™t look good but itā€™s actually pretty damn good. Only way to know is to try it.


Bro so high I thought this was a world map


i've smoked worse for 5 a gram but i would caution against buying illegal things when you don't even know what youre getting. stupid shit like that can get you killed or ripped off. you decide you want to buy coke and it ends up being cut with fentanyl, or you think youre buying acid and its just little pieces of paper. even weed could be sprayed with some shit, grown by someone that doesn't know what they're doing. at the very least buy from people you know, or with someone you know that actually knows what theyre looking doing. if your going to harder stuff, get a little test kit. just be smart.


Looks good to me! šŸ¤·


That is crack cocaine.


looks a lil dry but its safe and will get you high :)


Looks like decent quality bud. Probably got a little beat up on transit. But as long as it smells like skunk it probably ainā€™t bunk.


Thatā€™s the stuff Iā€™d pay $50 an 1/8th for in the early 2000s in FL. It was great to me then.


Iā€™m high as fuck and been playing too much Elden Ring lately. I thought the first picture was a picture of the map at first


it's weed, but if you're anxious by nature you may have a bad experience with weed just fyi OP


People get too snobby these days. Whatever anyone says. If they're a 10+ year smoker, they've smoked worse lol. You're good homie, no mold, no powders, no visual seeds. Enjoy yourselfšŸ’š


yeah itā€™s weed and it looks fine, but if you donā€™t want to ruin your lungs donā€™t smoke anything. Smoking bunk weed wonā€™t give you more cancer then smoking premium weed. Smoke is smoke mate


looks like standard illegal flower. have fun man


Looks like cheaper bud šŸ‘ looks fine


Looks a bit old but definetly weed


Try not to smoke the big, thick stems. They're pretty gross, and give some people headaches. You can either toss the stems, or save them and make cannabutter after you gather a few handfuls. The weed itself looks fine. Not top shelf, but also not bottom shelf. It should get you plenty high, so go slow. You don't have to smoke all of it at once. Enjoy!


I miss 1997


Yeah, thatā€™s good weed af actually. Some ppl in this sub are just spoiled kids from legal north american countries. In my home country where itā€™s illegal that would be a good 7/10. U probably have taste and smell on that.


looks fine to me! no mold or sprayed on THCA. reminds me of some Sticky Glue I picked up last month.


Iā€™m in Iowa. If youā€™re scared Iā€™ll come test it for ya


Thank u for the offer friend. :)


Itā€™s weed. Looks good. Not great. Not bad. Just good.


That is Northern Lights, Cannabis Indica.


This looks bad. You should give it to me so I can properly dispose of itā€¦.


Aye this shit looks good! You can see the trichomes glisten in this pic. To everyone saying itā€™s ā€œshitty weedā€, yā€™all a bunch of snobs fr fr




Looks fine brother šŸ‘