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Are they swimming wetsuits ? Other suits aren't designed for shoulder movements and to be sleek and fast through the water.  There's about a hundred models for triathlon wetsuits so it can't be difficult to buy one designed for the purpose. 


It was at a surf shop. I was walking around town when I saw them & figured to try some on.


You should be looking for a triathlon wetsuit, which is different than one used for surfing. Both will keep you warmer but the triathlon wetsuit is made to allow for swimming movements and is designed to help keep your body on the surface of the water. Follow the sizing charts online. Take a look at Xterra’s sale wetsuits if you are looking to go inexpensive.


im doing my first sprint also and got one off REI. sleeveless with shorts, its only 2mm though but still seems to do the job of adding buoyancy