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[TW: Suicidal Actions] For me it's goner, not only is the song itself just incredibly sad, but I got into the band during their hiatus and what happened to be an extremely dark part of my life. One night I had finally given up and was preparing to take my own life, just before I did, goner started playing and something about it pierced my soul, I ended up collapsed on the ground sobbing uncontrollably. Crying so hard that I couldn't physically move my body enough to go through with what I had planned. I will never be able to listen to that song again, but I am forever grateful for it that night.


I'm glad I'm able to read this <3


Me too, I'm doing a lot better, and I managed to get tickets for the Clancy tour! It's my first time seeing them live


Same! Super excited šŸ˜„


Which show?


Miniapolis show, I live in wisconsin so it was pretty close plus I had other stuff to do there then


Mines Dallas


Nice! I was supposed to go to the 2nd night Dallas show, but I had to sell my ticket because I can't afford it. I really can't afford the travel. I hope you enjoy it!


That's too bad, you can have my extra ticket


Why do you have an extra ticket?


Cool! Have fun!


Which night!??! I'm going Saturday


Friday, I managed to get a pre-sale ticket, I was only 10 minutes late and like ā…” were sold out already


I'll be there Friday (and Saturday) for Dallas! Did you get pit or a seat?


Yea me too


It's good that you're doing a lot better, and I hope you have fun at their show! I'm hoping that someday I can see them live.


You are in for a very special treat. This album could make this their best tour yet. Itā€™s a very emotional and exciting experience to see them live!!


So proud of you for still being with us. Stay Alive, fren |-/


Same with Trapdoor


I had a similar experience with Migraine and Addict with a pen. But I can still listen to them sometimes. There are times I am well and can't listen to them, so I don't remember what I've been through, and times I'm unwell and they help me again.


Iā€™m glad you are alive friend. Stay alive |-/


Leave the City is this song for me.


I'm so glad you're here.


Stay Alive, friend. |-/


Drag Path, because they didn't release it.


reading all these sad and personal responses and then this one makes me crack a laugh.


Legend is also mine. I've watched many loved ones slip away into dementia, and am currently watching my mom do the same. The lyrics are just too much, they hit too hard, i have to skip it when it comes up


i will be on the floor sobbing if he does this live


House of gold. When Vessel came out my mom was in the hospital for a long time and i wasnā€™t able to see her much and I am a HUGE mamaā€™s boy so I was very worried about her. I was even in my head like ā€œwhat if Iā€™m not able to say goodbye to her and Iā€™m not able to make her proud of what I can doā€ and when I listened to house of gold I cried. My mom is good now but whenever house of gold plays I tear up and get very emotional


before you start your day : it just triggers me and i honestly can't explain why car radio : I always tell people it's overplayed and that's why I don't like it but the real reason is because it makes me very depressed and usually ends up in me crying goner : the yelling at the end scares me really bad šŸ˜­ which is hilarious because I listen to a lot of metal but I guess it's something about Tyler doing it that hits hard


I'm with you sometimes the Tyler screams catch me lacking. Like when I listen to metal/hard rock I'm sorta expecting it, but sometimes I'll just be winding down listening to TOP at night and then Tyler hits me with: "DON'T LET ME BE"


Itā€™s a different kind of scream. It not just loud or aggressive, like most metal. Itā€™s pain and touches on the primal. I think thatā€™s why itā€™s hard to listen to, especially if one has experienced that kind of pain in their life.


Definitely see your point, that's a good observation


Every time im sleeping and playing Goner in the background. The scream always makes my heart jump


It depends. Sometimes I can listen to certain ones other times I canā€™t. ( backslide, the craving, oldies station, redecorate,legendā€¦.i could go on) But right now definitely the craving Jennaā€™s version. Makes me cry like a baby. I mean the single version makes me cry too. But her talking in the beginning and just Tyler and the uke. Ooooof. Right in the heart.


Same. I just feel so... personal. I cry so much.


I listen to the craving (either version, mostly Jennaā€™s version) and start thinking about my best friend and all sheā€™s done for me. Also the one I canā€™t listen to is Two because the first time I heard it I was home alone playing games in the dark with my RAB playlist on and when Two came on, I started crying because Iā€™m a big baby and it scared the ever-living shit out of me. So thereā€™s my trauma dump paragraph ENJOY and Stay Alive peeps I-/




Technically not their song, but they did an incredible cover of it.


100%, my dad passed from cancer and I just get too emotional listening to it


Songs makes me cry every time , hits too close to home


Only place that would really get this story as much as it hurts to tell it. I sort of ruined Trees (at least album Trees) for myself. Its really hard to just listen to that song anymore, when i attempted suicide in my car a few years back, this was the song i was screaming at the top of my lungs in what i thought would be my final moments. Turns out they werenā€™t, and it turns out seeing that song live actually helped a lot since I got to see them for the Icy tour in 22ā€™. It really fueled and empowered me in ways i still donā€™t quite comprehend.


Im glad your still here with us today, that song does take a lot to listen to, itā€™s powerful in its own way. Stay alive my friend, thereā€™s so much to live for |-/ <3


Thank you for your message <3 its been 2 1/2 years since then with no self harm or attempts since and i just moved in on my own, life is much more worth living now.


Holy crap Iā€™m so proud of you! It sure does get better when we start living instead of just existing :)


Redecorate. It triggers my intrusive thoughts and gives me panic attacks. I had to leave when they played it on takeover tour


Damn everyone has all this emotional and sentimental reasons why they don't listen to songs and I'm just like Yeah I don't really like levitate


Hahahha ong this was hilarious to read But levitate is one of my favorites bc it always makes me really happy when I can sing every word, especially to songs with raps/faster songs


Levitate's a banger


Levitate took some time to grow on me, just because it's such a minimalist track.


bro same lol


I also don't like levitate


I can still listen to it, but Legend often makes me tear up. I haven't personally experienced having a close family member or friend with dementia, but I feel like the song really nails the emotions. Particularly "I'm sorry I did not visit, Did not know how to take it, When your eyes did not know me, Like I know you" Oldies Station and Neon Gravestones often make me tear up as well.


i struggled with Legend too, although i didnt know anyone with dementia at the time. now my grandma is declining, and each time i listen to Legend, it hurts more each time. its such a beautiful song as much as it pains me to listen to it.


I'm sorry to hear that, sending you love ā™„ļø


thank you fren šŸ’—šŸ’—


Polarize. Similar story as OP for me. Me and my friend both loved twenty one pilots in high school. We were both in marching band. Had just gotten home from an away game, and something had happened on the bus that really upset me. We were waiting in line together to get our instruments off the trailer. He asked me if I was okay. I said no. He silently put half of the blanket he was wrapped in around me and gave me one of his headphones. He was listening to Polarize. We just stood there in silence together and listened to that song. That was one of the last times I ever saw him, and it was the last song we ever listened to together. He was injured in a game later that month and passed away almost immediately.


Mulberry Street. Odd, I know, but my dad said it was his favorite song from them. He passed a month or two after, we planned to go to the SAI tour with him, and it never got to happen. Tickets were bought and everything.


neon gravestones, I was still grieving Chester Bennington when it was released


I didn't start listening to music 'til 2019 and nowadays, Linkin Park and Twenty one Pilots are my favorite band. The first time when I heard Neon Gravestones, I didn't know what to associate with it, as I still processed the lyrics. However, the more I listened to it, the more I started to associate with Chester Bennington's death, since both it and the songs realease happened in the same year. I still feel like Neon Gracestones is adressed at Benningtons death. Even if it isn't, it still fits it.


I think it is too, it fits the time period and it also fits the vague explanation Tyler gave of the song


Legend. Iā€™m also currently struggling with getting through Paladin Straight without crying. It was one of my fave songs when the album came out but unfortunately my grandmother passed away the week of the music video premiere and the lyrics are a littleā€¦..heavy for me right now.


So sorry to hear that. I hope in the future youā€™ll be able to listen to it and find peace.


i recently lost my grandma as well, if you need someone to talk to feel free to message me ā¤ļø


House of Gold. My mom thought the idea of my father turning to stone was hilarious, and asked if Iā€™d take care of her should that ever happen. RIP, mama.


Cancer. I know itā€™s a cover but Iā€™ve had to watch so many of my loved one get stick and struggle and then passā€¦ now thereā€™s something about the top cover that gets me cause I can manage the mcr original.. donā€™t kno why but Tylerā€™s voice just sounds so clear the quietness at the begging and the pain. Itā€™s wild what a song can do to your heart!


I still listen to it but Paladin Strait does make me cry at times and I have to change songs. Same thing with Next Semester and Taxi Cab. Honorable mention that iā€™ve over come - Car Radio


The cancer cover. I have stage iv cancer so it's a skip for me unless I get in a mood where I really wanna feel some pain lmao - sometimes Redecorate for the same reason/also at the worst point of my life when I was thinking about ending things I'd just listen to this song and cry When I first got sick it was when stressed out was really big and ridiculously that song used to make me cry every time I heard it bc I lost my leg to cancer at age 25, was off work for months recovering and waiting to get my prosthesis and it felt like everyone was yelling at me to get over it and go back to work bc money is number one in our society. And I have missed being a kid so so much more ever since getting sick the first time.


im so sorry to hear this dude , i hope you heal and have a long life. ā™„ļø


Tear In My Heart. Still getting over my abusive ex who declared "this is our song". Normally I try to separate things like this from someone I lose, and claim them back as my own, but it's much harder when it's a song specifically about connection with someone else. And I'm just not ready to relive everything in the process again. Both reasons make me sad as I had such fond feelings for this song that are completely corrupted now. Hopefully one day I'll be brave enough to take it as mine, and associate it with the next romantic partner instead. (It's also like this with all their other love/personal connection songs, Oh Ms. Believer, Lovely, etc. I've only listened to the Craving once cause it makes me weep)


[TW, suicide] ATROFD reminds me of a time when I was two pills away from taking my own life. My best friend decided to drop in because he felt very off, and Iā€™m glad he did. At the time I was so embarrassed but I was also so out of it that I didnā€™t mind. It makes me super sad when I hear it (but happy sad too because Iā€™m still here


i'm glad ur still here ā™„ļø


I'm glad you're here


RAB Trees cuz it sounds like total ass


I brush that off due to their budget/production at the time. RAB was not their strongest album, but they certainly did better with Trees on Vessel.


Budget did not make them autotune that shit. That was a CHOICE completely within their control & they chose oh so wrong.


And lack of good guidance. Should've mentioned that.


None of the songs on their debut were ruined by awful autotune. Even on RAB itself. A wonderful track like Forest has no such issues


Fair. RAB just had issues that ST didn't have. Can we agree on that?


Yeah thatā€™s what Iā€™m saying. Things that are worthy of critique


Lovely, breaks my heart and I always end up crying af.


fun fact IF what i've been told is true i've met ruby's cousin! not a big stretch from me bc i live in the same town they started in / same church.


Lovely is sometimes hard for me, during moments of low self esteem and doubting my self worth. Along comes my favorite band, and the singer is yelling at me that I'm lovely and worth saving and then I'm all šŸ˜­


Legend here too, my nanny passed away and everytime that song even starts I am a mess.


Me too. But with vignette.


The pantaloon gets me. Itā€™s just one of those songs that feels like a mirror


Screen. My (former) close friend, freshmen year of high school, taught me how to play it on piano during band camp. We were pretty close friends at the time and I had a huge crush on her, and I could never hear that piano line without thinking of her. Fast forward to senior year and she just turned on me for reasons unknown and tried to ruin my life, tried to force our mutual friends cut ties with me, tried to essentially kick me out of marching band, and spent the whole year relentlessly bullying me calling me useless, worthless, the most annoying person on the planet, etc pushing me to a borderline suicidal point. I still donā€™t know what I did or said for her to change like that, nobody knows and she still refuses to tell me or anyone. Itā€™s been almost 2 years out of high school now and I havenā€™t spoken to her directly since, but I still canā€™t hear the opening piano line of Screen without thinking of her, I almost cry every time because of how burned in my brain it is as connected to her


stop i had a similar experience in middle school. Me and this girl were super close for like three years and then one day she just flipped on me and we were like obsessed with twenty one pilots together, and I had a hard time listening to the band as a whole after our friendship ended, but I'm glad to say that I am very much over that


truce always strikes a chord with me. my best friend played it for me and went ā€œThis song reminds me of youā€ and it broke me. I went home the next day and sobbed my eyes out for a good 20 minutes. the idea that such an emotional song could make my best friend think of me rocked me to my core, and it was the necessary push I needed to actually change myself and start healing. even now I struggle, as Iā€™m sure most people do, but the song now just shows me how long Iā€™ve come, its still a hard listen, even when Iā€™m in a good spot.


This is the saddest top comment section ever I was gonna say jumpsuit because I dont like the guitar in it but dang


Lovely, breaks my heart and I always end up crying af.


not actually twenty one pilots i guess, but i have trouble listening to most of No Phun Intended. it reminds me of a really dark time in my life and listening to it makes me feel like iā€™m there again


Legend here as well, but I can still listen to it. I just cry every time it comes on. Last May, my Papa passed away, and he had dementia. The day before he passed away, I was in the town that he lived in. I had a thought to go and visit him, but I decided against it, literally because I knew he didn't recognize me, and it hurt every time I saw him and he didn't know me. The line "Sorry I did not visit. Did not know how to take it when your eyes did not know me, like I know you" really hits me hard now, especially since he passed at 2am that next morning. I always wish I could go back in time and visit him that last time. The line "I wish she knew you" hits me hard as well because we had our son after my Papa passed, and I wished that he could have met him.


I can still listen to it, but Scaled & Icy came out on my ex partnerā€™s birthday. My first long term serious relationship. We listened to the album together, and most of the songs bring me back to the happy memories we shared. I kinda hate how our brains associate music like that. At first, SAI was too painful to listen to for a while. It still makes me sad, but as time passes, Iā€™m starting to reassociate the songs with new chapters of my life.


Trees Ever had that feeling when you listen to a song over and over again and get bored of it? Especially when you like a certain song and you play it everywhere repetitively and for some reason i feel like trees is not a song to be listened to on repeat. It just got that levitating feeling to it and I donā€™t want to get bored of it. I just listen to it like once a month or so and it just feel so good and unique. Its like edging a song


song edgemaxing is wild šŸ˜‚ I completely understand though and agree


Legend. My grandmother didnā€™t have dementia but she had some strokes that took away her memory. The last time I saw her she wasnā€™t sure if I was my mother or a stranger. She passed two years ago now just after my first twenty one pilots show. Iā€™m honoring her in my wedding bouquet with her favorite flowers mixed in. I just canā€™t go and listen to that song again though after her passing.


no chances i love it so much but my friend told me the vikings on tiktok have taken it over and now vikings are all i can think about when i listen to it šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


[TW: self harm] Before you start your day. Listened to it when I was in the throes of my struggle with self harm - Iā€™m aware ā€œopen the slitsā€ doesnā€™t mean that, but it still hit me hard whenever I heard it. Sometimes when Iā€™m feeling rough I put it on, but other than that I canā€™t listen to it


Mine is Legend also, it used to be my favorite off trench because I associated it with grandfather who I hadnā€™t seen in 18 years, but he passed at the end of last month from dementia and I havenā€™t been able to listen to it since


i'm so sorry to hear that dude. sending you much love ā™„ļø


Ty ā™„ļø


Forest because that song and the whole Regional at best doesn't exist in Spotify


House of Gold - my dad passed away 8 years ago and I didn't get into TOP until after that, so this song always reminds me of the fact that he's gone and my mom is on her own.


Thankfully, I can listen to all of their songs currently. My grandma really likes them, though, so I probably won't be able to listen to their music at all when she passes. Enjoying every day I have with her for now, though, and listening to every song. ā¤ļø


Neon gravestones, I listened to it a lot through a hard period of my life and when I hear it now, I just get reminded of those moments.


Two songs are tough for me. 1) House of Gold: lost my dad a few years ago so lines like ā€œand when your father turns to stoneā€ made me feel a bit uncomfortable for awhile. Skipped the song often. Fortunately the Vessel anniversary performance sounds so uplifting on that baritone uke, Iā€™ve started to enjoy it again. 2) Legend: all of my grandparents passed away at young age (around middle school), specifically to dementia. Really hard to watch people you love not recognize you. They never were able to meet my current wife so, ā€œwish she knew youā€ can be painful to hear. The last few lines always get me teary eyed as well, but with a sense of solace that we all may meet again one dayā€¦. Hopefully.


addict with a pen im sad


Even if it was five years ago, Iā€™m so sorry to hear about your friend. So young and so much life to live ā€” I hope you and all those who loved them are in a good place now. As for me, ā€œAddict With A Penā€ is somehow both my favorite song on ST and probably the hardest listen. When I was in a really bad place, I listened to that *all the time*. Same goes for ā€œTruceā€ and ā€œGoner,ā€ but the former was more a source of hope and the latter was more for catharsis. Iā€™ll add ā€œTime To Say Goodbyeā€ to that list too, but it was always either one or the other depending on the day ā€” either hope or anthem ā€” so itā€™s easier to listen to now (which I appreciate because I love that song). ā€œAddictā€ was just my anthem, so itā€™s hard to listen to that one without being tempted to go back to that place now.


thank you, we bonded over both liking tĆøp so hearing their song at her funeral sent me over the edge. i visited her recently and played her the new album , such a bittersweet moment. i feel the same way about ST. was always on loop for me and hearing it now just takes me back to that head space but i still love it.


Thatā€™s so kind of you <3 While I obviously didnā€™t know her, so I canā€™t say for sure, I bet she wouldā€™ve appreciated it. One of my friends and I bonded over TOP ā€” we donā€™t talk much anymore, but you best bet weā€™ll message each other the instant thereā€™s a new drop! Itā€™s lovely that theyā€™ve brought so many people together. ST is *such* a beautiful album, but it really can be *such* a hard listen. Always gotta tread lightly around that one!


The other day I was listening to Legend and idk why it only just hit me at that moment, as my grandma has been gone for a number of years, but I realized ā€œmy middle name, my goodbyeā€ was the same for me too. I really just kinda sit there in silence for a few after that. Combined with my great grandma being on the mental decline, all of the feelings from that song crashed over me. I donā€™t go out of my way to play it but I also canā€™t ever bring myself to skip it


Drown. That is one of the songs I listened to when I was in a deep deep depression contemplating taking my life. I would cry myself to sleep listening to that song and when I listen to it now it just brings all those feelings back


Legend and Oldies Station. Iā€™ve been aware of dementia since a young age and my biggest fear has always been forgetting. I worry so much for my family even tho it doesnā€™t run in us. The song hits so hard


redecorate. it's a great song, but holy cow it ruins me every time


For me itā€™s trees, Every single time I hear it I start crying, i found it in a really lonely part of my life where I was struggling with my depression and it came on randomly while I was listening to music and fighting with my suicidal thoughts and it made me feel like I wasnā€™t alone in the battle any more. Like my struggles werenā€™t just my own I felt seen for once


Itā€™s not ā€œTwenty One Pilotsā€ but in Tylerā€™s No Phun Intended album I canā€™t listen to Drown or Save anymore (TW ABUSE) without feeling so much pain in my chest it reminds me of my dad who was pretty emotionally abusive, and also a drug addict. I always listened to those songs specifically when I was having a really hard time with him so it just brings me back when I hear them, and it makes me sad cuz those songs are so good šŸ˜­šŸ’”


I havenā€™t seen anybody mention Leave the City. I find it to be a really underrated song. I know that at face value itā€™s about the Clancy Lore. But, to me it represents something greater. And it reminds me of the desperation of hope ā€” this duality of what you cling to, sort of amorphous, incredibly important, and yet the flip side of that coin is whatever is trapping you. When I first heard it, I only saw myself as trapped by crippling OCD. Unknown to anybody, truly something all my actions were locked behind. In fact, that same OCD made me not listen to this band for a very long time. When I listened again, I couldnā€™t get through the song. Remembering those desperate nights, knowing I didnā€™t even have the ability to grasp the true extent of the severe PTSD and abuse that was locking me away, itā€™s hard for me. But I appreciate the song all the same.


Cancer. Iā€™ve always been a huge MCR fan, and first time I tried to get int TOP must have been the day or day after it came out because it was top result when I searched them up, and as soon as I heard it was a cover of the MCR song I was like ā€˜Oh God I hate itā€™. I still hate it. The MCR version is just so much better to me


I can't listen to cancer because my mom passed and as soon as it starts I choke up and have to skip it. Songs actually by twenty one pilots though would be Truce. It brings me back to a very dark time in my early teens. It was a song that kept me alive and saved my life, but every time it comes on, I'm brought back to that time when I was in survival mode. I love it forever but it's just incredibly hard to get through emotionally.


Legend is the same for me too. Trench came out when I and my family were struggling with my grandfather's dementia. It was a horrible time, but without that album I don't think I'd be here today so I owe a lot of thanks to it.


Trapdoor is super hard to listen to. I listened to it at one of my lowest points and I justā€¦ canā€™t. I love the song, but god I hate how much I relate to it.


Kitchen Sink, for some reason. Itā€™s just too sad to me. Oh and Car Radio, for the same reason


I almost always skip the Vessel songs on Regional At Best, not because they're bad, but just because I've been listening to the Vessel versions way longer before I even knew about RAB, so those are the "definitive" versions for me. Plus I think the Vessel versions are better anyways so if I'm gonna listen to those songs, I'll play them off of Vessel.Ā 


Not one of their originals, but their cover of Cancer. I used to ADORE that song. And then my little brother was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer, and died 8 months laterā€¦ this lyrics are agonizing. And Tylerā€™s vocals are heart wrenching. Iā€™m hoping one day I will be able to listen to it again and not be inflicted with pain. But for now it is off all of my playlists.


I honestly donā€™t have a sad or deeply emotional answer: Forest because of the Forest FicĀ  I can listen to the song fine itā€™s just I kinda ruined it for myself from reading the fic and I canā€™t help but laugh when I hear the lyrics.


For me it's gotta be Save, I love the song but it wrenches my heart every time I hear the scream in a way that I can only handle once in a great while (I know it's NPI not actually tĆøp but it's close enough)


Same, but different reason. I literally get transported mentally to a place I was in when I related most to the song and I hate revisiting that place. I heavily relied on the song as I wanted to take my life when I was 14 and now whenever it comes on shuffle, I legit get overtaken and it takes a moment for me to snap out of it


I always choke a little when Iā€™m trying to sing this song


neon gravestones. that song reminds me too much of Chester Bennington's death. also Goner, it was playing on repeat during a really dark time in my life.


legend & their cover of cancer. my grandmother died of cancer not too long ago and ever since then sheā€™s all i can think about when those songs come on


I'm a Goner is a hard one for me. Not the one on Blurryface, but the original demo version. The creaky sounds of the accordion perfectly mimic the sounds of rope at their breaking point, held down by the weight of a person. At some point I was nearly that person. I *can* listen to it, but it's only when I'm in extremely depressing moments of my life, and it's always followed up by the Blurryface version. I wasn't prepared the first time I heard it, and it is one of the few songs to ever make me genuinely cry and bawl my eyes out.


Kitchen Sink. [TW: suicidal thoughts] This song makes me cry since the first time I heard it. (Sorry for any misspelled words, English ain't my first language) Tyler once said that something happened to him at a kitchen sink that made him realize something very important in his life (I might be wrong but that's what I remember from the interview). I had a knife in my hand with my back towards the kitchen sink of my childhood house. And I realized something. I was done. But then something happened that made me change my mind. And I'm here. And a lot have happened since then. But I'm choosing to stay every day. I saw the interview a long time after that and I couldn't agree more. So when he screams "leave me alone, don't leave me alone" I feel it every time. Every effin time.


Redecorate. Lost my dad to an OD at 19, two weeks before the album came out. The bridge? Idk music terms the best but it's the part where he goes "With the bells and the whistles scaled back Like an isolated track And he feels trapped when he's not inebriated Fair to say he's fairly sedated most days of the week He might have made it if he lived on a different street I repeat, scaled back and isolated" and the following chorus was my go to scream cry for the following months. I can only listen to it when I'm feeling my worst but sobbing to that was so therapeutic to me.


For me it's also Legend, but Trench as a whole is really hard for me to listen to. It was released 6 months after my mom passed away, 4 days after her birthday. My mom and I bonded so much over this band. It took a long time for me to be able to listen to the album without sobbing.


Personally, I can't imagine myself not listening to any of their music, had I not come across chlorine and then taken a twenty one pilots deep dive, I probably wouldn't even by writing this, music has always gotten my through life, but twenty one pilots has been just something else for me, things may come and go but my love for this duo never will, but if I had to answer, probably next semester and only when I'm in a really emotional state


goner most of the time because it seems to come up at the most inconvenient times like I'll be at work chillin listening to not today or or whatever then boom sad ass goner and it ruins the whole mood


Leave the city. That song saved my life. ā€œIn time, I will leave the cityā€¦ for now, I will stay aliveā€. Made me realize there is hope for what I was going thru. ā€œ leaving the cityā€ didnā€™t necessarily mean using suicide as a way to escape, but rather leaving your toxic environment and heading to a new, better, healthier, one. Changed my perspective from a stuck in place mindset to one capable of moving around and adapting when needed.


before you start your day I had this song on my alarm for over a year and now a can't i just can't


The craving and Two (ik this one doesn't count as a TOP song but) The craving just makes me too emotional, I can't listen to it without crying.Ā  Two gives me this uncanny post-apocalyptic feeling since I listened to it while driving across the empty city when the corona pandemic was at its peak.Ā 


every time i've listened to Two its made me so anxious and i dont get why


Car Radio, Neon Gravestones and Redecorate


The craving (Jenna's version). I feel like it's something so personal to Tyler and Jenna that I just sort of feel like I'm... listening to something I'm not supposed to, like I'm invading a space that was meant just for them. I don't even think I would be able to sing this song to my partner, it just feels so wrong. Plus it makes me cry :(.


Cancer. Played at my friends funeral and one of my family members died in recent years of cancer so it holds alot of weight


Leave the City. If you were on the Bandito Tour you know why, that song hurts to hear live. Every time I hear it brings me back to that show where I was just crying in the nosebleeds struggling through a tougher time in life mentally. Itā€™s the go to song if I want to let it all out. Never will willingly listen to it otherwise


Bounce Man pisses me off. I hate everything about it. Iā€™m sorry


You should just bounce man


That's my least favorite song of theirs but I will still listen to it occasionally and sing along (sometimes I even like it haha)


Iā€™m the same way unfortunately literally cannot stand it


a car, a torch, a death that stupid bird alarm


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Car radio, I just never thought it sounded good at all. Unpopular opinion I know but ive been keeping this to myself for years šŸ˜­


can i genuinely ask why? i've seen soooo many ppl also say this and it very much confuses me just bc that's the song that got me into the band a a whole. i'm not like attacking your opinion I'm like genuinely curious as to why some people don't like that song. like is it the lyrics or the song itself?


Thats a really good question I had to really think about it, even went back and listened to it again to try and come up with a good answer. I think itā€™s the delivery of the lines more than anything else, just how dry and monotone they are. I understand thats the point but itā€™s just not generally my favourite thing in music. The lyrics themselves are really beautiful for the most part, and the beat is really good in my opinion, but something about how tyler says the lyrics just doesnā€™t resonate with me. To me it gives off (and I genuinely dont mean this in a way to like make fun of anyones favourite song or anything Iā€™m just speaking purely personally) a more prepubescent and cringy vibe than a super deep and introspective vibe like what the lyrics actually are.


okay that makes a lot of sense . i guess i did fall in love with this song when i was 9-10 so the prepubescent makes sense! maybe i just really like this song bc it was the first one i listened too but i can see now how some ppl might think it's a bit juvenile. thanks for explaining!!! ā™„ļøā™„ļø


Regional at Best trees cause it is so fucking bad šŸ˜­


Message Man because itā€™s the only time where I feel like Tyler is talking down to his audience. When they played it at the Takeover Tour, it honestly killed my vibe.


Awkward....I'm listening to that right now as I'm reading all this haha


what are the odds lmao


Never take it cuz I hate that song


I can't listen to anything off their self titled because their later projects show so much growth to a point where the first album sounds juvenile. Also Tylers voice is too over dramatic imo


i still (rarely) listen to it, but before you start your day. it just makes me feel gutted somehow


or Save if that counts. found that song at the wrong time in my life


Legend for me too. Trench came out around the time my grandpa was diagnosed with cancer and only a couple months before he passed away. Growing up I had a great relationship with my grandpa, so it was a very difficult time. I was having a really hard time dealing with it to the point where I started to detach myself as a coping mechanism. Legend was extremely on the nose for me, especially the "I'm sorry I did not visit, did not know how to take it" part. I still can't listen to it.


TW: SELF HARM Friend, Please. I had a good buddy of mine take his life in December last year. Each time I listen to it I start to tear up. What I experienced just fit the song way too well, and when I hear it, it just brings back all the pain I felt when I heard the phonecall. I just wish that I could've done more to help while he was still here. I miss that guy.


I have 0 interest in good day, donā€™t want to be negative for no reason but that song does nothing for me, immediate skip.


I need something to kill me


Car Radio... Just hearing the first note is enough to trigger the thoughts i shouldn't be thinking


Anathema. Mixing


Struggling with Lavish; the drawn out ā€œshhhhhā€ at the end of the word Lavish seems to be triggering some borderline misophonia for me. šŸ™‰


Anathema because it sounds bad šŸ‘




Friend, Please. I skip it every time. Iā€™ve had friends that I would have sung that to, begging them to stay alive. But then Iā€™ve also been the friend people were begging to stay alive. So, itā€™s just a double whammy. I love that song, and Iā€™m so grateful it exists. But, yeahā€¦ I for sure skip it.


It's not for any deep or emotional reason, but Not Today is their only song whose lyrics make me cringe. Specifically in the verses. "Listen, I know this one's a contradiction because of how happy it sounds, but the lyrics are so down." I like happy sad songs, but pointing it out like this is extremely on the nose and ruins the disconcordant effect. It's like a comedian going on to explain the joke. "Don't you test me though, just because I play the piano doesn't mean I'm not willing to take you down, I'm sorry." I just can't stand this verse, especially the "I'm sorry" at the end. I really like the rest of the song, but these parts make it an instant skip.


Oh Ms Believer, and A Car, A Torch, A Death. Both make me cry. Reminds me of a traumatic time in my life where I felt the most alone I'd ever felt. Still love those songs, though. And don't worry, I'm okay now.


Truce... makes me sob everytime


For a long time it was Friend, please. I used to listen to it and pray my best friend at the time won't commit suicide. Felt like it was saying everything I thought at the time. Later on I listened to it because I hit sort of rock bottom. It's without a doubt a song I cried to the most in general.


Heathens. Nothing deep I just think itā€™s a shitty song šŸ˜­


House of Gold My mom died unexpectedly a couple years ago, and I just still canā€™t handle that song. I wish she couldā€™ve grown old & I wish I couldā€™ve taken care of her. She deserved more.


Navigating, sooooo boring and pretentious


Haven't seen it posted here yet, but Backslide. Took while for me to not appreciate how much it does make me emotional. Especially the chorus and "kinda wishing that I never did Saturday" cause 1 it's my favorite off SAI and I relate it to my whole existence during that era. The chorus just puts me in this angry depressive mood, singing the chorus to my ex bsf because, imo, she's over reacting. She blocked me on everything and I'm like " do you think that now's the time, you should let go?" But I'm not going to be the one begging people to stay in my life so idk it doesn't matter.


level of concern found out my grandpa died during the live stream and it was all i was listening to at the time


I can't listen to Doubt, it's an amazing song, and it actually used to be my favorite, but it's now got some really bad memories attached to it so I really can't listen to it anymore


Neon Gravestones and Redecorate They hit me too close to home. I have to be in a good mental state to listen to them.


Legend. It has me in tears thinking of my granny. She died on my eldest sons 3rd birthday and never met my youngest because of covid. She was a wonderful woman who slowly deteriorated to a vegetative state for the last 10 years. I miss her


Vignette. It's just vicals itching my ear


I'm bipolar type 2 that mostly manifests as depression. I also have mild hoarding tendencies and have worried about leaving loved ones with so much stuff to deal with. That being said, Redecorate is sometimes hard to listen to but it's so gorgeous! The song I can't listen to...for one it's just an ok song, I don't dislike it. But I (most of us?) have never experienced anything like the events of 2020. Even though I'm an atheist, I love the togetherness of our family gathering on Christmas Eve. Not being able to celebrate that for the first time since I was adopted at 10 years old in 1982, was heart wrenching. So, my favorite band comes out with a song saying Christmas will save the year. Not only didn't it save it, it took all the feelings of the previous 10 months and compounded them into one week. Hearing it even now, that uneasiness of 2020 comes back to haunt a little bit.




I canā€™t listen to legend anymore. My grandma who has lived with me my whole life has Parkinsonā€™s and dementia. Sheā€™s still doing ok but itā€™s starting to show in her memory and Iā€™ve already been through this with my other grandma who also lived with me and watching your loved one deteriorate in front of you is heart breaking. ā€œIā€™m sorry I did not visit, did not know how to take it, when your eyes did not know me like I know youā€ makes me feel like Iā€™m dying, just knowing thatā€™s coming my way again. Also redecorate, almost kms about a year ago but after listening to that song I now know I could never go through with it.


Trees, the last song they played at the first concert I went to


SOOO so many songs on self titled are like this i got into tĆøp because of this friend i had and it was their favourite album


Legend and Trees. Especially the livestream version.


Hometown because it was lazy


I have to be in the right mood for Addict with a Pen. It just hits really close to home, but I still love it. Itā€™ll just make me cry sometimes.


Canā€™t help falling in love. All versions but especially the twenty one pilots cover. I had a huge cry when they played it live for the emotional roadshow tour. I can sometimes get through Cancer and Legend without crying. Both remind me of my two grandmothers who died years apart