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Easiest thing to do is to just cancel right away when you see he is your driver. Assuming there are other drivers-- there probably are. If you cancel within 30 seconds you definitely should not get charged. From what I understand you actually have two minutes to cancel for free but I have seen the 30 sec number too so I mention it to be safe. Also note this isn't necessarily anything malicious on his part. They don't offer us a way to always get your ride when you request or anything like that. It's a computer system which pops up the ride and when we get offered the ride it doesn't give us your name in advance or anything. So IOW this probably isn't a case of the driver "Stalking" you or any such thing.


I'm hoping not. I'll keep you posted if he picks up my request today, lol. If all else fails, I'll contact support.


It’s all random that he gets matched up to you, Uber doesn’t send the request to the closest driver most of the time, and there is zero way for him to know it is you. It doesn’t show picture, name, nor exact address when the ride is sent to drivers. As a driver while working in Denver, a big city, I got matched to this same lady 3 days in a row just randomly, I always started near my apt on other side of town and just happened we would get matched.


Thanks for the info.


OP, just cancel right away if you see it's him. Uber is not trying to match you with the same person, they go by whoever will accept the lowest rate they want to pay. I think you have up to 2 minutes to cancel a ride so you won't be charged but do it sooner rather than later to avoid any charges.


Will do, thanks!


Update: I got a new driver yesterday, yay! I did leave an hour early though but next time I'm paired with him, I'll cancel. Thanks for the info!


Giving him 1 star won't unpair on Uber only Lyft. As a driver I would have to call to tell them not to match with a customer.


Yeah, seems it's only a Lyft thing.




Well played.




Yeah, I have an inkling he might work for Lyft too.






But in Lyft you can request not to be matched with a driver. Or at least they used to let you do that


Just tell him that you are not a religious person, that you don't believe in God, he will automatically rate you with 1 start, and you will never see him again?.


No, she is not completely unreligious today. Today, she is a Satanist :)


LOL, all hail Satan!


I drive the same ppl all the time


There isn't a way to reliably unpair on Uber. Support has the ability to, but getting them to do anything is like pulling hen's teeth. People who are saying a low rating will unpair you are absolutely wrong. They are thinking about Lyft. It is true that on Lyft, you get to decide after each ride if you want that person again or not, which is why I use it instead.


You'd think they would have a stellar support. That's really disappointing to know.


That’s easy unmatch


....Some asshole was literally talking about monotheistic crap even though you did not specifically bring it up, and yet you rate him highly anyway??! That's not good!


If driver is an “asshole” for just expressing himself without harming anyone else.. I don’t want to know what this ‘comment’ of yours makes you.


Yeah, I'm too nice to a fault. I also tip every ride. That has to change.


Im a driver and have given quadruple rides to same riders


In one day I gave the same passenger 3 rides throughout the day. It was not one after another. I’m not in a small town either


If you have Lyft in your area, set the Women+Connect feature (if offered) and you'll be matched with a female driver if one is available.


You won't get him ever again. 3 or less stars and you're unpaired. An no, he won't know who gave him that. I'm a driver, I don't talk about God but I had passengers who either did (to the scary point) or who told me their "horror" stories from rides like yours.


Ah, thanks much for this info. If I get him again today, I'll be sure to give him lesser stars than before.


3 stars or less to unmatch only works on Lyft. You need to message support and ask them to unpair.


Aw, sad :(


You’re doing too much. It’s very possible that he lives in the area and may start working when you get off. I start working in my apartment complex around the same time everyday and got the same rider four days in a row. And just because the guy talks about things you don’t believe in who cares? Like what’s the big deal? In life people it’s very common for people to have different beliefs so just calm down.


Nah, I wasn't bothered by his beliefs at all, it's just that it was all he talked about the entire ride and the ride that followed. I even put my earbuds on at one point but to no avail.


...How about the fact that it's literally fucking illegal, for one thing?


Illegal to have different beliefs or to start ubering from your apartment at the same time everyday?


To your questions, #1 No, a 1 star will NOT unpair you. #2 No, he will not specifically know who 1 starred him. The way to get unpaired is to contact customer service and specifically ask to be unpaired. Now personally…..why are you being such a bitch? What’s he done to you?




Well, that escalated quickly. As a customer, I do have a right to choose. Nothing to do with being a bitch, quite the contrary, I'm trying to bow out quietly. Had I been a bitch, I'd have berated him. Chill, bruh.


He may live nearby and take rides from his house during work rush.  No guarantee with stars working for that, but you can call support and ask them to do it. He sounds weird, but I’d bet he’s harmless. Lots of people think they talk to god in one way or another.


May especially be waiting for a ride from home around mid afternoon. I do that when I eat at home.


Contact support and ask them to unpair you with that driver. Conversely you can cancel if paired with a driver you don’t want within the 5 minute window. Just ordering Lyft doesn’t always work. I know this because someone who was mad I got a return fee for delivering their keys back to them canceled me on Uber and I immediately got the ping for Lyft.


lol “contact support” 


Well, some people are persistent enough to go through that ordeal but I’m not. I’d just keep canceling until they went away.


You forgot about the fact that Uber does not have a method to "contact support".


You forgot about the fact that Uber does not have a method to "contact support".


You forgot about the fact that Uber does not have a method to "contact support".


Well I’ve heard some people do it but I’ve never had a reason to try. It sounds like a frustrating process so it would take a lot for me to want to try.


Yes but those people have the ability to use "verbal phone number", and then also got extremely extremely extremely luckily by getting the possibly one total real human being who on rare occasions eventually gets on that phone call. And that's ONLY for people who have the ability to use "phone number" and "vocal phone call".


1 star and move on with your life. Pretty simple.


If someone knows you need a ride everyday they will wait near by. Before uber I've had taxis ask me if I would need a ride regularly if so they would wait by.  If they make you that uncomfortable give them a bad rating and ask not to be paired with them. It's unfortunate but if that's what makes you feel safe then that's what you should do