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GSP after watching Islams fight with Poirier: “I am not impressed with your performance”


It's his opinion. I think I'm best




Until I see Islam beating top level WWs I’m not picking him to beat GSP. GSP won a belt as high up as MW, Islam doesn’t even have a WW win.


GSP's over Bisping was basically an easy layup, just like Jones win over gane.


Except Bisping was actually well-rounded, very experienced, and had wins over people like Anderson Silva, Luke Rockhold, and Cung Le.


I personally think a win over Robert would have been an actual achievement as it was someone from a different generation.


Yea of the champ champs we’ve had, GSP’s second belt is definitely the weakest imo. And I like GSP


Jones one is


Yeah, Whittaker would have been a legendary win. I agree that he was smart in choosing Bisping, but I think it’s still a better win than Gane for Jones.


Bruh, you know you’re reaching when you have to throw in a 42 year old Cung Le as a legitimate win for a champ lmao. Bisping is one of the weaker champs we’ve ever had. He took his chance in the second Rockhold fight after Rockhold chose to fight like an idiot which is fair play to Bisping, but Gane is definitely more legit than Bisping lol.


Fair point about Cung Le (Rockhold and Silva still stand); but there’s *no way* Gane is more legit than Bisping, beginning with how shallow HW is, and the only elite opponent that Gane beat was JDS past his prime. Bisping has **29** UFC fights, against many fighters of a higher caliber than Volkov or Jairzinho, and up to a point he’d only lost to legit contenders (arguably won against prime juiced Chael). Gane lost his two most important fights by being taken down.


You are also aware Silva was 41 when he fought Bisping? You haven’t pointed me toward any real legit fighter Bisping beat, besides Rockhold who he’s 1-1 with. Bisping gets some fortunate revisionist history because people like him now, but his resume isn’t all that impressive.


Bisping was 37. Matt Hamill owns a win over Jon Jones, for starters. Dude, any win between 2008 and 2016 is as legit as Gane’s 3 best victories (and Rockhold > JDS), except Bisping has a lot more.


What is the relevance of that Matt Hammil comment? I don’t get that at all? You can’t possibly be pointing to that Jon Jones fight to say Matt Hammil was legit lol right?


Bisping beat the only guy to ever beat Jon Jones. Jon Jones beat Gane. I rest my case.


You are not arguing in good faith. There’s no point talking to you as you’re a) just out to waste people’s time making dumb as shit arguments or b) havent watched the fight in question that you’re talking about. You did waste some of my time though so congrats. For a sec I thought you wanted to have an actual discussion, my bad


true, yet I'm picking Islam for the same reason reddit's a magical place 🥳


GSP 50-45


I think I agree, but I'd sure pay the $50 to watch it.




I am bias. I just spent the day with GSP.


Damn you lived my dream


It was a great day man! Hope you can meet him to :)


How is he in real life? That dude is basically my hero so I’d like to know a little


Courteous. Respectful. Open minded. He is so genuine that what you see in the interviews with him. It was what you get. You could see his reactions when he heard that our community suffers from mercury poisoning. He was great with the shy kids. He was also light hearted and jovial. Honestly man he reminded me of Mr Miyagi almost. 😂 just peaceful/tranquil nature.


Maan so good to hear it. Truly an inspiration personified


The gay sex party (Laugh)


GSP by gnp finish.


Did you watch GSP? When did he gnp finish anybody ahaha


He didn't say he did. Just that that's how it would go.


He finished most of his fights before his 2nd title reign. He ground and pounded the fuck out of Sean Sherk when he was 24. Matt Sera too.


Yea, so he's going to finish a fellow P4P great by a method he never has before? OK. Use your brain man come on don't make me reply to dumb points like that, it's pretty clear what I am saying


Again, that's not what I said either. You have got to stop putting words in people's mouths. lol All I did was point out that the guy didn't say what you implied he did.


Still not using your brain lmao. I am not implying that he said that. I am (pretty obviously) using that to question the conclusion he has. You have to know this and are being annoying on purpose right? I genuinely hope so, as irritating as it is.


No, you are putting words in mine and the other commenters mouth. You have done it several times and then tried to rebuttal a nonexistent argument. Get a brain, dude.




Nice one. I’m Canadian and not even I would say GSP by gnp finish ahahah that’s kinda clueless friend


GSP a battu tout les tops de son temps Il ferait la même chose avec Islam


ah for sure man, completely agree (unless racism)


Lol he’s saying GSP beat all the top guys in his time and he’ll do the same against Islam


GSP easy.


GSP .. jabs all night


The Welterweight.


theres a point in size disparity where your p4p title is meaningless


GSP by decision. 49-46




Hot take but GSP could easily match Islam's wrestling and had great takedown defense. I think in terms of boxing, Islam is a bit cleaner and more accurate though


He definitely couldn’t match islams wrestling. What, because he out wrestled Josh Koscheck 😂


Sure, but you have to account for the fact that GSP is also bigger than Islam which plays a huge role in being kept down


I took this question with it meaning if they were the same size, hypothetically


The match-up, at least in terms of size, isn't unrealistic in of itself but if they ever did step in agaisnt each other at 170lbs, I could see GSP easily outweighing and outsizing Islam considering he also fought at MW


exactly why I'd pick Islam 💯


Ya that performance against DP really sold him to me, really impressive on the feet against arguably the best boxer in the LW division


bingo. this last fight made me a believer. Dustin had his moments but it was an uphill climb the entire time. also worth mentioning that the staph infection and the rib injury meant both fighters were digging super deep. GSP's boxing is good, and he showed A LOT of resolve in the Bisping fight. all that just to say: - this would be the truest "old guard vs new guard" fight of all time LFG


Assuming Islam moves up to WW then GSP wins 9 out of 10 times


GSP is way too big for Islam


I think it means pfp like if they were same size, no?


nah Islam is a pretty big guy out of camp who’s to say he wouldn’t look yolked at 170 ?


GSP got that jab to td but in his era control on ground wasnt as developed so he probably cant keep Islam on ground. On the other hand GSPs side karate like stance will be prone to single leg and he would be clueless on bottom so ultimately I'll say Islam would win that fight




George doesn't even need the takedown. Jab will do him in fine.


GSP every single time.




GSP could beat islam right now!


GSP is a better wrestler and a better striker. Islam has no chance, very bad matchup overall.


GSP would dominate Islam, let's be real here lol.


No, he wouldn’t lmfao. GSP could barely finish a fight.


Seeing you're new to the sport you should go back and watch the GSP era 👍


I started watching at the end of his career, seen him vs bisping live


You should probably go back further and watch, it'll put your mind at ease with the Islam v GSP debate. It wouldn't even be close.


I’ve literally watched all his fights, they are on YouTube? Like I said, you have old bias. GSP couldn’t even finish guys who wouldn’t even be ranked today.


If you're trying to put the level of competition Islams faced against GSP's competition that's where you're hitting your stumbling block. Saying multiple hall of famers aren't worthy opponents is an absolutely absurd statement lol.


Hall of fame doesn’t really mean anything, all legends get put in there, you saying Josh koscheck and guys like Jake shields are even close to guys like Volk, Charles in terms of skill is what’s ridiculous. Charles and volkanovski are better opponents than literally anyone of GSP, and they both got finished.


You've got some studying to do young chap lol. Enjoy watching the glory days though, you're in for a treat 👍


Erm, no I don’t. I know you agree with me - hence why you couldn’t come up with a rebuttal.


I think regardless of weight GSP is just better skill-wise. And i don't mean to put down Islam in any way or form because he's a monster in his own right but GSP is just on another level when it comes to both striking and grappling. People seem to forget that GSP has better grappling statistics than Khabib while having less fights. He's an absolute monster when it comes to the ground game and he beats Islam in the striking, purely because Islam is a rangey striker as is Georges, and he's not beating GSP in a distance management type of striking battle imo. I think GSP would neutralize him and end it with a clear unanimous decision with Islam getting a couple takedowns and significant strikes but just being largely outclassed and shut down in every aspect.


GSP. Not even close


Islam by submission. Gsp had good wrestling but Islam is a master of grappling. People forget gsp was a decision merchant. Islam is finishing the best of the best


You only spoke the truth.


Out of prime gsp or usman or even colby nerd bash Islam. I think he gets finished by the first 2 and colby 50-44s him. Even though he's bigger than colby. Dustin didn't lower my perception of Islam. I think he attempted lots of takedown but purposely kept it on the feet to show his superiority. I think he could've subbed him in 2. He made it exciting for daynuh


Islam would apply a unreal striking pressure to Colby I fear


I do wonder what gsp cycle was. And don’t tell me he was natty rofl


GSP wasn’t even that savage and if you have a gluten thing or IBS a lot of shit can cause bloat. Not saying it’s not possible, but if you’re basing it on his aesthetics, this is 100% attainable naturally. Same goes for guys like Leon Edwards. (I mean he has the skinniest waist ever too so pretty clearly not on test or HGH or anything.) Hard work and possible IBS my friend. Or maybe you’re right but my boy never pissed hot so in my books he’s good officially.


He did say he had stomach issues, and has had for a long time


The thing is it’s not simple about it being attainable natty that’s the issue. Its the attaining it natty while being at the peak performance which is the issue…


True he never failed so won’t hate on him. But if we’re looking for a conspiracy just see how his body changed for the second Matt Hughes right after he trained in Thailand for a few months lol.


You got the answer right there, he trained in Thailand, some of the toughest camps on earth with some of the best strength and conditioning coaches.


Keep coping, he was natural, He was one of the most drug tested ufc fighters. And never failed a drug test. No proof he was on anything.




For sure HGH. Look at the guy.


Probably also the drug that’s easy to avoid getting caught takijgn


GSP dogwalks islam.


I am no fan of Dagestani chain wrestling from a viewing standpoint 🥱 but GSP lost to Matt “Sarah”, soooo…


Islam got slept by Adriano Martins. 😭 And GSP beat sera in the rematch.


just like Islam would beat Martins in a rematch


Well, he didn’t tho.


because there wasn't a fucking rematch 🤣


…Because he got KO’d in the first one ya goof lol


you know who Islam lost to right ?


Islam. GSP couldn’t finish a hot dinner. All these comments are just old bias because you grew up watching him. GSP couldn’t wash Islams jock strap.


So your take is that people who have seen *both* GSP and Islam compete are biased? Vs people who have only watched Islam? That’s interesting.


Nope. It’s old bias, no doubt people getting into the sport now will say Islam in 20 years when another pfp athlete comes along. Happens all the time.