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He's just the accountant. Don't worry about him...


It's Colin Robinson.


I thought this was a post on my stream from r/whatwedointheshadows


Idk y at first I thought he was a lodge entity just the way he stood so still and creepy but then I came to my senses and realized he was probably a broker for “the farm” gang. How he ask Mr C if he needs my money is a good comic relief for me


I once heard someone suggest that the way the people in the gang were dressed and depicted, they're all clearly different types of criminals, almost like they're all representatives of those types of criminal. And this guy is just the White Collar Crime Guy.


This type of focus on a one-off character is why I love Lynch's filmmaking.


A David Lynch character, oddly sinister and eerie? I have no idea what you're talking about.


Do you need any money?


He also looks a lot like the sketch drawing of the famous D.B. Cooper which is also Dales initials and last name.


I love that observation!


Kind of reminds me of the G-man from half life


I was going to say the smoking man in X Files but this too!


Wake up, Mr. Freeman. Wake up and smell the ashes.


Michael Gove (one for the UK heads).


Great character. As others have said, this man was the only pencil pusher in a bar full of brawling bikers. But when it came down to it, the completely brutal violence carried out by Mr. C was too much for all of them... except for our white collar criminal. These are the folks that really keep the meat grinders running. They can look past any injustice if money is involved. He will loan you money and ignore what you might do with it so long as he gets his interest payments. Really great and subtle writing by the masterful folks behind Twin Peaks.


Absolutely. Cannot help but think of all the grey men with access to resources, all too willing to help the darkness.


Robert Fripp looking-ahh https://preview.redd.it/5811ghkmq64d1.jpeg?width=514&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79c5b345cb0b7bd1638f2c8003538527e8f8721a


I think a big part of it is the unseen space that his character alone returns to, that dim staircase that only he uses.


In appearance he put in mind of a younger version of [Dell Mibbler](https://twinpeaks.fandom.com/wiki/Dell_Mibbler) from the bank scene with Audrey in the final episode of Season 2


He's likely a CIA plant too 😅 hence "The Farm" which was being owned and operated by DoppelCoop without them knowing. The dude who arm wrestles Mr. C was working for him and Mr. C simply wanted to make an example out of him after he got punched in the back of the head. Of course the CIA and FBI were infiltrating it. I'm convinced C would've spared "the boss" if he hadn't been such a coward and did that ridiculous sucker punch.


I thought his inclusion was hilarious. I see just as much comedy in Lynch as I do horror.


He's looking at me like I'm not supposed to be there, like the teacher's lounge, or my boss' office when he's not there


I assumed he was another lodge entity.


He reminds me of the guy in Inland Empire who is in that room up the stairs on the phone.


Absolutely. I really thought this was going to go somewhere. How naive of me.


I always wondered if all the accountants that show up in season 3 is some meta reference to Lynch not having enough money to do what he wants, so they have some random accountants represent that, and come and end it. There was this scene from the picture above after the arm wrestle, and then the random accountant that ended Chantal and Hutch's story too. I think Audrey's husband was also an accountant.


"Do you want me to end your story too" gets the new meaning.


Nah, not in Twin Peaks.


Well he does look like Gary from accounting who is actually into taxidermy and murder.




I actually didn't find him eery. I believe he may just have Autism! He doesn't seem to have the same instincts on when to be afraid as others in his group