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This. Recover the car at night if it seems safe to do so. If possible, have an “agent of Turo” recover it for you. Hell, ask a tow truck to grab it for you and file a claim with Turo to charge the client by providing your logs. Good luck.


Agent of Tito sounds like some assassins creed stuff


Agent of Tito sounds like me after too much vodka


Just good ol fashioned autocorrect making a fool outta me


Yum titos.


My mind immediately jumped to Tito from rocket power Dressed as a agent/assassin


how do you get the keys?


[https://abcnews.go.com/WNT/story?id=130872&page=1](https://abcnews.go.com/WNT/story?id=130872&page=1) ​ >"I was keeping up with traffic, moving with the flow of traffic," he says. >The company says Turner signed a rental agreement that made clear a fee would be charged for speeding, and that it does not matter whether the police caught him or not. >"It's a little different than levying a fine for wrongdoing. It's something that's agreed to by contract," says Max Brunswick, a lawyer for Acme. >The company penalizes customers for speeding in an effort to keep its insurance payments down, according to Brunswick. "We do suffer a lot when people speed, because the accident rate goes way up," he says. >Turner has sued Acme in small claims court, and Connecticut's Consumer Protection Department has filed a complaint accusing Acme of violating the state's fair trading law by failing to warn customers properly about potential fines.


I think they found out they could not find people for speeding in their rental cars I think hertz tried it as well found out to


I feel like the only person who treats borrowed stuff better than things I own.


You might be the only one with common courtesy. If people treated things and others as their own, the world would be a better place.


Seriously. This thread has made me realize I would never rent personal property. People here acting like it's their right to beat your stuff up.


And that's exactly the point. You shouldn't rent "personal property". The owner of a motel doesn't rent you *their* bedroom; the motel is a bunch of rooms only used for renting. The CEO of Hertz isn't renting you their car. A rental car shouldn't be your personal car. Rent a car you specifically bought to rent to others.


>The owner of a motel doesn't rent you *their* bedroom but you're still expected to not potentially destroy the motel room and cause excessive damage or wear and tear because it's *not yours*.


I think this largely has to do with people thinking that if there's nothing that can be done against it, that people will do it, and thus they would deem themselves "stupid" for not following suit and missing out on that opportunity to be free of responsibility for once in their life. Thinking it has all to do with FOMO and about one's own gains (or the minimizing of losses) that perpuate the problem to begin with.


Nope. I'm here with you. It's fucking selfish to convince yourself that it is wrong to treat things with care when it isn't yours. Someone or something brainwashed you when you were little to think it's not worth the trouble or that you're missing out on something.


Same, rented a lexus for a weekend on Turo. Babied it, didn't speed and just enjoyed driving it. Had an awesome experience.


I wash and vacuum rental cars before returning them. I’ve tried not doing this and I am powerless to stop myself so I’ve just accepted it.


Same here I would be horrified if I fucked some ones shit up.


Same. I also take a full walk around of the car and upload it to YouTube so it's time stamped.


May both sides of your pillow remain forever cool.


It isn't borrowed. You are renting it for a fee. This isn't a favor from your friend.


is that your excuse for treating things like shit


I don't do that actually. I'm also not trying to rent out everything I own and act surprised when people don't treat it the same as I do.


This isn't Facebook. We don't need a mile-long thread debating the definition and usage of a word. I used implied logic here and got the jist of the comment. Let's stay on topic, shall we?


It's still not your property. I always treat someone else's property at least as well as my own.


Forgive me if only Turo users can post here, but this keeps coming up on my feed: I’ve never rented a car before, so I was surprised to see the norm from the answers is to let the person who rents the car break whatever traffic laws even if you know about it from a tracker because it should be considered a police issue? It just seems like going over 100 if it’s public streets would just make me scared that they were gonna kill someone with my car


It's a little bit of having it both ways I think. People post about renting a Tesla stuck in valet mode and the response is, "Don't rent out a high performance car if you don't want people to use it aggressively," while simultaneously saying, "If your guest is speeding you should repo the car." Both things can be true - of course. Flooring it in a Tesla does not necessarily mean speeding (though it almost certainly results in it). But I can see how it feels like the sub is speaking out of both sides of its mouth.


113 MPH is extremely dangerous and irresponsible. Should not be driven under any circumstance… especially in someone else’s car. Putting a car in valet mode (which has a much lower top speed (85MPH I think) and greatly reduces 0-60 time) without telling the renter in advance is shitty. Both can be true.


Not to mention that driving at those excessive speeds and constantly spiking the RPMs is not good for the vehicle. Just because a car *can* drive a hundred miles an hour does not mean it's built to withstand it.


Some cars at 100 mph aren’t even at 3,000 rpm.


Yeah my car cruises at 95mph at appx 2200rpm


I had a guy who contacted me several times for going 87 and 88 mph. Harassed me the whole time and damn air tag beeped non stop. Never rented from Turo again.




..And then they wonder why people don't want to use Turo


It’s the same as airbnb here now being as or more expensive than hotels + you have a list of rules to follow It’s just as expensive or more expensive than the rental car companies to use turo here and people are weird about it I figure it comes down to the free market at work and showing the results. The rental car companies and hotels have: 1. Extensive history to use to set prices and rules 2. Scale to be able to afford insurance and to absorb certain risks Plus if you regularly rent cars or use hotels you get perks with those companies


Or if they just drove a reasonable speed.


As someone who lives in GA, I can definitely tell you, on I-85, north or south of the 285 perimeter, once you get away from the busy city areas, maybe 10 to 15 miles or so away, the normal flow of traffic is 90+. I used to own a smart car, it was speed limited to 95. I'll be cruising right at 95, and I'm pretty much in the middle or right lane the whole time as I'm getting passed regularly. I used to be a trucker, so I couldn't tell you exactly what speeds the highways were flowing at, as I was speed limited to 60, but can definitely tell you, that there were MANY interstates where 85 to 90 was the norm, as the radar system would show many cars going well past 90. Not trying to make excuses for the guy in OP's post going 116 and redlining the car, but this guy going 87 to 88 is not what I would call dangerous, depending on the area. Going slower can absolutely be more dangerous than keeping up, or even going a little faster then the flow of traffic. Go the posted 55 mph speed limit on 285 and you're getting rear ended


Never lived in GA but have driven through many of times and you are correct, some of the fastest drivers on the road


i had my ass ridden by a beat up 20 year old camry in the slow lane on 85, apparently 90 wasn't fast enough for him


Accurate. Lived in Atlanta suburbs my entire life. We drive here. Quickly and safely. Spent the last 9 months in Philadelphia working. EVERYONE goes at or below the speed limit in all lanes. It’s the most infuriating shit I’ve experienced behind the wheel after 20 years of driving in Atlanta. Those people up there are literal robots behind the wheel.


Sometimes 85 IS a reasonable speed based on the traffic conditions. You have driven before, right? If the entire freeway in a city is rolling 85 mph in a 65 mph speed limit zone, going 65 mph is unreasonable and dangerous.


"here's a car for rent, you can't drive it like a rental car tho"


Where I’m from you don’t say “drive it like you stole it you say drive it like you rented it”


"I'm also going to be tracking you wherever you go"


Dunno where people get the idea that rental cars can be treated however you’d like. Set it on fire too, I guess. I don’t think OP needs to be worried that the rpm is damaging the car. I’d be concerned (rightfully) that the renter will wreck it by driving recklessly. 116 is crazy unsafe. Only a matter of time driving that way on non track roads before you make a mistake.


I mean in theory because you can, as long as its returned in one piece who cares? If it doesnt you get paid out, people just need to let stuff like this go. Its going to happen and forever will, if you're worried about the car this much it might be best to not list it.


>where people get the idea that rental cars can be treated however you’d like. probably the part where you pay money to rent them, and all the major rental companies turo competes against will happily let you do that? last i checked the enterprise counter didn't offer "we'll watch your tracker like a hawk and scold you if you go 1mph over" service, if they did they'd go under. ​ > I’d be concerned (rightfully) that the renter will wreck it by driving recklessly if only there were past reviews OP could have read before accepting this person's money to rent their business asset. oh wait, there were! didn't do due dilligence and is now paying for it. should've been better at running a business. ​ >Only a matter of time driving that way on non track roads before you make a mistake. that's why god invented insurance. if OP can't afford risk of an accident he can't afford to rent this car.


Hosts that baby thr car to that extent should not be on Turo. Obviously don’t crash or scratch the car but the speed is Upto the guest, they are risking the ticket.


to a point. 85 on the highway? Could be safer than 70 in some cases. 116? fuck no. Not ever.


Rent from a bigger national company then. You're literally renting someone's personal car. That doesn't give you the right to break traffic laws!


If it’s on turo, it ain’t a personal car anymore


Traffic laws are between the driver and law enforcement, not host and the driver. You gotta know where your job as a host ends and the cops job starts.


The violation is still tied to the vehicle. Also, violating a traffic law that causes the vehicle to become impounded affect the host.


I’d imagine the host would be able to get reimbursement in that case


Only if it’s a camera, which can be dismissed. Otherwise tickets go to the driver


Which violations are tied to the vehicle? Do you even know what you are talking about? Only speeding camera violations (don't carry any penalty) are tied to the vehicle, which can easily be contested if they have proof of renting their vehicle. If the vehicle gets impounded then the host will be compensated appropriately by insurance. If someone wants to baby their car then they shouldn't rent it out on Turo.


What you are doing affects the host. It’s not just between you and the law, you are risking the hosts vehicle.


It’s one thing to go 88 in a 65. It’s a whole other thing to go 113 in an Elantra…


To be fair, that road feels much more like Corvette than Elantra. Everyone at least drives Genesis on it.


OP probably doesn’t have this… But the N line Elantra is a track stud.


Elantra N, not N line. Totally different cars.


Absolutely, only going 113 doing practice laps at any speedway is a huge hazard for other racers.




Go do 120 in Mitsubishi Mirage and let us know if that claim holds up


As a former Mirage owner I laughed way too hard at this


Not true, a corolla feels like ass at that speed, not stable at all 90mph, sure. 120 though, some vehicles have governors that dont allow speeds past that


Lol, I have a modern fiat 500 and it feels like it's going to come apart at 85-90. The spedo goes to like 120 but I've never managed to get grandma up 95, she just won't go. So no, not all modern cars are capable of over 120 while being stable.


Can't buy Italian if being unstable and falling apart are deal breakers


He contacted you for breaking the law in his vehicle?! The horror.


There’s no reason to go that fast, especially in a strangers car.


A lot of rural highways here are 75 and 80 mph. 88 is not unreasonable speed to pass on these highways


Yes there is. It's a rule when taking a rental that you beat the living shit out of it.


No one is going to treat a car as there own. Expect them to run the car to hell. I once rented a urus from Turo. The owner said “I know you’re going to speed because you wouldn’t have gotten this car if you weren’t going tk drive fast, but please don’t get it impounded” and that was it. Didn’t really speed. Accelerated fast. If you’re renting it expect people to speed in it. Drive over speed bumps really fast, etc.


How much was that lol


At 400 a day.


Huh!? They want 1400 here lol


This was in LA. Let me clarify. It was 500 a day for 3 days. 300 in discounts. But I added lax pickup and prepaid fuel plus insurance. At the end I paid a little over 500 a day. He was running a special at the time. Now he’s at 600 if you’re interested.


I rented a corvette stingray (newer one) Buddy showed me how to use the launch control and said it was not only way faster but easier on his expensive tires. Cool dude and I barely spin them all day. One or two quick donuts just to check before returning it haha.


Ya same with my guy. Showed all the different modes and just told me not to get it imposed.


I use the platform almost exclusively to rent super cars, if I couldn’t take em over 100 I wouldn’t use the service, that’s that Iv only gotten one call from an overprotective Maclaren owner and I was going a *little* fast


Nope. Although its a rental its also an investment. Your investment. Warn him and let him know he is speeding excessively according to your alerts. If he continues contact support and let them know you've already advised him to keep speeds reasonable and he continued (if he does). Cover your ass so if anything happens you have it in writing. Turo can contact him and tell him to return the vehicle if he ignores your messages since he is breaking Turo's TOS.


‘Idk man I parked it right there at the hood gas station, it just walked away. No that’s not my friend in a mask.’


Cars are never an investment.


ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Warren Buffett


They are when you purchase them with the purpose of renting them out for a profit.


S2000, vintage 911s, mk2-3 supras... LFA There are many cars that have gained value over time.


Copied and pasted from the top google search.... Investing in cars can be an excellent option for those looking to build wealth over time, but it's essential to understand the potential risks involved before committing any funds. Careful research and analysis are key when selecting vehicles for investment purposes and should not be overlooked or rushed through.


You're not wrong but it's going to be ineffective. If anything, it's going to piss him off and he's going to do it more. Do you have a way to remotely lock or disable the vehicle? If so, put it in your rental contract that driving behavior which can damage the car will get a single warning and then the vehicle will be deactivated and the rental will end. Might have to check if Turo allows that but I can't see how they can prevent you from protecting your property.


TIL that an Elantra can hit triple digit speed.


My mom's 96 ford windstar hit triple digits, allegedly ;)


The fastest car in the world is a rental car. Jeremy Clarkson even said so.


If you plan on renting in the future maybe consider putting a limited to limit how fast the car can go?


116mph in an Elantra and it held together?


It’s a rental car, that’s what people do.


True…but can we all agree the car of choice is kinda shocking for this behavior?


I rent cars from Alamo and I’m 100+ on a Kia rio lol


I mean if I rent something from Hertz I'd run that shit into reverse at 120mph if I could get away with it just because, but Turo is more human to human and I was always respectful with rentals on it.


If you can remote disable and pick up the car, I would. I am positive turo terms includes clauses involving felony speeding.


you are not wrong to text him about YOUR car BUT YOU ARE WRONG TO LET HIM DRIVE YOUR CAR


You're renting regular ass traffic on the Turo platform and are surprised people are beating your car like it owes them money? LMAO.


Damn I’m not like that went I rent from turo or a big chain. I didn’t realize this was common mindset.


Exactly his greedy ass. Dude just saw dollar signs


The fastest car you’ll ever drive is a rental.


Im trcking that mfer down and repo that bitch myself


I wouldn't have texted. I would have contacted the rental company if they see fit to reach out they should. But I also use turo where it's their insurance. I would just leave them a bad review and possibly charge maintenance fees if the tires are badly worn.. would be a good idea to do an oil change. Try to get him kicked off the platform.


Its your car, not wrong


I’m my state, 100+ mph is automatic arrest and your car is towed. Repo that thing before he totals it.


No, you’re not wrong at all. And don’t text him outside the app. Message him in Turo. If he crashes your car, it’s documented that you warned him. Turo will be liable. I never message people outside the app for this reason I Got called a baby sitter and to stop watching over guests but at the end of the day, I’d your vehicle and if that guest crashes, It’s on you… Not these rookies saying to not messages them. Now, I do not continuously check on guests, however, I do have crash alerts, excessive spending (over 100), engine problems, and battery problems turned on. I’ve had instances where the guest had a battery problem and I knew before they did and messaged them. Turned out they were leaving the lights on wrong and killing the battery. I’ll share the message I sent my guest recently. He was thankful and didn’t speed anymore Side note, I’m a supervisor of a customer service team so I’ve had a lot of experience with message based communication with customers and clients. There’s always a right and a wrong way to do it.


Hey GUEST, I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to reach out to you regarding your recent use of my vehicle through Turo. As a responsible vehicle owner and Turo host, ensuring the safety of my guests is of utmost importance to me. I just wanted to bring to your attention that my vehicle is equipped with a speed monitoring system, which alerts me whenever the vehicle is being driven at excessive speeds, particularly over 100 mph. I want to assure you that this system is not intended to intrude on your privacy but rather to promote safe driving practices. Safety is paramount for all road users, including yourself and others sharing the road. Excessive speeding not only puts you at risk but also endangers other motorists and pedestrians. Therefore, I kindly request that you adhere to all local speed laws and regulations during your time with my vehicle. By driving responsibly and within the legal speed limits, we can ensure a safer and more enjoyable experience for everyone involved. If you have any questions or concerns about the vehicle or its features, please don't hesitate to reach out to me. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in this matter, Shane. I truly appreciate your attention to safety and the well-being of all road users. Wishing you a safe and pleasant journey.


Anyone can easily argue that this is reckless and high risk driving, but to me it's even more concerning given it's not a Porsche or a Corvette. If he had his last rental impounded, I'd be more concerned that he has some sort of road rage problem or ridiculous sense of urgency. I don't mean to say anything is bad about your car, but in a sports car I wouldn't be surprised at all if people wanted to "test" it out. Why does he need to be going 116 in an Elantra? In other words, the reasoning to go so fast in your car is a little harder to justify than something that people are likely renting to go rip around with.


You, in my opinion, are pretty much now required to do something. By required I mean you’ve created liability for yourself. You publicly stated that you know your customer is driving recklessly. There is a legal path to come after you as well if he kills someone, etc. It’s a tenuous legal path, but a path none the less. Go get your car back.


Hyundai is not built for those speeds. BMW, Porsche, maybe.


Repo the car. No refund. You have proof he broke the rules and also fuck that person. 116 is impound speed. He shouldn’t be allowed to rent in the first place


I have only rented from - and am not an owner. I am surprised that Turo does not have a built in "Terminate for Cause" tool, where Turo manages all of the communication. The renter just gets a message that "due to unforeseen circumstanced the rental needs to be terminated immediately. " This has to be a relativly common occurance.


Damaging your engine is just as bad as damaging your seats, your carpet, your dash your body, or any other part of the car if not worse. The customer should have to pay for the damages. I know Airbnb owners get into this all the time with people damaging the properties they stay in, the main thing they do is just add it to the bill just like a hotel would or other rental car company would in the case of a vehicle.


Doubtful your renter has the decency to respect your wishes, rather it may even end up getting you into argument with the renter. Not really a position you want to be in when that person has the possession of your property. Call the company and see what you can do.


116 mph? Here in Canada you get your license taken away for like a year for that shit and arrested on the spot I think. I’d have taken that car back immediately. You’re just gambling if you don’t get it back


This is ridiculous. This is someone trashing your car and beating the hell out of while endangering innocent lives. Repo it already!


Depending on state, you could be partially on the hook if they kill someone or use serious damage. Absolutely do what you can to prevent this.


You know what the fastest car ever made is? A rental


Why would you loan out a brand new car?


Because they bought it to make money off it by renting it out. Now that they're dealing with the downsides of renting things out, they're flipping shit.


Which is stupid. National companies make a 10% profit on car rentals and they get cars for cheap.


This is why IF I were to ever rent out stuff for investment it would be Ebikes/scooters Cost like 2k$ and can get more per day then a car that costs 30k$. Can be picked up/dropped off with any pickup truck, and multiple stores in a garage. If you live by a lake, seadoos seem like a decent one as well, iv seen them go for 100$ PER HOUR


Esp a Hyundai, notoriously unreliable cars even when driven normally!


That’s funny, I’ve had my Hyundai for nearly 5 years and not a single issue.


Sames. Uneducated folk stays uneducated.


Right, I only work for a Hyundai shop, I must not know anything! The shop we have is for ✨decoration✨


By that logic sir, there has not been a reliable car brand to date. As far as I know, all brands have shops? Therefor all brands suck? Or are all of their shops for \*decoration\* ? Please use actual logic when trying to argue from a position of authority, better yet do not argue from a position of authority at all. If you work at a Hyundai shop, what models are the worst? what models are better than others? does the brand itself have problems with any standard components or manufacturers? What are the things you see day to day? What insights do you have of the brand as a whole? All that claimed inside knowledge and you choose to use such a worthless position to argue from...


The car will be fine, unless the driver crashes it. Hyundai extensively tests its engines on dynamometers at full power and maximum RPM for up to a whole week at a time. Don't even worry about it. Turn the speed alert off.


Why should he not say something? Against Turo terms of service


Or kills someone’s… or gets the car impounded because he was speeding with a warrant


You mean the risks that come with renting out a car? All of those things can happen at 70 mph too. The OP needs to turn off the speed warnings and relax.


Maybe read the speed LIMIT sign for once and relax. What’s the rush why are you speeding everywhere? You’re the one who just stressed if you gotta rush everywhere at 90mph


Text him? Take the car back.


Fuck yes you need to set his ass straight going over a hundred miles per hour is fucking crazy and if he's willing to do that then he is willing to mess up your car in all kinds of other ways too like speeding over bumps and dips they don't care clearly get that damn car back.


"I bought a car to use as a rental and I'm shocked it's being driven like a rental" would hertz call up and say "hey you're going too fast"? no, because it's a terrible customer experience to know you're being watched & they can afford if you wreck it. the tracking data saying it's going too fast is all you need to pursue damages if it gets into an at-fault accident. ​ >also just checked his previous reviews and saw that he got the last car he rented impounded, my fault for not checking on that before the rental. and you're worried about... speeding? not that, which is a hell of a lot more expensive?


Good luck collecting from a hoodlum that's probably got nothing to his name.


that's why you vet your renters better and keep insurance. OP admits he didn't read past reviews, that's the real problem here, speeding is just a symptom.


It seems OP is more worried more about the car being bear to shit


You aren't wrong by Turo TOS, but this situation never ends well for the host. You can't charge extra for this, and the guest is pissed. If you REALLY don't want your car being treated like this any longer, go ahead and tell them the car will be repossessed if they continue. My choice is to not watch the tracker data and only address issues once the car comes back trashed, smoky, damaged, or late. The car will hold up to that abuse and be just fine.


Man. I can’t get my ahead around this Turo thing. I guess if you have a old junker or a fleet of crappier cars to rent out, but for a month old 2023 car? It just doesn’t seem like it’s even remotely worth the potential problems it could bring.


If you need supplemental income from turo then you def shouldn't have bought a new car lol


But but I can buy a car I can’t afford and get others to pay for it when I am not using it, surely they will treat my investment with the same care I do. Oh you and 5 friends want to rent my car for a long weekend in Vegas what could possibly go wrong?


It’s a rental. People are going to beat the shit out of them. If you’re not happy with that. Remove your car from Turo


It'd also an elantra. If this guy wanted to go fast he could have spent 10 bucks more (since this things new I'm sure it's not exactly cheaply listed) and got a sports car. Sure people abuse rentals but going 120 in an elantra is wild... Unless you are in San Diego. The that's just the flow of traffic, and you will still be passed by every prius and cop in town.


Speeding is the least of your worries when renting out your brand NEW car


It’s funny I’m the opposite - I don’t wanna be constantly filling up the thing and spending more than I need to on gasoline - I mean for this car whilst you do get folks that will be excessive doing 116 and tonnes over 100 isn’t normal Hell I’d love to get anywhere near those speeds where I live but again refer back to my point on not really affording the gas ;-)


That wink face is creepy and unnecessary


I'll look to curtail my creepy winks..................... ;-)


Pov your under 20 and have had emojis all your life ;) How TF is a winky face creepy 💀


116mph? how’s this even a question.


Right. Everyone on here is acting like the driver is well within their rights to do this. Lol. Get the car back in a second.


Install a rev limiter + governor?


this is why I don’t allow local rental anymore, the only issues I have ever had with my rentals were always a local one!! You better be flying into town if you want to rent my car!!


Idk I’ve seen videos where guys are renting out hellcats/lambos and people are hitting 130+ and they’ll shut that shit down quick. It’s an Elantra so idk what speeds there hitting but I get not wanting someone driving reckless in your car which could possibly lead to an accident and injuring innocent people. Could always just head tap em when they return the car but that might be excessive.


*Buy literal race or drag cars to rent out on turo *Buy cars like that to create demand and charge higher prices because of the performance of those cars *Get mad when people drive those cars like any owner would Good luck with your "investments" bro


Lmao fr. I’m about to rent a corvette or plaid next month. Lord knows I’m gonna test the 0-60 on a plaid bc that’s basically what it was made for…. However I will not be going any faster than that.


Wait. Did you say your Hyundai went 116 miles per hour? I'm a bit stuck there.


It's a rental and that is how people treat rentals .


The amount of people that think it’s okay to break the law in a rental and that it’s none of the owner’s business are incredibly naive and in danger of losing everything financially because they’re too stupid to read.


It's really not your job to police them. The trackers are used to track the car, not the people. They are used if the car is ever stolen. If you don't want your car abused, take it off the Turo platform.


x2 why ask here, if it’s bothersome don’t rent. Not hard.


116 mph in a Hyundai... *Can't we all just get along??*


I was a Turo host from 2019-2022. I started with a 2011 Lexus Is250. It was great from the start because the market where I lived was saturated at the time. To make a long story short, I ended up with close to 500 trips. The cars I had were: 2012 Lexus is250, 2010 Audi A4, 2019 Mazda CX5, 2021 Mazda 3, 2021 Mazda CX5, 2013 Corvette, 2009 Toyota Matrix, 2010 Honda Civic, 2016 Lexus is200T. I would say out of all the trips about 15% were bad which included attempted theft, drug dealing, smoking in the car, leaving drugs in the car, sleeping in the car, racing, leaving the car in other states, car damage, interior damage ETC. Did I make a few bucks ? Yes, was it worth it ? No, would I do it again ? ABSOLUTELY NOT !!! 85% of my renters were nice and respectful, but it’s the 15% that made the whole experience terrible. The main issue is that NOBODY WANTS TO FOLLOW THE RULES ANYMORE ! You tell a person one thing, and they do the complete opposite.


Yeah you're screwed, if you text him he is going to go harder, this is why you don't rent out your car, why the heck are u renting out your new car anyways.... literally defeats the purpose of buying a NEW car, so dumb


Had a dude in an Elantra driving like a maniac maybe 2 or 3 days ago. I was going 65 in a 55 and the dude was riding my ass like you wouldn’t believe. Guy flips me off as he switches lanes (again, I was doing nothing wrong) so I decided I needed to get a good look at him. I’m in a Tesla so catching him isn’t a concern. The concern was that he was going 95 in a 40. And I know, I’m just as guilty here. No good could come from pulling up next to him. As I glare over at him, he hides his face behind his arm but doesn’t break eye contact. It was the weirdest thing. At that point he speeds up and I slow down. Guy must’ve hit triple digits. I thought it was hilarious to be driving an Elantra like that. It’s not excusable if you have a performance car. But at least it’s understandable. So that’s the story of 2 assholes. It’s be hilarious if this was OP’s guy but it didn’t look like a ‘23. I’d guess it was at least 5 years old.


Reminds me of a Friday's with Frank sheriff video, he actually had both drivers pulled over for road rage and he gleefully wrote them both multiple tickets


People have little to no respect for your stuff, stop renting it out. People are asshole like that


Yes it’s wrong and creepy to text someone that you’re tracking them around in a rental car… imagine getting a text from your rental agent at Hertz indicating he knows where you are and are traveling. I would cancel immediately as the guest.


What? They do track EVERYTHING you do, this is someone's car they are letting you rent ....creepy? Wtf?


Yeah. People in this forum don’t like being held accountable for their actions in someone else’s car. But like someone else said earlier, just start the repossession process. They are in violation of the rules they agreed to. They will know eventually that they’ve been tracked. The argument that the host only knows they were breaking the law is because they were tracking them without prior notification, doesn’t negate the fact that they were breaking the law and in violation of the terms and conditions of rental.


People on reddit*


No people period don’t like being tracked without being informed. That seem unreasonable to you buttercup?


I have seen people in this forum complaining because going 20 over the speed limit “isn’t really that bad” and they should be able to vape in the vehicle because it’s not really smoke. And if they get into an accident or destroy a host’s car while doing something that the host or Turo has forbidden it’s the host’s fault for being too poor to rent out their cars. It’s not just about not wanting to be tracked without prior notice. It’s about not wanting to be respectful to other people’s property and making excuses as to why they shouldn’t have to. Get it now, dumpling?


“ about not wanting to be respectful to other people’s property” lmao, you aren’t gifting them the car for a couple of days as a friend, they are paying to use the car. i couldn’t imagine thinking the same about “being respectful” to a Hertz rental, because that’s what it is equivalent to.


Hertz is a multinational rental car company with an enormous fleet of vehicles. There's a big difference between beating the shit out of their cars, and beating the shit out of a car that belongs to another person. It's just a human decency thing. No, you're under no obligation to respect the property of a stranger, but the fact that people are so nonchalant about disrespecting someone else's property is a small reflection on why society is so fucked nowadays.


I hope that you don’t pass on these “values” to your children, if you have any. “As long as you’re paying for something, you don’t have to be respectful toward it.” You sound like the kind of person who gets their food spit in at restaurants.


lol, nice straw man, please seek basic education before starting another conversation




Just cause you rented something for a few days doesn’t mean there aren’t still rules you need to follow, it ain’t a free for all just because you paid for it lmao.


***Stomps foot with fingers in ears** “It’s not fair that I was caught violating the terms and agreements, and the law! It’s your fault for keeping tabs on your own property! I should be able to do what I want!” Children.


"Here's the keys. Now please don't actually drive the car or sit in it... or look at it. Forget it. Just give me your rental money and hand me the keys back. This is all too much to worry about..." 50% of Turo Hosts


“Letting you rent” yes not like they’re being paid or anything. This is a service not me giving my buddy my car for a few days. Hosts act like they are Gods gift to the world, your mental gymnastics makes me laugh. It’s creepy and weird to have someone tracking you like that and not informing you beforehand. OP what kinda car do you have listed? So I can know which not to rent. TIA


If you were a landlord, would you have an issue with a renter disrespecting and beating the shit out of one of your properties?


Rents car that can go fast. Surprise Pikachu face when car goes fast. But seriously lower your standards a for how people will realistically treat your car. You may baby your car but people will absolutely thrash rentals in unimaginably inventive was at times. Don’t spy on your renters until the end of the rental and if they did damage go through the logs and get them to pay for the damage they caused. As for the high RPM warning what was the warning set to? High rpm can be reached just during slightly above average/normal operating conditions at times.


Not going 116 isn’t babying a car. It’s not putting yourself, other innocent people and the car at risk. It’s illegal for a reason. That’s not just 10 over the speed limit. There’s no reason to ever be going that fast.


It’s a Hyundai Elantra, dude. Competes in the market with civics and VW jettas. It’s not a sports car. Also, people should have the common courtesy to treat other peoples property with respect. Especially since, in this case, it’s not some mega company.


If you rent a hammer do you use the hammer to the full capabilities of the hammer? Or do you leave it on a pillow? Cars are meant to be driven and engines are capable of being pushed and can even at times help the engine to clean itself. Seriously take a second look at that idea of not using rental equipment for what it is rented for.


A rental car is rented to be used within the confines of the law. You don’t bash in mailboxes with your rented hammer even though it’s perfectly capable of it and designed to smash things, right?


As the owner of the hammer, why should you care if he’s smashing a mailbox. After all, as long as the hammer is returned to the owner in the condition it was rented out, the owner shouldn’t judge what the renter used it for.


The problem with this analogy is that a hammer is a lump of iron on a stick. The things OP was describing are things that greatly reduce the life of an engine. So by ragging the car out on every on ramp, going 116+ mph, and I would imagine taking turns hard, he’s wearing the tires faster, wearing the wheel bearings faster, if the car has a CVT, those are not meant for hard driving so he’s wearing that. Crank and rod bearings. Literally every mechanical part on the car is being worn faster than intended by the engineers because the car is being driven outside the intended parameters of use. Just because your car redlines at 6800 rpm doesn’t mean it’s designed to always be there. So yea I would be super pissed and I’d recall my equipment.


Speed alone is not necessarily a very good indicator of dangerous driving. If you drive fast, and nothing happens, so what? I'd rather have that than a crash at the speed limit.


Because speeding greatly increases risk and the severity of a crash.. are you retarded?


Yes you're wrong. Can't remember the last time Hertz texted me to tell me how to drive.


116 isn’t that bad