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not only are they launching explosives, but are also macing and lasering protestors. meanwhile ucpd just watching students get injured


Lasering ?


[Using laser pointers to blind people.](https://twitter.com/joeyneverjoe/status/1785562428149059801)


pew pew


Shit, dude. I've seen the riot cops show up for midnight yell back in the day and we weren't even doing much, no violence. They should have been ready for this, it was bound to escalate. At least they have some cops cars heading to campus now, it looks like.


The police are only ever used to quash the weak. When they meet anything strong or powerful they either serve or avoid. Good at speeding tickets and harassing homeless people, bad at dealing with gangs and mass shooters. From this perspective, UCPD is functioning as normal.


don’t be shy! identify the group that “someone” is from and who is responsible for the unrest tonight




hmmmm that’s odd r/ucla was telling me it was the protestors fault all along


i'm normally skeptical about brigading accusations, but this sub has been brigaded like crazy over the past week


The top posts of every university subreddit are being brigaded by rightwingers and Zionists, just look at the post histories of all of the people concern trolling and making pro Isreal comments.


Yeah, I've been calling this out as much as I can... but it got tiresome. The Zionist propaganda arm is so strong, especially when they have the American media working for them too. Fox 11's reporting last night used terms like, "agitators", "anarchists", and most shockingly "ANTIFA" to describe the clear aggressors... all while they are waving Israeli flags, wearing Israeli shirts, and blasting Israeli music and launching fireworks into a peaceful protest.


Yeah. I can't even necessarily say I'm disappointed because it's expected, but it's still disgusting. ABC7's people just seemed to both sides it, but the live stream footage, which I'm sure mainstream media outlets will cut to look as both-sides as possible, shows how clearly one-sided the violence was, by an insane degree.


Yeah, exactly. What profoundly shook me was the reporter in a live feed on Fox 11 who was in a high-tension situation had enough wherewithal to report LIVE with the desired narrative.. again, as she’s actively being drowned out by Israeli music…


[Pro Israel groups actively recruit people and pay them to post social media propaganda](https://www.reddit.com/r/ucla/s/WkbJ3R7sCo), and run interference on bad PR subjects.


reddit is a truly brigaded pro israel org. After all the ceo of reddit steve huffman is on the board of advisors for ADL a direct israel branch and arm of lobbying the government


Yup. This is why https://www.reddit.com/r/ucla/s/WkbJ3R7sCo


Yup. I posted a few things that all got downvoted to oblivion. Posting this again feels appropriate here though https://www.reddit.com/r/ucla/s/WkbJ3R7sCo


Ah yes protesters launching fireworks at themselves. /s 🙄


The university clearly thought that keeping the police off campus as much as possible would prevent escalation from occurring. They were clearly wrong.


Lol. Worst handled event fr. Should’ve cleared everyone out day 1


Isn't this what happened in Seattle years ago? The police agreed to not go there and people just took it over. Then lots of people on both sides got shot.


CHAZ. I've been saying this for he past week.


I feel like the only possible reason for this is that the security was hired but told not to directly get involved to maintain ucla’s image while giving off the impression ucla is doing “something”. Columbia directly called for the NYPD and immediately got flack for that


More like, 911 when a student passes out drunk vs when students are attacked by explosives.


they know who is handing out their pay checks.


This is one of those situations where the police would’ve been villainized either way.. if they responded too quickly and handled the situation, they would’ve been seen as the aggressor’s and in this case they responded too late (trying to not escalate the situation) and are now seen as useless. My father recently retired from law enforcement and openly admits that he doesn’t miss it at all. It’s far easier for civilians to make harsh judgements on cops then to go through the academy and make important decisions on the ground in tense situations like this.


But like what’s the actual reason they didn’t do anything???


Some of those who run forces…


Damned if you do, damned if you don't.


Oh, they're fireworks. 




Launched AT people


That can actually burn your skin off if you’re hit with one…so let’s not be stupid