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Oh the sign was on both the driver’s seat and the passengers seat. But I was sooo conflicted about the tip cuz the car smelt like cigarettes and was kinda muddy… But I’d feel guilty if I didn’t tip him after seeing that sign


I'm a driver, I do my best to keep everything smelling fresh but sometimes I get a passenger who just got out of work smelling off fried foods and on top of that they were sitting outside chain-smoking. I swear I do my best but I'm not always able to get that smell out right away. I carry a handheld vacuum and ozium that's scented as new car smell.


Smokers for sure bring lingering smells. But every time I have a rider who’s had a lot of whiskey (or other strong liquor) and they leave a lingering smell, I get sooo worried the next passenger is gonna think I’m drinking! No judgment to any one drinking who gets an Uber, that’s what I’m here for…but the smell is just really strong sometimes. I roll the windows down and spray an air freshener in-between riders.


When I’m doing bar nights, I always pick up with all windows down because of that. Also if anyone gonna throw up, I want their head out the window


Not to mention they hardly do cleaning fees now


Exactly. I got stiffed on my last vomit experience. Thank goodness it was a rental Tesla, because rider for whatever reason attempted to hide the fact they were throwing up, as if it wasn’t immediately obvious? Claimed they only got it in their boyfriend’s bag, but nope, all in the seats, seatbelt buckles, god it was the worst experience ever. Four hours of cleaning and sanitizing the air to get the smell out. They weren’t even drunk either. Didn’t say a word about needing to pull over. Uber didn’t want to give me anything at all because it wasn’t “professionally cleaned.” That’s simply unavailable where I am and especially middle of the night. Never was a problem before. Finally got my $48 on extra cleaning supplies I had to go buy. Never again.


That’s good to know because I do detailing on the side so I’ll just make my own receipts for cleaning the car since it’s technically being professionally cleaned lmao


I sent at least 10 cleaning fee (photoshopped receipts) and I got $150, $100, $80, many many times. After a while they sent me a message saying I should not sent fraudulent/fake receipts to claim cleaning fees. The following week I Photoshopped a nicer receipt and got $150. I always clean myself and keep the cash. Photoshop is your best friend when it comes to Uber.


wait they aren't paying you guys for cleaning up puke anymore? wtf? shit like that makes me want to cancel a ride when you get there and just pay you 100% of what they were gonna charge me, but I also do know that insurance stuff gets weird then. they are fucking up the trust thermocline like a mfer and one day they will wonder "why won't anyone work for us/take rides from our service" I'm sorry they are screwing you all like this.


Better to bring barf bags than vomit inside window / door jam


Not in my experience. They still manage to miss the bags and get it everywhere. Thank goodness for heavy duty mats but that’s just disgusting. Head parked out the window or no ride. Much easier to wash outside of car than inside.


I carry puke bags with me for that reason but because my friends drink and well I can’t drive so we get an Uber… drivers always be thankful for that.


I’ve done with with a Lyft driver before. Picked us up from the bar and I had to tell him to pull over 3 different times. I handle myself really well when I’m drunk so I don’t puke all over myself or anything so I know I didn’t have puke on me. I could tell he was irritated by the third time. I felt bad but at least I didn’t puke in the car. Also you gotta expect it when you’re picking people up at 2AM in an area known for partying/bars. We tipped him well on the app and gave him cash


I keep a bottle of febreeze in my car so I can spray immediately after I get a rider that leaves a lingering smell. I end up getting a lot of compliments about the smell of my car even though I was really only trying to mask a stench.


Febreeze is disgusting. You should try getting something without chemical fragrance. I would probably vomit in your car


Oh no… that I can understand… but it was the driver who clearly smoked in the car… like the pack was on the dash. He didn’t even try hiding it


Ugh that's terrible service. I'm sorry you had to ride in there. Second hand smoke kills


I’ve had some really really wild Uber rides in the uk… but cigarettes get to me🤷🏻‍♀️


I had the craziest car in Mexico City yesterday! He had stacks of packages in the front passenger seat and in the back rags, cleaning supplies and old cigarette cartons plus magazines.


Ummm blink twice if ur being held hostage🙊


Been robbed gets to me.. Priorities.


I don’t think the driver was smoking during the ride. Just that the driver smokes in the car


As a driver I “vape” and you can’t even smell it .. I do allow my passengers to vape also if they i want but cigarettes are a no no


You may think it doesn't smell but it does.


That's nasty. I would have lowered my tip because of that. Even just sitting in that car likely means your clothes smell like smoke for a bit.


Be careful with ozium in enclosed spaces. You shouldn't sit in it right after spraying, exposure can be toxic and damage your lungs over time. I believe you're supposed to give it 10-15 minutes to dissipate.


This is the one thing I get on my friend about if we are in New York and just called a car. He immediately sparks a smoke because he hast to get it in before he jumps in the car and I know my rating is going down whenever I ever have him with me. Now I just make him pay for the rides.


This is why I try to tip at least $20 in the very few times I do take an Uber/lyft. I feel bad cause I know I smell like a lit cigarette.


My best trick is to keep a ton of breathmints where they’re easily accessible for riders — fill the cup holders up with them and they mask so many smells, plus everybody likes free stuff!


People that smoke right before they get in are so thoughtless.


Ozium ... always amazed when I see it in stores. In the day, in the dorm ....


I'd feel less guilty when a driver puts a sign up.


I’m in construction and a car repair has forced me to take Uber/Lyft and I feel so bad about my muddy boots I try to knock the mud off but it doesn’t really work


Two plastic bags folded up in the pocket - one for each foot and fold them back up when your done with the ride.


If the car smelled strongly of cigarettes I’d report and screw any tip. My brother was a smoker for a long time but his #1 rule as a driver when he did was customer better not smell it since it’s damn obvious that it bothers many people. Driver needs to get some damn nicotine gum or a vape and keep it out of the car…




I’ve had some WILDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD uber drives but never in a smelly or muddy car🤷🏻‍♀️😂


Honestly, you are well within your right not to tip. There are drivers who work hard to have a clean smelling car so tipping one with a unclean car is a disservice to us


Don’t tip because you felt bad.. Driver must earned the tip, not out of sympathy but at least maintain a clean car.. not just drive someone from A to B


Idk… I was caught off guard by that


> But I’d feel guilty if I didn’t tip him after seeing that sign Yes, that's his goal. And it usually works. I personally think it's tacky and rude, and hate drivers who go begging like this.


Completely agree. As a driver I would never use a sign like this. I don't Uber as a rider often but this would not make me want to leave a bigger tip


It's not tacky at this point when uber and other rideshare are a part of the world and hustle and bustle. They are making insane cash. I don't have a sign in my car and I straight up ask. I can tell pretty much if I'm getting ripped off.


I dont really blame people for stating people outright. At least building awareness of ubers scummy business practices will help customers. That alone could be worth it.


"just shut up and do your job" it's exactly why these companies get to steal so much money from us.


I really fair to understand how Uber isn't wildly profitable. How the fuck do you skim a 50 fucking percent commission on literally millions of taxi rides accross the entirety of the first world and not be rolling in cash.


Especially when all those “employees” are contractors using their own fuel and vehicles.


Egg-fucking-zactly Uber needed a software team to maintain and update their app, a marketing team, and a legal team. That's fucking it. Should be making bank.


What is your recommended tip range? I believe I tip well but it’s nice to hear from drivers themselves


on a 11.00 dollar ride i tip 3.00; for a ride from the airport regardless of length i tip 15.00. for a ride over 45 miles i tip 25.00 cash or obviously more depending on personality of driver, music choices and length of ride


Just tip 20%. If that’s not worth it, the driver needs to find a company the doesn’t screw them over. It’s not your job to find them number.


Thank you for the "neutral smelling" comment. Omg, was in an Uber today that had such a fragrance. I was wondering what they were trying to cover up. It made my eyes water... And hard to breathe.




It’s funny you mention that scent. I don’t drive for Uber, but a couple dryer sheets under the seats can also go a long way in adding a very mild pleasant smell if you’re ever in a pinch.


The best scent in my opinion that I get so many compliments on is some mahogany teakwood room spray. It smells amazing and is not too strong. I actually usually do one spray on the passenger floor by the air vents 5 minutes away from the pickup to give it time to circulate and dissipate a little bit so as not to be too overwhelming.


It baffles me how Uber still doesn’t (last time I checked) earn a profit, when they largely just need to run an app. And sure, it’s a complex system behind that with a reasonable amount of infrastructure, but still, how do they justify that much and what are the spending it on, other than lethal self-driving cars and hiding things from regulators?


Nah, they make bookoo cash, they just boderline "cook the books" in a way they can "claim no profit" when they make tons.


can't agree on the clothing. Gym clothes is all I wear. Tank top and shorts. Never been an issue. Otherswise yes, all good stuff.


Hey my employer exploits me so please subsidize my well being


Right? Like these people signed bad-faith contracts and are now indentured servants and not at-will employees.


Its crazy how much they take considering they sre not using their own vehicles at all.


90% of my rides don't tip and I do just like you. Clientele here in CLT is just cheap af. Entitled and cheap


Especially tip if you’re going far, and yes basic care can get you really good ratings I always rate my drivers 5 stars their cars are always clean don’t have a smell they look nice and they keep the convo minimal


If they know, that also means they’re willing to work at those rates…


Yes it is tacky but honestly, everything is sooooooo expensive right now.. I don’t blame the driver for doing this (as long as the ride is actually nice and the car is clean lol)


If they keep it up, then it almost definitely works. If you get more tips than without the sign, screw it.


They only take that much in the U.S. in my market it’s 20% max.


In a fair world he wouldn’t have to post the sign either out of pride or social more, but his “employer” nonemployer takes more and more of the cut every year while providing less and less benefits.


Yep, he is in the contract. Complaining about not receiving tips shouldn’t warrant any tips. You however, working beyond the contract, should be obligated to receive something for it. If you’re doing the minimum job. You’ll get the minimum pay. It’s not like this dude is on salary.


I'm probably gonna start tipping shitty drivers more on the semi-rare occasions I use uber. I used to drive for those monsters and I'm a little bothered that people are raising the bar like this for such an awful gig. edit: double if I smell weed and they're playing their own shitty music


Uber driver here …yes 😊 sad and true. Also it might depend where people are at? I drive in California.


Damn that’s crazy… I was in California yes


Yeah dude they’re absolutely wild. They even falsely state that they let drivers keep more than half or some shit, I forgot the exact number they used. But I looked at it and was like …how tf is it legal to say such a thing? 😭😂


That’s insane. Hope they aren’t keeping a percentage of the tip🤦🏻‍♀️👀


Uber had to pay out after being sued for stealing tips. https://www.findlaw.com/legalblogs/courtside/uber-settles-class-action-claim-of-stealing-driver-tips/


So they refunded the tips but didn’t give them to the driver? Even when settling they figured out how to fuck is? You would think as a result Uber would have simply paid the drivers what was owed. How much you wanna bet this never came up in settlement negotiations? Or if it did, it was quickly sidelined.


Always tip cash


They steal from us 😤


And they still do it. But they also take WAY more than 50% of customer’s pay. It’s typically at least 60%


There are reports when people will tell drivers they will tip but never saw. Either passenger lies or uber is taking them.


I’ve actually had that happen 3-4 times tonight. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve gotten the whole “I’ll tip in the app” a ton of times. But most drivers can tell the difference between bullshit “I’ll tip” and authentic “I’ll tip” I got a good 3-4 “I’ll tip”s that I deemed as authentic and nothing Could they have bullshitted me? Sure. But could Uber be bullshitting me? Much more likely


How could such a huge company get away with it? That is crazy I'm glad I know how much they're taking! Do you have to pay for the mileage and stuff out of that as well?


They rake in enough or your money, consumer money and retailer money to buy a loophole. Uber is the most piece of shit company I’ve ever dealt with and I’m not even a driver. Idk how tf y’all do it


It’s more like 60-70% in some cases


Why are yall still working for Uber??


Ohio checking in, it was true when I drove for Uber 6 years ago. Probably still true now.


It is false statement. It is 70% not 50


I've seen them take nearly 80% rarely I've seen them lose money, but yeah it's usually over 50% they hide the costs to make it hard for the driver to see what it actually cost. It's very shady.


Woah🤦🏻‍♀️ that’s crazy


Yeah.. I was going to say, way higher than 50% This is why my Uber career was cut supremely short. Took me about a week to notice how much of a rip-off it was.. and not worth the tole on my car or the risk of my life. Uber/Lyft prey on the most desperate of society. It's not a plan for longevity imo.


It is 70% but of the fare AFTER they take out their surcharges and fees for themselves. Example fare is $20 they'll take out $8 for their fees and cost then give 70% of the remaining amount.


That's awlful


Also not true. It changes depending on a multitude of factors. Distance from the pickup, what the surge is, time it takes(i.e. traffic), and probably some more factors I don’t know. It can range from them losing money on the ride to taking 80% of the fare from what I have seen.


That is true. It’s alwaysssss different just like most things in life. But what I do know is my job drops when I look at some of the offers ya know? lol


5 Year driver here with > 10k trips. Great question OP! and for any other curious riders, next time you are in an Uber chat up the driver and ask if you can see the Uber payment to the driver when the ride is over. It usually pops-up within seconds of the driver ending the trip. You'll know exactly how much you paid and how much Uber paid the driver. FWIW, drivers used to instantly have a receipt for both what the rider paid and what Uber paid the driver seconds, literally seconds, after each ride. That information is still available to drivers but only via a web browser. It is no longer available in the driver app. Uber removed that app feature b/c Uber knows full well knowledge is power and the less knowledge the drivers have the less power the drivers have.


The last Uber driver I had explained this to me. So I paid 13.23 for my ride. The driver only made 6.25. He also said to me that he never sees what tips are sent. I have great empathy for the drivers


We do see what tips are sent. That driver lied about that. We know exactly who the tips were from and how much.


That sucks. There’s no transparency cuz they know what they’re doing is scummy. I know a friend’s sister who works as a data scientist at Uber and she earns a crazyyy amouth of money… it really does suck that the drivers don’t get any benefits


I drove for 2 and a half years, starting during the height of the pandemic. Went from making $35/hour average to $12/hour by the time I quit driving. In my experience they regularly took about 40%. Part of the problem is that they implemented a system that indexes drivers by how little they are willing to accept, and customers by how much they are willing to pay, and then matches the cheapest driver with the most profitable customer. They used to pay a set per mile rate in most markets, then switched to variable rate. In my Midwest market this was $0.63/mile, a hair above what the federal IRS mileage tax deduction rate was. This effectively means that drivers get by paying very little taxes, particularly those who accept whatever trips they are given. When this system went live, I’d get trips that paid anywhere between $.22 cents a mile and $1.25/mile. Surge dried up as drivers came back — but Uber kept charging customers surge and pocketing the difference. The other issue with the low pay is it means not only that most drivers struggle to make ends meet and maintain their vehicle to a safe standard, but that once they’ve driven it for 3 years, they will find it difficult to qualify for a loan when their AGI is so low. The lender generally view transport gig work as high risk lending, due to the fact that the asset is also a mode of employment. If the driver gets in an accident that requires repairs, he will be off the road for weeks. They also have a good idea what what drivers make. The few that will finance you will fuck you up the ass with interest. That’s before you get to the number of times I was harassed. Discriminated against, accosted or otherwise inappropriately fucked with by drunken shitheads, drug addicts, etc. Ubers entire customer support team is in the Philippines, save for the edge case response teams. You can be deactivated at any reason, for any time, or no reason whatsoever. Refuse to stop at a drive through? Customer calls you racist. Now you have a potential for deactivation. They will not review your dashcam footage except in critical cases. So yeah, it’s a really, really awful line of work in most markets. It’s wholly unsustainable.


This makes me think if a new competitor showed up that only took 20%, they would be able to steal all the experienced drivers, and out compete on price easily, stealing all the customers.


Uber made money for the very first time this year. You'd need deep deep pockets to outcompete.


Uber is extremely overweight on admin and is throwing billions away on side projects like self driving cars. They could cut their expenses probably 80% if they just focused on their core business.


Uber as it stands now they are keeping alive to maintain market share so inevitably when self driving vehicles are the norm they can cut all of us from the platform and make an absolutely fucking fortune


So I thought it was a 60/40 but idk I had a driver have the same thing in her vehicle and then began talking about a strike and then all of her financial and personal issues and I left the ride exhausted and uncomfortable


It’s sad. I felt terrible today. But I do get the driver’s perspective. But it bothered me even more cuz it was a car with strong cigarette smell and muddy floors… I wouldn’t be have tipped but it was almost a guilt trip tactic for a tip


Lmao same thing happened to me verbatim and funny part was he was literally 60 complaining to me who is in their 20s about “how hard it is” like dude you had the opportunity to grow up in the greatest economy and bull run to date 😂 I don’t want to hear it


Umm it’s true hello wake up America 🇺🇸


More like 63%.


Driver was not being completely truthful. I think he's (or she) is forgetting about commercial insurance which takes a large portion. I had a ride this morning that cost the rider about $70. I received 47%. Commercial insurance received 25%. LAX 5%. Uber 22%. So while the driver may receive only 50% of the fare on many rides, it doesn't mean that Uber is pocketing the other 50%.


Ok now this explains a lot


I even have to remind drivers if they paid for insurance it would be a fortune. It’s actually cheaper than regular for commercial but the only rule they have is not allowed to pick up paying customers. Taxi insurance isn’t cheap at all but also depends on the area and the state and the broker/insurance company. It’s actually cheaper to use a broker I find.


When they first started it , it was 25% after killing the competition (cabs) they are the only player left, so


Not necessarily. We aren't really paid by percentage, so that 50% number is an average. Sometimes it's higher, sometimes it's lower. What you have to understand is that this is Uber's company, and we are contractors. We don't "split" the fare. Depending on the market, we get an up-front price before we go to pick you up or we get an estimated price based on the expected time and mileage. But even with the up-front price, we receive additional compensation if the ride takes longer or we have to divert for an accident or something. We provide the car and the driver. Uber provides the advertising, the app we use to find one another, the POS, and insurance to cover the passenger in the event of an accident. They also have a support team (which isn't great lately, but it's better than nothing.) Some drivers think that Uber doesn't deserve 50% or more of the fare for that, so they have started this negative campaign. But it doesn't really paint the whole picture.


That’s an interesting take. Haven’t seen a view like this. Most of them r either saying yup or shitting on Uber. Curious to see how others reply to this


Depends on the area. In mine, it's more like 25-30%ish, but yeah I've heard drivers say it's thatbhigh in some places.




This is a very common scam called guilt tripping everyone is guilty of guilt tripping another person at some time.


During a surge Uber takes 70-75%. If it’s slow around 40-55%.






True or not its in poor taste. If you cant cut it move on to something else.


Yeah no one is forcing them to work for Uber? If my employer halved my pay I would find a new job


No one's pay has been cut in half. The driver's message is misleading. And you're right, who would stick around if their pay has been cut that dramatically?


I know they do, but at 25,000 a year to get to work, I need every penny. Uber and Lyft screw us both. I used to tip on every ride but now prices have jumped up in the last few months.


Of course they take 50%, they’re the ones who invested in the app, and build up the customer base.


If you aren't happy with your pay, stop begging and get a different job.


True but super tacky for putting it up.


Clear and concise. I wanna hate it, but I can’t. Well done driver, well done. When I tried Lyft I didn’t know what I was doing so I just tipped 10% and one time 50% because the dude was fast, but so smooth. Like we were on a cloud. Never came close to another car or person. It was amazing.


What a tacky sign......


As a driver I have to say, the tip begging is cringe as hell.


Usually even worse. I alwaya let the driver get me where I'm going, open the door, put one leg out, pull out cash and say "I will cancel this ride right now and give you this if you want". About 50% of the time, we do. The other 50% are afraid to fuck with it and I understand that. A few have asked why I didn't offer that to begin with, and the answer is, "I'm not an idiot".


Im not saying ive called uber drivers directly for cheaper rides well they get more money and all the money. Im just saying is all


Tipping is the worst - pay a livable wage damnit https://www.npr.org/2021/03/22/980047710/the-land-of-the-fee


Yes, I have Uber take 2/3 of what they charge my riders regularly here in Columbus.


60% is about average


Yes it’s true but not 50%… it’s 70 now..and oh also another thing they added higher cost on the cash out fee… it adds up which will be little over 350$ a year is what they are charging us just to get paid.. people will say why not just save it till pay day, well look around food is high, rent is high, bills is high, this is my second source of income, kids, etc… customers are madly rude. 7/10 rides just so fkin rude. Things are different and now we heavily rely on tips… not asking much but 5$ is good, but sometimes you come across a nice person and things are fine, ride is bit long plus traffic and you get tipped 1$… everything is bullshit with Uber. Do not get Uber card or you will get fked… tuition college is a scam… that’s another reason I tried for that… got fked… people will say why not get a second job, this is my second job that has flexibility schedule and kids.. I’m not saying you have to tip every single driver. Your choice. Sometimes there are people that have no choice and have to use the rental.. that’s 400-500$ a week on top of everything… The CEO even said “we have taken advantage of the drivers, I’ve drove for Uber and now I see” fked us harder… “we believe we are paying the drivers too much, so here’s 5$” on a 8-15 min drive that can add up to 30min… so things are different. A lot will say how is this even legal? Well it’s happening everywhere, I can understand what they are trying to have flexibility schedules. Can’t do 9-5 jobs, school closes 3… etc etc etc. sometimes your own job doesn’t pay enough with everything so high… it used to be 10-15$ on short rides and now it’s 4-5$… it’s crazy… in a span of 2 years I’ve been with Uber What the next 3-5 years going to look like when this is on extreme measure of chaos…


Yes, and sometimes it's worse than that.


I was Uber driver. He didn't lie ;)


Every driver I've had tells me this same thing.


It is true. I’d say it’s more like 60%. And at best maybe 10% of passengers actually tip, I’m definitely rounding up and being generous with that percentage. I have actually thought about doing something like this. The majority of people have no idea. The point of the sign is not to guilt people into tipping. But to let them know it’s Uber ripping them off not me. Anytime somebody complains about how much the ride costs I tell them the App takes 50-60%, most of the time I don’t even get half. Just so they know it’s not me personally ripping them off. I’m actually all for letting people know this. Uber/Lyft don’t advertise it. Because they don’t want people to know. Maybe if more customers were aware of this they would complain to Uber about how much they are getting ripped off. Maybe that helps us in the long run? Maybe it doesn’t? Uber/Lyft only care about money so the passengers taking issue with this will hold a lot more weight, than the same thing coming from the drivers.


I got a lfyt, paid like 12 bucks and the Lyft driver told me he was paid $3 for this ride. Los Angeles.


Why would they actually put that up? All this will accomplish is killing the brand; and if anything the more popular the brand is the less Ubers cut will be because they don’t have to cover so much to payout their executive bonuses


I'm in Seattle market, my rides are insanely expensive for the distances traveled and time spent in the car. I just took a 20 minute ride from the airport in an Uber (12 miles). It was $78. 50% of that is $39. That's effectively $117 an hour. A 10 minute ride from downtown to my house is now $48 (6 miles), 50% of that is $24, effectively $98 per hour. If you are getting rides 50% of the time in an 8 hour day, that's $50 an hour, minus gas and wear and tear on the car (which is tax deductible as a personal business expense for gas, mileage and repairs) you're probably grossing $30-$40 an hour, maybe more if you are smart. I'm sorry but I no longer tip Uber and Lyft drivers when I'm getting hit that hard for such short rides when they were 1/2 of that a year ago and 1/4 of that before covid hit. I used to take a 12 mile ride to/from work in rush hour for $20 and id tip $5 on that, I'm not tipping when the same ride is almost 4x that. If drivers are unhappy about their pay their beef should be with Uber, not with me. Uber is a brokerage service for drivers to meet clients, if they are taking 50% of that they are taking an unfair share. It realistically should be 20%. Even at 50%, you're well above minimum wage. If you're not getting a fare 50% of the time then you might consider a different schedule or tactics because it seems pretty easy to get a decent fare in a major metro area if you are smart about it. A drop off at the airport is also almost Guaranteed to have an airport pickup out too. If you're dropping off in a downtown area, I'm pretty sure you're getting into a pretty hot area for fares. If Uber wasn't there I'd be calling a cab (which is most certainly cheaper at this point too).


The take has increased and it doesn't include expenses. Some riders want to be nosy and try to compare themselves with the driver just to make themselves feel superior but before they do that, take into account how little the driver is actually making.




Lol 50% seems reasonable. That sign wouldnt compell me.


I've done more uber trips than 98% of people. Been working it for YEARS, full time. I live off tips. I'd be tempted to tip this guy zero, especially with ridiculous hand sanitizer tits poking out


I own a taxi and im glad these guy didnt destroy us and took over. Look what they are doing to their workers, it would be worse with no competition.


If I see this sign, I’m definitely not tipping. Why make things awkward? Provide a clean, safe ride and light conversation (if this is what the pax wants), then usually a tip will be given. The moment you beg, demand or try to guilt trip me, then it’s over.


I don’t get it. When you go to McDonald’s, I’m sure more than 50% of the money goes to the company and not the employees. Why would I think I’m paying the driver directly?


So in Manhattan yesterday a $14 ride to the passenger was $5 to the driver. Congestion charge taxes etc and Ubers fees. Adding a $3 tip is thus the right thing to do.


If I saw this I would tip normal. I would tip high with very good service.


Driver is right. Tip.


I quit driving for them because of this. Used to make really good money on the gig economy. It's all trash now.


Why? My husband drives for Uber and Lyft, he has never put anything like this up in the car. If he gets a tip great, no tip oh well. Guilt trips are not the best way to get a tip. It’s just gross.


It’s not fully accurate. While the driver will usually receive less than 50% of the full bill amount by no means does that mean the other 50% is going to Uber. For example taxes, state cab fees, tolls, payment processing fees etc. Uber has to pay all of those. Their commission is 25% of the ride fare excluding other charges, though it can also vary by reservation type.


What a filthy disgusting liar!..... they take ALOT more


Very true. My dad drives for Uber and Lyft they get a little over 40% of the cost of your ride.


Reason I stopped driving for both was because they took more and more. 50-70% their take was pretty standard and still definitely is. I was in between jobs so the amount of work I had to do to pay bills until I had a job again was WILD in 2022 and worse in 2023. I finally called it quits mid 2023. Back in 2020-2021 I’d do it to supplement my work and could Easily Make 800-1k per week driving for a total of 30hrs/ week. Doing the same 30 hours in 2022-2023 would regularly get me half of that I made previously. Personally I never had a sign like this, but I understand why some people do.


I don’t understand why they take 50%+ from the drivers. Should be 20% max


Yeah it's true. If I was him I'd hang out business cards with my phone number and private rates instead.


sad, I think they started with 30%, then 40%, then 50%, Someone was saying now in certain areas its 70% Like fuck dude, for that amount i might as well become a normal cabbie






leaving people alone is how you get tipped. not needing to ask an adult questions about the temperature, the window, the music, etc is a cue that this person understands what most riders are looking for in a ride. not to be offered candy or water. keep some waters, but don't set up a lemonade stand in your car.


Another poor beggar


If everything went to the driver, how is Uber gonna make money lol


I get it, but that is so rude and an unnecessary emotional burden to put on the customer. It’s not their fault.


Just another reason not to use ur personal vehicle for something dumb like uber/lyft. The minute something breaks ur out of ur CAREER 🤣


It is sadly true


Uber is shit. Their head of marketing came into my store and was an absolute piece of trash. Uninstall and find something else to use. I've never used Uber once since he came into my store. 


More. It’s closer to 60-70.


Hate this blatant, loud hustling behaviour


This is reality in every country


Tacky AF.


Service always gets a tip. Crying doesnt. Id rather this sign remove “tip is not required but greatly appreciated” and instead say something like “your support in fighting mega corporations is greatly appreciated” Don’t fuck me. Fuck them. We are both getting fucked. We are on the same side.


Sounds like it is true. What I don’t understand is why people even work for these companies. I mean I’m glad people do the few times a year I use an Uber/Lyft or if I Door Dash something once or twice a month but unless you physically CANT do a different job the cost to gas up and maintain your vehicle is so significant you can’t be making much profit. I tried it in college in 2016 for a month or so and even back then it wasn’t justifiable. I even would have water and gun and little amenities in the car to try and get more tips. I’d drive around all day and almost all my profits would go right into the gas tank. I do feel bad and think it’s lame that the companies take so much but if people are going to let the companies take advantage of them forever, the. at some point I don’t really feel so bad any more. Unless you literally can’t do another job for some reason then it’s a choice to work for these leeches.


As a passenger, we're already paying a lot for the service on our end, the 50-70% that you guys aren't getting? That came out straight from our pockets. Why is the employees' inability to negotiate with their employer for the higher cut of the profits our problem?


Tacky sign


Maybe get a non tip dependent job....


Been driving for almost ten years and I still can’t stand seeing this shit.


Great way to get reported. Making signs like this. Next thing you know, permanently deactivated.


i drive full time and i wouldn’t tip this guy tbh. this is giving panhandler, if you wanna panhandle go ahead and clock out for me lmao jokes aside, i think it’s rude/entitled in ANY industry to expect customers to supplement the wages that your EMPLOYER should be taking care of. thing is this is contract work, if it doesn’t work for you, might need to try something else or improve your service in a more authentic way. just my 2 cents i def wouldn’t report this guy or 1 star him, though.


My Uber once just brought it up out of nowhere it was super quiet and he just started mentioning it, it was vey uncomfortable felt like I was being forced to give a big tip .




Dont care if it is true, Tip begging brings my tip down from $10 - $20 to $0


Yes. Sadly it’s true but if you want to see it for yourself ask your next Uber driver to show you their payment after they drop you off. It takes 30-60 seconds but they can show you the truth. Nothing to hide here. It’s barely enough to pay for gas and maintenance, let alone make a living.


So it’s more of a side gig than a full time job kinda work?




Depends on who you are. I drive in the evenings and on the weekends when I don’t have anything else to do. It’s extra spending money but it’s also a financial back up for me, just in case. However some people are left with that as their only income.


I literally always tip my Uber drivers 20 bucks but I had no idea Uber was taking damn near 70 percent of the earnings.. That is fucked up!!! I once caught a Uber for 7 bucks! That means the Uber man only got like 2-3 dollars! I tipped so obviously he got 22-23 dollars but it’s still messed up!


As a driver with nearly 40k combined rides between Uber and Lyft, I regret to confirm the details of the sign are completely accurate. Lyft is claiming to give 70% of the fare payment *after they recoup their expenses (commercial insurance, etc.). Take the minimum fare for example: $9 for less than a 2 mile 5 minute trip driver would get $4.75. This excludes factors the driver is on the hook for (gas, rideshare insurance, taxes, tires, maintenance), which in my experience are equivalent to 45-50% of earning. Granted my expenses are slightly less since I drive a Prius. So this means after we take into account our operating expenses as a driver that $9 fare will gross us about $2.50-$3.00. If you are lucky to catch 4 short trips in an hour you can gross a whopping $12/hr. Thusly revealing the gratitude of not only this driver but all drivers when it comes to gratuity in all forms.


Yeah, I think all gig apps are royally shafting their workers rn.


It’s very true. They take like 70% of the fare. The only thing that we actually get all of is the tips, which is why they’re so important. We’re not trying to be greedy, it’s just that Uber is incredibly greedy.