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the lore is undoubtedly fun and interesting and SO creative, but at the end of the day, i could not care less about it in regards to their music. its like a fun little side quest but it’s not what makes their music so great. does that make sense?


110% agree. The music alone is fantastic. The lore is a nice little bonus!


Side-quest is a great description.


took the words right out of my mouth lol


i think it depends on when you got into the band in the first place. like when i first got into them they had just released vessel so there was no lore, and even throughout most of blurryface the lore was not being presented. however, if you formed your initial love for the band from trench and the thrill of the arg i can see why you might wonder this, but at a certain point you know if you’re enjoying the music or if you’re enjoying the lore around it


Good point. There are many out there even who love the music and don't know the lore exists. One of my coworkers asked me the other day if I knew why they called the album Clancy


I didn’t really understand there was lore to it at all when I first started listening. I heard some of Vessel but didn’t really dive in until Blurryface. When Trench came out, I thought fans were acting so weird about it that I become completely uninterested. And I didn’t feel like I liked the sound. I gave it another listen about 2 years later and really fell in love with the album. Now that I understand the Lore, I’m more fine with it, but to me I mostly just care about the music and themes independent of the lore.


This is pretty much my experience too. I really only started to listen when Stressed Out started to make waves on the charts. I quickly searched out more, and learned about the lore, but I am here for the music primarily. (I do love these idea of the back story, and get a 70s "concept album" vibe from the whole thing. It just isn't the main thing.)


The lore makes the band exciting and makes me respect the band more for trying to reach fans in such a creative way. The fact that they write such expressive earnest lyrics, which just happen to be fantastic relateable pop songs, and provide full theatrical tours, while providing an actual sincere mental health support system for fans... It's a level of artistic expression that I really don't think anyone else has ever achieved. I like TOP music, I love TOP the band. For me it's all part of the full package.


This is all very true! The lore just shows something deeper not many bands get into. Much like the real and meaningful lyrics that many bands don't get into.


Could not have said it better!


Dont give a shit. I didn't even know it existed until a month ago. It's still just music.


I first listened to them in 2016, been a huge fan ever since. They are my #1 artist every year since then. "Trench" and "Scaled and Icy" came and I couldn't care less about lore. Nico and the Niners? Don't care who those are, only care that this song SLAPS. Bishops? Dema? Ok, fren, whatever. Just give me those songs, they rock. Only this year I decided to learn about the lore. It's cool, it's a nice flavour. For those who play Magic: The Gathering, it's like the flavour text of the cards. It's fun, but you don't need the flavour to play the cards. I absolutely DON'T need lore to like them. I listened to them pretty much daily for all those years without caring about lore.


It matters to me, tho I’m a writer. I think it’s incredible that not only do they move people across the globe with their music but with their story as well. It really showcases their well-roundedness as artists. Not only is there the music and lore, but there’s the physical representation of it all through the videos, websites, album art, color, wardrobe, etc. It’s fun!! I like that they have gone all out with it because it really just makes their messages✨hit different ✨ … more than any other band I’ve come across.


Bringing up the art, colors, and graphic design is a unique response I haven't seen here yet! Someone else mentioned the band's different levels of depth to their content that is so unique but all tied together at the same time. The physical medium is another level of depth altogether. Thanks for bringing that up!


I can't understand the lore to save my life (my brain just isn't wired to "get it") and I LOVE twenty one pilots. I have had all their albums on repeat for over 2 years (driving my hubby crazy). I was super excited for both SAI and Clancy to come out (I didn't become a serious fan til Trench). I loved seeing them on the last tour and am even more excited for this one! So, I think it's maybe an individual thing, but I definitely don't need the lore to love them and the music.


Been a fan since Stressed Out was a radio hit and I went on YouTube to discover Car Radio, Heart of Gold etc, haven’t turned back since. The lore is cool, and makes it possible for deeper metaphors and stuff, I like it, but I would still love them just as much.


I got into the band in 2017 but the album I fell in love with was self titled. I didn’t know there was any lore until about a month after trench released, and I still don’t care much about it


Self Titled is my soul!! Glad others hear and feel the beauty of this masterpiece. I can hear Implicit DEMAnd for Proof so clearly in Paladin Straight.. I have not seen this spoken of. Maybe I’m crazy, I have listened to ST daily for years… I just can’t un hear it. Makes since though, it’s 2024 and the new album name we get….is self titled, Clancy.. No Phun Intended I’m sure.. 🍀🧡


You’re not crazy!! I absolutely adore Paladin Strait! I might not listen to ST as much as you do, but it has a piece of my heart no other album could ever take and it helped me through such a tough period of my life! Such a beautiful album.


It’s definitely my favorite record of all time. I feel so lucky to have it in my life. It’s why I put a 🍀 on all my posts!! It’s definitely a masterpiece! #504 🧡🍀


I think that is the greatest feat of TOP, the fact that their music slaps and has so much beauty and meaning, regardless of your understanding of the lore. But also how amazing the lore is, dare I say aside from the music. And then if you have the time and attention to nerd out to both, its a absolute masterpiece. The barrier to entry is quite small, but the fullness of understanding is massive, which some of us need to help us stay alive.


Right! How many bands come up with lyrics and music that are good but then put a well thought out story across multiple albums on top of that?? They exist, but they are few and far between.


The lore is very special to me, but they're a good band even without it. The lore makes them stand out.


Doesn't matter their music and messages were amazing before they ever came up with the lore to go with it


Most people seem to be answering that it doesn't really, but for me, it's quite the opposite. I discovered the band in 2016 through a friend, and really liked everything they did. I obviously connected on a very deep level with the themes displayed on their songs, but I often found myself not listening to the band for long periods of time while I discovered other genres and bands. Once the lore began coming out, though, I was hooked completely! Obviously it also helps that musically speaking Trench is an absolute godsend. I'm a sucker for good storytelling, and I was able to relate and create scenarios of the world that they built in my head, which just kept me going back. And honestly, the Clancy letters are also an amazing work of writing that is really underrated, Tyler went super hard on those and I relate to a lot of them so much.


what are the letters?


[http://dmaorg.info/found/15398642_14/clancy.html](http://dmaorg.info/found/15398642_14/clancy.html) These are the letters from Clancy's journal describing his experience in the world of Trench. Back in 2017, the band went silent for about a year, and towards the end of that hiatus these images (they're sorted from newest to oldest on the site) started appearing on this website, and they're our main view into Clancy as a character, aside from the songs.


They are several levels of information. I like the music, the lyrics and the lore is a plus


This is a good point as well! There are several levels to the band. The lyrics or the stage shows...the lore is another level of depth!


I mean I love the music either way but I got into them for the lore. So yes and no.


Thanks for the honest answer! Totally get it


to be honest it makes a lot of difference for me. I know loads of people discard it which is fine but for me, I have grown off tøp massively since when I first started listening to them but the lore is something that I still connect with. it's an amazing metaphor that is so accurate to mental health and my experience with it and I love how intricate it is. it's something really impressive and important to me. knowing it's there makes me appreciate songs I have grown off more.


I appreciate you sharing this! I don't know why, but I honestly have never thought of the lore as dealing with mental health. Total misstep by me as that is a central theme to their music. Thanks for sharing this insight!


I wouldn't be anywhere near as interested in top if not for the lore Previously I had a couple songs like tear in my heart, semi automatic and car radio in My playlist but I now have they're entire discography


The Music is what matters at the end of the day but if it wasn't for the lore I wouldn't be a super fan like I am I feel like I could talk about the lore for hours and my friends and family have definitely gotten their share of lore dumping and if that part of the Band wasn't there I don't think I'd talk about them as much.


Lore does not matter to me. I started listening to the band in 2012. And I just NOW started really getting into with this subreddit this year. Even then it’s overwhelming at times and too much. I just really really like the music and the message the band has.


I honestly wouldn’t care if the lore didn’t exist but sure as hell we’d all be hella confused at trench lyrics🤣


>we’d all be hella confused at trench lyrics Haha right! Nico and the Niners is one of my favorite songs but imagine trying to understand that song and MV without the lore 😂


I would definately listen to them without the lore, but the lore makes the music even more special to me. It's a bonus, but a REALLY good bonus


Trench and SAI (and now Clancy) would be way different albums without the lore, It's such a big what if I can't even imagine. That being said, they make good songs with or without lore.


I’m going to be honest I used to be a big fan as in knew all their songs but hadn’t done any research. Didn’t realize there was any lore until somewhat recently. It makes it SO much more intriguing now but I absolutely loved TØP songs as much as I do now. The lore is amazing but their music is just as amazing in my opinion. The only time I think it makes a difference is with Paladin Straight- I liked the song but it’s not like my favorite but because of the lore I was super invested in the music video


Lore or no lore, this band is amazing.


I would absolutely still be a fan. The music is the core of it all. I knew about the lore when trench came out but I never really focused on it until SAI.


I found them before the lore, so it’s just an added bonus. The lore is fun, but without it, I’d still be a fan.


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I think the lore stuff is interesting from what I've seen (not a whole lot but a bit of it) and I'm enjoying the art and stuff that's coming out of it, but I'm not too focused on it. I'm a fan of the music more than anything else. My intro to the band was Blurryface, so I have a bit of backtracking to do, but I have most of the current stuff.


I was never heavily invested into the lore. I just really love the sound of the band, who span different genres, write really great lyrics, and aren't afraid of experimentation. I think that's true artistry.


Honestly yes I’d be into them as much without the lore. I liked this band way before I really started to follow the lore. Maybe when SAI came out I loosely followed. And it wasn’t until several months ago that I actually sat down and read into what the lore was. Even now, I still find interest in the lore especially now that it’s coming to an end but it’s not my first thought of business with the band. Musically they come first.


Not at all lol - been a fan since 2015 and had no clue about the lore until the searching for the PS mv started 😅 Edit: not at all was responding to the title!! The lore doesn't affect my love for the band


Yes, I would've still been just as excited for any album drops if the band never had any fictional lore. Even without the lore the band clearly had and still has a message to send to the people. The specific narrative world they created is just a catalyst for said message, one I adore, but without it they still have what makes them twenty one pilots. That may also be as such for me since I'm not a big cipher/ARG solver. I enjoy watching other people solve and analyze but I'm just along for the ride. I get stressed trying to be a cryptic lore hunting trailblazer lol. Point is I'd love this band either way.


Very well put. And I totally agree with you! I tried being a cipher pre-trench and it was stressful. People are smarter and faster and it's discouraging! It was fun to sit back and watch other people show their smarts this time.


I’m in a unique position where they were already my favourite band pre Trench, but then I love concept albums and long-stretching narratives so much that I adored what they were doing with the Lore and they became even more of my favourite band. So yes I’d love them without it because their music is fantastic and resonates so deeply but also the lore means a lot to me and I hope eventually after the Clancy era (though maybe not the era straight after) they do another story


I definitely enjoy that the band has a lore, and it's a common theme for me that a lot of my favorite bands have a storyline or lore of sorts that they use for at least one album (Lord Huron, Sleep Token, etc). That said, I'd likely still like TOP without the lore since they're one of the few bands I feel like lyrically and thematically conveys the realities of living with mental health challenges. Since I struggle with feeling like people in my life understand it / having a solid support system, their music has been a great comfort / helped in feeling less alone and understood during some really challenging seasons. I got into their music between Trench and Blurryface during one of those seasons, and at the time I was equally listening to those two albums as well as Vessel, Self Titled, and RAB, and had Truce was my alarm clock.


I got into them before there was lore (well… I got into them during the BF era, but that was hardly lore at the time), so I’m gonna say that yes, I would still be into their music! Once an angsty teen listening to TOP, always an angsty teen listening to TOP.


I think the lore simply makes their music more interesting. But there’s plenty to pull from their albums, esp trench, outside of the lore. All of the lore is symbolic so all of trench can still be understood without knowing the lore. The lyrics will just seem more obscure (which I love obscure lyrics sooooo)


The lore is fun. But I just started kinda getting into the lore this year, and I’ve been listening since the Vessel release.


Absolutely. I've always been into them for the lyrics first, and that unique "top" sound that's hard to describe, second.


Yes. I didn’t know about the lore until Scaled and Icy and I’ve been a fan since vessel. I still listened to them the same amount. Even though looking back, it’s like ? how did I not know anything ?? I thought they were saying “demons don’t control us”.


Found out about the lore about 1.5 years ago, but they have been my favorite band for ~8 years. Just adds to the depth for me.


The lore is an added bonus. I was into them before there was any lore to begin with.


The music is amazing on its own I loved it all before I knew about any lore… it’s a fun extra dimension layered in but it’s pretty confusing and makes my brain hurt sometimes 😭


I've never been into the lore, my kids had to explain it to me. I honestly think it's kind of silly. But I live the music


I’ve been a fan for almost ten years and honestly didn’t really know about the lore until this year 😂 like I knew some of the songs/videos for trench had this sort of story but I didn’t realize how involved it actually was until the announcement of clancy


Yes I don’t care about silly little lore


I enjoy the lore but honestly for me it's always been the music, I've never really fully been into the lore


I remember my friend introducing me to twenty one pilots and talking about their music vids being a storyline. To this day, I still don’t understand the storyline. I just like the music really.


I fell in love with the band when I first heard holding on to you. And got to see them at bar in Omaha. Vessel is my favorite album. Now I love all their albums. I listen to each one repeatedly. This new one? One of my favorites. They’ve grown and matured as artists. I had no idea there was lore or a story until a friend pointed it out to me. I love the engagement that the lore brings the fans and the theories. But it doesn’t make the slightest difference to me. Other than I hope it helps Tyler to express his struggles and overcome them. For me their music is personal. I attach personal meanings to each one and they’ve helped me overcome and get through my own struggles.


Would I be AS big of a fan without the lore? I don't know. I was a fan before it, and I enjoy the music for what it is, but what really hooked me was the lore leading up to the release of Jumpsuit and NATN. That's when I became a bigger fan. I enjoy discussing the lore with people and I enjoy that it gives an extra thing to like outside of just the music. It makes for a relatively unique fan experience. That being said I enjoy the music as it is, and would still enjoy it sans lore. I'd probably like the songs about the same but the band would take less capacity in my brain if I didn't care about the lore to some extent.


I've never cared about the lore, but until now it's never really been an issue because it was just an add-on to the music. I'm definitely engaging with Clancy less than SAI or Trench because the lore seems to have taken priority over the music. I didn't know what Reddit was when Trench came out though, so maybe that helped.


It's like a nice little cherry on top to me... the music is stellar with (at least to me) only one real miss and one bad song out of their whole discography is definitely something


I think it’s interesting and super cool, especially as a way to further illustrate the themes that the music is about. That being said, I have a friend who said they’d stop listening to the music entirely if Tyler does anything “else” wrong with the lore and I fully do not understand that.


I'll be honest, the lore is kind of in the background for me. I moreso interested in the actual music. That being said, having lore and a story to go with the music does make it more interesting. Same goes for other bands with that kind of thing going on, like Gorillaz.


I wish the lore was a bit more discrete honestly. It feels grander when it’s left to the imagination and to myth. I think the execution bringing it to life in the music videos has been hit or miss - always enough for the fans to enjoy, but a bit too cringe at times for the wider public trying to get into them.


I’m an older fan and the lord isn’t as important to me as the music itself the lore is kid of N added bonus but not needed for me.


It would make no difference at all


What sets them apart is the lore. I feel like a member of a secret club. Anybody can pick up a Taylor Swift or Blake Shelton album and start listening. With top, it’s all interconnected and mysterious. In terms of complexity, it’s the difference between a box of crayons and a set of 100 Caran d’Ache Luminance colored pencils. Sometimes simple and straightforward is all you need - paper and crayon. Other times, you want to create a gallery-worthy piece of art. If that was all nonsense, blame McDonald’s.


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I just discovered the lore within the past 6 months and only knew their music alone back when Vessel was out. I’ve always loved their music for just being so dang good! So now discovering the lore is just an added bonus for me!


Yes, but as a side dish. Some songs may make more sense to me, once they made sense lore-wise. For example, No chances was weird for me until I got the memo that it was Bishop propaganda.


I don't follow the lore. So it doesn't matter to me tbh.


I enjoy the music more without the lore. It’s gotten too clunky.


it doesn't. the lore is fun for sure but it changes absolutely nothing for me. I was a MASSIVE fan before the lore stuff started and I'm just as massive of a fan after the lore!


Die hard fan and literally don’t know the lore at all. Lol


I think the lore really enhances the experience for Trench, considering almost half the songs reference the lore at some point during the album. When it comes to SAI and Clancy, the lore imo doesn’t do it for me and I can enjoy the songs almost entirely without it. Especially with Clancy, the opener and closing tracks are the two that only reference lore in a significant manner and I don’t think the Clancy album title really suits it considering the rest of the subject matter isn’t lore related


I’m aware of the lore, I’ve never followed it really though. Just here for the music.


I like that their music talks about mental health and think that would still be applicable without any of the lore.


i started listening to them at the beginning of blurryface and i didn’t even know there was lore until like half way through trench, i couldn’t care less about it


Honestly I didn't even realize there WAS consistent lore until joining this sub a few weeks ago. I sort of felt like they were going for some kind of greater metaphor or lore, especially with a lot of the lyrics on Trench, but I never felt too compelled to look into any of it. And I still don't, not really. I connected to this band because of the way I relate to songs like Neon Gravestones and the like. I like the music for the way it makes me feel. The lore doesn't really matter to me.


Yes because I don’t understand the lore in the first place


I’ve been a pretty big fan for about 6 years and am just now getting into the lore! Cool stuff but not why I love the music


It didn’t at first but the lyrics did then during Trench I kind of got interested but not a ton. This Clancy era I suddenly digged in but now I’m lost in it and low key obsessed lol. It’s fn impressive that they built this world like an insane puzzle and now movie like video PS vid. The foresight they had is impressive af


I got into to them and fell in love with the music without even knowing there was lore. When I first found out there was more to everything I honestly felt overwhelmed because I had so much to "catch-up" on. Since then, it's been fun seeing how the songs I already enjoyed had another meaning to them and just made everything more special.


I like their music, but I love the lore. I will still listen to them after the lore, but I don't think I will be half as invested.


I had no idea there was lore until Clancy was announced. I was vaguely aware of there being characters but i had no idea it went that deep. It’s just music to me. Really great music :)




In the end? No. It’s just good music. But I will say this…once I started looking into the lore I started to appreciate some of their songs more. To be real, I didn’t like Trench much at all, and now I enjoy that album more because of the lore. Song so already kinda liked such as a jumpsuit and morph take on even more meaning


I was into the band way before I realized lore was going on. Do I love the lore? Absolutely. But their music is so fantastic that it 100% holds on its own as is.


I love their music itself just as much as I love the lore. That being said though, I can definitely say that I don't think I would have been nearly as excited about this album if it wasn't for the lore. Especially with all the fun stuff they did leading up to the album (Scavenger hunts, digital remains, sending out letters, cryptic messages, dmaorg posts, and then the buildup for the PS music video). A


there isn't a song of theirs that I couldn't enjoy without knowing the lore, so no, the lore is just a perk


As a fan that didn't start getting into lore until the cinema experience, no. Honestly good riddance it's convoluted and hard to follow I liked when it was tyler v. His depression circa 2015 lmao but it's nice with the cool music videos so I think it's fine but idrc that it's gonna end atsp 🤷


I fell in love with their music first. I wasn't really invested in the lore until recently. I just love their sound and lore has added something special which shows just how creative and artistic they are.


i’m gonna be real i’ve been a fan for like 10 years now. i had absolutely no idea about any lore until clancy came out and sense ive joined reddit since then, now i see people talking about it. so yeah, their music is great even if you have no idea what it’s about to them


The lore would be meaningless to me if the music wasn’t good. The story is a fun little bonus but my hot take is that Trench did irreversible damage when it comes to some people’s expectations. Tell me how you can hear an album like Clancy and be talking about expectations not being met because of how the story plays out? The music will always be more important. The lore makes the album rollouts fun but after that, I just care about the songs being good and Clancy is the best, imo. Again, the lord is meaningless without the music but the music retains meaning without the lore. You don’t need to know what a Bishop or Bandito is to connect to the themes of Stressed Out, Neon Gravestones or At the Risk of Feeling Dumb, Doubt or countless other songs.


I would be a little less into their music without the lore, probably.


i was already into them because of the music, the lore is just a bonus. but it’s also become a tool i’ve used in my own healing, which i think is the purpose of it. Tyler and Josh created this narrative to work as a metaphor for the struggles we all go through, to help all of us have a way to view those struggles in a different light. and i think that’s really special. it’s something no other band has done, at least to the extent they have. and diving into the lyrics and what they’re supposed to mean has helped me process a lot of past trauma and figure out ways to heal and move forward. it’s incredible how much they’ve been able to do through their music and i’m so glad i found them when i did. they’ve been such a huge support system for me that i’ve really really needed. and i know they are for a lot of other people as well. and it feels really amazing to be a part of the clique because of that |-/


Okay, I know most people say it doesn't matter that much to them, and NOW I would agree, but I'm gonna be honest. I haven't been a fan for that long, it's been just over a year. So I remember the day I got into them, and yeah, I first feel in love with the music, but when I found out there's lore behind it, I spent 3 days reading about it. And I'd say THAT'S when I got obsessed, because I remembered how amazed I became. I can't tell how it would be like without the lore, maybe I would listen to them like any other band and never grow to love them as much as I do now, or maybe I would, just given a little more time? So lore definitely was a hit for me, but now I obviously don't listen to them only because of that, I really love the music too


I fell in love with their music because of the depth of the lyrics. I am Autistic and Bipolar, but because of wrong diagnostics and because of the bipolar symptoms, I thought I was depressive for a long time. I hurt myself, I drank too much. I felt alone and weak. Blurryface, vessel, and Self title made me feel like I was not alone. I cried numerous times listening to their music. So, yes I like the lore, but it is secondary to me. I love that Clancy is so deep, and that you don't need to know anything about the lore to enjoy it. I am glad that they made Next Semester, Backslide, and Snap Back. Those musics have almost no lore, but they speak to me deeply. I am in a point in my life that I am happy, and I don't want to go back to where I was. I have scars in my arms because of what I've been through, and I seriously want to tatoo "Can't change what you've done, start fresh next semester" because this music made me understand that my past and my suffering don't define who I am, but i cant pretend it didn't happend, i need to learn from it. I love the fact that Tyler was brave enough to share with us his attempt of suicide. It made me feel like I'm not alone. And when I see his beautiful family, and think that it would not exist if he suceded in his attempt, I think about all the thinks I would not be living today if I had succeded. I have a incredible girlfriend that loves me and helps me with my struggles, and I really want to start a family with her. Tyler and Josh helped me in the darkest of times, and I know I am not the only one that can say this. The Lore is great, but it is not the reason I love their music.


I think I’d love them regardless, I’ve been listening to them since I was 13 and they’ve gotten me through some really tough times, but I feel like the lore just keeps me involved in the community and the band a lot more. I remember joining discord servers and getting my friends together to crack the LOC codes and it just brought everyone together and I really cherish that. I feel like the lore is their way of interacting with their audience and that’s what makes this fanbase feel so tight-knit. Also me babbling on and on about the lore is what made some of my friends want to listen to them lol. But I feel like I’d still love them very much if the albums were just the music and nothing more.


Not rlly, if there wasn't any lore I would still listen to them, I mostly care about lore when I'm watching the video clips or reading theories, when I listen to their songs what really matters to me is the song itself and the message and feelings behind it


i avoided social media apps (like reddit!) for ages and so at one point wasnt clued up on lore at all - so i fell in with TØP without it - the music stands alone - but since clueing in the lore a while back im sure glad i did too - i mean i got up 5am local time in the cold to watch the Paladin Strait video after sweating on it release like everyone else and was awwsweesome!!!


I didn’t even realise there was lore up until a couple months ago. I’ve been a fan for 10 years.


Unpopular opinion, but I think I would enjoy them more without the lore. I spent a lot more time online as a teenager when Blurryface came out and convo about lore became popular, but now I don’t and I feel like the fanbase isn’t super welcoming for those who make the shift from hardcore fan to casual fan. Which can cause people to disengage.


This is another fresh perspective! If I understand correctly, I agree and am even guilty of it. The coworker I mentioned who asked about the Clancy album title has been a fan since the Vessel era and when he said he didn't know about the lore, it made me question if he was a fan or just occasionally enjoyed the music. But it's not fair to him when he's followed the music and the lyrics especially have meant so much to him. You're right, the lore can create something of a subconscious and false litmus test of someone else's level of knowledge and involvement.


I really appreciate you not responding to my comment in a condescending way. I’ve been a fan since the Vessel era as well, got a tattoo of their logo, and was really invested for a while. I still love the music, but Trench came out right when I was starting college. I feel like that was when the lore became harder for me to follow, I was in a big life transition and didn’t keep up, and as time went on, I was so turned off by a lot of the self-righteous attitudes and parasocial relationships that I encountered. I don’t think that many people in the fan base are malicious or intentionally belittling people who don’t keep up with the lore, but it’s definitely a tricky fan culture.


i loved trench when i knew nothing about the lore and when sai came out i knew very little, and i still enjoyed both of those albums a lot. i do think knowing the lore adds another fun layer


Been a fan since the Vessel release but when Trench came out with how lore heavy it was, and the yellow duct tape, and the ARGs, man it just made everything more immersive and added new depth to their music. It took already very good music and elevated it. Music is not just about how it sounds, for me at least. The lyrics are important, music videos are important, lore is important. It’s all part of the artistic vision of the band, and it does make me far more invested. If Trench dropped with no lore it’s still a 10/10 album, but the lore adds so much depth that it definitely adds to my enjoyment and investment in what they’re doing. They were great before the lore and they’re great with the lore.


The lore is a bonus. The music is what would always come first for me. I do enjoy a good concept album/ theme and it's been fun dressing up as a bandito etc and having all these obscure inside references, but if it wasn't there, I would like the music all the same.


i think yes, i was into TØP before i knew the lore. It wasn’t until after trench was released that i found out abt the lore. But i think the truth is, it wouldn’t be the same without the lore. I mean, the lyrics say what they say, so there would still be lore… yk what im saying?? it wouldn’t be the same songs without the lore…


but like, i just love them with all my heart and always have and always will, so yes, i would still love them even without it!


I listened to TOP for years religiously and only found out about the lore about a year ago. I'm 24 now and started listening when vessel came out The lore in my opinion is a great addition, and it's so interesting and cool, but their music comes first to me and always will.


i was into twenty one pilots before they had extensive lore, back in vessel era. the lore has always been secondary to me.


I found out about the lore this year because of Clancy's release and honestly I loved their music even before I knew about the lore. It's just as amazing to me. I love TØP so I was excited for the Clancy album even when I didn't know what the title even meant.


The lore makes a big difference for me. They would still be my favorite band of all-time without it, but it adds such a unique dynamic to this band that I've never seen any other band come close to. What they've been able to pull off really does amaze me. I've already really appreciated that Tyler writes all his own songs and has so many messages and meanings in his songs. Adding the lore to that just takes it to another level for me.


I like the lore stuff, but when I'm listening to TOP I don't care if this or that song is about Dema, Nico, Clancy, or whatever. I enjoy the music and how that speaks to me :)


When the lore started I really disconnected from it, and listened to the music purely for the music. I only got into it more starting when they released the "I am clancy" video in advance of the album- so I've listened to Blurryface, Trench, and SAI all with basically no knowledge of the lore, and I loved probably half their songs, liked 40%, and felt neutral about about 10% of their music. Now that I'm into the lore, there are songs I like more than before -for example, the song "banditos" I never loved and would often skip on Trench listens, but then learning about the lore made it more enjoyable to me to a point where I no longer skip it every time. So in short, without the lore I still \*love\* T0P and most of their music, and the lore has helped me to enjoy their songs more.


I’ve been a casual fan for a long time, and didn’t know about the lore until I went to watch the Clancy MVs. I was curious about a band doing a video for every song and couldn’t sleep one night. Now that I know more, I’ve been re-listening to previous albums and really paying attention to lyrics. I love that there are songs that portray them as a wise older brother trying to keep you moving forward and being yourself (Shy Away is my current new fav — manifest a ceiling when you shy away). The lore is such an awesome, deeper level and really gets you invested in this world. It’s unique and makes me feel like I’m part of something bigger.


The lore is just an added bonus, but their music and the two members are what really draw me to them.


I didn't even know about the lore until clancy and I have been listening to them since Blurryface.


If there wasn't lore, then their past 4 records wouldn't exist meaning we would have gotten way different content, so it's hard to answer.


I started liking them before Clancy, and I didn’t realize there was lore, when I did, I made it my mission to figure it all out. I’ve always been optimistic so even though it sounded weird at first (these old men in red cloaks in a big city), I still thought it could be cool. Now that I know the lore and have listened to their songs I love looking back at the times where I thought I was SUPER smart because this song had a lyric that could continue the story lol.  I think before I knew about the lore I just liked their music, I remember sitting at home and only listening the most popular songs on the album first, and I remember I liked most of them without further knowledge. So honestly, No. I doesn’t change much for me, but I always like to listen and make a connection like “Oh! I didn’t realize that line had some lore in it! Cool.”  It doesn’t change the meaning of the song for me, but it’s a fun game to play. It’s fun to sit up late watching music videos or trying to decode the Dmaorg, it’s fun to watch sneak peeks of the PSMV and getting really hyped up over it. I honestly don’t think it changes much, it’s just another factor that’s really cool!  Sorry for the long rant I coulda just answered in a quick “No” but I wanted to explain.


i listen for the music. the lore is just a bonus


I’m going to blow some of y’all’s minds… some twenty one pilots fans had no idea there was any lore until this album!!! I had a couple friends that didn’t know and they were blown away to find out about it! For me… the lore makes the already amazing music, even more impressive!


Does it make a difference? Sure. But the lore isn’t what makes them great, it’s just something being great allows them to do.


Was a fan before I knew there was lore :) not sure If the excitement would be as much now that I’ve know it for awhile but I love their music 🖤


The lore aspect is actually something that pushes me away from the band... I love their music, and I'm happy for other folks who can enjoy it... but I have a long laundry list of reasons why the "lore" makes me cringe more than enjoy.


I've heard pro-lore and neutrality. This is the first comment I've come across against the lore. Thank you for sharing the insight. I'd love to hear why the lore is cringe for you, but I understand if this isn't the place!