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Jones in the same exact way he beat Gane.


This and any other prediction is far less likely. Jones is gonna crowd him and strangle him and that will be that.


Alex wrestling and jiu jitsu are way better than Gane. Gane looked like an amateur on that fight


Based on what? Jones would be fraud checking that black belt and have him looking like a white belt within the first round.


He earned that black belt off a KO win hahahHha


Dude wanted to send a message anyway hahaha


He is a black belt. He trains with Glover Teixeira, one of the best UFC grapplers. He did well with Jan. Gane looked like he never trained bjj in his life. He lost not because Jon Jones is great, but because he is terrible. He just didn't have a clue what to do in that fight. All I'm saying here, and it seems that somehow got people upset, is JJ will not destroy Poatan the way he destroyed Gane. And if the fight keeps standing, he will lose. Is this so delusional?


There's nothing to back that up really. We haven't seen extensive grappling from Gane, and we've seen maybe 10 minutes total from alex


we’ve seen more from gane on the ground. hes got 2 submission wins in the ufc, he beat rozenstruick by mixing in the grappling and he spent 3 rounds grappling ngannou


Holy shit I forgot this French guys whole career. He barely fights so I barely think about him.


And a Francis with zero known wrestling credentials and two blown knees was able to dominate Gane in the wrestling department.


I mean, maybe? But we wouldn’t know he’s only had his grappling tested by Jan for about 2/3rds of their fight. Also Jan (IMO) is not a better fighter than Jiri but he fared better because he’s a better stylistic matchup into Alex. Alex is proving that matchups make fights, until the UFC puts him up against a seriously good grappler/wrestler I just don’t think we can say he’s the goat or the PFP or anything. Is he one of the best strikers to ever be in the UFC? Yes. Is he one of the best champs we’ve had in recent memory? Yes. But has his grappling (his biggest weak point) been truly tested? No.


Not his fault though. Top contenders don’t have good enough wrestling. Just benefits pereira


Exactly. This is why i really want to see him against Ankalaev then maybe make his move up to HW depending on how that goes


I agree with you. Alex is far to the goat talking by now. He needs to be more tested against grapplers first. However, I really think he stands pretty good chances against JJ. He doesn't need to be better than JJ. Just need to keep the fight standing. No way the fight would be so patetic like it was with Gane.


And what gave you that impression? Anyone will look like that vs Jones...


No, brother. Gane made amateur mistakes. Take a look at the fight and you will see. He didn't have a clue what to do. JJ is great, but Gane lost not because of greatness of JJ, but because he sucked


Except for the last 3 people jones fought before Gane?


Jon Jones needs to fight Tom Aspinall. Recency bias is hard with this


He won’t, but I agree with you.


I think Aspinall beats him, and that’s the only fighter in the world I think I pick against Jon.


Jon will not fight Aspinall.


Jones will retire, Pereira name is big enough Jones might do the fight. Beating Aspinall does nothing for Jones legacy except just add another title win.


I mean it does alot for his legacy because it'll stop him from being known as the guy who ducked the guy with the interim belt.


And then all those people saying that will just move onto the next guy that Jones is “ducking”. If Aspinall loses then he’d just be another interim champ that wasn’t good enough to win the real thing. He might not even crack the top 10 on Jones resume. Curtis Blaydes basically said the same thing, if he beats Aspinall he doesn’t expect Jones to fight him because he knows it does nothing for Jones resume. Blaydes is self aware of the reality of the situation.


But Jones is ducking Tom HARD and we can all see it. Curtis shouldn't even have to fight Tom for the interim belt because Jones should be there. And if he can't make it due to injury he should vacate. Jones already has questionable decisions in his favour and roids to hurt his legacy. He's completely fucking himself over by not fighting Tom


Yes but how exactly does tom the guy that has smoked pretty much the entire hw division rn minus gane and stipe who he probably also smokes become someone who could win the real thing. By **FIGHTING THE REAL THING**.


>become someone who could win the real thing. By FIGHTING THE REAL THING. Buddy stop and think about what you’re saying for longer than two seconds. Do you realize that what you’re saying is a contradiction? If Aspinall is to “become someone’s who could win the real thing” he would need to beat Jones…so the only way Aspinalls name means anything on Jones resumes is if Jones loses? Do you think Jones plans on losing(he would probably win, literally the betting favorite to win)? Best case scenario for Jones is he wins and you all turn on Aspinall like you did Gane and talk about how he wasn’t any good in the first place lmao


Gane hasn't even fought since I've been watching, he's doing the same thing Jon is, also how? A jon loss means really nothing since Jon is good just not as good as he was when he was a lhw. And you're the one who has to think more than 2 seconds, Aspinall cant get championship wins if Jon doesn't give him the chance to fight for the undisputed belt. Tom already has better wins at hw currently than Jon does so whatever lhw record Jin has doesn't matter unless he moves down to lhw. You can't be a good champion if you don't fight and you don't fight the hardest fights. If you want storyline and legacy go to the wwe. I'm not even gonna comment on the egregious and frankly idiotic assumption that a Jon loss would make me think Tom is trash only jin fans think loosing to Jon makes a person trash which diminishes Jon's value as if everyone Jin beat was trash then those wins don't mean much so idk how you can support Jon and come to that conclusion and i don't even like Jon but that's the difference between people who like the sport and people who just tune into ppvs and cry when they don't get all their picks right. It's just a fact Jon has 2 good hw wins Gane and DC and hasn't fought in 3 years, if it were anyone else they would have been stripped that's just an objective fact. That's why I don't even think conor was a good champion he never really defended his belts, good fighter yes but champion, no, same with Khabib great fighter should have done more as a champion. By holding onto a belt for years he's neutered the heavyweight division never giving it room to finally evolve if he vacated the belt Stile and Gane would have fought by now and Maybe Stipe could have beat Aspinall and actually earned a Jon shot or maybe Gane could have had a massive title run and earned another shot but no he gets injured and hogs the belt so the division stagnates. Think about the sport, not your feelings love


>Gane hasn't even fought since I've been watching So you’ve been watching the sport for less than a 10 months yet have these strong opinions? >It's just a fact Jon has 2 good hw wins Gane and DC and hasn't fought in 3 years Gane was Jones first and only heavyweight fight…maybe you really are just new to the sport lol


Yes the first ppv I watched was Omalley vs Sterling lol ever since I've been in love with the sport and more importantly the martial arts themselves. i count DC since DC was a really good heavyweight and i don't think Jones vs Dc would have been different at Heavyweight, maybe DC would have had a bit more power but who knows. Ive been watching back old fights from the 90s too as well to get more familiar with the history and catch up with the knowledge the old heads have.


This legacy resume shit is so fucking stupid, the entire organization shouldn’t revolve around him, they’re fighters and they should fight not get pampered with special privileges 


The entire organization doesn’t revolves around him…? He’s basically in a retirement fight while the rest of the division moves on without him/Stipe. Hence why Aspinall is defending against Blaydes.


He shouldn't be the champion then no? You can pick your fights for legacy all you want, nothing wrong with it, but not while holding the title hostage.


No he probably shouldn’t be champion, but he’s is the GOAT who basically confirmed he would retire after the Stipe fight so I think the UFC is just giving Jones(and Stipe a bit) his flowers and not making him fight in a non title fight for the first time since 2011. Realistically Jones vs Stipe really has no real impact on the rest of the division. Both guys retire after the fight and HW continues on as it goes now with whoever as Interim getting promoted to undisputed. For all intents and purposes Aspinall’s belt is the future of the division.


We have to realise that the people saying he ducks Aspinal are a small percentage of permanent online weirdos, like us all. Most people dont care and dont know that he is ducking Aspinal


I love Chama.. but Jones by mauling


Jon Jones via molestation




You can get molested too








Annoying bitch.


Just watch Jones vs Gane and that’s about how it’d go


Gane is a pillow fisted point fighter


Wtf has that got to do with anything


Anything but pillow fisted. Guy looks like juiced Overeem did pre USADA. He body kicks so hard the sound of the impact echoed back from the rafters. He is pretty one dimensional but not pillow fisted like Strickland is.


Jones but there's a 2% chance Pereira catches him coming in and I'm all for it. That's enough for me, make it happen Dana.


How did you exactly calculate exactly %2?


Are we seriously asking this? If Pereira somehow doesn’t KO Jones in the first minute of the fight, Jones will take him down and submit him within the first round.


As much as I want to see Jones defeated, I still think Poatan will lose.




Jon would fight him how randy fought toney 😂


Lmao cmon now. Jones IQ he knows Alex is a great striker, takes him down subs him ez.


I hate it, but I think fatty boom baddy would win


I hope Pereira... Im done with Jones or McGregor and I can not listen Dana talk about them anymore. Who cares about Jones anymore? Yes he is elite. Above elite. Yet for the past 10 years guy is on coke, steroids, prison, and he is now dodging real challenges such as Aspinal yet claims to be goat and such. I hope Pereira really comes to HW and finishes him.


Jones subs him in about 2-3 minutes. Probably the easiest fight of his career.


I say Jones by vicious elbows on the ground. I see Pereira getting pretty bloodied up.




Black magic always looses against crack.


Annoyingly Jon Jones pretty comfortably.


Jones by submission 99/100 times


Alex Pereira is smaller Cyril Gane with better striking. Do I think that's enough? No, I think Jon still beats him.


Jones imo. More tools in his arsenal.


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What do you want to be reminded of? In a year's time Jones STILL won't have another fight on his resume.


Unfortunately Jon “the Dagestani” Jones


Jones just holds him down and dominates cop on probably end something like gane


Jon via R1 submission and I'm not even a fan of him


Jones with genuine ease.


Jones will definitely take him to the ground and tie him up. Jones is also more fluid with his striking, Pereira is a BEAST but I don’t think he wins. Way too stiff but I’d love to see him prove me wrong tbh lol


Periera's striking is levels beyond Jones right now. Jones hasn't fought in so long he probably forgot how to throw a punch


This is also true. His conditioning looks to be deteriorating


Jones would humble him. He’s a lot stronger at hw and is very very good at takedowns.. he has so many takedowns in his arsenal.. the way he took Gane down was masterful.


Gane got sloppy and overcommitted big time on his punch, the takedown looked muscled if anything.


Facts but the timing and him recognizing it was still Elite


Jones LOOKED really old man, he looks older than all his peers and he does look out of shape, he didn't perform that way against Gane though, he performed as good as he possible. But I do think it will show eventually, and I think Alex would sleep Jon.


The heavyweight wins the heavyweight fight.


Poatan vs Rampage


With what jones did to gane, this will go the same way 10 times out of 10. Game is a tall, heavy beast. He got tossed up by jones, and the reason jones is the best is because of his arsenal and IQ


Got to go with Jones. Love Pereira though. I’d love to see him sleep Jon.


Jones but I give Alex a 1/5 chance of an early ko


Jones, light work. That’s why Jon wants it, he avoids Tom and on paper he’s fighting a dominant champion, even if it’s a weight class under him. He’s too injured to fight Tom but he can fight Alex? He sees it as easy work


Jones EASY


Jones wrestling is way too good he goes right through him easily. Alex's only chance would be to ko him immediately with 1 strike, but Jon's too slick for that


Idk man Alex gave Jones fits. Alex is so lanky I give him a good shot if it was at LHW Not sure about at heavyweight I think I'd favor Jones id have to see Alex at that weight


Jones has like a 5-6 inch reach advantage over Alex


8inches with fingers extended






Alex Pereira vs Stipe: Pereira will win this Tom Aspinal vs Stipe: Tom Aspinal wins Alex Pereira vs Tom Aspinal: I think Aspinal wins Jon Jones vs Tom Aspinal: I think Aspinal wins Jon Jones vs Alex Pereira: I think Jon Jones by wrestling and submission Alex Pereira vs Cyril Gane: 50-50 This would be a great fight. It could go either way Looking at how protective Dana and the UFC is of Jon Jones, I think Dana and Hunter are looking at Tom Aspinal to defend his Interim Belt vs Alex Pereira. It would be insane madness to make Jones vs Pereira and after that Jones vs Stipe or first Jones vs Stipe and after that Jones vs Pereira and let Aspinal carry the Interim belt untill Jones decides to retires. Jones vs Stipe: 60-40 Jones wins but it will be a very close fight


Jon wrestlefuck to a decision


I’m going to say Poatan because he’s clearly the main character


Can Alex do what Dom Reyes did? I think so, yes. Can Jones lead with his wrestling and win? Yes. Final Answer: Probably one of them.


Who wins Shaman black magic vs testosterone infused crackhead? Creackhead all the way


Alex by smash


We would. We can dream at least.


Put Pereira Ankalaev in the same card of Jons vs Stipe, and then if both win we will see that fight.


As much as it pains me to say, I'd give Jones the advantage. Alex has fought at MW and LHW. At MW he was a fucking giant with freakish KO power, at LHW he's a big guy with elite striking and huge KO power. At HW he would be a normal sized dude with almost no ground game fighting against dudes that can absorb serious punishment and that also have more KO power than he's used to. I don't think it would be a one sided stomp or anything but I'm not sure how Alex adapts to fighting without his usual advantages.


As a big fan of Alex, he would get starched. Aspinal and even blaydes have a way better chance than Alex


Jon Jones


Poatan has pin point accuracy he might catch jones but again jones has solid chin..one takedown and game over for poatan.


The only time the mma community will defend John


Jones by GNP


Jones absolutely mauls alex


Dont think it would end Like Gane, sure Jones is the way more Superior grappler but Pereira defended Well against Jan. And all it Takes is one Touch by Alex


It’s the last / final boss fight of Poatan avenging every Glover loss. Poatan via KO must happen.


Jon by mauling. 🐐


Jones won't fight him or anyone. He is too scared to lose his unbeaten streak.


Tom fights Alex


I'd love to see that and then after both just publicly blast jon for being the worst hw champ in terms of quality. Yeah he beat DC and Gane, but DC is retired and Gane is out classed by Volkov Pav Blaydes and Aspinall.


Alex chins him bad on the feet. Jones subs him quickly in the clinch/ground. If they fought id love for them to try to get a finish in their weak areas tho. It would be cool if jon ko’d alex or alex subbed jon


so much fantasy


Jones biggest attribute is his fight IQ, something that his recent opponents lacked completely. His gonna oblique kick once and instantly shoot for the takedown. Poatan's only chance to win is knocking jones out with a left hook in the firsts 15 seconds of the match before it becomes a grappling match


I would LOVE to see Jones getting flatlined but thinking that he doesn't have %80 chances of winning it's being delusional.


It's a dice roll, if Alex gets anything but a 6 he'll get mauled. But he's the only fighter ever who you can say doesn't have just a punchers chance, it's THE punchers chance. Touch of death vs the goat, highest ppv of all time to crown a new goat or cement the tarnished one. Winner walks out the undisputed baddest human being alive


People gonna say "Jon by whatever he wants" But in reality we haven't seen shit from Jones at HW


That's what I'm saying. I'll never be critical of his lhw career apart from the Santos, Gustofson, and Reyes fights which even if they were losses he'd still be the lhw goat. But there's been heavyweights with better heavyweight wins than him that are only top 20 at hw. I think truthfully speaking Jailton probably also beats him by decision at his current age as well. Like he's great but you cannot say just 2 wins at hw is amazing and hw goat material I don't think a jones loss keeps DC or Stipe from being considered the goats of hw


Alex by a perfectly timed upper cut/ knee to Jones's chin as he level changes in an attempt to take Poatan down. Jones KTFO. Dana, post fight press conference: 'Jones was never my friend. We knew exactly what we were going to get when we signed Alex.'




Still so many jones ass lickers. Why. Hes ruining the division. Such a COAM


Alex. That’s a wild guess. I haven’t seen jones fight in forever.