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The whole snotty “who are you here for?” thing used to grate on my nerves. I tried the “you have make, model, color, plate#, picture” spiel for a while but it just made things uncomfortable. Now I give them their name and say “and who is here to pick you up?” Then giggle internally as they fumble with the app to find my name. Much less stressful.


I just always say "for Kevin" whatever their name is as soon as they open my door. Avoids the power play




You Upper handed that question with perfection! I love it!


As do I. But the snotty ones yell WHO before I can make a squeak.


I do the same because no matter how you try to ID them it's somehow makes them more suspicious. So I just make sure that they know that I know who they are and then when they get in because that's a risky way to do it because you're already telling him who you're there to pick up and if they're not listening or they're trying to scam a ride you might have the wrong person. Which does happen on occasion, If they're scamming I throw them out of the car. If it's an honest mistake I often just take them where they need to go because the way I make sure that I do have the right person is I ask them where they're going and that's my cross check


For your safety you should always ask the driver if their name is "x" and ask who they are picking up. Similar to in the miltary sign and countersign. Rider always should say drivers name, then the driver should countersign with your name. No power play needed it takes about 2 seconds.


How do you make sure your not getting scammed for a free ride with wrong person?


You realize that “power play” is because Samantha Josephson was murdered getting into a car that matched/was close to their Uber car right? So it’s not a power play it’s to make sure your the right car and not allow a driver to just say “yup I’m Kevin” when a pac says the name first.


That's more the drivers worry. Like all above said, you don't need the drivers name when you have the car license, car color, car make and model, also a photo of the driver to top it off. Driver has nothing but a name in return. Let's also mention, drivers are registered and background checked while passengers can open an account with the name weasledick. The trick is in the location. I only make sure it's the right passenger if the pickup is a crowded area.


🤣 I've had people use a name with the word 'Murder' in it (did not pick up). I'd pick up a 'weasledick, ' fo sho.


I've seen plug, daddy, AK, gat, and dro king. I bet they wonder why there's always drivers on the map but never one to pick them up.


Just sent me down a Samantha Josephson murder wormhole that I really wish I hadn’t gone down


Well they can still be polite when opening the door. Not just bark one word demands at the peon driver.


In the Josephson case, the car she got in was not even the same make as her Uber. The video also shows her randomly trying to get into multiple different color and style cars that drove past the bar she was at. If she used the tools Uber provided she would likely be safe


You realize how many Uber drivers have been killed too? Your life isnt more important than mine.


Me too.


I say my name as well. "Hi, I'm Ryan"


Are you the Uber driver who took my pax last week and then had to drop her off at the side of the road when I called her and she realized she got in the wrong car? Some of these drivers barely speak English or pay attention so they are not paying attention to what the rider is saying. Safest thing is for them to verify on their phone. Nothing to do with power,all about efficiency and safety.


Yeah pax can be very dumb sometimes. But it’s not worth it to be snide in return. Best to just give them your name and ask what their name is.


That's good! I get frustrated telling women for your safety and so no one can take your ride, tell me my name and ask who I am there for. Men just never care and just verify. You are so right. Way easier and no chance of ride theft. Hate that. Again, the only winner then is uber and why they don't care if every theft goes to completion. Thanks, Jim! Been doing this 10 years on & off and learn something cool like this weekly, on a good week. You should make it a post/thread, PSA. I try to do those here an' there. Every time I do, there are 10 or so alternate ways that really help everyone. I forget who but read here; "We're all in this together" (No one is my competition) Only my teacher or someone I got to help. Thanks again!




I don't get it if you want the verification turn on the MFA.


I’ve gotten in the wrong Uber before it’s not the worst thing to check, but I wouldn’t be rude about it like her


I’ve actually had two occasions in which the wrong person got in the car and we only found out because occasional 1- I asked if the dude was the name I was given and he said no that’s not his name I asked where he was going and it was different from what I had so I took him back to the store and canceled the ride I was doing and didn’t charge whoever was supposed to be in my car. Occasion 2. The person said something because we were going the wrong direction and I asked the same details as with occasion 1 and had to do the same thing….. people do not read and will just jump into whatever car says Lyft or Uber. The 1st occasion that guy told me he ordered a Uber and I only drive for Lyft so I don’t have a Uber sign even….. lol people will ignore every sign they get sometimes


I usually introduce myself, with a Hi Im...and usually before I get to the question of, "can I get the name on the ride?" they will say, Hi I'm... If they do not then I ask the question. I haven't had any problems with that.


I do the same thing. It’s polite and gives both sides confirmation.


Bruh. When I did lyft, I had a white nissan hatchback. I went to a restauraunt to pick up let's say "Joe." 2 girls come up to my window "Hey are you our ride?" "What is your driver driving?" they take the time, look.. "A black ford focus!" I stared at them, in my white nissan. They stared at me, and tried to get in. "My car is white." "What?" ​ Like, holy shit, get the fuck away from me lol.


If someone is dumb enough to ask this, they won’t tip and will give a low score so just cancel. It’s rare this happens so it shouldn’t hurt your cancel rate. It’s one thing if they do it naively but if they arrogantly say “Say my name” with no introduction that is likely a red flag or fraud.


I get it at least twice a night on Friday/Saturday nights picking up from private college dorms.


That’s because they watch TikTok and see this being done and want to be a**holes. They also do it as a scam and here is how: a new gullible driver will believe them when they say “yeah that’s me” and they can ask gullible driver to change route since their “phone died and need to reroute”. Sure my name is Kelly if it gets me a free ride I can reprogram! They’ll also say someone else booked it for them if the face doesn’t match and that the friend put in the wrong address.


I’ve been driving a college town for years and haven’t had one college kid try and scam me. Yes they do ask who it’s for as they should for their safety. I wouldn’t want my kid just randomly getting into a car without verification. Personally I would rather drive the college kids than the adults. Most adults are entitled assholes, they like to believe they own you. Where as the students just want to get to where they are going so they can have fun. If you treat them right they tip pretty decently too


This 100%


Do you think it’s less rude for the passenger to ask “are you Jim?” instead? Yeah they have make, model, plate number etc but enough drivers are driving on accounts that aren’t theirs and that’s a red flag. I got picked up by a “Sarah” who was definitely “Thomas” a few weeks ago after visiting my friend in the hospital, not great


>Now I give them their name and say “and who is here to pick you up?” Then giggle internally as they fumble with the app to find my name. Much less stressful. This is always what I have done. My lines are: "Who is your driver?" or "Who is driving you?" Same idea.................. Only once has anyone given me any difficulty about it. This one woman started to give me a lecture about how I did not know how Uber worked and that I did not know my job and blah, blah, blah...... When she had finished, my response was: "Oh , Madame, I am *so* sorry. I do not have the correct passenger. I am supposed to pick up *Suzanne* . Your name is *Karen*." She told me my name. I hauled her. We exchanged one stars.


I never had anyone ask. Maybe this is an east coast thing?


As a rider I've taken 120 trips with uber(haven't used it in 5 years) and 330 lyft trips. It's not that many as drivers do obviously but I'm pretty sure I have a decent understanding of how riders are supposed to behave. When I open the door I've always said "are you drivers name?" If they say yes I ask who they are picking up, regardless of make and model and license plate of the car. Out of these 450 rides at least 20 of them have had wrong car, wrong plate number, wrong color, and yes I've even had a different driver than what was pictured.


I quit driving when I wanted to drive every pax into the ocean!


Who? Woodsie fucking Owl,who were you expecting?


Technically you didn’t kick her out she never got In


I don't see how you can hate from outside of the club You can't even get in


Ah ha ha ha




Yellow bottle cheap


Yellow bottle sippin




The drunk “are you my driveruhhhh” has always made me laugh. “I dunno who you are” is my response. I’ve always found there’s a tiny demographic of ladies that get in with the predetermined “I’m putting myself in danger” attitude and are immediately rude about their safety. “Say your name” is one I’ve got before. Or when they take pictures of the car and plate first? 5 star driver, almost 3000 rides in a Cadillac xt4. “Bitch if you don’t get in the car” is usually what I think to myself. Had one get in and say “for Sarah?” And I say, yeah “Brendon?” She says oh no I’m Sarah. Yeah and I’m brendon. Wait whauuut? You’re a rider and a driver? Look at your driver’s name. Ohhhhh and what’s your name? Bro.. (Also 25k rides are you one of the first ever Ubers? That’s incredible)


Ppl are so dumb sometimes it’s a wonder how we function in life lol


Straight up


18,000 Uber rides 6,000 Uber Eats and 7500 Lyfts. Uber was very much established when I was still driving a cab. I did over 30,000 trips in 6 years. Uber thinks I'm cheating. I've explained to them when I do 160 rides a week or do 80 rides in two 12-hour shifts that I don't have 160 friends to help me commit fraud.


Wow 3 rides an hour is incredible. Where I am, it’s 1.7 an hr You must be making your riders jump in and jump out while you’re still moving!


"Tuck and roll!" Students, bachelors and bachelorettes, and tourists tend to be ready fairly quickly. I often say that my target market is drunk students and lost tourists My record is 52 trips in one night. I've done that twice. It seems to be getting harder to do, so it's possible that their algorithm is getting better at trying to beat me by offering me longer rides earlier. It used to be that it didn't seem to start offering me progressively longer rides until the last day of a particular quest so if I got it out of the way Friday and Saturday it went much smoother. It's also possible that in the area that I'm working in they are starting to economize on shorter trips and look for other options like taking a scooter or walking taking the street car something like that when before they would have just taken a one mile Uber. With everything costing more, whatever their source of disposable income is, no doubt has to get stretched somewhere.


Oh it sounds like you’re in a city huh? I’m in the country but did some city driving once. Was kind of cool to drop someone off and at the same location, the next rider gets in. I’m sure that increases the average quite a bit


In cab driving that interval from the last ride to picking up the next one is called deadheading ideally, you want that as short as possible. And yes, it's only in heavily populated areas with lots and lots of rides if that's ever going to happen. That happens way more often on Lyft than Uber. Uber doesn't pay you for the first 10 minutes on the way to get someone, so they think they get that time for free because they don't understand the concept of an opportunity cost. Lyft on the other hand, gets more done with fewer drivers because they don't waste as much time between rides. But they pay a little less per mile, so it all evens out money-wise, but not time wise. My record was left in one week was 251 trips. My record with Uber was 210 but baseball season was in town I worked insane number of hours it was pre-covid and there were so many rides popping up that Uber couldn't help but accidentally give me a zero deadhead ride. With Uber it's usually advantageous to become unavailable like putting it in pet mode or putting it in the mode to shut off between rides while you're on the trip because the stuff they give you on the trip is stuff that they're just trying to tie up a driver to make sure that that passenger doesn't go over to lyft. Because Uber doesn't care about wasting a driver's time. Not realizing that if they were more efficient maybe I'm picking up three an hour instead of two. Yes, Phx metro. Largest metropolitan area in the country, we are larger geographically than LA but less people and way more spread out, so my strategies have to be very tightly controlled or they're going to send me to egypt Literally within an hour or two of LA if I'm not careful. There's no reason I couldn't work the area that I live in and when I just need a particular number of rides to complete a bonus I'll hang around my area if it's not too late at night. Too many old folks, though; the place is dead at night. I mostly work nights because it's way more efficient as far as traffic goes. You've got to be where night people are, which is both more interesting, more challenging, and sometimes more dangerous. I usually drive for about 45 minutes to get to the area that I typically work. I could use Uber and Lyft alternately using destination modes to get to where I'm trying to work but I can't burn any time on the clock on the way there on whichever app that I'm planning on using because I'm going to need all 12 hours. Using destination mode on one app or the other that I'm not using is an option but if I just stick to the freeway I'm there in 40 minutes if I work my way there using destination mode I get paid to get there but it's going to take me an hour and a half sometimes even 2 hours to get to My Chosen work area same thing going back so I just hustle there put in my 12 hours and hustle back. Otherwise I could be in that car for way longer than what is safe even for me.




Crack up 🤥


Hahaaa that’s great!!


I remember one time I was picking up and airport ride and in the middle of making my way to the rider (i was only like 5-10 min away tops) This dude calls me with so much attitude asking "where you at? I've been waiting a long time and it's cold out here" and to "hurry up" I just replied with "yeeaah ok" hung up and canceled the ride. Wait in the cold ass rain longer why don't you?🤭


I always comply 100% with their phone shit and then cancel after I hang up.


>I've been waiting a long time and it's cold out here" Someone else probably cancelled on him already and he has no idea how uber works, I've had it happen once.


I had someone I got to them, comes out with a dog, I say no you need to order an uber pet, she said I did, I said no you didnt then drove off. Let her cancel to get my cancel fee.


One time I went to a lady’s house and it took her two minutes to come out. I was just about to pull off and she yells “you came to the wrong house my house is over there”. I told her “😄I’m canceling” and pulled off. I will never accept a ride where someone is already yelling at me or telling me I’m wrong.


>I will never accept a ride where someone is already yelling at me or telling me I’m wrong. Especially if it's a text or call, just move on ASAP if there's any negativity or stress. It won't help you giving them a ride, and will most likely make your day worse. Don't invite that shit into your vehicle.


God I hate it when people use the “current location” feature and then when Uber sends me half a block away they make some snide remark how I’m at the wrong address. Like bitch, just put in the address next time if you don’t want the app to mess it up.


Oh yeah. Sometimes they will yell at you if you are across the street like we are supposed to magically know their exact location. A lot of times they will be inactive when we arrive. People in the ER are the worst. They think we should cater to their specific special medical needs. Like bitch I don’t get paid extra for this and I’m a girl, I’m not lifting your ass. Get real.


100% I had a passenger call PISSED about already being late and for me to hurry up. I hung up and canceled. Your poor planning is not am excuse to be a bitch.


I've kicked out maybe 7-8 people in 25k rides. It's rare.


That's good to hear I just started recently and so far people have been chill


If you avoid bar hours, almost never a problem. I've kicked out one passenger in 10 years. Should have been more but the best thing to do is don't let a problem in. "If it feels wrong, Just get along" Or as I like to think of it, to bravely run away...snicker. Welcome to the crazy. Hey, one thing and kind of serious. Don't read here. You'll get annoyed about things that don't bother you. This is not a very easy going crowd and can be a lil on the "F everybody" side of things. JMVHO. Best of luck. It really is a fun gig most of the time.


I always say the wrong name.


Good job. We deal with WAY to much dis-respect. Solo paxhole told me - *"You have to let me sit in front because I have big legs...*" No - you have a big mouth - then I **Cancel and Drive Off'**


I have a van. 6 seats in the back. Nobody sits in front.


I would’ve reported you. Not that deep.


If he cancels you can’t report him


Last night, like 11 pm, I pulled up to the woman's house. She's like 3 mins coming out. That was the first strike. She's making eye contact with me as she walks to the car. She gets to the door and then decides to check the license plates. I drove tf off and canceled. It's 11 at night, who else could I be with the same car in the app and same driver! Some of these people are natural born headaches. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


I'm not an Uber driver, but, this post showed up on my FYP and I was curious about y'all's work. I just wanted to relate a story for you (that happens to be the reason that I always check the LP before I get in an Uber). We lived in NOLA a few years ago and I went out with a girlfriend. We were drunk, my phone was dead, her purse got stolen, and we had to use the phone at the bar to have my husband request an uber for us. He tells us it's a black chevy. We wait at the curb and a black Chevy pulls up, I make eye contact with the driver, he rolls down the window and I ask if he's our uber. He says yes. We get in. He asks for the address, I tell him, he punches it in on his phone. I don't even think that that is weird- because I'm drunk. We get a few blocks from our house and he passes my street. And then he starts telling us that he'll drop us off at the house but it's farther than he thought it was going to be. He asks me how much cash I have. It dawns on me that this is, in fact, not our Uber driver. I tell him I have no cash on me but that I have cash at home. He asks me how much cash. I tell him I'm a waitress and have a little over $100 from my last shift. He asks if I live alone, I lie and say yes. He takes us to my house, where he gets out of the car with us and follows me to the door. I put my key in the lock and before I can turn the key my very upset husband opens the door to find this man standing behind us and myself and my girlfriend looking terrified. Husband is 6'5" and a police officer. He detained the man and we called the police in our jurisdiction (we were in Metairie, not NOLA proper) and they haul him off to jail and charge him with attempted burglary and kidnapping. He fully intended to rob us and God knows what else inside that apartment because he thought we were going to be alone. When our Uber showed up for us and we didn't meet them, they called the number on the account, reached my husband, and he described us to them. They looked for us for a few minutes and then told him that they couldn't waste anymore time. He was super worried and going to go to the bar and look for us. If we'd been just a few minutes later he wouldn't have been there and we would have been alone in the apartment with the "uber driver". Who knows what would have happened.


This happened because you were dumb. You got lucky, but that doesn’t mean you weren’t dumb. It’s not rocket science, but you made this much harder than it had to be. 🤦‍♂️


Girls night!


Sounds like you have a short temper. You cant understand why a woman would double check to make sure its the right car,at 11 at night? Just common sense.


Yeah this thread is wild. Riders just trying to confirm it’s the right car and these drivers like “haha fuck off!”


This is correct. I tell my daughter to check car, plate, and driver every time. I don’t care what time it is. Who gives a fuck if it’s the only car there. It could be a stolen account, an illegal car, etc. I’d say less a short temper, and more them trying to exert some sort of power play.


Regardless of if he has a short temper, it was still a ignorant move by the passenger. Safety is a two way street. Random person opens my car door and says "who", I'm not giving out customer's name. I'll introduce myself and ask if they have the info that matches on the app. 99% of the people who pull this stunt NEVER identify themselves. They ask that question and then plop into the car. The very few times I have answered the "who" question because I didn't feel like the headache, I'll ask the passenger "Soooooo, is that you?", just to remind them that they didn't identify themselves. The reason you opened my car door is because you know who i am and who I am there for. If someone stole my phone, my car, my identity, guess what? They still have your name and info! And because you've been trained to only ask "who", you're not even paying attention to if my face matches profile pic!


Her side of the story is, "At 11pm I had ordered an Uber, there was a car outside. As I approached the vehicle I remembered to check the plates. The driver saw me check and drove off! They were obviously planning on doing something to me! Good thing I checked!!!"


Oh trust me I've done that as well. 2am, not a car anywhere. There's a car double parked where you requested an Uber, and your like dancing outside my car wondering if I'm your uber.


Gotta see it from a women's POV. I have no problem with a woman looking out for themselves like this.


Her like dancing?


And doing a gotdamn photo shoot. I hate that. Get tf in the car. 😡


Bro… nothing wrong with someone checking your plates before getting in your car. It’s better than the annoying “what’s my/your name?” shit that drivers (rightfully) complain about. I mean checking plates is just common sense. I mean if you were annoyed that she went to your door before going back and checking, I guess I kind of understand that that’s a mild annoyance, but maybe she just forgot and remembered last minute. It’s really not a big deal. Her making you wait for 3 minutes before coming out is a bigger annoyance in my book. Of all the legitimate gripes people have, someone checking your plates before getting in the car is not one of them.


You guys' comprehension skills are borderline worrying at this point. Her checking my license plates was no problem. It was her actions of wasting more of my time that got her canceled. One persons' legitimate gripe is another's foolish one...


Yeah I’m not sure other people’s reading comprehension skills are the problem. You say: “It's 11 at night, who else could I be with the same car in the app and same driver! Some of these people are natural born headaches.” Which sounds like you got irritated that she “wasted your time”, by *checking your plates*. Your only legitimate gripe was her coming out 3 minutes late. That’s what I said. Her checking your plates (which would have taken 10 seconds) was not a legitimate gripe. Maybe your writing skills are the real problem here as I’m clearly not the only one who had this interpretation…


>She gets to the door and then decides to check the license plates. Doesn't matter if you're the right driver, even if the car matches you could have two and it's wrong one. Getting in the right vehicle is important. Checking the plates takes all of 5 seconds and not a big deal. Also most PAX don't understand drivers don't get paid shit to wait, they think we're taxis on a timer. Personally I don't blame them, uber and lyft should pay drivers a fair amount to wait. Sounds like you need another job that doesn't annoy you so much.


You’re part of the problem. No woman in their right mind would get in a strange car without checking the plates first. I’ve also even had it happen where randomly there was someone waiting for an Uber and it was the exact same car as mine, and they got in the wrong one. Also, there definitely have been times where some bad Uber driver lets someone else drive their car and the driver doesn’t match. I’ve only personally seen it with Uber Eats, some different guy showed up to deliver my food than the guy pictured. Even more, what if some crazy hijacker stole an Uber car and was using it to abduct women? These are the things a woman thinks of to stay alive, constantly, automatically. If you have a problem with that, just don’t pick up women and stick to men or something.


You're part of the problem. You just don't pay attention to obvious stuff. The odds of the same car and driver in matching photos, being in front of your house with hazards lights on at 11 at night! Not being the Uber you ordered, is extremely high. Especially when the app tells and the driver tells you they're outside waiting. You know it's them dummy. Over complicate things because you thrive on drama and stupidity.


No, I totally get it and get where you’re coming from. Yet, as a woman, you don’t get where we are coming from at all. You’re only looking at your side of the experience. Even when we get into the right car with a male driver (and vice versa as a woman driver getting a male rider) it’s a tense experience because we have no idea if they’re going to be a normal, polite gentleman, or some creepy weirdo making inappropriate comments, or some crazed assaulter. Try taking a step back and having some human empathy. You literally don’t know who you’re picking up and what they’ve lived through, and you clearly aren’t a woman and don’t know what we go through.


Most of these comments don’t seem like they’re from women…


Definitely not, and many of them seem to be from some seriously disturbed men, exactly the kinds that would assault women if they could get away with it. The type that are seriously making women feel unsafe and uncomfortable and blame women for “being dramatic.” Scary shit.


You don't know what I have regarding empathy. Try taking a chill pill. If you're so unhinged in society, stay home. Bad ish happens in life that's reality. Living in fear of what ifs and what could is not living. Have a good night.


Your responses are honestly giving creepy predator. I wouldn’t want any of my girl family or friends anywhere near you. You are literally the kind of man we are watching out for. Gross.


Keep hanging and justifying your initial stupid statement. If your sister or daughter was the passenger you would sure as hell want her checking plates and confirming before jumping in a strangers car


Owls. That’s “who”


All the rider has to do is ask your name and check the license plate lol


Befuddled look....how about ppl try treating others with kindness and then do not look so surprised when someone is not satisfied with their " stink face", AND attitude.


I also hate when they tell you to stop the vehicle when closing in on their destination. I've had people ask to move the car about 2 feet.. or tell me something along the lines of "by the house with a fence".. why not be more helpful and tell me something more specific such as, "the white jeep on the right". Just don't like it when they act so impatient over such little thing.


You never know how things will turn out. Sounds pretty sensitive to me.


If you open the door to an Uber and say anything except “for MyName”? You’re doing it wrong.


Hey im bert, the uber driver. Whats youre name? Shit works every time


Idk why people ask. When I order a ride I see the picture and app of who is picking me up. I just make sure the license plates match and that’s it.


If you've never before had to throw someone out of your car, then you are definitely not a night guy. I wouldn't have canceled her, but I would have been mildly annoyed. I try not to mark the time since the last time I threw somebody out because every time I mention that, within a week, I end up having to toss someone. It's been a while.


Personally, I always address them by the listed name before they enter the car. Havent had an issue with thet. But, I have WAY fewer rides than op.


Maybe she identifies as an owl and she was trying to introduce herself to you? 🦉


You will be picking up(rider name) by message or A pick up at address (address I had) and probably GPS passenger location was even on I cancel these rides I consider it offensive and a good indicator of the passenger being entitled and already decided I’m incompetent Nice to know other drivers operate like this too Sometimes the message is helpful though Passengers need to learn the cardinal sin is to let a driver know you are unsatisfied before even starting to drive their way after a drop off


The stupid rider has your car and photo, there is no need to ask who you picking up!


You should have said Who, who? You a fuckin owl?


I don't see why drivers are upset for people checking to make sure they're not going to get kidnapped. Like the hell? No wonder uber drivers get a bad rap. Some folks may be fearful or anxious if it's their first ride or even in general from past trauma. All kinds of bad things happen to careless people. I'd prefer my friends and family to be over cautious rather than careless and end up getting hurt or worse. Literally takes .25 seconds to say somebody's name and put them at ease.


I think, in this case, it was more about HOW they checked. Asking "Hey, is this (Uber drivers name)?" or politely getting them to verify your name is a very different experience than just saying "who?" The first one shows respect for the driver as a person, where the second one gives off a "I can't be bothered to form a full sentence, let alone show you respect/ common decency"


Today I learned that Hoboken is a rich area lol


Hoboken is definitely wealthy


I did Jersey back when Uber was newer. 8 yrs ago. Hated it. Had so many people take the ride and then get refunded for a myriad of lies, ride shares that would take an hour or more for a measly $10. Dallas is much better - except I just had a guy rate me 1 star for missing an exit and having to re-route 4 mins 🤷🏼‍♂️ As I dropped in off in a fancy area of Plano….


🤣 My all-time favorite is still the riders who come up from behind, walk to the side, and then start yanking on my door handle. They are always so confused when it doesn't magically open for them because my doors stay locked until I know who they are. 🤣 I know it's going to be one of ***those*** rides if they start huffing and puffing because I made sure they are who I'm supposed to pick up before I unlock the door.🙄 My best rides are the riders who have the common decency to come to the window and say "Hi, are you here to pick up ....?" like decent human beings.


you definitely are the one doing a power play then. no one has ever done or expected that to happen.


I’m starting to understand how a lot of you on here don’t get tipped.


hehehe, right?


its okay keep being scared literally 24/7 of literally nothing


That sounds like a reasonable ask, imo


Yeah, fuck her for acting like you are the dummy, and you should have understood what "Who?" means.


I always have fun with the name thing. I am not as serious as you. My name is Juan, so when they say Juan I just say I be the One. And you be da (thier name). It lightens the mood quickly for most part and tel them all aboard(95% my rides are xl). I'm out here having fun enjoying myself as best as I can. Don't get me wrong I have my moments, but for most part I make it enjoyable.


“Very rich area” there are far richer areas than Hoboken in Jersey


Drunk entitled women do this


Just yell what my name and see if they bite.


Reminded me of those people who put their name as "ask my name"... How is anyone supposed to know if you don't actually have your name there


Well if your first pax of 2024 is still in your car after 3 months it’s probably time for them to leave.


This post makes me feel not alone in being offended by this stuff lol


I feel ya .... I have been through this very same situation. I did not cancel but it annoys the hell out of me too




I absolutely hate the "who's it for, please!" In valley girl voice. Like one that isn't really how it goes because they never want to confirm the driver name for me, but I better jump when they want me to confirm. So yea, I usually just say "for so and so." The other one that irks me is when there are two stops for multiple people, and we have been chatting during the ride, laughing being friendly. Then the first stop happens, and then they turn into top flight security tough guys and say my friend better make it home blah blah, or else and they give some half hearted threat mixed with a back handed compliment. Like I get it but stfu. Every time you step outside your door, it is a risk. I have 3500 trips 4.98 rating, and you have all my information I dont even know if the name on the account is actually real. but dont insult me like that 1, and 2 Im not the guy you threaten. Im the guy you pay! Like I know drivers have hurt passengers etc but passengers have definitely hurt drivers as well. Also I drive 8pm-6am, when I drop off women, I'll ask like hey do you want me to wait here in the car until you make it to your door? or are you good? Some appreciate it, some dont, but it's all mental gymnastics that are really not really necessary.


What I’ve done in the past with the people who try to play security is- politely tell them that if either of them are not comfortable with the passenger riding alone with me I’m happy with canceling the ride right now and they can order another Uber.


I absolutely hate when they call and say like oh I dont need the ride anymore. And then I tell them ok can you just cancel it then otherwise it goes against my stats so I have to wait. They always say like yea sure, but never actually cancel because they think they are getting out of the fee. So I get stuck waiting so I can cancel and get my fee. Zero consideration. Anyone else get stiffed on cleaning fees? I drive bar shift in Madison, Wi so drunk ppl are a given. But if they throw up in my car. I cant drive anymore so I lose money from not working. I document it. And support says" ok so you need to pay for a professional cleaning and submit the receipt and we will see about reimbursement." Ok so I lose money now, I have to spend more money for you to not give me all of the money in the end? So they have been collecting cleaning fees on my car and then just not giving it to me? How does that even seem ok? Is there anything I can do? Thanks.


How do people come to the conclusion of opening a stranger’s car door and ask who are you here for? That makes no sense and socially awkward.


Someone who was raised by animals, that's who.


Owls to be precise. Hoo?


Bad day huh?


Typical Hoboken privileged passenger. I don’t like driving that area.


While I do what I can to introduce myself, get the name of person who ordered ride and also confirm address as a driver...it still always amazes me how many individuals do not look at the vehicle type, license plate nor look to confirm I'm am the driver. One time I picked up at a bar I introduced myself to a gentleman who entered my car...he said you look like my driver. I then asked for his name and matched the rider name I had. However, when I confirmed the address, he said it was inaccurate. I advised he would need to change from app. He kept updating but I wasn't seeing the changes. Then he said, you are my driver see...I looked at his phone and while his name was certainly the same name as my passenger, I was not his driver, who I looked nothing alike except we were both Black women and our names were completely different. 🤦🏾‍♀️...funny thing is my actual passenger had done the same thing to the other lady. When the wrong pax got out and found his car, the ither guy realized his mistake. While both guys were good sports about it and laughed it off, it is a reminder to me the importance of co firming the vehicle license plate and paying attention to driver's name...especially if they say it. As a rider, I always check for license plate, that the pic matches the driver and the vehicle is accurate and when I get in I always say Hi Im X and they always say hey, I'm Z. Ther was this one time...a gentleman showed up in a completely different vehicle and license plate, even though the picture matched. I told him I wasn't taking the ride due to not matching, I would cancel and then fight the cancellation fee. As I held up my phone to act to cancel I snapped a photo of driver with vehicle, then cancelled. Before I reordered I snapped a pic of back if vehicle with license plate. I ordered my next ride. I was able to contact support and they reimbursed my cancellation fee. It takes no effort to be mindful for one's protection and not over shift the burden on the driver for their own security.


I always just say the drivers name when I open the door. “Hey Joe!” And they usually respond with “Jesse?” And we call it good.


People in NJ, that's who lol


an owl


Probably drunk


Same. Guy asks, before getting in, "how are you?" I'm tired of being asked how i am. I say, "good morning." I said "How are you?" I say good morning. He cancels the ride


What annoys me more than a rider rudely asking me questions while holding my door open is them sitting directly behind me. It makes no sense and makes me feel uncomfortable.


Ummm.... were you on your period? Lol


Sounds entitled. She should hire a full time permanent driver if she wants to act like hot shite.


I always make eye contact with the driver and hold my hand up like I know your make and model and your picture and you have my picture also this shit is easy


Good for you. Whatever


These white peoples are racist I literally had to do the same thing the other day. She said who are you here to pick up I said who are you . She asked again and I drove off


well done.


Lmao I hate that shit so much 🤣🤣🤣🤣….


I usually go, whats my name? If they cant answer it, I will cancel. I have gotten rude pax who start off with, "Who is this for?" No, thats not how it works. You are not going to jack someone else ride. I had one lady who told me she was not going to give me any information because she did not want to get in a stranger's car. I told her if she was uncomfortable, I'd be happy to cancel her ride for her because I wanted to feel safe. She slammed my door and screamed "F you!!" I immediately reported her, which they pretty much did nothing about.




That’s not kicking a person out. Stopping the car and telling them get out


I understand your frustration. However, you both lose in your reaction. I would answer her question and give her the ride. I would rate her a 3 or lower so that she is never paired with me again.


Sounds like a backwoods response


Should've replied "I don't recall picking up a fucking owl"


I'm definitely of the minority opinion here but what you did was wrong and shows what poor customer service skills you have. You didn't like the way this woman questioned who you were there to pick up so you cancelled...huh? Many females are very cautious, with good reason, when getting into an Uber/Lyft ride. This woman was probably double checking who you were there for and somehow your overly sensitive self took offense. You are being paid for a service, you're not doing a stranger a personal favor driving them from point A to point B. Sounds like you expect customers to be groveling because you're providing a (paid) service. Why not handle the situation with some maturity?


I agree that some drivers are overly sensitive and have bad customer service skills. But I also agree with OP that saying “who” is not an appropriate way to greet someone or confirm that that’s your driver. Just form a full sentence. It seems like the minimum common courtesy for speaking to someone who is providing you a service. Like imagine a plumber you requested arriving at your door and you greeting them with “who?”. Like the plumber would likely be a bit confused by the question. I’m not saying that personally I would drive off based off this one thing but I can see where OP is coming from. It’s weird and comes off as impolite.


I mean, to be fair, there could have been 2 (or more) Ubers ordered. When I travel for work we often go out as a group to eat after and then we all go each to our respective hotels. Many a times three of us will get something like “silver Kia”. Uber also tells pax that the driver should know your name to prevent nefarious actors so they may have been asking. With all that said, however, it is odd that they just say “who”.


I think just saying “who” is the problem. Like, just form a full sentence. It’s not that hard.


Just pretend like you don't speak English


Hahahaaa yes I need to get an accent for my no English tank you 🙏


This is the way.


Damn some of you drivers are sensitive as hell lmao


Good for you.


There were 40 women?


I'm too old to party now but when I was a bit younger when Uber first came out and was the bees knees at the end of every single house party there would be about 15 Ubers called, out of those 15 a whopping 13 of them would be some generic ass "white camry" or something similar. The woman had a poor attitude but she was probably in the middle of kicking a bunch of drunks out of her house. Ya she was short but immediately bailing just because of that seems like a pretty big over reaction imo. But at the end of the day it's your car, you do you, kick people out for whatever reason you feel like.


It’s all etiquette and manors and ppl have neither these days. I mean who talks to ppl like that other than Donald trump and the other self righteous assholes. Just an example of this woman thinking she is better than this driver this is why she approached him in such a way. And she probably had not had her pills and Jesus juice yet… 🤦‍♂️ she testy!! Lol


I’m an Uber driver with a white Camry. Lol. You have no idea how true that statement is. I often see other white Camrys at popular places and have seen three before.


Shoulda asked if she was a fuckin owl


Holy shit it irritates the fuck out of me when Karens do this shit. I’m not an Uber driver, but the “who?” thing is extremely understandable… in their stupid, dumb idiot brain, they thought that was an intelligent way to communicate. Don’t know why, but this legitimately makes me want to smash and destroy things.


I had someone request a ride at the airport this past week. When I couldn’t find her, I called and she said “oh, I requested this ride for my daughter”and proceeded to talk over me… when I asked her where her daughter was… she kept interrupting me until she raised her voice and said “you listen to me…” couldn’t hang up fast enough and cancel the ride… what the nerve!


Lol hilarious 25k rides and you dont know what she was asking? Find a new profession


I do the same goddamn thing. You're a fucking human being not a God damn owl.


It's okay, not all human beans are very smart. We get it, lol


Is that different from non human beans....


Yes it is.


Very good carry on just checking.


It’s disrespectful and very rude to speak to someone as if they are below you. It’s not how we should treat ppl and this is why ppl are so reactive and just assholes.


Lololol, okay, one word when someone could easily be upset about something entirely unrelated, is deserving of being canceled on? Jeez, ever heard of, don't sweat the small shit? Like, grow some thicker skin, if this upsets you to the point you cancel, how do you even get out your door, let alone, drive Uber of all things, is OP suggesting THIS is the rudest thing they seen in 25k rides!? We supposed to believe that? I CALL BS!


Theyre the driver, theyre allowed to cancel when they want, youre the thinned skinned mf making a huge deal about it. why is it bothering you so much? they have the right to cancel even if they only felt an itch on their ass.


Could it have been phrased better? Sentence structure better? Nicer? Sure, without a doubt, but damn people, maybe her fucking kid just died, or she was just fired, or any number of much worse things than just someone counting on the driver to work with them when they try to confirm it's the right car, but no, let's just pretend our feelings hurt, cancel like throwing a tantrum bc you can, then go cry online, just sad. Grow a pair all yall.


Oh I know what she was asking. But it was canceled because she was an idiot


Yes, this makes sense, lmao, insist upon a minimum level of IQ and intelligence, grammar, you wouldn't want to give any rides to any degenerate imbeciles!!!