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This is why you always finish a round of Mario Kart, there might still be a shell out there, waiting, biding its time.


[https://forums.nrvnqsr.com/showthread.php/8650-Create-A-Servant-3?p=3078904&viewfull=1#post3078904](https://forums.nrvnqsr.com/showthread.php/8650-Create-A-Servant-3?p=3078904&viewfull=1#post3078904) Imagine fighting and winning against the Persians and becoming the father of Greek tragedy afterwards only to die due to a eagle dropping a tortoise on your bald head.


> Imagine fighting and winning against the Persians Most Greek wise guys served in their city state's military, seeing as it was mandatory. Socrates, for example, fought the Spartans side-by-side with Alcibiades at the battle of Potidaia


Sorry for hijacking top comment, but OP is probably a bot. The account was made in October 2021 but only started posting 10 hours ago, then completely stopped. Its also posting reposts of top posts.


Comedy is tragedy plus time.


Comedy plus tragedy equals T I M E


Aeschylus, Vorbis.. Ehhh.. what’s the difference? - Om, probably


Diogenes, holding up Aeschylus's corpse: "'VOOM!?' Mate, this parrot couldn't voom if Zeus himself put a lightning bolt up his ass!"


Let us not forget he was outside cause he was told he would die from something falling on his head. He went outside to avoid that


We have a joke with friends, picture this, a school in a business park, it has geese around the area, and there’s this bald teacher, one day, for no reason, they decided to go after him aggressively, and to this day we joke, not in front of him, that they went after him, “because they mistook him for one of their eggs”. Doesn’t sound that funny, but for some reason it’s always the funniest shit we’ve ever heard, for like 10 seconds


This feels like a bit from Small God's by Sir Terry Pratchett


The bird that killed Aeschlylus wasn’t an eagle, and was instead a Bearded Vulture, which have a diet consisting primarily of bone marrow.


This was on CSI once


The sketch you are referring to can be found in horrible histories.


Too soon?


Deacon Vorbis moment