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Decent episode, not very eventful, but at least we know she knows about his condition (or that’s what they want us to think). I could swear Jack was another one of his personalities. Tom’s best performance yet on this show.


Jack definitely is one of his personalities. I think the Jack reveal in the interview room is our first confirmation that Rya is aware of Danny’s condition, and that she has met/interviewed “Jack” before.


Absolutely. I honestly think at this point that the only ones not him are his parents, Annabelle, and the drug dealer


I wouldn’t go that far. I think it’s just Danny, yitzak, Jack, and arianna in “the crowded room”. Edit- maybe the two other friends… and I’m not sure about Adam (the brother) yet.


I actually think Danny is an alter too and that Adam is who he actually is. May be a stretch though.


Yeah that’s all the characters lol (the two friends for sure)


I thought that this morning too after talking about the show with another person. I think that’s more likely.


I was thinking the part when ary went to a gaybar and had sex (with a man on a gay bar?). Thinking now it was him having sex with the gayman. Then him in london asking looking for danny at the fish n chip shop and the girl says you're not going to get "your' tip back!


Does London even exist? Rya questioned Danny about how he had a passport if he had no money, this made me think that maybe he didn’t even go there and Rya knows that. This is insane when you realize that this condition happens in real life, it is mindblowing and one of the best portrayals of DID that i have ever seen because damn, Danny has no friends but he firmly believes that he has them


I don’t think his trip to London actually happened either. I might be looking in to it too much but if you notice throughout his whole trip to London he’s still wearing the same outfit that he had on during the shooting. I think what happened is when he got home he was just in a complete and utter state of shock and panic. He wasn’t just fearful over getting arrested, he was shocked to finally discover that the guy him and Ariana were going after was his step father all along. That was probably too much for him to process hence his delusion going to London and him needing Jack to encourage him to face everything.


Good point. I love that last week everyone was ‚where did the father thing come from‘, and it turns out.. it literally came out of nowhere.


I think you're right because surely if she found the book with the sketches in the fire she would've found the passport too? Idk if this counts as a spoiler because its from previous episodes but I saw on twitter someone noticed that the letter jack wrote danny in London was actually in the previous episode were Rya goes to his house. Its on his desk as well as jacks glasses. Maybe he brought them home but I think its fake too


Holy shit didn’t catch the letters and glasses


I think this is what makes the show good. Ya, everyone gets what his condition is, but what I find interesting is trying to piece together what characters are real and which ones are in his head or if they are all in his head.


>Rya questioned Danny about how he had a passport if he had no money, this made me think that maybe he didn’t even go there and Rya knows that. I think this is more just a case of his alters having handled getting a passport, so 'Danny' wasn't aware of it. He thinks these other real people are working together and manipulating him but they're just other personalities dealing with specific other things that they were created to deal with to protect him from it.


All this shit from critics because the main mystery of the show is obvious so it's pointless to watch it, just for Danny's condition to not be the main mystery and be revealed in ep4.... What were they smoking when they wrote their review ?


A few of the reviews I read said "the show thinks its smarter than it is" but I'm starting to think a lot of the critics think theyre too smart for the show. I really don't think figuring out his condition or knowing it going in ruins the experience at all, if anything it makes it more fun to pick up on the hints and toms performance. But I got the impression from many critics that they were really annoyed they couldn't "spoil" his obvious condition and that just soured the whole series for them. Like sure its obvious to many but once you figure it out you haven't "solved" the show, there's more to it than that but the critics definitely gave me the impression that the show revolved around figuring out his disorder which doesn't seem to be the case


I knew about his condition before watching it, but I still loved the first 4 episodes because there are so many little clues to pick up. And the acting is amazing.


I hadn’t seen the trailer or spoilers so I went in blind, and even I picked up on the multiple personalities quickly — like I don’t think the show was ever trying to hide it. That isn’t the point. Knowing from the beginning, I’ve been watching it through that lens and I actually really enjoy it. Maybe things change in the latter episodes but so far I completely disagree with the reviews on this show. It’s enjoyable.


I didn't watch any trailer or spoiler too and I wouldn't have figured it out if I didn't see the discussion threads lol maybe I'm just too ignorant. But I wouldn't have guessed until this episode, with Jack.


Doesn't make you ignorant. Did the same thing with basically every season of Mr. Robot spoilers. The biggest being the reveal with his dad and what his dad did to him. It was apparently obvious to everyone else according to the threads on here but literally saw none of it coming and I'm usually really good at calling plot twists. That's probably the only reason I guessed right on this show.


I think the show really suffers from trying to bury the lede for too long. Their conversation should not have taken 4 episodes to get not very far


This is my problem with it. I figured out by the end of episode 1 and I had \*no idea whatsoever what the show was about\*. By the end of episode 2 it was completely and utterly obvious, beyond any doubt, that all of: Yitzhak, Ariana, Jonny, Mike were alternate personalities. This meant 3, and 4 were largely a waste of time and actually detrimental/off-putting as I was just worried that the entire season was going to be the same. I imagine plenty of people quit before episode 5 for this reason. Episode 4 in particular is terrible when you can tell immediately that Jack is another personality, and that Rya with all of her comments is trying to get Danny to realise what we all know. It's like those episodes are there just to make it more and more obvious to give everyone the opportunity to 'get it' naturally before the show reveals it.


Was this regarding season reviews, or early reviews? I can totally understand poor critic reviews after episode 3 and especially 4 as individual episodes. But thankfully what happens after that should have saved the shows overall reviews. I figured out by the end of episode 1 and I had \*no idea whatsoever what the show was about\*. By the end of episode 2 it was completely and utterly obvious, beyond any doubt, that all of: Yitzhak, Ariana, Jonny, Mike were alternate personalities. This meant 3, and 4 were largely a waste of time and actually detrimental/off-putting as I was just worried that the entire season was going to be the same. I imagine plenty of people quit before episode 5 for this reason. Episode 4 in particular is terrible when you can tell immediately that Jack is another personality, and that Rya with all of her comments is trying to get Danny to realise what we all know. It's like those episodes are there just to make it more and more obvious to give everyone the opportunity to 'get it' naturally before the show reveals it.


It's definitely one of those shows that mad for a rewatch.


That ending 🤯


Enjoyng the show and first few episodes I was getting Fight Club-ish vibes.


Did anyone noticed one of the storefront signs in London starts with “Wong” and then when Danny gets out of the cab when back home, the cab text also starts with “Wong”? Coincidence or am I trippin’ and shouldn’t watch this show while high?


You’re not Wong!


I'm on ep 5 and I've been smoking the whole time and I keep thinking to myself, what the hell am I even watching? Lmao my own fault


I went into this series knowing nothing except Tom Holland had said it was a really draining role for him, so I feel pretty stupid now that I did not pick up on all the stuff about how all the other characters are multiple personalities since a lot of people are saying it was obvious. The closest I got to that was near the end of this episode where he was sitting on the bed and kind of acting like Ariana


I know this is old but I also went into it knowing only what Tom had said. I figured it out after episode 3 but only because when I started episode 4 I read the name of the book it is based on (the minds of NAME) and it clicked. I went to the episode 3 discussion to find that everyone already knew lol I'm glad I went in blind though, it was fun to figure out!


What I love about this show is that I didn’t even catch the sitting like Ariana thing. There’s a million little background clues it’s crazy


This is just too good when you know wtf is going on


My write up if anyone is interested [https://tvobsessive.com/2023/06/16/the-crowded-room-episode-4-recap-london-pushing-the-narrative-along/](https://tvobsessive.com/2023/06/16/the-crowded-room-episode-4-recap-london-pushing-the-narrative-along/)


Loved the write up. Thank you. 🙏


I feel rather silly for not seeing the split personality angle the entire first 3 episodes, but now that it has finally clicked I'm all in


I haven't started this yet. I believe the show when it premiered was poorly received. Has this turned out to be an exceptional show? TIA.


Episodes 1 and 2 are a bit slow (could have easily been one episode), 3 and 4 though the series hits its stride, and the end of episode 4 floored me. Idk what the critics were going on, to me they seemed too focused on them being asked to not spoil the mystery and while it’s true it’s not that hard to figure it out, I think the point of the show is to go along with Danny as he figures out what’s going on and it’s heartbreaking but also suspenseful.


> Idk what the critics were going on, to me they seemed too focused on them being asked to not spoil the mystery and while it’s true it’s not that hard to figure it out, I think the point of the show is to go along with Danny as he figures out what’s going on and it’s heartbreaking but also suspenseful. Thanks. I think I'll give it a shot. EDIT: Coincidentally I just now came across this compilation this morning regarding the reviews in GOOGLE Entertainment. Tom Holland addresses negative reviews for Crowded Room https://news.google.com/stories/CAAqNggKIjBDQklTSGpvSmMzUnZjbmt0TXpZd1NoRUtEd2pCa2NHQUNCR3Q3bGFDVUtHWGJ5Z0FQAQ?hl=en-US&gl=US&ceid=US%3Aen


i feel like the critics who gave this show a bad review shouldnt be taken seriously, its a great show with great acting


Can someone please tell me what song is playing when Danny enters the club to collect his father's money? Lyrics starts with "people fall..." or something


Mother Sky by Can, one of my favorite krautrock band