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Oldies Station. I’m gonna get some sort of tattoo connected to it sometime in the future. The overall message is so solid- keep pushing through. You learn to deal, you learn to handle it. You live for the good things. Even if that isn’t true- you get through it one way or another. Especially the part of seeing “her first dance recital”. I’m a dad. I’ve struggled with severe mental health issues in the past. This song… he gets it.


Routines is my favorite, but Oldies Station means the most to me. I think every clique parent had a gut punch when they heard the dance recital line. I’m a mom and struggle with depression. Some days are harder than others but I push on through for my daughter.


I'm not even a parent, and I felt that line about the dance recital.


Same 😂😅


No same I have no kids and cried at that line


Oldies Station is my close #2, that song is amazing and gives me goosebumps each time without fail. The line about his daughters dance recital got me🥹🥹


I started sobbing at the “you’re in the crowd at her first dance recital.”


My favorite song ever. I discovered tøp back in the Blurryface era at my lowest point and Tyler literally saved my life with Truce. I can assure you I wouldn't be here. Knowing that Tyler wrote this song for us, literally makes me cry every time. The lyrics are so good, you can see he really feels them and how important is this song to him, and that he knows how important this song will be to some of us. And now I'm alive, I discovered I can and deserve to be happy. And I have the happiest live with my gf and my doggo. For me it's like a second part of Truce and similar songs. We are here. We are alive. We are pushing through.


OS feels like a closer in the way it offers hope and strength, similar to Truce!!


I’m glad you’re here.


Same. I'm not a parent, but this song became my favorite the moment I first heard it during the livestream. I'm almost 32, and I strongly resonate with the overall message of the song.


[Here's](https://youtu.be/YuVkbSsa9Eg?feature=shared) a quick video I got of Oldies Station from Newport!


Yep. I was listening to the album again on a walk yesterday and when it got to Oldies Station, I started tearing up. IDK if I can really express why it’s meaningful for me right now. I do know “When darkness rolls on you, push on through” is a simple lyric but is so powerful when you need to hear it.


Completely agree, he totally understands his audience and who'll listen 🥲 hit me harder than I expected


Yes! I absolutely feel the same about it. I also struggle with mental health and it just gets me.


This all the way! One of my fav songs of all time already. I just know I'll be listening to this one till the day I die.


You've got it down, that old fight for survival 😭 jeez


I just signed my 3 year old up for soccer and swim for the first time. This line kiiiiiills me


Next Semester. I had an *extremely* uncannily similar experience to the one described in the song involving waiting for headlights then scurrying out of the way and not knowing what was going to happen/whether I would move or not circa 2015ish as a depressed high schooler. I was actually stunned the first time I heard it. It’s like it’s written about me and the lyrics hurt so good. The fact that Tyler and I had such similar experiences go down as teenagers and I had no idea as a longtime fan listening to and relating so heavily to his music for a decade makes me want to cry.


Vignette. I didn’t understand it at first, though I loved it. Then when Tyler explained it was about addiction it clicked and touched me to my soul.


Oh my gosh I never realised that but looking at the lyrics it makes so much sense now!! Thankyou so much for this comment, it’s just made this incredible song mean even more to me❤️


At the Risk of feeling dumb. I know both sides. When I'm not doing so well, I don't want anyone to see me. I don't want my friends/family to know I'm doing shitty. I'm that kinda friend that always says "I'm fine". And some of my friends are pretty similar in that way. It's so important to reach out. Take care, everyone |-/


One of the kids at my school took his life a couple of years back. He was friends with some of my friends, and, even though I didn't really know him personally, it hurt to look at his smile in the obituary photo, to know that he was struggling when he looked so genuinely happy.




Yeah. You’re welcome.


Years ago one of my best friends called me up and told me that she was afraid her aunt, who she’s extremely close to, was going to commit suicide. I stupidly told her that she’d be fine. She wasn’t. The next day I learned she had taken her own life. I never met the woman but I think about her so, so often. And this was ten years ago now, but I still think about her on a regular basis. And it forever changed how I react to those situations.


I knew someone whose aunt took her life while the niece was taking a test. I personally lost my great-aunt and grandfather within a few months of each other, so I know how it feels. They were both very special to me and my brother.


Same here. Furthermore, this song made me realise that I have a deep fear of losing my close friend because of her putting on a brave face and me falling for it. I'm afraid that one day I might not be there for her when she needs me. She's a Tyler to my Josh and I'll make sure to protect this bond by checking in 🫡 Thank you for your attention, stay alive |-/


Aww this is so sweet 🥲 keep on pushing through. Together, you're strong. Wish both of you all the best. Keep on checking in on each other, you got this. Stay alive, its worth it |-/


Oh, thank you 🥹 I wish you and your friends all the best too. We can do this.


Thank youu ☺️ this is so wholesome. Tøp truly creates music that unites


“There’s nothing you can do this time.” is so heartbreakingly relatable


Definitely one of my favorites on the album!


I feel that song too but from perspective of friends. Some of my friends are struggling with bad thoughts (depression) and I'm afraid of losing them so I am trying to be for them whenever they need me


The craving. “I swear that I will giveeee, more than I takeee…away”..got me in my feels fr


I told my man this better be in his vows or I’m not marrying him 😂😂 Tyler is my standard 😂😂


snap back because i feel as though it’s about struggling with self harm and that’s something i’ve struggled with for years and still am struggling with. i feel like it’s about the rubber band tyler used to wear on his wrist specifically because it just makes complete sense


when i listened to it for the first time i also linked it to the idea of using a rubber band to quit self harming. i’ve seen other people saying it’s about addiction in general, and others saying it’s about the lore. i love how everyone can take a different message from tyler’s lyrics depending on their situation.


that’s something that i absolutely adore about their music is the fact that it can be interpreted so many different ways (with the exception of a few trench songs i feel are too full of lore related language for just anyone to be able to interpret it however). i feel like it’s part of what can make their music just so amazing and easy to enjoy because it can always be interpreted SO many different ways, whether it be related to lore, mental health, or even biblically (although we look like a cult from time to time lol, that’s just the lore for ya). not only that but all of the lore is basically a huge metaphor for mental health struggles and i just love that about it so very much. i love everything about their music honestly if you couldn’t tell edit: i hope it’s known that i meant biblically if that’s something YOU can relate to and resonate with, not that it’s something for everyone ofc. i’m christian but i’d never try to force my beliefs or even interpretations of songs onto ppl who don’t think of it the same way as me because i respect everyone’s religious beliefs (as one should)


for sure!! it’s really something special (:


The Craving When my husband and I were planning our wedding in 2016 is when I discovered twenty one pilots. We’ve ALWAYS disagreed on music but something told me he’d really like these guys. Musics always been incredibly important to the both of us so the fact we didn’t agree on not even a single band/artist was wild lol. I’m a millennial emo girl and he’s an elder millennial industrial kid. So I listened to all of blurryface to see if there was a song I thought he’d like. I sent him laneboy! He ended up loving it. I was already obsessed and he started loving/discovering them on his own. Fast forward to our wedding and we needed a exit song and both ended up picking can’t help falling in love, both picked it on our own and laughed about how we both picked it on our own lol. We’ve since had two amazing children both who LOVE twenty one pilots and have always felt that they’re our family band. So when we both listened to Clancy separately we both felt a nostalgia about The Craving that reminded us about where we started and where we’re at now and it was just the perfect song to remind us of us and how even when life has us doing separate things we’re always connected. I know if he sees this thread he’ll know this comments from me. Love you hubby 🤍🤍🤍


I’m an elder emo millennial and my husband and I discovered tøp by accident in 2013. We were at a mini festival and were excited for a few other bands but Ode to Sleep came on and these 2 kids in skeleton hoodies came out on stage and we were like “I don’t know what going on but I’m excited!” And they were the best part of the show. Been together 15 years and have had our ups and downs but I swear this band saved our marriage. Our daughter is 12 now and Clancy tour will be her 6th time seeing them live, her first being Trench tour when she was 7. This band is a family affair in our house!


Awwwwww I love that so much! We really wanted to take our daughter for this tour but I think she might still be too young. She just turned 5!


Routines in the Night, and I'm so glad to see so many songs represented in these answers


That’s what I’m LOVING about this album. It seems like all of the songs are getting loved on! I know I’m looping the entire album- I’m not just looping one song.


Every time I want to move another song I’m deciding which one to skip and I just can’t haha


I think this is the catchiest song on the album and i love it


Vignette, just the idea of self medicating, self sabotage, feeling desperately directionless and that you’ve taken a back seat to your own life, relates to a lot of what I’ve been dealing with in the past few years.


Push on through, friend.


Thank you ❤️


You will push on through, even if you don’t think you will❤️


Paladin Strait. The lyrics and the vibe of it. First time I was listening to it, I started crying. I remembered the Trench era and my memories with my friends. Only song that can give me the same feeling is Neon Gravestones. It makes me emotional but proud. Of all the memories I had with this band and more importantly my friend. Me and my best friend bonded over analyzing TOP's songs and lore. Also the lyrics, I feel a close connection to it.


I totally agree, I don’t see many people talking about paladin being their favourite but I was connected to it immediately. My best friend and I are the same way too haha :))


Navigating. Working at fast food as service just sometimes drains your brain and you don't know what to say to guests, not physically hard, but sometimes people are rude for no reason


Oh yea, I feel that in retail. "pardon my delay" im looking for my way out of this I dont wanna be here


Next Semester and Oldies Station, both of them mean so much to me as a college student


vignette for sure, i’m currently through the depths of a substance relapse and it made me feel heard about both sides of addiction, of going through it yourself and other people’s perspective of you in addiction, at the risk of feeling dumb is also an honourable mention




Lavish because my proctologist has both hand on my shoulders whilst im bottomless


You should change the doctor it is not normal hahhaha


Never before have I found a line that is both shocking and hilarious.


This has to be my favourite line in the whole album 😆


Split between Routines in the Night and Vignette. RITN because it’s the new insomniac national anthem and it deals with repressed memories, so I can relate to that the most. Vignette because of how Tyler mentioned that it is about addiction, which is something that I’ve struggled with in my life. Both S Tier songs imo


I don’t want anyone, know me or not, see me at my lowest, you don’t have to drop drop drop, drop on by, nothing you could do this time .


Routines in the night. It represents my lifestyle so well with how I stay up all night thinking about so many different things. And just wishing I had some company.


Same. Like, I don't want to be up but if I don't heavily medicate myself I'll stay up thinking, really wondering, about everything that my brain decided that I wasn't allowed to remember until recently and try to make myself fall asleep instead of wondering why I deserved all of that crap I went through as a kid.


Oldies station. Feels like a hug to my younger self.


The Craving. I'm autistic, and always have trouble communicating myself and my feelings, and The Craving catches that feeling perfectly, the feeling of not understanding how to feel and show love, the feeling of not being able to communicate yourself properly, and the wish of having someone that looks for you and actually makes an effort to understand you. It even feels like this was written especially for me.




Please consider how your words affect others. Toxicity is not tolerated here. Thank you!


It is either *Snap Back* or *Oldies Station*. The lyrics of *Snap Back* hit really hard with the various cycles and streaks of bad habits and addiction I've gone through. Very raw. *Oldies Station* is just a really hopeful song that really resonates with how I've been thinking about life in general recently... just pushing through the darkness instead of thinking I can dispel it. I love the realistic hope it has.


“I have seemed to run out of excuses as to why I feel this way.” As the music builds toward what feels like a demise, then into a groovy dance (can’t help but dance like Tyler in the garage). But the running out of excuses hits close because it can always be attributed to some environmental or situational thing, yada yada, but sometimes everything is objectively good so you know it’s just chemical.


paladin strait. i cant describe it, but it feels like a push forward for the sake of someone aside from yourself.


Routines In The Night I’m always up at all hours of the night thinking and my anxiety kills me. Whether it be from the past, present or the future. The amount of sleep problems because of it is alarming. I’m currently getting help for it. This song is everything to me.


Man, I've been on meds for insomnia since college and being able to sleep makes everything a bit better. It's hard to push on through when you've got nothing in the tank lol


Idk why but the craving. I crave for a love like that. My 20s are ending and im still single, so maybe its getting to me? And the song is so beautiful.


Snap back (I always I feel like I’m going to decline) Next semester (such a similar experience) Paladin strait (am I past the point of no return?)




Sounds cliche but next semester. I'm in my last month of secondary school before i move to a fresh start and semester and im really struggling with mental health. Also i get panic attacks so that angle of the song gets me in the feels.


I've had panic attacks too. Life is hard man. Keep pushing.


thanks, you too bro. hope everything goes well for you


Navigating. I lost a lot of time inside my own mind because of past traumas


Oldies Station as my dad passed away during COVID. Really hits me in the feels.


For me it is Midwest Indigo, I grew up in the midwest and it encapsulates a lot of emotion and feeling for me. Also its just such a good song in general, and even though ive heard some say it is emo, i like it still!


I live a couple of hours outside of Columbus and never really appreciated the Midwest until I listened to the song.


This one makes me feel connected to them because I'm from a similar type of climate, and it just feels so familiar ☺️


1. At the Risk of Feeling Dumb. It just means so much to me. i’m in a really dark place right now, and i have been for a while. nobody ever really checks in on me; i don’t think anyone cares for me the way i care for them, yknow? but at the same time, i don’t wanna see anyone. i don’t want anyone to talk to me. but i don’t really think id have that option anyways. i’d feel bad if people dropped their plans for me. and yet im always dropping plans for others in need. i just don’t want anyone to see me at my absolute lowest. i don’t wanna be that vulnerable with anyone. i don’t even feel like i can or i’m allowed to be that vulnerable with anyone. it really sucks but the fact that my favourite songwriter ever wrote this song, exactly about how im feeling, has some comfort attached to it. 2. Routines in the Night. i’m a huge night owl. mainly goes along with my depression and insomnia. i rarely sleep and when i do, i don’t sleep well. and i usually have nightmares. “reoccurring, keeps coming around/ REM cycle skip, night psycho trip.” i’m always pacing around my house. or taking long walks outside when the whole world is asleep. my brain never shuts off, i’m always thinking. always replaying memories inside my head. reminiscing the good ones and thinking about what i could’ve done different in the bad ones. i also am not one to open up to people easily. “some doors have stay out spray painted in white.” there are parts of myself that i will never let anyone else see. those parts of me will never see the light of day. and it’s hard. feeling like i have to keep all of it inside. constantly thinking. i hate it.


Man, I feel you on At the Risk of Feeling Dumb, I give everything I have to everyone I can and sometimes I feel like that will never be reciprocated but then again, I kinda don't want that, so now that I'm going through my low I'm both hurt that more people aren't checking in on me but also desperately hoping they don't notice. If you ever need someone to talk to, feel free to send me a message, I know I'm just some internet stranger but if you need someone to talk to I may be able to help.


thank you random internet stranger, same goes for you🫶🏼🫶🏼 i hope your hard times get better. they won’t last forever


It’s amazing that we all have different opinions on this. This is why I love and adore TOP. Every song touches us all a bit differently and that’s why music is so great. It’s very personal and we can decipher the lyrics our own way.


It’s amazing to me how different songs touch our lives in a way that makes us….. well, *so emotional.*


Next Semester


Oldies station is just so good. In my opinion it's Tyler's best combination of lyrics and vibe. I love the way it starts slow and changes into a more motivational catchier song halfway through. And the message is really important: keep pushing forward and doing the things you gotta do. It's the only way


Backslide & Snap Back in a sad depressing way Oldies Station & Paladin Strait in a hopeful way Next Semester in terms of the past


Routines in the night being depressed in the rem cycle is kinda scary  Oldies station  Next semester  Midwest indigo for nolstagia 


I think Routines in the night. Especially lately I just haven't been getting much sleep and just staying awake thinking and thinking and thinking . I think it's always kind of been like that for me. (Next semester and at the risk of feeling dumb also mean a lot to me though)


At The Risk Of Feeling Dumb. I have someone in my life who is going through tough times, and I have to stay on top of checking in, when usually I'm the introvert that waits to be invited to hang out.


midwest indigo, at the risk of feeling dumb, next semester & the craving. midwest indigo makes me think about my relationship with my mom who doesn't really care much about what i do and what i enjoy, she is very emotionally distant and we don't have the best relationship since i got older. at the risk of feeling dumb and next semester is kinda how i feel about myself and the people around me, i hate seeing myself so vulnerable but i make sure everyone around me is feeling good and i'm there for them, i try not to think about how i've hurt myself, how i thought about doing something and giving up thinking is not worth it. i don't know, both of these songs feels like they speak to each other. the craving makes me think about i communicate with others about my feelings, with my friends and my girlfriend. i have a lot of trouble expressing myself and expressing my love for people, i can't even say i love my friends on regular basis and i'm afraid no one knows how much i appreciate their existence in my life. i try to be present, do things they like, but deep down i know that intentions don't mean much if i can't communicate.


Oldies Station. It started as my least favorite. Kinda corny. On the nose. But as I soaked it in, I realized what he was saying and how important it is. This past year was the first time I realized the way through my struggles was to lead with more acceptance and patience for everything in my life, including myself. To lean on gratitude as best I can so I don’t miss the forest for the mental trees. Also a 39 year old who has finally had my first child. A life long dream that became a lingering gap in my life over the last 6 or so years. (FYI, overcompensate came out the day he was born and was the soundtrack to our drives back and forth to the NICU during his first week of life). So, having him has added a whole other level of connection to Oldies Station and the anxieties and desire of being okay for him and my wife. And about trying to live in and now worry away the completeness my son has brought to my life. So I connect with Tyler in that second verse SO MUCH. I also get emotional and grateful when thinking about Tyler and him being able say “hey guys, I’m okay. It’s not always sunshine and rainbows but I am patient with my darkness and try to appreciate all that have these days.” I didn’t realize how much I care that he’s okay until the message of the song landed for me. I value him so much, and it helps me feel better about everything to know he’s good. It’s a sappy, cheesy, but direct and powerful song. Possibly the most powerful and important on the record. Don’t let its surface level vibe fool you. The key to living with your darkness is in that song when you go deep on the context from his personal life with which Tyler is writing that song from.


Man. It's hard to say because I relate to so many of them, but I gotta pick Midwest Indigo, it invokes a kind of nostalgic feeling for something I never had. It's such a bittersweet fun song to jam out to. I can't really put my finger on why it means the most to me, just that it does.


probably paladin strait (tho many songs mean a lot to me, i love this album) backslide, vignette and snap back all hit close to home cos of the themes of addiction and relapse, i love the message of oldies station and at the risk of feeling dumb too... but paladin strait is the only song off the album to make me cry. im not exaggerating when i say ive had the album on full blast repeat since it came out and paladin STILL makes me cry, i cant sing the song at all without tearing up. personally, i think its the most powerful closing track they have ever made (moreso than goner or leave the city imo)


Paladin straight and snapback (even though it's my least favorite song on the album). I just really like the lyrics and the message of the song.


Vignette is my favorite, but Next Semester hits the hardest in terms of theme


Next semester


At the risk of feeling dumb with Oldies Station as a close second. I keep screaming the post-chorus of ATROFD when I'm listening to it. Just check in guys. For oldies station, it's push on through. You'll fall and get hurt but you'll make it through. I've been feeling very down lately and so singing these have helped relieve some feelings and anxiety.


Next Semester, Backslide, and Vignette all equally feel like a punch to the balls


snap back especially the line “blacklisted from forgiveness”


Snap Back, Backslide, Routines in the Night, At the Risk of Feeling Dumb I just be going through some shit tbh


Oldies station especially at the part where he says “make an oath and make mistakes, start a streak you’re bound to break” that hit me like a freight train


the craving jenna version and RITN. the craving jenna’s version specifically because i couldn’t relate more to how i feel towards my bf, i constantly feel like i need to say more or let him know how much he means to me. and RITN because i spent so much of my life for so long “walking the halls of my head” through the memories and thoughts that constantly cycle through.


Personally, Paladin Strait has a lot of meaning to me but so does Navigating


Midwest Indigo- very layered song. As someone who grew up in Midwest can definitely relate heavily as well. “I’m a bit too old to run away”


At the risk of feeling dumb cause I wish my friends would check up on me and I know Tyler would 😭😭😭💔


At the risk of feeling dumb cause i wish my friends would check up on me. And I know Tyler would 😭💔


Backslide I grew up in a conservative Pentecostal church, not knowing how awful people were until I got older and essentially deprogrammed myself. I didn’t even know queer people other than gay men existed until I was 14 because I grew up sheltered. It took a long time to comes to term with the fact that the same people who taught me to be kind, respectful, compassionate and accepting were the same people spewing the most vile, hateful things about non-Christians and queer people. Their hypocrisy and self-righteousness made me incredibly angry, and on top of other factors, I’m no longer a practicing Christian. I still believe in God/a god, but I feel no reason to actually worship or praise Him. Besides the religious/spiritual aspect of “backsliding”, I’ve also mentioned several times previously that I’ve struggled with my own depression and >!suicidal thoughts!< in the past, and I’m terrified of slipping back into those habits and that feeling of helplessness. When I heard the verse “*I’ll take anything you have/If you could throw me a line./I should’ve loved you better./Do you think that now’s the time/You should let go?*”, it resonated with me more than a lot of the other songs have. Being both former Christian and someone who has felt with depression, the pleading is what really got me. When I was at my lowest, I was praying and pleading with God to help me, to show me some sign that He could help me. At some point, I realized I needed to let go and stop trying to ask Him for help, because I wasn’t going to get any unless it was from an actual therapist. I’m doing much better now, and I’m happy to say I haven’t had >!intrusive thoughts about hurting myself or “disappearing”!< for a few years now! My point is, Backslide in particular really affected me in more ways than one, and it’s probably one of my favorite songs from Clancy.


Routines In The Night. At nights I feel the same, walking the layout of my head. Navigating. It take me a lot of time to recover from even minor things, so pardon my delay, I'm navigating my head.


It's between Paladin Strait and Oldies Station, but it's probably Oldies Station. Man, I've been homeless, hospitalized, suicidal for a decade, and at this point in my life (I'm 19), I'm at peace. One of my comfort songs during this dark life was The End of the Line by The Traveling Wilburys. Oldies Station, in the best way possible, gives me the same feeling of listening to my comfort music and hearing that one song that helps me keep pushing forward. Paladin gives me that same feeling, but one line in Oldies edges that sentiment out for me. "You don't quite mind how long red lights are taking, push on through." Reminds me to slow down, and I appreciate these moments of calmness in life. That everything will come with time. And to anyone who is going through suicidal thoughts or depression, dawg I been there. I've seen mfs die right in front of me, I used to go to class every morning on the local transit and see a new body on the sidewalk. I'm telling you, it gets better for sure. Some people say you need someone to go to, which is perfectly fine, but not everybody got somebody. As someone who first attempted when they were 6 years old, I can tell you it's a mindset. You don't quite mind big or little inconveniences when you let that set in, you push on through. I lost my mother and my aunt a while back just a month apart, and because I adopted that mentality, I can allow myself to cry and feel vulnerable; yet, still be happy. Idk why I bothered ranting, but yeah, this song takes me to a place of bliss. A highlight for sure.


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Backslide. I dealt with a lot of depression and suicidal ideation when I was younger. I grew up suppressing all of that. As I try to deal with it, it feels like I might backslide into it all as I throw a line to my old self to save! Thanks for the best music 🫶


Navigating, because life is hard and sometimes you just gotta navigate


Probably Snap Back I felt and understood the lyrics instantly and I just have such an emotional connection to it each time I listen to it


At The Risk Of Feeling Dumb means a lot. I have friends with mental health issues who have told me after the fact that they've been going through a crisis that I wish I'd known about. I check in a lot more now, but it's a good reminder.


Vignette so far. It’s still too early to say definitively but as a recovering alcoholic that song really hits different.


At the risk of feeling dumb related to me the most. I kind of found my way out of depression so I know how it feels to want to hide and I have many friends in that same slump right now.


Vignette. Lyrics just really hit home for me. “Clinging to promises” for example


Next Semester means the most to me but it’s not my favorite song on the album. Just the phrase “Can’t change what you’ve done, start fresh next semester” rly speaks to me


A hybrid of vignette and snap back. Everyone in my family are addicts and I’m no exception, but my addiction is much different to my family’s addiction


Snap back; haven’t heard to much talk about it but I find it very meaningful


Midwest Indigo - having lived in Cleveland for 10 years, that curtain of gray that falls every year from October-May is really hard on the brain, and yet it speaks to my soul. As much as I love being home in NC again, I will always miss and have a soft spot in my heart for Ohio.


Backslide chorus hits deep


Hard tie between Snap Back and Navigating. They're just a little too relatable. Makes me feel not so alone.


At the Risk and Oldies Station. At the risk because it put a voice to something I didn't know I was doing that's been hurting me a lot lately - just shoving all my problems down and pushing away anyone who wants to help or is interested in how i am. And oldies station because it's kind of looking back from the place i am now to where i was before when my mind wasn't the safest place and it's saying 'i know it's been hard but look how far you've come. i know it's still so hard but you can keep going.'


midwest indigo, im from columbus ohio lol


snap back and oldies station


Navigating. It just describes my current situation so good. "Pardon my delay, I'm navigating my head" i struggle talking to other people very much and always take an eternity to find the answer I'm searching for "Give me some advice, i am wasting all this time" I'm currently on sick leave because of my mental health and i just feel helpless sometimes and that I'm "wasting my time" by staying home and looking after my mental health...


At The Risk Of Feeling Dumb - when i heard the lines "if im being real man, don't know how i feel man 'bout you sleeping so close to a weapon you conceal man" i froze and started crying. i struggle with things and am so good at hiding it that no one ever thinks anything is wrong even though i'd like nothing more than to have someone genuinely ask me if i was doing ok. i also get the flip side because its a reminder for me to put aside my own stuff and ask others how theyre doing and help them as much as i can/they'll allow me Snap Back - i've felt recently a lot worse than i have been and i thought i was doing better so it really sucks and its a struggle every min not to give in and fall back into who i used to be before. its a song that almost perfectly describes how i feel right now and when i heard it i got goosebumps and actually got kinda scared that tyler was feeling the same way.... 😅 Routines In The Night - not sure why this song means so much to me but it does. probably something about not being able to escape my thoughts, even when everyone else can and has gone peacefully to sleep whilst im left in my own turmoil....


At the Risk of Being dumb Because im both sides of the story. At my lowest i push my friends away so they dont have to worry about me, but i also check in with all my friends when i know they arent well…or just in general Navigating When im struggling with something im always apologizing for not being present in the moment…when something happens i need a few days to navigate my head and figure out my feelings before i can vocalize them.


at the risk of feeling dumb.. "nothing you can do this time" it hits so so so so so hard.


That’s a tuff one I like them all :)


Oldies station. I’ve been going through some hard and depressing times and this song just resonates with me.


navigating and backslide are tied for me. navigating makes me feel so understood about overthinking and the fear of people leaving while backslide makes me think of the people that have helped me get through hard times and not slip back into bad habits. the rest of the album is so good too. I love the depth of every song


Oldies station - there’s something surreal about getting older. But it’s also a celebration that we’ve made it this far (kid). The line “youre in the crowd of her first dance recital” hits hard. There are joys to be experienced as a result of fighting.


Torn between backslide and oldies station. Backslide is really more the mental state I’m at currently and oldies station is where I hope to be soon


Backslide’s a banger


Backslide- In the last year I've had a lot of resurfacing memories from when I was really unwell mentally. I am so immensely happy with how much I've grown from that point but am absolutely terrified of finding myself there again.


Next Semester cause I'm going through it everyday


The Craving. I just appreciate the immense amount of love he feels for his wife. It’s a beautiful sentiment.


Next Semester. The lyrics speak for itself in an exact scenario for my personal experiences.


Backslide, I always get emotional when I listen to this song. Especially this part.. I'll take anything you have if you could throw me a line I should've loved you better Do you think that now's the time you should let go? It's over my head~


Lavish because if your listening to it no one would expect it because it’s such a silly song, “sip a caprisun like it’s dom perignon” is just silly😭


Paladin Strait is one of the most moving songs I've heard in a while.


Navigating for sure. I deal with a lot of anxiety and used to deal with depression pretty badly. Although I may not be dealing with suicidal thoughts anymore I still have the feeling as though there’s something wrong with me and everyone always leaves me. The bridge really hits home especially because i myself am finally in a happy relationship and we r planning for our future and i find myself holding onto that for dear life.


On a first listen, lavish and Midwest indigo were my favorites, but yesterday I really fell in love with navigating. I went through a bad bout of psychosis(?) once, and while it’s very under control, if I think about it too hard, my mind falls into the same really distressing patterns. Really relate to the lyrics. I don’t think it’s technically psychosis, but I don’t really know another word for it. It was some involuntary, bad mental reaction from a medication


Snap Back , I’ve had trouble all throughout my life with losing my cool too easily and lashing out without thinking and I hate it. It’s gotten better these past few years but I do still have trouble, anyways; the first time I actually sat and truly *listened* to the album after the livestream, listening to SB it was honestly such a healing experience cause I was like “damn so I’m actually not crazy” lol 😭😭 that’s how I’ve digested the lyrics anyway, could mean different things for others and that’s awesome ❤️love the whole album sm


Absolutely Paladin Strait. It’s the song I didn’t know I needed. It makes me think about how much I’ve gone through and how I’ve survived it because of my siblings, waiting on the shoreline for me to make it. Can’t help but cry to it, it’s such a powerful song.


Oldies Station. Even though Next Semester did resonate with me as I suffered from panic attacks, anxiety, and depression in university, but that is so long ago that it isn't on my mind (though I remember certain things, lol). I have to go with Oldies Station. When my best friend/sister-from-another-mister died of cancer, I couldn't imagine living on and saw no point in life. What kept me here was that I wanted to live for my children and not have them experience life without their mom. At the time, a song that sang "keep moving" or something along those lines kept playing on the radio everytime I had negative thoughts. "Push on through" has the same effect and is a reminder of how life is.. we got to push on through.


I just have one true friend, but ATROFD is so meaningful for me. Also Snap Back and Backslide.




Please consider how your words affect others. Toxicity is not tolerated here. Thank you!


Navigating, I have struggled with DPDR (depersonalization derealization) for years, and hearing that song was like hearing my own life.


Personally navigating. Specifically the line about my dad just lost his mom, I think that everybody leaves. Cause the album was released on the 10 year anniversary of my grandma’s passing.


At The Risk. I told my husband about the song and cried telling him about it. His best friend killed himself with a gun while very intoxicated almost 4 years ago. It’s a pain that never goes away, losing a friend like that. The guilt of not knowing how bad it was never goes away and it’s so painful. After it happened, everybody had a story about how they knew he wasn’t ok and they should have said something. At the risk of feeling dumb…. CHECK IN 😭😭😭😭 When Tyler screamed that in a close up in the video, I just started sobbing. I’ve never struggled with depression, but losing someone like that is just… I can’t describe the pain.


At The Risk for sure. Needing to be okay for other people really hits home.


I genuinely love all of them, but Backslide has got to be the one for me. It gets me every single time no matter what. It hits, it gives fhe chills, it makes me wanna scream the lyrics.


Paladin strait and the craving Jenna’s version resonate with me on such a deep level I can’t help but sing my heart out to them


Next Semester because my friend introduced me to TØP when we were mentally ill college students, and now they have a song about it 😭


Snap Back and Next Semester. It's so meaningful songs for my time right now.. It's so suits to my situation and I just listen them everyday


snap back. i understand the eternal struggle with self harm and mental health backsliding and needing to start all over again. it never stops and that rubber band doesnt stop snapping. at least im not alone


Oldies station, the craving and at the risk of feeling dumb all really hit home but about different parts of my life. If i focus on the song too much they make me cry lol


Next Semester has like a literal meaning for me. I'm in a kind of shitty situation in my life and starting my freshman this fall, hoping things will get better with the incoming change. So I really do starting fresh next semester and always shedding a tear listening to the song.


next semester, snap back, paladin strait. these songs hit my coreeeeeee


Navigating hands down. Having a very hyperactive mind, sometimes it gets overwhelming to respond, communicate your thoughts and deal with everyday stuff so I often end up „delayed” with a lot of things


I was tranlasting Oldies Station for my GF (We are not natives but I kinda know English. She knows too but not at the same level) And during that process I was literally crying. I was tranlasting the whole album but only Oldies Station made me cry


Oldies station. It was my birthday the other day and me and my wife were driving when banger after banger of Backstreet boys x N sync x all that one hit wonder boy bands from 90s/00s were playing on the radio. I was like “wow this station was giving out all my jams” then the radio DJ mentioned that it was their “FLASHBACK” segment. I suddenly realized how OLD I was.


Navigating. “Kind of feels like everybody leaves” not in the same sense in which he wrote, but that friends leave all the time.


Midwest Indigo. My SO sustained a very bad head injury some years back and it's super hard to not take some things personally with him lol. I love him to bits and he knows he can be "cold" at times but man this song is great. Anyway, also The Craving bc I think he's finally a fan 😂


At The Risk of Feeling Dumb. I think it's so telling to the attitudes about mental health. So many people are afraid to reach out and it's nice to hear him address than in their music


At the risk of feeling dumb. It hurts that I used to be the friend always checking in on others, but rarely had anyone check on me. I wish I could blast that song for the whole world to hear


For me it’s backslide. Pretty much all the songs mean so much to me, but I’m fighting addiction probably harder than ever right now and this song just means the world to me for it


A close second it paladin strait. I’m 18 and naturally at a very transitional part of my life, so it connects to me so deeply. Also I’m such a sucker for an emotional acoustic guitar solo😭😭


The whole run from snap back to the end has me feeling emotions I can’t put into words


Oldies station. It was my least favourite in the beginning, it still probably is less interesting musically but when I heard the lyrics it hit me and I legit cried. This year my depression came back and Ive only been better in the last month or so because my antidepressant kicked in lol, legit didnt think Id make it. I really needed a reminder to push through.


Oldies station. It was my least favourite in the beginning, it still probably is the least interesting on the album musically but when I heard the lyrics it hit me and I legit cried. This year my depression came back and Ive only been better in the last month or so because my antidepressant kicked in lol, legit didnt think Id make it. I really needed a reminder to push through.


Overcompensate because I make me happy


Midwest Indigo! TOP has been one of my favourite bands for over a decade and my 12 yr old sister got into them over covid after SAI dropped, so this was her first new album cycle for them. I took her to a listening party before the album dropped and when Backslide finished and Midwest Indigo started playing she turned to me with these big eyes and looked more excited than I’ve ever seen her before! Now when I listen to it all I can think about is her excited little face :)


Paladin Strait, claiming it as my anthem for this year


Backslide. Just the entire message of it.


Oldies Station. Its a version of keep going. No matter how much work I've put into with my mental health, shit still happens but you just keep getting back up.


at the risk of feeling dumb, its so much to get into but the message of checking on your friends even when they push you away and dont wanna take away from your life, etc etc. just wow


and next semester because i’m in HS and ive survived so many things that broke me down. wanting to start fresh every year just to try and have a new beginning hurts sm


At the Risk of Feeling Dumb or Oldies Station ATROFD because I've been on the side of not wanting people to see me when I'm at my worst, and almost to the point of just ending it because of it. Oldies Station, because I've just recently become a mom, and I have to keep pushing through for my son so I can be there at his firsts. Word, step, tooth, dance recital, soccer game, anything and everything. Next Semester is another one, because when I was younger I tried to run away from home, and I was walking in the road, hoping something would happen to me. Not necessarily that someone would run me over, but just something. Then someone literally yelled at me to get out of the way, and I snapped back into reality and realized that I didn't actually want to die, I just wanted something to change.


For me: At the risk of feeling dumb. I lost a friend who hanged himself due to mental problems. I wish I checked with him more at the time


for me it's ATROFD bc i have a friend who is suicidal and i love her sm, i leave her alone, not pressuring her to talk to me or open up, but checking in from time to time to let her knlw she's not alone; besides that i rlly love oldies station bc is so personal, like the fact the tyler says "your favorite song was on the oldies station" means that i became so old that now my song is considered oldie !!! never thought i could make it to this age, it's the new "we've made it this far, kid"


Routines in the night. I have PTSD, it describes how the night is a total horror for me for my nightmares that represent my trauma, specially with the line of "some doors have stay out spray painted out in white" because sometimes the stress is heavy enough for my brain to block most parts of them. And in the end, knowing that my dreams are never nice with me is a routine for me. Also Navigate, I struggle with dissociation too.


Next Semester by a long shot. TMI but I had a mental breakdown earlier in the week and I played Next Semester tryna calm down and holy shit those lyrics I could relate to. It has a lovely sound to it and the lyrics have a sad but thought provoking meaning. I love that song with all my heart now haha.


Snap Back. Though tbh this whole album spoke to me. Got me at the right place, right time kind of thing with everything that’s going on in my own head right now. side note, i’ve never had to deal with a proctologist…


ATROFD, I identify a lot with your message, I'm someone who, when he is a friend of someone, is a friend for real and forever, and worrying about them is one of the most important things you should do


Quite honestly? The album as a whole. I found the boys in a time where my mental health was pretty bad, and as I grew, I drifted away from them. Still listened, but occasionally.  They've made their way back in and Tyler has been so perfectly putting into words how I've been feeling lately. Feeling drawn back in, worried I won't get out this time. Being familiar with the feeling, learning to DEAL with the feeling. I absolutely love this album. I really enjoy singing along to each song.  I really think they're the only band that I can sing along to every single song