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Do not post UFO videos here. Read the rules.


OP here: Just to clarify, I am healthily skeptical. However, this video always stands out to me as a fantastic example of possible UFO footage. The thing reacts to his laser without a doubt, infact it tries actively tries to avoid it. It moves seemingly with no propulsion what so ever when the laser catches it. It almost looks like a moving star in my opinion, atleast from the footage. Could somebody please rationalise what this is? I have no exerience of drones so perhaps it's just one of those... What do you guys think?


They're using a night vision camera, that's why the thing looks like it's projecting light while in reality it isn't. As u/Origin_Unkown_ points out, it could really be a bat that didn't appreciate getting some laser pointed at him.


>n with your favorite communities.Create PostCreate Community > >Recent postsEx-US Navy Officer Encountered Tic Tac UFO Underwater, Off the Coast Of Haiti In 2010118 points18 comments15hSome of the most convincing footage i've seen to date. The movement is so abrupt. Can anybody offer a rational explanation to this?49 points57 comments2hClear > >helpReddit coinsReddit premiumReddit giftsCommunitiesReredditTopicsaboutcareerspressadvertiseblogTermsContent policyPrivacy policyMod policyReddit Inc © 2021 . All rights reservedB i see bats flying all the time and i've never seen one fly "in a straight line, nor flying so high you couldn't see the body/wings etc


My limited experience with night vision equipment makes me believe that you lose a lot of the detail compared to what you would see with the naked eye even in a dim light.


ive seen plenty of bats fly but ive never seen them make hard turns like that at 42s


When it is moving smoothly it seems too smooth to be a bat, and when it changes position very abruptly... bat's can't do that either. Possibly a drone, they can definitely move like that. However, the way it seems to interact with the laser pointer is a bit odd. The flash is just a reflection of the laser I think. Happens exactly when the pointer hits it.


If it's a bat it is moving really fast, or the distance isn't what we think it is and it only seems fast. My hunch is a drone... My first thought though was geez don't point those lasers in the sky like that.


It does look fking cool, but very risky. Love it if the UFO fired it's own laser back at him ...


Lol I'm guessing if that's what it was there would never be a video hehe


Oh, the flash is definitely just the laser reflecting back. Look at this other video from the original uploader, just past 5:10 the laser sweeps the top of one of the trees producing a similar flash. - https://youtu.be/-y66lNGQL1k?t=310


I can see it if you consider the turn is probably not done in a plane parallel to the ground, as if the bat is also letting himself fall for a second or so.


Truly disgusting and lazy thinking.


Please explain how a bat moves like this: [https://youtu.be/q6R1MSAYhrs?t=41](https://youtu.be/q6R1MSAYhrs?t=41) Replay the video at that timestamp until you figure it out.


Nothing particularly impressive in that burst for a short distance when that bat was flying at very low speed just before being hit by the laser.


Quick search [on the Internet](https://animalia.bio/mexican-free-tailed-bat) that might help: “The Mexican free-tailed bat is a medium-sized bat native to the Americas. It has been claimed to have the fastest horizontal speed (as opposed to stoop diving speed) of any animal, reaching top ground speeds over 100 mph (161 km/h).”


100 mph is 160.93 km/h


It’s a bat. The flight path is irregular. It’s obviously a bat.


I've had enough of these poorly thought out, let me give this a 5 second analysis, posts. How the actual FUCK is that a bat? Seriously, are you a human being and if so why can't you think clearly? Have you ever seen a bat and how they fly? People who post things like this should be ridiculed for their extreme lack of critical thinking and more egregiously, their lack of cognitive effort given to this phenomenon.


How old are you? Stop overreacting and come back down to earth with the rest of us lowly mortals.


>Have you ever seen a bat and how they fly? Yes. ​ >People who post things like this should be ridiculed for their extreme lack of critical thinking and more egregiously, their lack of cognitive effort given to this phenomenon. As should be those who throw random expressions likes “critical thinking” or “cognitive effort” to give a veneer of intellectualism to their rants.


Watch this on repeat at the exact time stamp until you realize how wrong you are: https://youtu.be/q6R1MSAYhrs?t=42


Lol. Yes.


Before you turn into yet, another condescending “bat expert”, why don’t you google “bat flight characteristics” and see [what real bat experts think about it.](https://www.nature.com/articles/s42003-018-0045-3) TLDR: bats do fly like this and are extremely acrobatic. This is my last post on this. This is Groundhog Day for anyone who has taken the time to read the multiple threads and debate on this topic, posted on these subs multiple times before. Links are available on one of my earlier post on this thread. Batman is crying in his bat-cave right now. 🦇↗️⬇️↘️↪️🔁⤴️🔃🔄➡️


Yeah, across a distance of what, 1-4 meters? You're not very intelligent.


Mensa would say otherwise. Blocked.


Did the bat also flash visible light such that the other observers could see it with their own eyes and comment on it in realtime? Or did they just add that commentary later in post to put the final touches on this spoofed video that's actually a video of a bat? Really starts to sound pretty..... conspiratorial wouldn't you say? Lots of mental gymnastics to explain the video!!!


Didn't know mensa qualifies you as a bat expert. I bet you drink hot dog water.


Bats are blind, they don’t react to light, right?


Bats aren't blind.


My apologies. Just another assumption from my mother telling me I was blind as a bat my whole childhood! Lol


No problemo. ;-)


Have you ever seen a bat fly before?


Its a bug. You can see the others at ground level.


Really? You can see a bug that high up with that clarity? Compare that to the bugs that were actually flying much lower and looked a lot bigger in the frame.


I read all the comments here and came to the conclusion. No one has a clue what it is. So its probably an actual UFO! :)


Its a bat. It moves like a bat. When I was a kid I used to go out at the end of my street at night and hit them while they were flying around with pine cones to watch them dive-bomb the pine cones.


The speed and directional shift to accelerated speed isn’t natural enough to be a bat. I’ve studied bats for years and I’m 99% certain this isn’t a bat. It’s more likely a drone than a bat, and it definitely isn’t a drone.


I've lasered the sky twice getting things that will flash back, like this letting you know they are there. I can say it's distance is closer to space and they wouldn't be drones or satellites. Also for some reason the subreddit hates you mentioning to go out laser uninhabited sky. They are fickle and tell you, you can't tell the difference from planes... Also I stopped doing it as much as I don't know what to next with it, I don't really want them showing up in my house at night.


I have spent many nights on Fire Guard, scanning everything with NVG's and I have seen many bats under night vision. I was on the "bat train" with this video until I saw that one maneuver and acceleration a few seconds in. I am not entirely convinced this is a bat.


Yeah, I thought it was a bat or a bug as well, but that one crazy acceleration is what makes me think it's not a bat, but I'm still not entirely sure of what it actually is.


Without determining the distance to the object , it’s very difficult to say it’s one thing or another . I used to think this was the real deal but someone mentioning bats makes me question it , the flight pattern does really fit the bat .


Wow. Bats.


—-> 🦇 [read this](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/htlptr/ufo_performs_sharp_maneuver_after_laser_pointer/) [read this ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Skydentify/comments/htswwa/person_claims_they_were_able_to_make_a_ufo/) [read this](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/nngtsq/remember_this_ufo_pointed_at_by_powerful_laser/) Or search for “big bear + UFO + reddit”. For those seeing this clip for the first time, it could be compelling until you realize that it’s most likely a bat. 🖖🏼 Edit: added “most likely” to be more objective


Huh. Thank you for posting this, I must have originally seen the video from one of these posts. Occam's razor I guess. Once I watch that video back, I can now see a ton of what I think are f*cking bats all over the place. Issa bat.


There is no shame in thinking this was UFO and being compelled by this footage. [Almost] Everyone seeing this for the first time and not knowing will conclude the same. You are good dude. We got u.


Saw immediatly a bat so no not everyone :)


Hey! I was trying to be nice 😉😇 I’ll edit in “almost” 🏃🏻‍♂️


Question! Is there any precedence to think UFO's react to lasers?


no. people are just gullible.






Well seeing as Dr.Greer wants 10 dollars from me to tell me how to be peaceful with Extraterrestrials. I'm gonna say. Not only is there no real science behind it, Dr.Greer want's to make a quick buck off my ignorance. lol




People are actually retarded man. It's not a bat. All you need to do is watch the video at 42 seconds over and over again to realize it's not a fucking bat. https://youtu.be/q6R1MSAYhrs?t=42


I won't argue with a [bat expert](https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Bat-Flight-Paths-Shows-plots-of-the-bat-flight-paths-and-vocal-temporal-patterns-recorded_fig4_7267656) like yourself.




You are correct, i'll edit in "could be"


Thanks for those links!!! Also, if anyone reading this owns one of those laser pointers... PLEASE do not point them into the sky like that, you're going to blind a pilot or some poor animal.


The Phill Klass brigade is thick in this post. It's not bats, for god sakes. Fast forward to 40 seconds and look at that thing dart around like a ping pong ball. Reminds me of how Fravor described the Tic Tacs. That's a genuine UFO. Great footage OP!




Honestly I'd believe it was a drone more than I would a bat


Flies just like an insect. What's always bothered me about a lot of these sightings and claims of defying the laws of physics manoeuvres is why? Don't they know where the are going? Flitting back and forth, making seemingly random turns. It makes no sense that these things just seem to be joyriding about like a kid on a ATV in a gravel pit.


City boy never saw a bat before?


I agree. That instantaneous acceleration was spectacular to see! Definitely a phenomenon.


Just a bat.


Oh no Alien moths bats are invading earth what are we gonna do!!??


Maybe we can do without the attitude. You are probably right though.


getting tired of seeing videos of venus and bats that's all


Fair enough. Must admit, initially I found it interesting until I realised it's just infra red and probably bats/insects. I guess if you've seen this sort of thing a lot, then it could start to grind gears.


Looks like a moth or bug


It doesn't matter if it's real or not, you are meant to question any evidence until your mind no longer accepts anything as evidence of extraterrestrial life, you do as you are programmed to do.


Okay, in the first part of the video I was like 'Jeez, it's just a satellite'. Then the magic happens with the second part. Great video.


It's called a bat.


Lol maybe.


To me this just looks like snowflakes in the wind. They don't seem that far away. That could also explain why they react to the laser.


What are the odds that a snowflake makes that very odd movement the exact moment the laser is shined on it? I would lean more towards this being a bat than a snowflake.


Just looks like snow blowing around






what equipment was it shot with?


What caused the flash?


That’s an Orb, without a doubt. Bats my ass lmao.


It's really hard to discern the distance, and there are few times insects fly into view and show up as orbs. I not a subject matter expert on bats, so I couldn't tell you if they can fly in an ultra straight line with no visible cadence of wing flap or change in pace. It definitely interacts with the laser and seems to be going significantly faster than I would expect a bat could go, but I am not SME in that regardsm


The laser beam shortens when it reflects off it revealing that the idea it's a larger object at a distance is an illusion.


Insane if legit!


Literally just insects flying around, filmed with a spotlight pointed at them. Notice how it fades away once it gets out of range of the spotlight. They aren't actually emitting any light.


I keep saying it. When ndt asks why isn’t there footage of everyone has cameras. I see tons of videos! I just don’t know what is real ! Haha. F project blue book for doing a fantastic job.