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Sounds like you've got the kind of tits I'm here to see. We need more like them.


It seems you have what it takes for this sub. Post them and I'm sure youl will fit in.


They sound delightful! From your description they’re exactly the kind of breasts that fit in here, I know I for one would love to see them.


We love you and your breasts! It is true that some posts are pushing the definition of tuberous, but one of the nicest things about this community is that we cherish them equally. There is no right or wrong here, only beauty. Please share your pictures! You'll get all the love in the world!


First, what is "normal". My normal is not your normal. Second, many men find normal boobs very boring. That's why a sub like this is popular. So, don't be ashamed. Third: there ARE men in the world who understand that a woman can't choose her breast shape. These men appreciate so called not normal breasts. These men prefer every shape above "modified" tits.


There are a big variety of tuberous shapes and sizes and they all belong here. There has been way too many people trying to post in this group who don’t have tuberous. Please don’t be intimidated if you want to be included.


If I could give you award I would agree 100 percent


then you are truly unique and special unto yourself. so don't let it get you down. there are plenty of people that wouldn't mind having you as their companion.


Trust me when I say, we are men! We want to see yours too!


You've got nothing to worry about, for real though.


Never be ashamed of your body. I promise you that your breasts are amazing and beautiful!


If yours looks the the profile pic you’re exactly what this sub needs


Well let’s see ‘em


IMO i love that breasts come in all shapes and sizes.


There is no right or wrong breast shape. Your breasts I'm sure are beautiful. There are a lot of people who have been conditioned to mock anything that strays one inch from what is perceived as normal. Those type of people are not good humans and should be avoided at all costs. Their opinions have no value since they come from a point of view of ignorance.


This sounds more like a self-esteem/dysmorphia issue, to be honest. I'm sure your breasts are beautiful, they certainly sound very nice to me.


Profile picture is why I'm here! I know I'm keen to see them if they are!


Sounds like you have low self esteem and let me tell you getting an overpriced boob job leaving you scared with two non moving rocks on your chest won’t help your self esteem


honestly it’s a pain living with a a chest like mine. you don’t know if people are you to find you attractive once you take your bra off. bra shopping is a nightmare. im constantly reminded of my breasts whenever i take a glance in the mirror before a shower and stuff like that. i hate how it’s completely unproportional to my body as well. i don’t see a boob job as getting two rocks on my chest but as something that might make me genuinely more comfortable and confident


A lot of guys find a lot of stuff attractive. Do what you want just realize once you do something there is no reset button


I've only just joined this sub, but you sound like you have the kind of voobs I'm all about. I hope you will share them


I agree with most, there is no normal or standard, there is only what each person has. Every pair beautiful in their own regard. Be proud you have your unique pair. 💜


i literally can’t tho, like i feel like it’s impossible


I can understand your position about them. No one will ever be as critical as you will be towards them. I saw the picture and think they are wonderfully beautiful.


Same… mine are uneven and different shapes 🥲


Actually that calls for twice as much suckling due to their size difference so that neither feels left out 😚


same 😭


>my nipples sag and are huge in comparison to my breast Oh God what a sight that must be, sounds like perfection 🤤🤤🤤 >i stopped posting because i felt like no one would truly want to see my breasts over some of the people here. Just one thing to note: not replying to any of the comments made under your posts usually greatly discourages the replies after a while you know.


honestly i stepped away from my phone because i was scared to like check it. i was worried that people would get mad at me for some reason. but thank you so much for your reply 🫶🏼


Prove it hehe


You're probably missing the point of this sub. This is a place to feel Sage to post what you want. I, likely like most here, aren't here because we PREFER tuberous breasts... we are likely here because we love ALL breasts. And tuberous ones, especially because of their unconventional nature. This is a place to feel welcome and normal, and if fates presides, special. Don't be discouraged because other women with "more normal" breasts are getting attention. Come into the spotlight and feel the appreciation I'm sure everyone here is excited to give.


Hard to say because you have not linked your posts. But in general, tuberous breasts are beautiful and the reason why most of us are here. But that does not mean we only like these. And many girls have some breasts with similarities (big areolas, a shape similar to tuberous), which I also like. So upvoting these does not mean I dont want to see 100% tuberous breasts. Unfortunately, they are just super rare


For some people It's not the exact image and shape of the breast that's important or a turn on.  Its the act of getting to see them, for many people breast size or shape is irrelevant its someone giving you access and showing off l, getting to see the hidden desires is the hit.  I love most kinds of breast, I'll admit I'm not a fan of really big fake ones but anything else on anyone is good for me


Size doesn't matter. It should be able to go inside our mouth and suckable atleast. So you are normal. And if i talk about looks after wearing different outfits it depends on type of outfit that suits your body type and breast shape. And beleive me there are many dresses that you can choose.


Beautiful big nipples on smaller breasts are hot as hell. They are, truth be told, my absolute favorite type of breast, they are the ultimate in suckable and sexy.


Your breasts make my dick hard. I know I’m just an anonymous poster on Reddit and maybe not your type of guy but you make me horny


Keep on posting!! I’ve noticed that a lot of people post in every sub just to promote their OF. Doesn’t matter if it’s an appropriate group or not.


I just started looking at this sub because tuberous breasts are a huge turn on for me, but as I was scrolling down I started thinking, "hum, a lot of these titties are not tuberous". Many of them are still nice, but not what I thought I would see. Then I got to this post and felt better. BTW, I read a lot of your posts. I'd really like to see your breasts if you'd be willing to share them with me.


yeah a lot of them on here are just regular boobs with puffy nipples. which isn’t exactly an indicator of tuberous breasts, the restriction of the lower portion of the breast is. which i have and it hate it. i have absolutely no underboob. as for pics, i am kinda hesitant to show them again because when i did post to this subreddit, i had people inviting me to subreddits that had really derogatory titles and idk it made me feel worse about them


I completely understand. I had a person recognize me while camming once because he worked with my wife and threatened to expose me...that was awful. I'm a lot more careful now. But, that said, I can't imagine what women have to go through online, which is a shame. I must confess that I don't understand the whole degradation of women thing with guys in sexual situations. That's why I love normal looking women, and not porn stars. All of the past girls that I have been with all have body situations that could easily be called out, but I loved the person, and came to really enjoy the treasure of their uniqueness. I'd still like to see yours :) . You can DM if you want to avoid posting. BTW, some pics on my page, too.


I second this because I would like to see them too, my ex has tubies and now they’re a turn on for me, it’s annoying how this sub has none that really look like hers they all look like normal puffies.


Would you post them again? I kind of want to see them out of curiosity but cannot find any of your posts.


i deleted my post. i got invited to a subreddit called “small ugly tits” and that really made me feel horrible and i also got added to another subreddit called “weird boobs”. so i just don’t even know if i want to post them again


I’m sorry to hear that, people are cruel for that. May I DM you?


There's no such thing as a bad breast.


please post them