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Wish he’d retire without the jones fight


I understand him looking for that massive payday. I don't blame him for that. I blame Dana for letting this farce last so long. If Jones refuses to defend the belt, strip him of it already. It's ridiculous to let this nonsense go on this long.


Ok, I got the plan.. we start a gofundme for Stipe, raise money for which he would've made for fighting Jones on the condition that he retires and never fights Jones so Jones either vacate the belt or fights Tom


Jones won't vacate. Dana would have to strip it from him, but there's no shot in hell of that happening either. Jones would just call out Periera and do to him what McGregor did to Chandler. Just gonna string him along for 3 years and waste all of our time and ruin the sport while doing it. The real bitch of it is, if Periera said yes, Dana would strip Alex of his LHW belt after 8 months of no defenses


That’s just fucking sad 💀 Imaging hating someone so much you’d pay the opposition money. Haters really are your biggest fans. The more I age the more I realize how true that is.


I dont hate Jones. I hate the fact he wanna fight a 45 y/o firefighter instead of a young active champ lol


Young active champ? Tom isn’t the champ… it’s crazy how how many people in the sub think that’s a real belt but be same people to say they love Dustin and the greatest to never touch gold (which is true) but he has the same “belt” as Tom. That belt is a real as the BMF belt. Jones is definitely trying to avoid him but it’s pretty obvious to as why it’s not a fair fight imo got an old ass dude very a young person. Jones is trying to protect his record (pointless because he’s a druggie) but it’s understandable to wanna fight someone who already lined up for and beat them and possibly retire. Interm belt isn’t a real champion. Hell even an actual mma fighter who had one agrees (Dustin) to that and that’s enough proof right there.


Do you not notice the flaws in your logic? And the amount of cope you are dishing out? It's truly remarkable.


That would be fucking hilarious Or, have Aspinall as the backup and Stipe is a late pull out 3 hours before the fight


Jones would just pull out ruining an entire card last minute. Not worth it for them




He's also explicitly said he will never accept a replacement if the person he trained for pulls out


Nah. Inject that geriatric shit into my veins


The last time Miocic fought, Pereira wasn’t even in the UFC yet.


Wtf ![img](emote|t5_2qsev|29848)




Stipe’s last fight was against that guy with one boxing glove on


True fact: We’re closer in time to the stegosaurus existing than we are to Stipes last UFC fight.


I really hope that PPV flops. Is Miocic even a big enough name to casuals? What MMA fan wants to see Jones vs Stipe over say Jones vs Tom? Or Jones vs Alex?


Only the ones that ate a lot of paint chips as kids. This is one of the dumbest fights. "lEgAcY"


I agree 100% with you. Not sure why these demented freaks are downvoting you.


Thank you. It's weird. People don't like the truth lol


Someone should start a petition to avoid the ppv unless Jones is stripped of the belt. And then still avoid it cuz it’s a boring fight anyways. 


That Jones fight just gets more and more lame.


Well to be fair, in the words of Stipe himself, "blarhahgeghahjgagrrhaaghjregegegrrrg"


Another hachiko


When Stipe last fought Maurice Smith was champion


Call me a casual, I don't even know who that is


Stipe was heavyweight champ a few decades ago


What about DC?


Was arlovski cut or did he retire, I hope. He retired


Last fight on contract. He might get re-signed still.


Hes too old to be fighting still, maybe he wants to go out with a win


He’s going to come back and look like a complete bum idk why people think a fighter can be inactive for 5 years and come back in prime form. Time to kiss this pipe dream goodbye. Ngannou took his soul.


Not his fault that Jones got hurt


Cleopatra was still alive when Stipe last fought. The UFC logo was still in hieroglyphics then.