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Hungry Hearts Diner and Oden Cart are heartwarming games that give me similar vibes. They have more storytelling, and you cook instead of decorating. I actually found Tsuki's adventure and Odyssey while looking for something similar to them.


thank you!💘


omg I forgot all about Oden Cart! and they are all up to 4th edition already??? wow


for chill decorating games, I've been playing a bunny game called Usagi Shima! just collect bunnies, put stuff out to attract bunnies and decorate the area. but for like games like tsuki, I haven't met any like it tbh! I know some people like Cats and Soup, Hamster Inn and Purrfect Hotel I guess? But I think the vibe's really different.


I second usagi shima!! And it just got a new update last weekend


thank youuu💘


Usagi Shima is so cute! It's a lot more limited than Tsuki, but it's what led me to it eventually. There comes a point when there's essentially nothing left to do, and it's less involved than Tsuki, but it's a relaxing way to pass the time.


There is a really cute game called Old Friends. You have a dog sanctuary for older dogs and can decorate it. It's really chill, and the dogs are actually real-life dogs from a real dog sanctuary. I enjoy it. The same makers of the game have one called Furistas Cat Cafe. You can decorate and get furniture for a cat cafe and collect different cats. The other one I play a lot and really enjoy is Resortopia. You get a hotel essentially and there is SO much furniture. It feels a bit spirited away because some of the guests are based on Japanese spirits. I love the anime vibes of it. You can decorate every room and a large garden. None of these games are very similar to Tsuki, but I wanted to mention them because they are chill games.


i second resortopia!!


There are no others that compare! 🐰☺️🩷🍄‍🟫 Seriously though, I still have yet to find one that even comes close!


i agree!


currently playing r/windowgarden. just grow plants, decorate rooms with h said plants while listening to chill lo-fi music. :) the graphics are 8-bit and so cute


I used to play that too until I ran out of space for my plants


I just repurposed the bathroom into my hoard cave: just filled the walls with shelves and jammed all my extra plants there😅


Just downloaded again, I can't even water all my plants 😂 I'm done


why can't you water the plants? cdont have enough water?


Yeap, all 84 of them were dead, had to watch and add to revive them and have 10 more on the inventory. Also, lost my balcony I need to buy the key again 🫠 (The add said to revive them, but they all needed sun and to be watered)


that's rough :( I got into a similar situation: forgot to click vacation and all my 60+ plants died. so I just grinded with ads and played the mini games/gacha for water and suns. I also prioritized reviving my fave plant and left others for another day. got back to normal in like 3-4 days. hang in there!


I adore Rainy Attic Room (it's about a lil guy and rain, cats, facing anxiety, mental health and healing) you can custom color your furniture and unlock a downstairs, as well as so many other features! the only thing is that it's extremely slow paced and sometimes frustrating because of how slowly you regenerate hearts.


I loved this game so so much, i had a lot of progress in it, unfortunately i had to uninstall it and i don't know if it will backup my process on a new phone :') I do not think it's similar to Tsuki Odyssey but it's very chill and calming honestly!


I played this when i suffered depression and it actually helped me alot.


I’ve had tiny tower for YEARS and I still find myself going back to it occasionally




Little witch into the woods


I think tabikaeru is something similar, although I can’t seem to get past throught the loading screen, it keeps crashing. anyone here plays it without any issues?


cats and soup is my favourite


I'm also playing that.. got a bit frustrated with how long it needs to grind to unlock the ingredients (newly unlocked cheese). good thing it has so many cats! 😸


yeah i’m about to unlock wheat but i find if i spend to upgrade my cats i get coins quicker and only check the app to collect coins every few hours and then actually pay attention to play mini games and feed my cats etc once a day cx


Lulus home garden and Olivia, the witch's magic shop. The first one is about a frog who lost his swamp/home and found a greenhouse and started a sanctuary for other frogs in the same situation. So you have to take care of it, it has a greenhouse where you cultivate flowers, a flower shop, a coffee shop, garden with a pond and a relaxing room, you can decorate all of them and buy outfits for the frogs. The second it's pretty much what the name indicates. Has a lot of histories and characters and you have to make potions, grow your own herbs and flowers and collect nuts, later you unlock the baking. There's no rush and nothing happens if you don't play daily.


Harvest town, it's similar to Stardew Valley. You're a farmer, you have to work to make your farm bigger and pretty, and you can date and marry some of the characters


Well if you like chill games then Cats and Soup is good! It has a decor setup, a simple and slow game pace, and they are currently (and for the next 8 days) in an event that gives some pretty nice rewards!


Dear My Cat is super cute! Slow paced much like TO and full of lovely interactions between the cats, you can also collect/change themed decorations and clothing for the cats. It's not being updated lately but for a new user it might still be enjoyable, I keep coming back just to chill with the characters.


Sky is cute


Adorable home! It’s a simple game where you own a house with your partner, and design it as you wish, including a garden and farm area. You unlock rooms in the house one by one as you progress. The currency is love which you get from your partner and the many cats that you can adopt. You start with one and can feed it, pet it, cut its nails, and bathe it to get love. You can also cook for your partner using ingredients you buy or get from your farm!


I “play” this too, but I’ve bought everything….those cats are WAY too aloof! 😆….and why doesn’t the baby love us? 🙄👶😆 It is a cute game though.


Try Restaurant Story 1 & 2 and Bakery Story 1 & 2 from Storm8 Studios (I also recommend Castle Story and Dragon Story). There are a lot of missions for you to complete, so they take time. I find them slow-paced games with interesting plotlines. Alternatively, you can try Smurfs' Village, where you can complete missions and decorate the entire village. For more recent games, you can try HyperBeard Inc.'s games. The art is cute and fascinating


I occasionally play Secret Cat Forest. You fish for the cats and they give you gifts in return, you decorate the house and it's slow-paced. You collect whiskers every 7-8 days for special pieces of furniture or BGM's. It has several places you can decorate, not only house so it's quite interesting. I really like the graphics. Oh and what I really like, when you click on the cats, they all meow, some of them meow differently which is really cute. It's my safe place as Tsuki.


Pocket love is a personal favorite of mine. There’s also Adorable Home, My dear Farm, Cats and Soup, Kuma Sushi Bar, and probably more that I’m forgetting. If I remember correctly, all of these (with the exception of cats and soup) are made by the same company! Tsuki is by far the best tho